Mason’s Chance


A gay story: Mason’s Chance The snow was lightly falling as I pulled into parking lot of the Dogwood Diner. I pulled up the hood on my jacket over my light brown hair as I headed inside.

“Sit wherever you like sweetie.” The hostess said as I walked in the door. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Thanks.” I answered as I walked towards her. “Happy Thanksgiving.” I smiled as I walked by and found my normal seat in the back corner. I pulled my hood off of my head and brushed the snowflakes off of my clothes before settling into the two person booth.

“I was wondering when you’d be in.” The waitress, Ms. Peggy, said as she walked towards me. “Happy Thanksgiving Mason.”

“Thanks Ms. Peggy.” I answered. “You too.” She walked back into the kitchen before quickly returning with a glass of ice and a pitcher of sweet tea.

“You working again tonight?” She asked as she set them in front of me.

“You know it.” I answered; this would be the tenth year in a row that I would be working tonight. Every year for the past ten I have come to this diner for Thanksgiving dinner. Every year Ms. Peggy has waited on me. She knew my story better than most. A waiter was walking by our table and she grabbed a basket off of his tray and handed it to me.

“Thanks Ms. Peggy.” I smiled as I began to butter a piece of cornbread from the basket.

“We’re kinda busy tonight, so it’ll be a few minutes.” Ms. Peggy informed me before smiling and walking away.

“No rush.” I called after her. I enjoyed my cornbread while I thought longingly about my parents. There had been a terrible accident, my parents had been hit by a drunk driver, and both died instantly. I was only six years old at the time. My only living relative was my MeMaw, sadly she passed away four years later when I was ten years old. My MeMaw sold my parents house and left her house to me. The treatments the doctors used to extend my grandmother’s life were expensive, but there was a little bit of money that was left in a trust for me.

The years since had not been easy. The remaining eight years of my childhood I spent in an orphanage of sorts. I was very shy around the others and struggled to make friends. When I turned sixteen and was old enough to work, the orphanage let me work afternoons, weekends and holidays, I got a job at the local electronics store. That Thanksgiving was the first time I had come to this diner, that I had met Ms. Peggy. She has been dear to me since.

“I heard people are already lining up.” Ms. Peggy said as she walked by. “I wouldn’t freeze to death to try to save a few bucks.”

“What people will do for a good deal.” I answered as she headed into the kitchen.

“Here you go sweetie, just the white meat.” Ms. Peggy placed the Thanksgiving Special in front of me. The aroma of the turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, and fixin’s wafted into my nose.

“Mmm.” Escaped my lips as she headed off to another table. I was grateful that the orphanage fed me, but the food there was terrible. That was the main reason I went to the diner ten years ago. I missed my parents and MeMaw more than anything. My mom and grandma were both great cooks, I decided then that I would try to get a good meal on Thanksgiving to help me remember what it was like.

“On the house.” Ms. Peggy said as she placed a slice of chocolate pie in front of me.

“Thanks Ms. Peggy.” I was grinning at her; she knew it was my favorite. The silky chocolate pie was magnificent, and I practically licked the plate clean. I got up and paid. I found Ms. Peggy to give her a tip.

“Call me if you need anything sweetie.” She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

“Thanks. You too.” Ms. Peggy had always been so nice to me, I knew my story touched her and she always had a warm smile waiting for me. I made it back to my car; I still had a stop to make before heading off to work. The snow was starting to stick to the roads, so I needed to hurry. My little car wasn’t made for running on the slick roads. I pulled into the doughnut shop; I had called ahead with my order. I ran inside to collect eight boxes; each held 25 glazed droughts, fresh from the cooker.

Peggy was right, there was a line starting to wrap around the building, customers lined up waiting for the Black Friday sales. I had worked every Thanksgiving since I started. Every year the sales, crowds, and calamity that was Black Friday escalated. I grabbed one of the boxes of doughnuts and held it open as I walked by the line. It was quiet and orderly now, but that would probably change in a few hours.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes with coffee and hot chocolate.” I said to the gathered crowd before I unlocked the door and turned off the security alarm. I had been promoted to manager two years ago. I was a few minutes early and my help started trickling in. I had set up a table in front of the store for the drinks and doughnuts when Shelly walked in. She was an assistant manager and was always willing to help.

