In It for Life Ch. 08


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 08 In It For Life


The sound of his phone ringing woke him up. For a few moments, he had a hard time realizing what the noise was all about. The rain still raged outside, and Karl’s head on his shoulder was heavy. Francesco groaned as he extracted himself slowly from under the guy’s weight and worked his arm that was stiff like a log.

He smiled when he saw who was calling. “Finally allowed to make a phone call?” he asked in a whisper.

“Yeah. I miss you so badly,” Mouse replied with a chuckle. “Why are you so quiet?”

“He’s in my bed, sleeping,” Francesco said and looked over his shoulder at Karl.

The handsome face was half a frown, a sign that not even in the land of dreams did Karl let go of anything, let alone the drama that was his life.

“Kiss him for me,” Mouse teased.

“Sure, why not?” Francesco turned and leaned over to kiss the corner of Karl’s mouth. “This is from Mouse,” he whispered and snickered.

He yelped as Karl grabbed his hand, the one holding the phone and then pushed himself up while opening his eyes. He forced Francesco’s hand to his ear. “Hi, slut,” he said in a noncommittal voice.

Francesco pressed his head near to hear the conversation.

“Are you fucking our boy good?” Mouse asked with a chuckle.

“Yeah, sure thing I fuck him good,” Karl replied.

“I’m your boy now?” Francesco asked. “You’re both barely older than me.”

“Boy like in boyfriend, Kekko,” Mouse said.

“Whose boyfriend?” Karl asked, and it looked like the good old green eyed friend was back with him.

“Yours,” Francesco said gently and caressed his cheek.

“Kiss him so that I can hear you,” Mouse said in a heated voice. “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to be with the two of you right now.”

Karl pursed his lips to show that he wasn’t happy with Mouse’s words, but Francesco drew the shape of his lower lip with his thumb and coaxed him into a slow sweet kiss.

“I’ll fuck him so that you can hear him,” Karl said and pushed Francesco on his back. He tore the phone out of Francesco’s hand and threw it on the bed by the side of his head. “I’ll make him moan loud enough for your entire unit to hear him,” he added as he spread Francesco’s legs wide and settle himself comfortably between them.

Francesco matched Karl’s grunt when the guy pushed inside him. He could hear Mouse laughing in his ear.

“How hard does he do you, Kekko? Like usual?”

“You can say that,” Francesco turned his head toward the phone as if Mouse were physically there with them. “Bent on wrecking my ass and all that, unlike you.”

Karl placed both his palms hard by the sides of Francesco’s head to draw his attention. His eyes were a bit wild, while his cock hammered hard and deep.

“But he doesn’t scare me like he used to,” Francesco breathed out as he lifted his legs to rest them against Karl’s shoulders and allow him a deeper penetration.

No need for some special invitation. Karl put his weight behind each stroke and increased his rhythm, making the bed creak noisily.

“Fuck, I think he’s wrecking your bed, too, not just your ass,” Mouse joked. “I’m going to whip out my cock.”

“Can you jerk off? No one around?” Francesco asked breathlessly and moaned louder.

No one knew like Karl to give his ass what it needed. His big fat cock pushed against his ass, filling it to the brim.

“Yeah,” Mouse said. “I miss your tits, Kekko. So fucking perky and pretty.”

Another grunt from Karl followed. He rested against one hand and used the other to tease Francesco’s nipples, pulling hard at them.

“Oh, fuck,” Francesco breathed out. He arched his back off the bed. As much as it hurt when Karl was rough, a twisted part of him liked it to the extreme.

“Karl, bite Kekko’s tiny tits for me,” Mouse said with a low growl. “Suck them in your mouth.”

He wasn’t expecting Karl to do as told, but a hungry mouth landed on his chest. Francesco cried out as sharp teeth gave way to a bit of a sting as they pulled at one erect nipple.

“Stop provoking him, Mouse,” Francesco begged. “Fucker’s going crazy here. It’s enough that I won’t be able to sit on my ass for days after this. I won’t be able to wear a shirt, either.”

“I’d go crazy, too, if I were there. I’d fuck you so hard,” Mouse drawled, while his breathing was growing more ragged with each word.

“You’d have to wait in line,” Karl warned.

“Never minded your sloppy seconds, fucker,” Mouse said with a short laugh. “Fuck, you guys are killing me. I’m going to shoot.”

Francesco closed his eyes while listening to Mouse’s cry of release that seemed to go on for minutes, but opened them when he felt Karl doing the same. His ass twitched in sympathy and he let go of all the pent up desire in one long shout.


“I didn’t know you could have three-way phone sex,” he said as he lay on his belly, the phone in front of him.

Karl was slowly caressing his back, insisting along the crack and playing with his own cum. Francesco shivered as the sensation was a bit too much. His ass would be sore for sure.

“I must have great timing,” Mouse chuckled on the other end.

“When’s your next leave?” Francesco asked.

Karl pushed two fingers inside him, making him whimper in discomfort.

“I’ll manage something in about two months. Earlier, if your other boyfriend agrees.”

Francesco looked over his shoulder at Karl. “Can you do that?”

Karl grimaced.

“C’mon, you’re fucking me once a month at best anyway,” Francesco insisted.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Francesco was curious as hell about the arrangement between the two but decided to keep his mouth shut for now. Later, he would try to find as much as he could from Karl.

“See, Kekko? Your second boyfriend can be reasonable when he wants.”

“Oh, fuck, you really like trouble,” Francesco moaned. “Be a good boy and say ‘thank you, Karl’, okay?”

“Thank you, Karl,” Mouse said cheerfully.

Karl only growled in response.

“I love you,” Francesco said quietly while resting his head on a stretched arm.

