Irish Roommate

A gay story: Irish Roommate My family always wanted to have a foreign exchange student, after my aunt and uncle had one from Japan, my senior year. It was really awesome having a temporary cousin from a different culture for a year. They lived close, but in a different school district. He didn’t go to my school, but our families were together on the weekends and during breaks. He was a really nice guy. About 5′ tall, 18 years old, darker skin, black thick hair, and… I did see him naked once during a family weekend swim. We were at the local pool, and we got changed in the locker room together. I had regular board shorts, and he had the skimpiest speedo. But as he changed into it, I noticed he was intact, with a nice 5″ long thick cock. It was a bit darker than the rest of him, and hanging out of a very thick bush of straight black hair. He noticed me as well. I was blonde, super white, skinny as a tree branch and also sporting a foreskin. He was hesitant to ask, being a very polite guy, but he inquired about my foreskin.

He said, “During showers at PE, I only saw Americans that were circumcised.”

I responded, “It was a common practice to rob boys in the US of their foreskins, but some of us escaped the mutilation.”

He looked sad and said, “I don’t understand how anyone could do that to boys.”

Later that same year, my parents applied to have a foreign exchange student too. They were accepted and he was going to be living with us starting that August, before we went to college, and living with us for a year. We were both going to college in August and it was a perfect situation for him to have a temporary family here in the US to visit with durning breaks. We were going to be “brothers” and bunking together. I could only imagine having this kind of comfort if I studied abroad. His name was Dylan and he was coming from a small island of the coast of Ireland. It was supposedly a really rural area of Ireland, and he was coming to a very rural part of the Midwest. So the culture shock would only come to both of us when we got to campus.

We all went to our tiny airport to pick him up. The poor guy had been on a plane for so long, and had to take multiple layovers to get from his little island to our small airport. We all waited at the end of the terminal with a big sign that said “Welcome to the Midwest, Dylan”.

I noticed a rather ripped, very Ginger, guy with freckles, and a tight green T-Shirt look towards us. He had a huge smile and ran over to us. He said hello with the thickest Irish accent I’ve ever heard. I was taken aback a bit at what a gorgeous specimen he was. I was a bit jealous at first glance at his thick red styled hair, ripped arms and pecs poking from under his shirt.

We drove back to our house and showed him where his bedroom was going to be until we went to our dorms in a couple of weeks. It was gonna be right next to mine. I was excited to have a brother per se at this point in my life.

School started on August 10th and I drove us to our dorms, about an hour away towards the big city. I’d only driven to Chicago or St. Louis on my own, and this was great having a passenger to talk to the whole time. We were cracking up about being “farmers” but not being actual farmers. We just lived and grew up in the sticks.

Once we pulled up to the dorm, he said, “wow, this is a really old building. I hope it looks as cool on the inside as it does on the outside.”

We lugged all of our boxes, suitcases, and mini fridge up to our dorm. It was a very hot August Summer afternoon, and we were sweating through our shirts. The dorms were built in the early 1900’s so there was no central AC. Once we had everything set up in our “not so small” dorm, we took our shirts off and wiped our faces down. I was afraid we would have a small hole to live in, but it was rather large compared to what I expected. We were only two doors down from the showers and 4 from the elevator. We looked at each other, dripping with sweat and shirtless. I said, awkwardly, “You are ripped and that is a nice bod”.

I immediately blushed at delivering him this compliment, but he replied with “You are sporting a nice frame too, Lad.”

The awkwardness subsided and we went back to putting our knick knacks, books, toiletries, and clothes were they should go. I did notice that he was prone to only wearing basketball shorts and it didn’t look like he wore anything under them. There was a bit of a swinging behind the curtain with every major move he made while getting set up. We turned on our box fans that were propped in the windows and blew all the hot air out. I had brought a bottle of Irish Whiskey, that my older cousin bought me. I was excited to get our first drink on in our new found freedom. Dylan looked at me with excitement as I opened the bottle and poured us a small glass. We didn’t have any ice, so it was a bit strong and warm, but it did the trick.

