I was a Cocksucker

A gay story: I was a Cocksucker

I was first introduced to homosexual erotica in my teenage years when I came across Penthouse Letters in my brother’s room. I was initially surprised to find stories about men with other men in a publication like this, but I couldn’t help but be drawn to them. Society’s disapproval of same-sex relationships only made them more intriguing to me. As I grew older, my curiosity about being intimate with a man only grew stronger. I found myself masturbating to thoughts of a man’s touch and often imagined myself on my knees, satisfying another man.

Despite my growing desire, I was too scared to act on it. I knew I wasn’t gay, as I was attracted to women and had my fair share of experiences with them. However, my secret fantasy of tasting a man’s member never faded.

It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that my desires became a reality. By this time, I had a vast collection of pornography – both pictures and stories – that I would use while pleasuring myself. Unable to find the more explicit material I craved, I resorted to buying magazines with stories and pictures from convenience stores.

While driving through a neighboring town, I came across an adult book store and my curiosity was immediately piqued. Despite my nerves, I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibilities that lay behind those doors. After days of contemplation, I finally mustered up the courage to venture inside.

As I entered, I was greeted with rows upon rows of tantalizing books, magazines, and movies, along with an array of sex toys that I had only dreamed of. The scent of the store may have been off-putting, but I couldn’t help feeling like I had stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove. The store catered to every type of sexual desire imaginable – from straight to lesbian, from BDSM to gay – and I eagerly indulged in browsing each section.

In the end, I found myself drawn to the gay section, where my eyes feasted upon images of men engaged in all sorts of intimate acts. Without hesitation, I loaded my arms with a wealth of new material and headed towards the check out counter. But as I was leaving, I noticed a door with a curtain and a sign that read “movie booths.” My curiosity getting the best of me, I asked the rugged man behind the counter about it. He revealed that the booths offered quarters for adult movie screenings of various genres. I was intrigued and asked him to hold my purchases while I explored.

Upon entering the dark and narrow aisles, I was greeted by dim red lights above some of the doors. I quickly deduced that a light signaled an occupied booth, while darkness indicated an empty one. With about fifty booths to choose from, I carefully made my way to those farthest away from any occupied ones. I perused the titles and eventually settled on one titled “Young Cocksucker.” After locking the door behind me, I inserted a quarter and eagerly awaited what was to come.

A TV came on and the first sight I saw was a young guy on his knees as a much older man fed him his cock. I could feel my cock growing hard right away and sat down on a little stool that was there to watch. The booth had a stale musty order but I could not believe how excited watching this movie was to me. I began to rub my cock through my pants and started dreaming about being the boy on his knees, sucking the cock of a man much older than me and using me for his pleasure.

I could feel my cock beginning to leak precum and thought if I watched too much more and kept rubbing my cock I would soon cum in my pants. It was dark in the booth, I was alone, so eventually I had to open my pants and stroke my exposed cock. I felt so dirty, sitting in this booth watching a cocksucker and slowly stroking up and down my throbbing cock. I felt dirty, but more excited than I had been in a very long time.

Just as I was very close to cumming I saw a light out of the corner of my eye. I looked at it and saw that there was a hole on the side of the booth. The hole was about 4″ in diameter and I could see the flicker of another movie showing through it. I realized someone must be in that booth and scared to death they would see me jacking off I quickly pulled up and fastened my pants. Sitting there catching my breath and wondering what to do next the quarter ran out and my booth became very dark.

I saw movement through the hole and wondered who was there. Not able to help myself, or really without thinking about it, I got down on my knees and tried to sneak a peak at whoever was in there. The first thing I saw as I looked through the hole was a man’s hand sliding up and down a very hard cock. This was the first hard cock I had ever seen in real life other than my own and I was mesmerized. It was about 7 inches long and beautifully shaped. Did I just think beautiful about another man’s cock? Yes, that was what it was.

The man was obviously enjoying the movie he was watching as he began to stroke his cock faster. I could see it very clearly, even the clear drop of liquid at the tip that told me it would not be long until he came. Suddenly there was a loud THUMP THUMP THUMP on the door and a man yelled out to keep the quarters flowing or get the hell out. I quickly dropped another quarter into the slot and looked back through the hole.

When I did I saw the man had shifted his position and was pointing his now dripping cock at the hole. He knew! He knew I was watching him but I could not turn away. He was stroking slower again and his other hand reached down to caress his balls as I watched. I was trembling with excitement and again unzipped and took out my own, much smaller cock, and began to jack off as I watched. I could not believe I was on my knees, in a book store booth, masturbating as I watched another man doing the same. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was I was more excited than I could remember ever being and I wanted to see him cum.

He took a step closer to the hole and now the head of his incredible cock was only an inch or so from the hole, a few inches from my face. Suddenly he let his hands drop to his sides and just stood there with his very erect cock pointing at me. I could not stop staring at it, at his balls, and his dark pubic hair that surrounded it. Here I was, on my knees, stroking me cock and staring at another mans tool.

Then he spoke. Softly he said “Do you like what you see?” I didn’t respond as my mouth was too dry and I was scared. “I said, do you like what you see boy?” he said a little louder.

Worried someone would hear if he said it any louder I managed to whisper a yes in reply. My face was burning red in embarrassment. I had just admitted to a total stranger that I liked his cock. What did that make me? I had fantasized about this for a long time but this wasn’t a fantasy. It was real. I was on my knees looking at a real man’s very real cock and was harder than I could remember being. Was I gay? No, I loved women, but there was no denying that I also loved looking at this man’s cock.

“Do you want a closer look boy?” he said.

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