Let’s Make a Scene Ch. 02


A gay story: Let’s Make a Scene Ch. 02 After a hot shower and a nap, I wake up to the smell of bacon frying. I look at the clock, 9:48 pm. Thank fuck it isn’t morning.

I don’t know why Alex is cooking bacon at night, but my stomach is happy. As I lie on my back and stare up at the ceiling, I think about last night.

I would have gone home with him, right then and there, but he told me to wait.-

I technically did… I waited an appropriate twelve hours to call him. He was flattered by my eagerness to see him again so soon. Which was good because I didn’t want to take no for an answer.-

I told him about five different fantasy scenarios. The one that always got me off when I visualized it, was the ‘helpless victim/captor’.-

Alex was on board. In fact, he said it was similar to one of his own fantasies where he straps someone down, and then does whatever he wants to them.

I wasn’t sure he would actually agree to play tonight, but last night was so intense. In the best way. Maybe that had to do with the two year gap between meeting and now.-

I won’t let that happen again.

I roll out of bed and put on a pair of his boxer shorts. I catch myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess. I comb my fingers through it quickly and shrug. That’s the best I can do without product.

I walk out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. I see him standing over the stove, watching a pan of sizzling meat intently. I clear my throat. “Hungry?”

He turns to look at me. “Did you have a nice nap?”

I smile lazily. “Very much so.”

He stares at my crotch, then says with a hint of a smile, “Those are mine.”

I look down at the boxers and shrug. “Do you mind?”

His lips twitch. “What do you think?”

I grin and sit down at the little table in the kitchen and watch him. He is wearing plaid pajama bottoms and a dark green t-shirt. My eyes are fixated on his ass. I prop my elbow on the table and rest my chin in the palm of my hand.

“I know you will be off for home soon, but I wanted to feed you first.” He turns around carrying a plate of bacon and eggs. There is toast and butter already on the table.

I take the plate from him and pick up a fork. He sits down and I notice he doesn’t have a plate, just a mug of tea. I say curiously, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

He swallows down the warm liquid, and shakes his head. “I’m not hungry.”

I feel self conscious eating when someone else isn’t. It makes me feel like a jerk; but my stomach doesn’t care about etiquette. I slowly chew a bite of egg and my eyes go wide. I say, “What the fuck did you do to these eggs?”

He smirks over his mug and takes another sip before replying, “Nutmeg, among other things.”

I furrow my brow. “I would have never thought to add that. It’s delicious.”

He hums. And watches me eat with a look of fondness. “I’m happy you are enjoying it.”

I shovel another bite into my mouth and chew with a groan, then swallow.

After I’ve finished my eggs and I’ve eaten all but two pieces of bacon, I hear Alex clear his throat. I stop putting butter on my toast and look up.

“I feel like we should talk about tonight, and the future if you wouldn’t mind.”

I swallow down a bite of toast and take a sip of water before replying. “Of course.”

I wipe my hands on a napkin. I feel like this is where he asks me to start paying… I wish I had my phone. My eyes dart over to the bedroom door. “Can you give me a second? I need to get something…”

Alex furrows his brow. “What is it you need?”

“My phone. Do you have Cash App?” I start to get up but the look on his face stops me. He looks pissed.

Alex rubs his hand over his face and sighs.

My appetite is gone. I try to figure out why his mood has changed. I say cautiously, “I’m sorry. Did I say the wrong thing?”

He looks up at the ceiling and breathes out, “Not at all.”

I don’t understand what I did wrong. I shake my head and ask, “Then why are you mad at me?”

He quickly turns to me. “I’m not mad at you, love. I’m mad at myself.”

I chew my bottom lip trying to figure out what to do to rectify this. “But, I’m not mad at you.”

He laughs and I feel a little better. His voice is soft when he says, “I know. We just… went a bit fast. These past two nights have been amazing, but I don’t usually do what we did without at least a few more dates.”

I look down at the floor. I suddenly feel way too under dressed for this conversation. I say stoically, “So, you don’t want to see me again?”

He gets up and kneels in front of me. “No. I want to be in a relationship with you. I should have told you that last night, but we were a bit caught up in the moment…”

“Oh, thank god.”

He puts his hands on my thighs and says adamantly, “You will not pay me for what we did. I do not charge for sex. Only floggings, tying people up and general pain play at the club. I do know people who do, and I have no qualms about it, but I won’t.”

Realization slowly dawns on me. “Wow. I am an idiot.”

He pushes my legs further apart and scoots forward on his knees. My breath hitches as his fingers slide under the hem of his boxers. He leans in and kisses me. I moan into it and wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls back too soon and licks his lips. “Now that we have confirmed that we are in a relationship, how do you feel about my profession?”

I quickly say, “I think it’s hot, obviously. Why would I think otherwise?”

He hums and says, “You don’t mind me flogging other people or tying them up?”

I think about it for a moment and say, “Now that I know you aren’t fucking them on the side, I don’t mind one bit.”

He nods and smiles. “That’s good. Because it is a deal breaker for me. I don’t do jealousy. It is a mess, and never ends well.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Are you speaking from experience? How many clients have you fucked?”

He looks at my mouth and says, “You wouldn’t believe me.”

I laugh. “Try me.”

He looks off to the side with his mouth twisted. “You are the first.”

Fuck. If that isn’t an ego boost I don’t know what is. “I’m going to be flaunting this for the rest of the week.”

He smirks at that. “You’ll be talking about me at work, hm?”

“Maybe. Can I take a picture of you to show off?”

He laughs out, “No.”

I pout. “Come on… Nothing provocative. You can keep these clothes on. In fact… go get the spatula.”

His eyes are twinkling with mirth before he reaches in and starts sucking on my neck. I don’t mind the distraction, but if he leaves a mark…


I breathe out, “Are you marking me?”

He hums against my neck and licks at the spot he just sucked before answering, “Something to show your coworkers.”

I leave Alex’s house around 11, but it is difficult. He is adamant I leave even though I lean in for a second… then a third kiss. He playfully pushes me out the door.

We made plans to see each other. He had to work Friday and Saturday, but he was free all day Sunday. I told him we could do brunch and then…

Our first time, he had me on my knees in a public restroom. Our second time had me strapped down and teased, before being fucked harder than I’d ever been fucked in my life. I can’t even imagine what our third time will be like.-

Food for thought.

Monday, I got up and dressed. The collar of my shirt just covers the hickey. I am a little disappointed until I remember my father will be in the office all week. I don’t need to give him more ammunition.

The next few days go by in a rush; all blended together in a sea of faces and paperwork. When Friday night rolls around, I am checking the draft of a new contract my assistant, Lynn, handed to me just before leaving.-

Normally, I wouldn’t be going over it with a fine-tooth comb, but this client is essential and we need this to work by Monday.

I am deeply engrossed in the legalese, when I hear someone clear their throat. I look up to see Benjamin Li standing in my doorway. I didn’t know he was coming to LA today. I glance at the clock and see it is a little after 7. Ben says with a friendly smile, “Hello, Nate. Your father said you would be here.”

We had seen each other a handful of times since he propositioned me in Sacramento. It was a little strained the first couple of times, but it got easier. I’m always very professional, and he didn’t hold a grudge. Still, I get nervous around him.

I stand and smooth my tie down. “Mr. Li! What can I do for you?”

He frowns at me and shakes his head. “Please, call me Ben.”

I wince. It is easier for me to remain professional if I can keep the formality. I say, “Right, Ben. Sorry. Did you need to talk about something in particular? I can pull up some files…”

He walks up to my desk and picks up one of the stress balls I have collected over the years. Some are gifts from coworkers, others I picked up during my travels. He chooses the blue one that looks like planet Earth and squeezes it, then asks, “Do these help?”

