James and George

A gay story: James and George -Prologue

James and George had been friends for as long as they could remember. Both only-children from wealthy households, they had grown up with both privilege and emotionally-absent parents.

They had gone through their private school system keeping to themselves. James and George were both small and slim, having blonde and brown hair respectively which they let grow down as far as their chins. Neither knew how to talk to girls, nor did they discuss them with each other. Instead, their pastimes and conversations were to escape the real world into their games in which they could become strong and powerful – barbarians or mighty warlocks.

As the end of school grew closer, they applied to the same college and were fortunate enough to both be accepted. The all-male college was a prestigious one, but their academic abilities had always been strong. They applied to live in the same dorm room and even requested only a two person living arrangement, as to further avoid socializing outwards. Again their fortune saw them move into their new dorm, a small living area with kitchen, a shared bathroom and two small bedrooms.

Their luck, however, snagged during their first week; they misunderstood a key requirement of the college. During the first week there were two days that were for the sports sign up. There was a buzz as all the students visited the stalls in which existing members encouraged people to join their sport or team.

Of course, neither James or George had any interest in this, and so stayed in their new dorm playing fantasy games, unpacking and preparing for their classes. What they hadn’t realized was that taking part in a sport was mandatory. Furthermore, any student not signed up after the two enrollment days was automatically assigned a sport. This could not be changed or appealed as the college used this to balance our numbers across the available sports.


His phone pinged in his pocket. He rolled the dice and saw it land on a three.

“You failed to hit the specter,” George said, “what do you do next?”

A ping interrupted them. “Hold on, let me just check my phone.” He pulled it out seeing that it was from ‘student admin.’

“What is it?” he asked with a frown. He hooked his brown hair behind his ears as waited expectantly.

“We were supposed to choose a sport and it wasn’t optional. Now I have been assigned a sport and can’t change it. What’s more, attendance and effort are accredited. I’ve been assigned to play… rugby.”

George stared with his mouth agape. “Rugby? Who even plays that? What the fuck, you’ll be killed!” He suddenly paused in realization then ran to his room to get his phone. After a silent minute he came back in, his face equally pale and pained.

“I have to take part in wrestling.” They both sat in silence.


George slumped on the couch next to James exhausted from the long day.

Today had been the day in which both of their first sessions had occurred. James, at the rugby pitch and George in a shared sports center.

“How was it?” he asked.

“They are all really huge. Tall, square and built like orcs. This sport is actually going to kill me. I look like a child in the start of year photo we took. I had to get a small kit, everyone else got at least a large one.” His voice was meek. The experience had clearly embarrassed him.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, look at this.” He had kept his unitard under his clothes to avoid getting changed with the others. Although he hadn’t planned on showing James, he felt like it might make him feel better.

So he stood and undressed, standing awkwardly before James in a skin-tight, navy leotard. For a second, James just stared before he burst out laughing. George laughed too, a genuine laugh that helped him with the absurdity of the situation.

He could see his reflection in the mirror, the figure hugging material betraying his slim, unmanly figure. His small bulge nestled between his legs for the world to see.

The laughter and shared embarrassment helped them both enjoy the rest of the night as they gamed and studied, pushing their problems to the back of their minds.


He was exhausted. The drills were aimed at pushing the relatively athletic. He felt like he might throw up for most of the session. By the time they headed back to the changing rooms, he was covered in mud, sweat and already felt his muscles ache from exertion.

The team was a rowdy one, a mixture of first years and the existing team. They laughed and pushed each other as they entered the changing room. He felt so small, trailing at the back, wanting the ground to swallow him.

The others nonchalantly undressed as they laughed and talked. He couldn’t imagine being so laid back whilst undressing in front of others. Some were already showering as he picked up his bag and headed towards the door.

A large hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned to see a large, broad body standing over him.

“Hey, you may not want to be part of the team – but you are. We expect you to be here and try your best. That both at rugby and at being part of the team. We shower and change here. Everyone in the team.”

James gave a meek nod. He hadn’t wanted people to know he hadn’t chosen to be here, though it was probably obvious. He returned his bag to the bench and began slowly undressing, his cheeks already burning with embarrassment.

His hair was tied up, his dirty kit shoved in his bag, and now he had nothing to do but walk towards the shared shower.

The noise from the showers was daunting. There was so much talking and laughter for what James considered a private activity. He felt like he was walking through a prison block.

As he turned the corner, he was met by the sight of a large, square room with shower heads evenly spaced around all four walls, with a small section to enter and exit. In the steam and jets of water were almost the entire team, large men washing the mud from their muscular bodies. James burned with shame as he covered his dick and headed to a vacant shower head.

