Jason and Andy: On the Road – Ch. 04


A gay story: Jason and Andy: On the Road – Ch. 04 (Andy’s POV)

I limped into the truck stop bathroom, still sore from the rough treatment I received the previous night. The trucker who had used me as his personal plaything had given me a spare key and told me to use the facilities before we hit the road again. I hesitated at the sight of the key, knowing that it symbolized my submission to him. But the urge to relieve myself won, and I entered the bathroom, dreading what awaited me.

As I walked towards the stalls, I noticed a large, burly trucker glaring at me. I tried to look away, but he gestured towards the stalls, indicating that I should go in. I could feel his eyes on me as I quickly made my way into the stall, grateful for the privacy it provided. As I pulled down my shorts and sat on the toilet, a sense of relief washed over me. It was such a simple task, yet it felt like a tiny victory in the midst of my submission to this man.

But as I finished urinating, my thoughts drifted to the events of the previous night. I couldn’t believe that I had actually been subjected to such rough treatment, something I had only seen in porn before. I winced as I touched my sore anus, which still felt raw and swollen from the abuse it had received in the shower. I had never experienced such intense pain mixed with pleasure, and it both terrified and aroused me.

Lost in my thoughts, I traced around the edges of my sore anus with my fingers, shuddering at the memories of what had happened. My mind drifted to the intense orgasm I had experienced at the hands of this stranger. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and though I had cum without ejaculating, it was still mind-blowing. My body had spasmed dryly as his hard cock pushed through my tight walls, filling me with his hot semen. It was an overwhelming experience, and it was the last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep.

I was brought back to reality by the discomfort of my erection pressing against the inside of the toilet bowl. Carefully pulling myself out of the toilet, I wiped away any trace of contact before standing up. I flushed the toilet and took a deep breath, trying to push away the memories of last night. But as I pulled up my shorts, I couldn’t ignore the massive erection that strained against the fabric. I knew I was usually 8 inches when erect, but this felt bigger, and I could only remember one other time when I had been this hard…

When that man was balls deep inside of me.

Huffing, I tried to clear my mind of the traitorous thoughts. The man was evil and disgusting, and I wanted to never see him again if I could help it. Looking down, my efforts to distract myself had resulted in no progress, as I saw my dick painfully swollen and playfully throbbing with my heartbeat. I was about to sit down and wait out the erection, when I heard the trucker speak.

“Time’s up, Andy.” Panic set in as I tried to hike up my shorts, failing to pull the hem over my cock. Looking down at the uncooperative organ, I cursed it to hell and back. What would happen if the trucker saw how aroused I was? If he saw my cock standing at full attention, it would basically be an invitation for him to pull down my shorts and play another game of “How far can I hide the salami inside of the gas station employee’s butt?” I realized that my thoughts weren’t helping the situation, as my cock painfully throbbed at the thought and a thick glob of precum was expelled from its tip.

Thinking quickly, I slipped my shorts over my dick before putting my hands in my pockets. I then guided my cock to the side so I could hold it to the side with my right hand. Looking down, I could still see the outline of my cock, so I bunched up the fabric a bit more. Satisfied with my cover up, I could only hope that it went well as I exited the stall and willingly walked back to my abuser.

He didn’t seem to notice my hands being in my pockets, he just pushed off the wall and rummaged through his own pocket. It was at that moment when I remembered that he wanted to handcuff me, specifically the right hand that was currently busy hiding my erection. He held his hand out, waiting for me to give him my arm. When I instead hesitated, I saw the frown form on his face. As he reached out, I took a step back and spoke.

“H-hey… I’ve been good, right? I promise I won’t try anything, so let’s skip the cuffs, yeah?” I knew my attempts at negotiation failed when his frown deepened and he took a step forward. “No deal.” I muttered out a few more excuses as he grabbed my right arm and wrenched it out of my pocket. In an unfortunate turn of events, my strong grip on my cock caused it to follow my arm as it was pulled. I heard the slip of the elastic waste band and the feeling of the cool night air on my cock let me know that I was exposed. I knew this even without looking, even without the sudden look of desire that I saw in the man’s eyes as he stared at my groin. I could only gulp and hope the alcohol prevented him from getting into the mood. As I remembered the alcohol that I tasted during our sloppy kisses yesterday, I realized…

I’m fucked, Literally.

