Latino Dream

A gay story: Latino Dream Eleonor was in the shower, so I put her phone on the bed where it was and distanced myself.

“Honey,” I said aloud. “You just received a text.”

She burst out of the bathroom without even finishing, looking at me and the phone, smiling. She took the phone, but she was already calm by that moment, maybe because of the distance. Anyway, I was in a state of disbelief and suppressed anger. I really wanted to scream, but that would be worst for me.

“It’s nothing.” She smiled at me. “Everything okay, Tim?”

I nodded.

I got out of the room a moment later, feeling wrecked, and jealous. There was that dark skinned bulging hard cock floating in my mind, and I couldn’t comprehend why I felt so turned on.

I should be disgusted. That’s what a normal person would be feeling. A man. I spent that day suffering with those thoughts, maybe because I didn’t want to face the reality of being hurt with the betrayal of my wife.

I saw the dick pic on my wife’s cellphone. My dick had gotten hard as a reaction. I read a few of the messages and could see that she probably deleted many more, and by those few, you could tell she had fucked that man a lot of times.

Eleonor didn’t notice anything wrong. Why would she? All the time I stared at her pale face, wanting to say words that could hurt her as much as I was hurt. Incredible how you could hate someone you thought you loved so fast.

After she slept that night I took her phone again and the picture was gone. But I knew the name of the guy, Jack. So I looked for a number of a guy called Jack. I felt the need to save his phone number, then I put my wife’s phone back where it was.

I went to the bathroom of the guest room and called the number.

A very deep voice answered from the other side.

“Who’s this?”

In the moment I heard the voice, I just remembered the dick. How mediocre my cock was compared to his. I didn’t say anything, just held the phone in my ear and touched myself, very slightly on the front of my shorts, but my cock grew very fast.

“Hello, anyone? Are you there?” If he was a latino, he didn’t have the accent for it. But still, I just imagined he was a latino, no face yet, just a big dark man with a big dick.

I thought to say, “So, you like to fuck my wife?” but I could never. That required courage.

“I’m going to turn it off” he said.

“Wait,” I said. I shut my eyes hard at the regret of having opened my mouth, but also that weird pride you get when you do something stupid that you really wanted to do.

“The fuck are you, man?” he said, a bit mad.

Without any clues of how to take control of that situation, I rubbed my hand on my hard cock like an obsessive creep. I didn’t answer.

“Quit wasting my time, fag.” For a hilarious moment, I thought he maybe could see me rubbing my crotch while talking to him. I felt so ashamed. Goddamn.

“I’m sorry.”

“Who ARE you?” he said. I flinched.

“I can’t say…”

“Why not?” said a softer version of the same voice. He was trying to milk some information, and it almost worked.

I shook my head, as if was able to see me.

“What do you want from me?” Jack said.

“I want a picture of your cock” I said, my voice was shaking a bit, it must have sounded like I was feverish.

“What?” he said. “Wait, this is a prank.” He was getting mad again.

“No, no… I…” My heart raced, my face burned, my head ached. “You sent one to my wife today, and I want one for myself.” I closed my eyes again. My cock was so hard it pained me. “I can’t stop thinking about your cock.”

“Shit,” was all he said. His breathing changed, it got rougher for a while.

I couldn’t say I was surprised when he ended the call. I didn’t care that much, I just took my cock out and cummed all over myself. It felt so damn good. I had to fight with the urge to make big noises. I felt so deeply ashamed and hurt, everything in my life seemed to be exploding on my face.

Then I got a new text message and my heart leaped again. My fingers almost couldn’t work out with the phone. And there it was, the glorious cock that was fucking my wife. I recognized that was the same cock.

I wondered if Jack was hard as I was right now. I wondered if I made him hard. I had never done that nor wanted to do that, but as of right now, I imagined myself touching that cock, squeezing that thick roundness and putting in my mouth. His voice calling me a fag through in the call repeated on my mind. Damn, I wanted to jerk off again.

I didn’t last long either. My cock slowly leaked more cum as I squeezed it. I was still horny, and couldn’t stop looking at the picture of that latino cock.

