Lost in India (Pt. 01)

A gay sex stories: Lost in India (Pt. 01) This story is the first in a series of stories between two people who met here on Literotica and future stories will lead into some transgender stories, a sci-fi twist, and just plain adoration between two consenting adults. The stories are a combination of both our interests in each other and erotic stories. They are also our first attempts at erotic writing, so we hope you enjoy this and future stories.


Well, wasn’t this just a fine mess, I thought to myself.

Looking around me at all the stores, buildings, people, hustle and bustle of India. So much to do, so much to see and here I was………. LOST!

Well, I guess that is what I get, I considered. Less than two weeks out of the military and free to set my own course, I had chosen India.

It really did seem like a good idea at the time. I had spent time in Europe, in Japan, and throughout the United States, but when my last station was in Thailand and when the military had offered me a one way ticket home, all I had asked was…. “Do I have to use it now?”

The answer was no, it was a one time-one way ticket back to the United States that I could use at my convenience.

Tapping my pocket, I made sure everything was still there and smiling to myself, at least I am smart enough to avoid the pickpockets.

Back to the first problem, I was lost and I did not speak the local language. Now, that was probably not the brightest idea, but many people could speak a little English and I was doing pretty well with my translation book.

Walking into a small cafe nearby, I stumbled through ordering lunch and settling in to watch people. One of his favorite hobbies actually, the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives without one little concern for a twenty-two year old American enjoying lunch and a beer.

Finishing my meal, he set about finding a way to get back to the hostel. I had a small card I had written the address on, but now I had to find someone who could understand what he wanted.

“Excuse me?” I asked the lady behind the counter.

Nope, no luck there. Very nice lady and we communicated enough for me to order my food but that was the limit of our abilities.

“Hello?” a voice said from behind him. “Can I help you?”

Turning, I met an amazing face, a couple inches shorter than me but about my age and with the greatest smile I had ever seen. Stammering “Yea,…..umm… please. I am a little lost, I am looking for this hostel.” Showing him the card.

“Wow, you are lost!” he laughs. “How did you get halfway across town??”

Laughing nervously. “Well, I just started walking this morning and ended up here this afternoon. Half way across town you say, well, that is problematic. Thanks for the information. My name is Bill, by the way.” extending my hand.

“Deem” he responds, taking my offered hand.

Our hands meet and there is an instant of immediate calm between us.

“Listen, I just moved into town about a year ago myself for a new job and am still finding my way around. I was heading to the waterfront to browse the shops and check out the local scene. Wanna tag along? There will be more public transit available there” Deem smiled at me.

“Sure, why not?! Lead on.” I reply

We spent the next few hours wandering the shops and markets around the waterfront.

Laughing with each other’s dry sense of humor and sharp wits. Before we know it, the sun is near the horizon and we decide to grab some dinner. I find myself drawn to the dark eyed, dark haired man, now although I had always found men interesting, being in the military made it very difficult to take any actions towards finding exactly how far these feelings could lead.

We started drinking and laughing, then Deem suggested maybe to step into a club and see what was going on.

“Sure!” I said, not wanting the evening to end, although I was a little worried because the number of cabs and similar ways of getting back across town were becoming harder and harder to find.

In the club, Deem and I start drinking even more, laughing and even getting up and dancing with several other people during a song we both recognized. At the end of the song, as we were heading off the dance floor, I tripped over something and stumbled, Deem caught me and helped me stand back up.

Did he just let his hand rest on my hip a little longer than needed, I thought to myself. Just my imagination, I thought. Returning to our drinks, Deem sat a little closer to me than he was before, just over the music he asked “Having fun?”

“Yea, this is a blast and the company is great! Thanks for showing me around.” I turned to him. Our faces are a little closer than normal, I obviously blush a little feeling the urge to lean and kiss him.

Now it was obvious that he was thinking the same thing.

Looking around, then turning back, expecting something, but Deem shook his head quickly.