He was so small in comparison. Even the shorter of the men were still taller and much broader than him. They were confident and didn’t feel the urge to cover themselves like James did. He could see why, their dicks were all big. Well, perhaps many were average, but all large compared to his. They swung freely between their legs and bounced as they cleaned themselves.

He had to walk to a far corner to reach a shower. As he neared it he felt a sting on his ass. He chose not to look at who had slapped him, but he couldn’t ignore the voice, “Well it looks like our friend in admin pulled through and got us a replacement for Chau. He sent us a cute one. Look at her little ass and cute tied up hair.”

His face burned with embarrassment as laughter surrounded him, loud bellows from the second and third years, unsure laughter from the other new starters.

“Hey bitch, look at me. Turn around.” James knew it was he who was being spoken to and he slowly turned around, his insides icy with fear. He covered his crotch and kept his eyes low.

“Look at me,” he repeated growling. James looked up to see the owner of the voice, a towering man with broad muscular shoulders and a strong chin. It was Bull. named so because of his strength and build.

“For you new starters, I’ll explain how this works. Being at an all male college leaves us hot blooded men a little wanting at times. Yeah, we can get girls in town but they are in short supply and the competition is high. Our team started looking out for our own and they made our own little slut who could service our team. It’s now a time honoured tradition.

“Our last slut, Chau, was a hot little Korean piece. It got a bit much for her and she is no longer enrolled. This is our new replacement.”

There were hoots from the players, aside from the new ones.

“I know that this seems like a lot to take in if you’re new here. But let me assure you. Our sluts never tell, and after you’ve all had a go, you won’t either.”

As he said this, the tall man who had stopped me leaving the changing rooms stood in the way of the shower exit. Two other large players walked towards James and maneuvered his arms behind his back, hooking their own arms through. This meant that when they stood upright, James was lifted clear off of the floor.

He wriggled and shouted as they pressed his body firmly against the cold tiles, his cheek flush against the wall.

“He’s ready for you, Bull.” One stated calmly.

“After me, the six new guys will all have their turn. You can stay and watch after you’ve been, or you can go. For security purposes, it will be recorded.”

James heard the bare footed steps approach him and he tried fruitlessly to wriggle free. Bull rubbed gel between his palms, then used one hand to stroke his own cock and the other to push a finger firmly inside James’ asshole.

James screamed and bucked. The two men holding him pressed their free hands against his lower back. His legs hung, toes pointed down.

Bull seemed to enjoy the sight. His stroking had caused his erection to quickly grow and it now stood thick and ready.

He stood close to James and guided the tip of his cock to his hole. He pushed the tip on then grabbed him firmly by the waist. Any wriggle room James had before was gone now. With the grip of the three men holding him up and still, he could barely move. All he could do was cry out and bend his knees.

Bull pushed his cock in slowly, letting out a long moan until he reached the base of his cock. James’ screams intensified as the faces of the onlookers ranged from thick arousal to outright horror.

He felt like he was being inflated from the inside. His entire body was being stretched around the cock which was being forced inside him. He felt its heat as his ass gripped it, failing to keep it at bay.

“Fuck, she’s a tight one,” he breathed to no one in particular. He was in to the hilt. He paused to enjoy the feeling of his new cock sleeve. The soft, warm grip that now gave pleasure to his wanting cock. He started to grind himself, pushing James more firmly into the wall. Before long, he picked up the pace and was fucking with animalistic vigour.

James looked like a doll pressed between the three men. Bull’s moans and the few running showers drowned out his feeble, desperate noises. The noise of Bull’s breathing and moaning was close to his ear. He grunted with each thrust, a mixture of exertion and pleasure.

James opened his eyes for the first time since he had been entered. He turned his head to look out pleadingly to the rest of the room. He expected to see people being restrained, fighting to save him from this fate. Instead, he saw several hard cocks being slowly stroked as they looked on.

His insides felt full and uncomfortable and his hole seared with pain. Each thrust pressed him against the cold tiles and he could hear the moaning and breathing from Bull on his neck. Each thrust was unignorable as he felt every vein on his cock as it slid in and out.

James tried to detach himself from his body. He failed. He could not forget his body being stretched or the thick cock repeatedly sliding in and out of him. Instead, he tried to relax. To stop fighting against it and accept it. He breathed out deeply and relaxed every muscle in his body.

The pain was not gone, but it had subsided. Now it was just surreal discomfort.

It felt like an age, but eventually Bull moaned loudly and his cock released his load. He thrust sharply as his load emptied inside James. After a few moments of heavy breathing, he pulled out, allowing his cum to seep out of James’ tender hole.

“First years, who’s next?” he asked as he turned away. The men on either side of James continued to hold on to him. After a moment of silence, a hard first year stepped forward with a serious expression.