“Hey Shell, can you help me with something?” I asked as she walked up towards me.

“Sure boss.” She smirked at me, knowing that I did not like to be called boss.

“Please follow me to my car, I have too much to carry.” Shelly followed me to my car and I handed her the yellow bag that had hot chocolate mix and coffee. I grabbed the seven remaining boxes of doughnuts and we headed back inside. I found the two stainless steel drink warmers and set them up while Shelly made the hot beverages.

“You wanna hand out drinks or tickets?” I asked Shelly as she started another pot of coffee.

“Drinks.” She answered with a grin. “Remember last year when your clumsy ass spilled on the people lined up.”

“Don’t remind me.” I half groaned, half laughed at the memory. Shelly filled up a tray with a lip around the edge, half with coffee, half with hot chocolate. I held the door open for her before she made her way out. I checked to make sure everyone knew their assignments and what registers needed to be open.

“Mr. Muse.” I heard my name and turned around to see two police officers.

“Mason, please.” I said as I shook their hands. “Thanks for coming. Help yourself to drinks, and doughnuts.” I said as I pointed to the table. “It’ll be another thirty minutes before we open, hopefully your presence will prevent any chaos.” They smiled and stepped over to get coffee and doughnuts. It was true that cops liked doughnuts, but to be honest, not many people would decline a free doughnut. People got carried away by the “Door Buster” deals and last year got out of hand. In order to keep the sale going, the store was required to hire two police officers for the night, and pay them overtime, to keep the peace.

This year I would be handing out tickets for the limited “Door Buster” items based on who was in line first. Hopefully it would cut down on the mad dash through the store. I had already made the tickets and a flipped through the paper stubs before heading outside. Shelly was on her way back in to get more drinks, the line had doubled since last I saw it.

“We have plenty of sales tonight, but for the limited items I will be passing out tickets. Each person can claim one ticket, the people in the front get first choice.” I announced in my loudest voice, hoping the people in the back of the line could hear me. I knew that the big screen TVs would be claimed first, but there were good deals on video game systems, video games, stereos, blu-ray players, microwaves, toaster ovens, car stereos, satellite radios, computers, tablets, and headphones among others. I walked down the line and people happily picked through, hoping their desired item was still available. A few people got out of line, disappointed that they had lined up for no reason, but most were fairly happy. I was towards the end of the line when a man was happy to hear that I still had ticket for a Nintendo 3DS with game.

“Thanks so much.” His hazel eyes smiled warmly at me as I handed him the voucher. He looked a little old to be playing video games, but I had a 3DS too, so couldn’t judge him. Shell walked up behind me and the man took a cup of steaming coffee and settled back in line.

“Thanks Shell, I’m heading in. If you get too cold, send Danny out.” She nodded and I headed back inside. I knew she would tough it out for the next fifteen minutes until the store opened. I made a final sweep, making sure everyone was where they needed to be. When I walked to the TV section I noticed that Ben was playing with the Xbox One demo.

“Ben, I don’t care If you play with the demos, you need to be able to tell customers about them, not just the Xbox, but the new Playstation and Wii U. My problem is that all of the TVs on the showroom are off.”

“Shit.” Ben mumbled as he ran to turn on the TVs. “Sorry Mase I forgot.” I waved him off as I headed back to the front of the store. I only had two cashiers working, which I knew would be a problem, but Shell and I could open registers if need be. The two police officers were chatting and enjoying the snacks.

“Do y’all need chairs?” I asked as they straightened up.

“No, thanks.” They answered.

“Well, I’m going to let in the masses.” I smiled and they nodded. Shelly was standing in the front of the line smiling as I unlocked the remaining doors.

