Jacking Off Another Guy Pt. 05


A gay sex stories: Jacking Off Another Guy Pt. 05 I heard it said in some old movie, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a load of garbage. I love my wife and I find that being in love means I must apologize lots, and I do mean lots. Ever give your lady something she says she wants most in this world only to find out that what you did for her or what you gave her was only the tip of the iceberg? You find yourself apologizing and promising to do better. That’s where I find myself now.

Cindy said she wanted to see me jacking off another guy. So, I did that for her. Was she happy? I’ll say. But she was only too happy to invite Keith over again and again for more hand jobs from me. And all the while, she kept begging me to suck that cock. Begging turned to harping and although I told her earlier that I would do that, I was still uncommitted.

No longer was I frightened by his appearance at our door. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I began to look forward to his visits. The easy way he assumed command of both Cindy and me by his mere presence was almost comforting. His charisma was such that it was easy for me to try my best to please him, bring pleasure to his amazing cock.

To date, I have masturbated my man 5 times. Each time he had taken me a step further under his spell. I had become familiar with what Keith likes and how to give him the most pleasure out of the hand jobs I’d give him. But were hand jobs enough? I felt a strange desire to take it further. I knew that by surrendering to him, to his cock and taking him into my mouth, to give him the last measure of my manhood, I would pass the point of no return.

When he wasn’t with us, Cindy would have me relate how wonderful his cock is and how masturbating a real man for her excited me. I love my wife and I would try to make our mutual masturbation sessions more exciting for her by expanding on my relationship with Keith’s cock. When I first told he that he used his cock to gather the sperm from my face and would have me clean that from his cock, she went overboard with another squirting orgasm.

“Lick that cock, johnnie. Clean your man’s cock and thank him for feeding you his load, baby,” she’d moan as she finger fucked herself.

I was rewarded by her giving me a wonderful blow job to completion later and as per the usual, she’d kiss me with her mouth filled with my spunk.

Keith’s visits would always end the same way. But now, instead of Keith pushing me backwards, I eagerly leaned back with my legs open, my privates at his disposal. Cindy always got a kick of how powerful my orgasms were when the waning pulses of Keith’s ejaculation would coat my dick. Orgasms like that are addictive, let me tell you and I was chasing that dragon.

For those who might be curious, my dick is nearly 6″ when hard, two inches shorter than Keiths and not nearly as thick. But it did make an easy target for him to show what he thought of my dick with the last of the orgasms I gave him. Make no mistake, I knew Keith had little, if any, regard for me as a man.

But who could blame him?

The liberties Keith would take with my wife as they sat together naked no longer bothered me, if they ever did anyway. I loved seeing her all excited watching me play with his cock while Keith mauled her breasts or held her nice round bottom.

Things have a way of progressing, naturally or otherwise. I knew that both Cindy and Keith wanted to see me suck his cock. I’m pretty sure that my wife told him that during our story times, I would talk about how aroused I’d get when he’d make me his cock sucker.

I knew I was playing with fire when, each time I’d masturbate him, my face got closer and closer to the majestic crown.

When Cindy said it was time for me to stop talking about sucking his cock and do it for her like I had promised, I knew she’d never be happy until she saw me become my man’s cock sucker. I finally relented and vowed that I would, but only for her, and only once. That excited her to no end. She promised to tell Keith the next day.

I wasn’t able to calm myself. I tried every trick in the book to slow my breathing and heart rate. Nothing worked. I was in a near panic. The day after I told my wife I’d suck Keith’s cock, I was having second thoughts. “What the fuck, dude?” I said to myself. “Are you really gonna become a cock sucker for Cindy?”

I tried to weigh the pros and cons objectively and look at what I was willing to do for my wife. I could identify only a single con. That was me being known as a cock sucker. The pros just seemed to keep on coming. No pun intended.

I couldn’t deny that my first foray into D/s was exciting. Keith’s leadership and command presence turned me into jelly. It was clear that, if I left it to him, he could groom me, mold me into what suited him. I was no dummy. What suited Keith was him fucking Cindy with not only my acceptance but my approval as well.

I knew that if I allowed myself to become Keith’s cock sucker, asking him to fuck Cindy would soon follow. “Why wouldn’t it?” I reasoned. “If he allowed me the pleasure of his cock, surely I could reciprocate. Being the real man that Keith is, he would not lower himself to play with me.”

I had tasted the magic elixir from the forbidden fountain so to speak, my wife feeding me Keith’s load while my man looked watched. In flashes, I thought I remembered the look of satisfaction crossing his face as he sat, God-like watching my wife scoop his thick zesty sperm from my face and body and me eating all that she offered. The look of superiority masked his handsome countenance as me, his subordinate, enjoyed his offering, the fruits of my labor.