“Cheers to a new year of fun and friendship, buddy,” I said as we clinked our glasses together. We then laid in our beds hoping to get some relief from the move, and fell asleep. We laid coverless in our shorts on our beds, and just before I fell asleep, I could see he was pitching a tent, and snoring. This made me laugh, as I was probably going to do the same. Like every night so far in my life.

The next day, we compared our schedules. We were going to have similar freshman classes, but he was on more of a Biology/Science path with classes, while I was more Arts and Math. We only had a couple classes at the same time. We each had a P.E. elective. I was doing Volleyball, and he was taking Lacrosse. We were back in our dorms around the same time and would hit the cafeteria together.

He was becoming friends with a lot of my old high school friends that were in some of his classes. A handful of my classmates were accepted and were going to our same college now. I didn’t realize that one of my exes was attending, but realized when he even started asking me about a girl. I asked him what her name was, and he said Samantha. Based on all the clues from his description, it had to be her.

I said, “She was really good at blowjobs, and was very horny, but was also very jealous and high maintenance. She was really interested in my cock, because it was the only one she had ever seen with a foreskin.”

He looked at me with a side grin, and said, “I might need to talk to her more, if it was okay with you.”

We had a nice weekend coming up. Nothing to do, so we decided to get rebellious and head to a local adult shop, and then maybe hit up a head shop, just for good measure. Neither of us had been so scandalous in our lives before, and we were super excited.

That Friday night, Dylan went to the local adult store and buy something funny. He blushed and said, “That sounds like fun.”

Once we got to the store, I noticed that it was a bit shadier than I expected it to be. We gathered our courage and still went in. The first thing we saw was a wall of dildos and personal massagers. We both blushed at the display of dicks in front of us. Dylan turned to me and asked, “why are all dildos circumcised?”.

I didn’t know how to answer. He continued by saying that he preferred an intact cock to play with. I was taken aback by this. I asked him, “do you like men?”

He said, “I like both men and women, but loved foreskin.”

I asked him, already knowing the answer, “Are you intact. I was left intact and love my foreskin.”

Knowing he already knew my status, I felt he was fishing for a conversation about our foreskins to come up. His eyes shot straight down at my crotch, and I noticed that he was starting to swell up in his shorts. He was wearing some basic basketball shorts again, so they didn’t hide any progressing boner. We decided to leave without buying anything, and got into my car.

We drove away and continued our conversation about our foreskins, and what we loved about them. I especially liked fingers and tongues inside my skin, rolling around. He said he really liked holding his shut when he came, making it balloon and then burst when he let go. He leaned over and whispered with his thick Irish accent, “do you want to compare?”

I almost crashed the car after hearing this. I was more than excited to compare. I had secretly been wanting to see him naked, ever since I saw him walk up to us at the airport. We weren’t in the same sports electives where all guys are required to shower, and we never were in a situation yet to see each other at home or in our dorm. He was undoubtedly the only other guy that I knew was intact. I was getting a bit jealous to know that my prize might not be as exciting anymore that this gorgeous, muscular, ginger with a thick Irish accent sported the same interesting toy.

I said, “Let’s wait until we get back home.”

He said, “No, let’s do it now.”

I found a pull off on the side of the road. It was dark out and we were in a bunch of parking lots. He proceeded to reach over and unzip my pants, and then pulled his shorts off. His thick, uncut, very pale 7 inch cock flopped out and smacked him on his stomach. He was fully erect and had been leaking precum like crazy. He then reached back over and fished my semi hard cock out of my zipper hole. He grabbed my scrotum as well and pulled all of my beautiful manhood out for us to admire. I was getting hard and got to my full thick 6.5 inch erection. I was also leaking precum. I noticed that his red bush of pubes hid the base of his cock, and his balls were hanging out from underneath his wreath of red pubes. My blonde pubes just went across the top of my shaft, like a mustache and I had not as much hair as he did.

He then asked, “Can I pull your skin back, and you can pull mine back too?”

