Lost in Hawaii Ch. 02


A gay story: Lost in Hawaii Ch. 02 Non-Concent/Reluctance. It’s a slow burn with a lot of teasing.

Lost In Hawaii 02

Mitchell plunked down in the seat beside me, blessed coffee in one hand and a bag in the other. I took the coffee and sipped in glorious addiction. I was not a get up at 6am guy. I’d stay up till 4am with no problem. That’s what I should have done, but Mitchell had insisted on a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, I’d barely slept and was hardly human at the moment.

“Thank God for coffee,” I sighed after several more sips.

“No doubt.” Mitchell squeezed my knee in agreement. My foggy, sleep-deprived brain barely registered the move. He’d promised to behave but sleep deprivation made people stupid.

“I have one other thing for you. It’s actually a set.” Mitchell plopped the bag in my lap and four jewelry boxes fell out. “I saw them on TV. Supposed to help with motion sickness and travel anxiety.”

“Really?” Nothing had helped with my fear of flying. I’d usually spend the next 24hrs after a flight recovering pieces of my stomach. How I hated to fly, but Hawaii was going to be worth it, damn it.

In the first box was a bracelet of twisted silver, bronze and copper metal. Each strand wove between the others as they stretched from end to end. The ends looked like they’d fit seamlessly together.

“Wearing these will help me stay calm?” I asked dubiously.

“Yep. Here, let me put this on.”

Mitchell wrapped the first one around my wrist and snapped the ends together. It was just loose enough to twist around my wrist without cutting off circulation. It wasn’t loose enough to slide up over my hand, though.

He opened the second box and had that one on my other wrist before I was done looking at the first. There was no obvious way to unclasp the bracelet. I looked like an over eager pimp flashing his bling around on both wrists. Of course, maybe the sleep was making everything seem way out of proportion.

“Okay, I guess. Now, how do you unclasp them?”My eyes narrowed to sleep-deprived, angry little slits as Mitchell laughed at me.

“If you can’t figure it out, I will seriously question how you got into Stanford.” Mitchell grazed his thumb across my wrist below the bracelet. “They said to wear them on your ankles, too. Something about the four corners of some psychic road mambo-jumbo. So, I got some for your ankles, too.”

“Nah, man. That’s okay. The ladies will think I’m really desperate to wear so much jewelry all over. Once I can take them off, or you tell me how, I’ll think about ankle bracelets. The wrist ones will work just fine… I think.”

“No, if you get anxiety on the plane you’ll blame the bracelets for not working. It’s all or nothing. If they work, you’ll be cured of your fear of flying and we can travel by plane more often.”

I took another sip of coffee and grimaced at his logic.

“Fine. Give me one.” I held my hand out in irritation.

“Nuh, uh. You drink your coffee. I’ll get these on.”

Mitchell knelt on the floor at my feet and took my shoes and socks off. He carefully fastened each anklet and gave them a good tug to make sure they were secure. It got awkward for a moment as he stared at my ankles and caressed the skin underneath my new bling. I almost kicked him but didn’t want to start a scene.

“These look good on you. Might not tell you how to take ’em off. See how long it takes.” Mitchell gave me a wicked grin and got my socks and shoes back on. I didn’t occur to me that he didn’t need to take my shoes and socks off at the time. The bracelets didn’t slip over my heals, afterall. He sat back down beside me and threw an arm around my shoulders. I thought about shoving him away but the coffee held more interest then having a pissing contest with Mr. Handsy.

“Whatever. They better just work,” I grumped.

They must have worked. We boarded the plane five minutes later. By the time we taxied off the runway I was dozing off on Mitchell’s shoulder. I’d never dozed on a plane before. And apparently, I slept a solid four and a half hours. I woke up just in time for landing. I’d never felt better getting off any plane.

Hawaii was beautiful. Trees, flowers, the scent of the ocean, and the heat all pressed in on me. Honolulu instantly wormed it’s way into my heart. The cab driver gave us the scenic route from the airport to the harbor. Just that first glimpse of Hawaii took my breath away.

