Jack and The Fat Man Pt. 05

Jack and The Fat Man Pt. 05 by Str4ng3rth4nf1ct1on,Str4ng3rth4nf1ct1on This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.

Apologies for the long delay. This part is a little longer than the others as I felt the need to cover a few additional aspects of Jack’s journey. Hopefully, you’ll appreciate it.

In spite of the evening heat, Jack blushed, his tiny cock stiffened and his equally small balls tightened. Whether he would ever get used to Arnold’s compliments he wasn’t sure, but he was sure of how they made him feel. His tummy fluttered excitedly as he manhandled the mower around the small patch of lawn.

It seemed to him that he was erect more often than not these last few days. In fact, it seemed he was thinking more and more about sex too. Specifically Arnold’s cock in the main, but not just his. His brother’s as well. Mark’s cock had been the first one he’d seen erect. It had been the first cock he’d witnessed cumming too. Despite the years of denial, the fear and excitement of spying on him, he knew his brother’s cock would forever hold a special place in his fantasies.

He shuddered when he recalled their chat last night. Even though Mark knew he was gay, it hadn’t seemed to change him at all. He’d still laid on his bed in nothing but his boxers, his bulge teasingly prominent. Jack wondered how his brother might feel if he ever found out that he’d been watching him. He also wondered if fantasising about his brother was normal.

Maybe it was just down to the sudden increase in his libido. After all, accepting he was gay was still all very new. He’d wanked and sucked Arnold’s cock. He’d had his first taste of semen and a whole new world of sexuality was opening up, but try as he might, the thought of doing the same thing with Mark was hard to shake. Knowing it would inevitably return, he forced the thought away. Perhaps he should talk to Arnold?

Taking another large swig of beer, the old man watched young Jack. Fuck. That arse of his was truly magnificent, but the shorts he was wearing weren’t anything like the cock hardening denim ones he’d been hoping to see him in. The lad was already sweating and Arnold licked his lips imagining what it would be like to tongue the salty nectar from between the huge globes of jiggling flesh. He felt the weight of his thick cock growing to full hardness. It would be so easy to just walk over and do whatever he wanted, but the lad had put his trust in him and for once in his life, with Jack, the future held different possibilities.

As Arnold let his mind drift, he noticed Jack seemed to be battling with something. Not unexpected really. He’d had many an internal struggle when he’d been coming to terms with his sexuality all those years ago. Back then being a gay man was difficult. Thankfully, things had changed, but even now and to the older generation, for some of the youngsters too, there remained a certain amount of discrimination, especially in a small village. Whatever Jack was dealing with and unusually for the cynically minded Arnold, he would make sure he was there for him if needed.

Watching the old man disappear back inside, Jack’s thoughts began to spiral, somewhat taking him by surprise. Physically things were happening that he just wasn’t used to. His nipples were hard and sensitive. His tiny cock ached almost permanently and even the sensation of his weighty oversized buttocks, the ever present reminder of his genetic fuck up, seemed to add to his ever growing sexual appetite. Another sensation he hadn’t ever anticipated was the twitching of his anus. It was like an itch, causing his sphincter to contract involuntarily. Instinctively he knew what he meant, causing a flush to deepen his already hot red face.

He was learning to accept what was happening that was true, but his imagination was far harder to deal with. All those dark fantasises he’d been battling with were getting stronger. Not only about his brother either. Random thoughts were popping in and out of his confused brain and he had no idea why. What was his fathers cock like? Without even wanting to, he wondered if he was a big as Arnold. Mr Patel, his boss, too. What would his cock look like? It would be brown, that was for sure and he found he liked the idea. He imagined being beneath his desk, proudly displaying his newly found talent until Mr Patel squirted his cum in his mouth. Even thoughts of Mason, pushing him down to his knees as he cruelly tormented him, grabbing his hair as he undid his flies……….

What was happening to him? Was he destined to think about every man he met or saw? Is that what being gay meant? And why was he thinking about other men? Wasn’t Arnold enough? He was everything Jack wasn’t. They were polar opposites. Arnold was a man. A big bear of a man who made Jack feel weak, special, safe, scared and wanted all at once. His thick, hairy man cock got hard for him and the knowledge that he could have that effect on another man was……….exciting. God. It was so exciting. Overwhelmingly so.

All of these thoughts and more bore down on him until, without realising it, he’d finished mowing the lawn. He was dripping with sweat, quite literally. As Jack made his way indoors, the shade of the kitchen giving little relief, his tiny cock was bone hard and his head was spinning.

“Fucking hell, Jack,” the old man exclaimed, quickly putting down his can of beer. “You need to get a cool shower. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

Wobbling unsteadily, Jack barely had any time to think as big strong hands gripped his waist and lifted him effortlessly from the floor. It felt as if he was floating as Arnold carried him through to the bathroom, but he did recall how good the old man’s hairy shoulders felt.

He was naked in just a matter of seconds and then he was floating again, swinging through the air before the cold sensation of the bath carressed the soles of his feet bringing instant relief. He thought he heard Arnold saying something about the temperature of the water, but his misty eyes were locked onto the old man’s fat hard cock. When had Arnold stripped from his shorts? And then the water, cool and blissful, rained down over him.

It was the first time he’d really seen Jack’s feet, but they were every bit as beautiful as the rest of his body. They were slender and delicate. Slim toes too, with nails that looked manicured. Arnold really wasn’t much of a “foot” man, but the thought of seeing his cock trapped between them made his meat drool. Fuck, they were so small he’d probably be able to get all 5 toes in his mouth and then some. Almost unconsciously, he made the decision that before their time was done, he would taste every square inch of young Jack’s flawless, smooth, alabaster skin.

Armold was right. The cool shower was utterly blissful, slowly washing away the heat. Jack could taste the salt from his sweat on his lips as the water flowed over his upturned face. Big hands, remarkably gentle, were gliding over his skin and his tiny cock responded by twitching and leaking. He hadn’t noticed Arnold climbing into the bath, but now he loomed over him, a wide smile on his face as he started soap Jack’s body.

“You’ll feel a bit better soon, baby,” he wheezed. “Ain’t nothing like a cool shower on a day like today.”

Jack barely heard him really, he could only bask in the sensations. First it was his hands and arms, followed by his shoulders, underarms, chest then stomach. The deft touch against the sensitive nubs of his hard nipples sent shivers rolling down his spine. His tummy did somersaults as fingers came perilously close to his groin, but skilfully avoided making contact with his raging cock and tight balls. The front of his thighs were next, then knees, shins and his feet. It tickled a little as Arnold lifted each leg and thick fingers probed between his toes.

Their difference in size was once again driven home as Jack looked down at the crouching hulk in front of him. Arnold’s head was barely much lower than his neck. Huge hair covered shoulders filled Jack’s vision, almost obscuring everything else. In fact, the old man’s body literally filled the space of the bath and then he was slowly rising and Jack’s eyes fixed on the thick, veiny, man cock that he already knew would be stretching his mouth before the evening was done. Arnold stroked wet hair away from his face, smoothing it back before resting one hand behind his slender neck.