“Let the sales begin.” I proclaimed as I headed outside to stand by Shelly. The crowd started filing in, most of the drama was gone, everyone knew what their “door buster” was, and no one was sprinting wildly around the store. The man who I had handed the 3DS ticket earlier smiled as he calmly headed into the store. The associates were spread out around the store and would exchange the tickets for the actual item. Shelly and I headed back inside to monitor the bustling store. Black Friday was one of our busiest days of the year. One of the police officers stationed himself near the entrance, while the other roamed around the store. Their presence seemed to bring a sense of calm to the entire store. I headed into the office and looked over the monitors, all seemed calm and I smiled at making it through the initial rush.

A few minutes later I glanced at the monitors to see a disturbance. It was a man talking and a woman was wildly flailing her arms. They were in the vacuum section, of all places. The expensive British cyclone vacuums were on sale, $100 off, but we had plenty of them. There had only been ten out on the floor, but at least thirty more were in the back. I made my way over to the argument.

“Is there a problem?” I asked and the man settled his hazel eyes on me, he was calm and I recognized him as the man who was happy to get the 3DS ticket.

“He took it, it’s the last one and I want it.” The woman was flailing her arms her voice was shrill.

“Well it looks like it’s in his cart ma’am. I have plenty more in the back; if you wait here I’ll go-.” She cut me off before I could finish.

“I shouldn’t have to wait, it’s mine I saw it first.” I heard the man sigh as he removed the vacuum from his cart and placed it in hers.

“I don’t mind waiting.” He said as he smiled warmly at me. His white teeth glistened. He had a perfectly trimmed brown goatee framing his mouth.

“Thanks.” The woman almost sneered as she pushed her cart away from us.

“Thank you.” I started. “For that.”

“No problem.” He answered.

“I’ll be right back.” I said before I headed in the back, I filled up a dolly with ten vacuums and pulled them back out to the section.

“Here you go.” I said handing him one off of the dolly. “I’m going to give you a 5% off coupon, for being so patient.”

“That’s nice of you, but it’s not necessary.” He said placing the vacuum in the cart. “Here let me help you.” He volunteered taking vacuums off of the dolly and placing them in the display.

“It’s my job, but thanks for the offer.” I answered as he took the last vacuum and placed it down. He gave me another smile and my heart fluttered at the thought. He was gorgeous. He was about four inches taller than I was and stood 6’1″ tall. His brown hair was short, he had kind hazel eyes. His smile was warm and engaging.

“Follow me.” I said as I waved him on. “I was about to open a register.” He followed me and I handed the dolly off to Danny as he walked by. I turned the light on my register as the man pulled up.

“You can leave everything in the cart.” I said, not wanting to lug the vacuum box around again. I pulled out the portable scanner and walked over to his cart. I got a scent of the man and had to stifle a moan. He smelled like soap and laundry detergent. I got a hint of his natural smell; it was a little musky and filled with pheromones that tickled at my nose. I shook it from my mind and I started scanning the items in his cart. In addition to the vacuum, he had the 3DS bundle with a Pokemon game, Spongebob Squarepants headphones, some Disney/Pixar Blu-rays, and a Nexus 7 tablet.

I walked back to the register and the man was grinning at me. “The vacuum and the tablet are for me, the rest is for my son.” His face lit up when he mentioned his son and I smiled back at him. He handed me his credit card and I noticed the wedding band on his left hand and tried to shake off the disappointment. I glanced at the name on the card reading Thomas Taft.

“May I have your zip code Mr. Taft?” I asked at the prompt from the register. He shared the five digit number and I grinned at him.

“That’s mine too. Please sign here.” I pointed to the screen in front of him. When he clicked ‘Okay’ the receipt printed out and I handed it to him. “Thanks for shopping with us.”

“Thank you.” He replied. “You’ve been very helpful.” I enjoyed watching his firm backside in his jeans as he exited the store.

A couple hours had passed and it was around three in the morning when I told the police officers they could head out. Things had calmed down and a steady stream of customers was drifting in and out of the store, on their way to and from other sales. A few hours later the new shift started clocking in. I was working one of the registers when I heard the day manager speaking.

“Alright Mason, go get some sleep.” I looked up at Toby and grinned.

“It was pretty calm, but we had a lot business.”

“That’s good.” Toby answered as I signed out of my register and headed to gather my things. Shelly headed out of the store with me.

“Thanks Shell, you were a load of help.”

