I Blame Basketball Ch. 01


A gay story: I Blame Basketball Ch. 01 This is the first of a multi-chapter story.


In high school, I was a good student but my love was everything about SPORTS! I liked track & field, tennis, swimming, and baseball. However, my favorite by far was basketball. My growth spurt started relatively early, and for 2 years, I was the tallest guy in my class. It gave me an advantage playing basketball, and I excelled, scoring almost always more than 20 points per game. My love of basketball remained even when my classmates began catching up with my height.

Since turning 18, I had 3 serious girlfriends. Each lasting 8 months to 3 years. My criteria for going out with a girl included the usual parameters – having a pretty face, an attractive body, a nice personality, and a decent brain. She couldn’t be a minor and needed to like and participate in sports activities.

About 2 years ago, I met my latest girlfriend, Lara. It was love at first sight. A 25 year tall beauty of 5’8″ and 140 pounds. Her figure was to die for – D-cup tits, a narrow waist, and perfect hips that ended in long shapely legs. Yes, I was attracted to her from the moment I laid eyes on her; what made it even better was the place where I met her. It was in a basketball between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Chicago Bulls.

A breathtaking beauty who likes basketball – What could be better? She sat in front of me with another girl and an older guy, whom I assumed was her father. At one point the Bucks scored a great basket from long distance and the crowd went berserk. Lara started dancing and turned around. Our eyes met.

I smiled at her and said, “Gee, this was awesome, wasn’t it?” It wasn’t the best opening line, but I didn’t have time to think of a better one.

She chuckled, “Yes. It was amazing.”

I don’t know what made me say it, but I mumbled, “Lady, you are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

She grinned, “I assume you meant it as a compliment, but no girl likes to hear she is a ‘thing.’ Please rephrase…”

I bowed, “Sorry. I should have known better. Would you please accept my apology and, as a token of goodwill, join me for an afternoon coffee?”

She stared at me for a long time, exploring my face and body, then blurted, “I am not sure about it. Give me your phone number, and I’ll think about it.”

I didn’t hear from her for almost a week and was sure she wasn’t interested. Lara called me sometime later, “Hi stranger. I debated whether to call you or not. I checked on you on social media sites and later talked to a girl you’ll recognize, Tania. She said she knew you from work, and she highly recommended you. Anyway, my name is Lara. If your offer is still open, I’ll accept.”

“Lara, my name is Gerry, with a G. I am happy you agreed. When and where would you like to meet?”

“How about tomorrow at 5:30 pm at Starbucks on Broadway?”

“I’ll meet you there. And remind me to pay Tania her usual fee for recommending me…”

Her laugh was very pleasant. She said, “See you.” And then she hung up.

The following afternoon, I arrived slightly earlier and was fortunate to find an empty table for two near the large window looking down the street. I waited for Lara. She arrived several minutes late and looked fantastic. Her long hair was loose and she wore a short light blue dress that emphasized her long legs. Her breasts filled the upper part of her dress, displaying a nice cleavage.

I extended my hand and said, “Hi again Lara. Let’s order first, and then we can talk. To cut it short, our first meeting went very well. We discussed our professions (She was a tech in a laboratory and I was a junior engineer in a large firm), movies, travel, and… basketball.

We clicked immediately, and time passed fast. We started dating, and on the 3rd date, we had our first sexual encounter. We were young and adventurous, and within 6 months, we were doing it in every position and multiple places. Sex continued to be the highlight of our relationship for the next year.

Lately, our intimate encounters have become less adventurous, probably because we have tried everything already, and it has turned into a routine activity.

Lara and I continued attending basketball games and cheered for our favorite team – The Milwaukee Bucks.

One evening, we watched the local news on TV and heard that J. had signed a contract with the Bucks. We jumped with joy – J. was one of the best free agents, and if he joined the team, the likelihood of reaching the playoffs or even more rose exponentially!

The following week, on Monday evening, I went to Elite Health Club later than usual. I arrived at 9 pm. Only a few people exercised that late. Suddenly, I saw J. on an elliptical in the corner. I began my routine on the adjacent treadmill. He looked at me, smiled, and continued working out.

Ten minutes later, I moved to the rowing machine. Shortly after, J. began lifting weights not far from me.

I glanced at him and said, “Hi, my name is Gerry, and I am an avid follower of the Bucks. I heard you are now on the roster. That’s good news. I followed your career for several years and think you are a terrific player. With you on the team, our chances are much better.”

He smiled, “Nice to meet a basketball fan. I hope to play well and not disappoint people who know me.”

After a short power exercise, I showered and went to the sauna. Through the thick fog, I saw J. sitting on his towel. I couldn’t see any details and chose to sit opposite him. After a couple of minutes, my eyes got used to the white vapor, and I noticed J. was naked. His black body was lean, muscular, and glistened in the humid air. His deflated penis was at least 5 or 6 inches long. It leaned downward and had a big mushroom on top. It looked as long as mine when erect! His eyes were closed. I kept staring at his impressive organ, wondering how big it became when hard. His athletic body was magnificent, and his organ amazing. I kept looking at his member and didn’t realize he opened his eyes.

Then I heard his deep voice, “Gerry, you seem to focus on my dick. I guess you haven’t seen many black dicks before, so being curious about it is normal. Come closer, and you’ll get a better look.”