“Fuck, baby,” he murmured. “Everything about you is beautiful. I ain’t never met someone that makes me as hard as you do.” They were words that the big man never thought he’d ever say.

And then they were kissing, Arnold’s fat wet tongue filling his mouth passionately and Jack just melted, falling into a blissful abyss. For a few moments, it felt as if time stood still.

He broke the kiss, even though he really didn’t want to. But Arnold wanted his tongue somewhere else, so he spun young Jack around and soaped his smooth hairless back. Fuck, his skin was so soft and delicate. The backs of his slender thighs were next, then his tender slim calves as he drank in the sight of those gloriously huge round cheeks, jiggling invitingly, separated by the beautifully deep crevice that hid the the bounty that he so desperately wanted to taste.

God. Jack’s sensitive buttocks trembled beneath the old man’s touch. Big hands swirled over them as the weight of each mound of flesh tugged at his lower back and thighs, but instead of humiliation he felt……something else. Nobody had ever made him feel anything but shame about his buttocks, but right then it felt like the old man was almost worshipping them. Was this really happening? And was he really leaning forward to rest his hands on the wall and offering his oversized cheeks up? Holy fuck! Jack shuddered as cool water cascaded over his twitching anus when Arnold parted them.

Holy fuck indeed! There it was, better than he recalled. Jack’s tight, pink, puckered hairless arsehole right in front of him. Fuck, if it wasn’t the most beautiful arsehole he’d ever seen. Arnold’s cock oozed as he dipped his head forward, the water running over his outstretched tongue as he licked the length of the deep crevice before landing on the target. In spite of the almost unbearable need jam his tongue right inside, Arnold wanted to savour this moment, his first taste of Jack’s virgin hole, so he let his tongue glide over the skin, revelling in each and every wrinkle. The taste was divine. Better than could ever have imagined. It tasted of what it was. Untouched, clean and virginal.

He didn’t expect it, but then he did. Jack knew what was happening. Damn, he wanted it, but he never anticipated the feeling. It took his breath away. The heat of Arnold’s tongue was a startling contrast to the cool water and his body responded without the need to think. Tiny shocks pulsated from his convulsing sphincter, sending a beautifully warm sensation that slowly spread throughout his entire body. And just like the kiss only moments before, he began to fall.

Reality blurred as the tongue began to probe, gently forcing him open. Lights sparked in his eyes as for the very first time, the heat of alien flesh penetrated him. It was like nothing he had ever felt and within moments, as the old man’s thick tongue sank deeper, stretching him, he lost control and ejaculated.

Arnold knew what was happening and strengthened his grip, steadying the lad as his knees began to give way and forced his tongue deeper, his cock bouncing uncontrollably in anticipation. Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow or the day after, he would slowly stretch that tight hole.

He wasn’t accustomed to having to wait. All those other men, the men who used him, who he used, were just easy meat. A means to an end and nothing more. As he snaked his tongue inside the most glorious arsehole he’d ever seen or tasted, Arnold was beginning to enjoy this new sensation, this new role. Mentor. Teacher. And maybe something else. Lover? Could it really be that? Whatever it was, it made his thick cock throb more than it had in years.

When Arnold withdrew his tongue, Jack immediately felt the disappointment of it’s absence. His brain scrambled to reconcile what should have been a dirty act with the overwhelming pleasure he’d felt, so strong, it had made him cum. No. It wasn’t dirty at all. Then before he knew what was happening, he felt Arnold’s bulbous glans graze across his wet anus and he pushed back.

The old man’s breath tickled his ear. “Not yet, Jack,” he whispered. “You ain’t ready for it yet.”

Even so he pushed down, feeling his anus begin to stretch and holy God, what a feeling it was. He pushed harder, convinced Arnold’s cock would just slip inside. He wanted it so badly.

“Don’t you want me?” he asked, although he wasn’t sure he’d spoken at all. “I thought……..”

“I want it more than you know, baby.” Arnold’s voice was soft and low, quivering with the Herculean effort he needed to resist as he reluctantly pulled his cock away. “But you ain’t ready,” he repeated, gently turning Jack around to face him. “One step at a time, baby,” he continued as he once again stroked wet, bright red hair away from Jack’s pretty face.

The heat of the summers evening had relinquished its grip on Jack, but the heat of sexual urgency boiled in his tummy. Despite ejaculating only moments ago, his tiny cock was still rigid, stoking the fire of passion. He was disappointed. He could still feel the sensation of Arnold’s tongue and cock against his anus and wanted more. Running his hands over the thick pelt of wet hair on the old man’s chest, he realised how firm the flesh felt. As he ran his delicate fingers down over the old man’s big round belly, that too felt firm and in stark contrast to his expectations. Arnold wasn’t fat at all really. He could feel solid muscle. He could feel the strength beneath his fingertips and for a split second he recalled their first evening together, when Arnold had dragged him to his feet by the hair. It seemed so long ago.

Looking up into Arnold’s smiling eyes, Jack felt weak. The old man towered over him radiating a masculinity and strength he knew he could never have. With one swift move he knew Arnold could overpower him in an instant, without even having to take a breath. But hadn’t this big, mountain of a man just been worshipping his buttocks? Hadn’t he just been quivering with the need to have him?

His hand gripped onto the rigid pole of thick flesh jutting out from Arnold’s groin and he watched the old man’s eyes close in ecstasy, a low moan escaping his lips. With his free hand Jack cupped heavy, hairy balls as he began gently stroking the straining cock, carefully watching Arnold’s face and for the very first time he realised that maybe he held some power too. A fleeting moment of understanding that, weak as he might be, right then this big strong man was almost putty in his hands. And he grew with confidence.

This time when he knelt down he took his time when he licked and sucked on the old man’s fat cock. This time he fought back the fear and savoured every moment, listening to Arnold’s moans of appreciation and words of encouragement. This time, only the second time he’d sucked a cock, he relaxed, mimicking the things he’d been fantasising about. And just like Arnold had worshipped his buttocks, he worshipped the girthy cock that stretched his mouth. And he knew the power he held.

“Fuck, baby,” Arnold said breathlessly. “I’ve said it before. You’re a natural born cocksucker. I ain’t never met anyone so born to it in my life.”

Spurred on, Jack slathered and sucked. He licked and kissed and tried to focus his whole being on one thing. Arnold’s cock. But his mind filled with visions. His brother. His father. Mason and Mr Patel. Bob and Henry. The touch of Arnold’s hands, the breathtaking sensation of his tongue and the life changing realisation that his freakishly oversized buttocks might not only a source of ridicule. That maybe, just maybe he could love them the way the old man did. And then that day of utter humiliation when his mother took him to see the doctor.

His thoughts were careering off in directions he had no control over. Jack was battling with feelings he never expected to feel. Hatred, humiliation and self loathing were slowly being eroded.

He sensed Arnold was going to cum even before he said it and a sudden understanding shook him to the core. He could make a man hard. He could make a man cum. Arnold had said it again, like confirmation of something he’d always known but was too afraid to accept. He was a cocksucker. He was a natural born cocksucker and it blinded him with pride. He doubled down, gripping the old man’s thick trembling thighs as he did.

