Joining the Frat Pt. 01

A gay story: Joining the Frat Pt. 01 This is a work of FICTION. All characters in the story are 18 or older.

Blake set the last of his boxes down in his dorm room. He could hardly contain the excitement he felt for starting college. Growing up he had lived in a strict household where his parents hardly let him go out with friends, and he certainly wasn’t allowed to date. Such a strict environment also made him feel scared about being gay. Blake knew he liked guys, he had excused himself in class many times to rub one out because one of his crushes, and friends, had him all worked up.

Blake was a jock. He was 5’10” and had a mop of curly sandy blonde hair. He had a slim muscular build, he was tan, his bubble butt was covered in peach fuzz, and his cut trimmed cock stood hard at 6.5 inches. He wanted so badly to know what it was like to be intimate with a guy, to kiss their lips… and feel their touch. He longed for it. Now that he was in college he knew he’d get that opportunity, but what he didn’t know was it wasn’t going to be in the way he thought.

Blake decided he was going to rush a fraternity. The day after move-in was when all the clubs, organizations, and Greek life groups set up tables in the center of campus to encourage students to join.

Blake took a breath and made his way over to a table that a couple cute frat guys were at. “Hey guy, wanna pledge Alpha Sigma Beta?” One of them asked. He was 6’3″ and had dark chocolate skin. He was wearing a green t-shirt with their Greek letters that hugged his muscles. Blake was sure if he flexed his arms the shirt would rip.

“Uh… sure.” Blake smiled.

“What’s your name?” The guy smiled back. The guy next to him, about 6′ with red hair, watched in amusement, instantly picking up on Blake’s energy.

“I’m Blake.” Blake said as he nervously wrote his name on the clipboard.

“I’m Mason, I’m the treasurer for Alpha Sigma Beta. This is Brad, the vice president. We’re a close brotherhood, we have each other’s backs. We don’t discriminate, we can go… hard for each other.”

Brad bit his lip when Mason said that. Blake felt his body get warmer. “I had some close friends growing up, but my home life was so sheltered I just don’t know what it’s like to… be free.”

“Well, if you make it to the end of the week you’ll feel freedom like you’ve never felt for the next four years.” Mason looked at the clipboard. “Oh, that’s 10. We’re all done. Blake, we’re having a barbecue tonight, if you’re serious about joining our brotherhood you need to be there.”

“Oh, is this the first haz…”

Mason put a finger on Blake’s mouth. “We don’t use that word, but if you’re not there we’ll take it as you confirming you’re not serious about joining our brotherhood.”

“Okay, that seems easy enough.” Blake was a little disappointed when Mason removed his finger, but he also was glad because he could feel his cock stiffening in his jeans. He didn’t realize just how desperate he was for a guy to touch him.

“There’s one requirement, you have to bring a date.” Brad added.

Blake’s eyes went wide. “What?”

Brad continued, “All pledges are required to bring a date to the barbecue. If your date makes a bad impression then you’ll be asked to leave. We take 10 freshmen pledges each year, but there’s only room for 5 new brothers in the house.”

“We hope to see you there tonight.” Mason said.

Blake panicked as he wandered around campus aimlessly. How was he going to find a date when he’d never dated before? How do you casually invite someone to be your date to a frat barbecue? He considered downloading an app like Grindr, but he was still afraid of putting himself out there like that. He watched guys walk around with girls, laughing and flirting… what if he tried to flirt with a straight guy that was homophobic?

He received an email an hour after signing his name giving him the time and address for the barbecue. As the clock ticked closer to 7 Blake was ready to give up. He should just go back to his dorm and unpack his shit… Greek life wasn’t for him. He didn’t possess the social skills it took to go up to someone and ask them out, not yet at least.

He was sitting on a bench on the edge of campus when he saw the most attractive guy he had ever laid eyes on. This was the first time Blake laid eyes on Wesley. Wesley was 6’5″ with dark shaggy hair that was kept back with a green bandana. He was wearing a tight fitting white t-shirt and ripped jeans that hugged him in the right places. His jaw was cut like a Greek statue with naturally tan skin. He had one of those mustache beard combos around his mouth that didn’t connect to each other… he was perfect.