Bull stepped aside and gestured that he could take his place. The first year stepped forward and quickly pressed his cock inside James’ already lubed hole. He fucked him quickly, moaning like it was the most amazing feeling in the world. In a moment of lucidity, James surmised that he was a virgin by his moans and urgent pace. He lasted no more than 30 seconds before he too blew his load inside James’ ass.

“Only five more to go,” Bull whispered in his ear after the first year had stepped away.


Over the first weeks of their campus experience, it seemed their hopes of living a changed life had settled into a disappointing routine. The forced participation of the sport weighed on George. He hated it when he was there and worried about it for most of the time he wasn’t.

He was by far the smallest of all the wrestlers. They cycled opponents and George was an easy target. He was thrown, pinned and twisted on the mats until he tapped out or the referee stepped in.

The only person who seemed to hold back on him was Nate, who was strong and had been a keen wrestler for several years; he had nothing to prove. So rather than take advantage of his small frame, he would actually support and coach George. He made his wrestling evenings more bearable.

However hard George was finding it, he noticed that James had taken to it even worse. He returned home from practice quiet and spent more time in his room. He wanted to hang out less and less. The dorm felt lonely and small.

George had more time alone in the dorm and spent it gaming, studying and jerking. He would offer activities for James but was never pushy. He had never seen him like this before.

During the start of the following week, something even stranger happened. George heard a gentle tap on his door and James poked his head in.

“Hey, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I’m gonna have a friend over from rugby tonight.” He said without expression.

“Really? Ok. cool. When I can hang out with you too or just make myself scarce here. Your call buddy.” George replied, trying to hold back the look which would have shown his utter confusion.

“No, you just do your thing. We’ll probably hang out in my room anyway.” James said and without another word, he closed the door and left.

True to his word, a largely built guy arrived and spent around an hour hanging out in his room. This was strange in itself, but different guys came to hang out with him over the next few days, never staying for too long.

George was equally worried and confused. His anti-social friend was not only hanging out with members of his team, but seemed to be more introverted and quiet than ever before. He surmised that it was the sport that was getting to him and he was trying to adjust.

So he made a decision. On a night which rugby was on but wrestling was not, he would go down to the pitch and show his support. Cheer him on. Perhaps introduce himself to some of his team or just ask James to go out for a drink afterwards. He figured James would appreciate the gesture and George might be able to find out what was going on in his head better.

And so, an evening in the middle of their third week in college, George headed down the rugby pitch. He arrived to see practice in full swing. It looked rough, tackling drills, cardio, ball skills. But no James in sight.

George pondered what to do. Perhaps he got an injury or had stepped out to catch his breath? He decided to walk up to the pavilion and check in the changing room for him.

He walked away from the shouting of the players and eventually reached the door of the changing room. He pushed it open slightly and called out for James, but heard no reply. He stepped further inside letting the door close behind him.

There was a wall immediately in front of the door for privacy, he was still behind it as the door closed yet not in the view of the changing room, when he suddenly stopped. He could hear something from around the corner.

Something was panting, moaning and the sounds of slapping flesh. Although he was a virgin, George recognized the sounds of sex. His heart pounded as he listened. A deep voice breathed out pleasurable moans as a higher, more frantic moan rang out after each slap.

Unable to help himself, George leaned close to the wall and peeked around it. On the free-standing bench in the middle of the locker room was a girl with long blonde hair, on her hands and knees dressed in a cheerleader’s outfit. Her skirt had been lifted and a tall, strong man was standing behind her fucking her and gripping her tightly by the waist. George had an almost side-on view.

Her hair covered her face. She was slim and petite, with sexy legs and a nice ass. A small pair of tits pressed against the tight fabric of her outfit. Each thrust into her was powerful and deep, and each one caused a short, high moan. George couldn’t say for certain if it was pain, pleasure or both.

He watched enthralled as the muscular guy drove his cock into her. George could feel that his own cock was rigid in his pants and he fought the urge to touch it. He debated getting his phone out but thought that would be harder to excuse if he was spotted. So, he carried on enjoying the show.

After a time, the man’s grip seemed to tighten around the tiny waist of the girl. He thrust became faster and he moaned and talked more. He announced his orgasm as he thrust his final times inside her, cumming and gripping tightly. He stayed inside her for half a minute and she seemed to go rigid in response to the feeling of his load being shot.

When he finally pulled out, he grabbed her and turned her, instructing her to clean his cock. She obeyed and sat on the bench, sucking his cock clean. It was then that George saw her face for the first time. The girl with the long blonde hair was James. His skirt had fallen back down as he licked the cock clean, but it was clearly tented by his erection.

George left before there was a chance of being caught.