The thick meat began to pulse, stretching his lips as they glided smoothly over the velvet skin. Precum spewed across his tongue in a steady precursor to the main event and Jack revelled in this newly found love. The love of making a man squirt with his mouth. He could feel the old man’s huge round glans swell and he closed his eyes in ecstasy as the first shot erupted.

It was a natural reaction and this time Arnold couldn’t stop himself as he held the back of Jack’s head in one meaty paw, pumping the lad’s mouth with a torrent of thick lumpy spunk. It was intense and he barely heard the chokes and splutters as Jack desperately tried to gulp down the heavy flow, he just held him there effortlessly until he’d emptied himself.

Suddenly aware, he opened his eyes and looked down at Jack’s pretty face, eyes streaming tears as he tried to regain his breath. “Fuck, Jack,” he exclaimed apologetically. “Sorry. Sorry,” he repeated as he lifted him to his feet. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to lose control like that.”

But Jack was smiling, licking his lips and wiping the tears away. “I liked it, Arnold.” And he wrapped his arms around the old man’s bulk and hugged him tightly. “I liked it.”

On the bed, Jack snuggled his back against Arnold’s hairy belly and chest. It was like being enveloped in a warm fur rug. He could feel the old man’s semi flaccid cock nestling between his buttocks as Arnold wrapped a huge arm around him and nuzzled his neck. They didn’t speak for a long time. They didn’t need to speak. Instead, both men enjoyed the intimacy of just being close.

After what seemed like an age, Jack spoke. “Arnold?”

“Yes, baby?” he replied gently.

“I can’t stop thinking about…well…..you’ll think I’m a pervert, but I don’t know who else I could ask.”

Arnold pulled him in tighter. God, his body felt good. “I’ve told you before, baby,” he said reassuringly. “You can ask me anything. Ain’t nothing you can say that’ll shock me.”


Arnold raised himself enough to kiss Jack’s tender rosy cheek. “But nothing,” he said. “What gets said between you and me, stays between you and me.”

Jack believed him. He’d never felt as safe with anyone. “Ok,” he began. “The thing is and I don’t know why, but, well…..” He took a gulp. “I can’t stop thinkng about, well……….sucking my brother.”

Jack let go and told Arnold everything. All the times he’d spied on Mark, not sure why, but equally, only too well aware. About the many times he’d masturbated over thoughts he knew he shouldn’t have had, but hadn’t been able to stop. And he questioned why they hadn’t stopped now he’d met Arnold, even explaining what had happened the previous evening.

He began to cry as he tried to explain the intense shame of it and the envy he felt, not just about Mark, but Arnold too. He stopped short of confessing his other thoughts, the new ones about his father, Mr Patel and Mason. The darker fantasies too, the ones even he battled to accept yet regularly spurred him on to orgasm. No. He couldn’t tell the big man about those just yet.

Eventually, when he’d finished, Arnold kissed away the tears and stroked his hair. “Listen, baby,” he said. “Ain’t nothing you’ve told me makes me think you’re a pervert. You can’t help what you think, or what excites you. So what if you fantasise about sucking your brother off? Thinking things never hurt anyone. It’s actions that do that.” He could feel Jack trembling. “It’s just natural, baby.”

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment He gently nudged his now solid cock further between Jack’s enormous cheeks. “As for being envious? I get that, but you can’t help what you’ve been born with. You’re fucking beautiful, Jack. I wouldn’t say it if you weren’t. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about you is fucking beautiful. I ain’t never met someone that makes me as hard as you do, and believe me, I’ve been with a lot of men. Embrace what you are and love yourself for it. Fuck anyone who doesn’t think the same because they don’t matter.”

Melting in the warmth of the old man’s body, Jack shuddered briefly. It was still an unusual sensation to feel so good, but his time with Arnold was changing that.

“Stop fretting, baby.” He knew how Jack was feeling. “You’ll get it eventually and I’ll be here every step of the way, if you want me to be.” And then the spark of an idea began to form. “Pass me my phone.”

Jack reached over to the bedside cabinet, retrieved the mobile and they sat up together as Arnold unlocked it. Within a few seconds Jack was looking at images of young men of all shapes and sizes, in all manner of poses and clothes. Brightly coloured hair too. A few even wore makeup, like mascara, eyeshadow, blusher and lipstick. He even noticed some painted their fingernails too. He didn’t like the makeup, but he was intrigued by the nail polish and especially the clothes. Despite everything he saw, what really resonated with Jack was their pride.

“All these lads probably went through what you’re going through,” Arnold explained and flicked to an image of a young and clearly overweight man wearing a tightly fitting pink T-shirt and tight glittery silver leggings with matching trainers. His spikey hair matched the colour of his top. Every roll and ripple of his chubby body was accentuated by what he was wearing, but his smile and confidence oozed from the screen. “Most chubby lads like him would try to hide themselves away, Jack. Dress to cover the fact they were fat, but look at him. He ain’t ashamed of what he is or how he looks and if you ask me, he’s all the more beautiful for it.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he began to understand what the old man was telling him, but he still had his doubts. “But I couldn’t wear anything like that.”

“Why not?” Arnold asked as he wrapped an arm around Jack’s slender shoulders and pulled him close. “You can wear whatever you want, baby. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different. I’m fat, ugly and I wear bright colours. I wear what I want and fuck anyone who don’t like it.”

“You’re not fat or ugly,” Jack said as he lay his head against the old man’s chest, the hairs tickling his cheek. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he added softly as he reached down to grip Arnold’s thick solid cock.

The air was cooler as he made his way home that night. Jack took the long route again, not to avoid anyone really, just to give himself time to think. With a second load of Arnold’s semen swimming around his tummy he realised, just like the old man had told him after the first time, how much he was beginning to enjoy the taste. He couldn’t help wonder if everyone’s tasted the same though and the urge to find out was beginning to eat away at him.

At home his mother was waiting in the kitchen with a worried expression. “Jack,” she snapped. “It’s past 10. Where have you been?”

“You know where I’ve been, mum,” he explained. “At Arnold’s. It’s just we got chatting that’s all.”

“Yes…..well……I was worried,” she said, a little less angry. “You could have called.”

He was already walking towards the stairs, other things on his furtive mind. “I’m 20 years old, mum.”

As he disappeared, she frowned. Her son was growing up and she had trouble letting go. He was changing. More so after spending all these evenings with Arnold. She didn’t really believe a lot of the rumours, but everyone knew he was gay and after Jack coming out, that certainly did worry her.

After closing the door, Jack donned his headphones and started to rifle through his wardrobe and drawers. All those images he’d seen had piqued his interest. Arnold was right. Why couldn’t he wear what he wanted? He didn’t have anything like what he’d seen those young men wearing though and he certainly didn’t earn enough to change what he had.