Wesley looked at Blake and smiled as he carried a couple cases of beer as if they were light as feathers.

“This is my chance.” Blake thought to himself. “If I’m going to put myself out there and embarrass myself, it should be for someone like him.” He stood up, ready to puke, as he walked over to this handsome stranger. The guy stopped, watching him. “Hey, would you like some help with that?” Blake asked.

“Really? That’d be great.”

Blake took one of the cases from him. “I’m Blake, by the way.” He was amazed at how much taller this guy was while standing next to him. Blake got a whiff of his scent as he took the case and felt his knees wobble.

“Wesley,” the handsome guy said as he led Blake away from the safety of the bench. “What are you up to tonight?”

Blake took a breath, “Well, I’m kind of supposed to go to this barbecue at a frat house.”

Wesley raised an eyebrow, “Oh really? Are you a frat bro kind of guy?”

“I honestly don’t know. I thought it’d be a good way to throw myself into living a more exciting life than the sheltered one I’m used to but… sorry, man, I didn’t mean to get all mushy…”

“No, please, continue.” Wesley smiled. “I’m a good listener.”

His smile made Blake want to melt. “Well, uh… I grew up very sheltered, so I thought joining a frat would be fun and a way to experience all the things I missed out on in high school. But, I’m supposed to bring a date to this barbecue and… I’ve never asked anyone on a date before.”

“Never?” Wesley asked, shocked.

Blake shook his head.

“A handsome guy like you? I’d have thought girls would’ve been lined up to date a hot piece like you.”

Blake’s heart felt like it was going to rip out of his chest and race down the street ahead of them, it was beating so fast. He could feel sweat pooling in his armpits. “Well…” he said, his voice going up slightly.

“What?” Wesley looked at him, then it clicked. “Oh, you’re a cocksucker.” He said matter-of-factly.

Blake felt dizzy now.

“Nothing’s wrong with that, bro. I’m bi.”


“Yeah, us tall guys can suck cock too.”

This was it, this was his chance. “Would you… um…”

Wesley stopped, forcing Blake to stop. “Go ahead. Ask me.”

He was smiling. Not a snarky smile, but a genuine nice smile. How could this be happening? It was perfect. His dark brown eyes looked into Blake’s bright blue ones. “Wesley, would you be my date tonight?”

“Sure.” He said. “We better hurry, though, we’ll want these beers to chill before we crack them open.” He took off again, but Blake felt like he was getting whiplash.

“What… what do you mean? Wait… where are we going?” He asked, realizing he had been blindly following Wesley.

“We’re going to the Alpha Sigma Beta house, I was doing a beer run.”

“Wait, you’re in Alpha Sigma Beta?”

“Bro, I’m not just in it, I’m the president.”

Blake almost dropped the case of beer he was holding. The pukey feeling had subsided, but came roaring back. “You mean I asked out the president of the frat?”

“And he said yes. I don’t think this has ever happened before. You’re lucky I’m single right now.” He winked.


“Hey, where’s your date, pledge?” Mason asked when Blake walked into the frat house with Wesley.

“I’m his date.” Wesley said.

“They can ask brothers?”

“He didn’t know I was thee brother when he asked me.”

Blake was surprised at how nice the frat house was for being a frat house. They put the cases of beer in the fridge, then Wesley brought Blake to the backyard. The backyard was huge. It had enough room for a pool, lounge chairs, bean bag toss, and a grill area. “This is where the festivities will take place, get cozy.” Wesley said slapping Blake on the ass as he went back inside.


All ten guys showed up, and all ten of them brought dates. It was a rather intimate event as only the pledges and their dates and the frat brothers and their girlfriends were there. The other pledges were confused when they only counted 9 girls amongst them.

“Attention pledges,” Brad called as he stood on the back porch over everyone. “Tonight is about having fun and letting your guard down with the brothers. We want to get to know you to see if you’re a good fit for our family. So please, show your date, and the brothers, a good time.”

