Jordan by frb2

A gay adult story: Jordan by frb2 ,
Fairy tales.
JORDANHaving missed his school bus, Jordan was walking home from school that Friday afternoon, it was dark chilly and with a threat of rain in the air. He didn’t mind though, since he was out of school for a blessed two days. Away from the teachers, away from his fellow students that had made his life a living hell for all of his years in school.. He was a senior, just turned 18, small, pale and androgynous in appearance, with no friends.

What had made matters worse for him was not having a father around to talk to, his mother was nice enough, but she just didn’t understand what the other kids put him through. “Don’t fight, and be nice to them.” was her advice. Well he was too small to fight and being nice just got him more trouble.

Lost in a day-dream as he walked along the shoulder of the road, he was startled when a car slowed and stopped by him. “Hey kid you need a lift?”

“Ahh, yeah.” Said Jordan, the man opened the car door and Jordan hopped in.

“You going far?” Asked the man.

Jordan gave him the name of his sub division.

“Well, that’s right on my way, have to make one stop though. You fool around?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.” Replied Jordan, as they pulled away from the curb.

“That’s okay kid, just asking. Have to make one stop on the way though.” His hand reassuringly patted Jordan on the thigh. Jordan liked that familiarity and his little cock gave a jump, then man didn’t remove his hand.

“So are you big time in school?”

“No I hate school, it will finally be over in June.”

“Gee that’s too bad, what’s the problem.”

Jordan went on to explain the fact that being small he was picked on all the time, by both the boys and the girls, laughed at, made fun of and sometimes physically abused.

“Let me think about this for just a minute, have to stop here.” Pulling into a fast food restaurant he parked in the farthest corner of the lot. “Be right back, don’t go away.”
The man went into the shop, and was gone a couple of minutes and when he came back he had two ice cream cones in his hand.

“Here kid have a cone.” Handing one to Jordan.
“Gee, thanks mister.” Replied Jordan, ice cream was forbidden by his mother a strict vegetarian.

“Thank I know you problem kid, it’s a lack of male protein and hormones, that’s keeping you small and making you less than aggressive.”

“Well how would I find out if that was so.”

“First lets compare.” The man unsipped and pulled his cock out. “Don’t be shy let me see yours?”

Sort of embarrassed Jordan unzipped and pulled his little wiener out. Seeing this the man said: “Better take your trousers down too.” So Jordan slipped his trousers and shorts down completely exposing his cock and balls.

“See this is a man’s cock, and with the right help yours could be like this.” The man took Jordan’s hand and put it on his cock. “Its okay feel it all you want, get used to it and someday yours can be this big.”

“But what do I have to do.” Jordan had some mixed emotions, but deep down was really getting a thrill out of being with a man and feeling his sex. Not many men paid any attention to him.

“Its like this you could get all kinds of expensive tests and see all kinds of doctors, but in the end the results would be the same. In the past, people didn’t have all these tests, they depended on the eye, their touch and their taste to find these things out.” Jordan felt the mans hand massaging him and he was growing hard. “Just hold still and I’ll find out what you need.”

The man leaned over and took Jordan’s little cock in his mouth and began to suck him.

“Oh mister, oh, ahhhh, oh mister I’m gonna squirt, ohhhh.” Jordan was over taken by the most delicious feeling he had ever had, jerking off felt nothing like the man’s mouth on his cock, and in record time he emptied his balls in to the man’s mouth.

The drive stayed after his cock sucking it and licking it clean, then sat up wiping his mouth off. Jordan noticed he had an enormous erection.

“Well I can tell you young man you definitely have low male protein and hormones.”

“What can I do about it?” Cried Jordan.

“Well you could get shots, or you could take male protein and hormones from another man like me. Here let me show you.” He gently moved Jordan’s head into his lap and pushed his cock into his mouth. “That’s it boy, suck it and swallow everything that comes out and that’s the start of your treatment.”
“mmmmm” Said Jordan as the man fucked his mouth. The man didn’t have a hair trigger as Jordan did so it took a while until the man came.

“That’s it boy, let me get in you real deep and swallow everything.” Jordan gagged down the man’s semen swallowing it. His own little cock stayed rock hard as he sucked.

“That’s your first treatment kid, now if I see you out here again I’ll give you another one, okay.”

“Okay.” Said Jordan as he wiped off his chin.

Jordan spent the evening thinking about what had happened. In a way what the man told him made a certain amount of sense, and he felt calmer and more relaxed than he normally did, but he needed to get advice, and he certainly get any advice about things manly from his mother.

The next day Saturday dawned wet and gloomy, and Jordan after delivering his newspapers had to collect. It was a constant source of amazement to him the number of adults with houses and cars that told him to come back later they were broke. By the end of his route it was 2PM and he was soaked to the skin from the rain. He had saved his best customer for last Mr. Betts, a school teacher.

