Kyle Ch. 08


A gay story: Kyle Ch. 08 This is the 8th installment of the Kyle Series. The Kyle Series is the true story of my first love. I appreciate all of the ratings, comments and feedback – good or bad.

After Kyle splooged and Dave had gotten his fill of touching and tasting me we all laid on the bed sexually spent. I couldn’t remember being more sexually satisfied. Dave got up and muttered something like, “I gotta go.”

“Um, hey Dave, can I have your number? Are you alright? Do you want to talk or something?” I said to him. I was a little worried about him because I knew his mind had to be going crazy with thoughts of his first sexual experience. I didn’t want him to feel as if we were throwing him out and didn’t care about his feelings in all of this.

“I appreciate everything you two have done for me. I don’t know if I ever would have gotten up the courage to make something like this happen on my own. I would love to get together some time to talk. I would even be up for some more fooling around.” Dave said. He was smiling the whole time.

I was really happy to see the little fellow smiling. I took that as a good sign he was going to be just fine. He wrote his number on a post-it on my desk. I assured him I would call tomorrow and we could get together and chill. I showed the clothed Dave out with a hug and warm smile. When I returned to the bed Kyle was propped up on his elbow with an accusatory look on his face.

“Did you enjoy it?” Kyle asked.

“I did Kyle. I have never busted a better nut. I can’t thank you enough for being cool with this. I love you so much.” I said looking into Kyle’s eyes. The problem was he wasn’t really looking back at me. He was looking at me but it was as if he was looking past me. His eyes were glazed over and his mouth held tight as if he were eating something sour. A long silence passed.

“I am sorry Levi but I can’t go along with it again. I truly do love you. I love you the person. I love your smile. I love your sense of humor. I love that you are so smart. I love you so much I will not share you. I would take a bullet for you…” Kyle was saying as I interrupted him.

“You would take a bullet for me but not a shot in the mouth for me? Forgive me but that makes no fucking sense, Kyle. I love you to. I would rather just have sex with you than a fuck boy. You have left me no fucking options. You won’t get me off and I can’t get off with anyone else. Where does this leave me you selfish asshole?” I think this was the first time I ever yelled at Kyle. I was the calm and collected one in the relationship and he was always the talk first and think later guy. What the fuck was happening. My mind reeled. Was I in the middle of breaking up with Kyle? Was he breaking up with me?

Tears welled up in Kyle’s eyes. I only saw Kyle cry twice in the entire time I knew him and once was after a really bad fight with his parents before we even dated. His dad had kicked him out of the house; it was a whole big thing that got sorted out later. The second was of course when he almost failed out of college and was confused about our gay relationship. Here Kyle was crying for a third time and he said, “I want more than anything to want to be everything you need, I just can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t explain it. I can’t justify it. I am not even attracted to a single other guy. I have never even thought of being with another guy. I just love you. Does that make sense?”

“I don’t know Kyle. I mean, what are you saying? Are you saying that if it wasn’t for me you would be straight? I turned you gay? This is all my fault?” I wasn’t yelling anymore but my tone was one of anger. I was angry. I may have started something with a drunken blowjob but he was the one that continued everything from there. I have always been honest with him about everything. I didn’t want to listen to some shit about how he wasn’t gay. I mean, he had to be gay right? We are lovers.

“I am not saying anything is your fault. I don’t blame you for anything. You are the greatest friend anyone could ever have. You have been my best friend forever. We have everything in common. You are the greatest boyfriend anyone could have. You take care of me emotionally, mentally and of course physically. I don’t really bring anything to this relationship.” Kyle said clearly willing himself not to cry.

“I don’t know what to say, Kyle. I love you. You bring you to the relationship. I love you. I love you for the some of the same reasons you love me. You are smart, funny but most importantly I trust you implicitly. I love that you are so strong and strong-willed. I love you fucking me; I love blowing you. We just need to walk away from each other, sort this out and meet back here tonight to talk. Is that fair? Is that a deal?” I asked.

“I think that is a great idea. I am scared of what you are thinking. I am fucking frightened at what I am thinking. I’ll be back here tonight by 10:00 p.m. Remember, I love you. Please think about that too. I love you.” Kyle said.

