Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks Ch. 06


A gay story: Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks Ch. 06 There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren’t in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

Tanner strolled into the room, his hands shoved in his pockets as he surveyed the small crowd. He saw a few familiar faces, but many new ones too. A typical Gay-Straight Alliance meeting with its unpredictable mix. He always surveyed these crowds with some humor at the myth that gay people stick out. Maybe his gaydar was broken, but Tanner had never been confident enough to guess sexual orientation. Students who attended the meetings spanned the typical college spectrum. Even the casual observer could identify the standard college cliques. Tanner then saw one of the officers of the group making a beeline toward him.

“Oh, Tanner! I’m so glad you’re here. We have a full-blown crisis, honey.”

Tanner smiled at the pocket-sized young man in front of him. Jarred was not one of the people whose orientation he couldn’t determine.

“What’s up, Jarred? I’m happy to help if I can,” said Tanner.

“Jessica didn’t come back! She didn’t tell anyone she wasn’t either. Now, no president!”

“Who’s vice president? Can’t they do it?”

“Oh sweetie! No one wants the job. I know you’re busy, but the club really needs your help.”

“Well it has to be voted on—”

Jarred spun around and yelled, “He’ll do it! Who’s in favor?”

Tanner gave a sheepish look in response to the roar of agreement from the membership. “I guess I’m your president for this year then.”

Jarred smiled as Tanner walked over to talk with the rest of the officers. He’d wanted to get into those form-fitting Wranglers ever since he’d first laid eyes on Tanner, now he had an entire year of meetings, events and parties to worm his way into Tanner’s circle of friends. From there it was a short jump to seducing the rugged man and putting another notch on his bedpost. Jarred knew Tanner had a jock boyfriend, but he had a few tricks up his sleeve to get him out of the picture. His body tingled at the thought of that big country boy pounding his ass.

Randy looked up and smiled as he walked through the door. He pushed away from his desk and wrapped Tanner in a warm hug.

“Well, aren’t you being all cuddly tonight,” said Tanner as he snuggled in Randy’s arms.

“Just glad to see you, that’s all. How was your meeting?”

Tanner started laughing. “Guess who’s president?”

Randy leaned his face against Tanner’s neck and inhaled softly. “Who, Babe?”

“Yours truly!”

Randy touched his lips to Tanner’s jaw, his lips trailed over Tanner’s in a soft kiss before the two of them separated. “That’s amazing, Babe. Congratulations! Just watch that little sneak Jarred.”

Tanner found it difficult to concentrate as Randy’s hands slid under his shirt, the tips of his fingers gliding over his chest. Tanner enjoyed the sensations, his mind racing to more physical considerations, but he realized they needed to talk. He grabbed Randy’s wrists.

“What’s wrong with Jarred?”

“He has a crush on you, and I don’t share,” said Randy.

“You’re crazy! Jarred doesn’t like me, not that way. Besides, he’s a full-blown hairless twink for god’s sake. Why would I want to be with him?” said Tanner.

Randy pulled his hands away and let them drop to his sides. “Whatever, but I’m just telling you, he has the hots for you. I know you don’t believe me, but keep an eye on him.” Randy gave Tanner a faint smile. “You don’t want to deal with a jealous jock, do you?”

Tanner pressed himself against Randy, his fingers trailing over the handsome man in front of him. He grinned as he looked at Randy. “Don’t worry about the little twink. You’re all I want.”

Tanner unbuttoned the top of Randy’s shirt, loving the small swirl of hair nestled at the top of his chest. He traced his finger through it and enjoyed the texture of Randy under his touch. His hand slid down, starting to open the next button when Randy’s hand closed around his. He looked up and met Randy’s eyes.

“I know what you’re doing,” said Randy.

“What’s that, Babe?” said Tanner, beaming innocence.

“You’re trying to distract me.”

“And is it working?”

Randy snickered. “Yeah, it is.”

“Good,” said Tanner. Lowering his lips, he kissed the hollow at the base of Randy’s neck. He eased open each button, exposing more and more muscular torso. Once Randy’s chest was exposed, Tanner pushed his fingers upward with careful attention to each length of skin under their tips. He used his thumbs to trace lazy circles around Randy’s nipples, gliding around his prominent areolas and flicking his nails over the hardened nubs. He pushed Randy’s arm up, exposed the damp hair, and buried his face in it, inhaling deeply. Tanner’s senses were overwhelmed by the pheromones exuded.

He extended his tongue, tasting the musky flavor. Tanner paused and let the sensation curl through his system, melding the two of them. Tanner slid his hands around Randy’s neck and pulled them together so their lips pressed hard against each other. Tanner was lost in the moment, his body responded to Randy as adrenaline surged through his body.

“How was that, Baby? Are you distracted?” said Tanner.

Randy smiled, “Distracted from what?”


Tanner started back toward Randy, when a sharp rapping came from their door.

“Tanner? Randy? You home?”

Tanner recognized Jo’s voice and jumped away. Pausing for a moment to straighten his clothes, he glanced back at Randy and smiled when he saw a pillow strategically located on his crotch. He paused to catch his breath at the door, and then pulled it open.

