Hostile Work Environment


A gay story: Hostile Work Environment Jesse woke up dreading going to work today, just as he did everyday. He did not get paid enough to put up with the life draining workplace bully that was Derek. They both worked in the same office building sitting across from each other. Derek’s father owned the company so of course he was always privileged at work and got away with things that others would not.

Jesse walked into the office and slowly sulked over to his desk.

As he walks by Derek going over to the printer Derek reaches out and jabs at Jesse’s ribs with some sudden tickling, causing Jesse to drop his folder with paper flying everywhere and a spilled cup of coffee.

“Ughhh everyday with the annoying tickling and jabs” Jesse thought to himself.

Jesse cleaned his mess and then plopped down at his desk across from Derek. Derek joined quickly after.

“So unfortunately we are going to need you to be mandated on your days off the next couple weeks Jesse, We are gonna be short staffed” Derek said with a devilish grin.

“Oh…. Are we losing someone? Why would we be short staffed?”

“Me and Emily, Vanessa, and Kevin are all taking a vacation to the bahamas”

This made Jesse’s blood boil. All of his vacation day requests had been denied yet Derek, His girlfriend Emily, and their workplace friends can leave for a vacation at their busiest time of the year!?

“How come you don’t have a girlfriend? Do you ever like…See anyone? I can’t imagine living within having a little fun every so often if you know what I mean” Derek said with a cheeky smile and wink.

Derek kicked his dress shoes off and kicked his dress sock covered feet right up onto Jesse’s workplace. He leaned back with his arms behind his head and took a comfy nap while Jesse and others continued hard at work.

The end of the day came and Jesse could finally clock out and get away from the aroma of Derek’s socks.

Seth ran up to Jesse as he was leaving. Seth was Derek’s workplace friend.

The two walked togetherout to their cars.

“How can you let him treat you like that everyday dude? Everyday he finds new ways to fuck with you.”

“What am I supposed to do? I stand up for myself and he will whine to his Dad…Then i’m out of the job”

“Well…I know something you don’t…And if you’re feeling gutsy maybe you might be down with a plan of mine…”

Jesse’s interest piqued.

“Go on…”

“So here is the story. One day, Derek left his work computer unlocked when he left. I was running late and was worried I was not gonna clock in on time waiting for mine to boot up so I figured it was no big deal to sign in on his pc since it was already opened. When I got all clocked in I noticed some things…He had stick notes on his screen and on them were full credit card numbers and customer information on them. He was stealing our customers financial info.“

Jesse was in complete shock. Derek was already pretty well off with a nice position in his Fathers company. It was a true sign of greed to steal even more than he even needed.

“So we go to the police? His Dad?” Jesse asked.

“Actually I had a more creative suggestion…Are you familiar with hypnosis?”

“What a random question aha…I am but I have never been hypnotized myself”

“I’ve spent months working hard on a hypnosis file. I think it would be a fun way to mess with him. Think tickling…smelly feet…the stuff he makes us put up with. Maybe even some enforced chastity for all of the rubbing in he does of his sex life. You know, all those details we really don’t care to hear. It’s a lot more unique than it sounds. We can also use it to make him funnel the money he took back into the accounts he stole from.”

“Well i’m definitelyintrigued. We can upload the file to his PC while he is away. When he gets back it should automatically start playing when he boots his computer back on and start inducing him…” Jesse replied.

“And then he is all ours….” Seth said.

“I wish I could be as creative and diabolical as you.” Jesse replied. Both impressed and kinda scared of how devious of his friend was.

“Funny thing is, I made the file to use on myself for some self indulgent pleasure. Who knew I would use it on someone else!” Seth replied.

The weeks passed and Jesse and Seth had gotten their hypnosis file all set up on Derek’s computer. They eagerly awaited him coming in. They made some tweaks here and there on it over the course of the weeks Derek was gone so it was more suited for him.

Derek walked into the office to see his two co-workers grinning ear to ear.

“What has you two so elated? Not exactly the reaction I thought being overworked would cause aha!”

“Oh nothing. Work was great to be honest. You have a good vacation?” Jesse asked.

“It was perfect. Drinks, the beach, amazing sex with my girl. Much better than sitting in this danky office everyday. Was nice to get out!” Derek bragged. Derek put his headphones in and turned on his pc. The moment the home screen loaded and hypnosis file immediately started up and a hypnosis swirl filled the screen slowly spinning. Just like Seth and Jesse had rigged it.

Derek was immediately mesmerized by the swirl.

Jesse’s voice soon filled Derek’s headphones.

“Hello Derek. I want you to focus on my voice and only my voice. Nothing else exists at this moment. For the next month you will be under my control. Any commandyou are given by me you will obey without resistance or question. I am aware of your crimes. You will spend a portion of each workday returning the funds into the accounts of all customers you have stolen from. When you are done you will remove their information off of your computer. Shake you head if you understand”

Derek shook his head, Still completely focused on the swirl on his screen.

The file audio continued.