“Where’s his date?” One of the pledges, Theo, asked as he gestured to Blake.

“I’m his date.” Wesley said, sidling up next to Blake. Blake felt his face flush as Wesley slipped his arm around Blake’s waist.

“What? You can’t bring a dude, faggot.”

The energy of the party suddenly shifted. Blake could feel Wesley tense up next to him. “Do you have a problem with gay men?” Wesley asked sharply.

“I’m not hanging out with a fuckin fa…”

Before Theo could finish his sentence Wesley punched him square in the nose. “Get this homophobic piece of shit out of here!” he snapped.

Four of the brothers grabbed Theo, who was crying and clutching his bloody nose, and dragged him out.

“Congratulations, pledges, all of you have made it to the next round. Enjoy a pressure free night.” Wesley said, going up on the steps. “Oh, I’m the president, Wesley.”

The party started up again, but Wesley went inside. Blake mingled with the other brothers, but he couldn’t get his mind off Wesley. Two hours later Wesley still hadn’t shown his face.

“Alright pledges, say goodbye to your dates. You guys will be crashing here for the night. Feel free to keep hanging out or get some sleep.” Mason announced.

Blake stayed outside and helped the guys clean up the food. Eventually he was outside alone, laying on a deck lounger, when Wesley came out. “I’m sorry, Blake.”

Blake sat up, “Oh, don’t be, that guy was…”

“It wasn’t cool of me to ditch you like that. He really pissed me off and I let my anger get the best of me. I didn’t want you to be around me when I’m like that. I’m sorry I was such a shitty date. What I did was shitty.”

“Hey, it’s your house.”

Wesley smiled. He pulled his shirt off, revealing his rugged abs and perfectly plump pecs. His torso was smooth, but his pits were hairy, and Blake could see dark pubes peeking out of his waistband. He sat down next to Blake, right next to him, and put his arm around Blake’s waist, he rested his head on Blake’s shoulder.

“I kind of hate rush week,” he sighed. “It’s always been my least favorite thing about frat life, and being president kind of makes it worse.”

“What do you mean?” Blake asked nervously. He sat there, frozen, unsure of what to do. Wesley smelled amazing, like that deep sweaty musky smell that only comes off guys naturally.

“It’s a bunch of stupid tests, which are tradition, but I’d rather just pick the coolest guys. If I could pick you now I would.”

Blake got that racing heart feeling again. Wesley’s hand that wasn’t around his waist found his thigh and caressed it. “Wha… why me? You don’t really know me.” Blake whispered.

He could feel Wesley chuckle as he held him tighter. “There’s something about you, Blake. You’re not like the others.”

Blake could feel that his cock was hard as a rock. He felt Wesley’s lips on his neck, which sent sparks through his body. The soft lips were like electricity on his skin.

“Which makes this next part difficult.” Wesley whispered. He removed his arm from around Blake and stood up in front of him. “I need all of your clothes.”

Blake’s stomach dropped. “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say something weird. What did you say?”

“You need to strip naked right now.” He was serious, but had a slight smirk.

“Is this part of some kind of hazing thing?”

“That’s exactly what this is, but for legal reasons we don’t call it hazing. You giving me your clothes is your consent to participate, if you don’t want to then you can go home and not be one of us.”

Reluctantly, Blake stood up. He pulled off his shirt and handed it to a smiling Wesley. He kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks, stuffing them in the shoes, then handed them to Wesley.

“Damn, these smell good.” Wesley said, sticking his nose in one of the shoes and taking a deep whiff. “I’m not even a feet guy, but that’s fucking good.”

Blake slowly unbuttoned his pants then pulled them down, there was no hiding his raging boner in his tighty whities. He folded his jeans and set them on top of his shoes in Wesley’s hands.

“I won’t lie, Blake, I’m very sad this moment isn’t going to end with me grabbing you by the cock and leading you upstairs… but I’m the president of this here frat…” He sighed. “So I gotta follow the rules. Drop em.”