We looked at each other’s raging boners, and we reached over and grabbed the tip of the foreskin, and we both slowly peeled back each other’s foreskin. We both had so much precum that we could hear the wet skin slipping down and smack as it got below the ridge of our mushroom heads. We both admired the glistening glands and slowly returned each other’s foreskin back over our heads. He said in a very heavily sexy accent, “Let’s go home and have some real fun!”.

We pulled into dorm’s parking lot. The place was still a buzz with activity, as it was the weekend. I knew, we were going to be spotted with raging boners by anyone we passed by. I would be able to hide mine by flopping it up on my stomach and using my waistband to hold it flat against my torso. He was wearing those floppy shorts, and anything he was sporting would be very visible to anyone who glanced. He acted like he needed to rush to the bathroom, but instead went straight to our room without making eye contact with anyone. When I got to our room, I was so nervous, but excited to finally see what I wanted to see for weeks now. Without saying anything to each other, I laid down on my bed, pulled the covers over me, and stripped naked. I was laying on my bed, raging and leaking precum like crazy. I didn’t bother putting any pajamas on, but laid under my covers naked and ready for anything. I turned off all the lights except for the blacklight that illuminated my psychedelic mushroom poster, and the Super Mario lamp I had as a kid. This made the room lit just enough to see what we might be doing, but not too bright as to see that someone was still awake in the room.

He was standing next to me laying in the bed. He was shirtless now, showing off his beautiful 6 pack and flat pecs. He had no hair on his body, but instead, he had a beautiful sprinkling of freckles. These freckles started across his cheeks and nose, then faded down, until you got to his shoulders. They were heavily covered and they continued down his torso, until they slowly faded out and his red hot treasure trail started at his belly button. He was still wearing his basketball shorts, and I could see that it was barreling holding its contents. I looked at his legs, which were thin and muscular as well. The freckles were not on his thighs, but started around his knees and went down to his feet.

He looked at me and asked, “Are you ready to have some fun?”

I pulled the sheets off of me revealing my fully hard 6.5 inch throbbing cock. The foreskin still pulled up over my head, but creating a fountain of precum, like a clear volcano. At the site of this he ripped his shorts down quickly, and his boner flung out, covered in his foreskin. As it flung up, a drop of precum was thrown at my face and landed on my bottom lip. We stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, until he broke the silence by asking if he could join me in the bed. I scooted over to the other side and made room for him to lay next to me. We were laying there looking at each other, with our cocks pointing straight towards the ceiling. As we started to roll towards each other, our cocks, like masts on a capsizing ships, started to get closer and closer to each other, until we were face to face and the tips of our foreskin touched. I could feel his precum leaking all over my cock, and I could feel mike dripping on my thigh.

He asked, “what do you want to do?”

I was so horny, and taken aback by what was happening, I said, “I think that you should choose.”

This was his idea after all. He reached over and pulled my foreskin back slowly. He then pulled his back and had our wet soft heads touching. He then pulled his foreskin over his head and continued to stretch his long skin over my cock head. I was now inside of his foreskin, and he started to pull my foreskin over his and it was now a dual dock. I was inside his foreskin, while both of us were inside mine. This was very warm, wet and a bit slippery. He held on tight so we didn’t slip out from each other’s skin, and started massaging us. As he did this, both of my hands were free, so I proceeded to cup his balls and managed them. His scrotum was sagging and hanging really low as I started.

Quickly, his sack started to bunch up and got round and hard. All of his saggy scrotum skin got quickly wrinkly and pulled up towards his body. I was now holding a tight bean bag instead of a loose sack. I felt his second hand reach down below my balls, and tickle the space between my sack and hole. I was swollen had and he was pushing on that tender spot. As he did this, I reached out with my other hand and grabbed his hair. I started stroking my hand though his thick styled hair, and grabbing it and pulling with every massage stroke he made of our cocks. I heard him moan, and stop breathing for a few seconds. I knew he was close, so I tightened the grip on his hard sack, and pulled his hair. As I did this I could feel him releasing a huge load under his skin and on my head. This made me release my load as well and it filled up his foreskin as well. He cupped my balls as this was happening and our foreskins were filled with so much cum, it started to leak out of mine, as the upper layer.

