Housemates Ch. 08




Jessica was driving in the Eugene area when she was calling Brayden. She had gotten through with her errands sooner that she’d expected and wanted to know if she could pass by earlier than scheduled. Unfortunately, Brayden’s phone went straight to voicemail. After ending the call, she tried again with the same result. She then called Alex. This time the phone rang, but Jessica hung up when his voicemail kicked in. Jessica sighed heavily.

“At least Brayden’s home,” she said after some time, when she saw his truck in the distance. After stopping at the bottom of the driveway, she called Alex and Brayden one more time. There still weren’t any answers. She got out of her car and walked up to the door. As she went to ring the doorbell, she realised that it was broken. “Great,” she murmured. “Brayden!” she called out, after knocking on the door. She waited, but nothing happened. She knocked a second time, this time shouting Alex’s name. Still nothing. “Hope everything’s OK,” Jessica said a little worried.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the key that she had come to return. “Funny that this is the last time I’m probably going to see you, and the first time I’m going to use you.” Jessica unlocked the door. As she stepped inside, she heard music coming from upstairs. “Alex! Brayden!” There was no response. “Probably can’t hear me over the loud music.” Jessica went up the stairs and when she got to the top, realised that Brayden’s bedroom door was opened. She quickly walked forward with intent to say Brayden’s name, but was stopped by the sight that she came upon. Alex was lying on Brayden’s bed with his eyes closed and Brayden was between Alex’s legs, giving him a blowjob.

Jessica wanted to scream but no noise came out. Her heart began to race and her hands began to get clammy. Her face was a mixture of shock and confusion. Alex opened his eyes and their eyes met. Alex jumped up, causing his knee to connect with Brayden’s face.

“What the fuck Alex?! Why did you…” But then Brayden saw Jessica. “Jessica!” Brayden said after what seemed like a long moment of silence. “What are you doing here?”

Jessica couldn’t speak. She slowly raised her hand, showing the key that was in her grip. “I thought you were coming later,” Brayden said.

“I, uh, I, I was.” Jessica barely got the words out. “But I, uh, finished earlier, than, than I expected.” Jessica looked as though she was trying to process what she saw. “I was trying to, uh, call you, but it went straight to voicemail.”

“My phone died while we were out last night,” Brayden said. He tried not to show it, but his brain was going 100 m/hr.

“I tried calling Alex as well.” All eyes were on him now.

“I put my phone on silent last night. I, I didn’t get the chance to change it back.” Alex couldn’t believe this was happening. This was far from how he wanted his sister to find out about him and Brayden.

“Oh,” was all Jessica could say. There was another long pause. Jessica dropped the key and ran for the stairs. She heard Alex and Brayden call after her, but she didn’t stop. When she reached the door, she had trouble opening it as her palms were sweaty and her hands were shaking.

“Jessica, wait.” It was Brayden. Jessica took a deep breath and slowly turned. Brayden was a few feet away from her and Alex was at the bottom of the staircase. The awkward silence came again. None of them knew what to say.

“Ok. Ok.” Jessica was first to speak. “Ok. So, you guys are sleeping together.”

“Yes,” Brayden said. Alex just nodded.

“Ok, ok. Cool, that’s cool.” Jessica tried to calm herself as the sight of Alex and Brayden together kept playing in her head. “So, you’re into guys now?” She looked at Brayden.

“Not exactly. I’ve… I’ve sort of always been.” Brayden ran his hand through his hair, nervous about what Jessica’s response would be.

“Ok. Ok. So, you’re…”

“I’ve haven’t actually put a label on it yet.”

“Oh, that’s fine. This is the 21st century,” Jessica said in a blasé manner. “Did you know this all along?” she looked at Alex.

“Uh, no. I found out after I moved in.” Alex didn’t realise it, but he was gripping the rail so tightly, that his knuckles were turning pale. Jessica wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, but her outer body was not cooperating with what she felt on the inside.

“Hmm.” Jessica’s focus was back on Brayden. “Is this the real reason you broke up with me.”

“No, no. What I explained to you was the whole truth. We grew apart and I thought it was the right thing to do.”

“Well, we didn’t break up that long ago; so how long after did you start sleeping together?”

Brayden looked at Alex and Alex returned the gaze. Jessica’s eyes widened as the realisation dawned on her. “You cheated on me?” Tears started to well in her eyes.

“Jessica…,” Brayden said empathetically while taking a step forward.

Jessica stepped back, hitting the door. “Answer me!”

“Jess… It wasn’t planned; it… It just happened,” Brayden spoked again.

“Oh God.” The tears started to flow from Jessica’s eyes. “It just happened? It just happened?! So what? You guys were talking and then your cock just happened to end up in my brother? Not to assume any positions.” Brayden and Alex said nothing. “Oh wow.” Jessica gave a laugh that was devoid of any humour.

“It was more complicated than that,” Alex said. He was now standing next to Brayden. Jessica gave him a glare that shook him to his core.

“I don’t want to hear anything from you,” Jessica seethed.

“Jess, I’m sorry; We didn’t mean to hurt you,” Brayden said.

“You didn’t mean to hurt me? Thanks. That makes me feel so much better.” Jessica wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” Brayden repeated.

“You said that already.” Jessica looked from Brayden to Alex and back again. She shook her head. “I’m such a fool. I’m such a fool. And to think on my way over here, I was considering talking to you about getting back together, just to find the two of you…” Jessica gestured to Alex and Brayden. “Which was shocking to say the least, but ok. Ok. But then to find out that the two of you betrayed me in one of the worst ways possible.” Jessica gave another humourless laugh. “Was I like a joke to you? While you were in bed all snuggled together, were you two laughing at me?”