Jo stood in the doorway, tears rolling down her face. She sniffled, her face contorted into a vision of misery. Tanner had not seen much of his sister since she had started at the university. But at this moment, he searched for signs of what had happened as a new freshet of tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Tanner took his sister by the arm, guiding her into the apartment. He watched Randy climb off the couch, all thoughts of passion dissipated.

They seated her at the table, handed her a box of tissues, and let her cry it out while they tried to comfort her. With a great sob, Jo came to a point where she could talk.

“He was cheating on me! That bastard was cheating on me with some blonde with big boobs.”

“Who? David?”

“Yes! Dear old Davey from home. He was in the union food court, and I saw him kiss her!”

Tanner breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t dismissing her pain, but no one had died, no one was bleeding. Almost anything else could be fixed.

He and Randy spent the rest of the evening talking with Jo. They hadn’t had much time to spend together since she’d started at the university, and Tanner was feeling guilty that he hadn’t made more of an effort. Tanner vaguely remembered David, but they were enough younger that neither he nor Jo were inside Tanner’s close group. Still, he and Randy knew guys, and tried to point out other ways the scene could be viewed, and Jo should talk with David. With a little humor, they also pointed out that there were plenty of eligible men on campus. In small steps, Jo let the boys’ calm her.

Randy looked at Tanner, a quick nod indicating his agreement with the unspoken question. Tanner rubbed his hand against his sister’s back and then patted her gently.

“Stay here tonight. You can sleep on the couch,” said Tanner.

Jo wiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. “It’s not covered with boy stuff is it?”

Tanner chuckled softly, “You just wiped snot on your sleeve, and you’re worried what might be on our couch?”

“Hurry up, the party starts in a few minutes,” yelled Tanner from the bathroom.

“No one shows up on time, don’t you know the cool code?” said Randy with a chuckle.

The young couple had managed to find balance in their lives, even if it had taken them until mid-semester. Jarred had invited Tanner to a Halloween party, and Tanner had insisted that Randy was also included. The couple was too broke to buy costumes, so they had improvised. The obvious choice was to dress as cowboys, and tell everyone they were Ennis and Jack from Brokeback Mountain. Since they were similar sizes, the boys raided most of what they needed from Tanner’s closet. The rest of the regalia Jo brought from home— including some of Tanner’s dad’s things that were a good fit for Randy’s muscular body.

They had put together a serviceable cowboy look, and Tanner assured Randy it was much more authentic than what anyone else would be wearing. He grinned as he pointed out their felt hats were even decorated with authentic sweat stains, earned doing real work. Randy had to chuckle since they had both commented on the trust fund babies that seemed to populate campus.

Randy was pulling on a pair of well-worn boots courtesy of Tanner’s dad, when Tanner walked out of the bathroom and snapped his fingers. “Come on! I can’t leave without my Ennis!”

Randy looked up with a smirk. “Yeah, you might want to remember that Jack was killed at the end of that movie.”

“Crap, maybe we should go as something else. I don’t know how I feel about dressing like a tragic couple.”

“Oh good god! It was fiction. Chill!”

Tanner wandered around the room and analyzed his choice of costumes until Randy grabbed his shoulders and lunged in for a soul-shattering kiss.

“There, you’ve now had your Brokeback Mountain moment. Stop your damn worrying.”

Randy grinned as Tanner rocked back in shock, then a shy smile spread across his face. With a firm nod, he threaded the western belt through his jeans, fastened the dinner-plate-sized buckle, and was ready to go.

They chatted about the party on the way to Jarred’s house — a three-bedroom monstrosity his parents had bought for him while he was in school. Add the fact that he drove a bright yellow Jaguar, and there was little doubt that Jarred was one of the silver-spoon crowd. Randy had disliked him from the first time they met, but for no other reason than the lecherous way he looked at Tanner. He had recognized the look; Randy had seen it on some of his fellow lacrosse players when they were after a woman. It meant they would stop at nothing to get into her pants, and Randy saw no reason to believe Jarred didn’t fall into the same category.

The whole new rich flaunting their money thing didn’t endear him with Randy either. Jarred acted as if he had never worked a day in his life, and had no ambition to start now. Add to that the bitchy, gay boy act, and it was close to intolerable for Randy to be in the same room with Jarred.

They parked in front of the house and walked together to the front door. By this point, Randy wanted to mark Tanner as his own, but he didn’t think Tanner would appreciate having his boots pissed on. Besides, Jarred might like it. Tanner knocked on the door while Randy pasted on his best fake smile, knowing that Jarred never intended for him to come to the party.

The door flew open, and Jarred stood in the doorway in a skin-tight, Green Lantern outfit. The costume contoured to each and every part of his body, leaving nothing to the imagination — made evident when Randy noted Jarred was circumcised. He caught Jarred scanning Tanner’s hard body, and flashed an unrepentant smirk when he realized Randy had seen him.

“Hello Tanner! I’m so glad you could make it. What a fabulous costume! The hot cowboy is so in this year. Honey, you make it look real too.”

“Thanks Jarred, just something we threw together,” said Tanner. Randy listened while he was introduced, and nodded in acknowledgment, the smile on his face never making it to his eyes. He felt the chill of Jarred’s look.

“Oh yes, we’ve met,” said Jarred. “Please, come in. Both of you.”

