Locking Away My Addiction Ch. 02

A gay story: Locking Away My Addiction Ch. 02 I had to work again a week later on the same exact shift, so I was looking at 7 days of being locked up. I was really excited, and I couldn’t sleep for hours after I got home from work.

The next few days went as expected. I was very horny but very productive. I actually did things for college that I had to complete, but nothing much. I played a lot of games and did a lot of chores.

After the first two days (the longest I had gone locked before this one), I noticed I was getting wet spots in my underwear. It turned out I started to leak when I got aroused in my cage. The fact that this was happening reminded me of wet panties on girls when they were aroused.

It then struck me that I was actually turning more into a girl; I could only pee while sitting, got wet underwear when aroused, and I actually didn’t have a working dick now. That thought really stuck to me like glue; it never left my mind, and my arousal went into a higher gear and never went away after that point.

My dick leaked constantly, meaning I needed to change underwear halfway through the day because I was afraid that a wet spot could be seen in my pants near my crotch. It was hot but also embarrassing at the same time

After one day of constantly leaking and being aroused, I decided I couldn’t continue with this. Being constantly aroused meant I had a really hard time getting sleep, and the practical implications of changing my underwear in the middle of that day was something I didn’t want to do due to some long days at college; bringing clean underwear to college would be embarrassing as hell.

So I quickly went to my workplace to see when Brian would be working again before my next shift. My co-workers were a bit surprised to see me, and I was really insecure at this point because I was constantly afraid that a wet spot would show in my pants.

I dashed to the back to look at the shift schedule, and I didn’t see Brian anywhere on this week’s schedule; the next week was also cleared for him! I thought this must be a mistake and went back to the register after I cleaned the wet spots in my underwear with a piece of toilet paper in the men’s room. I asked my coworker, “Why isn’t Brian working this week and next week?”.

She said, “Oh, didn’t you know that he has two weeks off? I think he went on vacation this week, but I’m not sure. I thought he would have told you since you two seem to be such good friends and all.”

My heart sank when I heard he was off on vacation for another 1.5 weeks. I didn’t even notice the bitchy remark that he didn’t tell me. Without replying, I went to the backroom again and checked the schedule for over three weeks and saw that he would be working again on Wednesday, two weeks from now! I can never hold on for that long. I imagined my dick becoming a waterhose in one week, seeing how it progressed in just 3 days, I couldn’t even imagine how my mental health would be in two weeks! I panicked a bit and just went straight home.

I thought about my options. I could break the chastity device using some tools, but I really didn’t want to destroy it because it cost me dearly and I was afraid I would hurt myself.

I could try to stay locked for two more weeks, but I would be a mess at the end, and of course I still had the leaking issue.

Then I thought I just had to cum to get the tension off and that the article about anal stimulation said men could cum without touching their dick. Since I couldn’t come up with any other option at this point and was horny as hell, I thought I would try that again.

I retrieved the dildo and a bottle of lubricant. As things seemed to not get any worse, the only bottle of lubricant I had was empty. I usually buy lube online because I was too embarrassed to buy it at the store. Buying lube online would take several days to arrive, and with a little bad luck, it would even be delivered after the weekend due to delivery services not delivering on the weekend. But I really was desperate now, so I went to the local drug store to get some lube.

When I entered the store, I was really nervous and afraid that anyone would notice what I was in the store for. I browsed some general stuff first to get my nerves under control, and I felt my underwear getting wet really fast because I was so excited and aroused. I had to get this over with before a wet spot would show.

I went to the register where the condoms and lube were being held behind the counter; this meant you had to ask an employee to get you something. In my hurry, I didn’t notice who was behind the counter; it was a classmate that I spoke to regularly.

“Hey! Funny to see you here! Do you live close by?” she said.

I was shocked. Did I dare ask her for lube? Would she know what it’s for?

“Are you okay?” she asked. She probably noticed the look on my face.

I snapped out of it and replied, “Oh yeah, sorry, I didn’t think I would see you here! Yeah, I live close by, just a couple of streets away.”

She replied, “Ah, cool, I never knew! So how can I help you?”.

I was terrified; what should I do? I can probably explain that it’s for my girlfriend, although I didn’t have a girlfriend. Before I could think it through, she had that concerned look on her face again. Besides, it was now or never; there was no other store in town that sold lube.

I said, “Yeah, this is kind of embarrassing, but I need some lube for me and my girlfriend…” with a red face. At the same time I felt even more precum leaking out of my dick; this whole situation seemed to get me even more aroused.