“It was never like that,” Brayden said.

“Really? I bet you guys told yourselves after you and I broke up, that what you two did didn’t matter anymore. That’ll you’ll just move on and what Jessica didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. What exactly was the plan hmm? You possibly couldn’t think that you could hide your little rendezvous forever.”

“Sis…” Alex stepped forward to place his hand on Jessica’s shoulder. She saw this and moved her shoulder away.

“I said I don’t want to hear anything from you, you two-timing slut!” Jessica words hit Alex like a punch to the gut.

“Don’t call him that.” Brayden said sternly.

“Look Alexander; he’s coming to your rescue. How sweet. Congrats little brother. You finally won.” Brayden looked at Jessica confused. “Oh, you’re not the first of my boyfriends that he’s been attracted to, you’re just the first he’s actually slept with. Well, as far as I know.”

“I never -…” Alex started but Jessica waved him off.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m done here.” Jessica turned and opened the door. Before she left, she looked behind her. “The two of you disgust me,” she said with as much venom as she could muster. Brayden visibly flinched at her words. Jessica slammed the door behind her. As she walked down the drive way, she heard Alex calling after her. He caught up with her at her car.

“Jessica, wait.” Jessica turned to face her brother. She left a ringing noise in his left ear as her palm connected with his face.

“I deserved that,” Alex said while rubbing his cheek.

“No argument there.” Jessica casually flexed her right hand. “What did I do?” she asked.

“What?” Alex was confused. His ear was still ringing.

“What did I do? What did I do to you to deserve this? I must have done something, because no brother that truly cares for their sister, would do this to them.” The tears started to come again.

“You didn’t do anything Jess. This was all me. And I do care about you. I love you sis.”

“Well, you have a really sadistic way of showing it. Why Alexander? Why?”

“I… I don’t know.” Alex couldn’t look directly at his sister. He’s usually the bold one, but in this moment, he felt small. “I don’t know why I do half the things I do.”

“I’ll tell you why.” Jessica took a meaningful step forward. “You’re impulsive, reckless, irresponsible, and downright selfish. Brayden is one thing, but you? For you to do something like this to me. And you know how much something like this would hurt me, yet you did it anyway.”

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” Alex heard his voice crack but he kept himself together.

“Forgive you?! Are you serious right now?” Jessica looked around, searching for nothing in particular. “I’ll never forgive you; I’ll never give you the satisfaction. You and Brayden can suffer.” Jessica got into her car and sped off. Alex stood there, not knowing what to do. After a moment, he realised that the neighbours across the street were outside and they were staring at him. They must have witnessed the exchange between him and his sister.

“What are you looking at?” Alex shouted. The neighbours quickly went along their way. When Alex went back inside, he found Brayden sitting at the dining table. He went and sat opposite him. Alex saw that Brayden had two cans of beer in front of him. Brayden absentmindedly pushed one towards Alex and he took it, opened it, and took a huge swig. Alex noted that Brayden’s can wasn’t opened. He was just turning it on the table with his fingers, his sight fixed on the top of the can.

“She said we disgust her,” Brayden whispered. Alex instantly knew that it wasn’t just Jessica’s words that were bothering Brayden. He was also thinking about his father.

“She didn’t mean that,” Alex said. “She’s angry and hurt and she’s just lashing out.” “She’s probably actually disgusted with me,” Alex thought to himself. Brayden looked up at Alex and Alex was met with the saddest eyes he has ever seen.

“Do you think… Do you think she’ll tell my parents?” Brayden stopped turning the can of beer.

“No, of course not. She knows how your parents are. She always made fun of how strictly Christian they were. She wouldn’t do that.” Alex didn’t quite believe what he was saying, but he couldn’t bring himself to make Brayden feel any worse.

Brayden finally opened the beer and took a sip. “What did she mean by ‘I wasn’t the first boyfriend you were attracted to, just the first you’ve had sex with’?” Brayden paraphrased. Alex was hoping that Brayden didn’t bring that up. Alex took another swig of his beer before answering.

“When I came out at fifteen, I became like my sister’s ‘gay best friend’. She would tease me and ask if I thought her then boyfriend was hot. I admitted he was cute. I also told her that I thought her previous boyfriend was hot, but that was it. Nothing more than acknowledging that they were attractive. I could never do anything to jeopardise any of my sister’s relationships. At least I thought I couldn’t. Then you came along and you were different. I developed feelings for you but you were with my sister and ‘straight’, so I kept how I felt to myself.” Alex drank the last of his beer. “I can’t believe this is happening right now. I can’t believe I did this to my sister. I’m a horrible person.”

Brayden reached over to Alex. “Then we’re both horrible,” he said. Alex pulled away.

“No, you don’t understand. I’m worst.” Brayden looked at Alex quizzically. Alex went to drink another sip of his beer but realised that the can was empty. Brayden finished his beer and then went to the kitchen and grabbed two more cans from the refrigerator.

“What don’t I understand?” Brayden asked while handing Alex a beer. Alex opened it and took a sip before answering.

“Has Jess ever mentioned the name Erica to you?” Brayden shook his head. “They were best friends once. After her last boyfriend and before she met you, she was talking to this guy. Nothing serious. They’d been on like one date. Out of the blue he just ghosted her. Some time after, Jessica ran into him and confronted him. Turns out that Erica badmouthed Jess behind her back and the two of them were now dating. That led to a huge blowout with Erica. Turns out they were never really friends, let alone best friends. Jess was devastated. She knew Erica since elementary school. She leaned on me a lot during that time. I saw firsthand how being betrayed affected her. Now look what I have done.”