The man grabbed my shoulders, and I quietly accepted his force as he turned me and pressed me up against the wall. Feeling the cold wall on my back, I stared up at his face as it drew closer. I could only close my eyes as I felt his lips meet mine.

‘Chu….Chu’ He seemed intent on making as much noise as possible as he violated my mouth once more. Drool began to run down my chin and neck as he took the kiss to the next level. Accepting his tongue in my mouth, I let him explore as much as he wanted. When his tongue withdrew, he would suck on the bottom of my lip for a bit before moving back in. My heart beat powerfully in my chest and my cock swelled even more than before. I tried to suppress the groan as my exposed cock pressed against his pants, the material roughly dragging against my tip. My hips involuntarily bucked forwards, much to my embarrassment, pushing my erect penis into his thigh.

As he pulled away, I suppressed my voice as I regained my breath. Wondering what his next move was going to be, he instead took a step away from me. Confused, I looked at his face. He then gestured for me to walk to the stall that I had just used. Accepting my fate, I numbly followed his instructions, my cock bouncing in the air as I walked. When we got to the stall, he went in and sat down on the toilet, beckoning me to follow. Once I entered the stall with him, he told me to close the door.

Hearing the door click shut I turned when I felt his hands on my hips. He rubbed up and down my legs for a moment before pulling my shorts down, revealing my pale bottom and thighs. As the cloth came to a rest against my ankles, I stepped out of them. Standing there, I simply watched as he traced along the bruises on my hips, bruises that matched his hands. He chuckled as he stared at my throbbing dick. I haven’t even touched it, yet it was still so hard. He spread my thighs apart and examined the bruising left from when he was dry humping me. I don’t know if it could still be considered dry humping from the amount of precum that he spurt all over my legs and balls, though. He leaned back on the toilet, pulling me by my ass forwards. As my knees hit the toilet, he continued to pull me. Signing, I did what he wanted and crawled onto his lap.

The embarrassing position caused my face to turn a darker shade of red. Ignoring my embarrassment, he began to ball up the front of my shirt, lifting it up to my chin. I raised my arms, letting him undress me until my socks were the only clothes I had remaining. As my arms fell, I wondered why I was being so cooperative. This guy didn’t deserve me help when assaulting me. He certainly didn’t need it yesterday. I didn’t have a good answer formulated when he pulled me by my shoulder. I rested my hands against the wall behind him as he ducked his head and began to suck my right nipple. I bit my lip to suppress my voice, not wanting him to have the satisfaction. Sensing my defiance, he promptly bit down on my nipple, causing me to yelp against my will.

My grip on his shoulders tightened, feeling his tongue lap over and over across my helpless nipple. As he bit and sucked to his heart’s content, I groaned as my dick bounced up and down in his lap. I had already left a fairly decently sized wet mark on the bottom of his shirt with my precum, hopefully he wouldn’t get mad and punish me more than he was already planning. His strong hands focused themselves on my rear. I moaned softly in pain as he really tore into my butt, squeezing hard and spreading my cheeks as wide as they would go. Staring up at the dim fluorescent light, I bit my lip from the feeling of my asshole being stretched wide along with my cheeks. As I felt the cool air directly touch my mistreated hole, I realized that he liked to find the limits of my body, treating me like a trucker fucktoy.

That notion seemed to be accurate, as he continued to torture my nipple with his teeth. It hurt really bad, but never enough to where I needed him to stop. I opened my eyes wide open at that thought, I had said nothing about telling him to stop today. He was assaulting me again, and I doubted he would be satisfied with just my nipples. I needed to say no, I needed to tell him that he was doing something wrong and that he needed to stop. As his teeth pinched my nipple again, I cried out once more. Turning my head to face him, I spoke.