“Anytime Mase, see ya later.” She waved and unlocked her car as I got into mine. It was about a twenty minute drive back to MeMaw’s house, my house. I pulled up to the two-story, white, Georgian style house. The yard wasn’t as kempt as it should be and paint was starting to chip in places, but it was home. I was thankful that I had this little refuge, this reminder of my parents, of my grandmother. It was chilly inside, but much warmer than outside. Heating oil was expensive, so I made do with the woodstove. I opened it and stoked the few embers inside before filling It with wood and adjusting the vents. The logs would catch shortly and the den would be warm and cozy. I went to my bedroom, the same that I used to sleep in when I lived here when I was younger, pulled the comforter off of my bed and dragged it downstairs with me. I curled up on the couch and let the heat envelope my lean frame.


The midday sun was shining in my eyes, causing me to wake up. I made a late breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast before I took a quick shower. I had several things I wanted to accomplish today, the most exciting of which would be getting a Christmas tree. I bundled up and headed out. The roads had been plowed and there were snow banks on the sides of the roads.

I made my way to one of the discount shops and filled my cart with various toys. I had puzzles, paddle balls, Matchbox cars, paying cards, coloring books, and stuffed animals. I didn’t make much money, but I always did what I could to help kids who wouldn’t be getting any presents. I knew what it was like growing up without receiving a Christmas present. The orphanage gave us cookies and cakes on Christmas morning, but more times than not, there were no toys, or there would be one toy for ten of us to share. I know it wasn’t much, but knowing that a handful of kids would be getting something, warmed my heart.

The local YMCA hosted the toy drive every year and I parked and grabbed my bags before heading in. In front of me there was a father and a son waiting in line. The son was grasping a blue furry monster, Sulley, from the Monsters Inc. movies. When it was his turn his dad beckoned him forward.

“I want Sulley.” The boy whined.

“James, we bought two of them, your Sulley is in the car remember? This one we’re giving to another boy or girl.” I couldn’t help but gulp when I heard the man’s voice. It was Thomas from the store this morning.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” The boy’s tone changed and he placed the stuffed monster onto the table in front of him.

“Thank you sweet heart.” The lady behind the table said.

“You’re welcome.” James answered grinning. James was his father in miniaturized form. He was cute as a button. They turned to head out of the door, but Thomas paused when he saw me.

“Quite a haul you have there.” He said smiling at me.

“I guess.” I answered, shrugging at him.

“Who’s that daddy?” James asked pointing at me.

“Well James, this is.” He hesitated, not knowing my name. I squatted down in front of James and held out my hand.

“Hello James, I’m Mason.” I said smiling as he took my hand to shake it. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too Mr. Son.” James repeated, trying to say my name.

“May-son.” His dad enunciated. He held out his hand and I shook it. “I’m Tom.”

“Thanks so much sweetheart.” The lady told me as she started sorting through my bags.

“Thank you.” I responded as I followed Tom and his son out of the building.

“We’re going for hamburgers if you would like to join us.” Tom said.

“Yay! Hamburgers!” James cheered in excitement. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh at his exuberance.

“That’s kind of you, but I’ve already eaten. I have a few errands I need to run anyway.” I answered as I headed toward my car.

“Mason wait.” I felt Tom’s hand on my shoulder I shuddered from the contact.

“Yeah?” I asked as I slowly turned around to face Tom.

“How about dinner then?” Tom’s face softened and his eyes were warm and inviting. I knew I shouldn’t have been, but I was attracted to the married man.

“That’s not necessary.”

“I know.” Tom answered. “We’re having beef stew, homemade.” Tom added raising his eyebrows at me.

“I wouldn’t want to impose, make extra work for the misses.” Tom’s face darkened and the glint in his eyes faded.

“There is no misses.” He stated frankly.

“Momma is in Heaven with the angels.” Little James said proudly as he pointed and looked up at the sky.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I hung my head, I couldn’t look in Tom’s sad eyes any longer.

“It’s alright, that was nearly two years ago, we’re getting on. So will you join us?” The corner of his mouth turned up into a hopeful smile.