“We both betrayed her,” Brayden said.

“Yeah, but I’m her brother. I shouldn’t have done this to her.” Jessica’s words replayed in Alex’s mind. *Impulsive. Reckless. Irresponsible. Selfish*. “I’m a horrible person Brayden. I’m horrible.” Alex also thought about the times he spent with his professor. “I’m horrible,” he repeated. Alex was never the one to cry – he hated falling apart – but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He only realised that Brayden had moved when he felt himself being pulled from his seat and into an embrace. He buried his face into Brayden’s shoulder as the tears flowed.


It was Sunday morning and Alex and Brayden were at the kitchen island having breakfast. They were still trying to process what had happened with Jessica the day before. Brayden was going to speak when a banging came at the door. Alex and Brayden looked at each other. They instantly knew who it was. Jessica did it. She actually did it.

“Brayden! It’s your father! Open up!” Conrad roared. Alex shook his head at Brayden.

“I have to,” Brayden said.

“No, you don’t.” Alex objected.

“He’s not going to go away.”

“He will. If no one answers, he’ll leave eventually. He doesn’t know that you’re here.”

“My truck’s outside.”

Alex shrugged. “You may have gone for a walk, or a jog or something.”

The banging came at the door again. “Brayden Nicholson!”

“Let’s just get this over with,” Brayden said wearily. Alex wanted to protest, but he didn’t. Brayden got up and went to the door. He took a deep breath before opening it. He found his dad halfway in the process of knocking again. “Hi dad.”

“Brayden. Tell me it isn’t true,” Conrad said while obviously trying to keep himself composed.

“You’ll have to be more specific than that dad.” Brayden was already regretting opening the door.

“You know what I’m talking about. I got a very disturbing call from Jessica this morning, telling me things that couldn’t possibly be true. Tell me it isn’t true Brayden.”

“I’m sorry dad, but I can’t tell you that.” Brayden watched as his father’s face slowly overcame with rage and he braced himself.

“Brayden…” Conrad started, buy then he noticed Alex in the background. “You!” he said while pushing pass Brayden. “You! This is your fault!”

“Dad,” Brayden pleaded but he was ignored.

“I knew something was wrong the last time I was here. I just knew it! You think I didn’t realise how you two were? But I tried to convince myself that I was overthinking things and turns out, I was right!”

“Mr. Nicholson,” Alex started, “I know you’re angry, but – ”

“Angry?” Conrad cut him off. “I’m livid and absolutely disgusted!” Conrad pointed at Alex as he spoke. “If I knew you took part in such filth, I would have never allowed you to move in here!” Alex breathed in slowly and folded his fists.

“Well, this place belongs to Brayden, not you,” Alex said. “So, you wouldn’t get much say in that.”

“I am his father and I paid for this place, so I believe I would get a lot of say.”

“You may have paid for it,” Brayden cut in. “But I paid you back every cent, plus interest, with the money I inherited from uncle Patrick.”

“Yes, uncle Patrick,” Conrad said with annoyance. Then his eyes widened. “Uncle Patrick. I never even thought of that. Is that how all this started?

“What are you talking about?” Brayden asked.

“Did Patrick…” Conrad started. “Was my brother… inappropriate with you when you were younger?’

Brayden was taken aback. “N-n… No! Of course not!”

“It’s ok Brayden; you can be honest with me.”

“Nothing like that ever happened! Why would you even think of something like that?”

“I’ve read studies,” Conrad answered. “They said there’s a higher chance of children growing up to be… confused if they were molested when they younger.”

“And you think that uncle Patrick would do something like that to me?!”

“Well, a certain type of people was prevalent in those studies and either way, it is widely known that the… *people* in that *community* take part in such disturbing acts.”

Brayden couldn’t believe what he was hearing and Alex was fuming. “Uncle Patrick was never like that,” Brayden spoke. “And I didn’t even know that he was gay until after he died. You know this.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to stand there and pretend like that kind of thing isn’t prevalent in the *straight community* as well.” Alex tried to stay calm. “And let’s not even begin to talk about some church leaders.”

“My point exactly!” Conrad stared daggers at Alex. “There are people out there that look all *innocent* and *harmless*, but they’re nothing but demons. They seduce you and lure you in and before you know it, they’ve destroyed your soul.”

“Are you trying to compare me to a demon?” Alex was at the verge of losing it.

“If the shoe fits.” Before Alex could answer, there was a knock at the door. No one moved. The knock came again.

“Brayden?” a voice said. Brayden recognised his mother’s voice and went to the door. When he opened it, he was met with a very worried look. “Mi hijo,” she said while stroking his face.

“Mamá,” Brayden greeted Francisca. He then stepped aside and his mom entered. Francisca scanned the room, seeing the looks on everyone’s faces.

“Conrad.” Francisca spoke. “I think we should go.”

“No,” Conrad said sternly. “I am not leaving until this is settled.”

“Conrad, please,” Francisca pleaded. “We can do this another time when tensions aren’t so high.”

“Another time? And give him more opportunities to sink his claws into our son?” Conrad pointed at Alex without looking at him. “Do you not care about our son’s soul?!”

“Of course I do, but I just think -”

“No!” Conrad cut Francisca off. “I will not stand for this. I will not have a fag for a son!”

Francisca gasped. “I’m… I’m not a f -” Brayden began but then he looked at Alex.

“See?!” Conrad turned to Alex. “Do you see how confused you have him? He can’t even say it.” Conrad looked to Brayden and his wife again. “When you came to us about this when you were a teenager, I wanted to send you to a special camp in Idaho for the summer, but I allowed your mother to talk me out of it. I never should have listened.”