“G-give it a rest, will you?” Not exactly the line that I wanted to draw, but I needed to rescue my poor nipple first. He gave it a few more wet, sloppy kisses before he looked up at me. I gasped as I saw the almost feverish desire in his eyes. I had unfortunately become familiar with that expression from our joining yesterday. He was going to take this all the way again and I wasn’t sure if my butt could survive another session with him. He pushed my hips, signaling me to get off. I complied, my face flushing at the sight of the precum puddle that I left on his shirt. He paid it no mind, shifting his pants down to his knees to reveal his manhood in all its glory. I could only stare in shock as I examined his dick.

I never actually saw all of it yesterday, as it was far too busy smashing my prostate back down to pre-puberty sizes. From base to tip, its girth was out of this world. Looking at my arm, my prediction yesterday was spot on, it was as big as my forearm. Looking closer, I almost couldn’t believe that I actually took something this big inside of me. However, the pain coming from my wrecked asshole served as definitive proof. My thoughts were cut off by his deep voice. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Huh?” I turned my head to look up at him, only for his cock to be in the way. I realized that I had knelt between his legs, with my hands resting on his hips, on both sides of his dick. My face burned with humiliation when I realized how close my face was to his cock. I could firmly say that I wasn’t enjoying this. I was kneeling on a truck stop bathroom floor, butt naked against my will. The last thing in the world that I wanted was for this man to think I wanted any of this. Glaring at him, I stood up and crossed my arms before looking away from him. My protest was interrupted by his voice.

“Hey, turn around.” His voice was rougher than before, not allowing for any arguments. I reluctantly followed his order, turning to face the stall door. It probably wasn’t the most advisable plan, turning my white, plump rear towards someone known for going balls deep until his partner cums himself to sleep, but I didn’t want him to make my life more of a hell than it already was. It would be easy for him to force me into his bed, staying balls deep in me every night as we slept. My face flushed at the thought, a long rope of precum spilling from my cock as his hands reached out for my ass.

I felt his hands on my butt again, stretching and pinching it back and forth. I’m sure he had a clear view on my abused rectum. If I didn’t hate him with my entire being, I would ask how it looked. Him being a proctologist was doubtful, but he was the only one in the stall who saw my asshole pre and post trucker cock. His opinion would be helpful in diagnosing how ruined my ass was.

“Bend over.” He gave another clear order in that no nonsense tone of his. I shuddered out a sign before doing as he commanded. I placed my palms on my bare knees to support my back in this awkward position. My ass felt even more exposed than before, especially when he moved my legs further away from each other. I hated how exposed I felt in front of him, I hated how much he enjoyed toying with my body, but I truly hated how my heart beat with anticipation as I waited for him to penetrate me. I hoped that he started with just his tip first like last time. If he pumped his precum into me for a bit, I may be able to salvage whatever is left of my ass tonight. I bit my lip, any second now, he would stand up and hilt himself inside of me again. My hands would rest against the stall door, as I moaned and yelped like some cheap truck stop whore. My hanging cock enthusiastically bounced up and down, clearly thrilled at the thought. I did have one advantage over the usual lot lizard though, I didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.

My shamefully awaiting ass was instead met with what felt like plastic. I wondered if he snuck a toy in when I felt a cold feeling shoot deep inside of me. I gasped and shuddered as the cold feeling sept deep into my ass. Turning my head, I felt like yelling at this infuriating trucker. Seeing my angry glare, he somehow had the heart to look slightly sheepish as he showed me the water based lubricant that he just injected my ass with. Before I could turn my head back around, I saw him pat his lap, near his dick.

Staring at the flagpole he called genitalia, my head went blank as I understood his request. He wanted me to do the work, he wanted me to fuck my own ass up and down his meat rod. The very familiar feeling of humiliation made itself known in my stomach once more as I thought it over. Turning to look at him, I stuttered “N-n-no.”

“Do it!” His almost yell startled me, causing a squelch to come from my lubed ass as I clenched reflexively. He sounded mad, and that was a feeling of his that I didn’t know how to handle. Mustering up my courage and suppressing my feelings of embarrassment, I shuffled backwards until my ass was hovering over his cock. Staring at his penis from between my legs, I saw him grab both it and my hip, his rough fingers digging into my naked skin. Seeing that he was in charge of guiding the missile, all I had to do was sit down. My panting was loud as I slowly lowered myself onto it. My knees were quivering in fright of being split once more by him. I reasoned with myself, He was my kidnapper, he was my abuser. I had to do what he said if I wanted to get out of this. It was during that last thought when the tip of his stupidly large penis pierced my asshole. I cried out as pain shot through me up into my stomach.