Blake realized this was the first time he was getting naked in front of a guy and it wasn’t for sports. He suddenly felt vulnerable. He wished that he and Wesley were alone in Wesley’s room. The weight of the situation suddenly felt real…

“What happens when I’m naked?”

Wesley’s grin had a dark twist to it. “I was surprised that it took you this long to ask, I mean… you’re in your underwear with a raging boner. But, I can’t tell you yet. Now, drop them. I’m gonna be really sad if you give up now.”

Blake took a deep breath, then pulled down his underwear. His cock was fully hard, pointing up and toward Wesley. “He likes me already.”

Blake handed Wesley his underwear. “That’s the last of it.”

“Actually, can you stuff those in my pocket, I’m gonna need them for personal use.”

Blake was ignoring everything he had been taught. His parents would die on the spot if they saw what their son was doing. Blake obliged, and stuffed his underwear in Wesley’s pocket.

“Into the house.” Blake led the way back to the house. “Damn, I think I’d rather fuck you. That ass is WILD.” Blake bit back his smile. He walked into the house and into the living room where the other pledges were also naked. He quickly covered himself when he realized he was the only one who was hard.

“Wait, do we have to get hard too? Is this a sex thing?” One of the pledges asked, scared.

“No,” Wesley said. “I just have a thing for blondes.” He winked at Blake, who wasn’t enjoying being naked anymore. He felt humiliated knowing he was the only guy who was not only hard, but raging hard. He couldn’t believe his cock wasn’t softening even a little. It felt like it was harder than it was outside.

“Pledges, if at any point you feel you cannot complete a task that we assign you, you are free to leave. We will not force you to perform a task you are not comfortable doing. Performing each task to completion is required to become a brother. Whomever performs the task unsatisfactorily will be taken out of the running. Tomorrow’s challenge will involve drinking, so I hope you boys like beer. Now, get back to your dorms and get some sleep.”

“But, we don’t have our keys… or phones…” The same scared pledge pointed out.

“I’m well aware of that, pledge.” Wesley said. “You’ll get them back tomorrow night. Goodbye.”

The pledges were pushed out the front door, Wesley specifically grabbed Blake’s ass and squeezed as he led him to the door. “Please don’t fuck up, you’re the one that I want.” He whispered, pushing him outside. “Good luck.”

The door slammed and Blake found himself standing butt ass naked outside. He watched the other guys, their naked butts jiggled violently as they ran off in different directions. It was weirdly calming to watch them all be so scared knowing that Wesley wanted him to join the frat.

Blake’s bare feet went down the steps of the frat porch, his hands still clutching his throbbing penis and balls. Holding himself wasn’t helping because he liked the way it felt having his balls cupped in his hands. There was no easy way back to his dorm: he could either make a big loop around campus (which would make his walk longer) or he could cut through campus (which meant more people and more lights).

Blake really didn’t want to go the long route, so his feet led his naked body towards campus. Each step made his cock rub against his arm. A thick glob of precum oozed out of his slit, and when it rubbed against his arm it made his situation worse. His precum slicked cock head sang with pleasure as it rubbed against him now.

Blake stood on the sidewalk on the outer edge of campus working up the strength to make the journey. It wasn’t a straight shot across campus, he’d have to go around buildings and cross another street, but it was the quickest route. It was 1 AM, so there wouldn’t be a lot of people out… hopefully. It was college, though, so time of day meant nothing.

Blake liked the way his butt bounced when he walked. The small reverberation from each cheek bouncing sent a pleasant tingle through his body. He made his way forward, away from the dimmer light of the public street and into the intense light of the campus. If anyone came across him there would be no mistaking that he was naked. The lights illuminated the curve of his plump ass, the light ridges of his abs, and the lack of hair all over his body.

