MARS Ch. 06


A gay story: MARS Ch. 06 SATURDAY

A yellow Dodge Ram truck parks into a spot at Melvindale Civic Center. It’s roaring engine ceases leaving quiet in the atmosphere once more. A cross emblem is on the trunk and the license plate says ‘G0DF1RST’. The gigantic, alpha man behind the wheel wore a dark blue suit with a big cross dangling down his white button up. His stark hair is black, gait is straight, and there’s a serious look on his middle aged face. He looks over to see a short, blonde women come around the hood. She flips her expensive purse over her shoulder and takes a glance at the single storied, modern building.

“I wonder why Moeko chose a pageant so far out.” She says as women and young children enter the building in packs. “I’m sure there are pageants upstate.”

“She said she was recommended this one.” The man says as he looks around the parking lot. “See Vehren’s car anywhere?”

The woman searches around, stopping at the far end where a Challenger sits next to a handicap spot. “I think that’s his car.”

“What’s the license plate say?” He said going towards the Challenger. “‘FUNS1ZE’? That’s him.” The man heads to the car, peering down into the window.

Vehren didn’t notice him until he knocks. He’s surprised, turning off the engine and opening the door. “Hey… I didn’t know if you were actually coming.” He said matching height with the man.

“Of course.” Pastor Vittar Voegeli gave his son a hug. “I’m here to support my granddaughter.” He pulls away awkwardly. “Where is she?”

“Inside getting ready. I was just about to smoke cigarette.”

“You should really stop smoking those.” Alma Voegeli tilts her head. “You’re ruining your lungs.”

“My lungs are already ruined.” I say with a scoff. “I’ll stop when I don’t have anxiety.”

“It’s not going to go away, love. You just have to find coping mechanisms better than nasty nicotine.” Alma comes in for a hug. “It’s nice to see you again!”

“Right, it’s nice to see you too, Alma.”

She pulls away and looks up to my dad. “Should we go inside.”

He looks at me. “We can. Are you coming?”

I go into my car and snatch the keys out of the engine. “Sure.” I lead the way into the building to the hall where other parents gather before a row of judges. No one is on stage yet, the show hasn’t started. I seat my dad and his wife, near the front so they can get a good glimpse of Eris. Alma sits between my father and I, she turns towards me to ask, “Where are Moeko and Eris?”

“In the dressing room. The show is about to start soon.”

She puts her hands together. “This is so exciting!”

“A little much for a four year old, don’t you think?” Dad looks around at the toddlers in heavy makeup.

“She isn’t wearing as much makeup everyone else.”

“As long as she isn’t dressing skimpy, I don’t care.”

“There will be a beach section, so don’t shit your pants when you see my daughter in a swimsuit.” My eyes roll into the aisle.

“How long will she be doing this?”

I look at him straightfaced. “Until she doesn’t want to anymore.”

“Are you sure she wants to do this, or is this mostly your idea?”

My head tilts. “She saw a commercial for ‘Toddlers and Tiaras’ and wanted to do it. I told her, ‘We can make that happen’, as in Moeko and I? Are you seriously badgering me at the competition?” Alma tries to calm me down, but I shake my head, “No. Why are you here?”

“I told you why, boy. To support Eris.”

“Am I in the way of that? Cause I’ll gladly move.” I turn my body to face the exit, seeing Moeko enter with Eris in her sparkly blue two-piece. She’s equipped with a gold band in her hair and matching slippers on her little feet. A miniature Princess Jasmine, having everything from the lumpy braid and gold necklace and wrist band. The top is ruffled and trimmed with gold sequins, while the pants are mesh spliced with a clear trail around her back waist. I smile as I watch my little girl come down the aisle, meeting her halfway.

“How do I look, Daddy?” She grins, then drops her jaw upon seeing, “Grandma!”

“Hi, baby girl!” Alma comes out from row of folded chairs and wraps her arms around Eris. “Say hi to Grandpa, too.”

Eris doesn’t, instead she gives him a hug and allows him to pick her up. “What made you choose this outfit, Eris?”

“Daddy made this for me.” She points at me.

My dad’s eyes actually widen and scan down her outfit. “He did?”

I pick my head up and look at Moeko. “I made all of her outfits.”

