Lykas: The Great Warrior Ch. 01

Truth be told, almost no man in this camp would refuse the great warrior. First of, even if Lykas hold no grudges to the man who refused him, others would see it as a sign of disrespect to refuse him and their future could be compromised. But mostly it was because Lykas was a hero for these men, protecting them and helping them, being close to the great warrior would improve their status, and also because the screams of pleasure coming from his tent as well as the tales told by his former lovers had made it known that Lykas was an amazing lover. Accepting him would positively impact their warrior’s lives and they would also spend a fantastic night. It was win-win. Only a handful of men in the camp would pass down this oppurtinity, mostly because of their pride.

As the Great Warrior started to walk among his peers, the sight of him alone could make the heart of a man skip a beat. Standing tall at 6’1″, he had a commanding presence that demanded attention. The sun illuminated his dark hair and striking green eyes, causing them to sparkle like emeralds.

But it was his physique that truly set him apart. Every inch of his body was sculpted to perfection, with rippling muscles that hinted at his incredible strength. His broad shoulders, chiseled chest, and washboard abs were a testament to the countless battles he had fought and won. And yet, there was still a sleekness to his form that spoke to his agility and speed on the battlefield.

As he moved, the Great Warrior’s muscles flexed and danced beneath his skin like a symphony, each motion perfectly timed and orchestrated. His biceps bulged as he raised his hand to run a hand through his short, perfectly groomed hair. His thighs, each the size of a tree trunk, bunched and rippled with every step he took, and his slightly hairy bubble butt shifted hypnotically as he walked.

But it wasn’t just his physicality that made him so magnetic. There was something in his bearing, a confidence and self-assurance that exuded from him like a palpable force. It was as though he knew he was the most desirable man in the camp, and didn’t care who knew it.

The Great Warrior was truly a sight to behold, the very embodiment of masculinity and virility. It was no wonder that many of his fellow warriors looked up to him as if he were a god among men.

His name was Lykas, a strong and fitting name for a great warrior, as it meant Wolf.

As I walked around the camp, I saw several small campfires being set up by some of the warriors. They were cooking their food, chatting, and laughing with one another. I decided to join them and sat down next to one of the fires.

“Lykas!” one of the warriors exclaimed as I sat down. “I heard you fought like a lion on the battlefield today.”

I nodded and smiled, feeling proud of myself. “It was a tough battle, but we came out victorious.”

The other warriors around the fire looked at me with admiration, clearly impressed by my skills as a warrior. I looked around the fire and recognized several of them from the battle earlier that day. They all looked tired and battle-worn, but still managed to smile and laugh with one another.

As we ate our meal, we talked about the battle, sharing stories of what happened on the battlefield. Some of the warriors shared stories of how they narrowly avoided being struck by an enemy’s blade, while others talked about how they managed to take down several enemies on their own.

I listened intently to their stories, impressed by their bravery and skill in battle. I realized that while I may be known as the Great Warrior, there were many others in the camp who were just as skilled and brave as I was.

As the night went on, the conversation shifted to other topics, such as life before the war and plans for the future. One of the warriors, a young man who couldn’t have been more than 18 years old, talked about how he wanted to one day become a great warrior like me.

I smiled and nodded, encouraging him to keep practicing and to never give up on his dreams. I shared some of my own experiences with him, telling him about the battles I had fought in and the scars I had earned along the way.

I turned my head towards the campfire to see Kael sitting there, illuminated by the flickering light of the flames. Even from a distance, I could see that he was built like a true warrior. His broad shoulders and muscular arms were the first things that caught my eye. I could tell from the way he sat that he was relaxed, yet alert. He had a rugged look, with his dark hair and beard framing his chiseled jawline. His eyes were dark and intense, and I could feel them piercing through me as I looked at him.

As I walked over to him, I couldn’t help but admire his physique. He had a hairy chest, with tufts of hair. His abs were rock hard, and his arms were thick with muscle. I could tell he was someone who took great pride in his appearance, and I couldn’t blame him. He was an impressive sight to behold.

As I got closer, I noticed he was looking at me too. Our eyes met, and I felt a jolt of recognition. We had fought side by side before, and I knew he was the second strongest warrior in the camp after me. Nevertheless, I respected him as a fellow warrior and a formidable opponent.

I stood in front of him, looking down at him as he sat on the ground. He looked up at me, his expression serious but friendly. We didn’t say anything for a few moments, just taking in each other’s presence. I enjoyed the moment, knowing it was rare for us to have a moment of peace in the midst of war.

“Kael.” I finally said.

“Lykas.” he replied.

“Come with me to my tent.” I announced.

The surroundings felt silent as they heard what I said. I had made my pick for the night. Everyone was holding their breath in, waiting for Kael’s reponse. He stayed silent for a while, still sitting on the ground but meeting my gaze. I could see conflict in his eyes, desire was fighting pride.

He finally got up, we were about the same size so we were standing face to face, with neither of us looking down or up at the other.

“I will fight you for it.” pridely said Kael which made the crowd gasped.

I smiled, it seemed pride had won the fight. But I was still happy, I knew he wanted me and I was right. He could have just said no and walked away, Kael is strong and respected, nobody would have even dared to say anthing if he had refused. But he didn’t refuse. I had first saw Kael a couple of weeks before, when he joined our camp. Just a glance at him made me rock hard, from that point on I wanted him. I could also tell it wouldn’t be easy, he was like me, maybe that’s why I was so attracted to him. He was dominant. I knew it was going to be difficult to make him mine, maybe even impossible. So I waited for an opportunity that never presented itself.

Today’s battle was fierce, and I hadn’t had sex in a couple of days, so it made me extra horny. And I’d seen him on the battlefield, walking over his opponents as if he were an enraged beast. I had to have him. He wants a fight? He’s going to get one. Kael is a very prideful warrior, and he won’t be able to enjoy me unless he leaves that pride behind. So I need to win, in order to shatter that pride so I can make him feel things he’s never experienced before.

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