Before we could lose our boners, he kept his hand on our docked cocks, and used his other hand to pull my face to his. He grabbed my hair and locked his lips on mine. I couldn’t believe that I was getting French kissed by a guy, as his tongue pushed through my lips and started to flick on my tongue. We kissed for a little bit, and then I felt us both getting harder again. He still had not let go of his grip on our cocks, and started massaging our ever growing boners again. As I tugged at his hair again and he bit my bottom lip, we both had a second orgasm and filled up our foreskins with even more cum.

We pulled away from each other and he said, “Watch this”.

He let go of our cocks, and they started to slip out from inside each other. There was so much cum and precum that they slipped off quickly and spilled a huge pile of our fluids right between us.

He asked, “Wasn’t that fun?”

I had no words. I just laid there staring into his big green eyes and looking at the bridge of freckles that went across his nose to both cheeks. I had never had a second orgasm and he just gave it to me, while he had one too. We didn’t say anything to each other, and he rolled over facing away from me. He grabbed my left arm and pulled it over him wanting me to spoon him. There was still a big pile of cum between us. My dick was flopped down into our mess, that was getting colder by the second. He backed his butt up against me and we were laying in our cum and snuggling. We both fell asleep quickly and woke up when the sun rose.

We hadn’t moved at all in our sleep, and were still snuggled up against each other. Except this time, I had a raging morning wood that was pressed up against his lower back, and my tight ball sack was pressed up against his muscular ass cheeks.

He rolled over with the sweetest smile and said, “Top of the morning.”

I giggled a bit and asked how he was doing. He just winked and said, “We should get ready for the day.”

The rest of the day, we couldn’t keep our eyes off each other. We were both excited for what might happen tonight. I could tell we were both boning up all day and I could even see that he was leaking precum through his basketball shorts. There were only a few hours before Sunday was over, and we had to go to class the next day. Tonight we were going to try that double docking again. It was amazing. When bedtime rolled around, we both went to our shared bathroom, brushed our teeth, and took a shower together. I suggested we just get in together so we could get to bed without as much anticipation. I couldn’t believe I was so attracted to and turned on by him. I was still into girls, but what we did last night was one of the best feelings I had ever physically felt, as well as a crazy emotional spark.

We put on our flip flops and basic gym shorts, flung our towels over our shoulder and headed to the showers. There was a larger stall for handicap access and we both looked at it with a wink. He pulled back the first curtain that hid a small chaining space and bench. Then he opened up the second curtain revealing the shower space. I stepped into the shower, he looked at me, and handed me the pooffa already soaped up. He obviously wanted me to wash him. I had him turn around so I could soap up his back and shoulders. I slowly rubbed his muscular body, and pretended I was washing off all of his freckles. I washed his entire back, tight ass, and lower legs. He then turned around facing me.

He was hard and pointing straight toward me. I started to lather his chest and abs, and continued to soap up his hooded cock and under his balls. I proceeded to push in-between his legs and he squatted a little so I could get the pooffa between his balls and hole. He grabbed me in a bear hug, and he asked if I could get his ass a little better. Held his cheeks apart and started to swab around his hole. I could feel his boner twitching harder on my stomach. When I was done, I pushed off of him and lathered up his hair. While he was leaning back to rinse his hair, I looked down at his raging cock. I slowly slipped his foreskin back and used the hot water to rinse his glistening head. I could tell the water was a little too hot, as his light pink head was getting a little purple. I returned his foreskin back.

He looked me in the eyes with a smirk and said, “It’s now your turn, young lad.”

He spun me around and lathered my skinny frame up with the same pooffa. He proceeded to not just give me the same treatment of cleaning between my ass cheeks, but he used a finger to slip inside and swirl around. As he did this, I gasped,

He said, “Thats what I usually do to make sure I’m totally clean. Now let’s get that foreskin clean too.”

He pulled back my foreskin and rinsed it off with the hot water. He got down on his knees and leaned over and took the head in his mouth and did a “cleaning” with is tongue. When he was done, he rinsed me again

As he licked his lips, he said, “I just wanted to make sure there was nothing left over from our exploits.”