Feeling a bit daring, I texted back. Of course, the words were mostly spelled wrong, because I was so nervous, but here I decided to tell more of how I intended them to be.

“Thank you, I cummed so fast looking at your beautiful cock.”

And he texted me right after.

“So the cuck is also hungry for cock?”

“Please, don’t tell my wife.”

“I’ll think about it,” he texted.

Then he sent more pictures.

One thing that I wanted to do was to show Eleonor all those pictures. It would be so good to watch her cry and scream, be angry and sad at the same time. But I knew it wouldn’t be as effective. She didn’t even realized something was wrong. That stung.

On one night, I was trying to sleep beside her, somehow doubting that the sleep would come. It did. She awoke me with a shake, trying to get her way into my pajamas. That was unusual. I pretended to sleep while she made me hard.

“Come on, I know you’re awake.”

All of the most humiliating misogynistic insults came into my head, but I held them.

“I’m trying to sleep.”

“Maybe this will help you?” She said, and her fingers rubbed my cock’s head and managed to get me really hard.

I turned on the bed, took off my shorts and told her to suck me. I had no interest in getting into her games that night, so I just held her head and fucked her face as fast as I could, making her gag and drool all over my prick. I cummed without warning, wondering if Jack did the same thing. Probably worst.

“Now can I sleep?” I said. Turned around again and closed my eyes, my head thundering.

Later, after I was sure she was asleep, I went to the bathroom to look at the pictures. I was obsessed with them.

I looked at the bathroom’s door for a very long time, waiting for anything to call my name and take me out of that stupid idea I had in my head. Nothing happened. I texted Jack.

“I want you to cum in my mouth.”



I was really excited waiting for an answer that didn’t came. I came back to bed, next day everything would be forgotten. It was for the best.

I succeeded in blocking most things that plagued my mind in the morning. My wife was readying the breakfast while I checked some emails close to the kids, who were watching TV on the living room. I had another son besides the twins, but he was eighteen and lived with a friend closer to his college. Will and Logan were two blessed boys, quiet and peaceful little people.

While distracted, I hadn’t realized Tim had taken my phone to play some game. I honestly to god didn’t even know he knew my password. He surprised me when he handled the phone and told me someone was calling. I took the phone from his small hand, prepared to say some things and be mad, but then I saw who was calling.

“Thanks, son” I said. I closed the notebook and left on the couch. My wife smiled at me from the kitchen while I walked by with the my hand holding the phone tight.

It kept ringing.

“Hello,” I said. Making contact with him again made me feel a tingling heat in my cock.

“I’m available.”


“Hu… what?”

“You want me to cum in your mouth? I’m available. Come pick me up.” I just listened with my mouth open, happy that at least he couldn’t see my stupid face. He gave me an address and turned the call off.

I was not going to pick him up. What the fuck was he thinking?

So many thoughts went through my head. He saw my message. He was interested. I had actually sent that message. He fucked my wife. Why was I hard? What was wrong with me?

It could go on forever.

I entered my house again, a wave of shame with every step I took. I couldn’t look my cheating wife in the eyes. I was already guilty of something truly terrible, dying seemed less dangerous than to deal with somebody knowing what I was doing. What I wanted to do.

“After your breakfast, we can go upstairs.” Eleonor said to me. “Yesterday was really good. I know we hadn’t been having nights like that. I know you need it. I know you want it. I just feel so tired all the time.”

“You feel tired?” I asked.

“I’m sorry,” she said, smiling sadly. “But the kids are watching TV. We can go if you want.”

“I’m late.”

“Wait, aren’t you hungry? your breakfast!” She said.

“I can grab something on the way” I said, loudly, already reaching the door. “Don’t worry.”

I’m too old for this, I thought, getting to my car. How much did I want to suck a dick anyway? I gave that question serious consideration, my whole body freakishly sweating.

Jack won’t think twice about me when he saw me, I thought. Maybe he’s interested in making fun of the man he’s cucking, he wants to further his own ego by humiliating me.