“Not here” Deem said below the volume of the club.

We kept laughing and telling each other bad jokes, like two old friends that had known each other for years. His accent was difficult to understand sometimes over the music in the club and I think sometimes that my accent confused him at times.

We leave the club and start walking through the dark streets, we walk down a quiet lane and Deem reaches out and takes my hand. I flinch a little, look over at him. He looks a little hurt, I reach back and take his hand.

“Sorry,” I whisper “You just startled me a little” taking his hand back, I let him lead me into a small apartment complex.

“This is my place.” he says, opening the door and leading me in.

A little hesitantly, I followed him inside. It is a neat place, small and well kept.

“Not much, I know, but we will have privacy here” he says, turning to me.

Closing the door, he turns back to me.

“I have been trying to imagine a way to get you back here since we met.” He smiles that bright smile. “I hope you are not upset but I have wanted you since I first met you.”

Shaking my head, “Not upset at all.” I say “Just very nervous. I have never done anything like this before. But you make me feel so……… comfortable” I stammer

Walking closer he says “Neither have I but this seems so perfect” He leans in to kiss me again. This time, I happily let him take the lead, kissing him passionately.

Pulling me backwards towards his bed in the corner, I let him pull me, our tongues locked in passion. His legs press against the bed and we fall laughing. Quickly returning to kissing, our hands start to explore. Tentatively, my hand brushes over the bulge in his pants, and am met with a happy groan from him. As we kiss, I start to rub his bulge through his pants.

I get braver, I unbutton and unzip his pants. Reaching inside, I feel another guy’s cock for the first time. It seems so natural, so easy to slide my hand down the length, he moans as we continue to kiss.

Gently, he presses my shoulder, trying to encourage me down his body. Taking the hint, I take the hint, moving down off his single bed onto the floor. He lifts his hips and with my help, he pushes his pants and boxers off onto the floor.

Grasping him gently, I softly stroke his shaft. Watching my hand slide up and down the shaft.

“Go head” he says “give it a lick”

Well, this is it, I think. Either I run now, I go through with what is feeling more and more natural. Tentatively, I lean in and run my tongue up his shaft. Amazed by how soft and warm it is against my tongue.

Tentatively, I take him between my lips and start to suck the first few inches into my mouth. Getting the pace and little more, I start feeling him thrust up into my mouth. Moaning around him, this feeling is so natural. I even moan a little as he reaches down and places both hands on the sides of my head.

Getting braver and braver, I start letting him push deeper and deeper into my mouth, his hands next to my head. Holding it still he starts to thrust deeper.

Gagging for the first time, I come up gasping for breath.

Worried, he asks “Are you ok?”

Nodding, I run my hands over his and return back to his shaft, this time more ready for the feeling of him brushing the back of my throat. Moaning, his hips start rising off the bed, thrusting into my mouth.

He starts moaning louder and louder. I can feel him starting to get bigger and bigger in my mouth and his trusts becoming more and more ragged. I know what is about to happen and really want it. Even when he tried to move me at the last minute, I hold still and feel him spray his first jet into my mouth.

Shocked at the intensity of his first jet, I pull my head up, but he grabs my head then his shaft, the next several jets spray across my face. Our moans echo quietly throughout the room.

“Sorry” he moans “you were too good, I couldn’t last. You have never done that before?”

“Nope,” I laughed. “But it was great. I can go, if you want”

“Hell, no” he blurts “Please stay, I want more with you tonight. Do not go!”

“If you are sure, I would love to stay” I whisper.

Climbing up on the bed, he hands me a blanket and I clean my face. Curling up next to you. We softly kiss.

“You are far too dressed for what I want to do next” he says. Changing position of the bed, he slowly starts to remove my clothes, looking down, I am shocked that his cock is still half hard and not shrinking. Smiling to myself, this might be the beginning of an amazing relationship with this fine man.

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