“A special camp?” Brayden asked. He looked from his dad to his mother. Neither said anything but he knew what his dad meant.

“Oh my God,” Alex murmured.

“Look,” Conrad said. “Let’s not focus on that right now. What’s important is how we move forward. There is hope. This can be fixed. You can be fixed.”

“He doesn’t need fixing!” Alex shouted. “This is insane.”

“No one cares what you think. Bottom line is, no son of mine is going to live a life of such filth.” Conrad then turned to Brayden. “Son, if you insist on going down this road, I will no longer consider you my son; you would be dead to me. In fact, I rather you be dead than be a fag.”

“Conrad!” Francisca screamed.

“You sick son of a bitch!” Alex said. Conrad turned to respond but instead he was met with a fist to the face. Francisca shrieked as Conrad hit the floor. Brayden was completely frozen. He didn’t even acknowledge what just happened. His father’s words repeated in his head.

“You think that just because you people are getting all these rights, that you can do whatever you want?” Conrad said as he stumbled to his feet. After he got himself together, he rubbed and flexed his left cheek. “I’m calling the police.” Conrad took his phone out of his pocket.

“You won’t,” Alex said matter-of-factly.

“And why wouldn’t I?”

“Because if you do,” Alex took a step forward. “I will wipe this floor with you. I probably will get arrested, but you would have to live with the fact that you got your ass kicked by a fag. Think about how you would feel telling the police that you got beat up. When you have to repeat it again to the doctors at the hospital. How about when your church members find out? How would you feel knowing that they know that you got your ass handed to you by someone like me?”

After a few seconds, Conrad placed his phone back in his pocket. He then turned to Brayden and Francisca. Francisca was trying to console Brayden, but he wouldn’t react to her. He just stared at the floor. For a second, Conrad’s features softened and regret flashed across his face, but he caught himself and walked out the door. When the door slammed shut, Brayden broke down in tears.

“Lo siento mamá. Lo siento mucho,” Brayden sobbed.

“Está bien hijo,” Francisca said while hugging Brayden. “Todo va a estar bien.”

Alex wanted to join them, but he didn’t think it would be appropriate. He didn’t know what Brayden’s mom stance truly was in this situation and he didn’t want to make things worse. Francisca then did something that Alex didn’t expect. With one hand still wrapped around Brayden, Francisca out reached behind her with the other towards Alex. He hesitated at first, but Alex took her hand and Francisca pulled him into the hug.


Alex was worried about Brayden. Francisca stayed the night, but left the next morning, after Brayden insisted that he was fine. Alex knew this was a lie; Francisca knew as well, but she couldn’t force her son to open up. “Look after him for me please,” she whispered to Alex as she left. Things were awkward between Alex and Brayden’s mom the night she stayed, but they respected each other’s space and were pleasant enough to each other when they had to cross paths. A couple days had passed, and Brayden was still acting as though everything was normal. Alex didn’t want to pressure him, so he went along with it. He just hoped that Brayden soon took the time to acknowledge his feelings before keeping them in becomes too much.

Alex was in one of his lectures, when he got an email notification on his cellular phone. It was an email from Professor Brooks. The email was to notify his Probability and Statistics class that he will no longer be their lecturer and someone else will be taking over from the next class. He also stated that he enjoyed the time spent with the students and wished them well for the rest of the semester and school year. Given all that was happening, Alex had forgotten about the professor. He went to the chat he had with Christopher and saw that the message he had sent last Friday was still unread. He sent another message but it didn’t deliver. He thought about calling, but decided against it.

“Maybe this is for the best,” he thought. “A clean slate.” All the events that have happened with the professor and Brayden ran through Alex’s mind. He also thought about what Brayden’s dad alluded to. Maybe he was a demon that came to seduce and destroy souls. Alex was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that the lecturer was trying to get his attention. He jumped when the student next to him tapped him on his shoulder. He then looked ahead when the student pointed to the front.

“Yes?” Alex asked still a bit out-of-it. The lecturer repeated the question. Luckily Alex knew the answer and responded.


“You’re really worried about him, aren’t you?” Logan asked Alex. It was Friday evening, and Logan was driving Alex home after class.

“Yeah, I am,” Alex said. “He says he fine; he acts like he’s fine, but I can tell that he isn’t. It’s like watching a bomb that you know is going to go off soon, but you don’t know exactly when, and you can’t do anything about it.”

“Well, it hasn’t been a full week yet; give him some time,” Logan said as he swung onto Brayden’s street.

Alex sighed. “I’ve made such a mess of his life,” he said. Logan went to respond, but Alex put his hand up. “I know, I know,” he said. “But it doesn’t make me feel any less guilty. And I can’t believe Jessica did this. I know she was hurt, but to run to Brayden’s parents knowing how they are, especially his dad.” Alex shook his head.

“Have you spoken to her since the confrontation?” Logan stopped in front of Brayden’s home. His truck was in the driveway.

“No, I haven’t. I’ve wanted to, but after what she did, I don’t think I should.”

“I know it may be difficult, but try to see it from her perspective. This can’t be easy for her either.”

“I know!” Alex said frustrated. “I feel like shit for what I did. But if you had seen him… He looked so broken after his dad left.” Logan didn’t know what to say.

“Not to pile it on,” he said tentatively after some silence. “But have you heard from the professor?”

Alex shook his head. “My message still hasn’t been delivered. I think I’m blocked.”

“Maybe you’ll see him around campus some time.”

“I don’t think so,” Alex said. “I heard that students from his other classes received similar emails as well. I don’t think he works at the university anymore.”

“Do you think he quit? Or maybe he was fired. Maybe someone reported him for coming to his classes intoxicated.”