I laugh. There is a rumor around the office that I use these to throw at people’s heads for stress relief instead of their intended purpose. That only happened once, and he deserved it. I answer, “Not really. But I keep trying.”

He grins at me before putting it down. “I’m not here on business. I just didn’t want to eat alone. Care to join me?”

My heart sinks. Here we go again. How many times do I have to turn him down before he gets the hint?

He looks at me and clarifies, “As a friend. Nothing more.”

I’m relieved, but still a little skeptical. “Where would you like to go?”

“How do you feel about dumplings?”

I decide to treat this as a casual, friendly outing with a client. I do this all the time. This shouldn’t be any different. We could just be friends. I say with a smile, “I love them.”

He looks me over before saying, “Good. I have a car waiting for us. How much longer will you be?”

I look down at the contract. Lynn has never let me down before. “It can wait.”

Ben smiles wide. “Let’s go.”

Ben takes me to a little restaurant I’ve never been before in Chinatown called, “My Little Jiaozi.”

He makes me pronounce it. I try, knowing I’ll flub it up. “Jow-zee?”

He raises his eyebrows as if impressed and says, “Not bad! That’s pretty close. The z is pronounced more like a “zzuh.”

I feel relieved that I was close. I try again, “Jow-zuh?”

He nods with a hint of a smile. “Better.”

We look down at the menu. Everything is in Mandarin but the pictures help. I squint to see if I can find my favorite dish.

Ben says casually, “Will you let me order for you?”

I sigh with relief. “Please. As long as you get me some pork and scallion ones… with the soup…”

“Xiao long bao?”

I grin sheepishly. “Yes, thank you. That’s what I meant to say.”

The waitress comes over and Ben speaks to her in Mandarin. He is respectful and warm to her. I enjoy hearing them converse, but apart from, ‘Ni hao’ and ‘Xiexie’, I’m lost.

As I look around the room, I notice there is only one other couple seated near the entrance. We are sitting in the back near the door that leads to the kitchen.

It is a casual establishment and I feel a little overdressed. Ben is wearing a dark blue pair of slacks and a matching long-sleeved button-down shirt: casual but smart.

I decide to take my tie off and loose the first two buttons at my collar before rolling it up and putting it in my pocket. If it wrinkles, I have plenty of others.

I place a napkin on my lap and say, “So, how did you find this place?” I look up at him when I don’t hear an immediate response.

Ben is staring at my neck. “What happened there?” He touches his neck while looking at me.

I furrow my brow, confused until I remember the hickey. Fuck. “Oh, just an accident.”

He says sarcastically, “So, someone accidentally sucked on your neck?”

I can feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. “Kind of?”

He smiles and says, “I get it. Lucky guy.”

“He did it because I was…”

He holds up his hands to stop me and says, “You don’t have to explain to me why it happened. I understand how that works. Although it has been a while. Not since college.”

Before I can respond, the waitress brings us our drinks and the food is brought out by two other servers.

Our table is covered with bamboo steamer baskets and plates with delicious dumplings of all kinds. There are a couple of bowls with hot chili oil, black vinegar, and sesame oil.

I grab my chopsticks and ask, “Where should I start?”

Ben opens one of the bamboo lids and picks up a dumpling carefully with his chopsticks, dips it in the black vinegar, places it in a spoon and puts it on my plate. “I believe you requested these. Let it cool a minute. Try these first…” He places two pot stickers on my plate.

I pick one of the pot stickers up with my chopsticks and take a bite. I taste shrimp, garlic and the texture is perfect.-

I have to stop myself from moaning and settle for closing my eyes and leaning back in my chair.

He looks up at me and says a little smugly, “The best you’ve ever had?”

My mouth is full from another bite, so I just nod enthusiastically. I take a sip of water and say facetiously, “I won’t be able to go back to my usual spot. You will have to order them for me and have them delivered to my home from now on.”

Ben leans in and says, “Done.”

I shake my head, “Don’t say that unless you mean it. I want this every Friday night.”

He laughs. “I can arrange that.”

I say with mock-seriousness, “I’m going to hold you to it.”

After a couple of minutes, I pick up the soup dumpling, blow on it and take a small bite. I suck the liquid out before it can escape.-

I notice Ben watching me and it makes me feel self conscious. I quickly put the rest of the dumpling in my mouth and chew.

He clears his throat and asks, “The verdict?”

I tilt my head and say, “Honestly? Five stars. Would recommend.”

Ben laughs and says, “Good.”

I look down to try and decide what to eat next. Ben points his chopsticks to the plate on his right. I take one of the dumplings and ask, “So, you just arrived from Sacramento?”

Ben takes a few slivers of ginger from the black vinegar bowl and places them on his dumpling before answering. “Last week. I found a house.”

“You are staying here now?”

“Yeah, I wanted to focus more on the business here, see if we can make some improvements.”

I nod and say, “That’s right. You mentioned doing that a few months ago.”

“Finally got around to doing it.”

I continue to stuff my face as if I hadn’t eaten in days despite my stomach tightening. I’ll have to add some more miles to my treadmill route. I look up to see Ben watching me with a smirk. I raise my eyebrows with a smile. “What is it?”

Ben wipes his mouth with his napkin and answers, “So, how long have you been seeing Mr. Hickey?”

I take a sip of water before answering calmly, “It’s new.”

Ben doesn’t seem upset by my answer, but I feel a little uncomfortable talking about it. He nods and says, “How new?”

I contemplate lying, but say, “Uh, about a week?”

“And he is already marking his territory?”

I look down at the table and set my chopsticks down. “I thought you didn’t want an explanation.”

Ben takes a deep breath and nods. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I would do the same thing in his shoes.”

“Can I ask you something?”

Ben says warily, “Sure.”

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “A couple years ago you asked if I would sleep with you… Did my father tell you I would?”

Ben looks a little startled. “No, why would you think that?”

He looks like he is being genuine, but I’m still not sure. “Did you request that I be the one to see you?”

Ben starts to say something, but pauses. He seems to be choosing his words carefully. “I may have. I can’t remember.”

“So, you thought I would sleep with you one night and that would help get me out of your system?”

He looks a little offended by that. “There is no way I would be able to have just one night with you. If I told you that, I was lying. Maybe I thought that’s what you wanted to hear at the time…”

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. This is backfiring. “Look, this was nice, but I need to get back to work and go over a contract for Monday.” I look down at my phone to pull up the Lyft app.

I scoot back my seat, standing up to leave. Ben stands and grabs my bicep. “Hey, don’t go. Let me talk to you for a minute.”

I look down at Ben’s hand on my arm, then up at his face with an annoyed look. He let’s go as if burned, holds up his hands in surrender and says, “Please?”

I bite my lip and look up at the ceiling before sitting back down. I may regret this, but I still have to work for him.-

He looks relieved and sits down slowly. “Thank you.”

I look at him expectantly. He takes a sip of water and leans back in his chair before speaking. “I’m attracted to you, yes. I can’t help that. But, I took your rejection seriously. I’m not trying to get you into bed anymore. That ship has sailed. I really just want to be your friend. If you can believe that…”

He pauses to get a reaction from me, but I just stare at him, willing him to continue. He does- “And I’m happy for you if you have found someone who treats you with the respect you deserve.”

My resolve cracks a little at that and I say stiffly, “Thank you.”

Ben looks relieved. “Do you think we can be friends now, or do you not hang out with clients?”

I say lightly, “Obviously I do. We have hung out before.”

“Business lunches don’t count. We talked about work the whole time.”

He’s got me there. I sigh over-dramatically. “Okay, yes. We can be friends.”