Kyle and I both dressed, hugged, a quick peck on the lips; and off we went in separate directions from our door – our future together was unsure. The love of my life walking away from me and I walking away from him with hopes we could meet in a couple of hours and work it out. Tears streaked down my face. Before I knew it I was halfway across campus. I was walking toward the Student Union. I guess I could grab a coffee and find a quiet spot and just mull it all over.

I tried to reason out the current situation but I kept remembering wonderful times Kyle and I had spent together. I remembered the days we spent together when we were just friends working on cars, shooting guns, and talking all night. I remembered the first night he took me out on a date and fucked me later that night. I just sobbed. It was like all of the memories in my life that I truly treasured were centered on Kyle. I couldn’t lose him. I couldn’t let him go. I couldn’t live without him. He has to be in my life forever. I was getting my sobbing under control. Deep-breathing and calming myself into a rational state of mind when my phone rang. It was a number I didn’t recognize. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone but what the fuck I answered it anyway, “Hello.”

“Hi, Levi, it is Dave. This isn’t too weird to be calling you already is it?” He asked. I immediately heard a voice in the background.

“What are doing faggot? Calling your fudge-packing boyfriend?” The voice said. It must be Dave’s asshole roommate.

“Shut up Rick!” Dave shouted.

“Dave? Are you still there?” I asked.

“Yeah, sorry. My roommate just walked in and as I said he loves to hate me.” Dave replied in a voice so weak it made me furious.

“What is your dorm number?” I demanded to know.

“Umm, I am in 214. Why? You aren’t coming here are you?” Dave asked.

“Be there in 5 minutes.” I said and hung up the phone. I started running toward the dorms. I was emotionally unstable at the moment and I wasn’t going to allow this bullshit. I had never met Rick but it didn’t matter how big he was; I was ready to beat the fuck out of someone.

I approached the door and knocked loudly and rapidly. Dave opened the door.

“Is he still here? Get out of the way!” I yelled.

Rick emerged into view from his bed with a quizzical look. He was a little taller than me but no clear physical match. He was lean but I could tell he was lacking any of the serious muscle tone I possessed. Rick asked, “Are you the tough queer; the man in the relationship? I know Dave has to be the bitch.” He chuckled at his own dumbass joke.

In the small dorm room I only had to take 4 steps to reach him and I punched him in the stomach as hard as I fucking could. Rick doubled over and all of the air left his body. He coughed and sputtered. Gasping for air he stood and looked right into my eyes. I saw fear. I grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and threw him to the ground. He was lying on his back looking up at me still gasping for air. I dropped down, one knee on each side of his chest. I grabbed a handful of his hair to keep him from looking away. I cocked my other hand back and balled it into a fist and just held it there.

“Listen to me very closely mother fucker. I have no intention of causing your death right now even though I could. I don’t even plan to hit you again if you stay still and listen well. Firstly, if you say anything remotely ignorant to Dave again I swear on everything holy I will be back and I won’t stop beating the fuck out of you until my arm is tired. Secondly, if you report this I swear I will go to the college and make sure you are expelled for all of the derogatory comments you have made regarding fags. The university doesn’t look kindly on hatemongers. Finally, I will start a blog about how great you suck cock. I will make sure everyone on campus knows how much you like swallowing mine and Dave’s cum. Do you understand me?” I said all of it in a calm voice with a tone that showed I wasn’t joking in the least.

“I am sorry, Dave. I will never be an ass to you again.” Rick said while looking into my face like a frightened rabbit. I looked up at Dave. He was still standing in the same spot just staring. He moved his eyes to meet mine and he smiled. That smile warmed my heart.

“I am going to get up now and Dave and I are going for a coffee. Take the time alone to think about what we discussed. Thank you for being reasonable.” I said with a smirk.

I got off of Rick and nonchalantly walked towards Dave. I put my arm around his shoulders and guided him through the doorway. Neither of us looked back at Rick. “Problem solved Dave.” I said.

“I can’t believe you just did that. I would be mad if I thought you made things worse, but I truly believe you scared the fuck out of him so bad he will actually follow through with his promise to leave me alone. It feels good. I do hate that I am such a pussy someone else had to fight my battle for me though.” Dave said.