It had astounded James how quickly he it had gone from him arriving for his first training session to him being used like a fuck doll by not only the existing members, but the new first years.

He was now expected to turn up before practise and get dressed up in various clothing, wigs and makeup. He was then used however the players wanted. After his initiation, Bull had ensured that he came to practise by arriving at his dorm beforehand. As a kindness, to give his ‘pussy’ a rest, he sucked the players’ cocks throughout training.

After the shower incident he had debated not returning. Maybe going to the police or the university student body. But a video that was sent to him deterred him. Watching himself get fucked by seven men was a video he didn’t want public, nor did he really want to leave the college.

So again he returned to training. There were benches around the outside of the room and a few free-standing ones. He was laid on his stomach to a free-standing bench and his hands and feet were tied to the metal legs. He had then been fucked before, during and after training until he lost count of the amount of cocks he had taken.

His outfit had been covered in cum and it pooled on the floor around him. His ass was sore and he felt utterly broken. He had no fight. What could he do even if he wanted? They all dwarfed him and he would lose any one on one.

The time after that, he was handcuffed to a shower pipe and fucked whilst they showered after the match. Some were rough, some were just grateful. Some lasted an age whilst others were done quickly.

He stopped taking part in training and simply served as a fuck toy for players to satisfy their needs. He would have to be dressed up and ready and told that he would not earn his accreditation on the field, but servicing the team.

He was grateful when he realized that, aside from the initial insertion or a particularly well hung player, the pain had gone. He still found it uncomfortable, intrusive and demeaning though.

The fact that this torment was limited to training was short-lived. Bull asked, insisted, that he came back to his dorm as some of the players were getting together.

When he arrived, he was given some time to freshen up. He dressed in a short, black dress with a wig and makeup. He then sucked their cocks under the table as they played poker. Later in the night, when the liquor had been flowing, he spent most of the time with a cock in each end of him.


George could not get the images out of his head. James was dressed up as a girl, a smoking hot one at that, and taking a huge cock.

The sounds echoed in his mind too. It drove him mad wondering if they were sounds of pleasure or not.

It made him hard when he thought about it and over the next couple of days he had jerked a lot more than usual.

He debated talking to him about it but didn’t know how, or what to say. He wondered for a moment if it was non consensual but it seemed like he was enjoying it and had clearly put effort into his appearance.

James was still behaving oddly and staying in his room but now at least George had an inkling as to why.

Whilst George was studying, he heard the door open and close before hearing James’ door quietly close. He clearly had another of his rugby friends over.

Before he had thought this strange, but now he had seen what he had seen, his body became instantly aroused and racked with adrenaline.

After a short while and an internal debate, George crept to his bedroom door and opened it slightly, listening for any sounds. Hearing none, he ventured out into the hall.

He crept along the corridor and stopped outside James’ room. He quieted his breathing and strained his ears.

The sounds of a rocking bed, and muffled effeminate moans played out. It seemed each of his visitors was coming around to have sex with him.

George heard a slap and a male, hushed voice, “Yeah, take it you slut. Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

The higher voice replied breathlessly, too quiet for George to make out. He knew what it was saying though. He became hard as he listened and mental images formed in his mind. His heart pounded as the unmistakeable sounds of fucking reached his ears. The sexy sight of the locker room fuck flashed in his mind, this time separated by a thin wooden door.

He stood entranced. The bed rocking became quicker and louder. The deep voice moaned louder. The higher, muffled sounds and squeaks became faster. George heard the unmistakable sound of a male orgasm and the other sounds diminished.

He returned to his room and jerked his cock to an explosive orgasm.

Later that evening, James came out of his room and was a little more himself.

“Did I hear someone come in earlier? I was gaming but thought I heard something.” George asked nonchalantly as their conversation lulled.

“Oh yeah, a friend from rugby popped over just to say hi on his way back from class.” His face revealed nothing but George’s cock stirred knowingly.


Despite the horrific introduction to his forced role, James had surprised himself with how much he had mentally accepted it.

Being penetrated no longer hurt like it did. Rather, he now almost felt like he enjoyed the feeling of being stretched and full. There was something strangely satisfying about being able to accommodate a cock. To feel its warmth radiate inside you. To have to stretch and earn the right to have it enter you.

Rather than find the thought of being used by men repugnant, he enjoyed the way he was so wanted by them all. They desired him and became animalistic; they needed him and the release he offered. Never in his life had he been wanted. Now it was constant. The hungry looks in their eyes, their wandering hands, their urgent fucking. One of the strangest things about it was that when he thought about some of his antics, he felt horny in his ass.