As the pair walked into the fastidious house, a barking ball of orange fur flew at them, circling their feet and yipping fiercely. The dog stopped in front of Randy and barked ferociously.

“Oh Princess, leave the big old stinky man alone. I’m sure he didn’t mean to not bathe,” said Jarred with a sneer on his face.

Randy gave Jarred a blank look and squatted down to the level of the diminutive dog. Extending his hand, he gave the dog time to sniff his fingers. When he felt it’s tiny tongue flick against them, Randy reached over, ran his fingers through the long hair and scratched behind its ears. The dog almost purred with contentment and lay on it’s back so Randy could scratch his stomach. He smiled at Jarred.

“Nice pooch,” said Randy.

Jarred turned with a huff and disappeared into the room. Randy gave the tiny dog a last scratch and then moved through the crowd with Tanner. As the night wore on, and with Jarred’s marked absence, Randy began to relax and enjoy the party. He moved from group to group as Tanner visited with his friends. Randy was sitting with some teammates when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Aren’t you Tanner’s boyfriend?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Ah, you might want to check on him. I think he’s plastered.”

“Tanner doesn’t drink…” said Randy with a furrowed brow.

“Does he know what Jello shots are?”

“Where is he?” asked Randy in a biting tone.

“The game room,” said the kid, pointing toward the basement.

Randy stormed down the stairs, not certain who he was more furious with, Tanner or whoever gave him the shots. How stupid can one person be? Once Randy hit the game room, it was obvious where Tanner was and who was behind this. Randy stormed across the room to where Tanner was standing on the pool table, dry humping Jarred. His cowboy yells almost drown out Jarred’s moans, almost. Randy could not miss the thick bulge of Tanner’s cock running across the front of his jeans. The pair was the chief entertainment of the room, catcalls and wolf whistles raining down on them.

His first instinct was to walk off, leave Tanner with the hairless wonder. But before he let his anger drive the decision, Randy realized he had to at least give Tanner a chance for redemption, even if Randy couldn’t imagine a scenario where he would forgive Tanner. Regardless, this spectacle had to stop.

“Tanner. Tanner!” yelled Randy.

Tanner slowed and turned in Randy’s direction, an idiotic grin plastered on his face. “How’d ya get down there Randy? I was just fuck’n the shit outta ya!”

“Tanner, you’re drunk. We need to go.”

“Can’t be drunk. Ain’t had noth’n except water.”

“What about the Jello shots?”

“Oh hell, them’s not booze, Jarred said so! They’re like dessert or something.”

Randy reached up and yanked on his boyfriend. Tanner stumbled, tried to regain his balance, but toppled from the table. Caught as he fell, he was hoisted over Randy’s shoulder. They started for the door, but before Randy had taken more than a few steps, he turned and met Jarred’s look of loathing. He flipped him off and then walked out of the room with Tanner over his shoulder.

Once they exited the house, Randy carried Tanner rather than try to help him walk. He wanted away before the tenuous control he had over his anger snapped, and he went back inside and beat Jarred. Tanner was going to have plenty to answer for too, but Randy could only focus on them one at a time. Right now he just felt hollow where normally there was a warmth that Tanner existed in. He helped Tanner up the stairs to their apartment and leaned him against the door as he unlocked it. When the door swung open, Tanner lurched through the opening. Randy let out a long sigh, grabbed Tanner’s arm and guided him to the bed.

With no warning, Tanner looked at Randy and started projectile vomiting. The first wave covered Randy, a second heave hit Tanner and marked a round of purging that lasted for several minutes. By the time he finished, they were both drenched in the wretched smelling puke.

Tanner looked at Randy and started to whine. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I feel so bad—”

Randy cut him off. “I don’t want to hear it. If you didn’t smell so bad, I’d leave you on the floor and maybe you’d learn a lesson. But you reek. Keep being pitiful though and I swear I will make you sleep on the rug.”

“Ok, Randy,” mumbled Tanner.

He shook his head and stripped Tanner. For once the sight of Tanner’s naked body caused no stirrings for Randy. He was angry, hurt and had no feelings of desire. He walked him to their shower and then let him collapse inside it. He turned on the water, and let it rain down on Tanner’s moaning form while he stripped off his own drenched clothing, glad his costume had been old-and-worn garments. Ruining good clothes would have been more than he could deal with right now.

Randy snatched up both sets of clothing, deposited them in a plastic bag that he set outside the apartment. Tomorrow he would decide if they were salvageable, or just needed to be tossed. Once the bags of clothing were gone, Randy sprayed the room with air freshener, trying to kill the putrid stench. Satisfied that he’d done all he could, he went back into the bathroom to deal with Tanner.

He found Tanner curled in the bottom of the shower, having puked again from the looks of things. In spite of everything, Randy couldn’t help but feel guilty when he saw his boyfriend shivering, and realized that he had only turned on the cold water. He adjusted the controls to a comfortable temperature and lifted Tanner against the shower wall as he stepped inside. He washed them both; scrubbing the vomit off their bodies, but knew alcohol was going to seep from Tanner’s pores all night. After numerous washings, Randy decided he’d done as much as possible, and turned off the water.