“This is impressive, Vehren.” Alma examined the fabric. “It’s so silky. Is it comfy, baby?”

“Yeah! All of Daddy’s dresses are comfy.”

“You look absolutely amazing!” Alma exclaimed. “I’m guessing the first round is princess themed?”

“Yep.” I answer. “Next is Beach, then a Spring theme, mermaids, and finally, the Royal Round.”

“This sounds like it’s going to be a fun time.” Dad said putting Eris down.

“Ladies and gentleman,” the female announcer started, “We’ll be starting our preliminary event in about ten minutes. Please make sure all contestants are ready to perform. Ten minutes left until the show begins. Thank you.”

“Eris is number nine.” Moeko tells me.

“Perfect.” I see Coach Prue come into the auditorium with a box of props in her hands.


The first little girl to hit the stage was none other than Havannah Abraham, Zugar Belladonna/Tsioni’s daughter. She went up there as Princess Tiana from the movie ‘The Princess and the Frog’, complete with a green dress and her puffy hair in a bun behind a tiara. Her props included a painted swamp backdrop with cardboard trees and tall grass. She had a stuffed frog for her prince, even kissing the plushie. The judges and crowd loved her, even I found her absolutely adorable.

After Havannah’s turn, while Prue leads her off the stage, I went up to Zugar in the front, stood by her to ask, “Where did you get the dress.”

Zugar Belladonna had her arms folded and a wad of gum in her mouth. Her hair was wildly curly down her back, blazing red with a bang. She looks me up and down before answering. “I had it custom made.”

“She looks great. Loving the flower top.”

Her jaw smacks. “This is only the beginning. Wait until you see her royalty outfit.”

“I can’t wait.”

“I saw your little girl in her Jasmine fit. She’s adorable.”

“Thank you. I made the fit myself.”

Zugar faces her body to me. “You make outfits?”

“Yeah.” I lean in. “Most of my dancing fits are made by me. I enjoy making costumes.”

Zugar tilts her head. “I’m sure you would’ve been cheaper than the bozo I paid for.” She snaps her finger. “More respectable too.”

“I’ve never done a commission, but I’m willing to open my doors.”

“Can you make me a new dancing outfit?”

I smile. “Of course.”

“I want it hot and hot pink.” She smacks her lips. “Imma trust you cause you do be looking good.”

“I do my best, thanks.”

“Gimme your number, Mars. Or… uh…” She corrects herself, “Varon.” There’s an uncertainty in her face.

“Vehren.” I correct her.

“My bad. People pronounce my name wrong all the time. It’s Tsioni.” She pulls out her iPhone from her back jean pocket and unlocks the screen. “What’s your number?” I tell her. “Nine-four-seven? Where you live?”

“Rochester Hills. It’s the Oakland County area code.”

“Boy, I’m three-one-three, from Detroit, baby!” She chuckles loudly. I pull out my phone upon feeling it buzz. “Imma text you, okay? Make me something pretty.”

“I gotcha.” I save her number. The next contestant is a little boy, he’s dressed as Prince Charming and the crowd loves him.

“I gotta meet Prue in the dressing room.” Tsioni faces the crowd, turning back quickly to ask. “Why don’t you come back there too?”

“I’ll be back there when we have to change Eris.”

“Alright. See ya, boo.” Tsioni sways down the aisle and leaves the auditorium. I go back to my spot next to Moeko and Eris. They sat in front of my dad and stepmother. I plop down, eyes on the stage. The little boy finishes his routine and the crowd claps for him.

“This isn’t that bad.” Moeko said in my ear once the crowd calmed down.

“No, it isn’t. I smirk. Some time passes for set change and the toddlers to get on stage. Looking at Eris, I could tell she was getting a little nervous, just because she wasn’t talking or moving around as much. I reach pass Moeko to touch her hand. “You okay, Eris?” She nods her head but doesn’t say anything.

“It’s a good thing she’ll be dancing. She won’t have to speak or even look at the crowd.” Moeko sighs.

I stand up to go on the other side of Eris, plopping next to her. “You’re going to do amazing just as you are. Remember how much fun you had practicing?” Eris nods her head. “You’re just doing that again but on stage. Don’t worry about the crowd, worry about having fun.”