At the bottom of one of he drawers he found an old pair of black jeans. He’d only worn them once because they were too tight and he thought they made his oversized bottom look even more absurd. He lay them carefully on his bed, then continued his search. Along with the jeans he laid the denim shorts he’d worn to Arnold’s along with the running shorts he used to wear for P.E at school. They were white and he hadn’t worn them for years, so had no idea if they even still fitted. He added the matching white running vest to the growing pile as well as 2 of the tightest fitting T-shirts he owned. One black and one red.

Then he laid out all of his underwear. Most were boxers, but he had a few pairs of briefs and Y fronts. Unhappy with what he saw he put them back in the drawer, deciding he could buy something when he knew what he wanted.

After stripping naked, he looked at his reflection in his full length mirror. His mind was changing when he looked at his massive cheeks and recalled the way Arnold had played with them in the shower. Maybe he could embrace them. Maybe he could learn to love them. His tiny cock grew hard as he squirmed into the black jeans. They still fitted…..just, but he had a hard time trying to squeeze in, jumping on the spot as he dragged them up and over his bottom. He slipped on the black T-shirt and took another look in the mirror.

They might not be brightly coloured, but both garments hugged his body like a second skin. If it were at all possible his bottom looked even bigger. The tight denim held the flesh firmly, lifting and accentuating the rounded flesh and he briefly remembered the image of the chubby lad in the photo. He smiled and then got undressed. He’d wear that outfit to work tomorrow.

Then he slipped on his old running shorts. His bottom must have grown since he’d last worn them because even though they still fitted his waist, they were so tight they barely covered each wobbling orb, cutting across the smooth flesh and disappearing into the crevice. The fact was they were far too tight and uncomfortable, but even so, when he looked at his reflection he actually felt sexy. Moreover, he felt pretty sure Arnold would like them.

He stripped them off and lay on his bed gently playing with his tiny cock as he drifted with the music from his headphones. Pushing the the thoughts of his brother and father back into the far recesses of his mind, he thought about Mr Patel.

He didn’t really find the man attractive, but then until recently, he hadn’t thought of Arnold as attractive either. It amazed him how their relationship had changed. His tummy did sexual somersaults whenever he remembered what they did together and how his fat, beautifully ugly man cock got so hard for him. He’d found a friend in the old man, more than a friend and unexpected as it was, to Jack, they were somehow entwined. He liked Arnold very much. Maybe more than just like?

He let his mind wander, thinking about what he was intending to wear to work the following day. Mr Patel had begun to talk to him. Some of his other work colleagues too, but Mr Patel had stood out somehow. It wasn’t what he’d said so much, but more how he said it. Jack had the strongest feeling that Mr Patel had noticed him. He tried to imagine that if he was actually interested, how things might play out and then his imagination soared into the fantasy of being under his desk. He knuckled down, pumping his tiny cock, thinking about what Mr Patel’s brown cock would be like and just as he was about to ejaculate another random thought popped into his head that despite the fear it caused, sent him over the edge.

As he drifted off to sleep, he decided to make an appointment to see Dr. Charles. It would be a huge step, but he needed to change that humiliating examination into something positive. He needed to put the trauma of that visit to rest.

At 8am, showered and dressed in the jeans and black T-shirt, Jack caught the bus into town. He wasn’t wearing underwear, for no other reason than his jeans were so tight it was actually more comfortable not to. Whatever the reason, he felt good. His confidence was at an all time high and he was getting happier by the day. On at least 3 different occasions people said good morning to him. Even the bus driver, who usually ignored him, smiled as he boarded. During the journey in, Jack called the doctors to make an appointment. As luck, or not, would have it, Dr Charles had a free slot available that day. The last appointment of the day in fact, at 6pm, so Jack took it.

It was yet another gloriously sunny day and by the time he arrived at work he was as lighthearted and buoyant as he could remember. Once again, his colleagues seemed to notice the “new” Jack and that made him feel good. Better than good in fact. He felt like a butterfly opening it’s wings for the very first time.

Working in the storeroom later that morning, he felt a presence behind him and turned to see Mr Patel smiling at him.

He blushed instantly as the fantasy he’d been having sprang to the forefront of his mind. “Erm,” he stuttered. “Morning Mr Patel.”

“Good morning, Jack,” Mr Patel replied, smiling broadly. “Another hot day it seems,” he added. After a short, but thoughtful pause, he said. “I have noticed a change in you lately, Jack. It is good. Nice to see.”

Blushing even harder, Jack desperately tried to think of anything but his dirty fantasy and had to look away. Unfortunately, his eyes chose to rest on Mr Patel’s groin. Immediately realising his faux pas, he tried to avert his gaze and looked back up to Mr Patel’s grinning face. “Um….yeah….um……..sorry,” he blurted out.

Resting a hand on Jack’s shoulder Mr Patel smiled. “No need to apologise, boy,” he said, a knowing glint in his dark brown eyes. And after another thoughtful pause. “Listen. I have a job for you later. Come upstairs to my office after your lunch please.”

Literally lost for words, Jack just nodded and watched him wandering away. Mr Patel wasn’t a big man like Arnold, but there were similarities. He was stout, with broad shoulders and a beer belly that stretched his shirt. He always wore a shirt, tie and trousers with a wide leather belt and black polished shoes. There was nothing particularly remarkable or attractive about him really. His black hair was thinning and he always looked like he had a 5 o’clock shadow, but he’d never been overly rude to Jack. In fact, he’d never been overly anything to Jack. Why he’d started to have this fantasy about Mr Patel he had no idea, but right then, and with his tiny cock rigid in his jeans, it was all he could think about.

At just after 1pm, Jack nervously tapped on the office door and waited to be called in. Mr Patel had loosened his shirt and tie and Jack could see a tuft of thick black hair at his neckline.

“Come in, boy,” he said warmly and nodding towards Jack’s workwear, added. “Please take your jacket off. I have opened the window, but it is very warm in here and those boxes are heavy.”

It was hot, so Jack took his jacket off to hang it from the hook on the office door, eyeing about 20 large looking boxes in the corner of the office as he did. When he turned around Mr Patel was facing him, resting against his desk with a smirk curling his lips. “So, Jack,” he began. “Next door is a small storeroom. Please move the boxes in there. Safely though. Yes?”

Jack struggled to meet the intense stare and blushing, he once again found himself looking down towards Mr Patel’s groin, blinking in disbelief. Was his boss actually erect? There was certainly the signs of bulge, he was sure of it and he felt the heat of embarrassment grow. Unable to look up, he quickly muttered that he understood and began to work, thankful of the distraction.

As he moved the large and quite heavy boxes one by one, Jack felt certain Mr Patel was watching him, but each time he glanced over, all he saw was his boss tapping away on his laptop, eyes seemingly glued to the screen. Another thing he felt sure of was the subtle change of atmosphere in the office. He couldn’t really put his finger on it. Maybe it was just his imagination. Whatever it was, Jack continued to move the boxes in silence until half an hour later he was done.

Mr Patel didn’t seem to notice initially and after a short but somewhat awkward wait, his boss finally looked up. “Good, good,” he said with a wide grin. “You look hot, boy. Sit. I shall get you water.”