“You look like a dog who wants to stick his head out the window and let his lips flap in the breeze.”

I grinned and flipped him off. Neither of us could stop gawking. Mitchell looked more relaxed then ever. Maybe he needed this trip more then I’d anticipated. My mom’s cancer had taken most of my attention these past few months.

“I do not. Just waiting for you to get these bracelets and necklace off. You’re a jerk for putting the necklace on while I was sleeping. I would have said no. Not my style. Time to take ’em off. I Still can’t figure the damn things out.” I held my wrists out and shook them. “What’s the trick, mister?”

“Ha, no trick. I’m just not going to tell you. You’ll figure it out soon enough.” He hooked a finger under the necklace that was the same design as the bracelets and anklets. I latched onto his wrist as he pulled me to within an inch of his face. His minty breath washed over me as his lips brushed mine.

“Relax,” he whispered. I was too stunned to deck him from kissing me a bit more. “I will always take good care of you. Promise.”

With a sigh, he let me go. I scooted close to the door of the taxi and stared blankly at the scenery I couldn’t see anymore. I’d liked the feel of his lips against mine. I crossed my legs as my little brain tried to jump for joy in approval. That’s why I was going to a hardware store to get a bolt cutter.

I spent the last half hour of the drive trying to figure the damn things out and got more irritated when I couldn’t. Mitchell watched me with a slight smile. He was getting a real charge out of my growing frustration.

“You’re not going to get them off by yanking on them. Those suckers are built tough.” That damn smirk needed to be wiped off his face.

“At least take this choker/necklace monstrosity off. The ones on my ankles are covered by socks and pants. I can live with the bracelets. I hate the look of the necklace. It looks like a version of a woman’s choker, except a bit more masculine.”

Mitchell laughed at me even more. The ass was thoroughly enjoying himself. “I’ll show you how to take them off when we get all our stuff stored on the yacht. It will all make sense then.”

“Fine,” I growled at him.

The taxi pulled up to the pier where the St. Sabrina was docked. It was a gorgeous 1982 50ft Pacifica Sportsfisher. Mr. Ricci had updated her three years ago when Mitchell and I had completed our Captains License. It was one of the few times he’d shown real interest in what Mitchell was up to.

As teenagers, we’d been allowed to take the St. Sabrina out under the watchful eye of a Captain he’d hired. Once we proved competent, the St. Sabrina had been ours. And she was gorgeous. Mitchell usually took the main cabin with the queen bed and I slept in the crew cabin. It worked. The galley was state of the art. There were two heads. And, the ship was easily handled from the house. She was a dream to sail.

I quickly made my way to the crew cabin, stripped my clothes off and threw on a pair of board shorts. The reflection in the mirror wasn’t bad. It was time for the sun to take care of my winter white. By most standards I was still pretty tan. We spent the majority of the beautiful California summers, springs and falls outdoors. But with this last semester of school and Mom being sick, well, my priorities had changed.

At 5’7″ I wasn’t very tall, but I was tall enough for most girls. I had a six pack and long lean muscles for being a computer nerd. My hair was light brown and shaggy. It had curl to it so I guess I looked like a typical surfer. I couldn’t wait to hit the waves. Mitchell hadn’t told me the itinerary yet, but I knew surfing, fishing, and all the other tourist attractions were on the list. It would be criminal to get to Hawaii and not enjoy all it had to offer.

“Hey, Walker, come to my cabin and I’ll show you everything,” Mitchell called down the hall.

“Just a minute,” I yelled back. Dressed just in shorts, and Mitchell’s “gift”, I looked good. The jewelry kinda added to the beach look. People were wearing all kinds of crazy things these days. At least I’d get it off and wear what I wanted now. They’d done their job helping me fly and they were still an option for the next time, as long as Mitchell let me in on the secret of taking them off. Damn it all if Mr. Smarty wasn’t right, again.