Alex shrugged. “I don’t know. But whatever happened, I hope everything works out for him.” *Impulsive. Reckless. Irresponsible. Selfish*, rang in his brain. Alex grabbed his backpack. “Thanks for the lift,” he said while opening the car door.

“Any time. Just take it easy. Ok?”

“I’ll try,” Alex said while closing the car door. He waved as Logan drove off.

When Alex entered the townhouse, he instantly knew that something was wrong. One of the dining table chairs was toppled over. Another was next to it, broken. “Brayden?” Alex called after resting his backpack down. There was no answer. As he slowly walked forward, he realised that the dining table was also turned over. There was a lamp to the far end of the dining area, but that was now smashed on the ground. When he neared the kitchen, he saw broken glass and porcelain on the floor. The toaster oven laid broken on the ground and two drawers were pulled completely out, with the contents scattered all over the floor. Alex also noticed that one of the cupboard doors over the countertop, was hanging by its hinges.

“Brayden?” Alex called a little louder. There was still no response. Alex then saw that the door leading to the back patio was ajar. He went through it and found Brayden sitting on the wicker sectional. “Brayden?” Alex said again. Brayden was sitting on the edge of the sectional staring at his right hand. “Brayden, are you ok?” Alex sat next to him. At that moment he noticed something red running down Brayden’s forearm. “Brayden! Your hand!” Alex pulled Brayden’s hand to him, inspecting it.

“It’s not as bad as it seems,” Brayden said still looking at his hand. “Water is mixed with the blood.”

“What happened?’ Alex asked.

“I was drinking some water, when the glass broke in my hand. I didn’t realise I was holding it so tightly.”

“I’m going to get the first aid kit,” Alex said.

“You don’t have to,” Brayden said, but Alex was already gone. A couple minutes later, Alex returned with the kit. He used the antiseptic wipes to clean the wound and Brayden’s forearm. With the hand now cleaned, Alex realised that Brayden was right; it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. It was just a small cut on the lower right corner of Brayden’s palm. Alex put some ointment on it and then covered it with a waterproof band aid.

“Thanks,” Brayden said.

“You’re welcome,” Alex responded. Brayden hadn’t looked at Alex since he first came outside and Alex knew why. “About inside…” he continued.

“You saw that?”

“It’s hard to miss.”

Brayden gave a humourless chuckle. “So much for being fine.”

“Look at me,” Alex said, but Brayden kept his eyes on his hand. “Brayden, look at me.” But Brayden still didn’t move. With one hand, Alex turned Brayden’s face towards him. Alex’s face fell as he saw the sadness in Brayden’s eyes. The emerald eyes that were once always shining, seemed so dull now. Alex drew Brayden into a hug and they wrapped their arms tightly around each other. Alex then laid back and pulled Brayden with him. Still in an embrace, Brayden rested his head on Alex’s chest. Though Brayden is visibly bigger than Alex, they seemed to fit together perfectly in that moment. As they laid there, Brayden found Alex’s heartbeat oddly calming.

“Everything’s going to be ok,” Alex said as he ran one hand up and down Brayden’s back and stroked his hair with the other.

“Do you really think so?”

“Yes,” Alex said assuredly. “It will take some time, but everything will be fine.”

There was some silence until Brayden broke it. “I knew it was possible, but I didn’t think that Jess would actually tell my parents.”

“Same here,” Alex said. “But Logan told me to try to look at it from her perspective. She’s hurt and angry and want us to hurt as well. I just wish she’d direct all of that anger at me.”

“But you didn’t do this alone,” Brayden said. “I’m equally at fault.”

“Well then, couldn’t she have just smashed your windshield and slash your tyres?”

Brayden chuckled. This time with a little humour. “That would have been preferable.”

Alex shook his head. “I’m sorry Brayden. I’m so sorry for all of this,” he said. “I knew your dad was homophobic, but I never thought that he, that he would…” Alex couldn’t finish.

“That he would rather his only child be dead than to be interested in men?” Brayden finished. “Deep down I knew that that was how he felt, but I didn’t think that I would actually hear him say it.”

“I’m so sorry,” Alex repeated.

“It’s not your fault,” Brayden said. “My dad and I would have reached this point eventually. If it wasn’t with you, it would have been with some other guy. I’m glad it was with you though.”

“Really?” Alex said a bit surprised.

Brayden lifted his head and looked at Alex. “Really,” he said. Brayden and Alex then leaned forward and their lips met. Alex ran his hand through Brayden’s hair and Brayden cupped Alex’s face as the kiss got deeper. They eventually pulled apart and looked into each other’s eyes. “Would you have actually beaten up my dad if he had called the police?” Brayden asked.

“Absolutely!” Alex said with certainty. “I wanted to beat his ass just for the way he was treating you.”

“You would do that for me?”

“I would do anything for you,” Alex said and he meant it. Brayden leaned in for another kiss and it was deeper and longer than the last one. It was unfortunately cut short by the rumbling of Brayden’s stomach. “Someone’s hungry,” Alex said.

“Yeah,” Brayden said sheepishly. “I didn’t eat lunch.”

“Eat in or eat out?”

“Not really sure,” Brayden said.

“That’s ok. It’s still pretty early, so it shouldn’t be hard to find a table somewhere. We can shower first and then decide what we want to do.” They both got up and Alex grabbed the first aid kit and Brayden gently took up the shards of glass. When they got inside, Brayden took in the scene of the dining area and the kitchen. He sighed.

“I should probably clean this up first,” he said.

“I’ll help,” Alex offered.

“No, this is my mess.”

“I’m helping,” Alex said firmly. Thirty minutes later, Alex was tying a garbage bag and Brayden was putting the last drawer into its slot.