He didn’t even mind the dressing up now. He was getting good at applying makeup and wigs and had been given access to a range of outfits that he enjoyed exploring. He liked the looks on the players’ faces when they first saw him. It was like an affirmation after spending the time getting ready. He was hot. He felt sexy. It was easy to pretend to be a girl when you were so thoroughly treated like one. Like a walking fuck hole for a room full of horny guys.

He was pushing boundaries by keeping clothes, wigs and makeup in his dorm. But he needs them there as players could turn up with short notice for a quick fuck, especially on days with no practise. Some even had outfit requests and particular kinks that he accommodated.

He tried to be quiet and encourage the guys to do the same. He would sometimes put music on but often forgot. At some point during the fucking he would forget and start to moan and was grateful that George had never noticed.

His first anal orgasm was as surprising to him as it was intense. He had just sucked a cock before practice and jerked another to a quick orgasm. As the team left, Clyde stayed behind. He was a first year student who hadn’t used him since the first night.

He had decided not to, but the particular school girl outfit that he wore that day had ignited something in him. He laid James down on the bench and lifted his ankles to rest on his shoulders. He pulled out his cock, which was thick and long.

He entered James slowly, and each thrust was deep and slow. He was as steady as a metronome and ploughed his hole until James began to feel like his body was melting into a quivering jelly. The pleasure built and James moaned like a bitch on heat. It grew to a point where his body could no longer take it and an orgasm exploded through him, converting every ounce of energy into pure pleasure.

Untouched, his small but rock solid cock shot ropes of cum. Clyde responded by cumming too, his cock milked by James’ contracting ass. He blew his load and jogged off to training, leaving James in a cum covered, blissful heap.


He was utterly conflicted by his feelings. He felt shame after jerking to his friend, like it invaded his privacy and his secret. He should let him disclose it in his own time and let him do his own thing. On the other hand, it made him so horny. He fought the urge to jerk over it again but found himself relentlessly horny.

He finished his class and headed straight for his wrestling session. He hoped it would take his mind off James, and for a time it did.

He warmed up with the group and then they separated into pairs to practice. He had been pinned three times in a row with ease, as they rotated partners again. He was now with Nate.

They nodded as a brief greeting then began their tussle. Nate was trying to pin him whilst on his back. George, on his elbows and knees, fought it. It was then that the vision of James being fucked from behind popped into his head.

The position matched. The man behind him, grappling him with strong hands, matched the guy fucking James from behind. The situations were so similar that George began to harden. His face flushed with embarrassment.

He was terrified of being discovered with an erection. He fought to keep his body down, keep Nate behind him, until the erection passed.

The problem was twofold. One, he was losing the fight to hold the position he wanted, and two, the grappling only seemed to spurn on his cock. It was going nowhere.

And so the inevitable happened. Nate managed to turn him and lock his arm outstretched whilst grappling his legs. His erection had tented his crotch and seemed impossible to miss. Nate must have seen it, though he didn’t say anything. George tapped out and sat up, concealing his shame.

George didn’t change out of his leotard, opting to just put on his coat. He raced home after training, trying to avoid Nate.

Once back at his dorm, he opened the door and hung his coat. He started down the hallway but paused as he passed James’ door. It was closed and he leaned in close, hoping that he could share in the sounds of his fucking.

Steadying his breathing, he could hear the rhythmic sounds of skin slapping. He could hear moans of a man and the effeminate squeaks of James as he undoubtedly was stuffed with cock.

George was hard immediately. He had learned that he could hear best from the small pantry in the kitchen as the air vents connected so he tiptoed quickly there.

He was not wrong. The sounds were louder and clearer. “You’re so fucking tight, slut,” said the male voice. “You like this big cock in your pussy?”

The voice that replied was so girly that, if George had not known better, he could have believed it was a real girl.

“Oh yeah. I fucking love being filled by your cock. Don’t. Stop. Fucking. My. Pussy.”

The sounds of slapping flesh and breathing continued. George could smell Nate’s cologne and musk in his leotard and imagine it was him being fucked in there. He imagined Nate’s strong hands pinning him down. He imagined wrestling and being pinned, his cock sliding inside him.

He pulled his leotard to the side and released his desperate cock. The sounds fuelled his fantasy as he jerked his cock furiously. His orgasm was intense and overdue. He bit his lip to stay quiet and caught his cum in his hand.

He crept back to his room, realizing that he had made the mistake of associating the smell of Nate with his fantasies.


James added the finishing touches to his makeup. He was just about ready, well before any players arrived to get ready for training. As had become the norm, he had stayed hard the entire time he dressed, brushed out his wig and applied makeup. He couldn’t deny that he looked and felt sexy. The cute girl in the mirror looked back at him with a sultry smile, red lips under dark eyes.

His cock never had fully accustomed itself to being ignored, but the horniness in his ass was the pressing concern. It ached to be filled. It wanted to be stretched and fucked and used.

