Looking For That Tool

A gay story: Looking For That Tool Who knew that a trip to the local auto parts store would turn out to be one of my wildest sexual experiences! My name is Joey and I’m a forty five year old divorced male.

At six foot and around two thirty, I’m a little round in some areas but have nice wide shoulders. Lately I’ve realized that it takes a good workout at the gym to keep in shape so I try as best as I can to get there but the weight comes off real slow.

My ex wife was a real stunner and there are times I miss that body but I’m also very happy for all the different ladies I’ve had since then. The desire for sex runs in my blood and I love to get off any way I can. Usually I use the computer or an adult store to satisfy my needs while I get back in shape. Most ladies want to fuck a guy who has little body fat so I resigned the fact that it would be while before my next relationship or even a one-night stand.

Anyway, back to my trip to the parts store. I had been working on my kid’s car all day and found that I needed to rent or buy a tool known as a “shaft-puller,” great name huh? So there I was in my dirty jeans, ripped t-shirt and a bad attitude heading for the store. The car pulled into the NAPA parts store and I wasted no time getting inside the store because I knew they would close very soon. As I approached the counter, I noticed an older guy with a grayish beard and stocky build working on a computer in the back.

He looked and asked if he could help me. Once he approached the counter, he asked me if I would turn the “OPEN” sign around to reflect that they were closed. I smiled and understood especially after working retail as a kid, you want to make sure you don’t have a last minute run on customers. After I turned the sign around, I made my way back to the counter and asked if he had a “shaft-puller.” He let out a laugh and said, “I did have one before she left me.” I laughed with him and confirmed that I had the same experience.

He asked what kind of car it was for and after I told him he gave me the dreaded look that they probably did not have the tool I needed. Then he turned to the side and then backs toward me again. He said that he did have one at his house and he would rent it to me for the remainder of the weekend. I was thrilled because I wanted to get this project done. He closed up the store and came over to my car to give me directions in case I lost sight of his car on the way to his place. Before he left to get into his car, he reached into the cooler he had and pulled out a sixteen-ounce beer and handed it to me.

“One for the road,” he laughed.

On the way to his house, I chugged the beer and started thinking.

I had visited a web site one night when I was naked surfing the net and happened upon a site that had personal adds for older guys, I think it was named “Silver daddies.”

That night something inside me stirred. I could not believe what I was feeling because I was not gay nor did I desire sex outside of heterosexual means, yet I felt something.

I resigned the fact that I was just getting older.

The guy from the parts store that I was following looked like a guy from that web site. The beer made all of this seem easier to swallow. After about a thirty-minute drive, we pulled into a long driveway that ran several hundred feet. The house was a little run down but hey, he was divorced like me. My eyes surveyed the property and was amazed to see just how big the deck was on the back of the house which housed a nice hot-tub and met at the edge of a medium size above ground pool.

My host disappeared inside the house and quickly returned with a small cooler full of beer. He told me to have a seat at the picnic table while he got cleaned up.

Much to my surprise, the screen door opened and out he came in all his glory.

He walked over to the little porch behind the house with his towel and turned on the outside shower.

Now you can imagine my surprise at all of this for I thought this was a pretty bold move to pull on someone you just met! However he just soaped up and chugged a beer while getting cleaned up. My gaze was toward the back of the property but I found my eyes drifting back to my new friend’s body. I could not believe the thick cock that hung down between his legs. Most guys whether they admit it or not will always check out another guy’s cock. They try not to get caught doing it, but hey, we all do it anyway. Today was no exception and as the fourth beer went down, I felt the same stirring that happened that night with the web site.

After drying off, he made his way over to the picnic table and grabbed another beer. “Oh, by the way, my name is Robert and you’ll have to forgive me, but once I’m home, I’m naked,” my new friend said. I nodded in agreement and after telling him my name, explained that I was the same way. Robert was playing it very cool, because after all, he could have tried to make a move, but he didn’t. I was not so cool! My heart was pounding as I was memorized that I was this close to a fine cock that needed attention! I now understood why some of my former ladies would go after my cock like they had to have it! When a big hunk of meat is just hanging out there well what can I say.

Robert handed me another beer and motioned for me to follow him out to his barn.

I watched his cock sway back and forth while trying to control the feelings deep inside me. The barn was very hot and I sweated easily. Robert looked around in some toolboxes and then suggested that I look on the shelves below his workbench. I knelt

Down and was busy going thru the tools when he announced that he found the “shaft-puller” on the bench just above me.

I was glad and yet surprised that as I turned around, the thick semi erect cock was inches from my face. THE MOMENT OF TRUTH HAD ARRIVED!

There must have been a thousand feelings that flew thru my head and yet all convention went out the window. I was outside of myself. The moment froze in time. Before I knew it, my hand slid up Robert’s leg and cupped the giant balls. A heavy moan escaped his lips. The next thing I knew, my mouth was all over it! Licking and sucking like an experienced whore. Robert’s hand found the back of my head and helped me get a motion going. My left hand was at the base of his cock while my other fondled his balls. Somewhere in all of this, my middle finger slid up into his ass and that was the trigger.

He bucked his hips and shot a load deep into my hot mouth. Spasm after spasm erupted

and I could not contain all of it. I swallowed as much as I could He was shaking and swearing in delight. Before I knew it, he stood me up and had all my clothes off and sat me on top of the workbench. He had every bit of my cock deep inside his mouth and moved like a seasoned pro. In my life I have had some orgasms but nothing compared to what I felt when I exploded deep into his mouth. I could not move!

He helped off the bench and handed me another beer.

No words were said as we made our way to the outdoor shower. We bother used it at the same time. I don’t know why but I stayed naked for a while. Robert explained that he could do many things for me but I listened while coming back to reality.

Soon, my jeans were back on along with my shoes and shirt. He handed me the tool I had originally came for and told me to keep it.

I thanked him and made my way quickly to the car. Once on the road, I felt safe back in my heterosexual world. Was I ashamed or embarrassed? The answer kept coming back as “no.” What had happened had happened. I was glad for the experience and yet kept reliving it over and over in my mind. I was convinced that this would never happen again however the more I thought about it, maybe it would happen again.

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