But I was a bit old. I didn’t think I was ugly, I wasn’t fat either, but still… There was nothing exceptional.

But I heard his voice again in my head, “I’m available.” Like he would endure me if I was interested. The pictures of his big cock were still on my phone. I kept them. I liked to look at them. Instead of anger towards the man who fucked my wife and changed my marriage forever, I asked for his cum in my mouth.


There was a young man with short hair and dark skin waiting on a light post in the street he told me to pick him up, no houses, only two long white walls adjacents to buildings, and only a bit of traffic. When he saw my car approaching, he threw his cigar on the floor and stepped on it.

He was confident enough to get into the car without me telling him.

The dread of being caught got stronger as reality struck me that I was actually with that man in my car. First thing I thought when I looked his face up close was that I had seen that young man’s dick, he had fucked my wife and turned me into something shameful. I was curious to see what he would do next.

He inspected my car around, and I followed his dark brown eyes. He had some acne, but nothing that would change the impression of a smooth skin. A slight mustache and beard that showed he hadn’t much worry about doing those everyday. He was bigger than me.

He took my hand. I opened my mouth to say that I wasn’t into that. I wasn’t gay, but he put my hand on his cock and I squeezed that big volume, remembering everything that has happened in a heartbeat.

“Here it is” he said, his voice a bit rusty. I wondered if he was as nervous as I was. He didn’t show it. “All yours.”

“H-here?” I said.

“If you want to do something else other than suck my cock, I can bring you to my place.” He offered that like it was the most normal thing in the world. “You ever let anyone fuck your pussy, cuck?”

My whole body shivered when he asked me that.

“I’m not… I don’t have a pussy,” I said, completely shaken. Did he think I was… What? I was so confued.

He laughed out loud.

“Sure you do, old man. You just don’t know yet. So… Here it is.” He put his pants down and his cock simply showed up, hard as a rock. Oh damn… I would never have imagined that my life could change so fast, someone putting their cock out in my own car, for me.

I stared. I thought I would be scared when the time came. I told myself I would not do it. Well…

“Let me… just go somewhere more empty,” I said.


With his approval, I started the car again.

“How old are you?” I wanted to know if I was jerking the cock of a minor. A criminal as well as a cuck and a cheater.

“21 next month,” He said. His warm meat fit in my hand very well, he watched intently and almost didn’t noticed I was talking.

I felt a bit of a relief, so I kept giving him a hand job, still very impressed by the size. It was hard to drive and not simply dedicate all my attention to that young man’s hard delight.

Even though I was nervous, I managed to drive with one hand.

No word spoken about my wife, when he spoke, it was only to tell me to touch his balls. It felt weird to caress them. They’re were huge too. How much nut could they provide? I imagined a great amount of cum coming out directly into my mouth and it turned me on.

“Careful, pay attention, man!” he said. A smirk on his face.

I knew he was enjoying himself. I could sense in his breathing, his movement, the way he looked at his own cock being grabbed and squeezed. He loved it. I loved it. My own cock was knocking on my underwear, calling for attention.

I parked in a small and deserted road close to some trees, Jack said it was safe, but I kept looking around to see if there was anyone there that could see me. Life could always get worse.

The younger man stared down at my hand still busy on him. I somehow kept consistent strokes with a firm grip. I loved the sensation of that hard like steel cock, so warm, and now so wet with his slow pre cum. As Jack took his time to answer my question, I concentrated.

“Let’s go outside,” he said, slapping my hand free. He got out of the car. I followed faster than I liked. I didn’t want him to think I was too interested.

I came to a below waist naked Jack, a tight ass that was lighter than the skin around. He turned, his cock pointed directly at me with that shiny pink head. I closed the distanced even more and grabbed it firmly, jerking as fast as I could. Only a few seconds that I had to let it go and I already had missed it.

“Yeah, take that cock” he said, in a breathless voice.

“Somebody could see us here, should we hide more?” I said. I was older, but I knew who was in control.

“No. Go down on your knees.” He said, and while he said it, his left hand slowly took hold of my ass.

