Hot Teacher, Lustful Student Ch. 03

A gay story: Hot Teacher, Lustful Student Ch. 03 This story is a work of fiction developed solely by me on the eve of my teacher’s birthday.

This is a work of fantasy woven around some actual incidents from 2007. At the time of the incident, I was 18 years and six months old, while my teacher was about 28 years old. I hope you enjoy reading this story, and I look forward to your feedback.


Recap: In the previous chapters, I talked about the parting hug with my tuition teacher, with whom I was infatuated.  While the hug lasted for barely 30 seconds, the horses of my imagination went wild. In my mind, I had a rather raucous sex with him, and as I was leaving, I realised that I had cum in my pants. This happened in April 2007.


A month had passed since “the hug”. I had moved to the town of Kota in the North-Western part of India for my higher studies. In the last week of May, the results of my Board exams were out. My results were not as good as expected, so I was pretty depressed and moody.

My friends and relatives were calling me to congratulate me. In hindsight, my results were still quite good, even though I could have been happier with it. Anyways, the day went by; I attended my classes and returned in the afternoon. I was still very broody when my phone rang again. It was an unknown number, and even though I did not wish to take the call, I answered it half-heartedly.

And guess what! It was him. My teacher. My lust. My infatuation. And also my embarrassment. This was the first time I was talking to him since “the hug”, and while I wasn’t sure, I had a feeling that he felt the physiological reactions I showed during and immediately after hugging him. When I heard his voice, it brought back some of the memories- our playful conversations, how he had kissed my hand, my unquenched lust that erupted every time I saw the chest hairs peeking out of his unbuttoned shirt, his eyes lightening up on seeing me, his pride for his best student, his expectations.

This last thought was like a splash of cold water which extinguished the slowly erupting flame of desire. And I was back to the state of despondence that was plaguing me throughout the day. Perhaps he sensed something in my voice because although I was talking to him normally, I wasn’t my usual cheery self. Maybe he also understood what I was going through because he offered much encouragement. He told me that I still was the best student he had ever taught, and even though my results were not as high as everyone was expecting, I still scored excellent marks in the most critical subjects. I was still very nonchalant in my responses. However, towards the end of the conversation, he said something that genuinely uplifted my mood.

He-   You know, we stress too much about these results, but you only use them to get admission to the next school. Since you have already taken advance admission, you don’t need to feel bad about these results.

I-   I know, sir.

He-   Anyways, how are your classes going now? Are you enjoying them?

I-   Yes, sir. They are nice and exciting. They take most of my time, so I won’t have much time to think about my results.

He-   Yeah. Good. So what is your class schedule like?

I-   I have 4 hours of classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 2 hours on the other three days, and there were no classes on Sundays. My classes take place during the day, at least until June, after which they will happen in the evening.

He-   Hmm. Okay. I am coming to Kota in the second week of June to inquire about my nephew’s admission process in some of the institutes. Let’s meet then. I would also like your views on the general hostel experience in the city and how to make life here a bit easier.

I-   Oh! That’s nice. If you are here over a weekend, I will have more time.

He-   Yeah, I will reach there in the evening, around 19.30 on Friday, June 15th. Why don’t you meet me at my hotel and we can have dinner together? You can tell me all about your first two months in the city.

I couldn’t resist but smile as I heard this, and I am sure it was audible in my voice. I agreed to his proposition, and we ended the call. This truly changed my mood. It was still more than a fortnight before his arrival, but I found myself excited and fantasising about our meet-up. At this point, I did not know what or if anything would happen between us. I was looking forward to a good time, an escape from the monotony of classes and homework, and even though I didn’t expect them to materialise, many fantasies erupted in my imagination. I was also a little worried that if I allowed myself the flight of fancies, I might betray them through my gaze, behaviour and body. It was still 2007, homosexuality was taboo, and he was ten years older than me. If I give in to these unholy, lustful feelings, several things can go wrong. However, these apprehensions did not mar the excitement of meeting him again.

Time flew by. It was 14 June. I received a text from him saying that he was boarding the train. The journey from my hometown to Kota by train took about 26 hours, with a five-hour layover in New Delhi.

The next day around 19.00, he called me up. It struck me odd that he was calling me even before he had reached. I also sensed a fleeting excitement in his voice, but I didn’t want to place too much importance on this- what if I was wrong?

