Innocent youth by chip84

A gay adult story: Innocent youth by chip84

Dean and Matthew were eagerly anticipating the end of term and the start of their summer holidays. As they sat in the classroom on the last day, they could feel the anticipation building inside them. The clock ticked steadily, marking time until the bell would signal their freedom for the next seven weeks. When it finally rang, the students poured out of the classrooms and converged at the school gates. Dean and Matthew headed towards the bus stop, but as they walked, they discussed their plans for the weekend.

“How about we do something for the whole weekend?” Dean suggested.

“Like what?” Matthew asked.

“Let’s go camping at Cliff Point,” Dean replied.

Matthew hesitated, knowing that Cliff Point was a popular campsite that had been closed due to inappropriate behavior. But Dean assured him that they could still get in by going through a gap in the fence.

When they arrived home, the boys spoke to their parents about their plans. Dean’s and James’ parents were both on board, but Matthew’s parents expressed concern about the predicted rain. Despite their overprotectiveness, they ultimately agreed to let him go.

Later that evening, Dean and James logged onto their chat room to discuss their plans further. Matthew, however, had to log off, citing a family picnic at the beach as the reason. In reality, he was too embarrassed to admit that his parents had vetoed the camping trip.

As they finalized their plans, Dean decided to bring his three-man dome tent, while James offered to bring snacks and sneak a bottle of vodka out of his house. They also planned to stop for some soda on the way to mix with their drinks. Luckily, James’ parents had offered to give Dean a ride, making transportation one less thing for the boys to worry about.

The next day James’s parents arrived to take dean. Dean said bye to his mam and dad and carried his rucksack with ease to the car and put it in the boot of the vehicle. After a short distance James’s mam got out and went into a nearby shop and bough 2 2litre bottles of cola and asked James and dean if it was enough and both boys’s silently nodded.

When they reached the site the boys got their gear out of the car. James’s mam said ok boys have fun. If you need anything just call us ok. Ok mam said James and the car drove off. The boys put their rucksacks on and James led the way to the opening. The campsite was surrounded by woodlands and has a river running alongside of it. As they got through the first lot of fencing they started fighting their way through the trees. The sweat started to drip from every pore of their bodies, the heat was intense but it looked like storm clouds in the sky.

As they reached the opening they noticed it was more than big enough, first they chucked through their bags and then crawled through themselves and dean crawled through the gap. James stood back and watched as dean bent forward, he was getting aroused at the sight of his friend’s ass and imagining what he could do with it. He could fell his cock starting to swell as the blood rushed too it. He had to stop thinking about it, otherwise dean would notice.

Once through they walked around trying to find the best spot. There was one spot shaded with tree’s which would provide cover from the oncoming weather, and they decided to pitch the tent there.

Once the ten was up both boys’ started to unpack their stuff they laid both their sleeping bags side by side. Dean unpacked some sandwiches which his mother had prepared for then and James unpacked a multi pack of crisps, some cookies and sweets, finally was a bottle of vodka. James said don’t worry my parents won’t miss it and then pulled out two plastic beakers.

Dean pulled out a Polaroid camera and said we should take some pictures and show Matthew what he’s missing and took a picture of the vodka. “How many pictures do you have left” 18 dean said. “We should go out and take some pictures of the campsite for memories as well.” James suggested. No sooner had they reached the river it started to rain. Both boys ran as fast as they could back to the tent. When they got back to the tent it dawned on them how wet they actually were.

James started to get undressed and dean turned his back and started to take his shirt off and jeans. As he sat there in his boxer shorts. James asked “what’s wrong” dean replied “I have no spare clothes” then panic hit James as he realized he didn’t have a change either, then decided it would be best to get into their sleeping bags.

“How about a drink?” suggested James? Dean Greadily said yes and they both commenced on the vodka. James knew that dean was straight but he wanted him so badly he was willing to do anything. So as James set himself to pour the drinks he made sure to give dean at least 3 times more vodka than himself.

As the afternoon turned into night the rain was still hammering down and shortly after dean passed out with the alcohol. James seized his opportunity as dean laid encased in his sleeping bag snoring. James slowly and carefully undid the zip on the sleeping bag knowing not too wake fan. But with the way how dean was snoring he’s probably sleep through an earthquake.

James opened the sleeping bag and drew his attention to the flaccid bulging dean’s boxers. Temptation and curiosity got the better of James as he lifted up the waistband just enough so he could sneak a peak, and there it was. The cock of his friend the person who was going to be in a tent with him all night. James took it to the next step he looked at deans thick but not that long only approx 3inches if that cock. James thought well here goes he pulled dean’s boxer’s a couple of inches below his testicles. There was very little pubic hair. Either dean been trimming it or had just reached puberty. Dean’s sleeping meat was too good of an opportunity to miss.

James lent across and took deans soft fleshy piece into his mouth. It was the first time James had ever given a blowjob, and he only knew what he saw from his parent’s porn collection. James wrapped his thumb and fingers round the base and took every inch of dean’s cock in his mouth and lightly sucked, whilst cupping dean’s testicles with his remaining three fingers. James hoped dean would wake and would want more however on the other hand he didn’t want dean to wake, in fear that dean would stop him.

Suddenly something strange happened deans cock started to grow inside of James’s mouth. James moved further up from the base of dean’s shaft as he couldn’t take it all in his mouth. James’s was astounded by the size. It was at least 7inches long. James though I have to get a picture of this and took a Polaroid photo. The light of the flash was enough to wake dean. Dean rubbed his eyes and looked at his enraging hard-on and looked at James with the camera in his hand.

“What are you doing” murmured a drunken dean.

“I’m giving you a blowjob. Now lie back and close your eyes” James said

“Why you doing that?” dean responded.

“I want you, I need you and I’ll do anything to have you”

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