“Whatcha need?” I asked as I stepping in the cabin. He had a rope looped through an impressively solid eye bolted in the ceiling. He’d also changed to just shorts. I couldn’t help admire the muscles rippling up and down his back as he looped the long end of the rope. He’d been working out a lot this year and the evidence was plain to see.

“I need help hanging something up. Come over and stand right here.” Mitchell dropped the coiled rope a few feet away from where we were standing.

“Now, cup your hands in front of you like you were holding water. I have a surprise for you,” he said with a grin. “Close your eyes.”

“Really?” He nodded at my skepticism.

“It’s part of the surprise.”

I closed my eyes and held out my cupped hands. He was always doing crap like this. I think it was his way of testing how much I trusted him. Usually it was harmless fun. Once in a while, he’d feed me lemon juice or swipe stink-assed tea-tree oil under my nose. That all gave me leave to try and kick his trickster ass.

“Good, boy,” Mitchell whispered in my ear as he put some sort of round glass ball in my hands. It had to be at least a pound. Was he really going to hang it up? With all that rope?

“I’m not a dog,” I threw back. I felt like a fool holding whatever it was.

“Keep your eyes closed.” He reminded me. “You were wondering about the bracelets.” I felt him slip something soft under each bracelet against my wrists then heard a click. My eyes flew open at the same time he took the ball out of my hands and my wrists were yanked above my head.

“What the hell?” I yelled as he looped the rope over a hook on the far wall, pulling my arms tighter as I struggled against his superior strength. He held me there with one arm while he set the glass paper weight down. A few more good tugs had my hands where he wanted them. I had the ability to bend my elbows a bit but couldn’t touch my face.

Mitchell just leaned against the closed cabin door as I struggled and yelled at him. His face was grim, but somehow satisfied.

“What the fuck are you doing? Get me the fuck out of this right now! You locked me up! Why, asshole?”

Mitchell didn’t answer any of it. He just waited as I wore myself out, or at least calmed down a bit.

“Okay, very funny. Ha ha. Now let me go,” I ordered.

“You no long give orders, baby,” he said quietly.

I stared at him as he walked around the room, turning with him, not wanting to let the predator get behind me. The rope kept getting a little shorter as we twisted in slow circles. I don’t knew how long he circled but eventually I couldn’t turn anymore. I had no room to move. The rope was knotted above me due to the coiled tension. He kept moving to stand behind me.

I shook with tension, apprehension and growing fear as I heard his shorts unzip and hit the floor. His long, strong body pressed up against my shaking form as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his embrace.

“Stop it.” I tried to shake him off but my efforts were futile. I’d never seen this side of him before.

“It’s going to be okay, baby.”

His hands stroked my chest in circles. He played gently over my nipples, slowly moving down my belly and back up again. If I hadn’t been currently attached to the ceiling, it would have felt amazing. I was being groped by a naked man who was firmly pressed up against my backside. Everything was taboo and wrong, yet felt so right.

I groaned and kept whispering, “Please stop,” but, he ignored me and the little yanks I was giving to the imprisoning rope. Eventually his hands found their way to my shorts.

I watched helplessly as he slowly unknotted them and loosened the waist. They landed in a puddle at my feet. Unfortunately, my dick was slowly standing to attention as he circled my hips and rubbed down between my thighs. His thumbs gently grazed my balls.

I couldn’t help but feel every move he made.

“Press your knees together, Baby.” Mitchel’s voice was husky with the need for sex. It filled my ears and tingled my toes as he ground his cock against my ass. I knew that voice. It had rumbled through the wall of our apartment when he’d had guests over.

“No, please don’t do this, Mitchell. I don’t wanna fuck you. Just stop and we can pretend it never happened, enjoy our vacation,” I begged him.

“I’m not going to fuck your virgin hole. Not until you ask me to. That’s rule number one of our new little adventure.”

“Never gonna happen,” I grunted back at him. He’d taken to running a finger lightly up and down my now hard cock. I whimpered and tried to shake him off again. He laughed and slapped my ass.