Once we were dried off and ready to go to bed, he followed me into my room. This time, I brought an extra towel with me to lay between us, if we were to produce that much cum again, and have something to wipe us off with.

We didn’t even speak to each other, we just looked each other in the eyes, and laid down on my bed. I had no idea what he had in store for us tonight. I really enjoyed what we did last night, but I was guessing because he was situating himself differently, he wanted to do something else.

He said, “Just lay there and I’ll show you what I want to do.”

I laid on my back, and he got on all fours and positioned his face over my cock, and put his cock above my face. My head was now between his knees and his cock and balls were hanging down on my face. My cock was pointed straight up, and he took my hooded cock into his mouth. He started moving my foreskin back with his tongue and lips as he moved his head up and down. He proceeded to cup my tightening sack and massaged it. I had his foreskin rubbing on the tip of my nose. It smelled so good, a bit musky, but fresh from the shower we just took. I slowly pulled back his foreskin and took his wet head into my mouth. As I did this, he let go of my scrotum, and used the same finger from earlier to slip into my hole. He kept slipping his finger deeper and deeper into my asshole as he swirled it around. I felt this odd tickle in my inner loins and started to twitch. He slowed his motion with his mouth, because he could tell I was going to cum at any second.

I had a wave of bravery overtake me, and I reached up, spread his ass cheeks and slipped my finger inside of him too. I then used my other hand to move his foreskin up and down while I was sucking on his cock. My finger was doing the same swirling that his was doing to me. He started to pick up the speed on my cock and swirling. I did the same to him. As I got faster with my finger, I felt his cock throb and it started shooting into my mouth. I lost count of how many times he unloaded, but my mouth was full and I needed to swallow. His balls unclenched and they started hanging down on my face. As this happened, I started to throb and cum. He noticed and just before I blew, he pulled his mouth off, clenched the tip of my foreskin shut and I came inside it. Filling it up like a balloon. He flicked the ballooned skin, and then put it all in his mouth. As he did, he pulled my skin back and filled his mouth with my load.

He still had my load in his mouth and came to lay next to me. He looked me in my eyes and he made a big swallowing gulp motion and sound. I was once again speechless and just stared into his green eyes. Something was happening to me. I was getting really attached to looking at his face and freckles. He rolled me over and big spooned me as we fell asleep.

Monday morning came with my alarm going off at 7 am. We both got up and got ready for the day. Once we were dressed we headed down to the cafeteria and had some breakfast. While I was sitting next to him, he reached over to my crotch and gave it a squeeze.

I looked over and he had a grin on his face and said, “This is going to be a fun year, and it has just started.”

This made me start to chub and I said, “You need to slow down a bit. We are about to walk into our classes and I can’t be sporting a boner in my first period class.”

He laughed and removed his hand. We were going to not see each other until lunch. When we got lunch, we had a minute to talk before our next class. He said he had some really cool news and couldn’t wait to tell me after our last class

With a kinky whisper in my ear, he said, “We are going to talk to someone in the dorm lobby, before we head up to our room.”

I was very curious as to what he could have just arranged. This guy was able to get me to do most anything at this point. He was like a magical being that could persuade anyone to do whatever he wanted with is good looks and charisma. I jokingly thought about the possibility that he was actually a leprechaun, but that was absurd. The thought was not going to leave my mind because of the magical spell he seemed to have over everyone he met.

Later that day, I left my last class and met him waiting in the lobby. As I arrived, I saw that he invited the girl I used to date, Samantha. She was the really kinky one who loved my foreskin, but was a little too overwhelmingly temperamental for my ability to deal with.

He said, “This is Sam, and I wanted to see if you were cool if she came over today to do homework and study.”, with a wink.

I looked Samantha straight in the eyes and asked, “Hey, how have you been. Did you really want to come over tonight?”.

She nodded and said, “I heard that Dylan here seems to be as fun as you were, when we were dating.”

