It's A Guy Thing Ch. 01

A gay story: It's A Guy Thing Ch. 01 College has always been known as a time for experimenting, especially sexually. Everybody around was eighteen years old, official adults, and seemed to be constantly horny. I couldn’t say that I was any different; Being a guy, it was practically necessary.

I had always considered myself straight, until college started. I’d never been with another guy, but I’d had some experiences that led me to have the not-so-shocking realization that I wasn’t as straight as I thought. At once, I thought I may be gay, but the idea of having sex with a man seemed too weird to me – I couldn’t be. So I thought I must be bisexual. And that’s how college began for me.

Did anybody actually do any schoolwork? Of course not. We were all too busy with our own matters, whether it be sex like usual, or relationships, or unwanted pregnancy, or something along the lines. Our generation was focused on sex nowadays. Everything in songs or on television or on the internet all contained some sort of sexual nature. It was sad to know that we were all losing our v-cards at younger and younger ages. Then again, were we complaining? Hell no! I thought, as I pondered over the obvious.

I was thrown out of these thoughts by a loud buzzing and beeping. I almost jumped out of bed, hitting my head on my back-board. I groaned in pain, rubbing my head, and glanced at the clock. 7:00 A.M. I groaned again. Why on Earth was I getting up at seven on a weekend? The realization hit me – I was going to see an early-morning movie, then hit the beach with a bunch of my friends until the fair opened up, which was where we’d spend the rest of the day and night. At least I had gotten enough sleep to last me through the day. “Damn.” I muttered, rising from my bed sleepily and rubbing my eyes.

I stumbled off to the bathroom, hitting my foot on the closed door. “Fuck!” I growled, opening my eyes fully. Why was my bathroom door closed? I never closed it. Sighing, I opened up the bathroom and hopped into the shower.

While I was in the shower, I heard the half-closed door to my room open. Curious, I wrapped a towel around my waist and peeked outside. There in the doorway stood my akita dog, Reyas. I smiled, whistling softly. She bounded over to me, wagging her tail.

I proceeded to dry off and get changed into dark blue skinny jeans with fashionable rips and tears, and a bright green shirt, sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I quickly blow-dryed my multi-coloured “emo-style” hair, flicking it into normal messy but attractive style, then grabbed my wallet. I quickly filled Reyas’ bowls with food and water, making sure the doggy-door was unlocked so she could get outside, then left my house. I quickly locked my door as soon as I’d left, glad to find that my group of friends was just arriving.

Liam, my best friend, was driving his shimmering red Ferrari. I smiled, running over the familiar faces. Zaire, Liam’s first boyfriend since he came out about being gay, rode shotgun. In the back there was the person I looked forward to seeing the most – Eli Reeves. Not only was he the sexiest guy anybody had ever seen in their entire lives, but he was the first guy I’d ever had a crush on. He smiled his sparkling, flawlessly white smile at me as I opened the cardoor, sitting down beside him.

“Hey, Jay,” Liam said, turning around to look at me. “we’re trying to decide on a movie. It’s either I Am The Devil or Lake of Murder. Which one?”

“I Am The Devil. It’s supposed to be the scariest movie of all-time.” I said. We all loved scary movies – Not to mention that being scared meant having the chance to cuddle up with someone, preferably the someone sitting next to me.

“Sure you won’t get scared?” Zaire teased me lightly as Liam pulled away from the curb.

“I’m sure I will.” I replied, going along with him. He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

“I’ll protect you.” Eli commented to me, grinning.

Oh God, he was such a flirt. I felt my heart pick up pace, and I smiled. “What if you get scared?” I countered, arching a brow in quiery.

“We’ll protect each other?”

I laughed, nodding. “Yeah, sure.”

When we arrived at the movie theater, there was very few people coming to the movie. I had heard that everyone around was too chicken to come see it. We asked the ticket salesman if he would see the movie, and he just laughed and shook his head at us like we were crazy.

We were now sitting in our seats, eating popcorn and taking slurps of our drinks, waiting for the movie to start. Zaire and Liam were already deep into a makeout session, and so Eli and I just talked and joked around while we waited. I found my eyes constantly wandering down to his lips, a desire to kiss him flowing through my mind. I wanted to taste his lips, his tongue. It was almost too much to hold back.

I desperately hoped for the movie to start soon, but there was a problem going on and so it was delayed a lot longer. Zaire and Liam didn’t seem to care, but I was dying over here. Eli was so gorgeous – Shining crystal blue eyes, perfect smile, flawlessly tanned skin, blonde hair that was always in some sort of effortlessly sexy style.

After a while, he seemed to notice my staring. “I apologize if I’m being distracting.” he said after a minute, grinning his perfect grin.