“Sure.” There was no way I could decline his invitation now. He pulled out his wallet and handed me a card.

“My number is on there, call me around six and I’ll give you directions.” His eyes were glistening again, full of hope and I nodded.

“Will do.” I answered before sliding the card safely into my pocket.

“See ya later Mason.” Tom called.

“Bye James.” I waved at James. “Bye Tom.” I almost whispered as I turned around.

“Bye Mr. Mason.” James called after me and I couldn’t help but grin. I knew that Tom was straight and that he probably just wanted a friend. I couldn’t shake those handsome hazel eyes from my head. He was such a turn on to me. He was probably older than I was, but not by much. He was taller, had facial hair. I could tell that he was in good shape by the way his sweater hugged his pectoral muscles. I moaned at the vision of Tom as I headed to a stand selling Christmas Trees.

I walked around the perimeter, starting at the end with the tallest trees. I always wanted a big tree, but I didn’t need one. I only had a small box of ornaments to decorate with anyway. I walked to the other end and picked out a smaller Frasier Fir tree. It was symmetrical and stood about four and half feet tall. The salesman helped me tie it to the roof of my car before I headed home.

I quickly placed the tree in the stand and set it up in front of one of the windows on the front side of the house. I pulled up the hood on my jacket before I climbed the thin wooden ladder into the attic. The attic was mostly empty, but I found the two boxes I was looking for and headed back downstairs. I plugged in the strands of white lights to make sure they worked before wrapping them around the tree. One of my favorite memories as a child was watching the colored bubble lights as they lit up the tree. I still had one of those original strands from years ago and carefully wound up in a slight spiral around the tree. The other box contained some ornaments, including ones that I had made in school, when I was very young. I pulled one out and stared at it, trying to remember happy times with my parents. I sighed and carefully placed the glitter covered ornament back in the box. I hung the others around the tree. MeMaw always had an angel for the top of her trees, but one of my favorite memories was when my dad lifted me up to the top of the tree so I could place a star.

I didn’t have the original star; it was lost before I moved back into my grandmother’s house at eighteen. I had bought one that I thought was close. I placed it on top of the tree, trying to contain my emotions. I stared at the star, as if it was guiding me somewhere. I hoped that my parents were proud of me. It was hard growing up alone, without much support. I managed to graduate high school with honors. I had planned on going to community college, but had never gotten around to doing so. I walked in the kitchen and found an instant packet of hot chocolate mix. I heated the water and added the mix. Channeling a younger version of myself, I sat cross-legged in front of the tree and watched the bubbles in the colored liquid while I slowly sipped my drink.


I took a steaming hot shower. I wasn’t sure why, but I wanted to look my best for Tom. I let the orange scented shampoo drip suds down my 5’9″ body. I lathered up my washcloth and let it leave a trail of bubbles over my lean, but firm frame. I couldn’t hide my excitement at the thought of Tom. My dick was almost six inches long and pointed proudly out in front of me, like the mast of a ship. I had only limited sexual encounters in my past, both were awkward and frantic. It was the same both times. There were two other guys my age in the orphanage. We were all seniors in high school. They both thought they were forcing me, but I secretly longed for it, craving the attention. They never reciprocated and I was left to my own devices. I enjoyed the second time more than the first. They used me, but I allowed it. They didn’t show me any affection or kiss me. The only thing they let my lips touch was their average sized pricks.

I thought about Tom, imaging a long and thick shaft entering me. I braced the shower wall with my right hand as I fantasized with my left, letting it stroke up and down my soapy shaft. I imagined what it would be like to kiss Tom, feeling his silky-soft red lips pressed against mine, enjoying my first kiss. I let my left hand trace up my smooth body and pinch one of my nipples, causing me to shiver from the feeling. I lightly groped my balls in my hand before squeezing my throbbing member. I felt my body tighten as I exploded, my pent up passion surging out of my slit like a space shuttle leaving the atmosphere. Barely coherent I mumbled “Tom.”