As he approached the first building he’d have to walk around he wondered if he’d be able to make it without running into anyone, but then he heard laughter. It was male laughter, a group of males. Blake pressed his bare butt against the cool brick of the building, which felt good in the humid night air, and peaked around the corner. There were 4 guys, they looked like poster guys for the campus. Each one was a different race and they had their arms around each other and were laughing. Blake’s heart raced as thought about what would happen if they caught him… and then he realized he wanted to be caught. He wanted these attractive jock-type guys to catch him in his nudity.

Blake took a breath then stepped away from the building and rounded the corner. The guys immediately froze when they saw him. “What the fuck, why are you naked, man?” This Mario Lopez looking guy asked. Blake had touched himself to Mario Lopez while secretly watching “Saved by the Bell” reruns.

“It’s a… frat thing.” Blake said sheepishly. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He couldn’t believe how equally excited and scared he was.

The Liam Hemsworth looking guy pulled out his phone and suddenly the fear outweighed the excitement, Blake had forgotten that phones and social media were a thing.

“No! Put that away!” Blake cried.

“You’re the one who has something to put away.” Liam laughed. “What frat are you pledging?”

Blake sighed, “Alpha Sigma Beta.”

“Damn, you’re one of Wesley’s pledges?” The Chris Pang looking guy said. Blake’s heart skipped a beat when he heard Wesley’s name. “Wesley would want us to make this night unforgettable for you.” He said, stepping closer to Blake.

Instinctively, Blake took a step back, which made the guys chuckle. “You can’t outrun us, freshman, and you’re supposed to be walking toward your dorm.” Chris grabbed one of Blake’s arms, Mario grabbed the other.

Blake could smell their cologne, it was masculine, and the scents mixed with the alcohol on their breath made his cock twitch under his arm.

“I’m sure Wesley wouldn’t want you covering yourself like that.” The Michael B Jordan guy added. “Boys.”

Chris and Liam pulled Blake’s arms away from him, releasing his cock. The 6.5 inches were harder than ever before and pointing straight up at the sky. “Why are you so bricked up?” Mario asked.

“It’s… just let me go…” Blake responded, weakly trying to break free.

Liam snapped a picture, then typed away on his phone. “We play football with Wesley, he’ll wanna see that one of his pledges is wandering around campus butt naked and bricked up.”

“What dorm are you in?” Chris asked.

Blake didn’t respond. While his body was enjoying the thrill of being exposed to these very attractive guys, his mind was terrified of what would happen if they knew where he lived. Fear was building up inside of him, wondering what these guys would do.

He felt a sharp smack on his ass. “I asked you a question.” Chris growled in his face.

“Webster.” Blake practically whispered as his body recoiled from the smack.

“Don’t scare him, man.” Mario said. “He’s just a little freshman.” Mario rubbed the sore handprint on Blake’s ass, making his cock twitch.

“I think he likes that, look at his cock go.” Chris laughed.

Mario pressed his body against Blake, holding Blake’s arm behind his back. “You like it when I touch your pretty ass?” He asked, his alcohol soaked mouth in Blake’s face.

Liam’s phone pinged. “Wesley said this is Blake, his favorite pledge, and he’s glad to see Blake is still bricked up.”

“Damn,” Mario said, stepping back. “I can’t play with you if you belong to Wesley. I didn’t realize he was into dudes.”

Again, Blake’s heart skipped a beat. Did he belong to Wesley? He barely knew Wesley. He’d hardly spent any time with him.

Liam’s phone pinged again. “Wesley said we should make sure he gets home safely.” He quickly sent another text message, then gave Blake a smile that made him nervous. “Well, boys, we should probably carry him then.”

Before he could process what that meant, Chris and Mario hoisted up his shoulders as Michael and Liam grabbed his feet. They lifted him up in the air and carried him at the level of their shoulders, spreading his legs open.

“What the fuck!” Blake cried. “Please! No! Put me down!” He felt as if he were going to pass out. His head was spinning and his body was on fire.

“Stop lying, frosh, your cock is so fucking hard, you’re loving every minute of this.” Michael said as he grabbed Blake’s cock and gave it a wiggle.

“Alright boys, let’s go.” Liam said. The guys started walking, but not toward Webster.