Eris makes a little smirk. “Okay.”

Another toddler goes up on stage, a girl dressed as Cinderella. Her blue matched Eris’ outfit, down to the hex code. It was puffed at the bottom, and the girl was in pumps too high for her. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure she’s wearing false teeth too. The announcer said she was four years old, just like Eris. However, this girl had a fake caked on with makeup and her hair too tightly wrapped on her head. She looked like the example of what my father is so afraid of. I happen to turn around when that little girl came on stage, and of course Dad is staring right at me like it was my daughter.

Once it was Eris’ turn, Moeko and I hurried her to the stage. Prue had set up the props, such as a rug and a quilt hanging over a purple backdrop. A stuffed monkey and genie lamp are center stage where Eris is suppose to stand. “And now, we have Eris V.! She’s four years old, her favorite food is waffles, she loves to dress up, and enjoys dancing! Give it up for Eris!” The announcer finishes and the crowd cheers for her. Prue and Moeko guide her on the stage, and she walks to the intro of Aladdin.

Once she reaches the center stage, the tempo increases speed. She dances to the sporadic beats, moving her hips and swaying her arms. Eris is jumping around, really feeling the music. It’s as if the crowd isn’t there to her. I smile, grinning ear to ear. She’s in her element, one I understand all too well.

By the end of her five minute routine, she poses for the judges and waits for the music to stop. The crowd cheers for her, and I’m probably the loudest. “What a precious Princess Jasmine. Give it up for Eris, everyone!” She skips off the stage and runs straight to me.

“I did it!” Eris jumps as she hugs me.

“That’s round one, baby. Let’s get you ready for the second round.”



I could tell Eris was getting tired by the time the fifth and final round rolled around. Out of her mermaid sequins, Moeko cleaned her scaley face clear of any makeup and hurried to get her red lipstick on. I prepared her dress, the one that took me the longest to ensemble. A shimmering gold embroidered-lace flatters the sleeved bodice and flows from the waist to the hem of a court train. There’s a gold ribbon sash with a bow on the back of the dress. She wears sleeves, white and gold slippers, and tops her beehive with a matching tiara.

Her royal look is suppose to emulate the Princess Diana Era. I got the idea from a strapless, ball gown she wore. The red lipstick and pearls around her neck does just the trick. Once Moeko was finished with her makeup, I helped her slide the dress over her.

I fluffed out the gown by her sides and tightened the bow. “How do you feel?”

“Tired.” Eris lowers her chin.

“You’re almost done.” I pick her chin up. “You look amazing. No matter what the judges decide, you owned that stage. I’m proud of you, baby.” I gently kiss her forehead.

“Thank you.”

“Make me a promise?”


“Be proud of yourself.”

She smiles. “I am.”

“Good.” I look at Moeko, who smiles at me.

“Wow,” Tsioni comes over, getting a glimpse of Eris. “Look at this princess.”

Eris bows. “Hi.”

“Hello.” Tsioni gestures for her daughter to come over. “Doesn’t Eris look pretty, Nah-Nah?”

Havannah nods her head fast. She wore a velvet bodice, an empire waist dress with a bow and rhinestone accent. “You look pretty.”

“Thank you. So do you.”

“Thank you for recommending this place.” Moeko smiles. “I think she had a lot of fun.”

“I did!” Eris jumps.


“We better get out there.” Tsioni held Havannah’s hand. “Let’s go, Nah-Nah.”

“See you after the show.” Havannah waves to Eris.

“Okay.” Eris waves back and the two leave the dressing room. Children crying is the one thing I can’t handle. Listening to their whines reminded me why I left the dressing room in the first place.

“Are you ready, Eris?”

“Yes.” She grabs my hand and I leave into the long, busy hall. We go into the auditorium where we meet Prue. She takes Eris back stage to practice her last routine as Moeko and I went to our seats.

Havannah is on, strutting down the stage. She dances slowly, flaring her arms around and swirling in circles to violins. I exhaled deeply, feeling the exhaustion start. The violins weren’t helping. I swear, I shut my eyes for two seconds. When I opened them, they were announcing the ninth contestant.