Ben looks genuinely happy. “Thank you, Nate. Please tell me if I make you feel uncomfortable again. I’ll try to be less… blatant with my attraction.”

I feel a twinge of guilt at giving him such a hard time. “Okay. Thank you.”

He lifts a bamboo lid and says, “There is one more soup dumpling. Do you want it?”

I say with a hint of humor, “Yes. I think I deserve it.”

He laughs and puts his palms up in supplication. “It’s all yours.”

After I’ve eaten the last dumpling, I lean back and sigh contentedly. “I ate most of this. Will you let me pay?”

Ben shakes his head. “It’s already been taken care of.”

I feel like I should offer something. “Will you let me pay next time?”

His face lights up like he wasn’t expecting me to say that. “Sure. You can take me to your favorite burger joint.”

I decide to tease him a bit. “In and Out it is!”

“That’s the best you can do?”

“It’s my favorite, you didn’t say the most popular. Although it holds up in my opinion.”

I look around and notice the place is empty except for us. I feel partially responsible for keeping the restaurant open so long when I look down at my phone and see the time. “It’s getting late…”

Ben nods and stands up. I do the same and have to stretch a little. I look over at Ben and he is holding out his hand. He says, “Friends?”

I sigh and take his hand firmly and shake it. “Friends.”

We walk out and get in the car. I lean my head back on the seat. Ben breaks the silence. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

Saturdays I usually stay home and watch TV. I look over at him and say nonchalantly, “Nothing.”

“Want to go to Brimstone?”

I lift my head and blink. How does he know about… “Brimstone?”

“Heard of it?”

I picture Ben at the club. It kind of fits. He probably likes the power dynamics. I try to picture him on a St. Andrew’s cross though and can’t. I clear my throat and say casually, “I have been. Once.”

Ben seems to pause before saying, “So, you’ll go with me?”

I think about all of the ramifications that this could cause. Alex could be flogging someone on stage. Alex could be flogging Ben on stage.-

That… might be a little awkward.

I ask carefully, “Why exactly do you want me to go with you.”

Ben looks down at his phone and starts fidgeting with the case. It takes a minute, but he finally answers. “I always go by myself and it is usually pretty boring not having someone to talk to. I have made a couple of friends from the staff, but they aren’t always there.”

I almost ask why he doesn’t have more friends to hang out with, but take a minute to think about how that would make me feel. Something about what he said makes me wonder…”How long have you been going to Brimstone?”

“I go whenever I’m in town. So, about three or four years?”

I look Ben over and feel like he is being sincere. I guess going to Brimstone with him isn’t any weirder than if I took Garret. I sigh and say, “Alright. What time?”

The casual tone to his voice is belied by the big grin on his face. “How about I pick you up around 8?”

The car stops and I see we are at my apartment. I open the car door and get out then stick my head back in to say, “I’ll be ready.”

Saturday morning I wake up feeling bloated. I ate way too much food last night. I usually only get about twelve dumplings, and I think I ate at least twice that.

I get up and walk to the fridge for a bottle of water. I decide to run a few miles to feel a little better about overindulging last night. I get dressed and go downstairs to the gym.

I put my earbuds in and listen to an EDM playlist I put together to get my energy up. I jog slowly at first and build up to a faster pace.

Usually the faster I go, the thoughts in my head start to quiet down and I am able to get in the zone, but not this time. I can’t stop thinking about Ben and going to Brimstone later tonight. The only reason I said yes was because I felt sorry for him, which is not a good reason to say yes.

I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get out of this without hurting his feelings. I could make up an excuse, but I’ve never been a good liar.

Pictures of different scenarios flash through my mind. I hop up and put my feet on either side of the treadmill. I’m out of breath and half hard.

There is no reason for me to believe Ben would want to be on display. I can’t really see it. And, if I’m there, Ben won’t leave me to go to a private room. I could watch Alex in action from a voyeur’s perspective and Ben would just be there.

Yeah. Okay. That’s better.

I suck the water from my bottle in a few quick gulps. I look over to my right and see one of my neighbors giving me an appreciative look.

I close my eyes and hop down. I need to get out of here and clear my head.

After a long shower where I might have jerked off to thoughts of Alex in action, I get dressed and text Garret to see if he will meet me at our favorite coffee shop. He agrees quickly and says he will be there in twenty minutes.

I get there first and order our drinks: a wet cappuccino for him and a black coffee for me.-

As I sit down with both cups, I see him walk in the door. He spots me and makes his way over. He’s wearing jeans and a Coachella t-shirt. I grin at the memory of us going a few years back. We need to go to a concert together soon.

“You ordered! Thank you.” He sips his drink and moans. “I haven’t had caffeine for a month.”

“Why would you do that?”

Garret sighs and takes another sip before answering. “David read an article that said if you consume less caffeine it will help improve your stamina.”

I take a sip of my steaming coffee and ask, “Did it help?”

Garret smirks and opens his mouth to answer, but I stop him.

I shake my head and say quickly, “No, no, no, I don’t want to know.”

Garret mimes zipping up his mouth.-

“Thank you.”

“I know I can’t talk about my sex life, but will you indulge me for a minute? You never told me how last Saturday went.”

Blood rushes to my cheeks as I remember getting on my knees.

Garret’s eyes widen and he says none too quietly, “You slut!”

An older woman who is sitting near us looks up from her book with an annoyed expression. Garret apologizes quickly before leaning in and whispering to me. “How was it? I want all the gory details.”

I laugh nervously. “Do you just want to know what happened Saturday night or Sunday?”

Garret slams his hand on the table loudly. The woman gets up and passes by.

I say seriously to her, “I apologize for my friend. He hasn’t taken his meds yet.”-

I wince when Garret kicks me in the shin. The woman ignores us.

I glare at Garret and say, “I can’t go out with you in public anymore. I don’t know how David puts up with you.”

“He does just fine. At least I don’t have to wait a week to hear about his sex-capades.”

I try not to laugh at how that makes no sense. They aren’t in an open relationship. Garret would never let anyone touch David. “You are so stupid.”

“Yeah, yeah… get to talking.”

I drink my coffee to stall for some time. I set my cup down and look up. “Do you remember a couple of years ago when I went to Brimstone?”

“Barely. Another thing you never told me about.”

“Oh, right. Sorry. Anyway, I got flogged by this sexy Dom named Master Alexander.”

“Fuck. You.”

I frown as I remember that day and say stoically, “Well, you remember my mom died that night.”-

Garret’s face softens. “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

I shake my head. How would he remember that? I do because it’s my memory to bare. “No. It’s fine. So, anyway, I never went back.”

He sips his cappuccino and nods. I sigh, thankful that he is going to let me talk without interrupting me. “Long story short, the guy I was with Saturday and then Sunday was Alex.”

He seems to be putting the pieces together. He sounds amazed when he says, “Oh, wow. That’s hot as fuck.”

I laugh. I can’t help but agree. “Yeah. I feel really lucky. I mean what are the chances?”

“You owe me.”


Garret leans in and says smugly, “I dragged you to that club. You would have stayed home all night by yourself with nothing but your hand for company.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, you don’t have to be mean about it.”

“What would you do without me?”

I concede. I honestly don’t know what I would do without his friendship. I say with a laugh, “Alright… What do you want?”

Garret places his chin on his hand and seems to be thinking about it. After a few minutes of me drinking my coffee in silence he says, “Double date, next week. Restaurant of your choice.”

I tilt my head and think about it. Alex in a public setting that isn’t a club. It could be fun. “That’s doable. Let me talk to him.”

Garret beams at me and finishes his drink before getting up. I look up at him, puzzled. “Where are you going?”

His chair scrapes loudly against the floor as he shoves it back under the table. “This is David’s only day off. He has to work tomorrow.”