Before Jack had the chance to refuse, Mr Patel was already up and scurrying from behind his desk. “Sit, sit,” he repeated lightheartedly as he disappeared.

Twiddling his hands, Jack felt nervous. This was the very first time since his interview that he’d been in Mr Patel’s office. As far as he was aware very few employees had been here and if they had, it was usually for something serious. He looked around. It seemed like a typical office really. Papers on the desk alongside the open laptop. A couple of old filing cabinets along the wall to his left with files and 2 long shelves on the wall to his right stacked with books and magazines. It was generally tidy, in a lived in kind of way.

He couldn’t help wondering if Mr Patel had noticed him glancing at his crotch. And if he had, would he actually say something? That would be seriously embarrassing. Telling himself he must have been mistaken about the bulge he thought he’d noticed, and reprimanding himself for mixing fantasy with reality, he realised how hard his tiny cock was. He looked at the desk. The same desk he’d been masturbating about being beneath and his arousal grew.

And what did Mr Patel mean by telling him he’d noticed a change? Was he just being nice or was there more to it? His heart was thumping in his slender chest and the heat in his groin burned. Suddenly and with no real reason, he felt sure Mr Patel knew he was gay. It didn’t bother him. He didn’t really care who knew after telling his parents, but the thought did excite him. And why did he like being called “boy?”

His head was spinning wildly. The way Mr Patel smiled at him. The image of him leaning back against his desk and the bulge he thought he’d noticed. His overactive imagination was running away with itself. Thankfully, the sound of footsteps brought him back to reality.

“There you go, boy.”

As he reached for the offered glass of water, Jack turned to thank him and his eyes landed right on Mr Patel’s groin. Oh my God! There was absolutely no doubt about it this time. The front of his dark grey trousers were bowed along the length of his zipper, stretching the material either side. His hand shook as he gripped the glass and for a moment Mr Patel seemed reluctant to relinquish it, fixing Jack in place.

Whether it was shock or something else, Jack’s eyes refused to look away from the obvious erection in front of him. Mr Patel was so close, he could even smell the scent of arousal. It was just seconds really. Just a few short seconds in time, but the implication was overwhelming. Slowly, Mr Patel released the glass and stood silently as Jack blinked his disbelieving eyes.

His whole body felt numb. Frozen. All except his tiny bone hard and leaking cock, desperately throbbing in his jeans. Finally, he managed to drag his eyes away and slowly looked up. The thick leather belt. The beer belly resting heavily just above it. The 2 lowest buttons that struggled to contain it and the tiniest of gaps. Just enough to see brown flesh matted with thick black hair. The blue and red striped tie. The open neckline and black hair. And then his face. His broad grin. White teeth and his dark brown eyes, glinting wickedly.

Holy fuck!

The moment was broken as Mr Patel moved away, sitting down behind his desk as if nothing had happened. Leaning back in his chair with is legs wide open, clearly displaying his erection as if it was the most normal thing in the world, he locked his hands behind his head nonchalantly.

“Drink, boy,” he said, And then. “So, you enjoy working here?”

God, his mouth was so dry and Jack took a long gulp of cold water, but his eyes flicked nervously to the bulging crotch. “Um….yes. It’s ok.” It was all he could do not to stare now. And every time he managed to look up, his boss was smiling a knowing smile.

“Good, good,” Mr Patel acknowledged pleasantly, but his eyes said something else. “And such a change? You haven’t always been so cheerful, but it is good to see.”

If he could blush any harder he would have, but Jack was beyond it. The numbness remained as he felt the growing dampness in his jeans and try as he might, his eyes refused to stop glancing at Mr Patel’s swelling.

“Erm…….thanks.” It was all he could think to say. His head felt thick.

“Forgive me if I am blunt,” he continued as if determined to get to the point of his observations. “This is because you have ‘come out’ as they say? You are gay?”

Was he really having this conversation? With his boss? With his boss who was actually hard? God, it felt like he was about to cum! Taking another long sip of water, Jack nodded.

“Ah, I knew it!” he exclaimed. “I have known this since you began working here. I have seen it many times. It must have been very hard for you. I believe it can be difficult, but in the country I was raised, homosexuality is nothing unusual,” he said, waving a hand dismissively. “Hidden perhaps, but accepted.”

He seemed genuinely pleased with himself and Jack guessed he was trying to show how open minded he was. Still, it was slightly uncomfortable to hear. Mr Patel had barely spoken to him before today and now he was sitting there, clearly erect, trying to explain how understanding he could be. Was that what was happening? How was he supposed to react? What was he supposed to say?

And now Mr Patel casually adjusted his erection, moving it slightly to the left so Jack could truly see the length and shape. When he looked up, his dark glinting eyes seemed to bore right through him.

“Um…yes…..I guess……I mean……well…..it’s all still new to me.” The words came out with no thought. His heart was thumping hard and his cock was spilling precum almost continually. He felt faint.

“Ah yes,” he continued. “You know, in my culture many married men take younger gay men as lovers. It is quite normal. Completely accepted.”

What the fuck? What the actual fuck? What was happening?

“I only say this to make you know that I have no problem with your homosexuality. You can feel confident that I will not discriminate because of it,” he added, again casually adjusting his erection. “And if you ever have need to talk or ask anything of me, I am here. I understand.”

It was all too much for Jack to take in and nerves took over. “I…..have an appointment with the doctor tonight,” he explained, desperately trying to change the conversation and extricate himself from the situation. “Would it be ok to leave 15 minutes early?”

Mr Patel smilled warmly. “I hope it is nothing serious?”

The erection in Mr Patel’s trousers was like a magnet. To Jack, from what he could see, it looked as big and as thick as Arnold’s and despite the fantasy, the reality of the situation was scary. Exciting. Very exciting, but scary. His anus twitched involuntarily. God. He was so turned on.

“Um….no. Just a check up,” he said quietly.

As he stood up, the bulge seemed even more prominent, almost obscenely so. “Of course, boy.” And then. “You can leave early. I help you and you help me. That is the way of it. Yes?”

Jack, still blushing wildly, nodded his head, not quite sure of what he was really agreeing to.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “Good, good,” Mr Patel said as he moved to stand in front of him, his erection less than a foot away and reached out to shake Jack’s trembling hand. “A man’s agreement then. No confusion. We understand one another. Yes?”

Jack stood up and looked down at his pale white and tiny hand barely visible wrapped in the thick, brown hairy fingers that gripped him firmly. And beyond that, right in his line of sight, he felt certain he noticed Mr Patel’s erection twitch. The urge to drop to his knees was almost too compelling, but instead he just nodded meekly. However, his boss refused to let go. Waiting for him to reply.

“Um…yes, Mr Patel.”

As he was lead to the door, Jack felt a hand gently grasp his left buttock. It was totally unexpected and caught out by the act, Jack did nothing to stop him. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to. After all, isn’t this exactly why he’d chosen to wear the jeans? To attract attention? Specifically from Mr Patel? Now the reality slammed into him and he had no idea how to react. It all seemed so unreal, but there was no doubt when the hand squeezed his flesh.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Jack let out a long breath. It took a few moments to assimilate what had just happened before he made his way back downstairs to reality.