Ringing the bell turned out to be a problem as Mr. Betts gutter was over flowing and he had a torrent of rainwater between him and the door bell making him even wetter. There was a lot of mad scrambling up and down the stairs and the door flew open.

“Jordan!, oh my I completely forgot, I am such a mess today.” Mr. Betts was still in a bathrobe, apparently naked underneath. “Oh my your soaked Jordan, come in and get warm while I find you money. Get yourself right up to the living room.” Mr Betts marched Jordan up the stairs. “Let me get something to dry you off with.”

Mr. Betts disappeared and was back in a minute with a bathrobe and a large towel. “Jordan, take those wet clothes off, dry yourself with these and I’ll run you clothes through the dryer so you don’t catch your death of cold.”

Before he knew what was happening Jordan was naked, Mr. Betts rubbed him down all over and then put the bathrobe on him and directed the boy to sit on the couch.

More made scrambling on Mr. Betts part as he went down stairs to the laundry room, Jordan could hear the dryer kick on. Then the man rushed back upstairs and started preparing something in the kitchen.

Jordan sat on the couch and hugged the robe to him for warmth. Then he spied a large book open on the coffee table. What caught his eye was a line art drawing on the open page of two boys. One was kneeling in front of the other quite apparently getting male protein and hormones from the other boys cock. Jordan’s cock jumped. He turned a page and this one showed a boy mounting another boy from behind, Jordan didn’t understand that one. He carefully closed the cover of the book and read the title: “Homosexual Love Making Art.” His cock gave another jump, but he didn’t know why.

“Jordan, I see you found my favorite book, do you like it?”

The boy about jumped out of his skin, he hadn’t heard the man return. “Here is a nice cup of hot chocolate for you.” Mr. Betts sat down next to him, close, their thighs touching.

“Mr Betts I got a question for you, and you’re the only one I can ask.” Said Jordan as he screwed up his courage.

“You go right ahead and ask you question Jordan, you know I have always thought you were a special young man. By the way how old are you now?”

“I just turned 18 last week.” Said Jordan, Mr. Betts hand was on his thigh, a reassuring gesture, and Jordan noticed his robe had fallen open revealing his cock and balls.

“Hmm, that’s really good to know.” Smiled Mr. Betts, “Now what was your question.”

Jordan related the events of the night before, and asked if there was anything correct about what the man had said.

“That’s a very interesting story Jordan. Many people believe that what the man told you is true, but we have to test to make sure.” Mr. Betts hand parted Jordan’s robe revealing his little stiffy, getting down between the boys legs he began to blow him just as the man had done.

“Oh Mr. Betts, oh, oh, oh, Mr. Betts I’m gonna squirt, ohhhhhh.” Jordan filled Mr. Betts mouth with cum.

Mr. Betts continued to lick Jordan’s cock and even sucked his balls before finally getting back up on the couch.

Clearing his throat: “Well Jordan I think the man was correct, you are low on male protein and hormones. But he did make one mistake.”

“What’s that mistake?” Asked Jordan who was in a sort of dreamy state from the blowjob.

“Well to be truly effective you need to get your male hormones injected into you.”

“You mean with like a needle.”

“No, no needles Jordan. Lay down on your belly and I’ll show you what I mean.” Jordan did as he was told, and Mr. Betts pushed his robe up revealing Jordan’s ass. Massaging his cheeks, Mr. Betts inserted a finger into Jordan.

“Oh!” Exclaimed Jordan.

Mr. Betts worked the finger in and out, then Jordan felt something larger probing him, and the man’s large cock slipped into him.

“Oh Mr. Betts, that feels good, its making me hard.”

The man fucked the boy slowly for the next fifteen minutes. The boy moaning the whole time.

“Mr. Betts, Mr. Betts, I’m gonna squirt again!”

“Hold it boy here comes your protein, and giving several hard thrusts the man emptied his balls into the boy.”

The man collapsed on top of the boy, still inside him. Soon as his cock grew flaccid Mr. Betts withdrew and rolled off. The boy felt empty.

“That was my injection?”

”Yes, Jordan, that will help you a great deal.”

“But how does it work?”

“Its like this Jordan, its male semen, and you know semen are like seaman or sailors. Sailors have a reputation of being horny all the time, and having big cocks. Now the reason they are horny all the time is they inject one another on board ship with male proteins and hormones, just like I just did to you. They also have big cocks because they let other sailors suck on them all the time, being sucked makes your cock grow bigger.

“Is that how it works, how long before I’ll need another injection?”

”Oh, about twenty minutes and I’ll be ready to give you another injection. It would help of course if you kissed it first.”

“Okay.” Replied Jordan as he eagerly bent over and begin to suck the old man’s cock. ‘In a little while I’ll be as big as this.’ He said to himself.

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