I suddenly feel guilty for taking up his time. Garret places a hand on my shoulder and says, “Don’t do that.”

I swallow and look up at him. “Do what?”

“Feel guilty. David knows how important you are to me, so give yourself a break. We hardly have an opportunity to hang out anymore. And I bet we will have even less time in the future since you are… busy with Alex. Hence the double date…”

I smile and squeeze Garret’s hand. He really is like the brother I never had. “You’re right. Thank you. I’m going to make next week happen. I’ll text you details.”

He winks and turns to leave. I pick up our empty cups and get up to throw them away. The trashcan is right next to the woman we had displeased earlier. I try to open the door to the trashcan as quietly as I can so as not to alert her attention to me.

She looks up and says, “You’re very lucky to have a friend like that.”

I look over to her in shock and say, “Uh, yeah. I know.”

She grins down at her book and I walk away feeling a little baffled, but amused.

After a protein shake, and later a protein bar because I was still hungry, I take a nap. When I wake up I’m feeling a little better about going to Brimstone.-

I’m a grown adult who can handle the situation if things get weird, and Alex will be there. What could go wrong?

I decide to pick out an appropriate outfit: all black; jeans, t-shirt, and boots. Simple and classic. I don’t think I’ll stick out like the last time.

Around 7 I get a text from Ben.-

B: Are you still on board for tonight?

I type out yes, but wait a minute before sending it. I look up at the ceiling and breathe out. I run my fingers through my hair and press send before I chicken out.

I immediately get a reply.-

B: Great. See you soon.

The car is waiting for me outside promptly at 8. When I get seated, I notice Ben’s attire. He’s wearing a gray suit with a white dress shirt. All perfectly sleek in and of themselves. It’s the black leather chest harness that lies over his fitted shirt peeking out from his open jacket that makes me pause. It crisscrosses his upper chest and highlights his pectoral muscles, with a strip in the middle leading to a band around his upper stomach. Matte gray Oxfords complete the look.-

It is… ridiculously attractive. And very masculine.

I say with a nervous laugh, “You look like you know how to dress at these things. I have no clue.”

Ben looks down at his chest. “It gets the point across.”

I ask, “What point is that?”

“I like to be the one in control.”

He does look like he is in charge. Very Top energy. I don’t know why I thought he would be like me. I say, “Maybe you should wear that in a meeting.”

Ben laughs. “I’ve thought about it.”

I nod and look out the window. This could be a good experience or a disaster. I decide to put out the intention for it to be a good one. Life is what you make it. If I am uncomfortable, I can leave.

Ben says, “We can leave anytime. Just tell me.”

I quickly glance over at Ben. I say with a confidence I don’t really feel, “I know. Thank you. I’m fine. Honest.”

When we arrive there is a line waiting to get in. Ben flashes a VIP card and we get in pretty quickly.

I see Princess at the counter and don’t expect her to recognize me. Her hair is hot pink and her tightly-fitted top is a matching shade. She smiles at me and says, “First timer? Wow! I didn’t expect you to take this long to come back!”

I absorb her infectious happiness like a cold cat lying in the sun and say, “You have an amazing memory, Princess.”

She laughs as she takes mine and Ben’s phones. “It’s a superpower of mine.”

Ben says with a flirty tone, “One of many.”

Princess blushes and slaps Ben’s hand. “Stop it! Go have fun!”

Before I can ask what that means, Ben opens the curtains to let me through first. I’ll have to save it for another time.

It is pretty busy compared to the last time I was here. I take in the familiar scenery and look for Alex. I don’t see him, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t there. He could be in a private room.

Ben goes to the bar and asks what I want. I answer, “Uh, just a club soda.”

He nods and orders two. Once we get our drinks we start walking around. There are two acts on stage tonight.

Mistress Charlotte is here wearing another tight latex outfit, but this time it is a deep burgundy. The sub is lying across a bench wearing a corset and thong. Her short blonde hair is bunched up in the Mistress’ fist. The end of a riding crop is propped underneath her chin, mascara is running down her cheeks.

Some might find that messy; I find it beautiful. The act of showing vulnerability and giving over complete control to another person is a gift to behold.

Mistress caresses her cheek with the crop then pushes her face to lie on the bench. She slides the crop down her back before smacking her backside with it.

The woman moans and says, “Thank you, Mistress.”

Ben whispers against my ear. “I’m going to walk around. Are you okay?”

I nod distractedly. “Yes, thank you.” I can feel Ben’s eyes on me so I look over and see him open his mouth to say something, but he shakes his head and walks away.

I don’t really know what to make of that, so I look over at the other side of the stage and see a man strapped to a cross front facing.

He looks a little like me in build, but his hair is longer and a lighter blonde. He’s wearing a tight pair of dark-blue jeans, but nothing else. His chest and feet are bare.

There is a buff ‘Leather Daddy’ on stage in full gear: chaps, leather briefs, harness and boots. His chest is hairy but his head is bald. His skin is the color of mocha and flawless.-

The muscles on his back dance with his movements as he hits the sub’s chest with a flogger in each hand. Both of the sub’s pecs are getting redder with each lash the man gives; one right after the other.

The lucky man’s moans progressively get louder until his Master stops and reaches up to pinch the raised nipples of his subject. He cries out then immediately presses his lips together.

‘Leather Daddy’ grasps his subject’s chin and asks, “What do you say, slave?”

The blonde man says reverently, “Thank you, Master.”

I assume they are done, but I do a double take when I see Ben at the front of the stage beckoning the ‘Leather Daddy’. He walks over and crouches down to listen to what Ben has to say and nods. He gets up and goes back to where the man is strapped down to whisper in his ear. The man looks over at Ben and nods eagerly.

I can hear the Master say, “Since you’ve been so good tonight I’m going to let this stranger flog you some more until I think you’ve had enough.”

The slave looks over at Ben with a slight smile. “Yes, Master.”

Ben takes one of the floggers and walks over to the man. He runs his left hand over his chest and the man shudders. “Do you trust me?”

The man nods and says, “Yes, sir.”

Ben sets the flogger down on a table that is close by, then takes his jacket off and drapes it over the chair that is beside it. He undoes the buttons of his shirt sleeves and starts to slowly and methodically roll them up, never taking his eyes off the boy.

He hasn’t even begun to flog him, and yet you can tell the sub is enjoying every second of the build up. If his squirming and panting are any indication.-

When Ben finally reaches for the flogger and stands in front of him, he is trembling. I hear Ben say with a commanding voice, “I am going to start slow so I can hear your pretty little moans. When I have had my fill of those, I am going to make you cry out. Is that understood?”

The slave says, “Yes, Master.”

Ben waits about five seconds before starting out slow, like he said. The boy starts off moaning softly then his voice starts to raise ever so much louder in sync with the blows gradually coming down harder.

At first, Ben uses the flogger to rotate between each pec like the ‘Leather Daddy’ had before, but then he starts to hit his stomach and the sub starts to wail.

“He’s good isn’t he?”

I startle a little and look over to see the buff ‘Daddy’ from earlier on the stage looking at me. He is very imposing up close, but the calm look on his face makes me think he is a gentle giant.

I nod in agreement. I have to know. “Does he do this every time or…”

‘Leather Daddy’ looks over at Ben and says in a rich baritone voice, “Pretty much, unless he gets someone in a private room.”

I laugh a little to myself. He didn’t need a friend to come here with. He is doing just fine on his own. I look over at the gentle giant and notice he is staring at me. I ask, “Do you need to tell me anything else?”

A knowing smile adorns the man’s lips. He says, “Xander told me about you.”

Xander? I shake my head and ask, “Who?”