I was nervous as I stood in front of the mirror after I showered. I brushed the bangs of my light brown hair to the side. I saw my own brown eyes staring back at me. I knew this wasn’t a date, but the thought of seeing Thomas, Tom, again had my heart fluttering. I had never been on a date. I was shy and kept to myself. Agreeing to eat dinner with Tom and his son was a huge step for me. I shaved what little peach fuzz was on my face away before brushing my teeth and tongue.

In my bedroom I opened my underwear drawer. It was bright and colorful. The orphanage only gave us plain white briefs when our old ones were threadbare and worn. When I was able to start buying my own I bought the brightest, most colorful ones I could find. I picked out a pair of tight red and blue striped boxer briefs. I slid them on under a tight pair of blue jeans. If I had one feature that I thought looked good it was my butt. It was firm, but plump. I pulled on a striped thermal shirt before I donned my trusted red hoodie.

My watch told me that it was quarter of six. I talked myself in and out of going approximately nine times before I forced myself to walk to the car. I buckled up before pulling out my phone and Tom’s business card. I studied the card and learned that Tom was a certified electrician. I skimmed to find his cell phone number and tentatively dialed the number.

“Hey, is this Mason?” I grinned realizing he was anticipating my call.

“Yeah Tom, it’s Mason.” I answered trying to sound confident over the phone as I started the engine and turned on the headlights.

“I am happy you called, I half thought you wouldn’t.” Tom continued.

“I almost didn’t.” I admitted and heard him chuckle on the other end.

“Do you know where New Hope Methodist Church is?” He asked as I thought about the landmark.

“Yeah it’s like five minutes from my house.” I said as I went over the directions in my mind to get there.

“Great!” Tom said. “Well if you turn on Second Street, I’m all the way at the end, 4 houses from the church. Call me if you get lost.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of getting lost. “Will do, can I bring anything?” I asked.

“Just your appetite.” I don’t know how, but I could tell he was smiling through the phone. Somewhere in the depths of my mind I heard my mom. “Never go empty handed to a dinner party.” I had never thought about it, but I know it was something I had heard my mom say. I made a quick pit stop at the diner and Ms. Peggy sold me a chocolate pie with whipped cream topping.

“What’s the occasion sweetie?” Peggy asked smiling at me as she took the pie out of a cooler.

“I was invited to a, uh, friend’s house for dinner.” I could feel heat rushing up the sides of my neck as she studied me.

“Good for you Mason. Have fun.” She smiled her warm smile at me and waved me on my way. My heart started racing as I approached the steeple and turned left onto Thomas’ road. I pulled up to what I hoped was his house and parked by the ditch, not sure if I should park in the drive. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. I was halfway to the house when I realized that I had forgotten the pie. After collecting myself, and the pie, I stood in front of a red painted door with a brass knocker. I picked up the knocker and before I could let it sound the door opened. My hand released the knocker and it fell with a thud while Tom smiled at me.

“Come on in Mason.” He said taking the box from me. “You shouldn’t have.”

“My mom-.” I wasn’t sure how to finish that thought.

“Your mom made this?” He raised his eyebrows looking excited as he closed the door behind me.

“Um, no.” I was struggling for words but pushed on. “My mom used to say to never go somewhere empty handed. Or at least I think she did.” A sad look must have crossed my face as I followed him into the kitchen.

“You alright Mason?” The concern in Tom’s voice was genuine as he studied me.

“Yeah, sorry. My parents passed away when I was very young. I’m not sure my mom said that, it just came to mind when I was on my way.” I shook my head, trying to shake the sadness off of my face.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” Tom knew what it was like to lose someone close to you and empathized with me while he stirred a pot of stew on the stove.

“Hey Mr. Mason.” Little James said as he came darting through the kitchen. “What’s that daddy?” He asked as he looked at the box sitting on the counter.

“I don’t know, Mason brought it, ask him.” Tom smiled warmly at James and then at me.

“It’s chocolate pie.” I said with a grin as James started trying to climb a stool to reach it.

“After dinner buddy.” Tom told his son who huffed in defeat.