She smiled and replied, “Ah, don’t worry, don’t be embarrassed; a lot of customers ask for those!”. Her look changed a bit, and she said, “Huh, I thought you didn’t have a girlfriend?”.

The questions lingered a bit, and I got even redder than I was before.

“Sorry, that’s none of my business; maybe you got a girlfriend recently or something,” she said and got a little red as well. “Oh, I’m so sorry I said that, it really is none of my business. Anyway, we are a bit out of stock right now; we didn’t have any shipments in the last month due to some logistical issues. We have two types of lube in stock,” she said as she showed me two bottles. “But I think you need this one because this one is safe for condoms.” She started to hesitate and said, “But ehhh I do have to tell you that you can’t use this on toys… The, uhum, red one here can be used with toys, but uhm don’t work with condoms… The ones that work with both are out of stock right now… Sorry about that…” She looked away, probably ashamed of her previous remarks about me not having a girlfriend.

I panicked a bit though; the blue one is the one I should choose to not make this any more awkward than it already is, but I can’t use that with my dildo! If I chose the red one, she would see right through me and think of me as some kind of freak.

“I guess I need the red one then…” I said, looking down and feeling ashamed and aroused. At the moment I said that I felt another big drop of precum leaking out of my dick, this was getting bad. After a few seconds, I heard a beep from the cash register and looked up.

With a shocked and red face, she said, “Alright then… That would be 16,99 please.”

I paid quickly, said goodbye, and stepped back from the counter to leave the store. I heard her gasp and move her hands in front of her mouth, looking down at my crotch. I looked down as well and saw a huge wet spot. I was so embarrassed that I ran out of the store, and before leaving, I heard a giggle behind me.

With my bag in front of my crotch, I walked home as fast as I could. At home, I looked in the mirror and saw how bad it was. I was not sure what I was thinking when I chose my clothes that morning, but I could see the shape of the chastity device through my pants now. This was a nightmare! I was just hoping that my classmate didn’t know what a chastity device looked like; I was embarrassed enough as it is! At least I have my lube now and can start getting that cum out of me to release some of the pressure.

The dildo was rather small; the length was average at 16 cm, but the diameter of 3,5 cm to 4 cm was rather small. So I got it in pretty fast and started fucking myself with the dildo.

First on all fours, using my hand to move it in and out. Soon I changed to a sitting position to use my other hand to play with my locked dick, but that, of course, wasn’t helping.

After a few minutes, I noticed that there was a steady stream of precum coming out of my dick, and I was horny as hell. I finally used the suction cup on the bottom to attach the dildo to the floor and started fucking the dildo while sitting on my hands and legs.

My useless, locked dick was bouncing up and down and started to tingle a bit. I felt pleasure radiating from my ass; it felt really nice. My whole body was getting wet with sweat, and the pleasure was growing bigger by the minute. Precum was oozing from my dick at some point; long strands were forming, and eventually it started to lube the dildo.

It was amazing, but after some time I hit a ceiling or something; the pleasure was enormous, and it felt like I was on the edge of cumming. My muscles started to cramp up; I wasn’t used to so much tension in my legs and arms. I felt the pleasure start to fade away, and eventually I had to stop while being hugely frustrated and in a high state of arousal. I took a cold shower to cool down and went to bed, frustrated and ashamed of everything that had happened.

The next day, I skipped college and tried to fuck my dildo multiple times. Every time the same thing happened as the previous attempt, it felt amazing; something was building up, but I hit a ceiling and couldn’t cum eventually.

In the evening, I was exhausted from all my attempts and frustrated to the max.

I had to get those keys back soon, so I texted Brian, “Hey man! I saw you were off for another week and a bit and heard you were on vacation; you horny ass never tell me anything! Anyway, I thought I would see you again this weekend after my Sunday evening shift so I could get my keys back, and I kind of need them back. Is there any way I can get the keys while you are away? Sorry to bother you about this on your vacation, but it’s kind of important. Cheers!”.

I sent it, and I immediately thought about how I would explain this, as this would definitely raise some questions. I just hoped he would respond soon.

I almost instantly got a text back from Brian, “Hey hotshot! I guess I forgot to mention it to your sorry little sexy ass. Since when do you care anyway? Has that bitch from work gotten under your skin again? Anyway, plans for vacation didn’t go through, so I’m just taking a few weeks off to chill at home. How about you come over Saturday evening so you can tell me why you are so desperate to get those keys back and to have some drinks and some fun? You do own me that, at least after looking after your keys so long ;)”.

Finally, some luck was coming back to me; I could get my keys the day after tomorrow and get this all behind me. I replied that I would be coming over Saturday evening and would love to have some drinks and fun.

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