He laughs. “Sorry, Alex. I forget I’m the only person who calls him that.”

“Master Alexander?” Now the Xander makes sense. But how does he know me?

He nods and is looking on the stage when he asks, “Are you here to see him or…”

I wasn’t sure if I should ask for him, but since he offered I say, “If he isn’t too busy. I didn’t tell him I was coming.”

“He should be done soon. I’ll let him know you are here.”

Wait a minute… “Hey, how did you know who I was?”

He looks me up and down. “Xander is very descriptive.” He winks and walks away.

I feel equal parts objectified and flattered.-

I look back on stage and see Ben caressing the blonde’s face and brushing his hair away. He says, “You were so good for me. Are you ready to get down?”

The boy nods and says, “Thank you. Yes, Master.”

I notice someone walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see it is Alex. He is wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. He looks casual and not like he has been working.-

He smiles when he sees me, and grabs me by the waist. His hands slide up my back to pull me into him. He leans down and kisses me before breathing against my mouth. “This is a nice surprise.”

I lick my lips and taste him. I ask, “Did I interrupt you?”

Alex says, “Not at all. I just got changed and was about to leave when Gregory told me you were here.”

Ah, his name is Gregory. “So you talk about me at work, huh?”

Alex pulls back the collar of my shirt and inspects my hickey. “If I remember correctly, you were going to talk about me at your place of work. It’s only fair I do the same, love.”

“Okay, but do you tell them every detail of our proclivities?”

Alex’s face has a serious look when he says, “That is off the table. I just described how attractive you are.”

I raise my eyebrows at the compliment and say with a hint of humor, “Oh? That’s nice.”

I hear a throat being cleared and I look over to see Ben staring at us with a curious expression on his face. He asks, “So, Nate… You and Alex, huh?”

I furrow my brow and ask, “You two know each other?”

Alex slowly takes his arms off of me and turns to face Ben. His voice is light and he sounds genuinely pleased when he says, “I didn’t know you were going to be in town.”

Ben shakes his head and says with sheepishness, “Yeah, sorry I didn’t text you. Happy to see me though, right?”

“Of course. So, you came here with Nate?”

Ben nods and looks at me quickly before looking back at Alex. “He works for me.”

Alex raises his eyebrows. His tone is comically suspicious. “Oh, really?”

I grin and reply, “I’m his lawyer.”

Alex looks shocked. But I can tell he is teasing when he asks, “You’re a lawyer?”

“Yeah, I guess that never came up.” I laugh. “Is that a problem?”

Alex quickly replies, “Not at all. I love the idea of having a lawyer who is willing to give me free legal advice.”

I tease, “Oh, it wouldn’t be free. I charge a pretty penny to keep me on retainer.”

“We could work something out, I’m sure.”

That makes my cock twitch. Ben is watching us with a look of amusement. “I honestly would have never pictured you two together before, but I think I get it.”

I’m kind of offended by that statement, but Alex is laughing as if he is in on a private joke. He looks over at me and must see my confusion. “Most of my clients are women.”

I nod and say, “So, Ben, you thought he was straight?”

Ben shrugs. “Or bi, but mostly yes.”

I decide to say, “Well, Ben I thought you were a submissive so…”

Alex laughs again.

Ben looks at me with a penetrating look. “What made you think that, Nate?”

“Well, I just thought… most people come here to be.”

“Fair enough.”

Alex looks between the two of us and clears his throat. “So, what are the plans for tonight?”

I start to talk but Ben cuts me off. “Alex, would you care to go to my house and let me show you my new toys? See if you approve?”

Alex’s face lights up but he looks over to me for permission. “Nate, how does that sound?”

I lick my lips and say, “Sure. Why not?” I want to go home with Alex and start our date a little early, but I can tell his interest is piqued.-

Ben says, “Great. Are you both ready? My car can be here in five minutes.”

Alex says, “I have a car. Can me and Nate meet you there? Send me a pin.”

“Sure thing. See you there.”

When we get in Alex’s car, I immediately start grilling him about Ben. “So, you and Ben have been friends for how long?”

Alex glances over at me for a second before turning his eyes back on the road. “A few years now.”

I nod mostly to myself then ask, “Do you give him pointers?”

I can just make out his smile when a street lamp shines through the windshield. He simply says, “Yes.”

I don’t know how I feel about that. It isn’t bad… just not what I expected. I debate telling him that Ben is attracted to me, and decide not to. Instead I ask, “How did you describe me to Gregory?”

I can hear the humor in his voice when he says, “I told him you were tall, trim… that you had short, dark-blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a great ass.”

I snort. “No personality traits?”

Alex shakes his head and says dryly, “Gregory doesn’t care about that.”

I hum. “Well, I guess I feel… flattered.”

Alex reaches over and squeezes my thigh. “Can I take you home with me after we get done at Ben’s?”

I rub my fingers over his hand and say, “Please.”

We get to Ben’s and park in front of a huge structure with glass walls around the first floor. It looks expensive and modern. I wouldn’t have expected anything less than from him. He greets us at the door with a smile. “Welcome.”

Alex and I walk in and look around. I say, “Your place looks amazing.”

Ben smiles and says, “Thank you. I had nothing to do with the decor. My PA picked it out.”

I nod distractedly, looking around at the furnishings. Ben says, “If you will follow me…”

We follow him down a hall leading to the sex room. It is as big as his living room. Everything is in either a wine color or black. There is a sex swing, a cross, a throne, tables with straps and benches.

One padded bench in particular was shaped like a masseuse’ table, but had padded sections for you to place your knees and arms on so just your abdomen lies across the top.

Ben and Alex start talking about the various pain and pleasure tools he has in a cabinet across the room.

I walk over to the bench, and run my hand over the smooth leather surface. There are black straps to hold each limb in place. I tug on them slightly and notice it is Velcro. The loud sound of the little hooks separating causes Alex and Ben to pause, and they both look over at me.-

Alex looks down at the bench and smirks. “Is that a spanking bench, Ben?” I look down and realize of course he is referring to the bench I’m playing with. A spanking bench. It is almost identical to the one the beautiful woman at the club was on.

Ben smiles and says, “Yes, It was assembled yesterday.”

I back away from it a couple of feet as Ben makes his way over. He has a curious expression on his face. “Nate… would you mind getting on it so I can see how easy it is to adjust the arm and leg rests. I’m not sure if I can do that while I have someone on the bench or not…”

I lick my lips and glance over at Alex who is still standing by the toy cabinet. He has a blank expression on his face. I take a deep breath and decide to just do it. I straddle the bench and place my arms and legs where they are intended to go. My hips aren’t flush with the table, so Ben starts to adjust the leg rests until I’m able to fully rest my chest and stomach on the flat surface.

Ben reaches out and smooths his hand down, settling in the small of my back. I inhale softly as my body reacts of it’s own volition and lifts up slightly to meet his touch. Ben whispers, “Perfect.”

I close my eyes and wait to see just how far this will go before…

“That’s enough, Ben.”

I lift up my head to see Alex standing next to Ben with his hand holding the wrist of the hand that is still on my back.

So much for the no jealousy rule.

Ben laughs and takes a step back, shaking off Alex’s hand. “Sorry. I uh… was just seeing if he was comfortable.”

Alex is looking at Ben with a calm look while saying, “Are you comfortable, Nate?”

I swallow and will my hard on to subside before replying with a husky voice, “Yeah. It’s comfortable.”

Alex looks at me and smiles. “Good.” He looks back at Ben with a stern look and says, “See? All you had to do was ask.”

I am equal parts aroused and embarrassed by Alex’s clear lack of chill. He might as well piss on me to lay claim to his property.

Ben nods and says, “You’re right, Alex. Can I get you two something to drink?”