I was surprised that I was so at ease with Thomas and James. I really enjoyed sharing a meal with them. Tom listened and asked about my life growing up. I tried to sugar coat some of it, making it sound better than it was. I didn’t like people pitying me, but Tom seemed genuinely interested in hearing my story. He told me about his wife, and her struggle with leukemia. I tried to be as supportive to him as he had been with me. James was a trooper; he talked about his ‘momma’ with a big grin on his face. He was a good kid and listened to his dad.

“Chocolate time?” James asked giggling.

“Sure buddy.” Tom answered as he went to fetch the pie, plates, and utensils. James was giddy with excitement as he watched his dad slicing the pie. I noticed that Tom wasn’t wearing his wedding band when he placed a slice of pie on a plate. James was served first and quickly started digging in. Both Tom and I laughed at the sight, his face was covered in chocolate and whipped cream.

“This is great pie.” Tom said looking up at me.

“Yeah, it’s from the diner. It’s my favorite.” I answered smiling at him.

“You got more of it on you than in you.” Tom joked as he used his pointer finger to wipe some of the pie off of James cheek.

“It was yummy thanks Mr. Mason.” James exclaimed.

“No problem James, you don’t have to call me mister either.” I answered and he giggled and pointed to my face.

“Daddy he’s got it on his cheek too.” I used my napkin to wipe the side of my face which had James laughing harder. “Missed it.” Tom reached across the table and I watched as his finger wiped the cream off of my cheek. I felt the heat rush into my cheeks from the contact and I looked away from him as he wiped his finger on a napkin.

“Can I go watch TV?” James asked his dad.

“Sure buddy.” He answered smiling as James darted into the other room.

“Thanks for dinner, it was.” I paused a moment searching for the right word. “Wonderful.”

“Thanks for coming.” It’s nice to have an adult to talk to. I smiled and helped Tom clear the table.

“Well… I guess I’ll get out of your hair.” I said as I fidgeted with my hands.

“Oh, I was going to watch The Walking Dead after I put James to sleep. You can stay and watch if you want. I hesitated, trying to assess the situation. It seemed as if Tom wanted some company.

“What episode.” I asked, buying more time to consider his offer.

“I have last weeks on the DVR, I missed it.” Tom answered.

“It’s pretty good.” I answered grinning at him. “Yeah sure I’ll stick around a little longer. A smile spread across Tom’s face at my answer and we sat around the table and chatted. I found out that Tom was four years older than I was at 30. His dad was an electrician and he learned the ropes from him. Both of his parents had passed away, and James’ only relatives were his maternal grandmother and his mom’s sister. Tom was so handsome and charming. It was hard not to ogle him. I knew he was just looking for friendship, but I couldn’t help but get lost in his glistening hazel eyes. We chatted merrily until he went to put his son to bed.

“Goodnight Mason.” I heard from the other room.

“Goodnight James, sleep tight.” I waved and smiled when I saw him reach for his dad’s hand as they headed upstairs. I couldn’t help the single tear that fell down my cheek at the love between a father and son. I quickly wiped my face and went to sit in front of the TV waiting for Tom to return.

“Sorry I took so long.” Tom said as he walked into the room. “He likes you.”

“Me?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah you.” He said as he sat beside m on the couch and picked up the remote. “He asked if you could come over for supper again.”

“It was probably the pie.” I smiled which caused Tom to laugh.

“Definitely the pie.” We were both laughing now.

“Can I ask you something?” I nervously asked, not wanting to stir up old wounds.

“Sure.” Tom said turning his head to face me.

“Why did you take off your wedding band?”

“I decided that I need to move forward. Put myself out there.” Tom’s eyes locked onto mine before he shifted his attention to the television.

“Oh.” Was all I could manage to say.

“No spoilers.” He added before he started the episode.

“Not a word.” I replied as I settled into the comfortable couch. Tom was fast forwarding through one of the commercials when I noticed his arm was on the back of the couch, inches from my neck. I instantly felt a desire to sink into his larger frame. I sighed and leaned back, letting the back of my head lightly brush against his arm. He didn’t move it, but he glanced at me with a nervous smile. At the next series of commercials I stood up.

