Hotel hookup surprise

A gay story: Hotel hookup surprise I’d been out of town on a business meeting and I’d thankfully finished early so I’d decided having some free time and being out of town I’d see if I could hook up. Well I say I decided, it’s what I’d be hoping for all day.

The thought of a naughty hookup while I was away on ‘business’ was always enough to get me aroused so I went through the usual apps to see who was about.

I found a guy who was just down the road who looked hot, he had a nice body and was smooth all over, just how I like it. We swiftly arranged to meet in a pub down the road.

Seems strange that only a few weeks ago I would hesitate about this, wondering if it’s what I really wanted as up until then I’d never had the confidence to try sex with another man, even though I’d contemplated it enough. My recent first time putting paid to that doubt.

My last encounter had given me the confidence for this sort of adventure so I knew wasting time was pointless, this was happening. I walked to the meet with all the certainty I’d ever had, smiling to myself of what lay ahead.

I got there and he was already waiting for me in the designated spot with a drink. He looked just as good as his pics and I knew straight away I was into him.

We got through our drinks fairly quick with a little bit of chat, I felt so thirsty for sex as I seemed to be rushing the encounter but he was more than happy to go along with it as he smiled knowingly as he finished the rest of his drink in one big gulp. It was quite obvious we both wanted to get down to it sooner rather than later.

As we left he said he was just over the road at the hotel there, he then led me through the crowded reception up towards the rooms on the third floor.

It was a posh, very business like hotel which always made me feel hornier. Getting up to all sorts in buildings seemed to be built for cordial events always seemed to make it more of a buzz for me for reasons I still didn’t understand.

As we exited the lift on his floor, the knowledge that the inevitable seemed to be finally coming very soon, I struggled to hide my bulge as I was rock hard with excitement.

He led me into the room and just as I was about to get comfortable I noticed two other guys sitting down, startled I nervously asked what was going on. Also a bit terrified if I’m honest. He smiled and said these are just a couple of friends of mine hoping to have fun too, “it’s ok if you’re not into this, you can leave if you want” he said.

It was reassuring to know I wasn’t being held captive for god knows what and when the fear started to subside I did start to wonder what the possibilities were and what I could be in for. A curiosity that did drive my desires if I’m honest.

One of the other guys was a bit older and quite stockier with quite a physical presence, the other quite a bit younger than me.

‘So do you fancy sticking around?’ the older guy said confidently with a cheeky look in his eye which immediately brought a nervous return smile from myself which I think half way answered his question.

“Hang on a minute, I’ve just got to pop to the bathroom, back in a minute” I muttered before shuffling nervously into the bathroom.

Once in there I stood trying to make sense of my feelings and how curious about it I was and the fact I wasn’t just bolting out of there and what that meant I must really feel about this situation.

I did wonder exactly what they had planned for me and felt ‘outnumbered’ for want of a better word but had to be honest that vulnerability did turn me on a lot. I’d had plenty of fantasies about being in exactly this kind of situation.

I decided it was one or the other and as I couldn’t bring myself to walk away I managed to convince myself I may as well go all in. Even though I knew it seemed a mad idea I was very aware of how I also couldn’t bring myself to walk away.

I slowly, quietly stripped naked in the bathroom and after one last moment of contemplation I walked back in the room, I smiled at them nervously, ‘suppose this is your answer’ I said trembling slightly.

They all looked pleased and one of the other guys said ‘guess you need to get on your knees then’. I dutifully obliged. I was stiff as I’ve ever been as I knelt there naked with three fully clothed guys standing over me. The feeling of submission making me so hot and horny.

They all started to undo their trousers and all seemed to take their cocks out at the same time for me. I’d only given a couple of blowjobs at seperate times before so to have so much choice was both wild and horny as fuck.

I chose the nearest one to me and slowly took it all in my mouth deep, I could hear his groan as I sucked it right up to the base, luckily it wasn’t too big as I love to get as much in as I can.

One of the others grabbed my hair and made sure I took it deep in my mouth. The feeling of being used by these guys was so over poweringly hot. Before I knew it one of them pushed my legs slightly more apart and started to play with my ass. The thought of what was coming next made me pulse with excitement. I felt I would find out when it happened such was the vibe they all had that they’d do whatever they wanted.

I’d never fully bottomed before but that was about to change as whatever they took from me I was more than happy to give.

Over the next hour they took it in turns to fuck my hole what seemed harder each time. I felt such a slut to go from no cock to three in one sitting, or should that be kneeling? They all seemed to want to ‘out do’ the other by giving it to me harder each time. Seeing how far and how much they could take from me.

Whatever position we all ended up in it seemed to revolve around me being used the best way to suit one or all of them. I could tell this was a regular thing for them as it felt they regularly arranged this with various ‘victims’ and being the latest in a long line of willing sluts just made it hotter.

At one point one of them, and this was my favourite part, tied my hands behind my back with something in the middle of a particularly rigorous fucking. I had been trying to play with one of the others cocks at this point but as he suddenly grabbed my wrists I could only plunge face first into the bedding while he did so.

The younger guy at this point grabbed my hair to turn my head on it’s side just as he ejaculated hard all over it. I could simultaneously hear his groan as I felt his warm cum dribble down my cheek.

Shortly after, the guy fucking me came to an almighty climax as he emptied his hot load inside me. He still had a few hard thrusts left as he shot it all deep.

With two of them satisfied I grabbed the last ones cock and wanking it swiftly also managing to get some in my mouth. I was hoping the combination of hand and mouth was going to bring his hot load my way quickly.

He couldn’t resist cumming mostly in my mouth and partly over my face as I also brought myself to completion groaning as much as I’d ever done until I also came all over myself.

Before I knew it we were all lying slumped on the bed with me right in the center of it having taken every cock in either hole. On my front with my legs spread and one of them leaning on me with their hand on my cum filled ass.

I couldn’t hang around for long so grabbed my stuff and went, feeling the paranoia of everyone I passed on the way out the hotel wondering if they knew just how much of a slut I’d just been, which if I’m being honest started to make me horny again for the next time, a next time I know I’d definitely want!

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