“You have no idea how many nights I’ve dreamt about spanking your fine ass. Training you is going to be so much fun for me.”

“Mitchell, you can’t do this! You can’t train me. I’m not gay or into kinky shit. This is illegal!” I yelled frantically as he grabbed a short piece of rope and yanked my knees together. The knot kept me from thwarting his plan to get off between my thighs.

The bastard licked the precum dripping from my hard cock. “Baby, no one is gonna know. By the end of these three months you’ll be beggin’ for my cock. Don’t worry, I’ll make you love it. You’re my sex slave now. You’re here for my use and I will use you.”

Mitchell stood behind me again. I could feel his hard-on grazing my ass. The snick of a lube bottle had me trying to hop away from him. It was laughably easy for him to haul my ass back against his dick.

“Now, I am not going to fuck your virgin ass, but I am going to plug it with a thin vibe. You’re going to love it. It’s going to do all kinds of good things to your hole. You’ll ache for so much more. It’s skinny, easy to get in. The biggest thing you’ll ever have in your tight little hole will be me.”

I felt the thin vibe poke between my clenched ass cheeks. Mitchell’s aim was perfect. It was slowly pushing through my hole like a doctor’s finger doing a prostate exam.

“Get it out. Get it out,” I whimpered and tried to hop away again. But, Mitchell was ready with one arm around my waist while he worked the vibe in. The hopping only got it there faster. It made me feel like I needed the restroom.

“Now,” he whispered in my ear.

The vibe came alive and I moaned and writhed as it moved. My cock got so hard it turned a deep angry red with blood. I’d never been this hard in my life. Throbbing.

“Rule number two. You are not allowed to come unless I am balls deep in your ass. You refuse to let me fuck you, you choose to be denied orgasm.”

“What? Wait! No, no, no, no. Damn it, Mitchell!”

Of course, he just ignored me. He lined his cock up with my lubed ass and thrust between my thighs. The tip of his cock slid against the back of my balls. I shivered at the impact.

“This is gonna be fast, baby.” Mitchell grunted as he quickly set up a furious pace. I was lost in the sensation of the vibe hitting my prostate as Mitchell’s cock bumped it over and over again, relentlessly. Precum dripped from his cock as he slid against my balls. Four or five more thrusts and I’d cum like a volcano.

Suddenly, Mitchell stopped fucking my thighs. I yelled at him to let me down and finish the job as the vibe played havoc with my brain. Mitchell stood in front of me and grunted as he came all over a penis gag. I watched as he squirted seven times. Thick semen made the black penis gag glisten.

“Open your mouth,” he gasped as he finished jerking off.

“Hell, no,” I growled back defiantly and clamped my lips shut.

Mitchell’s free hand shot out and pinched my ball sack hard enough to make me scream, which he promptly silenced by shoving the christened dildo in my mouth. Then he quickly buckled it behind my head. The taste of his sperm swam in my mouth with no where to go but down my throat. The pain in my balls vanished. It hadn’t been enough to make me wilt or decrease the need to come as the vibe did it’s work. I twisted and thrust in empty air, desperate for all kinds of release.

Mitchell collapsed on the bed and watched the show. The vibe had to be remote controlled because as he lay there it jumped around in speed. Sometimes a light reminder, sometimes an angry buzzing. I was sweating and gasping, clenching down around the damn thing to try and achieve release. Every time I was on the verge he backed off. I cried out around the gag, begging to come.

“Damn, baby. You’re beautiful when you’re hot and bothered.” He turned the vibe off and I gurgled out swear words behind the gag. So. Damn. Close. “I got work to do.”

He took his time taking the rope off around my knees and attached a spreader bar to my ankles. Then put a leather harness around my thighs and waist, running up my crack to keep the damn vibe in place. I didn’t bother trying to fight him. The rope held my arms to the ceiling and it wasn’t going anywhere.

