In It for Life Ch. 02

In It For Life


Weeks went by while waiting for a sign from Morgan. He didn’t think he would get one from Mouse, not directly, but he had waited for so long, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t wait a little more. In the meantime, he became hooked on the news, chasing any information he could on Karl. There was so little of it, even now that his dad had allowed the public to get to know him.

The bride to be came from an old family, one that stood for everything that counted: money, tradition, power. Unlike Karl, she was a frequent presence in magazines and whatnot. She was the perfect socialite, within the boundaries set by her family, of course.

And she had teeth. Francesco was trying hard not to be mean, but he couldn’t stop noticing how she was always smiling so widely that all her teeth seemed to be showing. Was she beautiful? He couldn’t tell. She was sparkling, dazzling, in her perfectly cut clothes; not a single hair on her head moved without prior allowance.

And she would be Karl’s wifey. He wasn’t jealous, he tried to tell himself a thousand times. He could bet that she wouldn’t get the same treatment from Karl as he had gotten while stuck on that island. No, he would treat her right or daddy would get mad.

He groaned; it was so hard to stifle his thoughts. They were running away with him these days. Balancing the bag of groceries on one arm, he walked down the landing while trying to reach for his keys.

“I heard you’ve been looking for me,” a raspy voice said, making him stop dead in his tracks.

The bag slid from his arms with a thump, and a couple of apples rolled on the floor, but Francesco didn’t care. Right there, bigger than life, was Mouse. Taller, a bit bigger everywhere, tanned, and dressed in military fatigues which he filled out nicely.

“Are you…” he choked. Real. That was what he wanted to ask, but forgot how to talk and just rushed into his lover’s arms.

Mouse squeezed him tightly and held him close, lifting him off the floor. He smelled like the sun. Neither said anything for a while. It could have been seconds, or minutes. Francesco didn’t care.

“Come inside,” he said and took Mouse’s hand to drag him along.

Francesco couldn’t stop looking at him, afraid that he might disappear if he took his eyes away. Mouse laughed and pulled his hand free, then crouched next to the groceries spread on the ground and picked them up. “I’m quite hungry,” he said and looked up at Francesco from under his military cap.

Those eyes, how long had he been dreaming of seeing them again? Francesco looked away only so that he could manage to slide the key in the lock, which he seemed to have forgotten how to do.

His place wasn’t much, but it was clean, and Francesco liked to think that it was cozy, too. He took the bag from Mouse’s arms and put it on the kitchen table.

Then he turned to face the other and didn’t protest at all as Mouse pressed him against the table and kissed him hard.

“Weren’t you hungry?” Francesco asked.

“Of you,” Mouse replied.

His skin was all goosebumps with desire. Mouse dragged him to the floor and pushed his t-shirt up. Francesco bit back a moan when hard lips landed on his nipples, sucking at them. The walls were a bit thin, and he didn’t want to scandalize the neighbors. At least, not yet.

He did his best to get Mouse out of his clothes, too, and laughed when the dog tags took a swing and hit him in the face. So many questions he had, but they could wait. Mouse was in charge. He was now a man, a real grownup, and Francesco whimpered as his legs were spread wide and impatient fingers probed his asshole.

“Do you think we can spare a moment to grab the lube?” he asked.

The green eyes twinkled with mischief at him. Francesco gasped as his ass was pushed upward and Mouse began eating it like there was nothing tastier in the universe. Time and time again, his eyes were flicking at him, loaded with the same desire. Francesco was afraid he would come from getting rimmed alone. Mouse pushed his ass cheeks apart and licked harder and deeper.

“Fuck,” Francesco moaned.

Mouse didn’t mind making a meal out of it, and his tongue began to inch closer to Francesco’s balls, giving them lavish licks.

“Are you going to make me cum without properly fucking me?”

Mouse chuckled. Even that was a bit different from before, a bit deeper, manlier, and it made Francesco feel his asshole twitch in anticipation of having this man fuck him into the kitchen floor.

“Can’t have that,” Mouse replied and smirked. “I’ll fuck you properly. Don’t you worry about that.”

Next thing Francesco knew, Mouse was grabbing his cock, stuffing his mouth with it. He was the best at that. Karl was surely the guy who knew how to fuck Francesco until he spoke in tongues, but Mouse had a mouth on him.