“Love you, too,” Mouse replied. “Talk to you soon, hopefully.”

“Yeah, take care, babe.”

He gasped as he felt Karl adding more fingers and fucking him deeper.

“The hell’s wrong with you?” he asked through his teeth.

“You’re sure you have to ask?” Karl curled his fingers, pushing the knuckles against Francesco’s most sensitive spot.

“Stop destroying my ass,” Francesco moaned but wiggled his butt, wanting more of that sensation inside him.

“Your mouth says one thing, your ass another.” Karl pushed one arm under Francesco’s hips, lifting his ass and began moving his hand faster. “I need to keep this ass satisfied, or you might get ideas.”

“What ideas?” Francesco pleaded, his voice raspy and faint.

“Like wanting more cock on the regular when you know I can’t give it to you.”

Francesco braced himself for more and wasn’t disappointed. Karl was doing short work of working half a hand inside him, pounding him hard. “You and Mouse,” he said with difficulty, “you two are enough for me.”

“For now,” Karl said. “But there’s no way a cock hungry ass like yours would stay empty forever. I might have to get a butt plug for you.”

“Fucker,” Francesco protested. He pushed himself up and caught Karl by the back of the neck with one hand. He held their lips close, hovering less than an inch away from a kiss. “I have a remedy for that.”

“Like what?”

Francesco disentangled himself from Karl’s hands and walked over to the drawer. He grabbed the dildo and threw it at Karl, making sure to hit the fucker in the face with it.

“What’s this?” Karl frowned as he held the dildo and examined it with narrow eyes. “Fuck, Cesco, did you really need to get one this big? Your ass wants more, doesn’t it?”

Francesco groaned and climbed on the bed. He took the dildo from Karl’s hand and then pumped the fucker’s cock to full mast. As he aligned the two together, he stared into Karl’s eyes. “Usually dudes think their cocks are bigger, not smaller. I picked this one because it was just like your cock.”

Karl looked down and then back at Francesco. His mouth quirked into a smile. “Nostalgic much?”

“Much,” Francesco confirmed. “So you see, you don’t have to worry that I’ll start cruising for cock when I have your dick’s clone at home.”

He was surprised by the kiss when Karl brought their mouths together. Francesco wrapped his arms around him and held him close.

“Karl, can I ask you something?”

A short nod encouraged him to continue. “About Mouse.”

Karl sighed but nodded again.

“When can he come home for good? I mean, he didn’t tell me exactly what his position there is.”

“He’ll have to serve for several years more,” Karl replied.

“That’s the deal?”


Francesco remained silent for a while. “Was that why Mouse ran away that day when we had to leave the island?”

“Not really. At the time, I thought my dad wanted him to do time. Not for life, but still, for a long time.”

“How long?”

“About ten. Less for good behavior and all that.”

“And he still preferred to stay on the island?”

Karl shrugged. “Don’t ask me what’s on that slut’s mind. But you don’t know anything about how real prison life is, Cesco. I’d say Mouse had every reason to run away.”

“That’s why you didn’t stop him.”

Karl nodded. “You saw us, right? Yeah, I wanted to take Mouse with us for you, but I didn’t hate the asshole that much as to take him only so that he would end up in prison for a decade. But you butted in, like usual, so I was left with no choice but to get both of you on that chopper, after all.”

“And yet, you did end up keeping your promise,” Francesco said. “Now, tell me, how come Mouse didn’t end up in prison after all?”

Karl groaned and let his head back, staring for a moment at the ceiling. “You always want to know everything.”

“Why not? Shouldn’t I?”

“Fine,” Karl exhaled. “You cried so much on the way back.”

“Mouse was in a cage, you hated me… I’d say I had plenty of reasons to cry a river,” Francesco said.

“And I hated to hear you cry. Plus, Mouse did save my life once.”

“So you asked your dad for another favor?”

“Yeah. He’s the kind of guy that doesn’t hesitate when you give him more reasons to lord over you with his so-called generosity. Plus, he thinks that criminals would make pretty good soldiers. Killer instincts and all that.”

“For real?”

“Yeah. Of course, he named it a second chance, reformation, and all that. Since your boyfriend is also young, my dad sold it well. Hence Mouse is in the army now, serving the country, like a good lap dog.”

“Better than in prison, I guess.”

“Maybe,” Karl said. “His life is still on the line, you know.”

“No need to remind me. But why are you still so jealous? You know I love you.”

Karl took Francesco’s face in his palms and stared into his eyes. “Mouse has a chance to come back to you, and you two can be together. I don’t have that chance. Whatever my dad has planned for me, I need to live up to expectations. I’m in that shit for life.”

“I’m sorry,” Francesco said and caressed Karl’s strong shoulders. “It’s because of me.”

“Don’t waste your breath, Cesco. I made the choice. You just happened to be a stubborn mule, too much in love with that slut. And you’re asking me why I’m jealous? He can have you the way I can’t.”

Francesco understood. He took Karl in his arms and began kissing him. “Look, it doesn’t matter that you’re getting married. I’ll always be here, whenever you need me.”

“And put you at risk? Each time I see you, I’m doing that. And still, I can’t help myself,” Karl admitted and kissed back. “I want you too much to love you like I should and stay the fuck away from you.”

“You’re just silly,” Francesco joked. “I’m happy that you want me because I love too much to leave you alone just as much, engaged or married or whatever. I don’t care that you’re that man’s son.”

“Let’s hope you won’t ever be put in the position to do care and see just what that man, as you call him, can do.”

They were walking on thin rope, but it was true for the both of them that they couldn’t stop.

“I love you, Karl,” Francesco said. “And not only because you saved Mouse for me. I love you because I do.”

Karl shut him up with a deep kiss.



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