I knew exactly what she meant by this. She was going to come up to our dorm now, and leave before dinner. She lived just across the road in the girls dorm. When we dated in our senior year she lived on the edge of town, and I lived in the house out in the woods near there. So getting her home before here parents ever got suspicious, was easy. But being having a girl in a guys only dorm was a bit risky. Dylan mentioned that Samantha had been talking to her girlfriends about the guys at school. There was a buzz going around that there was an intact guy at school, according to the guys on his Lacrosse team. She obviously knew I was intact, but thought her amazing gossiping abilities, found out that Dylan was my foreskin cohort in and we were roommates. She winked and looked at me similarly to how Dylan did last night. She had nice long wavy blonde hair. She was not super skinny, but had curves like a volleyball girl would have. Not too muscular but not out of shape. She had a really nice bubble but and here breasts were at least a B cup.

As we got to our floor, the RI was still at a meeting and would be for about another 2 hours. This is like when I used to take Samantha home and we would do our thing, and I’d get her back home in time for her parents too. We walked to our door, and we all had an air of awkwardness. Samantha and I used to come to my front door and before we ran back to my room to get really kinky and have some sexy fun, she’d drop her clothes all along the foyer and hallway. I was always a bit frustrated that she did that, because if my parents came home early, they would know exactly what we were up to. At least behind the door, we could compose ourselves with minimal suspicion. This time was very different though. We all stood and looked at each other, waiting for someone to break the ice and get this party started. I tried to speak up first, but was interrupted by Dylan.

He flat out said, “Okay guys, Samantha heard about my foreskin because of the guys in Lacrosse. She found me after our biology class and asked what was going on. I let her know about me and reminded her that I live with you and things went from talking to let’s do this.”

I looked at Samantha and she just nodded her head in agreement. She started to take off her shirt but paused, and said, “I’m not going to be the only one stripping here.”

I motioned for all of us to get on my bed. She leapt onto my bed and Dylan closed and locked the door behind us. She started to remove all of her clothes, while I struggled to get mine off. I almost fell over, like a kid who had never tried to undress himself. Dylan was naked before any of us could get close. He stood there with his perfectly thin and muscular body, huge foreskin covered boner pointing straight at us. His freckles dusting his beautifully pale body and highlighted by his ginger head of hair and pubes. I looked over at Samantha, who had removed all of her clothes by now. She was laying spread eagle on my bed, like before, showing her pussy to both of us. She had recently shaved her bush and was completely smooth all over.

I heard them ask me at the same time, “You gonna get ready?”

I removed all my clothes, finally, and stood next to Dylan facing Samantha laying on my bed. Our cocks, covered in our foreskins, and leaking precum like faucets, stood straight out toward her pussy, which was spread open by her legs and her fingers.

She asked, “Who would like to visit first.”

I went straight down to the base of the bed and buried my face into her vagina. I immediately found her clit, as I knew exactly where her’s was. I used my tongue to peel back her clitoral hood while I felt her clit get a little hard. I heard her moan, but it was muffled quickly. I opened my eyes and noticed that Dylan had stood next to the side of the bed and presented his cock to her face. She had taken him in her mouth and her moans were muffled by his cock. She was giving him the same treatment she did me. I watched her pull his skin all the way back, lick his head, and pull his skin up over her tongue and his head at the same time. I could see his thighs quiver as she did this. He had to hold onto the headboard of my bed, so he wouldn’t fall over. This went on for a while until, Samantha pulled her mouth off of him and beckoned me to stand up.

With a stern voice, she said, “Stand next to each other.”

She sat on the edge of the bed, grabbed our cocks and rubbed them together. She was stroking our foreskins up and down together and keeping them right near her nose. She was smelling our precum and musk from our cocks as she worked our skin up and down. Our wet cock heads were touching with every downstroke she did, and we both started to quiver. She then took both of our peeled back cocks and put the heads into her mouth at the same time. She licked around both of our heads that were pressed together like it was one big cock. She then held our cocks in one of each of her hands. Then she pulled our foreskin fully forward and held mine in her right hand and Dylan’s in her left. She pulled our foreskins forward as long as she could get them.