Francesco breathed harder and deeper. “They should call you Mouth, not Mouse,” he said through his groans of pleasure, as his lover worked his shaft with gusto.

“They do,” Mouse said after he pulled Francesco’s cock from his mouth for a moment with an obscene pop.

“What? Who?” Francesco hadn’t really expected an answer to his hypothetical suggestion.

No answer came this time, as Mouse turned back to the task at hand with a vengeance. He still held Francesco’s ass up in the air, and he pulled at the cock in his mouth with one hand, to the point that there was a bit of pain. Not that Francesco minded since the good sensations trampled everything else. At that point, he wouldn’t last long, and he felt his balls drawing close to his body while Mouse milked him with his mouth like he was a vacuum cleaner.

He closed his eyes, incapable to watch Mouse play with the cum on his tongue. His entire body was on fire, so he shivered when he felt something landing on his ass. Only then, he looked at his lover again, only to see him spreading the cum all over his hole.

“The best lube in the world, right?” Mouse didn’t wait for him to say anything and positioned himself at his backdoor.

Francesco had to slap one hand over his mouth as Mouse pushed his entire length inside him in one go. “What the fuck?” he breathed out.

Mouse gave him a shit-eating grin. “Ah, you’re tight. So Karl hasn’t come around here yet?”

Francesco reached for him with one hand and wrapped it around his neck. “You’re a bit of a bastard, aren’t you? Of course, he hasn’t come around. He’s getting married,” he mumbled through his teeth.

Mouse shrugged and then bit his bottom lip. “More ass from you to me, then.”

Francesco felt that hard and long cock splitting his ass to the point that he could barely breathe, or else he would have rolled his eyes. Still jealous, so the old Mouse was there still, as well. He tightened the pressure of his hand on the other’s throat in warning, but Mouse let his eyelids drop, throwing him that familiar seductive look he knew so well.

Then, he draped himself over Francesco and began to pound into him while sinking his teeth in one ear. The pain was a bit sudden and sharp, and Francesco felt his breath hitching for a moment. But it was good because it took his attention away from the way his ass was getting wrecked.

“Fuck, where did you learn to fuck like this?” he whispered.

His body was adjusting, pain giving way to the pleasure he had ached after all this time. He hadn’t expected Mouse to be so rough, but it felt good in a way. It showed that at least he hadn’t been the only one to wish for this to happen for two fucking long years.

“I’ll tell you later,” Mouse whispered in his ear. “Your ass is fucking everything, Kekko.”

Francesco wrapped his arms around him tightly and abandoned himself to the sensation of having his ass hammered like there was no tomorrow. Mouse was good at it, even more than when they were together. And he was strong, holding him down and giving it to him with everything he got.

“Fuck, I’m gonna fill you up,” Mouse promised and came inside him with a groan.

Francesco was still half hard when Mouse rolled off him. His ass pulsed and he could feel fresh cum pouring out of it, but he didn’t even think of protesting. Mouse was here, and that was all that mattered.

A sneaky hand grabbed his cock and began jerking it off. “This one’s for me,” Mouse told him and leaned over him to suck him off again.

Francesco mumbled something to protest, but Mouse was taking him deep, and he couldn’t say ‘no’ to that. A second ejaculation was pulled out of him, and this time, he shouted as loud as he could as he came down Mouse’s throat.


Mouse looked good in nothing but a pair of shorts Francesco lent to him after a short shower. And his dog tags. Maybe the time for questions was now. He placed two plates with food on the table, and gestured for Mouse to sit. The guy looked like he hadn’t seen food in forever. That was how he ate. On the other hand, he looked well fed, tanned, and in amazing shape.

“So,” Francesco started, not really in the mood to eat at the moment, “did you forget about me?”

Mouse snorted and shoveled food in his mouth. “My first leave, actual leave, in two years.”

“Really?” Francesco didn’t know what to say. “How about you start telling me what happened?”

Mouse looked at him, his mouth still full, and then he began to chew slowly, his eyes never leaving his face.

Francesco frowned. “Don’t tell me you are sworn to secrecy or something stupid like that.”

Mouse took a sip from the beer Francesco had brought to the table with the meal, waited for a moment to swallow everything and then he smiled.

No one could stay mad at this guy for too long, that was sure. Francesco found himself smiling, too.

“You fucker,” Mouse said, but with no bite, more like he was amused. “Where do you want me to start?”