“Where are we going, Webster is that way.” Blake said, unable to actually gesture in the right direction.

“Wesley said to get you home safely, he didn’t say we couldn’t take you on a tour of campus first.

Blake knew where they were walking: the student center. Even though it was 1 AM and normally nothing would be open, a couple places in the food court were open since it was the first night, and the building was always open to walk through.

Blake tried to control his breathing as they approached the doors. They lowered him slightly as they carried him through and he was greeted with the chill of the air conditioning. His nipples immediately hardened, but his cock did not change.

“How are we feeling tonight!” Chris yelled as they entered the building.

To Blake’s horror, there were quite a few people inside. They immediately took out their phones and started snapping pictures and recorded videos of the naked guy being carried through. Liam and Michael set Blake’s feet on the ground. He tried to break free of Chris and Mario’s grip, but it was a wasted effort.

“This is our new friend, Blake. He’s a freshman and so EXCITED to see all of you! We know college is HARD, but it’s HARDER for Blake!” Liam announced for the crowd. He grabbed Blake’s cock and pulled it down as far as he could. “Damn, this boy is HARD!” He let go and Blake’s cock slapped his stomach hard.

“Mmmmmffff.” Blake moaned.

Liam grabbed one of Blake’s nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed it as he continued, “Now, if you guys see Blake around campus, make sure you say hi to him.”

A large glob of precum oozed out of his cock and slowly dripped down to the floor.

“Oh my, he’s precumming!” a girl called.

The guys holding him laughed.

Liam’s phone dinged. “Oh shit, Wesley’s mad. Let’s get him home.”

They picked up Blake and carried him back out the door.

“Shit, is that Wesley running at us?” Michael asked.

They quickly set Blake down as Wesley came up to them and shoved Liam. “What the FUCK is wrong with you!” He yelled.

“It’s all in fun, bro.” Liam looked scared.

The guys were around 6’1″/6’2″ but looked significantly smaller than Wesley as they all stepped away from him.

“I said make sure he gets home safe, not parade him around campus! He’s not a fucking joke, asshole!”

Wesley went up to Blake and in a quick motion scooped him up in his arms.

“Sorry, man.” Mario said in an almost whisper.

Wesley ignored them as he walked away. He didn’t say anything to Blake as he carried him back the way he had started. Was Wesley bringing him back to the frat house? A couple minutes later that was verified. When they got there Brad was at the door, holding it open. Still no one said anything as Wesley carried Blake up two flights of stairs to the attic. It wasn’t a normal attic, though, it was a very nice room that clearly belonged to Wesley.

Wesley finally set Blake down. “You can use the bathroom and I’ll get you something to wear.” He said.

Blake was surprised at how spacious the bathroom was and that it had a separate shower and tub. He looked in the mirror and saw how sweaty he was. He turned the water on cold and splashed his face and ran it through his hair. The water running made him realize he had to pee, but his cock was still hard.

“Uh… Wesley?” He said quietly in the bathroom doorway.

“Yeah?” Wesley was in his boxers now. He was pulling a t-shirt out of his dresser.

“I really need to pee but…” he gestured to his cock.

Wesley couldn’t suppress his smile. “Here.” He said, walking to him. Wesley grabbed Blake by the cock and led him to the shower. He positioned himself behind Blake and held his cock for him, pointing it toward the shower. “Go ahead.” He said in Blake’s ear.

It took a minute, but Blake was finally able to pee, his stream geisuring out of his cock. Wesley didn’t try to stroke him, he just held his cock with one hand while the other was wrapped around him. His cock finally started deflating as he peed.

Wesley let go and grabbed a towel. He came back and turned the shower on. “Why don’t you go ahead and rinse off, when you’re done come join me.”

Blake didn’t want to waste time in the shower, he wanted to know what was going to happen. He wanted to know why Wesley had such a fixation with him. He turned the water on cool and let it run over his body, hoping it would make his cock subside.

By the time he was done he was pretty soft, but still a little plump. He dried off and stepped out of the bathroom. Wesley was laying on his bed across the room, one arm behind his head while he scrolled through his phone. When he saw Blake he immediately set the phone on his nightstand and patted the bed next to him.