The afternoon seemed to fly by and before he knew it, Jack was sitting on the bus on his way to see Dr Charles. The events in the office felt like some kind of dream. Like a distant fantasy. He just couldn’t shake the image of Mr Patel’s erection. The way he’d so casually adjusted it, making it obvious, yet saying nothing. The squeeze of his bottom, so monumental to Jack, he could still feel the sensation. His boss had overstepped the boundaries in a workplace, Jack knew it, but he also knew he liked it. He also knew, without a shadow of doubt that sooner or later, he would being sucking Mr Patel’s cock. It was just a matter of time.

The closer he got to the village the more nervous he began to feel. Jack had no idea how to approach the appointment and he considered not turning up. All he knew was the burning need to turn what was one of the most humiliating experiences of his life into something positive, but he was genuinely clueless as to how.

When he arrived at the doctors, old Mrs Clarkson was just stepping out of the examination room, but thankfully, nobody else was waiting. A few moments later Dr Charles appeared and called him in. This was it and there was no turning back now.

It had been a few years since ‘that’ appointment and as luck might have it, Jack hadn’t needed to return since. Dr Charles looked the same but older. He was a tall man with grey hair and as he sat down he brought up Jack’s records on the computer.

After a few pleasantries, he turned in his chair. “So what seems to be the problem, Jack?” he asked, looking over his half moon spectacles.

God. He hadn’t even thought this far. “I….well….I’m worried about my bottom. I think it’s getting bigger and well, you know.”

The doctor smiled and looked at the computer screen. “Hmmm…..well, I gave your mother my best diagnosis, Jack,” he explained. “There really isn’t much to be done really. I can have a look, but I doubt your buttocks have grown that much.”

His manner was, as usual, quite professional and caring, but clinical. Jack chose to act concerned nonetheless, his need driving him on. “Well, it’s embarrassing doctor and I want to be certain there’s nothing else I need to worry about.”

Taking a moment, Dr Charles looked at the records again. “Ok. Get undressed and we’ll have a look.”

He wasn’t sure if he was meant to undress fully or just from the waist down, so with his nerves at an all time high, he asked. Why was he putting himself through this? He could just say he’d changed his mind perhaps. But it all seemed far too late.

“Yes, yes, Jack,” he said rather too easily. “Completely naked. Socks as well.”

It didn’t even cross his mind as to why he needed to be fully naked, but it occurred to him that for the second time that day, he’d actively planned for something to happen and it had. He watched Dr Charles tapping away at his keyboard as he stripped and laid his clothes on the examination table. Instinctively, he put his hands over his groin.

Turning to face him, Dr Charles peered above his glasses. “Hands by your side, Jack. No need go be shy. It isn’t as if I haven’t seen it all before you know,’ he said as he rolled his chair over. “As you’re here we’ll give you a thorough checkup.”

The room seemed to close in as Jack nervously moved his hands. His head began to pulse as the blood rushed through his body and then, much to his horror, he realised he was getting an erection. This isn’t happening is it? Why was he getting a hard on? Squeezing his eyes tightly, he tried to force it away, but his tiny cock refused to subside and just got harder.

After listening to his chest, looking in his mouth and all the other usual checks, the doctor sat back in his chair and Jack’s worst nightmare began to unfold.

“So, I see you haven’t really hit puberty,” he heard the doctor saying. “Most likely something to do with your genes, Jack. Your penis and testicles are considerably underdeveloped too. Again, most likely a cause of your genetic abnormality or a hormonal imbalance. We can check your levels of estrogen if necessary.”

The room was spinning. The humiliation was bearing down on him like a huge rock threatening to crush him into oblivion, but Jack forced himself to stand there and listen, his erection now actually throbbing.

“Most often it’s described as a micro penis, Jack,” the doctor continued. “It’s quite rare, but certainly not uncommon. Do you have any problems gaining an erection or ejaculating?”

This wasn’t what he’d expected when he made the appointment. It was just supposed to be a check of his bottom. Considerably underdeveloped? Micro penis? Erections? Problems ejaculating? He stammered as he looked down to see Dr Charles leaning forward to get a closer look, warm breath washing over his groin – and his damned cock twitched!

Before he could answer, Dr Charles made the observation. “Ah. I see you have an erection. Clearly no issues there then,” he said with a short laugh. “Apologies. But with penis this small it can be difficult to notice. Don’t worry. Erections often occur during examinations. Are your ejaculations weak?”

He looked up as Jack murmured and nodded. It felt as of his whole body was blushing in shame. And why did it feel like Dr Charles was enjoying this? His imagination perhaps? His cock twitched again.

“Not to worry. It rarely causes issues. If it’s of any relief, you will probably still be able to sire children when it comes to it. I can give you some information or refer you to a sexual health clinic if it becomes a concern.”

Reaching over to get some tissues, he gently wiped the glans and smiled. “Pre-ejaculate doesn’t seem to be an issue though.”

After disposing of the tissue, he began to apply gentle pressure around Jack’s groin and finding nothing untoward, he rolled his chair back. “Just raise your arms, Jack,” he said. “Hmmm. It’s quite unusual to see a young man of your age with no body hair, I must admit. Well no hair, except for the little bit above your penis that is. Very rare,” he repeated casually and reached for a ruler.

“Are you fully erect?” he asked and as Jack nodded numbly, he held it alongside his tiny cock. “Hmmm…..I make that 6.3 centimetres, or just under 2 and a half inches in old money. And 2.4 centimetres across. Less than an inch in girth I would estimate.”

Jack heard every humiliating word, battling with the need to rush over, grab his clothes and run. Whatever his reasons, this, what was happening right now, was way beyond anything he’d planned for. Fuck! Dr Charles had just actually measured him! Not only that, but he was smaller than he thought. He determined that if he could get through it and not suffer the shame he always felt, it would be worth it. But why did it feel so……….sexual?

“I’m gay,” he blurted out. “I’m not worried about having children.”

Why did he say that? It was if he was trying to catch up with everything the doctor had been saying. Maybe he expected a reaction of some kind? Whatever it was, it wasn’t forthcoming. Dr Charles just continued.

“I see. So your concern about your buttocks has something to do with your sexuality, Jack? Have you had anal sex yet?”

Anal sex? What? Did he actually just ask him that? He shook his head.

“When you decide to take the plunge, I can give you some guidance regarding the safest practice for anal penetration. Better to be safe than sorry. Turn around please, Jack.”

Dr Charles then began to manipulate his buttocks, furthering Jack’s sexual arousal. God. He was seriously learning to enjoy having them played with.

“Yes, I remember from your last visit. Such an usual condition. I have to admit both buttocks are indeed vastly oversized theres no denying, but the shape and the condition of the underlying glutinous fat seems quite normal. Admittedly they do look larger than when I last saw you, but given your current age, I doubt they will grow much larger, if at all.”

He stood and retrieved Jack’s clothes from the examination table and for a brief moment Jack relaxed, thinking his ordeal was over. It quickly became apparent that it wasn’t when he dropped them on the chair.