He-   Hey, I am crossing Sri Gangapur City and will reach Kota in about 30 minutes.

I-   Nice. How was your journey?

He-   Yeah, it is sweltering hot, but otherwise, it was uneventful. So, what are your plans for the evening? You wanna meet for dinner?

I-   Yeah, sure. I have completed my homework. Which hotel are you staying at? I can meet you there.

He-   Yeah. I am staying near the Aerodrome Circle. Do you know any good places for dinner there?

I-   Yeah, there is Royal Firdaus near the circle. We can have dinner there.

He-   Okay. So, why don’t you meet me there at 20.15? I will go to my room, shower and then meet you there.

I-   Okay.

He-   Uhm… Listen. It will be pretty late by the time we finish dinner. So, why don’t you bring an extra pair of clothes and your books for tomorrow so you can go to your classes directly from here? It would be best if you didn’t travel across the city this late at night.

I-   Eh? Yeah, I guess I can do that. See you in a bit then.

And we hung up. I was surprised at this. When he asked me to meet at the restaurant, I thought he just wanted to have dinner with me. But this certainly meant that he had some other plans. Or did it? Was he just being a considerate adult by asking me to stay with him? I didn’t know what to think and it was quite disconcerting.

Anyways, I packed my bag, took an autorickshaw (colloquially known as auto in India) and went to meet him. He was waiting for me at the entrance of the restaurant when I arrived. He looked dashing as ever- in a pale brown t-shirt and dirty-blue jeans, light stubble on his face, his hair slightly disheveled, and as he saw me, his face broke into a radiant (and sensuous?) smile. He did look a little tired though which was expected after having travelled for more than a day.

As I got down from the auto, he walked towards me and extended a hand to greet me. I inwardly noted that he did not hug me. I wondered if I should be thankful about it or sad about it. He was my teacher after all, no matter how much I wanted him to be my paramour. Anyways, I shook his hand and we went into the restaurant. Being a Friday night, it was relatively crowded and while we did talk a little, it was mostly about my studies. He also told me about his new ventures- he had decided to let go of the idea of running a tuition center and had moved into a business instead. By the time we finished the dinner, it was around 21.30. The weather had cooled by then and we stepped out of the restaurant into a cool and gentle summer breeze.

He-   What do you want to do next?

I-   I don’t think there is much to do here in the city this late in the night. We will have to head to your room.

He-   Yeah. But the weather is so nice. Is there any place where we can go for a walk?

I-   Ummm. I don’t know. I only know about Chambal Garden on the bank of River Chambal, but it is around 5km from here.

He-   Are you in a hurry to sleep? When is your class tomorrow?

I-   It’s still 21.30 and I don’t sleep before 23.30. And my class tomorrow is from 10.30. So, it shouldn’t be a problem.

He-   Okay, let’s go to this Garden then. We will walk there for some time. It should be pleasant there. And we will be back by 23.00. Okay?

I happily agreed to it. We hired another auto and headed to the Chambal Garden. As you can imagine, this place was more of a lovers hangout than anything else. Especially this late at night, who knows what we may stumble upon. Alone, I never would have dared venture into the park this late in the night. But with him, I was relaxed. I was excited as well. What better way to spend the evening with your secret crush than in a garden? I realized later that he was toying with me and I have to say, he knew exactly how to bring me to the edge and then drag me back- leaving me burning in desire, anticipation and lust.

Thirty minutes later, we were walking along the semi-dark paths of Chambal Garden. Throughout the auto ride, I was wondering why we were going to a place known to be haunted by love-birds, so late in the night. Did he just want to take a walk or was there something else going on? I mean, he had just undertaken a long ride and he did look tired. Yet, I couldn’t help but hope that something romantic would happen between us in those secluded sections of the garden.

I was too preoccupied to notice the cool “Chambal breeze” tingling the pores of my body. We walked around the garden in silence for about forty five minutes when he suggested we sit on one of the benches by the river bank. It was really pleasant here. The scorching heat of the day had somehow given way to a clement night.