His stuffed little bra pressed against his tight white t-shirt and his skirt barely covered his ass. Stockings extended his legs and made them long and sexy. Heels finished his outfit and blew a kiss to himself.

He rubbed his little cock through his panties and felt a pleasurable tingle. He lost himself for a time reminiscing of his recent activities when he heard the door swing open and deep voices talking. The two players stopped when they saw him.

“Can’t say no to that.” one said as he approached James and turned him to the wall. He lifted his skirt, knowing full well that his ass would already be lubed and welcoming.

He shoved his cock inside impatiently and began to fuck him, whilst casually continuing his conversation.

James, more than ready for the anal intrusion, always responded the same way now when he was first entered. He seemed to melt. All the worries, pent up horniness, doubt, self-consciousness- gone. The world stopped and his whole body simply melted around the cock. He felt most comfortable and at ease whilst stretched around a hard cock.

The moans were mostly involuntary. One the thrusting began his body was reduced to a sex toy and each thrust radiated pleasure. His little cock stood rigid but ignored. None of the players ever touched or acknowledged it, and nor did he. Not that he needed to. The pleasure from his ass far outweighed his cock and the more he had seen, the more he realized his was a pitiful dicklet anyway.

He could feel the cock in his swell further and impale him more quickly. He knew he would cum soon. An arm wrapped around his neck and squeezed, forcing his head up. The fucking became urgent. His petite body was thrust against the wall, his small, fake tits pressed as he ass was pushed out backwards. His own cock was red and desperately hard. It was a race to see who could outlast the other.

His ass felt amazing, warm, loved and enjoying every second of the rough treatment. He was so close to an orgasm when the cock in his ass paused and then pulsed. A long, deep moan accompanied the load being blown inside his ass.

The cock in his ass slid out slowly, leaving it empty and wanting. He had grown to love the feeling of his hole after a session. It didn’t hurt, but it’s rough treatment left it buzzing, warm and slowly diffusing pleasure.

James turned to get cleaned up when the second player strode quickly up to him. He looked up to shed his face, eyeing his body hungrily.

The large player was naked, and stopped down to grab James behind the thighs, lifting him up and wrapping his legs around his waist.

Again, James was pressed into the wall, back-first this time. The hard cock beneath him proved around before finding the sweet spot of his anus. James was lowered onto it, re-stretching around the warm, thick pole.

They both let out satisfied moans of different pitches. James was still hard and his cock bobbed with each of the new player’s thrusts. He was regularly taken from behind, standing or laying, but always enjoyed seeing the strong bodies at work. The player had defined muscles which stretched and tensed as his body writhed. His thick arms pinned James in place, his strong hands gripping his legs tightly.

He was not savouring the feeling. He had practise soon after all. Instead, he quickly impaled James from tip to hilt as quickly as he could, impatient for his orgasm to arrive.

This time it was James who won the race. He could feel it rise quickly and his legs, which hung and flopped around behind the player’s back, began to shake as the orgasm threatened. His moans became higher and more frantic. His eyes rolled as control of his body was taken over by the pressing urge to submit to the orgasm.

Due to their height difference, James’ view was of a thick pair of pecs, glistening with sweat formed by the exertion of holding him up. The six pack extended and contracted like an accordion, each time delivering pleasure to the deepest parts of James’ body.

As he boiled over, James looked down as his own cock as it began to spurt. Some ropes shot up whilst others pulsed out. His body tried to writhe, to straighten – anything to respond to the overwhelming orgasm that rocked through him. But he was held and pinned. All he could do was shake, moan and cum.

The relentless pounding continued as his ass spasmed through the orgasm. The cock cared not for the sheath’s pleasure or lack of. The continued pounding drove the orgasm to unfathomable heights. Cum leaked out of his dick in a steady stream now as his legs and buttocks shook unstoppable.

His moans were high and desperate. His mouth hung open and he was utterly at the mercy of the beast pinning and fucking him.

In the player’s last thrusts, it felt like his cock had tripled in length as it drove in and out of his sensitive, quivering hole. It blew a large load, throbbing in its own pleasure. James felt the warm load as it filled him deeply.

When the cock slipped wetly out, James slumped into a pile on the floor. His limbs were weak and useless and his whole body throbbed in lingering pleasure.

He dragged himself to a bench and lay prone, offering his ass to the world as he know more players would soon arrive and want their own release. That was his job, after all.

A few minutes passed as he caught his breath and cum slipped from his ass. He did not move. He could not move. His cock occasionally squirmed and cum leaked out to join that which has escaped his ass.

The players began to arrive in earnest. Many would take their pleasure after training, wanting their focus to be on the game. But some had little restraint and could not refuse the sight of a pussy presented so readily.