“The beginning. I mean, why did you run… Okay, so they practically arrested you. And Karl, did he tell you about it? Beforehand? Did he want you to run?” He had like a thousand more questions, but he needed to let Mouse talk.

“You saw us fighting,” Mouse said it like it was a given. “He told me I had to pay my debts to society. I kid you not, those were his words.” He stopped for a moment, taking in Francesco’s face. There was so much love in that look, and Francesco wanted to drown in it. “So, naturally, I thought the guy was trying to throw me in the slammer. I didn’t let him finish and took off. I had no idea you’d trail after me like that.”

“How could I not?”

Mouse cocked his head and threw him another come-hither look.

“You’re not getting out of this by making doe eyes at me.”

“I’m not looking to,” Mouse protested, and his lips stretched into a huge smile. “Sure thing, I thought they would put me in a cell somewhere and throw the key. But it looked like Karl had something else in mind for me. Or better said, his daddy.”

Francesco’s eyes lit up with interest. “Did you meet the guy?”

“No. But Morgan told me this much.”

“Morgan.” So, the guy had helped him with bringing Mouse back to him, but that info pissed him off. “He knew where you were, I assume he knew how to find me, and he didn’t think for a moment to contact me.” Not that Morgan was under any obligation toward him, but still. Easy for him that time to say that everything would be fine. He must have known everything there was to know.

“I guess he wasn’t allowed to,” Mouse said with a shrug.

“Ah, so now he went against his boss? Is that it?” Francesco asked, feeling a bit annoyed. He sighed and waved. “Ignore me. Good thing he did. I hope he’s not going to lose his job over this. I’d feel guilty, and it’s not like my blowjobs are even that good.”

Mouse watched him, his eyebrows rising little by little. Then he blinked and grinned. “You must remind me how those are.” For a moment, he had looked like he was about to say something else.

“Later,” Francesco said. “Now, tell me, how the hell are you in uniform?”

“My debts getting paid. To society and shit,” Mouse added and laughed. “Yeah, I’m in the army now. But it’s all men there, no shortage of cocks in need of sucking, and,” he said feigning a sigh, “all in all, I’m living the life. Only that I’m on a short leash. When did you realize we didn’t know each other’s full names?”

Francesco didn’t insist on details. Mouse would tell him more about it if he wanted. “That was really stupid, right?” He didn’t wait for a confirmation. “I’ve been searching for you everywhere. I mean, not everywhere. I thought you were in prison.” He wanted to ask if Mouse ever searched for him, but didn’t dare. It didn’t matter.

For a moment, Mouse remained lost in thought. “I didn’t think I’d see you again.” He blinked a few times, and his smile turned wistful.

“Why? Did you think I’d forget you?”

“Something like that,” Mouse admitted. “I never thought I had you completely. And I thought that once you got back to the real world, enough hot men would be all over you to make you forget about me.”

“Never,” Francesco said abruptly. He worked his jaw. He felt pissed. “Didn’t I say so?”

“Kids say a lot of stupid crap.”

“Well, I said the truth.” Could it be that Mouse didn’t feel as strongly about him? Now that would be a bummer, but at least he’d know. He blinked fast a few times.

“I’m still so in love with you,” Mouse said abruptly, taking him by surprise. “I thought I’d forget you but couldn’t, and then word came and… It all came back to me.”

“Good, that’s good,” Francesco mumbled, not knowing what to say.

Mouse grinned again. “Fucker, just say that you’re in love with me, too, and let’s get over this fucking awkward moment, okay?”

Francesco let his head back and burst into laughter. “You had to keep me on my toes, hadn’t you?”

“Hey, it’s payback for all that time you cheated on me with Karl.”

“I wasn’t cheating,” Francesco said back. “I was working on making your ass walk free. Sorry about sending you into modern slavery.”

Mouse waved. “I like it. It appears that the army is a good outlet for people like me, with, you know, violent tendencies.”

Francesco shook his head. “So, how long do I have you for myself?”

“I’ll sleep here tonight. But I’ll have to leave tomorrow.”

It was hard to hide his disappointment.

“In the meantime, let me tell you about how I got my new nickname,” Mouse added.

“What new nickname?” Francesco asked, fighting to push away the sinking feeling of having to part with Mouse so soon.

“Mouth,” Mouse whispered and leaned over the table, while giving Francesco a conspiratorial wink.


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