“Hop onto to table and lie back please,” he said and Jack’s nerves hit a new high as he climbed on. “Just scoot your bottom down towards the edge,” he added as he unfurled the stirrups. “Now pop your feet up. That’s right. Just scoot a little further down please.”

It was the most unashamedly humiliating position Jack had ever found himself in. His knees were almost resting on his chest. He’d never felt so utterly exposed as he did right then.

Dr Charles moved to the end of the table, lubricating a gloved hand as he did. “Remarkable,” he stated with shake of his head. “Completely hairless.” Then as if to inject some humour into the situation. “You know, some people pay a lot of money to remove body hair, Jack. So, I’m just going to give you a brief internal examination. It’ll feel a little uncomfortable, but will be over quite quickly.”

Flinching as he felt the cold lubricant being squirted onto his anus, Jack’s head began to swim.

“Just relax,” he heard the doctor say as he gently inserted a finger. “Try not to fight it, Jack. It won’t take long.”

Holy God! It felt like he was willingly being violated as the latex covered finger slowly worked its way inside. He couldn’t be sure, but was he twisting it around in there? He squeezed his eyes tightly shut as the digit squirmed and probed until it landed right on his prostate gland and began to massage it. He lost control. No. He didn’t lose control. He had no choice. He had no choice but to ejaculate. It just happened and he could feel the semen leaking out to spill over his groin in a small puddle. And it continued to flow as Dr Charles expertly manipulated his prostate.

In complete, but deafening silence he withdrew the finger, only to add another and gently force them back inside. The initial pain quickly dissipated to be replaced with pleasure. A pleasure that Jack tried to refuse he was feeling. Holy mother of God! The doctors fingers worked in, then out, then back inside again repeatedly and Jack struggled not to moan. He failed miserably. Surely this wasn’t necessary? But then, Jack had no idea what an internal examination consisted of.

Somewhere in the background of yet another tiny ejaculation he heard Dr Charles reassuring him. “Just a little longer and we’ll be done.”

It seemed to last a life time and Jack had totally lost any semblance of self control. He could hear himself moaning as with every graze against his prostate, another small spurt of semen leaked out. He should have been acutely humiliated, but the pleasure was so deeply intense he didn’t wanted it to stop. In his mind, Dr Charles was finger fucking him to repeated orgasms and he just wanted more.

And as quickly as it started it was over. The emptiness was horrible to him and in his addled state, his eyes blinded with amber lights, it took a few moments for the post orgasmic haze to dissipate.

When he opened his eyes, Dr Charles was cleaning up his wet groin. “Don’t worry, Jack,” he said softly, “It happens all the time. Now, just get yourself together and get dressed.”

In the few minutes it took to regain his senses and dress, Jack watched Dr Charles tapping away at his keyboard. He could still feel his sphincter contracting as he sat down. The flush in his cheeks was no longer from embarrassment. It was the flush of sexual release.

“So, Jack,” Dr Charles said and he turned to face him. “You’re perfectly healthy and although the quantity of your ejaculate is somewhat low, I see no reason to think you have any underlying issues. Any concerns you may have regarding the size of your buttocks while understandable is, in my opinion, completely unfounded. However, when you do decide to take the step into anal penetration, I might advise you find a partner who is experienced or to make another appointment for me to prepare you. Whilst it’s not strictly a medical service I should be undertaking, given your inexperience and as your doctor, I’m only to happy to help.”

On unsteady legs, the smack of the summer air hit him hard, bringing him back to reality with a bump. He really didn’t want to go home and face his mother after what had just happened. So he gave her a call and explained he’d worked late and was going straight to Arnold’s.

“But what about your tea? Have you eaten?” she asked with concern, but it really wasn’t food she was worried about.

Lying, Jack told her he’d already grabbed a sandwich. It seemed to placate her and he almost ran to the old man’s cottage.

Arriving red faced and just a little sweaty, Arnold suggested he get a shower. He was disappointed that Jack wasn’t in shorts, but fuck, his arse looked good in those jeans. “We can have a beer and talk when you’re clean,” he wheezed.

Bravely deciding not to dress and wrapped in a towel, Jack padded through to the living room. Arnold tapped his knee. “Come and sit here, baby,” he said. “And you can tell me about your day.”

He felt so safe on the old man’s lap, his tree trunk sized arm wrapped around his waist. He thought hard as to whether he should say anything, but the fear of upsetting the big man stopped him. Instead he just muttered something about it being an ordinary day.

Arnold chose not to push when he saw the tiniest hint of reluctance on his pretty face, but he was pretty fucking sure that Jack’s day had been anything but ordinary. Instead, he changed the subject. “You ain’t thinking of doing any chores then?” he joked sarcastically, tugging at the towel. “Unless you’re gonna give me the pleasure of watching you work starkers,” he added playfully.

Jack blushed, kissed the old man’s stubbly cheek and stood up, dropping the towel in the process. Watching Arnold’s eyes light up and so turned on by the events of day, he dropped to his knees. “I thought you might want something else first,” he said softly, tugging at the big man’s bright yellow shorts until his thick cock, already rigid, sprang into view.

“We shouldn’t, baby,” Arnold said with no real conviction. “Anyone could see if they pass the window.”

“I don’t care,” he heard Jack say, just before his beautiful mouth took him in.

It really didn’t take long before he flooded Jack’s throat. He was amazed at just how quickly the lad was learning. How quickly he was growing. In just a matter of days, Jack had changed so completely it was difficult to comprehend. As he looked down at his pretty pink tongue lapping up the remnants of his spunk, he felt like the luckiest man alive.

“Leave the towel there,” he said picking Jack up and dropping him to his feet. “I’ve got a surprise for you in the bedroom.”

For the first time in well, ever, as he followed the excited young man up the stairs, drinkng in the sight of those beautifully huge fucking cheeks, Arnold felt the fluttering of something in his stomach. Fuck, if he didn’t have feelings for the lad.

Running into the bedroom and jumping on to the bed, Jack looked up. His pale blue eyes glinting with anticipation and his pale skin glowing. Nobody, other than his parents had ever given him a surpise gift and he felt sure the old man was about to do exactly that.

“Close your eyes, baby,” he said with a wide grin, before placing a parcel in his small hands.

Jack opened his eyes and looked up briefly before tearing at the cardboard to open it up.

“I ain’t sure if you’ll like them, but I noticed how you looked at some of those photos last night,” he explained. “It don’t matter if they’re not your thing, but I thought it was worth a try.”

Reaching inside, Jack withdrew 3 pairs of shorts. A bright lime green pair, a fluorescent pink pair and a shiny silver pair, just like the leggings he’d seen the chubby lad wearing in the photo. They were so tiny and stretchy he actually thought they might not fit. Along with the shorts, there were 3 matching vest tops, but short and he looked at Arnold quizzically.

“They’re called crop tops,” he explained. “If you don’t like them, it ain’t a problem. They weren’t expensive.”

But that wasn’t everything. Right at the bottom, was a pair of Nike trainers with pink soles and a pink tick. How Arnold knew his size was beyond him, but he jumped up and hugged him tightly.