“Thanks for the help,” Brayden said.

“Don’t mention it,” Alex responded. Brayden eyed the broken chair that was leaning against the wall in the corner.

“The chair was a clean break,” he said. “So some wood glue should suffice. I’ll go tomorrow and purchase replacements for the broken stuff. Do you mind coming with me?”

“Of course not,” Alex said. “I’d be happy to join you.”

Brayden stepped forward and stroked Alex’s cheek. “I’m so grateful for you,” he said.

“Why?” Alex asked incredulously. “I’ve brought nothing but misery to your life.”

“There may be misery in my life, but that is not because of you.” Brayden wrapped his arms around Alex and drew him closer; their faces almost touching. “How I see it, is that you’ve brought a new found happiness in my life and I will always be grateful for that.” Alex bridged the gap and kissed Brayden. As the kiss got more intense, Alex intwined his fingers in Brayden’s hair and Brayden pinned Alex against the kitchen island. Brayden then ran his hands under Alex’s shirt, until he reached his nipples. He tweaked and pulled them causing Alex to moan. As Brayden continued to play with Alex’s nipples, he kissed along Alex’s jawline and down his neck.

“Fuck,” Alex murmured as Brayden sucked on the right spot. Brayden then stepped back and pulled Alex’s shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. After, he lifted Alex and rest him to sit on top of the island. Brayden trailed kisses down Alex’s chest and torso, until he reached Alex’s belt buckle. He undid it and pulled off Alex’s boxer brief and jeans together. He then gently pushed Alex back by his chest, until he was lying flat. Brayden braced himself on either side of Alex, bent over and engulfed the head of Alex’s hard cock. “Fuck,” Alex murmured again.

Brayden bobbed his head, trying to take in more of Alex’s length with each bob. When his gag reflex kicked in, he came up and twirled his tongue around Alex’s head and then went down again. After some time, Brayden came up again, releasing Alex’s cock with a popping sound. He then took hold of Alex’s cock and jerked it. “You liked that?” he asked with a smirk.

“I fucking loved it,” Alex responded. Brayden went down on Alex again, jerking the base as he focussed on the head. After a few minutes, he then kissed his way down Alex’s length until he reached his balls. He licked them and gently sucked one at a time into his mouth. “That feels so good,” Alex moaned. Still lapping at Alex’s balls, Brayden lifted Alex’s legs and pushed them all the way back until his hips were in the air and only his shoulders were touching the surface. Brayden then kissed his way down to Alex’s exposed hole. He flicked his tongue over it, causing Alex to flinch. He did it again and chuckled when he got the same response. Brayden circled Alex’s hole with his tongue before pushing it in. Alex moaned as he felt Brayden enter him. Brayden twirled his tongue around causing Alex to quiver. He then darted in and out and flicked at Alex’s entrance before sliding his tongue in again. After eating Alex’s ass some more, Brayden lowered Alex’s hips, then proceeded to take his own clothes off. Alex pulled himself up on his elbows and watched intently as Brayden got naked.

With his clothes now in a pile, Brayden ran his hands down his body, while seductively looking at Alex. Alex’s eyes followed Brayden’s movements; watching as his hands got closer to the raging hard-on below. Brayden took his cock in both hands and began to jerk it. After a few tugs, he held the base with one hand and tapped his cock into the other. “Do you want this?” Brayden asked while tapping his cock some more. Alex nodded. “Say it,” Brayden taunted.

“I want it,” Alex said. “I want that big fucking cock.”

Brayden put his hands behind his head and spread his legs a little. “Come and get in then,” he said. Alex leapt off the island, knelt in front of Brayden and immediately took his cock into his mouth. Brayden closed his eyes as the warmth engulfed him. Alex took in as much as he could before his gag reflex kicked in. He was close to the base before he started to splutter. He had gotten better at swallowing Brayden’s cock, but Brayden’s slight upward curve has prevented him from deep throating in this position. Alex went down a few more times before just focussing on Brayden’s first few inches. He jerked the rest of the length with one hand while fondling Brayden’s balls with the other.

“Uughh,” Brayden moaned. “Fuck, that feels good.” Brayden put his hands on Alex’s head and bucked his hips to Alex’s movements. As Brayden’s thrusts got faster, Alex stopped moving and let Brayden fuck his mouth. Brayden’s grip on Alex’s head got tighter as he drove in and out of Alex’s mouth. On his last thrust in, he tried to go as far as he could. Alex gagged and sputtered on Brayden’s cock and saliva pooled at the entrance of his mouth. Brayden pulled out and gave Alex a moment to catch his breath.

“Are you OK?” he asked. Alex responded by guiding Brayden’s length back into his mouth with his tongue. “You like sucking my big cock, don’t cha?” Brayden teased. “You like when I fuck your face?”

“Mmhummphh,” was all Alex was able to say with a mouthful of cock. As Brayden drove in and out of Alex’s mouth, his cock became drenched in saliva. Looking down at Alex, Brayden watched in wonder as Alex’s soft lips moved over his length. With the skills and eagerness that Alex always delivers, there was no doubt that Brayden has gotten his best blowjobs from Alex.

“Come here,” Brayden said after pulling Alex off his cock. Alex stood and Brayden pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. “Turn around,” Brayden said afterwards. Alex turned and braced himself against the kitchen island. “Spread your legs.”