Hands flying, Randy toweled them off and helped Tanner to bed. He wasn’t going to try and wrestle underwear onto the drunken cowboy. He just hoped that Tanner was through hurling. He lay beside Tanner, not willing to snuggle against him, the hurt and betrayal overwhelmed him. He wrestled with the situation and his choices into the predawn hours before dropping into an exhausted and fitful sleep.

“Oh god,” moaned Tanner, waking Randy. “God, my head. Oh shit, I feel awful.”

“You should. Do you remember last night?”

“I remember the party, and Jarred giving me some kind of candy. But not much after that,” said Tanner slowly.

“It wasn’t candy, it was Jello shots. You can’t be so backwoods that you don’t know what Jello shots are!” yelled Randy.

Tanner grabbed his head. “Don’t yell, please. Of course I know what Jello shots are. He said it was candy, and they were coated with sugar. Oh hell, he played me.”

“Yeah, well. Do you remember fucking him in the middle of the crowd in his basement?”

Tanner looked at him with growing horror. “No. No! I dreamed I was screwing you. But. Oh god, Randy, Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Nope, afraid not. You were on the pool table banging his butt. Seemed to be having a good time too,” said Randy with a wooden look.

“I swear to God, I don’t remember doing it. I would never have sex with Jarred, not even if we were not together. He’s, he’s, oh fuck he is such a little prima donna twink,” said Tanner almost in tears.

“Well you weren’t actually fucking him, you still had on your jeans, mostly,” said Randy, letting his boyfriend off the hook, at least a little.

“Oh god, Randy. I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I did that. I swear, I thought it was you.”

“I think you liked the attention, and the chance to be with someone else. You’re still curious,” said Randy, his arms folded across his chest.

“Please, Baby. Please tell me you forgive me,” begged Tanner.

“Oh no, it’s not going down like that. You beg for forgiveness, I say things are fine, and you’re off the hook. No fuck’n way. I’m pissed. You fucked up. I’m not sure what you can do to fix this.”

Tanner sat on the bed, his head felt as if it were filled with a thousand angry monkeys banging snare drums, and his stomach roiling from the abuse he’d dealt it the night before. He understood Randy was beyond angry. This wasn’t a lover’s spat. He’d messed up, badly.

Tanner realized Randy was cooking breakfast. Wrapping the sheet around his body, he stumbled to the stove. Tanner reached out to touch Randy’s shoulder, but was rebuffed.

“No, you aren’t going to pet me and fix it either. You can sleep in the chair for now too,” said Randy.

Tanner stood in a stupor, never remembering a time when people hadn’t given him forgiveness when he’d asked for it. He needed his stomach to stop trying to turn itself inside out, and the pain to leave his head. Before another thought could be formed, Tanner realized a cloud of odor surrounded him. His body rebelled at the added insult, and Tanner began to gag.

“Oh god, what’s that smell?”

“Oh, I thought some nice sunny-side-up eggs, a little cabbage hash, scrapple with lots of liver and chocolate milk would be good for breakfast.”

Tanner slapped his hand across his mouth, gagging non-stop at the horrid combination of foods. Randy flipped the conglomeration in the skillet, sending fresh waves of odors through the room and Tanner racing for the bathroom. A vindictive smile grew on Randy’s lips as he heard dry heaves. He turned off the fire and started scraping the eggs and burnt spam into the trash. He realized what he had just done was petty, but he was too hurt to care. He also realized with a smirk that sometime later he would need to explain about scrapple.

Tanner shuffled to the apartment, not sure if he could take another night of Randy’s cold shoulder. It had been a week since the party, and communication from Randy was in monosyllables. He’d thought about calling his uncle, or even his mom, but it did not seem like a good solution. As his dragging feet touched the first step, he heard a familiar voice.

“Hi Tanner. Are you enjoying this fine weather we’re having?”

Tanner glanced around and spotted Jenny in a sunny part of her flowerbeds. “Hi Jenny. Yeah, I guess the weather is fine.”

Jenny rocked back on her heels and pushed back the wide-brimmed hat she wore when working outside. After pausing for a few moments, she motioned Tanner over. “Come help an old woman. I’m planting tulips, and I need a strapping young man to help me.”

Tanner sighed but sat his backpack on the stairs and shuffled over. He dreaded the conversation actually; she always seemed to know when he and Randy had trouble. Admittedly, she usually was helpful, but Tanner just wanted it all to go away. He wasn’t in the mood to rehash it again. He’d been doing that enough on his own. But he knew he could not escape without hurting her feeling, so he gritted his teeth and moved to help.

Tanner was relieved when the conversation was light and casual, focused on what new perennials Jenny wanted to put out next spring, and which needed divided. Tanner nodded, grunting agreement when needed, but mostly listening to the old woman prattle.

Later Tanner would never be able to identify what changed and made him want to ask Jenny for advice. Maybe it was the warm sun, the rich earth or some magic unique to her. Regardless of the reason, Tanner found himself sitting beside Jenny and telling her the whole story, leaving no details out. He laid the blame out as he saw it, and hoped that she could see some way to get him out of this mess. He was tired of Randy being angry with him, he was tired of sleeping by himself, but most of all he ached for his best friend — and the accompanying comfort and guidance. Tanner soon realized that this time, sharing his burden with Jenny was not going to be enough. After he finished, Jenny laid down her tools, and slipped off her garden gloves as she thought about what Tanner had just shared. She looked at Tanner with a peculiar smile on her face.

