In It for Life Ch. 25


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 25 AN – @Caramelunicorn – yes, that will happen, but towards the end.

In It For Life


“I stink,” Francesco breathed out as he climbed inside the car. “What is Morgan going to think?” Without a doubt, they were heading home, and he didn’t believe it would be possible for him to sneak inside without the bodyguard taking a good look at him and guessing what happened.

“Morgan has seen plenty of crazy shit in his life,” Karl said matter-of-factly. Without adding anything else, he reached for the dashboard and rummaged inside for something.

Francesco caught the slim pack of wet tissues and quickly pulled one out. “Maybe, but do you really want me to feel too embarrassed to face him every day?”

A grunt followed. “What’s there to be embarrassed about? Cesco, Morgan knows you’re a whore. I bet he likes you for it, too.” The last words were added under his breath.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Francesco felt defensive, and he had reasons to do so.

“Exactly that,” Karl replied. He looked at him, and Francesco turned his eyes away, afraid that Karl might just read the truth in them and get pissed at him. “You look good with my piss on you.”

Francesco was trying to clean his neck and hair. This time, he shot a vile look at Karl.

“Yeah, look at me like that,” Karl encouraged him and laughed. “I don’t want you all broken because my asshole dad thought he could do that to you.”

Francesco scoffed. “Like I’d be so easy to break, what the hell? Don’t you know me by now? And honestly, I thought I was done for at the time.”

“Blowing and sucking some guys dry with your ass and mouth was better, right?” Karl asked.

Francesco pursed his lips. Maybe it was a good idea just to keep his mouth shut. No point in reminding Karl how he was turned into a cum bucket by Don’s men.

“Why don’t you say anything? You can answer,” Karl insisted.

“I’d rather not,” Francesco murmured and looked out the car window. They didn’t move and just had this weird conversation of which he had no idea what to make.

He flinched when Karl reached for him. “Easy,” Karl said in a tender tone. He gently ran his hand alongside Francesco’s cheek and then wrapped gently around the back of his neck. “I already know I cannot not love you.”

“So, you’re resigned with it? That’s what you want to say?”

“No, you silly whore,” Karl scolded him with affection. “Stop beating yourself up for nothing. I don’t mind it. You know, that you took all those cocks. No one has you like I do. And I’ll make sure no one else will intervene between us again.”

“What are you thinking?” Francesco asked. He relaxed into Karl’s caress. “Don’t do anything stupid. Your dad is not easy to take down.”

“I have my methods.” Karl let go of him and put both hands on the wheel. “Any snake has an underbelly, right? I only need to figure out how to strike him there.”

Francesco touched Karl’s thigh. “Not alone, Karl, okay? I mean, I know it’s your dad, but I can only imagine that he won’t take lightly you coming for him, whatever you’re thinking to do. I don’t want to lose you. He’s a very bad man.”

Karl had a weird smile on his face as he started the car engine. “I’m his own flesh and blood. He won’t do it, the thing you don’t dare to say out loud. And that’s going to be his weak point.”


Morgan’s scrutinizing eyes followed him as he rushed inside the house, eager to take a shower. “Francesco,” he said in a stern voice.

He just waved as he hurried up the stairs. “Just don’t, please.”

“Nothing happened to him,” Karl said. “Let’s talk a little.”

Francesco watched from the top of the stairs how Karl gestured for the bodyguard to follow him outside. Karl had secrets, and he couldn’t blame him. With a family like that, he had to keep a lot to himself. Without a word, he turned on his heel and went straight to the bathroom.

The warm water did something to calm his nerves. To think that Karl had done that to him. Francesco licked his lips and stared at his growing cock. Clearly, his husband was right to call him all those names. He was a crazy whore alright.

While he couldn’t say that he was that keen on swallowing piss, the idea made him horny. Would Karl do it again, use him as his personal toilet, if there was no upper hand against his asshole of a father to be gained? Francesco closed his eyes and let himself fantasize for a bit. How would it feel to have Karl hold his head tipping back over the toilet bowl and ask him to open wide so that he would piss again in his mouth?

He began stroking his cock. Oh, fuck, he was fucked up, but now that he had had a taste of Karl’s piss, as weird as it was, he wanted it again. If Karl wasn’t with Morgan, talking serious business right now, Francesco would grab him and ask him to do it again only so that he could see that it wasn’t some fluke. He really did want the piss. Not, not just anyone’s, but Karl’s. Francesco still wanted to land a drop kick on Don’s nuts for doing that to him.

It was maybe because Karl kept saying that he loved him. Don hated his guts. Not that Francesco could blame the fucker entirely. After all, Francesco had ruined any dreams the guy must have had about his son being an obedient offspring and go off to marry into a good family and make him even richer.

But was it for the money? All that shit? Francesco couldn’t wrap his head around that. Don had everything he wanted, financially speaking. He had power, too, so why the fuck was he getting off on pissing on a dude’s face? Francesco could bet the fucker could hire the most expensive prostitutes and pay for their silence, while making them do the craziest shit.

It had to do with Karl. The fucker would never get over how his son made a fool out of him. He was like a fucking dog with a bone.