Blake walked over, his heart racing.

“Are you getting hard again?”

Blake looked down and sure enough, he had a half chub. “Are you kidding me?”

“It’s fine.” Wesley laughed.

Blake crawled into the bed next to him.

“Here’s one of my t-shirts so you don’t have to be naked.”

Blake pulled on the shirt, the smell was amazing. It was baggy on him and he never wanted to take it off.

“Do you want a pair of underwear?” He asked.

“This is fine.”

“Blake, I’m really sorry for what happened to you tonight. Normally people snap a picture or a quick video but no one has ever been… that’s never happened before. You didn’t deserve that and I could kill them for doing that to you.”

“You don’t have to apologize, it wasn’t your fault.”


Blake turned to look at Wesley. He was so beautiful and vulnerable. His eyes held so much emotion and Blake didn’t know what exactly those emotions were. Wesley leaned in and pressed his lips against Blake’s. They were soft and commanding, at the same time they made Blake feel more at ease than he had ever been while also feeling like he couldn’t get enough. It was Blake’s first kiss and it was more magical than he could have imagined.

20 seconds later Wesley pulled away. “If we don’t stop I won’t be able to control myself.” He was smiling and looking at Blake. “No sex until you’re a brother.”

“What if I don’t make it?” Blake was suddenly worried that Wesley would cease interest if he didn’t become a brother.

“You will be.” He kissed Blake’s forehead. “Damn, look what you did to me!”

Wesley’s massive cock was sticking out of his boxers. It was the biggest cock Blake had ever seen. It was the same tan color of his skin, and had to be at least 10 inches long. It was the perfect thickness, not so much that it looked like it would be too painful though. There was a dollop of precum sitting on his slit. He took his finger and scooped up the dollop and brought it to Blake’s lips, “This is your motivation to try your hardest. Remember the taste of me. Maybe it’ll even give you superpowers.”

Blake gave a small laugh, then sucked the drop of precum off Wesley’s finger.

“You can jerk off if you want to.” Wesley said as he wrapped his arm around Blake.

“Are you going to join me?”

“No, if my cock is cumming and you’re here it’s unloading inside you. I understand if you don’t want to, since I’m not, but I’ll hold you while you do.”

Blake pulled the shirt off, it suddenly felt like the heaviest shirt he’d ever worn. He had never done anything with a guy. He wanted his first everything with a guy to be with Wesley, who was essentially a stranger. He didn’t know if it was just the rush of Wesley’s beauty, the events of the night, his desperation, or a combination of all three, but he knew he would regret not trying to do something tonight. First, he had to be honest.

“Wesley… I have to tell you something before this goes further.” His hand found Wesley’s knee, his legs were covered in dark hair. His finger traced nervous circles.

“Yeah?” Wesley responded, unsure of where this was going.

“I’ve… uh… I’ve never done any of this before.”

“With a guy?”

Blake continued making circles, “With anyone.”

“Oh,” Wesley said. He looked around the room, trying to process the weight of the moment. “Have you jerked off before?”

“Oh yeah, I’ve done that a bunch of times. I’ve just never done… anything… with a guy.”

“Was that your first kiss?”

Blake nodded.

“Shit,” Wesley said. He suddenly got up out of the bed, his massive cock bobbed up and down. “Fuck, Blake, I am so sorry about tonight.”

“What do you mean?” There was a sting, or he somehow felt stung.

“Blake, you’ve never done anything and you were stripped naked and paraded around campus. That’s such a shitty thing to happen when you’re… oh my gosh, you’re a virgin!”

Blake felt as if he was shrinking in the bed. The evening had built into something beautiful but it was all slipping away. He craved intimacy with Wesley more than anything and now it felt like Wesley was regretting it all.

“Wesley, I’m not upset.”

“How? That had to have been traumatizing!” Wesley was pacing back and forth along the bed, his cock bobbed up and down and side to side as it slightly softened.