“Humans get in the damnedest predicaments don’t they?”

Tanner looked at her with his mouth hanging open, not knowing what to take from that statement. Finally, he found his voice and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, ma’am. We sure can. And I’ll be darned if I know what to do this time.”

“Yes sir. Like I always say, adulthood sucks!”

Tanner chuckled again; uncertain of why these nonsensical statements were making him laugh. “Yes ma’am. Adulthood does suck. It was easier when my mom could fix everything.”

Jenny nodded and looked contemplative. “And what would the fine Mrs. Carson have done.”

Tanner thought for a minute and considered the question. “She woulda said it was my fault, no one held me down and made me eat them things.”

“Hmm, yeah. That’s probably true. But I’m thinking twasn’t all your fault neither.”

Tanner nodded, “Yes, she’d say part of the blame was Jarred’s, for several things.”

“Yup, yup. Your momma’d be right. Seems to me, you need to get everyone in the same room and get Randy the whole truth, which I don’t think he’s got yet.”

“Randy’d kill Jarred!” said Tanner.

Jenny grinned, “Nah, maybe toss ’em around a bit. But not kill ’em outright.”

Tanner looked at her in shock, and then couldn’t keep from laughing. As he thought about it, he realized Randy’s information was limited to what he’d seen, and Tanner’s foggy recollections. They needed to make a trip to see Jarred.

“Yes, you’re right,” said Tanner as the pieces began to fit in place. He wasn’t sure how to do it yet, but he needed Jarred and Randy together, and talking. He jumped up and started to race to their apartment, excited for the first time in a week. Suddenly, he realized that Jenny had asked him to help. Tanner spun and ran back to Jenny.

“Sorry, I told you I would help…”

Jenny turned and waved him off with a smile. “Child, go take care of your husband. You got them adult things to deal with right now. There’re always more bulbs you can help me with.”

Tanner grinned, stooped down and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks Jenny! You’re the best!”

Jenny chuckled and waved him off. She turned back to her planting, still laughing as she dug the next hole. “Damn straight I’m the best. Don’t you forget it either, young man.”

Randy twisted in his seat, disbelief written across his face. His emotions raged as he turned on Tanner.

“You must be fuck’n kidding me! You tricked me into going with you to Jarred’s! You son of a bitch!”

“Randy, give me 10 minutes. If you’re still pissed, then I’ll take you back home.”

Randy shot Tanner a look that spoke volumes. “You don’t have enough time in the world to make me like this little shit.”

“Come on. Do this for me. Please.”

Randy turned and almost kicked the door open as he exited the pickup. He stepped onto the sidewalk and followed Tanner to the door. Randy got his first surprise when one of his friends from the lacrosse team answered the door.

“Mack? What’re you doing here?” said Randy with a bite.

Mack nodded, his lips a grim line. “Tanner asked for my help. I’ve been… waiting with Jarred.”

Randy looked over at Tanner and wondered what he had up his sleeve. They followed Mack into the living room. Randy saw Jarred’s head spin toward them and he started screaming at them.

“Undo these fucking cuffs you worthless rednecks! You don’t know who you’re messing with! The police will be here in minutes when I get to the phone, and all you slack-holed piss ants will be in jail. I’ll have your nuts as a trophy to—”

Mack leaned in with an evil look on his face. “And what will the cops think when we all tell ’em you were giving alcohol to minors, and then taking advantage of them when they’re wasted?”

Jarred’s mouth opened and closed a few times, then slumped against the chair. He tried to cross his arms over his thin chest, but hit the end of the cuffs. He glared at Randy.

Tanner turned to Mack and lifted an eyebrow. “Cuffs? I just asked you to make sure he was here.”

Mack shrugged and grinned at Tanner. “They’re his. But don’t ask why he brought them out. Ok, you forced it out of me, I guess Sir Jarred has a bit of a bondage fetish.”

Jarred turned from the trio, and Tanner could have sworn he heard, “Only with certain guys.”

Tanner let out a deep breath and motioned for everyone to take a seat. He sat in front of Jarred and stared at him until their eyes met. After a few heartbeats Jarred dropped his gaze, unable to look at Tanner. The silence was beginning to loom when Tanner started.

“I need you to tell Randy what happened at your party.”

Jarred’s head flipped up, and he glared at Tanner. Jarred turned to Randy with a malicious look and said, “Your boyfriend got slutty drunk and begged for a real piece of ass.”

Tanner started to respond, but Mack beat him to it. “That’s a fucking lie. You were the one making sure Tanner had a handful of Jello shots the whole fuck’n night.”

“Damn goodie two-shoes fairy. Fine. Poor Tanner was abused by me, I carried him to the pool table and begged him to dry fuck me.”

Randy’s entire body trembled in fury as he walked over to Jarred. He leaned down and grabbed the slight man’s chin so they were face to face. “That’s strike two. You get one more time, if you screw up again Mack’s going to let you go, and you and I are going to corner off. You got it?”