Alex complied and soon felt Brayden’s tongue inside him again. After a few minutes, this was replaced by a finger. When Brayden thought that Alex had loosen up a bit, he added a second finger. As he fingered Alex, he kissed his way up Alex’s back, along his neck and nibbled on his left ear. “Don’t move,” he whispered after removing his fingers from Alex’s hole. Brayden went upstairs and in a couple of minutes returned with lube and a condom. Now standing behind Alex again, Brayden squeezed some of the lube just above Alex’s crack and watched as it ran down the crevice. When the lube moved over Alex’s hole, Brayden caught it and slid two fingers into Alex. As he fingered him, Brayden added more lube and slid a third finger in. Alex’s entire body shook. Not only from the pleasure that he was receiving, but also from the anticipation of what was to come.

Brayden removed his fingers from Alex and put the condom on. “Spread your cheeks,” Brayden said after lubing up his cock. Alex reached behind himself and pulled his ass apart, further exposing his winking hole to Brayden. Brayden poked and circled Alex’s entrance with his head, teasing him a little.

“Please put it inside me. Please give me your cock.” Alex pleaded as he couldn’t wait any longer.

“You want it badly, don’t cha?” Brayden continued to tease.

“Yes, I want it so bad,” Alex said. “Fuck me Brayden. Impale me with your dragon cock.” Brayden pushed his hips forward, slowly sliding his cockhead into Alex. After waiting a few seconds, Brayden slid more of his cock in inch by inch. As Alex became more filled, he placed his hands back on the countertop to support himself better. When he felt Brayden’s pelvis against his ass, he knew that all 9.5 inches of Brayden’s cock was inside of him. “Fuck,” Alex and Brayden moaned together.

Brayden held onto Alex’s left hip with one hand, wrapped the other around Alex’s throat and pulled him back. He then began to thrust slowly in and out of Alex.

“Do you want to continue slow?” Brayden asked. “Or do you want it a little rough?”

“I want you to wreck my hole,” Alex said. “I want nothing more than to be used for your pleasure.”

Brayden stopped thrusting and loosen his grip on Alex. Neither said anything. Thinking that he had ruined the mood, Alex went to apologise, but then Brayden retightened his grip and whispered to Alex, “Be careful what you wish for.”


“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Alex bellowed as Brayden drilled his hole. The two men were entangled with each other on the kitchen floor. Brayden was lying on his back and had Alex pulled to him in an embrace, while he drove relentlessly upward into Alex. Alex was limp against Brayden as he allowed Brayden to take him. A smile was plastered on his face as he rode the continuous wave of pleasure. He has been railed by Brayden before, but something about this time was different and he was absolutely enjoying it. Brayden then slowed his pace down and loosen his hold on Alex.

“Any regrets yet?” he asked.

“None,” Alex breathed. “Matter of fact, I don’t think my hole is wrecked enough.”

“Oh really?” Brayden gave one hard thrust upward, causing Alex to yelp. “Lie face down on the floor,” Brayden commanded. Alex dragged himself off Brayden and laid on the floor. Brayden reached up to the countertop for the lube and applied some to his cock. He then got into position above Alex. Brayden guided his cock into him and relished in the warmth as his cock sunk deep and deeper. When his full length was inside, Brayden grabbed one of Alex’s hips to keep him still, and placed his other hand on the back of Alex’s neck. He then began to pound away at Alex’s hole, showing no mercy.

“This is what you want?” Brayden taunted. “My big fucking cock wrecking your hole, huh?… Take my fucking cock!… Yeah, that’s it… Fuck, your hole feels so good.”

“Yessss… Give it to me,” Alex muttered between breaths “Oh, fuck yeah… Fuck my ass!… Fuuuuck.”

The sounds of Alex’s and Brayden’s bodies colliding filled the room. Brayden’s grip on Alex got tighter and the cut on Brayden’s palm began to sting, but he ignored it. He was focussed on giving Alex what he wanted and got lost in the pounding that he was delivering. Beneath him, Alex was in pure bliss. It did hurt when Brayden grabbed him tighter, but that added to the pleasure he was feeling. He couldn’t help but grin like before as he was taken from behind. As Brayden continuously hit Alex’s spot, Alex felt his precum pooling beneath him. His hard cock was caught between the floor and his abdomen and each time his body jerked from the pounding, his cock was being stimulated.

“I’m going to cum soon,” Alex told Brayden.

“Oh yeah?” Brayden said as he was close as well. Brayden shifted and pulled Alex up so that they would be in the doggy style position. Alex grabbed his cock and began to jerk off. After a few pumps, he was cumming all over the kitchen floor.

“Fuck… Oh fuck… Fuuuck…” Alex moaned as his body convulsed. With his body shaking, Alex’s asshole involuntarily clamped down on Brayden’s cock. Soon, the extra friction had Brayden cumming deep inside Alex.

“Oh fuck… Oh fuck Alex… Ugghh… Oh shit…” Brayden grunted. When he was finished, Brayden collapsed on top of Alex, taking them to the floor. “Are you ok?” he asked after catching his breath.

“Yeah… Fucking great…” Alex responded, still trying to regulate his breathing.

“Are you sure? I got lost in it for a moment there,” Brayden said as he placed kisses on the back of Alex’s neck.

“I’m sure,” Alex said confidently. “So, what’s the verdict?” he continued after finally steadying his breathing. Brayden sat back, straddling Alex’s legs. He pulled Alex’s cheeks apart and looked at his hole. It was read, swollen and wet.

“Wrecked. Definitely wrecked,” Brayden concluded.

“Good,” was Alex’s only response. Brayden then easily slid three fingers into Alex. Alex’s eyes rolled as Brayden slowly fingered him.

“Maybe we should eat in tonight,” Brayden spoke. “Order some takeout.”

“Mmmhmm… Yeah… Sounds good.”

“Maybe watch a movie?” Brayden picked up his pace a little and Alex began to grind his hips in time with Brayden’s movements.