Before I can respond, Alex says firmly, “No. I think we should go.”

Ben looks a little crestfallen. I actually feel sorry for him. I stand up and swing my leg over the bench. “Alex, why don’t we have one drink?”

Alex looks at me like I’ve just insulted him. That simply won’t do. I ask firmly, “Can we talk, privately?”

I start walking outside the door, into the hallway without glancing back to see if Alex was following. I knew he was.

I turn and look at him. He has cooled down and looks a little guilty; like a child who was just caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar without permission. He is so fucking adorable. “I think you are being a little unreasonable. Did you think I would let Ben do anything to me? He was just touching me.”

Alex nods. “I could tell you were responding to it.”

Well, he has me there. “Right. I was curious to see if he would have tried something, but you interrupted and he seemed genuinely sorry.”

Alex combs his fingers through his hair. “Alright. I overreacted. I’ll apologize.”

I reach up to take his face in my hands and kiss him. After I say, “Thank you… Mr. Doesn’t Do Jealousy.”

Alex huffs out a short laugh, and we walk back into the room to see Ben rolling up ropes. He stops and smiles at us. “You’re back!”

I look up at Alex, waiting for him to speak. He says, “I’m sorry about earlier. May we still have those drinks?”

Ben looks relieved when he says, “Of course.”

It’s a little after 3 in the morning when Alex and I leave Ben’s house. I’m buzzed from drinking two martinis. Alex decided to nurse a beer. I don’t think he even finished it.

We had talked about the club, and I learned a lot about Ben and his preferences. Turns out he’s very different from Alex in what he wants from a sub. He would love to have a 24/7 relationship, which sounds exhausting. I had blurted out as much, sitting comfortably against Alex’s side with his arm wrapped around my waist. Alex had squeezed my hip. Ben had looked a little irritated.

Now that I’m relaxing in the passenger seat of Alex’s car, watching him drive, I have to ask, “Have you ever done a 24/7 relationship?”

His expression is hidden in the darkness, so I have to listen for cues in his voice when he says, “No.”

I’m kind of relieved. But, if that was something he wanted… “Have you thought about it?”

His voice sounds amused when he says, “Yes.”

My stomach flips. I don’t even know what to do with that information. I thought he would say no.

He places his hand high up on my thigh where it meets my crotch. The close proximity to my dick makes me half hard. His voice is calm when he asks, “Do you want that?”

I immediately blurt out, “No.”

His hand tightens on my thigh and he glances over at me. I can just make out the outline of his jaw when he says, “Good. I don’t want that with you.”

What the hell does that mean? I shouldn’t be offended, but I am. I tense up and try to scoot away from his hand.

He sighs and says with the voice of a parent placating a petulant child, “Love, the reason I don’t want that with you is because you would hate it, and I wouldn’t enjoy that. If you had said you did, I would try it, but honestly… I have never wanted it.”

That makes me feel a little better. I relax my posture and say, “Alright.”

I think he is smiling when he says, “So, what shall we do tomorrow?”

Grateful for the subject change, my left hand picks up the hand Alex has on my thigh and presses it up against my crotch. “I have a few ideas.”

We pull into the front of his house and sit for a minute. Alex reaches over and kisses me while massaging my dick through my jeans. He breathes against my mouth, “I want to fuck you in the backseat, but since we are home…”

I lick my lips, my hips are thrusting into his palm. I have to force myself to stop and close my eyes. I parrot him, “Since we are home…”

He huffs out a laugh and removes his hand. “Come on.”

I follow him inside and grope his ass while he is locking the door. He turns around quickly and grabs my wrists. “Keep your hands to yourself. Can you manage that?”

I nod obediently and say, “Yes, sir.” He turns me around, keeping my wrists held tightly in his grip. We make our way to the bedroom and he pushes me face first into the bed. I cry out in surprise. His hands push my arms up into my back.

His voice is rough with arousal when he says, “Don’t move.”

My cock is fully hard and pressing up painfully against my zipper. I barely thrust into the mattress and Alex smacks me hard on my denim-clad rear. It was a shock, but so hot. I have to squirm, just to see if he will do it again.

He does, this time even harder. I moan and say, “Please.”

With one hand he keeps my arms trapped, and with the other he grabs my hair to lift up my head. “Do you like that?”

I have to swallow a couple of times to get out, “Yes, sir.”

He pushes my face back down into the mattress and releases my arms. I lift up my face just enough to lay my cheek down and glance behind me. I see Alex untying my boot laces and tugging them off. He then none to gently puts his hands under my waist and starts to unbutton and pull down the zipper to my jeans. I raise my hips a little to help.-

I can’t keep from crying out when he tugs my pants down in one strong tug, “Fuck!” My ass and legs are exposed, but I still have my shirt on.-

Even though I know it is an act, Alex says menacingly, “If you don’t keep quiet I’m going to have to gag you.”

I can’t stop myself from saying, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

I feel another hard slap this time without the jeans to soften the blow. It is perfect. I moan out, “Yesssss.”

I think I hear Alex taking off his clothes. The mattress dips down with his weight and then he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up.-

He is gloriously naked and half-hard, back pressed up against the headboard. My hand is halfway to his cock when he orders, “Lie across my lap.”

Oh, fuck yes. I do just that. His body is warm against my cool flesh. I moan as he positions me how he wants. He rubs my ass and hums appreciatively. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since you climbed atop that bench.”

I move my hips to see if I can get a little relief for my cock. Alex pushes my head down and spreads my legs just enough to pull my dick out. He strokes it a few times, teasing me, then puts it back against his thigh and closes my legs. I groan in frustration.

“If you obey me, I’ll allow you to come tonight.” His deep voice vibrates throughout my body.-

I lie perfectly still, trying to be good. My body relaxes, I lay my head against the mattress and close my eyes. One hand slowly trails down the fabric of my shirt, then bunches it up at the hem to expose the hollow dip above the swell of my buttocks. The other hand is holding me firmly at the base of my neck. He breathes out, “Good boy.”

I let out a deep sigh. I wait patiently for him to start spanking me, but he seems to be taking his time. I slow my breathing to match his. I start to slip into a dreamy state when he says, “You were made for this.”

I gasp softly as my mind tries to process the meaning of the statement.

“You submit so effortlessly.” The hand gripping my neck reaches up to scratch my scalp. I bite my lip and moan. I didn’t think it was possible, but I sink even further into the bed. I can feel Alex’s erection poking my chest. I’m not even thinking about getting off anymore. I feel so comfortable across his lap.

Alex grips my hair firmly, but not painfully, and says, “I can tell you enjoy it.” He pushes my face down into the sheets and starts spanking me. Slowly at first, then faster. He hits one cheek then the other, rotating evenly. As he gets faster, he starts hitting one side multiple times then shifts to the other and does the same. I bite my lip to keep from crying out, but I fail. My moans get louder with each harder hit.

I’m gripping the sheets with my fists tightly to keep from moving. Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, he stops.-

I can hear him breathing heavily. The head of his cock is sliding wetly across my bare stomach. Due to my squirming, the hem of my shirt has reached up under my armpits. My breathing is also labored, my ass is on fire, but I feel amazing.

“You were so good for me,” Alex says while rubbing my hot cheeks. He smacks the back of my thigh and says, “Up.”

I lift up my weight with shaky arms and thighs. His hands are there to guide me to lie parallel on top of him. We kiss lazily for a long time. I’ve almost forgotten about our very neglected members when Alex reaches and grips us both together in one hand.

His strokes are tortuously slow. I’m frustrated because it isn’t fast enough to get me there, but then Alex comes and the look on his face and tightening of his hand makes me follow quickly. The mess between us is sticky, filthy, and unbelievably hot.-

After a few moments, I fall over onto my back and Alex gets up from the bed to retrieve a damp towel. It’s blissfully warm as he wipes off the mess on me then himself.