Jarred watched Randy back away, his body shaking. Turning to the others, Jarred pursed his lips. “Fine. Yes, I’ve been trying to get in cowboy Bob’s pants ever since he joined GSA. So yes, I made sure the Jello shots looked like jelly candies, and gave him enough to tranquilize an elephant.” He shot Randy a look of pure hatred. “He still wanted you, you dumb fucking jock. But after another handful of Jello shots I told him I was you… and he believed me.” He shot Randy another hateful look. “Apparently, you’re a fucking hot catcher.”

Tanner moved forward, furious at Jarred’s dig, but Randy caught his arm. “Not worth it,” muttered Randy. He turned toward Jarred. “What else?”

“That’s it, big boy. It was about to get interesting when you showed up and screwed up the fun.” He turned to Mack. “Happy now?”

Mack looked at Randy and Tanner. Randy nodded. “I think we’re done. You can let him go.”

He motioned Tanner toward the door. As they were headed out of the room, he heard Mack tell Jarred. “You know, these cuffs might be fun…” and Jarred let out a giggle.

Tanner and Randy climbed into the pickup, and Tanner started toward their apartment. After a few blocks, Randy turned to Tanner. “It was partly your fault.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I tried to tell you about him.”

“Yes, you did.”

“This can never happen again,” said Randy.

“No. But there will be other things, and it’s not fair to just leave me twisting in the wind either. Jenny helped me this time, but this whole relationship thing is still pretty new to me.”

“Yeah, I know. But it just pissed me off so bad,” Randy took a deep breath. “No, it scared the shit out of me. You could have your choice of men, and I don’t understand why you chose me.”

“Because I love you, dumbass,” said Tanner with a smile.

Randy smiled for the first time in a long while, and leaned over the console and kissed Tanner on the cheek. He relaxed against the seat while Tanner drove away from Jarred’s house. After a few minutes, he turned to Tanner.

“You know, you did promise to take me out for a meal.”

Tanner looked at him with a grin. “Oh is that so? And where did I say I was taking you?”

“I believe you said Louie’s.”

“Hmm, I think that might work,” said Tanner with a smile.

Tanner rolled over and whispered in Randy’s ear, “Happy birthday, handsome.”

Randy opened one eye and stretched. “Morning.”

“It’s your birthday. You’re all legal and everything.”

“Ummm, yeah I am.” Randy reached out and took Tanner in his arms, pulled him close and nibbled at his neck.

“I think I have everything I want for my birthday.”

Tanner wiggled free, turned to the nightstand, yanked out an envelope and handed it to Randy.

“I have you some real presents too. But this one you need this morning.”

Randy pulled out the card and read it. He looked at Tanner with lifted eyebrows. “Really? You sure?”

Tanner kissed his man hard and then released him. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Randy smiled and turned the card so Tanner could see his own writing. “Sex slave? Really?”

Tanner chuckled, a pink glow coming to his face. “Yeah, I wanna be your sex slave today.”

“And you want to give me your virginity?”


“That’s great, but…”

Tanner chuckled, “It’ll be great, Babe. And we’ll always remember it.”

“Yeah, people remember the Hindenburg too.”

“Well, if you don’t want to,” said Tanner with a frown.

Randy turned and grabbed Tanner by the crotch. “Say bitch, you’re going to remember today forever, and you will be walking funny tomorrow.”

Tanner groaned and pressed his crotch against Randy’s hand, his eyes fluttering. He almost fell forward when he was released. He watched as Randy hurried to the bathroom and returned with lube and his smallest butt plug. He sat beside Tanner, showed him the plug and smiled. “I want you to wear this all day, slave. It’ll keep you nice and hard.”

“Put it in, Babe. I want you to put it in me,” said Tanner with a slight quiver in his voice.

Randy slapped Tanner’s butt cheek, his cock stiffening at the sight of the red hand print, and Tanner’s sigh of pleasure.

“Spread those ass cheeks for me,” said Randy. He watched as Tanner obeyed, panting as he pried his cheeks apart to give Randy a good view. His asshole twitched and pulsed with desire as he waited to be used. Randy squirted cool lube over Tanner’s pucker and smeared it with his finger. Tanner gasped as Randy’s thick finger slid into his gut. Tanner was surprised when he felt nothing but pleasure as the sensations mounted. After a few minutes of slow fingering, Randy added a second finger and opened Tanner further. Once Tanner was thrashing under his careful prodding, Randy let his fingers slip out. Picking up the plug, he coated it with lube and then pressed its tip against Tanner’s distended hole.

Tanner groaned as the sensations of carnal need washed over him. Randy watched as his ass stretched, taking the butt plug slowly. He knew the sensations were building; Tanner writhed as the toy slid inside him. As the sensations built, Tanner pressed backward, wanting to be filled. When the plug snapped into place, Tanner let out a muffled gasp.

“Oh fuck! Damn, that feels good,” said Tanner through the blissful haze.

Randy picked up a t-shirt from the floor and used it to clean Tanner. With a final slap on Tanner’s ass, he released his sexy lover.

“There you go. That should last you all day. If it gets dry, lube it up again.”

Tanner rolled over, the plug moving inside him and causing him to gasp. “Yeah, I have a lab this afternoon too, I’ll take it out for that.”