My cheeks went slightly pink. I wasn’t normally one to get embarassed, as I was outgoing and would do anything at any time without hesitation. But here I was, feeling nervous and tongue-tied. “No! I, um…” I trailed off, finding no explanation. My line of thought came back, and I was determined to save myself. “It’s just that I, uh–”

Eli effectively silenced me – By pressing his lips to mine, reducing my mindless rambling to silence. My mind was reeling, an intense fire rushing through me. At first I just stared at his closed eyes and handsome face, shocked, but then my eyes drifted closed as I melted into his lips, the tips of our tongues flicking against each other and sending shocks running through me.

When he pulled away, I was disappointed – The kiss was much too short for me. He smiled though, eyes open, only an inch or so away from me. “You’re cute when you ramble.” he whispered, gazing at me sweetly.

I blushed, returning his smile. “You’re cute all the time.” I whispered back, slowly glancing around him to see if Liam or Zaire had noticed. They were still much too engorged in each other to even realize that the world still existed.

“Touche.” he countered, bringing his lips back to mine. This kiss was much longer, and much more intense. When the movie screen began to light up with the previews that came before the movie, he slowly pulled away, eyes remaining on me for a minute afterwards.

Half way through the movie, I was so scared that I was clinging to Eli, shielding my eyes with one hand. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer and pressing me up against him.

His other hand snaked down to my jeans, gently swiping over my crotch as if by accident. I immediately felt my cock respond to the slight contact, but I forced it away. It must’ve been an accident – He wouldn’t do something like that in public. Then again, there was practically nobody around and it was pitch black…

Eli did it again, but this time, he clutched my cock through my jeans. I was surprised, but I didn’t object just yet. There was no way that was an accident. He offered me a lusty grin, kissing me before I could react.

Oh God. Was he trying to torture me? Even though it wasn’t direct contact, my manhood began to harden underneath his grip, no matter how badly I tried to contain myself. He was enjoying my embarassment. Loving every second of it, trying – and succeeding – to make it even worse than he already had.

When he pulled away, I shot an urgently questioning look at him. Eli simply licked his lips with a smug smile, teasing me. His hand pulled away, pulling gently at my belt buckle. I held in a gasp, eyes wide. “Eli–” I began in a hushed but abrupt voice.

“Relax.” he cut me off in a whisper. “Just sit back and enjoy it.” he insisted, undoing my belt and easily popping the button on my jeans out of the little slot. He reached into my opened jeans, caressing me through my underwear.

I couldn’t help but be completely hard by now. I wasn’t pushing him away, but I definitely wasn’t relaxed. All it would take was one glance over here, at the right angle, to see what was going on. I had to admit that it was a guilty pleasure, however.

He pulled my erect cock out of my underwear, stroking it gently. Nobody was near us but Zaire and Liam, who, if they looked over here, wouldn’t see anything or know that anything was going on, but I still couldn’t relax. Multiple times I was ready to tell him to stop and push him away, but just as I’d be about to say something, he’d pick up speed as if reading my mind and cause me to gasp quietly and be unable to make out what I was going to say.

I was fighting to hold myself back, but damn this boy was talented. He certainly knew what he was doing. If I were to cum, that would make everything that was going on extremely obvious. Either Eli didn’t realize this, or he just didn’t care, because he just kept working his magic. I began to pant as quiet as possible, breathing deeper and growing tense. He leaned down, lips only an inch from my cock, grinning all-knowingly. He quickly took the head of my dick into his mouth, sending me over the edge.

I erupted into his mouth, biting my lower lip. I still couldn’t believe that he was crazy enough to jack me off in a theater, but watching him greedily swallow everything I had to offer was definitely hot. He pulled away, licking a bit of cum off of his lips, his eyes narrowed seductively. I quickly took a moment to calm myself down, fumbling to zip up my jeans again and quickly doing up my belt. “You’re crazy.” I whispered to him, still panting.

Eli just shrugged with a carefree smile. “Oh come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.” he said, returning his eyes to the movie.

Admittedly, the thrill of knowing we could get caught at any moment was exciting, and he certainly knew how to please a man. It left me wondering where on Earth he’d learned all that – He pulled tricks that I didn’t even know existed. When I had jacked off on my own, all it had been was normal pumping and stroking, like any amateur did. But when he had done it for me, it was so much more. To be honest, he had blown me away. “Okay, fine, I did. You’ve got some major skill.” I complimented him, my breathing finally decreasing to normal rate.

“That wasn’t even a quarter of my skill, Jay.” he whispered back, turning his gaze on me and resuming a naughty grin. “You know, there’s always the option to experience my skills in full.” he added on, raising his brows enticingly.

I couldn’t help myself. I nodded eagerly, hungry for more. He laughed under his breath, amused and satisfied with my answer.

“Then today is going to be a very fun day.”

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