Life: It Gets Better Ch. 02

A gay story: Life: It Gets Better Ch. 02 Still no sex, but things do get hot. Please send me feedback if there’s anything wrong with this story, or you want to help me improve it. Please and thank you.



I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. Laura was rushing in the kitchen cursing loudly.

“Fuck! My boss is going to have my ass.” She could never be on time for anything. I’m surprised she hasn’t been fired yet. But then again, she is pretty beautiful her boss might have a little thing for her. She’s the same height as me. 5’7 long red hair, with light freckles on her checks, plump pink lips, and a body to kill for. She was defiantly the most popular girl in high school.

“Always running late.” I said grinning at her. She shot me a look so fierce I thought she was going to come at me with a knife.

“Oh hush up. Can you do me a favor? I need some more groceries; can you go in town for me and pick up a few things?”

I nodded. “Sure ma’am. What all do you need?” she quickly made a list and rushed out of the door. I took a quick shower and headed for town. I was born and raised in Michigan, so I knew my way around town. I only moved to New York because that’s where Marcus wanted to live.

When I was done shopping for Laura, I went to the Verizon Wireless store to buy me a new cell phone, as soon as I walked in the store. My heart started to race. There he was, in Levi jeans that clung to his muscular ass and a Polo shirt. I got balls to walk up to him and say hello.

“Oh hello there Paul, what are you doing here?” What kind of question was that! It was pretty obvious why he was here. It’s a phone shop, what else would he be doing here.

“Just getting a phone for my little sister, today’s her birthday, she’s turning 15. Decided it’s about time she has one of her own.” Gosh he’s a sweetheart. Not most men would do that, that made me start a crush on him. By this time I’m staring at him and didn’t realize it. He waved his hands in front of my face, and I snapped out of it.

He chuckled. “Earth to Nate.” I was so embarrassed I tried hard not to blush, but failed miserably.

“Oh-umm- I was- trying to figure out what phone I’m going to get.” I stammered and tried to save myself. He just smiled and nodded knowing I was staring at him. I felt all the blood rush to my face again. I wonder how many times I’m going to embarrass myself today. Then I thought about last night, wondering if I should start moving on with my life. Marcus is a douche bag who I was never going to be with again. It’s time to start living. It was an opportunity in front of me literally. Maybe this was a sign; I already was aware if I didn’t say anything, then he would, maybe I should stop being a coward and take a chance.

“Hey Paul, umm I was thinking do you want to do something this weekend, I mean If you don’t want to that’s fine, I just want to go to a movie or something. Look at me rambling, I’m going to just stop talking now.” Paul laughed really hard at my nervousness, I just blushed.

“Sure, I’d love to go out with you Nate. I’ll pick you up at 7:30.” He winked at me, got his sister’s phone and left. Goodness, that man is beautiful. I got my new phone, and called Laura, and told her the great news. She was overly excited as always, but I can’t even lie. So was I. Since tomorrow was the big day, I laid out everything I was going to wear, even underwear and socks. I haven’t been out on a date in nearly six years. So, I really had to calm down before I died of excitement.

Since our date was at 7, I slept until late that afternoon to make sure I was well rested; I wanted this date to be as long as possible. Not that I was expecting sex or anything. Just wanted to make sure- okay maybe I was expecting a little something it’s been months since the last time me and the name I shall not say, had sex, but I kind of want this date to be romantic. Since it’s our first, and we’re going to be getting to know one another I think that’s how it should be. I got a text from Paul telling me to dress semi-formal. I was kind of upset that I had to change my already cute outfit, and dig through my clothes to see if I packed any of my formal clothes. Luckily I packed my favorite black slacks with my grey button down shirt, and my grey Dockers. I looked at the clock on the bedside dresser and it was 6:30. Damn I already, I thought I had enough time. I jumped in the shower, feeling the hot steam on my body, letting my hands freely roam my body, rubbing across my sensitive nipples, I shivered. And the blood from everywhere in my body rushed to my cock, and it rose to full attention. I rub the slit of my cock and groaned as I leaked heavy amounts of pre-cum, images of Marcus and that slut feast. And my cock went limp. I cursed loudly in frustration, I really need to pull myself together and stop letting my past control my life or I will never be happy. I soaped up real good, got out and brushed my teeth. I wrapped my towel around my waist, and headed towards my room, and there was Paul. Standing In the living room talking to Laura, and he turned and saw me. Nearly naked. I just stood there, I couldn’t move, and he’s eyes lingered up and down my body. I guess I stayed in the shower longer than I thought. I felt myself stiffen, and my brain was telling me to move, but I couldn’t. Luckily loud mouth was standing there to break us out of our trance.