She started shaking our cocks like she was walking a dog on a leash. She then put our long foreskins together and put them both in her mouth. As she did this, she clamped down on our skin with her teeth. She held us both there in her teeth and wiggled her head back and forth. We were at her mercy, and our foreskins were being clamped down on hard by her teeth. This hurt, but felt so amazing at the same time. Dylan and I had to hold onto each other’s shoulders so that we didn’t fall down. Our thighs had been pressed next to each other for a while now and we were sweating. When she let go of our foreskins with her teeth, we almost fell backwards, and we felt our thighs and sides that were sweating peel off of each other. It was like sitting in a leather couch on a hot day.

She then asked, “Who is ready to not be a virgin anymore.”

She was asking, knowing I was still a virgin and seemed to be fishing to find out if Dylan was. We both said confirming that we were both virgins still.

She then asked, “Who would like to lose their’s today?”

I looked at Dylan and gave him the first right of refusal. I had been with her for a few years, and wanted to make sure our relationship was going to continue in a true casual sexual experience. He seemed nervous but agreed he would be the one.

Samantha had him head to the other side of the bed. She faced me on all fours and grabbed my cock. She then reached behind her with her other hand and grabbed Dylan’s super hard member. She pulled his foreskin up so he was fully covered and him closer to the bed. She aimed his cock right into her pussy, and had him push himself inside of her. As he did this, they both moaned, and she muffled herself with my cock. She slid her tongue inside my foreskin and licked around the head very fast. She had my cock in her mouth and she continued to do the tongue spinning. I could tell she was getting off from her treatment of my cock, as well as what Dylan was doing to her back there.

I could only imagine what he was feeling as his foreskin was gliding back and forth inside of her tight wet pussy, with every thrust. I could feel his quivering through her body to mine, and his eyes were rolling back inside his head. He slowed down for a second and I saw me looking straight at me. He reached down and grabbed my hand and walked his hand up to my shoulder. I returned by grabbing his opposite shoulder. Before we knew it, we were fully holding each other’s shoulders while he was driving his cock in and out of her extremely wet pussy, and she was going to town on my cock head. It lasted like this for a couple of minutes until we looked each other directly in the eyes with a grin, and we came at the same time.

I was filling Samantha’s mouth full of cum, as he was filling up her pussy. I could feel her orgasm, as she was twitching like crazy and grabbed my balls for stability. I didn’t feel like a hanging sack of balls would help her stabilize, but it did. The sounds of his wet cock sliding in and out of her squirting pussy made this very loud wet slapping. I could hear her slurping on my cock as she was drinking everything I just fed her. And all of our moans filled the air. We had all just orgasmed at the same time. As we ended the session, I saw and heard Dylan’s cock pop out of her and flop down. My cock slid out of her mouth and started dripping on the floor. She rolled over with her beautiful tits perking up towards the ceiling. Her nipples were extremely hard and her areoles were very small and tight compared to their normal state.

I ran to the closet to get us towels, because I’m always scared of clean up. I got back in the bed and she was laying in the middle with Dylan on her right. She slapped the bed for me to lay down on her left. The three of us laid there for a while in silent appreciation of what we just did. All you could hear was our heavy breathing. We eventually got up and cleaned off. Once we were dressed, we all snuck down to the lobby and escorted her to her dorm.

On the way home, Dylan asked me, “did you like what the cat brought home?”

I didn’t know what to say to him. This Irish sex god was firing on all cylinders and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to keep up with him this whole year. It might just be the excitement of the first couple of weeks in a new town, but he has been insatiable.

We played with each other almost every night, and tried some other mouth and hand techniques over the next few months. Samantha had kept her experience with us a secret for about a week, but spilled the beans to her friends and Dylan and I were getting some fun propositions just before Thanksgiving break. Before our last day of school before the break, Samantha and her best friend, who I hated, because she was a huge entitled mean girl who tried once to make fun of my foreskin, asked to talk after school. I knew exactly what she wanted to discuss. I was wondering if I would be up to it, because I liked having Dylan an Samantha to myself, but if this mean girl was inspired by us, I figured I would come out on top, and shove my foreskin in her face.

To be continued…

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