I look around in confusion, landing on Moeko. “Did I fall asleep?”

“Yeah.” She answers. “You woke up just in time.”

I face the stage and take a deep breath. They do the announcements for Eris, and she’s right on stage. Her routine is to play a small piano. In the last six months, I’ve taught her how to play Frozen’s ‘Let it Go’ for this very moment. She only needed one song to really rank up points. And she can play well.

Eris came out on stage and we cheered for her as loud as we could. She sits at a small piano, and the crowd goes silent. One note at a time, she plays ‘Let It Go’ a bit slow at first. But, she picks up speed and finds the tempo around the chorus part. Not once does she look into the crowd, and I cannot blame her. She’s focused on the piano, entranced in the song. Three minutes went by fast. She finishes and the applause fills the spacious room.

Finally, the show was coming to a close. All the children stood on stage and the judges tallied up their scores. My eyes stayed on Eris as the judges announced third place, a boy. They announce a girl for second place. Special mentions were next, where they award three kids. Finally, the call the finalists of the preliminary.

“Havannah A.” Havannah steps up to be crowned by a judge. “Adrian B. And Eris V.” Eris’ jaw drops as she walks to the center. I stand to clap with everyone else.

My dad touches my shoulder from behind. “You did good with the dresses.” He continues to clap.

“Thanks. And thanks for coming.”

He nods. “Of course.”

Some kids cry from losing, but Eris is beaming with bright energy. She and Havannah jump around at the bottom of the stage with their crowns on their heads.

“You girls had fun?!” Alma exclaimed, giving Eris a deep hug. “You are such a pretty princess!”

“I am officially a princess!” Eris screams.

“You totally are.”

Tsioni comes over to grab Havannah’s hand. She tells me, “I’ll text you,” before leaving with the crowd. I wave bye to her and look down to Eris. “Are you ready to go home now?” I ask her.

Eris’ face falls somber, like I had just sprung the worse news to her. She comes up to me, reaching her arms out. I pick her up and she whispers in my ear, “I wanna go home with Mommy.”

I can’t lie and say I didn’t feel crushed when she said that. But I completely understood why. I look at Moeko with a slight smile. “She wants to go home with you.”

Moeko tilts her head. “Why, baby?”

“Because I miss you.” Her green eyes have a brown ring round them, they hit the ground then sprang back to me.

“Of course you can come home with me, baby girl.” Moeko touched her arm softly and kissed her cheek. “Let’s get you in some comfy clothes and go home.”

“Okay.” Eris kisses my cheek. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, E.” I kiss her back and stand her on the ground. She takes Moeko’s hand and they both face the exit.

Moeko stops before Alma and my dad, telling them, “It was nice seeing you.”

“Always a pleasure, Moeko.” Dad said, leaning down to Eris. “Bye, grandbaby.”

“Bye, granddad and grandma.” She waves to them.

Alma gives her a kiss on the cheek and they part ways. She comes to me with a warm smile on her face. “This was really lovely, Vehren. I was a little on the nose but she had so much fun being on stage.”

“She’s just like me after all.”

Dad makes a noticeable uncomfortable face. “I would hope she wouldn’t turn out like you.”

Alma gasps. “Vittar!”

“It’s okay.” I swallow. “She is her own star. She’ll have the confidence and the talents to do something else with her life.” I felt like I was biting my own tongue.

“I would hope so.” Dad popped his brow. “You know how I feel about you stripping. I do not wish it on you, Vehren.”

I bite my lower lips. “It’s not that terrible.”

“It’s not?” Dad huffs. “You’re selling your body. Selling sex for money and, I assume, attention.”

“I’m not having this discussion here!” I look around seeing kids still scattered around the emptying room. “I am my own person, so is Eris.”

“So, if she stripped, would you be okay with that?”

“She’s four!”

“She won’t be four forever, Vehren. I sure as hell had hopes for you at that age.”

I frown. “I’m not going to stand here and be insulted by you.” I stomp away.

“Vehren, please!” Alma calls.

“I’m not doing it!” I shout back, too leaving the auditorium. I could’ve went to the dressing room, but I felt ashamed. Instead I went to my car, finally able to smoke that cigarette I’ve been needing all day.


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