“Now for all of the unwanted touching…Every time you hit a key on your keyboard you will feel the touch of a finger jabbing and wiggling in any part of your body for just a moment. It can be your ribs, armpits, soles of your feet, belly button, anywhere….Shake your head if you understand”

Derek once again shook his head.

“You also will be kept in a mental chastity. You will not be able to orgasm at all until given permission from Jesse. You are not allowed to ask or acknowledge this. You will only wait until the day comes that he gives you permission. You will still be able to get hard but you will not experience an orgasm until I give permission. Understand?”

Derek shook his head in agreement.

“On your days off you will come in and sit under Jesse’s desk. You will stay frozen in place still awake and aware but just still until Jesse commands you to leave.” Derek also agreed to this.

“When this file ends you will be fully aware of all of these conditions you have agreed to but you will not protest them whether you like them or not. You will simply give up control and go along with it”

The file audio ended.

Derek immediatelygave Jesse a death glare. He looked like he wanted to cuss his out but knew he couldn’t bring up the file. Jesse also knew about his crime.

“Hey Derek could you complete the emails left in the inbox? We got so behind and couldn’t catch up. Their are hundreds that are in there.” Jesse asked. A big grin on his face knowing that Derek could not do this task without typing.

Derek began responding to emails on his keyboard. With each press of a key he let out a giggle and jerked and squirmed around in his seat a bit.

Derek had to keep pausing. He was far too sensitive all over. He felt a little ticklish jab on his left side and jerked to the right. He felt a finger that was not there scape his sole and jerked his foot off the ground. He felt a poke into his armpit and accidently reflexively hit the person next to him with his arm. Throughout the workday many people looked over at their twitchy employee.

“Uhmmm are you alright?” A co-worker asked.

“Hahaha yeah im fine. Too much coffee this morning” He replied.

Jesse and Seth enjoyed watching him squirm in his seat all day.

On Derek’s day off he came in early and got under Jesse’s desk. He physically wanted to resist but couldn’t. It was like he was just a passenger in his own body waiting for what was to come. Soon Jesse came in. Jesse slipped off his shoes and socks. He pried open the frozen Derek’s mouth and stuffed his socks inside. He then kicked one foot up into Derek’s face while the other one gently tapped and teased Derek’s private parts.

Derek’s blood was boiling. He wanted Jesse’s sole out of his face but could not move. Every now and then Jesse would curl all of his toes around Derek’s nose or flex his foot in his face. He ignored Derek like this the whole shift before sending him on his way and going home himself.

Jesse did this every day off.

Derek was definetlynot bragging about his sex life now. He was completely frustrated, Everyday his horniness built up. He would edge himself at home hoping he could find a way to push himself over but could only get to the point of no return with no going over.

The keyboard tickling was becoming unbearable each day. He dreaded going in knowing how exhausted he would be after a whole day of laughing and squirming around. It actually drained his energy.

Sometimes Jesse would kick off his shoe while Derek was working across from him and from under the desk rub his socked foot up Derek’s leg and press his foot into Derek’s junk to tease him,

Derek wanted to beg to cum so bad but couldn’t even speak of it.

A month passed and he had finally finished sneakily returning any money he stole, hoping none of the customers would notice.

Jesse felt it was finally time to let him off the hook. He sent Derek an email telling him to meet him at his place.

Derek arrived.

Seth was there as well.

“”So you wanna be released from your metal chastity and cum now?” Jesse asked.

“Yes please, I will do anything. Wonthave any problems with me ever again. Promise”

“Alright, You owe us 3 loads. That should not be too hard after a month of no cumming.” Derek said.

The guys had strapped Derek spreadeagle to a bed and began edging him.

“You can cum whenever you want. Just remember we will keep going until we get 2 more” Jesse said.

Derek came under a minutefor the first orgasm. Jesse just kept up the strokes at the same pace despite Derek squirming around. He was much more sensitive now. The first load splashed all over his chest and stomach.

Seth teased Dereks tits while Jesse continued to edge.

“I wanna steal one buddy” Seth said.

“Ok fair enough” Jesse said as they switched positions.

It took a while to get the 2nd one due to the sensitivity but finally Derek started to erupt.

Jesse covered Derek’s mouth with one hand while still teasing his nipple with the other. This one was more intense and the sensitivity was causing Derek to be loud.

“Shhhh relax” Jesse said while Seth kept stroking Derek’s sensitive cock post the 2nd orgasm.

It took quite a while for the last orgasm to arrive. Derek didn’t think he would even be able to orgasm again. The 3rd one just kinda dribbled out by Jesse’s hands. Almost dry.

Jesse ended with some prolonged post knob polishing torture which seemed to last forever for Derek who pleaded for it to end.

Seth and Jesse unrestrainedDerek and went to wash up.

Derek apologized to the guys for everything and the guys all called a truce.

Derek left having learned a big lesson. He knew he would never mess with Jesse again and will definitely not be causing issues with customers or coworkers at work.


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