The silence between us continued to throb as we sat on the bench for another five minutes or so. I was looking at the river meandering lazily in front of us when he turned towards me and asked if I was okay. I gave a non-committal “hmmm” and did not elaborate. If truth be told, I was a tad uncomfortable. My not-so-good performance in my Board exams was weighing on me- I felt that I had let him down. While our conversation over the dinner was as normal as it could have been, we had primarily talked about studies and career. And while the topic of my Boards never came up, I always felt it hanging somewhere in the offing.

But that wasn’t all. I couldn’t help but remember the last time I had met him when he had hugged me. I was expecting (or hoping) that he would hug me again when we met today. But when he did not, I started wondering if he thought less of me because he somehow knew about my feelings for him. Today, it seems such a non-issue, but for an eighteen year old, this was huge. All in all, the air though breezy was ripe with sexual tension. I wanted to touch him, hug him, kiss him- but couldn’t. The worry of the world deterred me from taking that step. And I couldn’t help but wonder if he wanted me to take that first step. Of course I wasn’t going to do it. I shall live in regret for the rest of my life, but will not let out the feelings threatening to burst out of my chest.

A few more minutes passed when he spoke again.

He-   Are you still thinking about your results?

I turned towards him and said-   Yeah, sometimes. It is not easy to let go of this. It was a spectacular failure on my part.

He started laughing at this and said-   Spectacular? Really?

I too smiled at his exclamation. But when he continued, it was with a somber expression.

He-   You know, you performed well. It was not as good as you may have wanted it to be, but it is still quite good. And why do you keep worrying about it? You are studying in a good place, and the career path that you have chosen does not put much stress on this particular result. There is no point worrying about it.

As he said this, he lifted his left hand and brought it around my head to rest it on my left shoulder. He caressed my left cheek with his left thumb and pulled me into a one-armed side hug, my head now on his left shoulder. It was as if an explosion occurred inside me and my mind threatened to leave this conversation to pursue its own ideas and fantasies. He was now softly caressing my left bicep in a very comforting way. Even though my heart was racing miles an hour, I felt very relaxed and composed.

He-   Do you remember the time we met in April, shortly before you were leaving?

I responded in a very guarded tone-   Yes.

He-   Did I make you uncomfortable that day, by hugging you?

I responded in a barely audible whisper- No.

As I said this, I looked up at him and found him looking down at me. Our eyes met; his face was barely an inch away from mine. As if it was unexpected, we both froze. We continued looking into each other’s eyes, but neither of us moved. I could feel his minty breath on my face, and I am sure he too could feel mine. I could feel his face drawing closer to me and I closed my eyes, afraid that I might just be dreaming. Suddenly, there was the noise of a snapping twig and we heard someone coming. Hastily, we moved apart and he checked his watch. It was already 23.30 and we decided to go back to his hotel room.

Inwardly, I was cursing the man who had decided to walk through the garden this late at night. But as we walked out of the garden, my teacher pulled me closer to him and kept his hand on my shoulder. As much as I wanted to keep my hand on his waist, I resisted the urge until we found an auto that would bring us back to the hotel by midnight.

Back in the room, we changed into a vest and a pair of boxer shorts. It was a small room with a double bed and an attached washroom. There was only one window in the room but due to the summer, it was fitted with a large and rather noisy desert cooler. It soon became quite comfortably cold in the room- to the extent that we needed a duvet to sleep. The room however, had only one duvet. Naturally, we had to share it.

Being the decent guy that I was, I went into the bed as far away from him as possible without letting go of the duvet. Even though I was now sure that he was interested in me, I did know if I should pursue it. Or maybe, I was just too shy to do anything. He was already in bed when I got in and was saying that he did not realize how tired he was. I switched the lights off and got into the bed and tried to sleep even though both my mind and my heart were racing. I had my back to him but could soon hear his slow, deep breathing which could only mean that he had fallen asleep.

Needless to say, I was terribly disappointed and was chastising myself for thinking that he was ever interested in me. I knew that he had several girlfriends in the past, and I was forced to conclude that even though we shared a flirtatious relationship, it was nothing more than an innocent flirtation. I continued chastising myself for harboring such dirty thoughts about my teacher and eventually fell into an uncomfortable sleep with a heavy heart.