I could wax all Shakespeare if I wanted but the fact remains: a rose is a rose by any other name, and that having held his beautiful cock more than once and offered my face for him to bless with his manly ejaculate, I knew then that I wanted to make that cock mine. In other words, a cock sucker by any other name is still a cock sucker and I wanted to suck Keith’s cock.

I will never forget the sick, perverted, erotic, mind blowing experience of having his sperm anoint my stiff dick, bringing me to the most exquisite orgasms of my life. He saw it. Keith watched me writhe and squeal in ecstatic rapture at his feet as he pumped the last of his precious seed on my dick.

Surely, he knew that I understood the statement he made with that act. My man was telling us without words that he found me lacking. Keith was telling me and my wife that I lacked masculinity, I lacked dignity, that I was not a real man. For him, I was only there to pleasure him, to pleasure his wonderful cock, fetch him drinks, assist him when he dressed and undressed.

I wrestled with the shame I felt having been so aroused by his dominance. That shame was in direct conflict with admiration I had for that real man and the excited arousal that overwhelms me when I relive how I brought him such pleasure. And yes, my actions with his cock brought me pleasures of my own.

That Keith found me worthy to wear his seed gave me a sense that I was of some value to him, that I had worth even if he had no respect for me as an equal.

Tossing aside all thoughts that submitting to him made me less than a man in my wife’s eyes, I wanted to give whatever he wanted of me. In return, all I would seek was everything that his cock would bless me with.

The sweet gift of submission to a man, a real man fit me like a finely tailored suit.

I hurried home that day more than a little excited to hear what Keith had to say when Cindy told him I wanted to him to make me his cock sucker.

“Tell me, Cin. What did Keith say. Did he say okay. Did he say he’ll make me his cock sucker?”

“Easy big boy. First things first. Get undressed while I change into something more suited to this conversation.”

I was kneeling in front of my wife, my erection in my hand, I waited, hoping to learn that Keith would grant me the privilege of becoming his cock sucker.

“I don’t understand, johnnie. What’s come over you all of a sudden? I mean at first you didn’t even want to play with his cock and now your mouth is watering at the thought of Keith sticking his cock in it.”

Thinking quick, “Well, I’m only doing this for you.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s entirely true, johnnie. And you being his cock sucker, well, now that could a problem.”

“Why,” I almost whined.

“See, Keith thinks that you’re only wanting to suck his cock for me. He feels that with that in mind, you won’t put your whole heart into it.”

My heart sunk. “But I will. I’ll do my best. Tell him that, Cin, please tell him.”

My wife looked at me and I could see she was trying her best not to smile. “I don’t think me telling him would change his mind, johnnie.”

“Then tell me. What can I do to change his mind?”

“You really want to suck him. I’m not surprised. So do I. Who wouldn’t? Right?”

I was kneeling and remained quiet. I knew that telling her how much I loved the idea of her sucking him too that she probably already thinks me gay or worse.

Without saying another word, Cindy told me to get my phone. I went quickly to the bedroom and brought my phone. I thought she was going to have me call Keith, but she had other ideas.

“Bring up that picture of his cock I sent you.”

I thumbed through the photos and brought up the one with his gorgeous cock. My dick throbbed instantly.

“I’m going to facetime Keith while you masturbate to his cock, johnnie. I think that if Keith sees you beating off to his dick pic, he may believe you really want to be his cock sucker.”

Other guys would have been offended to hear their wives talk about them that way. I am not other men. I only heard that there was a chance that I could convince my man that I truly wanted to be his cock sucker.

“Hi Keith,” Cindy greeted her co-worker when he appeared on screen. Say hi, johnnie,” she smiled turning the phone so he could see me. “He’s rubbing one out while looking at the picture of your cock.”

Hello, sir,” I said knowing he could see me playing with my dick.

“Boy, your wife tells me you want to be my cock sucker. Is that right?”

Just hearing him call me boy sent me into a deep dive into the pool of submission. I trashed that tiny scrap of dignity I had and said, “Yes sir, if that would make you happy.”

My man chuckled. “I do enjoy a good blow job.”

I shivered hearing that.

“Tell me, boy. Let’s say I give you permission to be my cock sucker, what’s in it for me?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t understand.”

Keith sighed as though he was speaking to an idiot or something. “Look, if I give you my cock, what will you give me in return? Don’t say a good blow job. You’ll suck my cock good because you want to. So, again, what’s in it for me? What do I get in return?”

It became clear that Keith wanted me to let him fuck my wife. But I was confused. He didn’t need my permission. As the dominant force in my life, he could take from me whatever he so desired and he knew that.

If any of you reading this have ever been in a D/s relationship as a sub, you understand that as a submissive, there are no choices for you. There is only, “yes, sir” and nothing more. Not unless you have a safe word or agreed upon limitations. Anything else you may desire to say to him, he doesn’t want to hear. Unless you seek punishment or wish to end the relationship altogether, you shut the fuck up.