“Yeah… a movie. Maybe we could… watch one of those… action movies you like… so much,” Alex could barely focus. “One with lots of CGI… greenscreen… and little plot.”

“Ha ha. Funny,” Brayden said. He pulled his fingers out and slapped Alex on his ass. “Let’s get cleaned up.” Brayden stood then helped Alex to his feet. Brayden peeled his condom off and discarded it and Alex got some paper towels to clean up his cum. After they were finished, they shared a kiss. Brayden trailed his right hand down Alex’s back until he reached his ass. He slipped two fingers in and Alex moaned. “It’s so wet and sloppy,” Brayden mumbled not wanting to break the kiss. Brayden added a third finger causing Alex to lose focus and the kiss broke. Alex rested his forehead against Brayden’s shoulder and tried to steady his breathing, but this became impossible as Brayden picked up his pace.

“I think your hole needs to be wrecked some more,” Brayden whispered into Alex’s ear.

“Hmmm,” was all Alex could muster. The two men stood there in silence as Brayden continued to finger Alex. The silence was eventually broken when Brayden’s stomach grumbled.

“You need to… eat,” Alex said.

“I need to fuck,” Brayden responded.

“I don… I don’t… Oh fuck… Please stop.” Alex begged.

“Are you sure? You seem to be enjoying it.” Brayden could feel Alex’s erection on his thigh and he too was hard again. Brayden moved his hand faster and Alex held onto Brayden’s arms.

“Yesss… I am. But I… would like to… finish my sentences… Fuuuck.” Brayden chuckled and removed his fingers from Alex’s hole. “The things you do to me Brayden Nicholson.” Alex breathed out heavily. “Right. As I was saying. I don’t know where you got this energy from since you didn’t have lunch, but you need to eat. Grab some fruit from the fridge and I’ll order the food. We can then hop in the shower and maybe have a quickie -” Alex was stopped by Brayden’s raised eyebrow. “And by the time we’re finished,” Alex continued “the food should be here and we’ll watch the movie. Deal?

Brayden pretended to think it over. “Deal,” he said.

In about an hour’s time, Alex and Brayden were in Brayden’s room watching one of the Fast and Furious movies. Alex never really got into the film series, but Brayden always seemed to enjoy the franchise. This time was different though. As they watched the movie, Alex could tell that Brayden’s mind was elsewhere. Alex entwined his hand with Brayden’s and rested his head on Brayden’s shoulder.

“I’m fine,” Brayden said without Alex asking. “At least I will be; right?”

“Right,” Alex assured. Brayden held Alex’s hand tighter and tried to focus on the movie. “Damn you,” Alex thought to himself. Whether he meant his sister, Conrad, himself, or all the above was still to be determined.


A few days had passed and Alex was on his bed going over his school notes. Thanksgiving break was in a couple of days and that meant that exams started in less than two weeks. He was half way through when a knock came at his door.

“Come in,” he said.

“Hey,” Brayden said after entering.

“Hey. What’s up?” Alex closed the text book that was in front of him.

“Um, can we talk?” Brayden ran his hand through his hair and rocked on his heels. Alex had come to know that this meant that Brayden was nervous.

“Yeah, sure,” Alex answered. Brayden pulled up the computer desk chair and sat in it. This reminded Alex of the night that Brayden opened up to him. It was also the night they first had sex. Though only weeks had passed, given all that had happened since then, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Brayden ran his hands along his thighs before speaking. “I took some time off from work, and starting from Thanksgiving, I’m going to stay with Foxy and their husband.”

Alex’s heart sank. “For how long?” he asked.

“For right now, two weeks, but could be longer.” Brayden took a deep breath. “I have a lot to figure out, and I think some time away could help.”

“Yeah, sure, of course. And I’m sure Foxy’s going to be great support.” Alex tried to be uplifting.

“Don’t feel bad,” Brayden said.

“I don’t,” Alex deflected.

Brayden smirked. “I’ve come to know you pretty well over the past couple of months Xanny and I know you probably feel really guilty right now. But like I’ve said before, it would have come to this eventually.”

Alex allowed his face to fall and Brayden reached out to him. Alex got off the bed and took his hand. Brayden pulled Alex onto his lap and rested his head against Alex’s chest. He was seeking the sound that he recently came to found so calming.

“Even though it’s going to be for a short while, I’m going to miss you,” Alex said.

“I’m going to miss you too. But I must do this. Not just for me, but for you too.”

“For me?”

Brayden looked up at Alex. “I can’t keep you in limbo any longer. I can’t keep stringing you along.”

“Don’t worry about me. Do this for you and you only.”

Brayden put his head back on Alex’s chest and they sat there in silence for a moment.

“I should let you get back to your studies,” Brayden said.

“It’s fine. I needed a break anyway.” Silence came again.

“Xanny?” Brayden spoke up once more.


“Can you promise me something?”


Brayden closed his eyes before speaking. “Promise you won’t give up on me.”

Alex’s heart hurt for Brayden. “I promise,” he said. “Can you make me a promise as well?”

Brayden nodded and responded with “Sure.”

“Promise you won’t give up on yourself.”

A few seconds passed before Brayden answered “I won’t.,” but Alex wasn’t convinced. At that moment Alex knew the answer to his dilemma. It was ‘all the above’.


Writer’s note: Finally! A new chapter. I seem to be always apologising for late submissions, but I just can’t get my schedule right in order to update regularly. I’m so sorry. Maybe I’m too in my head, but I don’t think I wrote this chapter as well as I could have. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As usual, all feedback/comments are appreciated. Many thanks, Frankie Junior


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