I say, “Ready for round two?”

Alex groans and lands hard on top of me. I laugh when he starts to tickle me. “Of course you are ready to go again. I’m in my 40’s. Let’s give it a few hours, hmm?”

I grin up at him and say, “We have all day.” Alex hums and kisses me until I fall asleep.

When I wake, it’s like deja vu. I smell bacon, eggs and… coffee? That’s new. I look at my phone to check the time. It’s 11:48. I get up and look for something to wear in Alex’s dresser. I settle on a pair of gray sweats and a white tank top.-

I follow the smells that lead me to the kitchen and sit down at the little table he has there. “Bacon again?”

Alex glances over his shoulder at me. “Will that be a problem?”

I grin. “I only eat it when I’m with you. It’s going to become a tradition. Every time we sleep together, I will expect it…” I pause as he brings over two plates with eggs and bacon, “…and those eggs.”

Alex smiles and sits down. “That is a small price to pay for the pleasure of having you in my bed.”

I lower my eyelids a fraction, trying to look coquettish. “You could have me for free, you know.”

“I still have to give you sustenance to keep your energy up. So, tuck in.” He laughs when I take an enthusiastically large bite out of a piece of bacon.

We eat in comfortable silence. Alex pours me a cup of coffee from his French press. I take a sip and sigh. “Can I ask you a question?”

Alex looks up from his plate and nods. “Of course.”

“When you… when we met the first time…” Alex smiles knowingly at me. I continue, “You said you never charge first time clients. Was that true or did you… give me special treatment?”

He takes a moment to answer. “I give free sessions at times, but not when we use a private room. So, in that case, yes. I was giving you special treatment.”

I try not to let show the little thrill and boost of confidence that gives me. I say, with a hint of humor, “Were you sad when I never called you?”

Alex smirks at me. “I was disappointed. I held out hope you would come back to the club, but when you never did I assumed you hadn’t liked it.”

I quickly say, “I don’t know how you could think that. I was practically rubbing my scent on you like a cat.”

Alex laughs. “Well, I’ve been wrong before. But, I did have an inkling that you were satisfied. You took to everything so willingly, and you never fought me. That’s fairly rare.”

I smile at that and look down at my food. “I wish I had found you sooner. And those two years were… rough.”

I feel Alex’s hand cover mine. I look up and he asks, “Would you like to talk about it?”

I shake my head. “Maybe someday. Instead I want to know more about you.”

Alex says with arms stretched out, “I’m an open book.”

“Alright, when did you come to California and why?”

His voice is calm when he answers, “It has been about fifteen years now. My father was born here. He left my mother when I was twelve. I rarely saw him after that. He had another family and just forgot about us.”

I frown. “I’m sorry.”

He shakes his head. “He passed away and left me this house and some money. I was shocked when I got the call. We had been estranged for about five years at that point.”

“Wow! That’s… a lot.”

Alex nods. “Yes, it was. But, it afforded me the opportunity to come here and start a new life. The one I had in the UK was over. My mother had passed a few years before he did, so I really had no reason to stay. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

I digest the information and say, “Thank you for sharing that with me. May I ask how long have you been a professional Dom?”

The expression on Alex’s face is dead serious when he says, “I’m not one. This is all an act to lure cute submissive boys into my bed.”

“Impressive. Does it always work?”

Alex’s mouth twitches, “If I’m patient, yes.”

I tilt my head and ask, “And those business cards you made?”

After taking a sip of coffee, Alex leans in and says in a deep voice, “I’m very committed.”

I laugh.. “Seriously, ten? Fifteen years?-

Alex takes a deep breath and looks up and squints. “Professionally, ten. But I’ve been in the scene for twenty.”

“No wonder you’re so good at it.”

Alex looks me over and says, “Thank you.”

“Not that I have anything to compare it to… except porn of course.”

He laughs, “Don’t believe everything you see in porn.”

“Of course not. Though, it did help me realize what I had been missing. I never felt… whole, if that’s the right word, or fully satisfied in my sex life.”

Alex nods. “And now you do?”

I lean back in my chair and smile. “Very much so.”

Alex takes a sip of coffee and smiles back, causing those sexy smile lines to appear in the corners of his eyes. “I’m flattered.”

I stand and grab our plates to take to the sink. I turn the hot water on and put the plug in. “Where’s the soap?”

Alex comes up behind me and opens the cabinet above my head. His crotch is nestled against the top of my ass. He doesn’t grind into me, just leans in and says, “Here.” And hands me the bottle of dish soap.-

I grab it and say, amused, “Thanks.” He places his hands on my hips and kisses my neck.-

I turn off the hot water and moan. “I’m not going to be able to get this done if you keep doing that.”

He turns me around thentakes the waistband of the sweats I have on and tugs them down while getting to his knees.-

My cock is half-hard when he takes me in his mouth. It only takes a couple of pulls of his very talented lips to get me fully there. I gasp. “The dishes can wait.”

He moans around my cock and my knees give a little. He grabs the back of my thighs to steady me. “Fuck, you’re so good at that.” I grip the edge of the counter and close my eyes.-

Alex takes my cock out of his mouth and says, “I want you to watch me.”

My eyes fly open and lock with his. He looks so fucking hot like this with my cock in his mouth. I say, “I won’t last long…”

Alex moans again and my hips thrust into his mouth until I’m hitting the back of his throat. I immediately back up and think about apologizing, but his eyes look wild. He grips my ass and pushes me into his mouth again. I cautiously put my hands on the back of his head and start to thrust. He is looking up at me with what I can only describe as encouragement.-

He swallows around me and I know it will only take a couple more thrusts and… “I’m coming!”

He moans and swallows me down enthusiastically. He keeps licking and sucking me until I shake. Before I can even think about returning the favor, he turns me around. His hands part my ass cheeks and he is licking a stripe between them. His tongue presses into my opening. “Fuck!”

I can feel the hot breath against my hole as Alex laughs. “Getting there, love.”

Gripping the counter edge as hard as I can, I close my eyes and enjoy being rimmed for the first time in… I don’t even know how long. If he keeps that up, I’ll be hard again in just a few minutes. “Don’t stop doing that… feels so good.”

The probing and licking stops suddenly and Alex says, “What is it you want me to keep doing?”

My voice is rough when I say, “Keep fucking me with your tongue.”

Alex grips my ass cheeks firmly and resumes his previous administrations. He stops again and says, “Is that what you meant?”

I groan and beg, “Please, sir…”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He starts licking, sucking and biting into me with such enthusiasm, I am fully hard again in no time.

“Alex, please fuck me… I need you.”

He pauses and stands up to whisper against my ear, “Nate, we have discussed this before but… can I take you without…”

I say with enthusiasm, “Fuck yes, please!”

He sounds hesitant when he asks, “Are you sure?”

I turn around and grab Alex’s face and look into his eyes. “One-hundred percent. Please?” He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard. I reach down and feel him through his pajama bottoms. I break the kiss and ask against his lips,”Do you want to take me here? In the kitchen?”

I gasp when he grabs my waist and lifts me onto the counter. “Do you work out?” He laughs into my mouth and kisses me again, longer this time.-

His hands reach up above me to get something out of the cabinet, I open my eyes and see a bottle of olive oil out of the corner of my eye.

He pours the viscous substance into the palm of his hand and says gently, “Lean back.” I am surprised I can lean far enough back to rest against the tile wall. He lifts my legs up onto his shoulders and coats my opening with the oil then his cock. He guides just the tip into me, slowly in and out, teasing.