Francesco felt his erection dying. Did Don hate his son? That was fucked up, but what did Francesco know about dads, anyway? His own hadn’t cared to stick around long enough to get to know him. His stepdad had fucked his ass and humiliated him. What he knew of dads was a bunch of bullshit.

Except for Morgan, of course. The guy played daddy perfectly. Francesco felt his cock growing again. Yeah, Morgan was the kind of man who could make any boy feel cared for and protected. When he and Mouse had blown the guy together, Morgan had never stopped praising them. With a guy like that, anyone would feel safe.

Even Karl. Francesco shook his head. He was reading into stuff now, for real. There was no way Karl would be with Morgan like that. It was a nice fantasy, but Francesco knew his husband was all macho, not the kind to bend over and let another man fuck his ass.

Francesco groaned and began rubbing his cock. Karl had such a strong muscled ass, and he would look so good from behind, the back of his thighs stretched taut, while grunting and taking a hard cock in his ass. He’d probably hate it… no, he’d just hate that he liked it, and it wasn’t possible for a guy like that to like being made to get on all fours, present his ass, and accept a hard cock, while his own got hard.

Francesco groaned and closed his eyes. Fuck, he better not tell Karl ever that he fantasized about stuff like that. As much as Karl seemed more like a human these days and not the beast Francesco had known him for before, he surely wouldn’t like that. He might even punish Francesco a little. But how? How would he do that?

No matter how, it would make him shoot, Francesco threw one last thought together and sent his nut juice flying and landing on the wall. He took several moments and get his breath back and then directed the jet of water to clean it.

He was getting way too used to being used. Now what? He wanted to be punished, too? It all happened because of Karl and his weird ways of showing his affection. Francesco snorted at himself. He was just as fucked up, and he couldn’t just blame it all on Karl.

Suddenly, he felt a need to hear Mouse. The redhead would tell him it was alright to want to get pissed on and punished. He’d never judge him, Francesco knew it.


“What did you and Morgan talk so much?” Francesco had put together a dinner of sorts with what he found in the fridge and the pantry. He hoped Karl liked pasta. Hell, on that island, they would have never had a problem like that. Wasn’t life easier before? Surely, there was no Karl’s dad, and that was a bonus Francesco hadn’t even known it existed at that time.

Karl grabbed a fork. “Stuff.”

“Really? Stuff? Is this all you’re going to tell me after today? I’m by your side, you know.”

“I don’t want you by my side. I want you safe,” Karl replied while digging in ravenously.

“Doesn’t he want to eat something, too?”

Karl shrugged. “He can order takeout.”

Francesco pursed his lips in annoyance. “He’s practically family.”

Karl put his fork down. “Fine. Geez, I don’t know why I married. You’re such a fucking nagging wife.” He got up.

“Where are you going?”

Karl threw him a look like he was some kind of lunatic. “I’m going to tell him to come to dinner if he wants.”

“Can’t you just send him a message?” Francesco pointed at the phone on the table.

“He’s over there,” Karl said and made a gesture to signify just how close they practically lived.

Francesco couldn’t admit that he just didn’t want Karl to disappear from his sight now that he was back from his day long conversation with Morgan. “I’ll go.” Maybe the bodyguard would be less tight-lipped than Karl.


“Would you like to come and eat with us?” He remained on the doorsteps of the guesthouse.

Morgan stepped aside and gestured for him to come in. Francesco threw one look toward the house. He could see Karl at the table, enjoying his meal and not bothering to wait for them. He walked in.

“What did you two talk about?” he asked.

Morgan surprised him by taking him in his arms and giving him a hard hug. “Let him tell you that.”

Francesco struggled to free himself. “He won’t do it. Why do you think I’m asking you?”

Morgan sighed. “Karl will come to it on his own terms.”

“Why the fuck do you stare at me like you pity me or something?” Something was off about Morgan’s attitude toward him. Francesco narrowed his eyes and groaned. “Did he tell you he pissed in my mouth?”

Morgan’s eyes grew wide in alarm and then darted away.

“Fuck me, right?” Francesco mumbled. “Some weird convos you two have. Whatever, you don’t have to pity me or anything. You know, Karl’s piss tastes great.”

Morgan stared at him, searching his face for signs that he was joking. Francesco shrugged and turned away. “Come and eat with us if you want. Or don’t. I don’t care.” He grunted as a rough hand caught his ass and squeezed.

“Baby boy, you’re even naughtier than I thought. I’d love to watch you drink Karl’s piss.”

“Well, not today. I got my fill,” Francesco replied. “Are you coming?”

Morgan laughed and let go of his ass. “Yeah, I’m coming. For real, Francesco, you must be the sexiest young man I’ve ever met.”

“Maybe you haven’t met a lot.”

“I don’t think so.” Morgan came closer and blew hot air over his ear. “But stop giving me a hardon at inappropriate times.”

“Can’t help it. It’s a gift.”

Morgan chuckled and kissed his cheek. “Let’s go. What did you order?”

“I’m Italian,” Francesco said in an offended tone. “I can cook.”

“Shoot, sorry,” Morgan drawled and opened the door, inviting him to walk out first.

“You better be,” Francesco said in a light tone.

Yeah, he was right. Just spending a little time with Morgan made him feel alright and not any less of a human being for liking weird sexual kinks.



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