Each time he was taken his orgasm rebuilt quickly and he came upon each cock that filled him. His mouth was ficked and filled with hot cum and his mind melted into a timeless stupor. By the time the players had called it a night, he could barely walk home.


George had been dreading training. After hearing James and jerking himself, he had become hard again when he had smelt Nate on his leotard and jerked again. The smell made him instantly hard which was fine in the confines of his dorm but now he was beginning training.

He stepped towards the mats and heard the coach explain the warm up drills. George’s eyes were drawn to Nate, his tall frame, strong arms, large hands.

Shame and arousal coursed through him as he got to work warming up. Before long, the partner work began. Based on the rotation, Nate would be his third partner.

The first two had little attention from George, whose mind was elsewhere. He was outmatched both times and lost to his betters.

The whistle sounded and George rotated to Nate’s mat. They nodded in greeting and Nate smiled broadly. The second whistle started the match.

Nate approached him quickly and grabbed him around the shoulders. The smell hit him hard, Nate’s cologne. He begged his cock to ignore it but the smell filled his nostrils and his cock was reminded of his fantasies, James being taken, the sounds of pleasurable coupling and his own voyeuristic orgasms.

His cock was hard before he was even thrown on the mat. He tried to fight but Nate was taller, stronger and more experienced.

Before long, he was pinned on the mat in his side, at the complete mercy of Nate and how much pain he wanted to cause.

To his horror, Nate pinned George’s legs with his own and controlled both his arms with just one of his own. With his free hand, he fully grabbed George’s crotch. The large had engulfed his hard cock and squeezed.

Shame and pleasure shot through him. There was no way this was accidental and there was no way he didn’t feel that his cock was hard, most likely for the second time.

He kneaded his crotch like dough. The urge to cum swelled in his clamber balls but he squirmed enough that Nate was forced to relinquish his grip in order to finally pin him and win the match.

The whistle blew again and George, flushed with embarrassment, moved to his next partner.

After training, George decided to shower in one of the cubicles. He stayed in there a long time. He didn’t want to show his face and wanted to be sure that Nate would be gone, so he stood motionless under the hot stream. He looked down at his pathetic cock that was causing so much trouble.

Eventually, he thought enough time had passed and left his shower, wrapping his towel around his waist.

He returned to the locker room but his clothing and bag were nowhere to be seen. He checked under the benches and in the unlocked lockers. He frowned as he thought about his last movements.

As he moved around the room, he looked into the darkness of an adjacent training room. The lights were off, aside from one at the very far end. Under this single light, sat his bag. Perhaps someone had thought everyone was gone and it had been left? It was still a strange place to put it.

He stepped into the room and walked to the far side. As he neared it, he heard the door close behind him. He turned instinctively and saw Nate slowly turn the lock. He had towel wrapped around his waist too. His broad, muscular body loomed between George and the only exit.

George tried to say something but the words caught in his throat, and he coughed.

“I see that your body is trying to tell me something every time we wrestle. Perhaps it’s trying to tell you something.”

“I…I’m sorry. I don’t mean to…you know…” George managed.

“To get hard?” George’s face visibly flushed, even in the dimly lit room.

“I’ve noticed it doesn’t happen in your other matches. Just when you’re pinned under me.” He stepped close as he spoke.

“What is going on in that head when your being pinned, huh? What are you imagining?”

“It..it’s not like that,” George whimpered, stepping back slightly.

“Oh really? Just thinking about how to win the match and your little cock gets stiff?” He was now close enough that George could smell him. That familiar, boner inducing smell.

George felt his cock stir and looked down in alarm. Nate smiled. “You’re a little faggy slut. It’s the only reason and little bitch like you would join a wrestling team. Not to win, not to compete, but to grapple with men.”

“No, I had to join!” George protested.

“Right,” Nate replied as he reached out and grabbed his neck, forcing their foreheads together. “Let’s see what your body says.”

He removed his own towel and pulled of George’s in a fluid motion.

“If you’re here to wrestle, and nothing else, then all you have to do is stay soft.” He braced as he prepared to wrestle.

George tried to control his breathing. His nakedness filled him with shame as his petite, delicate body faced the tall, muscular one opposite him.

He didn’t have to win. All he had to do was stay soft. The adrenaline pumping through him would help.

He looked down at the large cock that hung between Nate’s legs and he felt a rush of excitement. ‘Damn it, focus,’ he thought.

Nate lunged and held him, throwing him to the floor with ease. George fought back but he knew he was no match.

Nate mounted him from behind, locking his arms and legs down. His cock nestled heavily between his ass cheeks. His scent attacked his nostrils as he began to lose his mental battle.