“Oh, fuck that feels so good…” He’s watching me closely. I fluctuate between watching his dick and his face. I want to give my own cock some attention, but I’ve already come once and Alex hasn’t so I need to be patient. My eyes lock with his and stay there. We are both breathing heavily. I’m moaning and panting but focused on him. When he finally pushes in all the way, the look on his face breaks me.

“This hole was made for my cock. Say it.” I can tell it’s an effort for him to hold still when I hear the slight strain in his voice.

I gasp out, “My hole was made for your cock, sir.”

His eyes are two big, dark pools of lust when he says, “Good boy.”

He starts to fuck into me hard. I moan louder with each thrust. He grabs the back of my head and leans down to kiss me and swallows my cries. This angle has him hitting my prostate with each deep thrust. Without warning I’m coming between our bodies. The stream of come reaches all the way up to my neck.-

Alex breaks our kiss and starts pounding into me until he starts to convulse. He then takes his dick out and strokes it until it shoots all over my chest and neck, mingling with my come.

After a few seconds I start to laugh. Alex says with a smile, “What’s so amusing?”

“What we just did was a classic kitchen porn script… and where did you get that olive oil from? It’s the best lube.”

He leans in and says against my lips, “Whole Foods.” My laughter is muffled by his mouth.

We spend the rest of the afternoon snuggling on the couch channel surfing. I feel safe in his arms. I don’t have to be fucking him to enjoy his company.-

I lift my head from his chest and ask, “How would you feel about us going to dinner with my best friend and his boyfriend?”

Alex glances up at me with a soft expression, “A double-date?” I nod. He grins and says, “That would be lovely.”

I lay my head back down and watch the last few minutes of the show we have been watching. After it is over I say, “Let me know your schedule and I’ll figure out a time with Garret.”

I shiver when I feel his hand slide up the back of the tank top I’m wearing. He caresses my back and hums. “I will.”

I sigh. “Thank you.” His touch is putting me to sleep. I close my eyes and forget about the world outside. For now it is just me and Alex.

When I leave it is a little easier knowing we will be seeing each other soon to go on the double date. I manage to get home around 9.-

We only had sex two more times after the kitchen: on the couch and in his shower. Not even in the play room.-

I’m just turning down my bed when I hear my phone go off. I look and see he is free Sunday and Monday. I shoot him a text: What time do you get off Saturday night?

A: 10 pm.-

I respond: How about brunch on Sunday with Garret and David?

It takes only five seconds for Alex to text back.

A: Perfect. We could go to that French place?

I smile at the suggestion. How did I get so lucky? I text: I will confirm with Garret and David, but I know they will say yes.-

A: Good night, love.

I send him a kissy face emoji. He sends back the eggplant emoji. I shake my head and get into bed with a smile on my face.

Alex arrives at my apartment at 9:45 am Sunday morning. I open the door and have to do a double-take.

He’s dressed in a dark brown linen dress shirt with the top few buttons open and his sleeves rolled midway up his arms. His shirt is tucked into a tight, off-white pair of jeans. A dark-brown leather belt and boots complete the look. I am struck speechless by how fucking gorgeous he is. I swallow and try to tell him verbally how good he looks, but he grabs the back of my head and kisses me. Hard.-

He breaks the kiss and whispers against my ear, “If you keep looking at me like that we will never make our reservation.”

I groan. “You didn’t have to wear this… mouthwatering outfit. Are you trying to give me a permanent hard-on?”

He holds me at arm’s length, looking me up and down. I’m wearing an olive-green Henley t-shirt and skinny, khaki chinos with brown loafers. “You’re one to talk.”

“Let’s call and say we are going to be fifteen minutes late.”

“Love, fifteen minutes wouldn’t be long enough for what I have in mind.” He sighs and pushes me gently. “Get in the car, now.”

“Yes, sir.” He slaps my ass as I slide past him.

When we arrive at the restaurant, Garret and David are already seated and looking over the menu.

David looks up at us with a smile and stands, extending his hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Alex. My name is David.” He looks down at Garret who’s mouth is agape. David clears his throat and says, “And this non-verbal mess is Garret.”

Garret shakes his head as if to take himself out of whatever dream-like state he is in. “Sorry, it’s just… Nate didn’t tell us he was dating a porn…” He winces and says, “…such a handsome man.”

I assume David kicked him under the table. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.-

I look up at Alex and see he is amused. He says, “Well, I’m pleased to meet you both. I know you mean a lot to Nate, and it is important to get to know you.”

We sit down and grab menus. Garret clears his throat and says, “So, you two met at Brimstone?”

I’m about to answer but Alex squeezes my knee and says, “Yes. About two years ago.”

Garret looks calmly at Alex but I can see something in his eyes that makes me nervous. I glance over at David and he looks at me with trepidation.-

I feel like Garret is about to ask Alex what his intentions are with me or something to that effect, but I am pleasantly surprised to hear him say, “I’m glad he found you when he did because I was afraid he was going to become a priest.”

I laugh and look at Alex who is looking at me with his head cocked. He asks dryly, “Are you Catholic, Alex? That would explain a few things.”

I shake my head. “No, Garret just doesn’t understand what it is like to be on your own for as long as I was. He has had David for over a year now.”

Garret gives me a knowing look. He seems to be satisfied with how Alex is doing at whatever test this is. I wink at him and slide my hand onto Alex’s thigh. He places his hand on mine and squeezes.-

The waiter comes back with water and we place our orders.

David asks, “How long have you been working at Brimstone?”

Alex says, “About 8 years.”

David looks impressed. “Do you enjoy it?”

“I do. It is fulfilling helping people discover new ways to explore their desires. And it is a safe, judgment free place to do so.”

I glance over at Garret. He winks at me.

The waiter brings our food and we all eat in relative silence until Alex asks, “So, are you two ever going to get married?”

My eyes go wide as I look between Garret and David. I glance over at Alex who seems to be serious. I thought maybe he was joking, but he seems to be genuine.

Garret chokes on his water and clears his throat. David answers calmly. “We haven’t really talked about it. I would like to… someday.”

Garret stares at David with a look of wonder. “You want to marry me?”

David laughs. “Yes. So I can have access to all of your money of course.”

Garret smiles and leans over to give David a quick kiss. “Let’s talk about this.”

David says quietly, “Okay, babe.”

Garret clears his throat and I look over to see him staring at Alex. I take in a deep breath and steel myself for what I fear may be an abrupt change in the line of questioning. “Alex, are you the marrying kind?”

I look over at Alex to see if he is offended. His face is stoic but not angry. I hold my breath until he answers.

“I wouldn’t call myself fit for marriage. I tried it once with not so great results.”

I feel Alex’s hand slowly slide away from mine. I furrow my brows and bite my lip. Garret says with an apologetic tone, “Uh, well… It isn’t for everybody.”

I’m quick to add, “Like me. I’ve never wanted to get married. Good for you to even try. I would be scared out of my mind.”

Alex smiles warmly at me. “I find it very hard to believe you have never been proposed to.”

Garret laughs loudly and obnoxiously. “If Nate ever thought a guy was about to propose he would vanish without a trace.”

David sighs. “Alex, Garret is exaggerating. Nate wouldn’t vanish. He would let him down gently then keep dating him until he finally gave up and left.”

I choke on my water and sputter, “David! What the hell?”

David winks at me. “Sorry but it is the truth.”

I laugh. “Fair enough.” I glance over at Alex. He is grinning at me.-

“Well, thanks for the warning, David. I will keep that in mind if I ever feel the need to get down on one knee.”

We finish our meals and Garret takes the bill despite my protest. “Please, Nate. You treat all the time. Let me get this.”

I nod in defeat. “Thanks, Gar.”


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