In It for Life Ch. 07


“Shit, Cesco,” Karl breathed out after a few moments. “I need to see you.”

“Your wife’s looking for you,” Francesco said hurriedly. “Just get off the phone.”

He didn’t wait for Karl’s reply and cut the conversation. Then he slumped against the counter and pressed his head against the fridge. This was nuts. They were playing with fire. But he couldn’t stop if it killed him.


It was pouring cats and dogs outside, and that used to remind him of that time when Karl had punished him out in the rain for lying like a stupid bitch. No one could give him the same mix of dread and arousal like Karl did. At the time, Francesco had thought that he was done for, that Karl would hate him for good, but for them, it had been nothing but a stepping stone.

Whatever they had, it was doomed to fail anyway, so he had no idea what he was hoping for. The proceedings with the wedding were underway like usual. Surely, Karl would continue to see him after he got hitched, not that he did so often right now. But maybe later, he wouldn’t be under so much scrutiny. Ever since their dirty phone sex, they hadn’t even spoken to each other.

Francesco pushed the balls of his hands against his eyes, letting out a groan of frustration. What the fuck was he supposed to do? He’d ask Karl if he got the chance when Mouse would be allowed to come home for good. Not that he had talked to Mouse about whether or not he wanted to stay in the army indefinitely, but he wanted to learn from Karl how long that sentence was. He had to know.

These celebrity weddings went through a lot, but a hell of a lot of preparations. Francesco couldn’t believe it, but it was the only way for him to see Karl, on stupid TV shows and whatnot. He didn’t dare to call or text, as he couldn’t tell if there wasn’t someone listening in. To keep himself busy, Francesco had taken to learning everything he could about Karl’s dad, to the point that it had become nothing short of obsession. The man was a political chameleon, choosing sides as he saw fit, and somehow managing all the while to appear that he had always been a staunch supporter of the values the new flag under which he served represented.

That didn’t mean that he had some kind of wishy-washy personality. Francesco examined the stern face on his screen. That harsh jawline, the cold eyes, spoke of someone calculated, who never left things at the whims of fate. A small burst of laughter bubbled in Francesco’s chest at the thought. If this guy ever learned of Karl’s preference for boy pussy, he would be one step from a heart attack.

But no, that would be insane, and Francesco knew that his laughter came from a place of fear, deep and wide, not like what he felt when Karl took him hard. That was mixed with arousal and the not so easy to define feelings he had for the other. Just looking at Karl’s dad made him feel fear for real. That was a man who could order someone to be erased like in those stupid B-rated movies. Even if that was just his fear talking, it didn’t mean that it couldn’t be true.

Karl looked like his father, but not completely. Where his old man’s eyes were washed out and cruel, Karl’s blues could light up with warmth. Maybe he would grow up to look like him, but there was still something softer in his features, as well as his personality that made him different.

And also the fact that Karl liked boys. Francesco seriously doubted Mr. Bigshot Senator ever put his dick anywhere near a dude’s ass. He looked straighter than a pole, and pretty much a mean motherfucker, the kind who’d bully anyone he deemed less of a man without thinking twice. Regardless of where his dallying with political loyalties had taken him, he appeared to keep pretty straight views. Some publications didn’t shy away from calling him out on being a homophobe, although he had always denied such accusations on the grounds that he was only a supporter of the unity of the family and nothing else, without imposing on other people’s freedoms.

Something like a thump against his front door startled him. He shook off the short shiver that coursed down his back within less of a second and went for the door.

Soaked through and looking worse for wear, Karl stood there. Francesco grabbed him by the lapels of his coat and pulled him inside. “What are you even thinking?”

He closed the door quickly and kissed Karl on the lips. They were cold and wet, a sign that Karl must have stood outside in the rain for a while before setting foot in Francesco’s building.

“Why the fuck are you like this?” Francesco made fast work of pushing Karl’s coat away and getting him out of his wet clothes. “Did you walk here from your place? Like a hundred miles or so?”

“No,” Karl replied, the only word he uttered since he had come through the door.

“Let’s get you warm.”

He tried to continue taking Karl’s clothes one by one and placing them on the back of a chair. He’d see about drying them later, but now he needed to bring Karl a change of clothes. Karl pushed away from him and got rid of the rest, spreading them all over the floor. As soon as he stepped out of his underwear, he grabbed Francesco’s face in his palms and kissed him hard and deep. “Don’t talk. I just need to be inside you.”

That was fine by him, too. They stumbled toward the bedroom, with Karl landing on top of him, never letting go of his lips. Francesco spread wide, as wide as he could, and Karl snuck his arms under his legs, bending them and exposing his hole at just the right angle for his cock.

“Wait, just a bit,” Francesco breathed out and pushed two fingers in his mouth to wet them and then inside his ass.

Karl hovered above him, lunging for short wild kisses landing everywhere on his face, while his cock banged against his balls, taint, and lower at random. Francesco had to fight him a little to get his cock wet enough to enter. It was still too little, and the pain flashed through him as Karl pushed in.

“Fucker,” he let out with a hiss as Karl groaned in delight.

“I like you tight,” Karl whispered.

“You do, huh?” Francesco wrapped his hands around him. “Missed you, asshole.”

“Don’t talk,” Karl pleaded and kissed him again.

Francesco moaned as Karl smashed against him with all his force, making pain and pleasure blend together like usual. His skin was hot, and Karl’s, albeit still wet, was getting even hotter. The slamming of body against body was so loud, but Francesco couldn’t bring himself to care. The neighbors could go suck it; they weren’t the ones who had to go for weeks without as little as a freaking kiss.

He’d feel this for sure tomorrow. He wouldn’t be able to sit, but it didn’t matter. When they were on the island, he got fucked like this on the regular. His body was just no longer used to it.

Karl came first, filling his ass and crashing on top of him. Francesco patted him on the back. “I can see you missed my ass, too.”

Karl said nothing, but after a while, he began moving his hips again. Francesco mumbled a curse as he was getting hammered again. Now was easier due to all that cum in his ass. He could hear it making obscene sounds, and it made him even hornier. This time, Karl took longer, and his big cock pushed obsessively at the right angle, making Francesco spill his balls, too.


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