“Is this the sort of thing you want me to wear?” he asked. “For you?”

Arnold actually felt a little embarrassed himself, questioning whether he’d gone too far. “Well, I dunno about that,” he replied. “I just thought you might like them, baby.”

Jack’s eyes lit up with an idea. “I want you to photograph me in them. I want to see me the same way you see me……..if that makes sense?”

Over the course of the next hour, Jack flourished. The flimsy but stretchy material of the shorts and tops seemed to caress his skin, moulding itself to him and he loved it. So did Arnold and he encouraged Jack into a multitude of poses, nothing obscene, but definitely sexy. Confidence literally oozed from every pore of Jack’s flawless alabaster skin and by the time Arnold called a halt to their photo session, he was as hard as nails.

“Take them off,” he said. “I’ll put them in the wardrobe in the spare room for you. Maybe make it your wardrobe, Jack. We can add to it if you like?”

“My wardrobe?” he asked. “A wardrobe here? Just for me you mean?”

“Yes, baby,” he wheezed, “I could even kit the room out for you if you like. A home from home sort of. A private place just for you.”

Arnold had been doing a lot of thinking. It was true that he wanted to give Jack a safe space of his own. A place to store clothes that he was maybe too shy to keep at home. A place where he could experiment and develop his own identity. But rather selfishly, it was also true that he wanted their relationship to continue when the 4 weeks were finally up.

Tears of joy rolled down his cheeks as he undressed. Jack was getting used to being naked in front of the big man, utterly confident that Arnold would never make him feel anything but special. It was unbelievable how much his life was changing or how strong his feelings for Arnold were becoming.

“Not the trainers though. I’ll keep them on,” he said looking coyly at the old man’s fat hard cock. “You like me to wear trainers for you, don’t you.”

It was as much as Arnold could take and he dragged Jack to the bed, easily manhandling him onto all 4’s and drove his face into the heaven that resided between those huge wobbling cheeks.

Holy fuck! Arnold’s mouth was voracious as he licked, nibbled and bit his sensitive buttocks. And young Jack basked in the worship, pushing back, egging him on to bite them harder and push his tongue deeper, until inevitably, he ejaculated.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment Pushing Arnold onto his back, he began to stroke the cock he was falling in love with. His confidence continued to balloon and instinct kicked in.

“I want this in me,” he said as he licked at the streaming precum spilling from the tip. “I want to feel it, Arnold.”

The old man closed his eyes and relaxed as Jack worked his magic. God. The lad was getting fucking good. Really good.

Instinct kicked in as Jack gorged on Arnold’s cock and his imagination began to run riot. “I’ll dress in anything you want me in. I want to do it for you.”

“If you do it, baby,” Arnold said between groans. “You should for it for you, not me.”

Jack continued to let his fantasies flow, eager to express himself to the one person who’d made him feel so special. “It would be for me, but knowing it would turn you on too would make it even better. I want to be your cocksucker. YOUR dirty little cocksucker.” It came out with no forethought and Jack barely even realised it had. He sucked on Arnold’s hairy scrotum, rolling each ball seductively in his wet mouth.

God forgive him, but Arnold enjoyed hearing it. Heaving himself up onto his elbows so he could gaze down at Jack’s wobbling cheeks, he tried to keep some semblance of control. “You don’t need to do anything for me, baby. Just be you and that’ll make me happy.”

“And if I want to be your dirty little cocksucker?” Jack asked, then sucked hard on Arnold’s bulbous glans.

It was Arnold’s turn to feel shocked, but fuck he was more turned on than he could remember. Where this all came from he had no idea. Jack had obviously been doing a lot thinking and it was kind of flattering that he chose him to share it with, but he couldn’t help thinking he was supposed to be the teacher in this relationship.

It was an intense moment. “You know I like you, don’t you, baby?”

“Uh huh,” was the cock muffled reply.

He gripped Jack’s hair hard, yanking him up to face him and the look of glazed rapture in his eyes shook him. His grip tightened and a gasp escaped Jack’s pretty pink lips. “Don’t mess with me, Jack,” he growled. “Is that what you really want?”

The look in the lads eyes said it all. “Do you remember when you first pulled my hair? I was scared, Arnold, but I saw your fat cock swinging in your shorts and putting it in my mouth was all I could think of. How many times have you told me I’m a natural cocksucker? You know I am. I know I am. I’m a dirty little cocksucker.”

Arnold’s grip tightened as he wrapped Jack’s bright red hair around his large hand. He was losing control. It was like watching a switch being flicked and Jack’s true light was shining…….and fuck if he didn’t want him all the more for it.

“Jack, please,” he gasped. It was one last attempt to stem the lust that was sweeping through him. “You’re just saying things you don’t mean. You don’t have to be like this. Not for me.”

“Oh, I mean it. And I’m not doing it for you. You think I’m sweet and innocent?” he said, frantically wanking the big man’s meat. “This is what I want. You. You and your cock. Go on,” Jack goaded, his furtive mind in full flow “You know I want you to. Stick your big fat cock in my dirty little mouth and fuck it. It’s what I’ve wanted since the first time I saw it.”

The old man finally gave in, pushing Jack’s mouth down on his surging meat and held him there as he began to pump in and out. He ignored the choking, He ignored Jack’s flailing arms and the tears that streamed down his cheeks. He pushed deeper, feeling his helmet stretching Jack’s throat, enjoying the sensation of throat muscles gagging.

“You fucking dirty little tramp,” he groaned. “Is this what you want, baby? Is it? You want to know what it’s like to have your pretty face fucked? Don’t say I didn’t try to stop. Don’t say you didn’t ask for it.”

For Jack it was brutal, yet he began to float as the onslaught deepened. Even if he wanted to, which he didn’t, he knew there nothing he could do and his whole body just gave in. It was utterly mind boggling. The big man’s strength seemed to break him with each and every thrust and it felt like heaven. Yes he gagged. Yes he choked, but the seemingly vicious use sent him spiralling into some sort of trance. It was everything he’d ever imagined and more. He ejaculated and then again as Arnold’s thick pole punched into his throat, forcing itself further and further, drowning him with cock. It was nirvana.

He knew Arnold was talking, but the words became almost like white noise and everything began to merge until, with his jaw feeling like it was about to dislocate, his nose was buried in the deep bush of the old man’s pubic hair. He had the whole length buried in his mouth and throat. Oh God! The whole length! And then it was pumping an endless stream of cum and it felt like it was spilling directly into his tummy. Another feeble weak spurt of cum spewed from his tiny cock and his only thought was that Arnold had throatfucked the cum right out of him.

As the post cum haze disappeared, Arnold regretted what he’d done. Jack’s face was a mess, crimson red, covered in spit and tears and he leant forward, stroking his hair. “Jesus, baby,” he said softly. “Forgive me. I don’t know wh…….”

Jack smiled and reached up, tenderly gripped his face and kissed him. “I want you to fuck me,” he croaked. “And I think my boss wants me to suck his cock.”

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