I hesitated but decided to accept the offer. After all, if he didn’t mind me checking him out, why not?

I moved forward, sat near him, and ogled his member. It really was fantastic. The base and sack were hairy, with the foreskin covering the proximal half of his cock. The distal part was veiny and ended up in a spongy head.

He watched my eyes and smiled, “You ARE interested. You can touch it if you wish.”

“J., thanks for the offer, but I am not gay. In fact, I have been dating a girl for the last 2 years.”

“I didn’t say you are gay, but I know many guys are curious about other men’s dicks, and they wonder about size, feel, and performance. It happens more frequently to white folks seeing for the first time a black organ. Go ahead, touch it, and you’ll get answers.”

The proposal sounded weird and unreal, but J. was right: I was curious, and my hand itched to touch it.

I gathered my courage and touched it gently. It jerked. J. grinned, “You see, it likes your hand.”

I moved gingerly along his velvety shaft toward the large head. As my fingers trailed up, I felt it engorging, and the head started moving up. His pecker began growing in front of my eyes! It felt pleasant, and I bobbed it mildly. Gradually his cock started extending outside the foreskin and directed to the ceiling.

Watching his organ expanding and stiffening before my eyes was erotic and exciting. My own prick began stirring, and my lips felt dry. I wetted them with my tongue.

J. noticed it and chuckled, “Gerry, that’s a normal response. It happened to me on several occasions. Does your wife give you blowjobs?”

“I am not married yet. But, yes, on occasions my girl gives me oral and likes it.”

“Have you ever asked yourself why she enjoys it? Haven’t you been curious about what it felt like?”

“I was, and she said she liked to feel it grow between her lips, the power of controlling the pace of its hardening, and also the taste of my seed.”

“Gerry, I get the impression you like the idea of oral. Why don’t you try it, and see if you like it too? Perhaps then you’ll understand her oral fun better.”

“J. I think it’s going too far. I’d better go home now.”

“OK. If you change your mind and get the urge to try it, I plan to be here late on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next 2 weeks. Then, the regular season starts, and my plans will depend on game nights.”

Wednesday was a busy day at work, and I finished late. I wasn’t sure whether to go to Elite or not. At 8:45 pm I decided to go. I exercised for 20 minutes before noticing J. moving in my direction. He smiled at me, “Gerry, if you are interested, I’ll be in the sauna.”

I debated for the next 10 minutes. I was scared and anxious, but something stronger than me pushed me toward the sauna. I entered, gazed at J., and sat opposite to him.

He sat on his towel as before, but this time his long fingers trailed his beautiful cock that seemed to be at half-mast. J.’s eyes concentrated on mine. I tried hard but could not take my eyes off his growing member.

J’ said, “Gerry, tonight you came late to Elite for a reason. You Joined me in the sauna because you wanted to taste my dick. Why fight it? If you don’t like it, you can quit, and nobody will stop you.”

After a short pause, I touched the spectacular specimen. The veins bulged, and the cock looked bigger than I remembered. It was at least 8″. And thick!

I looked at J.’s face. His eyes focused on mine, and then they shifted slowly onto his rod, signaling to me to do it.

For some reason, I didn’t have the strength to fight it. I bent my upper body and closed the distance to the soft head, which was now pointing straight up. My lips met the tip, and I licked it lightly. It tasted somewhat salty but not bad. He moaned.

Subsequently, my palm enveloped his shaft, and I boobed it slowly. I kissed the head. It felt strange, but now that I was already doing the unthinkable, I wondered what a real blowjob was like.

I spread my lips, engulfed the mushroomed head, and sucked on it gently. It felt good and… arousing! I gradually moved down on him, letting more of him invade my mouth. When three-quarters were down my throat, I started sucking earnestly. He groaned and whispered, “Gerry, you are doing great! You are a natural.”

To my surprise, my own pecker was hardening.

I increased the speed and power of milking J. and felt his hands behind my neck. He mumbled, “Your perfect mouth is doing a fantastic job. It’s time to taste my cum!”

I didn’t have time to digest what J. was saying before feeling his massive cock jolting, and then several consecutive jets hit my palate. I wasn’t prepared and gagged, but his strong hands didn’t let me retract. I almost choked but eventually was able to swallow most of his spunk.

When he was done, he moved his hands away, leaned backward against the wall, and closed his eyes. I disengaged from his body and looked in awe as his tool shrank before my eyes.

A drop appeared on the tip. J. seemed oblivious. I am not sure what made me do it, but I leaned down and licked the naughty drop. J. opened his eyes and grinned, “Gerry, assuming you told me the truth, it’s your first time; you were excellent! Well, now you know how it feels. Think about it and remember that according to Dr. Google, man juice contains multiple healthy ingredients. So if you feel like enjoying the taste again, I’ll be here on Friday.”

I returned home confused. I never considered myself gay and never fantasized about intimate encounters with other men. WTF?…

Lara and I went to bed at 11 pm. I was horny, but she wasn’t in the mood for sex after working the evening shift. I was aroused, and my prick was stiff. Eventually, I fell asleep, dreaming about Lara sucking me. The next thing I remembered, I was fucking her relentlessly but could not climax. In desperation, I thought about milking J.’s cock, and to my amazement, I came immediately…


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