His size was too large, and I was too sore from yesterday. I wanted to give up, but I could hear his quiet groan as my anus clenched down on his tip. Taking a deep breath, I lined my ass up as straight as I could as I sat down in one go. All my air left me as my ass was stretched once more to welcome back yesterday’s visitor. The lube that he used was actually very helpful. Once I got past the tip, taking the rest of his cock wasn’t comparably much worse. New rule, his penis only got to enter me if I was lubed up.

I sat there for a moment, only remembering that I had to be the one to move for this to work when his calloused hands started tapping my bare ass. Glaring back at him, I put all of my rage into my expression. If he wanted to cum in me again, he had better be fucking patient. I watched as he raised his hands in surrender. Turning back to the front, I felt his hands rest again on my hips, thankfully giving me time. Taking a deep breath, I put strength in my legs and pushed off of his lap. His cock felt like it was going to drag out my insides as I pulled away. I was stopped when the head of his penis got caught by my sphincter. Despite everything, it was still very tight and it wouldn’t let go of that bulbous head easily. I knew that I could force it out if I tried, but I decided against it. The tip of his penis was the hardest part to take, so it was easier to just keep him inside my butt. I sat back down on his dick, causing both of us to groan as it fully entered me and my hips smacked against his.

Continuing this pace, I felt like it wasn’t so bad. It was actually more comfortable to move at my own speed. I had full control of how much cock was inside of me at any moment and that was a bigger relief than I realized. Having free reign to bounce up and down felt very liberating and I increased my speed as I slowly felt more comfortable. I grit my teeth as loud, wet noises came from my embarrassing ass. This was starting to feel really good, my face and hand felt numb as I fucked myself against his dick.

A very warm feeling entered my stomach mid bounce, probably one of his usual globs of precum. I moaned in satisfaction, feeling another glob enter me. It was exciting to learn that he wasn’t able to control when he shot his precum when I was the one fucking him. My tight ass forced out his globs prematurely, instead of the large, thick amounts that he so thoroughly enjoyed pumping into me against my will last night. My hands planted firmly on his legs, I spread my legs apart more as I slammed my ass down on his cock repeatedly, loud smacks echoing off of the tile walls. Feeling another trickle of warmth enter my belly, I smiled. Not this time, big boy.

As I continued my reckless assault on his dick, I could feel my own orgasm building. Tilting my ass, I angled his penis so that it would press harder against my prostate with each thrust. I felt conflict in my heart. I hoped he would continue to let me move as I wanted. I wanted to feel what an orgasm felt like while I was in control. On the other hand, it would be disappointing to not cum as hard as I did yesterday. After three more pumps of his cock in my ass, I didn’t care anymore. I just needed to cum. Tightening, I felt him lift my legs into the air with his, his feet resting against the stall while my legs rested against his. I giggled slightly, looks like he wanted to fuck the cum out of me after all. My elation quickly turned to disappointment when he didn’t start power fucking me, instead remaining balls deep in my ass while being completely still. I couldn’t help my voice leaking out shamefully, begging for him to help me finish.

“Please, Please keep fucking me Mister! I’m so close… I’m Mmmmph!” He covered my mouth with his hand, silencing my wanton cries. I felt tears falling from my eyes as I ground against his hips. My anus tingled, desperate for sex. A loud shhhh stopped my hips, along with his words.

“Someone just pulled up.” Thoughts of sex slowly left my cock hungry brain as I heard a car door slam outside. Turning my head towards the trucker, I pulled his hand away from my face. Seeing my resistance, Anger began to cloud his expression. Hearing the crunch of gravel outside, I redoubled my efforts to rip his hand from my face. Elbowing his side gave me enough clearance to pull his hand from my face. With my mouth free, I looked the man in the eyes, and said.