“Wesley, did you see the pics from tonight?”

Wesley nodded.

“Did you see that my cock was hard the whole time?”

Wesley stopped and looked at him. “It was just the adrenaline.”

“Wesley, before those guys got me I was hiding. I wanted them to see me. It was thrilling being exposed like that. I’ve been sheltered my whole life, and now I’m being paraded around campus like a sex toy… it was fun being eye candy. I liked how they looked at me.”

Blake stood and took Wesley’s face in his hands, “And the cherry on top is I got to have my first kiss with the cutest guy I have literally ever seen.”

Wesley smiled, he leaned down and gently kissed Blake. “You shouldn’t have told me that.” He said.

Blake pulled away and a sinister grin was spread across Wesley’s face. “What do you mean?”

“You’re a virgin who likes being naked in public.”

Blake felt Wesley’s engorged cock pressed against him now as Wesley pulled him close.

“I’ve never felt so animalistic for anyone, Blake. There’s something about you that I’m drawn to. When I first laid eyes on you it did something to me… but I kept going, then you stopped me. That’s when I knew I had to have you. I’m gonna make you mine, Blake.”

His arms wrapped around Blake, one hand cradled his head as Wesley pulled him down onto the bed, his massive body pressing on top of him as they kissed. Wesley’s tongue entered Blake’s mouth tasting of minty toothpaste. His body grinded against Blake as his tongue explored his virgin mouth.

Then, without warning, Wesley pulled away and got up. Blake sat up on his arms and watched as Wesley set up a tripod and his phone at the end of the bed. Then he grabbed his desk chair and sat in it on the end of the bed next to the tripod.

“Blake, I want you to jerk off for me on my bed. Will you do that for me?”

WIthout talking, Blake crawled to the center of the bed and got on his knees. Wesley smiled, then tapped his phone and nodded at Blake.

Blake rubbed his torso. He played with his chest and tweaked his nipples, which made his cock twitch. Immediately he started leaking precum.

He brought his hands slowly down his body to his cock and stroked it. He looked at Wesley for reassurance. Wesley was biting his lip and gripping the arms of his chair hard, his monster cock twitched and oozed precum.

Blake could feel that he wasn’t going to last long. He’d spent the better part of the last three or four hours hard. He stroked his cock slowly, playing with his sensitive head. He used one hand to jerk himself while the other played with his balls. A couple minutes later he was ready.

“Oh fuck, Wesley,” he moaned. “I’m gonna cum!”

Wesley’s hands gripped his chair even tighter.

“Fuck, Wesley! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Blake’s first jet of cum hit him in the face. Then the next one hit his chest, then another. Then a fourth coated his abs. He had a couple more smaller ones. He licked his lips, tasting his own cum. Then he scooped some off his body and put his fingers in his mouth, savoring the taste as he sucked his cum off his fingers.

Wesley tapped the phone so hard that it fell onto the bed. “I’ll be right back.” He quickly went into the bathroom, tossed Blake a hand towel, then Blake heard the shower. He cleaned himself up, a little upset that Wesley would go finish himself without allowing Blake to see.

Five minutes later Blake was laying in Wesley’s bed, wearing his t-shirt again, when Wesley finally came out wrapped in a towel. “I’m sorry that it took so long. I wasn’t jerking, I was standing under the cold water trying to calm down.”

“Really?” Blake asked.

“Blake, that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I almost broke my chair watching you. I wanted to… fuck. I wanted to hold you down and force my cock inside, in that perfect mouth and in your tight virgin hole.”

Wesley took the towel off and tossed it on the floor. Even soft, his cock was impressive. It was at least 6 inches soft. He climbed into bed under the covers with Blake.

“We should get some sleep now.” He said.

Blake could hardly contain the excitement he was feeling. He was falling asleep in the arms of a cute guy. Everything was perfect.

“The next challenge is really gonna fuck you up, so you need your sleep.” Wesley said as he kissed Blake’s neck. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep.

“Fuck,” Blake thought. He forgot it was still rush week.

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