Randy grasped Tanner’s chin and grinned at him. “Oh no, slave. You wear the plug to class, and I want details of what happens.”

“No fucking way!” squealed Tanner.

Randy reached down and pushed in the base of the plug, eliciting a groan from Tanner.

“Way dude, or you don’t get dicked tonight.”

“Fuck!” said Tanner, as jolts of pleasure coursed through him when the plug moved inside his ass.

Tanner was trying to focus on the meal he was making for the two of them, but most of his attention was on his ass and the plug that had teased him all day. His underwear had been soaked with precum by the time he walked home. He was certain Randy would enjoy the stories he had to share. At this point, he was wearing just a baggy pair of shorts, and his semi-erect cock was tenting it out nicely. As he put the first dishes on the table, he heard a key slide into the lock. Turning, Tanner was ecstatic to see Randy coming through the door.

He watched over his shoulder as Randy dropped his books by the door. Tanner kept his back to his lover as Randy walked over and wrapped his arms around him.

“How was your day, baby?” asked Randy.

“You mean other than sporting this all day?” said Tanner as he turned, his cock tenting his boxers.

Randy seemed shocked. “You actually wore it all day? Even to class?”

“Yeah, that was the whole idea with being your sex slave, I do exactly what you say,” said Tanner in frustration.

“Oh my god! I thought you’d take it out and ignore me.”

Tanner started laughing. “Oh no, I was a very good little slave. I wore it through the whole two-hour lab. And the TA asked me if I needed to go to the infirmary. She thought I looked a little flushed. And… one of the Goth boys winked at me. For some reason, I think he knew I had it in and might have had in something similar.”

By the time Tanner finished his recount, Randy was collapsed onto the table in laughter. Frustrated and horny, Tanner walked up and started humping against Randy.

“Come on, Giggles. I have dinner ready, and you better like it, or lie really well.”

“I’m sure it’ll be delicious.”

The two sat down and dug into the food. Both of them were hungry and eager to start the after-dinner fun. They chatted all through the meal, the grin never leaving Randy’s face. Once they had downed the last morsel of food, Tanner dropped the dishes in the sink for later. Randy sat in his chair, propped back on two legs, and watched as Tanner cleaned up. He smiled at the sight of Tanner’s dick that had not softened during the whole meal. Tanner tossed the dishcloth into the sink and walked to Randy.

“Is my master ready to take my cherry?”

“Tanner, I want your first time to be special. Something you’ll always remember,” said Randy chewing on his lip.

Tanner chuckled and kissed Randy hard. “Like yours was, with rocks digging into your back?”

Randy looked at Tanner with love written across his face. “It was with you, it was wonderful, and I guarantee I’ll never forget it.”

“Exactly,” said Tanner. “And besides, this plug has me so horny that Jarred is starting to look good!”

Randy let out a soft growl. “Best not to mention that little asshole.”

Tanner pulled Randy close and kissed him with heat while Randy shoved down his shorts. Tanner stepped out of his clothes and let Randy push him toward the bathroom.

“You go take out your little friend and clean up. I’ll get things ready out here.”

Tanner grinned and headed for the bathroom while Randy turned and sat on the bed. Moving to the edge, he kicked off his shoes and then threw off the last of his clothes. He heard water running in the bathroom, and hurried to get the room into a more romantic atmosphere. By the time Tanner emerged, Randy was reclining on the bed naked, his semi-hard cock snaking across his thigh, the room lit by a handful of candles.

Randy watched as Tanner walked across the room and crawled onto the bed between his spread legs. Tanner pressed his face under Randy’s nuts and inhale deeply. The action alone was enough to cause blood to pour into Randy’s cock until it was steel hard and dripping precum. He uttered a low moan of pleasure as Tanner sucked his nuts into his mouth and slathered them with spit until Randy’s scrotum dripped saliva.

He watched Tanner move higher, his hot breath circling Randy’s cock just before he plunged his head downward, impaling his mouth on Randy’s manhood. With a sigh, Randy relaxed against the bed, his fingers splayed across his own chest, tantalizing his nipples as waves of pleasure surged through his body. Just as the waves began to crest, Tanner released Randy’s cock and lay across his bare chest. Tanner kissed down Randy’s neck as his hand roamed over the perfectly furred chest.

“So Master, what do you want your slave to do now?”

Randy let out a low growl, surprising even himself that the master/slave game was turning him on more than he would have imagined. Grabbing Tanner’s head, Randy’s tongue ravaged his mouth, forcing its way over and over into his receptive cavity. He felt Tanner humping against him, seeking release. Randy lifted him away and locked eyes with his lover.

“I want your cherry. I want my hot cock buried in your hot, hairy ass. You’re going to fuck yourself on my dick.”

Without a word, Tanner slid down, licked Randy’s nipples and then trapped Randy’s rampant cock between his ass cheeks. The plug had done its job, and Tanner was ready to get fucked. He wanted, and needed, his man to use him like never before.

Randy handed Tanner a bottle of lube and winked at him. He watched as his lover filled his hand, reached between his legs and smeared the slick gel over his ass. Randy licked his lips as Tanner slid three fingers into his gut and started finger fucking himself. His eyes fluttered shut, and Tanner’s jaw dropped as the sensations coming from his ass swam through his body.