I woke up rather suddenly from the sound of the toilet flushing. I checked the time and it was 7.30 in the morning. I was about to go back to sleep when he returned back to the bed and apologized for waking me up. I mumbled “it’s okay” and tried to go back to sleep when surprisingly, he drew closer to me and hugged me from behind. He whispered “go back to sleep” but continued hugging me. He drew closer to me, one of his hands was inside my vest and he was caressing his nose along my neck. He pulled me towards him and I could feel something hard poking my buttocks. I let out a pleasurable sigh and he, a soft moan near my ear. I sort of curled up a little, my knees closer to my chest and my ass rubbing against his crotch. He gripped me tighter and pushed his other hand below me. He was gripping me very tightly now, his hands caressing my stomach and his legs rubbing against mine. He began kissing my neck again and gradually moved towards my cheek and as close to my lips as possible- complicated by the fact that we were spooning.

My heart was racing once again. I started rubbing his hairy hands but soon that wasn’t enough. I wanted him. Everything that I had dreamed of in the past fortnight was materializing in front of me and I wanted to leave no stone unturned. I turned around while still in his embrace and faced him. He continued kissing me- starting from my neck and inching very slowly towards my cheeks and eventually our lips met.

An explosion occurred and everything went dark. For anyone but me, this was a nonevent because the explosion had really occurred inside my chest and the darkness spread because I had closed my eyes shut. Even as my heart raced faster, even as my arms gripped him tighter, even as my legs curled rigidly around his, I was too afraid to open my eyes fearing that all this might just be another one of my dreams. The grip of his lips around mine, the prickle of his stubble on my face, and the brush of his tongue inside my mouth continued and soon I transitioned from the state of worry to the state of passionate arousal.

Just when I had started enjoying the kiss, he broke it off. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me with a very affectionate expression. He extricated his left hand from my body and started playing with my hair just as he broke into his radiant, sensuous and dimpled smile. I opened my mouth to say something (I can’t remember what) but he shushed me and whispered-   Don’t say anything, just enjoy the moment.

And he began snogging me again- much more passionately. There was a certain urgency in this move, as if we may not have enough time. His hand which was earlier caressing my hair playfully now grabbed it and pushed it closer to his face- to allow unfettered access perhaps. Now sure that this wasn’t a dream, I began reciprocating.

He was on top of me now, ravenously enjoying my lips, hungrily pushing his tongue into my mouth and sometimes sucking in my tongue into his mouth. He held both my hands above my head and his body was pinning me down and gently rubbing against my body in small rhythmic motions. I felt as though I was on fire. He would chew my lower lip sometime or would shift himself to engulf my upper lip and flick a gentle tongue across it.

As he continued kissing me, he brought his hands down, pushed my vest right up to my shoulders and began playing with my nipples. All the while, our boners were rubbing against each other, leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. I could feel the wetness in our shorts but really, who cared about wet shorts when I was with this hot specimen of a man on me.

I brought my hands inside his vest and began caressing his back lightly. He now stopped kissing me and positioned his head on mine, his nose on top of mine all the while pushing his pelvis gently into mine. We were both panting now and his warm breath mingled with mine creating a hot cocoon around our faces.

He planted a gentle kiss on my lips and continued down. He kissed my neck, my shoulder and gently moved down towards my nipples. He started kissing the left one while he used his left hand to softly fondle the right one. He continued moving downwards kissing me, licking me and sometimes rubbing his rough cheek on my belly. I was squirming and writhing and moaning in pleasure when suddenly he bit me near my navel and I let out a loud ah! Thank God for the loud cooler otherwise who knows who might have heard my moans.

He was close to the waistband of my shorts and started tracing its outline with his tongue. He would go up caressing my stomach and chest with his lips and come down. It was simply exhilarating because every now and then along with his tongue I would feel his stubble prickle me here and there. I couldn’t resist bucking my hips every time this happened and he took advantage of this to pull down my shorts which were around my knees now.

He was now at my pubes and went further down along the thigh joints licking them and biting them. And suddenly, he engulfed my balls in his mouth. I let out a loud moan of surprise just as my hips lifted of their own volition. He was sucking my balls now and I was clutching the bedsheet for support. My dick was constantly bobbing and leaking copious amounts of cum. His hands were holding my hips lifting them softly to give him better access to the area just below the scrotum which he was now wetting with his salivary juices. He put me down and continued licking my balls as he moved up and gave a slow and deliberate lick to my dick. I moaned louder than ever and he started wagging his tongue around the shaft of my dick gradually moving up.