I wondered if that was how girls felt when their guys rubbed hands or what else in their ass. There was a certain objectification of my body that was hard to deny as a turn on.

“Come on, cocksucker” he said. I realized that being called those things only deepened my humiliation, which made me bend even more to his will. There was nothing I could do about it.

I knelt.

I looked up and Jack was looking around, making no one was coming. He was looking out for me. So I jerked him a little bit more, waiting to see if a better judgment would fill in, but there was nothing.

I put that cock in my mouth and there is no coming back.

I licked the tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue, feeling the taste of his cum for the first time. I wanted more, so I licked again. Once the shock of the first time of making contact with another man’s cock with your own mouth had passed, I felt it became easier to just keep licking, until it became a nice kiss, with tongue and everything. Last I noticed, I was sucking on the big rounded head and moaning like a desperate to please bitch.

His cum kept leaking nice and hot in my mouth.

“Yeah, do it on the cock your wife like so much,” Jack said. It was the first time he had mentioned her. It hurt my feelings, but again, that just made me dive deeper.

“Hmmmm,” I said. I felt a need to moan louder when he stroked my hair gently and lovingly.

“Suck it good, my cuck. I’ll have a nice load for you.”

Would I really have the courage to swallow?

Even the smell of Jack’s cock drove me a little mad. Minutes went by while I drowned and wetted myself with my own saliva. Sucking cock was the wetter and noisier thing I had ever done with my mouth. Jack didn’t complain. His nice young body moved to fuck my mouth. I still couldn’t put half his cock inside, but what I could, I did, without any plans to take it out.

“Here it comes, cucksucker. What you wanted,” Jack said, pulling my hair and stroking his cock right in front of my face. I looked at the young man’s face as I opened my mouth. His cum hit me on the cheeks and right inside my mouth. I ate it, noticing how Jack loved that, there was a shiny appreciation in his eyes when I swallowed his seed, something that made me think I was in some way under his complete power. I felt like I was his dog or, better yet, bitch.


On the night of that same day, I received another phone call. I ran to the bathroom.

“How’s the taste of my cum? I’m sure you still feel it. Tell me about it.”

“Really, Jack?” I whispered. “Another time.”

“I have another big load ready for you already.” I could almost see his grin in his voice.

I closed my eyes. Desire spoke louder than common sense.

“I can’t stop thinking about your cock.”

“You want more?”

“Hell yeah” I said. “My cock got so hard just by listening to your voice.”

“You’re such an eager cocksucker.”

“I think I am.”

“I could always call your whore wife. She would find time to cuck you whenever I wanted. Remember last week, when she said that-”

“She had to be with her friend because she had been dumped.” I finished for him, a heavy sensation drowned my whole chest, as I imagined my liar of a wife laughing at me while getting fucked by him.

“She said I was so much better than you. Her pussy was so wet, you know, I went balls deep.” Jack’s voice grew even more confident and it was so close to my ear that my cock pulsed harder.

“Stop, please.”

“Why, gonna cum?” He said. “Do you want a picture of my dick right now to help you, cuck?”

That little shit was such an asshole, such a… Fuck… So hot.

I was about to cum like a fourteen years old on my underwear.

“Maybe one picture.”

He laughed again.

“First, tell me, can you meet me tomorrow? Same place?” He said. It would be either me or my wife.

“Of couse I will. Send me your picture.”

“Okay. Don’t forget to get yourself all ready for me this time.”

There were three knocks on the door. I startled and looked at the door wide eyed, as if that would be the moment my wife would catch me.

“Just a moment, I’m buzy here, honey.” As I talked, I grabbed my hard dick through the clothes and looked at my cellphone, expectant.

She knocked again.

“Is everything alright? You sound weird.”

“Yes, everything is fine,” My voice squeaked as the picture came. The big brown cock left me shaking. Did he really wanted me instead of her? I guess I was pretty good today, sucking him on my kness. That big fat cock in my mouth, making me drool all over myself, the look on his face when he came.

I wanted to do it again.

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