Male Party: Me and Three Others


A gay sex story: Male Party: Me and Three Others

This city was proving to be the gay sex capital of the world as far as I was concerned. In the space of a couple of days I had been seduced into my first homosexual encounter by a new friend, an old white man like me, then had my education resoundingly widened with a younger, very fit and strong black guy, and as kind of bonus I had been fucked for the first time, and not just by anybody, but a man of my fantasies, a wildly hairy, exotic, mysterious and incredibly sexy Indian man. Could life get any more exciting, any more satisfying, for someone who had gone 60 years without so much as intentionally touching another man’s body?

Perry texted me early next day. We had an arrangement: he had wanked on me and we had exchanged blowjobs and we had agreed that the next time we met he would fuck me. It was going to be my first time, but of course that had now changed because Anan had done the honours, rubbing his fabulous Yeti-type body all over me to reduce me to helpless sexual submissive and thrusting his wonderful cock up my arse.

However, it was still incredibly exciting to know that I had an arrangement with a man that i would allow him to give me anal sex. I felt depraved, almost perverted and yet sophisticated. What could be more enlightened, more 21st century than to be completely upfront about being penetrated up the back passage? And now that I knew how it actually felt, I knew I wasn’t just kidding myself. I knew that when a man penetrated me it was going to feel absolutely fantastic.

I decided to tell Perry all this in person, when he came round that evening. I knew he would be okay about it, maybe just a little disappointed that he hadn’t been my first, but then it would have been his first time too – first time fucking a man, and he hadn’t been on the receiving end either. I hatched a plan to rectify that at the same time. Julius the ebony cop was off duty that night and Anan, as far as I could tell, didn’t do much of anything.

I was incredibly turned on all day, thinking about the possibilities when three men with whom I had a sexual attraction could be all in my apartment at the same time. In the polite world, the normal world, such a thought would make me, in the modern parlance, a “slut”, as despised as a woman who liked to be had by multiple men. But if you keep it concealed, you can be perfectly normal to the rest of the world, and what we do in private is our business and no one else’s.

Or is it just me? (please leave a comment if you feel strongly either way). Anyway, all my life I have periodically had moods when I wanted to be subject to the animal desires of one or more men. Here was an opportunity to make it happen, or, even better, to LET it happen, because it’s much hornier if it’s someone else’s idea, If I planted the seed in these men’s heads, maybe they would all plant their seed in me.

I sent messages to all of them that I would be “hosting a party” and they should bring nothing but their freshly showered body. Not too explicit but it introduced the idea of nakedness and I was sure that each, with their own relationship with me, would get the picture. Perry already had the idea in his mind of fucking me, Anan had already done it and, kinky fucker that he was, he would relish the thought of doing it again but with an audience. And as for Julius, with his cop mentality and natural arrogance, plus his determination to assert his racial superiority, he would want to show the others how it was done and who was the boss.

As it turned out, all three of them arrived at my door at the same time, and there was a fabulous moment when I opened it and my facial expression must have given away my innermost feelings. I was like a willing victim, bringing it on himself. I was going to be the in-house entertainment for these three men. They would each be able to do what they wanted with me or to me, in private or in front of other men. And that was a paralysingly sexy feeling for me: I wouldn’t just be indulging my gay side in private; I was going to be admitting to the world, and myself in particular, that this was who I was – part of who I was, anyway. All afternoon I had to stop myself from masturbating at the thought of having three big hard cocks inside me one by one, three pubic bushes brushing up against my skin and three pairs of balls in my hands. Three founts of semen anointing me, in various parts of my body including my mouth.

I had to pull myself together as my guests entered my apartment to initiate this x-certificate occasion. I poured them each a drink and passed around bowls of nuts. The men made small talk and waited for me to get the party started. I had no idea what to do, so I just took my t-shirt and shorts off.

When I went into the kitchen for more wine, Perry followed me.

“So it’s not just you and me tonight,” he said, inviting me to explain.

I put a hand inside his shirt and stroked his skin.

“Things have moved on,” I said. “The responsibility has been taken from your shoulders and I can now give you the good time you deserve.” He put a hand on my cock, which was swelling discreetly in my underpants.

“I’m going to fuck your arse,” he said plainly. “That was the arrangement and I’ve been looking forward to it.”

“So have I,” I said, kissing him on the cheek. “That hasn’t changed. It’s just… not uncharted territory anymore.”

“One of these guys?” Perry asked.

“Anan,” I said.

“The fucking Maharishi?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Fucked you up the arse?”

I nodded nervously. “Now I want you to do it.”

We walked back into the main room together and I mumbled something that even I didn’t understand, then led Perry into the bedroom.

“Leave the door open,” I said, and stood with my back to the other room as I removed my underpants, giving Julius and Anan a view that they could get in close-up whenever they liked. Perry stood in front of me and I got on my knees and sucked his cock while two other men watched me do it.

“Lie on your back,” Perry said.

He was on top of me in a flash, barely giving me time to apply some lube to my hole. He lifted my legs further and held them in a masterful stance, his mighty Australian penis poised for entry. He had fucked women anally and a man must be the same, I could see him thinking. He nestled his knob in the slot and pushed forward more abruptly than Anan had. There was a flash of pain and terror but then a vast wave of pleasure and I felt his manhood filling my anal cavity. Perry looked into my eyes and I wasn’t sure what I saw there. It wasn’t affection, nor love, but something like friendship, like we’re-in-this-together. He plunged in and out quickly and then slowly, grinding against me and making sure I felt his hardness and his masculinity. It wasn’t all that different from having Anan on top of me and inside me, but it was thrilling because it was somebody else, and having been bumped from first place to second, Perry was giving me a good going over. He fucked me like he hadn’t seen a soul in months. Then his eyes went distant and he leaned down so his chest was touching mine.


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