Images rushed inside his mind of James being fucked on the bench and him watching on with a raging hard on. The sounds of James being fucked as he stood near his door for the first time. The memory of him stroking his cock to orgasm as he stood near the vents, his cock rigid and poking out from his tight wrestling suit.

It was too much. The smell, the memories, the powerful man with his cock dangling against his ass. George’s cock stiffened.

Nate rolled him to his back and caught a glimpse of his cock.

“That was quicker than I thought it would be.” He sat in George’s chest, his cock mere centimeters from his mouth.

“I feel left out, your cock is so hard and mine is still soft.” He pressed his cock head up against George’s lips, which sealed in protest. However, the exertion means that he quickly became desperate for air and opened his mouth. Nate pushed his cock in.

George stopped trying to fight it. There was no way he would be able to move Nate off from sitting on top of him. He reluctantly accepted the head into his mouth and sucked on it. It was hot and thick. It excited him.

He felt it swell in his mouth as his tongue worked around the tip. He lifted his head and bobbed against it, feeling it stiffen.

He sucked it until it was hard. Nate adjusted his position, adopting a missionary position over his head and slowly fucking his face.

“Yeah, that’s better, now both of us are hard. Get it nice and wet, you know what’s coming.”

George hadn’t known. Or hadn’t considered it a possibility until then. As he realized what Nate meant, things suddenly changed.

Nate rolled off and laid next to him. He lifted George’s closest leg and use his own legs to lock up the furthest one. George leg was clamped between Nate’s trunk like thighs, his stiff cock conveniently positioned next to George’s ass.

George tried to squirm free. “Wait, no, what are you doing?” The question was only half rhetorical. He knew exactly what was about to happen.

“I’m gonna fuck your slutty little ass. Don’t tell me you don’t want me to? I tell you what. I’ll stop if you go soft.” With that he pushed his mouth moistened cock against George’s virgin whole and started to push it in.

George tried to buck as his whole began to stretch but the lock was too tight. He felt Nate’s warm, thick cock open him up and slide inside.

He moaned as his body felt pressure in areas he had never felt before and thought about the moans he heard James make. He felt the fullness inside him and the powerful hands hold his uplifted leg tightly.

Nate let out a deep moan as he began to gently pulse back and forth. George’s cock was still rigid, so Nate was still permitted to continue, according to his own rules.

George gave a last ditch effort to control his erection. To think of something off-putting. To wish it away. But the feeling of being so full was strangely pleasurable and the gentle rocking satisfied his insides. There was a stretching pain, but his fantasies had prepared him for this scenario.

“S-stop,” George moaned, but he wasn’t even fooling himself anymore.

“As soon as your hard little cock goes down,” replied Nate. “And from what I can see, it’s harder than ever.”

George looked down at his cock and saw that he was right. It stood, red and angry. Desperate to be touched and with no sign of deflating. He watched as Nate sped up his thrusts inside of him causing his hard cock to begin to bounce against his own stomach. It left little specks of moisture as precum pooled at the tip.

As Nate got into full swing, George understood why James moaned like he did. This felt good. Better than good, he felt amazing. Jerking was nothing compared to this. He didn’t know what sex felt like from the male standpoint, but he even thought that must fall short. He simply felt incredible.

He didn’t want Nate to know it, but he couldn’t stop the moans from escaping his mouth. They were frantic and clearly moans of pleasure. His insides were glowing with pleasure caused by Nate’s cock. He listened to Nate moan and that turned him on even more.

Before long, George’s arms were splayed out above his head and he was moaning in unrestrained bliss. Nate adjusted and settled between his legs, adopting a missionary position and rammed his cock as deeply as he could.

Georges cock continues to bounce, still hard and still leaking precum. He lifted his head to see the toned body looming over him, using his little hole to fuck and pleasure himself and the sight was amazing. He had become the fantasy. He was the girl moaning like a bitch as a cock filled his hole.

He watched Nate’s muscular body writhe as he pounded him and saw the pleasurable and pained expression on his face. The fact that he was also enjoying this aroused him somehow even further.

It was as that point, as he watched the scene from below, that he felt a strange sensation in the base of his cock. He felt liquid move through his cock and watched as cum shot out of his cock, spraying across his own stomach and chest.

He moaned loudly at the sensation of cumming that way, and he felt his ass throb in pleasure. His head fell back heavily, his eyes rolled and he moaned as he rode the orgasm.

Nate continued to pound him and that triggered another, even more intense orgasm that exploded through him causing his body to reduce to a quivering pile of limbs. Cum continued to ooze from his still hard cock.

Nate thrust hard until he leant back in his knees and shot his own load across George’s already cum covered stomach, moaning deeply.

“Still hard, see?” Nate said as he stood and threw the towel in top of George, before leaving him.

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