“You are kind of a pussy Dave but that is okay. Everyone has a role to play in life and yours isn’t kicking ass. There isn’t anything wrong with that.” I said in a quick reply. I was pretty sure Dave was picking up on the fact that my mind was miles away from the current conversation. I had made no headway in the situation regarding Kyle but I was enjoying the heat coming from Dave’s body. I steered us to the elevator and pushed the fifth floor. “Want to come back to my room?” I asked.

“I guess. Are you wanting to mess around again already. To be honest you don’t seem quite with it right now. It seems like you have a lot on your mind.” Dave said.

“I decided I don’t want a coffee. I want a beer. It just so happens Kyle and I have a 24 pack in the fridge. You are going to sit in my room and drink it with me. I really want the company. I also need a sounding board. I want you to help me work through something. Is that all okay with you? Can you spend the evening with me?” I asked with a tone of desperation in my voice; partially on purpose. I didn’t want him to say no. I guess I was using a little manipulation but I just couldn’t be alone and I didn’t want to call one of my close friends because Kyle and I had the same friends and I didn’t want to discuss any of this with them.

“Umm, yeah I guess. I was going to get a head start on homework but it can wait. I don’t know a lot about a lot so I am probably not someone you should ask for advice.” Dave said in his same weak voice.

“Stop it! Fucking stop it! You are a person. A valuable fucking person. It is one thing to let an asshole like your roommate rag on you but you can’t put yourself down and expect anyone to respect you. For fucksake. Look at yourself once in awhile. You are fucking adorable, I can tell you have at least half a brain; maybe you are small so fucking what! Get over it and find some confidence.” I said heatedly. We approached my dorm room and I unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. I looked back to motion Dave in and he was looking at me wide-eyed. “Dave, I am sorry. I know all of that was inappropriate to say. I don’t want to blame it on my current situation to justify what I said. I am sorry. Please come in.”

Dave stepped up to me and put his hand on my waist. He leaned in said, “You’re right about everything you just said.” He walked into the mini sitting room/kitchenette outside of the bedroom and grabbed 2 beers from the fridge. He opened one and handed it to me and popped the top on the other and started to chug. I followed suit and started to chug as well. The beer was going down perfectly.

“So Dave, Kyle and I may be finished. Your thoughts?” I just threw it out there so he knew what the topic of the evening would be.

“Oh my God. This is entirely my fault. I could tell he hated me. I went through with everything anyway because I wanted to touch you so badly. I killed someone’s relationship because of my own wants. I knew it was a bad idea…” Dave was rambling and muttering.

“Stop, stop Dave. Nothing is your fault.” I said. I then took the next half hour to explain to Dave the dichotomy of Kyle’s and mine relationship. I gave the background for how he came to end up in our bed. I drank two more beers and he polished of another during my explanation of the current situation.

“You said you loved him like 10 times in the last 30 minutes. I don’t see the problem. You are going to end your relationship with the guy you love more than anyone in the world because he won’t blow you? I would give anything to love someone and have them love me back. I don’t care if we ever had sex of any kind as long as I had someone there with me.” Dave said.

“Oh come one Dave. That is settling for something less than you deserve. People can have both. You can have both. I should be able to spend my time with someone I love and have sex with them. Kyle gets all of the love he wants and all of the sex he wants.” I said.

We continued to talk. We guzzled more beer. We were down to 10 beers left. I think I had 8 and Dave was on number 6. I was feeling it. It hit me all at once. I know Dave was starting to get pretty drunk as well. Fuck it. I was going for it. “I have a proposal for you Dave. You aren’t budging on your stance and I am still unsure as to whether I can give up getting off for the rest of my life to be with Kyle. Let me fuck you. I have never done it. After I experience it I will be better able to decide on how important the sex aspect is to me. Are you in?” I asked.

“Oh, I want it. I want it really bad but I think I have done enough damage to your relationship. I can’t be part of your infidelity.” Dave said in a sad tone.

“It isn’t cheating. Kyle and I picked you out together to be the person I got to experience sex with. Only I blew in your mouth before I could get to your ass. So, it isn’t cheating at all. It is just the completion of our agreement. So, what do you say?” I asked.

“Do you have a condom?” Dave said with a smile.