“Do you like that, boy? You enjoy showing me what you like?”

“Oh yes, Sir. Watch me finger myself,” moaned Tanner. His eye’s opened with a twinkle, and he continued. “Does my master want to pleasure himself in me now?”

“Oh fuck yes he does!” said Randy with a grin.

Tanner smiled as he reached back and smeared lube over Randy’s dripping cock. He could feel it twitch in his hand, wanting inside his hot ass. He watched Randy move slightly and sucked in air as he felt Randy’s cockhead kiss his hole. Feeling a slight pressure, the hard cock slip through his outer sphincter. He felt a warm sensation traverse his body.

“Oh god, Randy. That feels amazing.”

Randy stroked his hands over Tanner’s chest, caressing his hard nipples. “Don’t rush. Breathe. Take it slow and don’t hurt yourself. Push out and it’ll go easier.”

Almost before he finished his encouragement, Randy heard a strangled gasp from Tanner as the cock pressed deeper. Randy let out a sigh of pleasure as his cock slid through the tight ring, and Tanner’s body shuddered with ecstasy. Randy was feeling unbelievable waves of passion wash over him as he looked at his smoking-hot boyfriend balanced over his body. Covered in a light sweat, Tanner’s breathing was labored, and his face blissful as he eased himself down. Randy felt Tanner’s gut constrict around his cock, sending waves of arousal coursing through him.

“Oh damn, Babe. I’ve never felt anything that good. Your ass is so fucking tight! Relax and give yourself a minute to adjust,” said Randy.

Randy watched Tanner, his face frozen in a look of rapture, his eyes closed as delectable waves of passion washed through his body.

“Oh, Randy. This feels amazing. God, why did I wait so long?” said Tanner in a whisper.

Randy chuckled as he began to caress Tanner’s body, avoiding his leaking cock, afraid he would trigger an orgasm. He wanted to delay the finale, wanted Tanner to enjoy the rush as long as possible. Randy lay still and watched a performance that would be etched in his memory forever as Tanner’s athletic body arched backward. Bracing himself on Randy’s knees, Tanner gyrated his ass around Randy’s cock. Without warning a squeal erupted from Tanner, his eyes flew open, body tensed, cock jumped and shot out a glob of precum.

“Oh shit! That was amazing!” said Tanner.

Randy chuckled, rubbed over Tanner’s legs and enjoyed the feel of coarse hair under his palms. “I think you found your prostate, babe. You hit your little butt nut.”

“Do it again. Oh god, do it again.”

“You did it. Just find it again,” coaxed Randy.

Tanner ground against Randy, his moans increasing in volume each time his prostate was bumped. Soon Randy’s crotch was covered with precum leaked from Tanner.

“Fuck me, Randy. Fuck me hard,” whispered Tanner.

“You sure, Baby? You ready?”

Tanner smiled as he rose higher, letting Randy’s cock slither from his ass. Crawling on his hands and knees, he grabbed the edge of the bed, braced himself, his back arched and his ass high in the air. Randy moved behind him and squirted a fresh coat of lube over his throbbing cock. Positioning himself, Randy began to push in slowly, not wanting to injure the handsome man in front of him. Without warning, Tanner bucked backward, slamming Randy’s cock fully inside him.

“Fuck yes!”

Randy sighed with ecstasy. Taking Tanner at his word, he grabbed his hips, pulled almost out, and then rammed deep into his gut.

“Oh yeah! Like that. Pound it!” moaned Tanner.

Randy grabbed Tanner’s hips and started hammering into his lover’s ass. His cock collided with Tanner’s prostrate again and again as he made love to his man. Tanner’s screams of pleasure marched in time to Randy’s cock ramming his gut. Both men lost themselves in never before felt pleasures as the pounding continued.

Randy felt his body convulse, signaling the beginning of his orgasm. Gathering Tanner in his arms, Randy rabbit fucked him as his hands danced over Tanner’s body. He buried himself deep, grabbed Tanner’s cock and stroked it as he drove his bursting dick into his ass. The first volley of cum rocketed from Randy’s cock at the same instant he felt Tanner’s shaft jump in his hand and expel a jet of watery cum that hit the wall in front of them. Tanner’s second explosion had even greater force, evidenced by the additional stripe high on the wall. The pair’s orgasms met and separated as they enjoined, sharing the hedonistic culmination of their night.

Randy held Tanner in his arms, caressing him as their bodies absorbed the love from each other. Randy felt his cock lose its diamond hardness, but never deflate. He began to move slightly, plowing through Tanner’s cum filled ass with wet sounds.

“Oh fuck, that was amazing,” said Tanner between gasps.

“You’re amazing,” said Randy.

Tanner grinned, holding his hands over Randy’s. “Happy 21st birthday, Baby. You took my cherry.”

“That was only fair, I’ve never fucked anyone before either.”

Tanner twisted and kissed Randy with no small amount of heat. “Then we should do it again to make sure we have it right.”

Randy chuckled and ran his thumbs over Tanner’s nipples. “That sounds fucking fantastic, let’s start round two.”

Randy eased Tanner to the bed, eager to spend a night exploring the ways they could make love to each other.


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