Jason and Andy: On the Road – Ch. 10 by Delete1983


Jason and Andy: On the Road – Ch. 10 by Delete1983

Next morning

(Andy’s POV)

My eyelids fluttered as I felt a tickling sensation coming from my chest. Opening my eyes, I saw the morning light shining into the cab from the front windshield. Yawning, I looked down, only to see Mr. Kidnapper sleeping with his face resting against my chest. I suppressed a giggle as I felt his breath flow across my bare chest. Noticing that we were still both naked, I sighed as I held my arms around him tighter. Not having the heart to wake him when he was sleeping with a cute expression on his face, I stroked his head as I let my eyes close again.

(One hour later)

Feeling my kidnapper wake up, I smiled down at him as he opened his eyes. He seemed confused for a moment, just dimly staring at my bare chest, before he looked up to meet my eyes. I laughed as he averted his eyes, rolling over. Someone was shy when they woke up. Now laying on his back, the trucker yawned and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. Leaning in, I cuddled to his side and rubbed his chest. We laid there, content with the silence. At least he seemed content with the silence, I was bored.

I brought my face close to his, causing him to send me a look from under his hand. Smiling, I kissed his cheek with a loud smooch. He sighed, but didn’t stop my advances. Growing more bold, I began kissing him all over his chest, neck, and face. Just as I began to trail down his chest with my kisses, aiming to go lower with my mouth, his hand on my head stopped me.

“Hey, I need to get driving if I’m going to make it in time. Let’s get dressed.” Frowning, I stuck my tongue out at him before I nodded. Standing up from the bed, I went over to where I hid my clothes last night. Bending over slowly, I took some time to grab my clothes from the floor. Turning my head, I saw Mr. Kidnapper quickly turn his head, as he put his underwear and pants on. Grinning to myself, I also got dressed. Pulling my crocs on, I turned as he put his shirt on. Waiting there, I smiled as he went to get into the front seat, only for me to be in his way. He just stood there, placing his hands on his hips. Before he could say anything, I reached out quickly and hugged him. He stiffened a bit, before eventually raising his arms and hugging me back. My face felt warm as I pulled away, sitting in the passenger seat. Clicking in our seat-belts, we pulled out of the lot and got back out on the road.

Watching the city buildings pass by, I checked my phone. A few of my friends had responded back to my messages, saying things like how they wish they had gone or mentioning how lucky I was to pose with a few of the more sexy cosplayers. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that they asked me for the picture, not the other way around. My kidnapper found himself employed as a cameraman for most of yesterday, much to his dismay. He had changed ever since I bailed him out with the trooper. He has been doing a lot more things for me, just to make me happy. I didn’t know how to process that information. I just decided to be happy about it, and to not delay his work any longer. If he got fired, where would we stay?

Turning on the music player again, we listened to more music as he turned onto I-80, headed west.

(Later that day)

I yawned, watching the red-orange sky as the sun started to set. I had no idea how Mr. Kidnapper could drive for so long without more breaks. We had stopped for food a few times today, which helped to break it up somewhat. We also made it through all of his Linkin Park albums. He showed me where he kept his CD’s, but I didn’t recognize any of the other disks. Placing a random one in and pressing play, my eyes felt tired as I gazed out over the corn field.

The trucker was surprisingly still keeping everything about himself close to the chest. I thought that we reached a new milestone, but he wouldn’t tell me much about himself or his family. All I managed to get out of him were a few funny stories about his Ex’s. During our conversations, I was the one talking most of the time. If he was uninterested, he didn’t show it. He was a good listener. As we kept driving, I saw a large run of damage in the side of the corn field. It looked like someone went off road, destroying some poor farmer’s crops. I laughed to myself, thinking of the farmer waking up to see that in the morning. Bad day.

Confusion entered my mind as I leaned forward, looking at a few of the houses that we drove by. They looked very familiar. When we stopped at a 4 way stop, my mind only grew more cloudy, as I recognized the street signs. I looked at the trucker, but he didn’t meet my gaze. A sinking feeling made its way into my stomach.

I could only look on in shock as he pulled into the gas station, my gas station. Looking at the store front, I could see Blaire working behind the counter with Tim. Tim agreed to pick up my shifts this week so I could go to the con. The memories of me begging and bribing him came back, along with a strange sense of dread. The truck clicked into park as my kidnapper pulled the break. We sat there in the truck, not moving, not talking. It was his voice that broke the silence.

“…Andy, I… Listen, we… I don’t fucking know.” As quickly as he started, he gave up on talking as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Hearing him flounder caused my mood to lighten a bit, apparently he wasn’t sure on anything either. Taking a deep breath, I slowly breathed it out as I spoke.

“So… this is it? Just dropping me off, huh.” The man dropped his hand from his face, gripping the steering wheel.

“Yeah, that’s my plan.”

“Well, its a shitty plan.” My eyes burned as I brought my knees up to my chest. I kept up with my deep breaths, trying to keep the moisture out of my eyes. I knew that this was a good thing, he was letting me go. He wasn’t going to hurt me. If everything was supposed to be okay, why did I feel so terrible? I knew deep down that this couldn’t last forever. It was so scary at first, but then it became fun. However, I couldn’t deny that I was worried about my future every day that I spent in this truck. My heart wouldn’t consider any logical reasoning right now, as I hurriedly asked “A-are you sure?”

“…Yes. You need to get back to your life, and I need to get back to mine.” I wanted to be angry, to yell at him for trying to abandon me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t muster up the passion. He wasn’t abandoning me, we weren’t together. He kidnapped me because he was scared of going to jail, and I just got confused somewhere along the way. If anything, I could say that he was trying to get me better. He thought about what I wanted, he took me to Comic-Con since he knew that I wanted to go so badly. He listened to my selfish, wanton requests, but made sure I didn’t get hurt. He was far too invested to be simply dropping off the baggage, as it were. I let out a deep sigh, feeling like one year of my life fled from my lips. I felt emotionally drained. Seeing a glint of light reflecting off of metal in the corner of my eye, I turned my eyes. Then, I smiled as I got an idea.


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