He rarely took his eyes off my cock as it bobbed in his face. “I can’t resist,” he mumbled. Then sucked my cock down his throat to the root. The hot, wet suction had me chasing his mouth as he pulled back. His lips sucked hard on the head, pulling precum into his mouth. Then he stood up, leaving me aching and unfulfilled with the taste of his sperm still on my tongue.

“We have a four hour sail ahead of us and you have some thinking to do.”

Mitchell put his shorts on and stood close in front of my shaking body. I was drenched in sweat. My cock and balls ached, desperately needing release. I was so turned on it wasn’t even funny. I’d never dreamt I could feel this way with a woman, let alone a man. Mr. Sex-God had taken me to a level of sexual need and desire I’d never been to before. All I wanted to do was grind my cock against his hard, muscular thigh and shoot my load. Instead, he ran his fingers lightly over my chest and down my hard abs, but no where near my aching cock.

“First, you need to understand that I am doing this for you. I will always take care of you. I love you.”

My glare must have told him all he needed to know about how I felt about that statement. If he really did love me, this wouldn’t be happening. He came to stand behind me again. His teeth sank into the nape of my neck as he held me. His tongue licked the skin he’d sucked into his mouth. I whimpered as he sucked hard enough to leave a stinging little hickey. I needed him to touch my cock instead. He kissed the mark as he release my neck.

“As I said before, rule number one is no fucking your virgin ass until you ask for it. The first time you ask me to fuck you, I will, even if you say you changed your mind seconds later. After that you’ll have a new rule number 1, number 2 right now. You’ll have no say in how often or where I decide to fuck you. I plan on being buried balls deep in your ass as often as I can get it up. So, make sure you really want me before you ask for it. There will be no stopping afterwards. This is the only decision you get to make.”

I shuddered at the realization of how horny he’d made me so quickly. I was dying for the brush of his fingers against my cock. I’d never felt the need to deny myself an orgasm. I’d never understood why a guy would edge for hours on end. My self-control was non-existent. How the hell was I going to keep Mitchell from winning this battle?

“Rule number three. You will wake me up every morning with a blow job.” I growled at him and he retaliated by pinching my nipples hard. The pain zinged down my body, straight to my cock making it jump and twitch. “Ooohh, somebody has sensitive nipples,” Mitchell crooned in delight. “We’ll be exploring your sensitivity. Rule number four, obedience will be rewarded. Disobedience will be met with punishment. And I have all kinds of ways to punish you. Don’t test my patients, baby. You’ll end up paying the price. So, tomorrow if you don’t wake me up with a blowjob you’ll be getting a spanking. I love to spank my lovers.” He whispered it like a sensuous promise in my ear. “I’ve had lots of practice tanning hides and I have been waiting a long time for you.”

The kidnapping asshole released me and went to the door. He put a sign up with my four new rules. My heart sank as I realized he was seriously going to play this out all summer. All summer, and I had no say in any of it.

“Did you figure out the bracelets, necklace and cuffs, baby?” I nodded in weary, momentary, defeat. “I have a small little key that will release them. Right now it’s in the safe so don’t bother trying to find it.”

He gently lifted the necklace and fingered it. His warm fingers grazed my collar bode. “This isn’t a necklace. It’s a collar so that I can lead you around, or put you in your place. Your leash is hanging by the door.”

Mitchell walked behind me and wrapped one hand tight around my neck, his other pulled me close to his body. The slight squeeze on my neck had my heart racing.

“Baby, you need to understand that I don’t want to hurt you out of punishment. A little bit of pain can add to sexual pleasure,” he whispered harshly in my ear. “But pain, for the sake of pain or correction, is not a turn on for me. Please don’t make me hurt you that way. You’re no masochist outside of the bed. But I have a feeling that in the sack you want, you need to be dominated. I think you proved that to both of us just now.” He slowly let go with a kiss to my ear. “Well, enough said. I’m gonna get us underway.”

I watched him go with my arms roped to the ceiling. My legs were spread by a bar and every inch of me was naked and exposed. I couldn’t help the fact that my cock was still pointed in his direction.

I’d never been so horny in my life.

This was not good.


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