“My shorts.” His eyes widened as he heard my whisper. “Try anything and I’ll hurt you.” Obediently nodding, I could see the calculations in his head as he lowered his legs and released my torso. Free from his grip, I sat forward and then bent over to grab the loose shorts at the bottom of the stall. His rock hard cock wrenched me open as I made the move, but I suppressed my moan as I picked up the shorts and returned to the truckers arms. He pulled me in close, lifting my naked legs back up into the air and clear of the bottom of the stall. During this movement, my eyes crossed as he slammed his hips back up, burying his cock to its base. I could hear the bathroom door open, and despite the severity of the situation, I arched my back to press my ass into him, allowing more of his penis inside me. The man’s hand clamped over my gleeful smile as we quietly sat there, his dick throbbing inside of me.

I first heard the faucet turn on, whoever it was was washing their hands. Then I heard footsteps enter one of the stalls near the door. It was at this moment I was happy that I chose a stall far away from the door. At the time, I just wanted to be as far away as possible from the trucker so he wouldn’t hear me pee. As we waited for the stranger to finish his business, I became aware of his dick beating against my prostate. During our movement, we were adjusted in a way that drove his dick deeper inside of me. It felt similar to his movements yesterday when he was trying to get as deep as possible. My eyes lulled as I melted against him, looks like he was 2-0 on “Hide the salami inside of the gas station employee’s butt.” I smiled at the thought, as his dick pulsed against my prostate, rhythmically pressing against it.

On top of that, I could feel the thick globs of precum that he continuously pumped inside of me. Apparently my prostate was weak against precum, because I could feel my orgasm building in time with my ass being filled. One of my hands reached up and grabbed the man’s hair, while the other firmly held his hip. I felt my dick bouncing up and down, and I couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across my face as I made eye contact with my kidnapper as my orgasm started. His startled eyes widened as his hand clamped down hard against my mouth. His other hand grabbed the shirt he stripped off of me earlier and wrapped it around my cock. His rough hand clamped down on my tip just in time, as I heard the force of my cum shot displaced the fabric. I suppressed my voice as much as possible, the man’s hand covering up the rest. I slammed my hips back into his, trying to get more penis in me.

My heart felt light as I unloaded into the cotton shirt. My eyes crossed and I felt lighter with each rope that I lost. As my orgasm neared its end, I fell limp against my kidnapper. He took the time to rub my nude belly as we calmly listened to the footsteps leaving the bathroom. As soon as I heard the car start up and drive off, I pushed the man’s arms off of me. Startled by my sudden movements, he yelled as I twisted myself around to face him, leaving his member inside of me. Grabbing his shoulders, I bounced my ass up and down once more on his cock. I felt his thighs tightening earlier when I was riding him, so he must have been just as pent up at me, waiting for that inconvenient asshole to leave. Finally free to fuck in peace, I worked my tight asshole over his meat rod.

He grabbed my head, pulling me close to kiss me. As soon as his tongue entered my mouth, I sucked on it hard as I continued to bounce on his cock. My actions were rewarded with his hands gripping my hips harder and his loud groan. Unable to stop myself, I tightened my ass as much as I could as I continued to pump his cock. His loud moan was swiftly followed by a series of pumps into my ass. I felt giddy as warm cum flooded into me. Feeling daring, I bounced a few more times during his orgasm. He groaned even louder as more cum entered me. I kept pumping my hips, not for him, but for me as I felt another orgasm building. Clenching hard, I slammed down as my penis started hopping in place like before. I dizzily watched my penis thump against his belly like it was a drum. Looks like I was all out of cum again. I slumped forward, resting my head against his chest as my dick pulsed in place. I lost count of how many times he shot cum inside of me, but it was a lot. I felt full.

Resting with his cock in me, I felt spent. My eyelids felt heavy and I let out a yawn. Large hands cupped my ass, keeping it warm from the cold night air, I felt grateful. With my head on his chest, I asked a question.

“Can you tell me your name?” I felt him tense slightly, his dick jumping inside of me, as I asked the question. Waiting patiently, I listened to his heartbeat as he continued to trace patterns on my butt. I felt him take a deep breath.

“If I tell you that, I really can’t let you go.” Slight disappointment filled my head as my eyelids grew heavier. Yawning again, I muttered something as I fell asleep.

“That’s okay…”


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