He was now at my dickhead, the foreskin pulled as down as it would go. He was licking and softly biting the thin skin that connected the foreskin to the penis. He also had to hold my hands tightly to prevent me from thrashing and turning. All this was too much for me and I felt I was about to come. He felt me tightening and shivering and moaning and stopped playing with my dick immediately, came up and began kissing me. I was panting heavily but he made sure that I wouldn’t cum.

Once I had relaxed, He started moving down again all the while kissing, biting and licking me everywhere but this time he swallowed the head of my dick. I let out a huge groan of pleasure and grabbed his head. But he was holding my pelvis and prevented me from pushing my dick inside his mouth all at once. We remained in that position, me grabbing him by his hair and my dickhead in his mouth but he started wiggling and turning his tongue around it. My dickhead is very sensitive and I was trying very hard to free myself from his grip- I wanted it to last forever, but couldn’t not do anything. Eventually he slackened his grip and in the desperation of an hitherto unknown pleasure I pulled my cock out of his mouth, panting once again as if I had just completed a very long sprint.

Thankfully, it didn’t dissuade him. While I caught my breath he was kissing and very often biting my thighs which kept me on the edge but prevented me from falling over. As I calmed down, he came back to my dick and started licking it all around from the base to the tip, from the side to the side. I kept on teasing me for a while and suddenly without any warning swallowed the whole dick in his mouth and stayed there. The wetness and the warmth of his mouth gave a very strange feeling- one that I had never known before. Of course, I was moaning and grabbed his head again but he too had my pelvis in his grip which prevented me from moving my dick much. After sometime he relaxed his grip on my hips again and began sucking my dick in a rather slow motion. At the same time, he started moving his hand all over my torso and my hands, sometimes grabbing here, other times pinching there, or simply touching me very slowly with just the tips of his fingers.

All the while, my hands were grabbing him by his hair, trying to push him towards my dick as much as possible. Every time he felt me going rigid in anticipation of an orgasm, he would just stop and rub his stubbly cheek on my things or lick the thigh joints or find something else to make me moan and groan.

He was once again at it- but this time, he was sucking me quite vigorously. He would go all the way down, and as he pulled up, he would use his tongue to wrap my dick paying special attention to my already sensitive head. This coupled with his continuous hand movements across my body made me shiver and gave me goosebumps all over. I was on the verge of cumming but it never occurred to me to warn him. He continued sucking at a fast pace and I held his head steady, pushed my dick as far as it would go and erupted with a loud groan inside his mouth. Such ecstasy! My eyes were closed, my mouth was open and I wanted this moment to never pass. I held his head tighter and kept cumming. He obliged and didn’t move. As I regained my breath, I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me, a smile lingering around his eyes. I couldn’t help but smile in return as I loosed my grip around his head. He let go of my dick but his mouth seemed to be full (of my cum).

He came up and began kissing me. I tasted myself, my dick and my cum in the kiss which was in a way very weird and enticing at the same time. As we continued kissing, I realized that he hadn’t cum yet. I was too tired to blow him so I pushed my hand inside his shorts and he lifted his hips to give me access to his throbbing dick. I started shagging it and I felt his kiss intensify. He pulled his pants off and allowed me to play with his member while he continued kissing me. I was shaking it quite rapidly and I guess he too was hovering along the edge for he came all over my belly and chest in no time. We were still kissing when he came and he clamped his mouth around mine and pushed his tongue inside which forced me to swallow the mixture of our saliva and my cum.

With the final gushes of his cum out, he fell on me, his arms on my side while I hugged him. One of my hands was on his back and other in his hair, both caressing him gently as he lay panting on me. I think we fell asleep for a while because in no time, he was shaking me up saying it is already 09.30 and if I don’t hurry now I would be late for my class. For a moment, I pondered over skipping the class today, but then got up anyway and went into the shower.

As I was getting ready, he told me that he had some work to do and would be free around 14.00 and he would call me once he was done. I nodded- I was trying to not look into his eyes. After the much anticipated but totally unexpected toe-curling orgasm I had just received, I did not know how to react or behave around him. I just got dressed, bade him goodbye and left. As I was leaving, I turned around to find him looking at me in mild concern. I am sure he sensed my awkwardness. Well, I smiled at him slightly and left. As I was leaving, I realized that I had just received the first blow job of my life.

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