“Get your clothes off you hot little fuck.” I said with nothing but lust coming over me. I went to the bedroom and grabbed the lube and a condom out of the nightstand. I turned around and Dave was standing there smiling. He dropped to his knees and began unbuckling my belt. I pulled my Polo over my head. Dave pulled my pants and boxers down in one swoop. I kicked off one shoe and the pants off one foot, then the other. Dave was kneeling before me and he grabbed my cock in his little hand. I stared down at his naked body. I gave all inhibitions the shoulder and decided to live the moment. “Put it in your mouth. Get me hard for your ass.” I said.

Dave kissed the tip of my cock once before wrapping his lips around my stirring cock. He let out a moan and removed his hand as he descended on my cock. I placed my hand on his head. He had really soft hair and a really hot mouth. I was going to be rock hard in no time. I loved the feeling of his spit on my cock. I loved the sucking feeling on my cock. It was such an amazing feeling. I was rock hard. “It’s time. Do you still want to be fucked by me?” I asked.

“Tell me again how bad it is going to hurt.” Dave said.

“It is going to hurt a lot at first but I promise you will begin to enjoy it before long. Lie on your back on the bed. Bring your knees to your shoulders.” I instructed. Once Dave was in the position I rolled the condom on my cock. I grabbed the bottle of lube and squirted a bunch on my fingers. I placed a finger on Dave’s waiting sphincter. I started to massage his tight anal ring. “Just relax.” I said

Dave was breathing hard and every now and then a moan would escape. I was taking my time feeling Dave’s asshole. Then I slipped a finger in. A gasp came from Dave. I started to finger fuck him very slowly. I loved how hot he was inside. My finger was on fire. I loved the feeling of how his ass muscles were constricting on my finger. After a couple minutes I slipped in a second finger. I continued to fuck him with my fingers. I could feel his ass was looser than when we started. I had a pretty decent sized cock but it wasn’t overly fat or anything. “Are you ready?” I asked.

“Oh God, Levi. I want it so badly. I have to know what it feels like. Please, just be easy with me.” Dave said.

I placed my covered cockhead at the entrance of his hot hole. I steadied my dick with one hand and started to push against his tight hole. He gasped for air. He let out a cry of exclamation. I was in. I was in a cute guy’s ass. I was only about half way in and I felt nothing but ecstasy. “Are you alright?” I asked.

“It hurts so bad. I like it, but it hurts. Go slower.” Dave said.

I continued to push into his Dave’s ass. The hot tightness of him was positively intoxicating. It took about 6 minutes but I was finally balls deep in this cute little guy. “It feels so fucking amazing. Are you still okay?” I asked.

“I am okay. It still hurts a lot.” Dave said.

I began to withdraw my cock. “Ohh, no, no. Leave it in. Pulling out hurts really bad.” Dave said.

“I’m not going to pull it all the way out. I am going to start moving back and forth. It is the only way to get you loosened up enough to enjoy it.” I said.

I pulled out slowly until just the tip was left inside Dave. I started a slow fucking motion in Dave. I pushed all the way in and pulled half way out and repeated that for about 5 or 6 minutes. I could feel Dave’s ass finally begin to stop resisting. His anal ring had finally stopped clamping down on my dick. I had never felt anything more pleasurable. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Oh my God, it is just like you said. It feels so good. I don’t want you to ever stop.” Dave moaned.

“I’m sorry Dave but our time is short. I am going to blow any minute.” I said. I started rocking in and out and thrusting wildly. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good at sex yet. I was a virgin after all. I wasn’t holding any sort of rhythm. I was in and out and all over the place. I was feeling something so amazing I couldn’t believe everyone wasn’t doing it all day. It was pure pleasure in the rawest form. I gasped and screamed as I came.

Dave yelled and grabbed his cock. He started spewing cum after just stroking his cock a couple times. I couldn’t help it. I was coming to the end of my climax and I just had to do it. I leaned in and planted my lips right onto Dave’s. My tongue darted into his mouth. He kissed me back. I thought of one thing and one thing only and did it. I wrapped my hand around Dave’s throat. He moaned into my mouth. I finally understood why Kyle did that to me.

Exhausted and satisfied I rose up breaking the kiss between Dave and I. I slowly pulled my softening cock from Dave’s ass. I just looked down at him and I realized I hadn’t made my decision any easier by fucking Dave. I collapsed on the bed next to Dave. I realized I just did something to Kyle he would never do to me – I cheated on him. A glance at the clock killed my buzz. It was 9:48 p.m.

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