“Well are you going to just stand there mouth agape and keep the man waiting?” she said with a smirk on her face. I blushed a deep red, but Paul’s expression never changed he was still staring. I bolted to my room to get dressed. I quickly clothed myself, and sprayed on a little cologne. This time I wasn’t so embarrassed for him to see me. He smiled, and I smiled, and blush like I always do, but I got to really look at him this time without me being naked. He looked so handsome, him hands down is the most beautiful man I ever seen. He puts other men to shame. His black slacks clinging to his body, and his white button down showing every muscle he has. My cock immediately filled with blood. He knowingly smiled at me knowing what he was doing to me. This date was going to very interesting.

We got in his black ford truck, with nice leather seats. He winked at me, and we pulled out the driveway, waved at Laura.

“Where are we headed to Paul?” I asked trying hard not to look him in the eyes.

“It’s a surprise, and don’t even try to ask for hints.” He grabbed my chin and turned my face to look at him, he looked me deep in and finished his sentence. “Because that’s one thing you’re not getting from me tonight.” I visibly gulped, and he chuckled. I could feel the familiar heat burning in my groin. Him talking to me like that turned me on, yet he barely said anything. His hand always seemed to somehow brush against my hand or my thing, and it sent little jolts of heat through me. It was like being on fire but it was so pleasurable. I don’t what this man has done to me. When we arrive at the ‘surprise’ location, my heart soared. He made a little picnic, with a huge blanket under a beautiful oak tree with beautiful lights in the trees. In a wide clear field, and fireflies flying around, it was just a breathe taking sight. He really was trying to put his charms on me, and on the first date. What a man.

We sat down, and it was silent for a little while. Not uncomfortable silence though. So that was a good thing.

“Can I ask you a question?” he said out of nowhere, I was kind of nervous. Being around him my nerves just jumbled up and I know if I open my mouth I’m just going to start blabbering. That’s what I do when I’m nervous. Shit who doesn’t?

“Why someone that looks like you, and walks like you, and pardon my French, but has an arse like yours. Why are you single?”

I nearly jumped his bones; this man just knew how to make my spine tingly. “Well long story short, caught my ex with his dick in another guys ass, and his mouth on a women’s clit. That about sums it up.” He spit out his soda, and stared at me in disbelief. I just gave him a half smile and told him I was over it, and haven’t talked to him since I kicked him out on his ass. Maybe I was just saying that because I had a crush on Paul. I most likely was lying to him and myself.

Then the unthinkable happened. He lunged at me, and tackled me, but at the same time it was very gentle. He cradled my head and stared in my eyes, there was that look again. It looked like a hunger, as if he was holding back because he was worried about how I would react. He brushed his lips across my nose, then my lips. It wasn’t a kiss, but I knew his lips were soft and delicious. He tried to pull away, but I grabbed the back of his neck and brought our lips together. It was everything I knew it would be, sweet but spicy, and a hint of grape, and I could taste his taste, and it drove me crazy. He pulled away quickly, he look somewhat frightened.

“Did I do something wrong?” I ask in a voice a little above a whisper. I felt two tears fall down my cheeks; I don’t know what came over me. So I turned around so he couldn’t see me cry. I was shamelessly embarrassed. I quickly turned away, he rushed to my side.

“Baby…” the sound of endearment made the ends of my mouth curl into a small smile. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to do, but my sexual preference may be totally different than yours, and I like you, so I don’t wanna scare you.” He looked like he lost his dog; he hung his head down, and waited for my response.

“Does it have anything to do with me being submissive?” His eyes shot up and met mines.

“D-Do you H-how Did you…” he couldn’t even get the words out; I smiled and reached for his hand.

“I can tell by the way you spoke to me in the car, it turns me on. I’ve always liked the idea, but I’ve never done it. For you I will, but I’m scared.” I fidgeted with my finger not wanting to look him in the eye. He pushed me backward and sucked the base of my neck. How the hell he knew that was my sweet spot I don’t know, but the man’s tongue was wonderful. He dipped his tongue into my open mouth and I sucked on it, and kissed him passionately. Grinding my cock up to his, it felt heavenly. He stopped and I whimpered, disappointed that his weight wasn’t pressing down on me anymore. He just looked into my eyes and I heard the magic words.

“Let’s go to my place.”

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