What was happening now was not a negotiation. This was mind games. My man was taking delight in my humiliation. He wanted to fuck my wife and he wanted me to ask him to fuck her.

I wasn’t quite ready to surrender my wife and asked my man to give me time to think.

I saw the immediate look of disappointment and anger appear on Cindy’s face. “I’ll talk to him, Keith,” she said into her phone before ending the call.

“What’s your problem, johnnie? Keith is kind enough to let you jack him off and you know what he wants in return for allowing you to suck his cock. I don’t understand you. Don’t you care about what he wants?”

In a useless effort to appease my wife, I answered. “What he wants is to fuck you. Can you live with that?”

If you readers have ever played Gin Rummy and seen the expression on the face of your opponent when you laid down the card they needed for Gin, that was the look my wife had after I said what I said.

Cindy knows what buttons of mine to push. Coming to kneel in front of me, she took my erection in her hand and began a gentle stroking. “Baby, I love you for worrying about me. Really. That’s so sweet of you. But, johnnie, I want you to be happy too. If Keith fucking me will get him to let you suck his cock, then I’ll let him fuck me. I’ll do it for you, baby.”

“I don’t know, Cin. I mean I’m already playing with his cock, and you get to see him cum on me. I just don’t think it would okay if you and him, uh, you know.”

“So, it’s okay that you get to play with his cock but not me? It’s always about you, you, you. What about me, johnnie? Why won’t you let me have my fun too?” She snapped.

“I do it for you, Cin. You know that.”

“I do know that. So, let’s even the playing field. Let me do this for you.”

“Is that what you really want? You want Keith to fuck you?”

Sensing a win, my wife’s voice softened. “Let me do this for you, babe,” she repeated.

I relented. Of course, I did. I always have and probably always will give in to Cindy’s demands.

“I guess it’s okay,” I surrendered.

Cindy clapped her hands with excitement. “Call him, johnnie. Call your man right now and tell him you want him to fuck me.”

Without warning, Cindy tossed me her phone, not wanting to disturb the picture of Keith’s cock, still open on my phone. She even made me dial rather than use her contact list. She wanted me to experience the whole humiliating deed of asking another man to fuck my her.

“Yeah,” Keith’s voice came over the speaker.

“Um, uh, Hi sir. It’s me, johnnie.”

“What’s on your mind, boy?”

“God forgive me but when he calls me boy, I just melt into a puddle of submission.

“Sir, I um, well, we uh, we, Cindy and I talked it over and, um…”

“Talk to me boy. Stop stammering and spit it out. What do you want to tell me?”

A deep breath. “Sir, I want you to fuck my wife.”

A long quiet pause on Keith’s end. I thought I might have heard muffled laughing but couldn’t be sure.

Finally, he came back on. “Now why would you want me to fuck that sexy wife of yours, boy?”

I looked at Cindy who was looking at me silently mouthing “tell him.”

“Boy, if you don’t hurry up and speak your mind, I’m going to hang up.”

My stomach turned to quivering Jello hearing him call me boy again as he dressed me down. One more deep breath. “Please don’t hang up, sir. I want you to fuck my wife in return for allowing me to suck your cock.”

And as those words left my mouth, any remaining manhood in me left with them.

“Did I hear a please in there?” Keith asked.

“Please, sir,” I replied.

“Please what, boy?”

“Please fuck my wife, sir,” I somehow managed to croak.

I hoped that would end this conversation, but Keith wanted to demonstrate his dominance of me over the phone a bit longer. So, jacking me off and eating my load aren’t enough for you, boy. You want to be my cock sucker too?”

The look I got from my wife let no room for discussion. “Yes, sir. I want to be your cock sucker.” Then, remembering my manners, I asked, “Please.”

“If you do a good job of sucking me, you need to understand that I might make you my on-demand cock sucker.”

“I would like that, sir,” I said nearly cumming at the thought.

“I know you will but whether you like being my cock sucker or not, your mouth and my cock will become a couple. And I know your wife will love being my go-to pussy.”

“Yes, sir. She will love it.”

I could hardly hear what he said next as Cindy squealed in delight.

“Well, boy, you’ve given me a lot to think about. Can your wife hear this conversation?”

“I can hear you, Keith,” Cindy rang out.

“Good. Now if I’m going to fuck you, I don’t want my boy’s dick near that pussy. Have I made myself clear?”

“You have, Keith, “Cindy agreed.

“Boy? Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. I won’t fuck my wife, sir.”

“Good boy. Now go on and beat off like I know you’re doing.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” I said to the hanging up of his phone.

Cindy kissed my cheek. “Here baby. Let me,” she said jacking my dick hard and fast.

“That should take care of you until after Keith fucks me,” she smiled as she had me cleaning my sperm from her thumb. “That’s it baby, eat Keith’s cum right from the source.”

My fate was sealed.

As always, your comments are welcomed and encouraged.


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