“Can you tell me where the restroom is?” I asked and received the directions. When I finished I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror, I ran my fingers through my hair before heading back to the couch. Tom had paused the show and waited for me. I sat a little closer to Tom this time, pushing the boundaries a little more than I probably should have. Tom resumed the show as I slid back into the couch. This time when Tom stretched his around on the back of the couch I was closer to him. I leaned back on his arm as I relaxed into the couch. If he noticed, he didn’t react. I rested my head on his arm for the remainder of the show. At one point I thought I felt his fingers ghost across my arm, but when I looked over at him he was engrossed in the show.

“Thanks Tom, that was fun.” I said as I stood up and walked towards the front door.

“It really was, I’m glad you came Mason.” I stopped to face him before heading out to my car.

“Me too-.” The words were barely out of my mouth when it happened. I felt the warm heat of his lips as they encircled mine. His goatee tickled my face lightly. My eyes fluttered shut and I couldn’t help the wanton moan that escaped my lips. He pulled away and I sighed, immediately missing the contact. I opened my eyes.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why not?” I asked. Wishing he hadn’t stopped.

“We just met.” He started, but this time I cut him off. I felt a fire burning inside me as I placed my lips to his, he pulled me tightly to him deepening the kiss. I felt as his tongue started probing against my lips, asking permission to enter. I gladly opened for the intruder, enjoying the feeling as his tongue played chase with my own. I was harder than I could ever remember being. I felt Tom’s hardness poking into stomach as we passionately explored each others’ mouths.

“You’re the first person I’ve been attracted to since…” Tom pulled away and his watery eyes locked onto my own. They were warm and hopeful. I smiled at him and nodded. “Can I see you again?” He asked. I’m not sure why he asked, after a kiss like that he wasn’t going to get rid of me that easily.

“Of course.” I answered as he placed two or three quick kisses on my lips.

“Can’t wait.” He held the door open for me and I took a step across the threshold. “I’ll call you.”

“I’ll answer.” I smiled as I headed toward my car. I was on cloud nine. That kiss was better than anything I had imagined. I was happier than I had been in years. When I arrived home I stoked the fire and curled up with my comforter on the couch. My mind was alive with the possibilities and I just smiled, thinking of Tom, until I drifted off to sleep.


Saturday I went to work with a new spring in my step. It was around six in the evening when my phone rang. I saw it was Tom so I ducked into the office to answer it.

“Hey Tom.” I spoke into the phone.

“Hey there Mason, I was wondering if you were free tonight?”

“I’m at work, I’ll probably be here until around eleven.” I answered.

“Oh.” I heard the disappointment in his voice, which made me smile. “What about tomorrow night?”

“Sorry Tom, I’m working 4:00 — 11:00 again.”

“Oh, well can you hang out before work?” I was glad that he wanted to spend time with me and eagerly agreed.

“Sure can.”

“Well I’ll let you get back to work, I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye Mason.”

“Bye Tom.” I know I was grinning when I headed out of the office.


Sunday morning came and I was filled with nervous energy. I was up and ready early waiting to hear from Tom. It was almost eleven when my phone started ringing.

“How do you feel about tagging along and helping James and me pick out a Christmas tree?” Tom spoke into the phone.

“I’d love to.” I answered. Tom was going to pick me up so I gave him directions to my house. Within a few minutes a saw his pickup truck before he pulled into the drive. I met him outside as he opened the passenger door for me.

“Hey Mason.” Tom said as he brushed my arm before I climbed into the front seat of his four door truck.

“High-five Mason.” I heard James from the back seat, he was buckled in a holding his hand up waiting to slap hands. I grinned at him and gave him a five before I buckled my own seatbelt. Tom grinned at me as we headed to find a Christmas tree. Tom pulled into a larger tree stand than where I had been. There were inflatable reindeer and Santa Clause figures. James was giddy as he ran around, enjoying the Christmas decorations. I felt Tom grasp my left hand and looked at him in disbelief.

“Too much?” He asked nervously. I was speechless but enjoyed it. I shook my head and laced our fingers together as we walked down the rows of trees.

“Daddy, daddy.” I heard as James came running towards us. I expected Tom to drop my hand but he held firm.

“What is it buddy?” He asked.

“I found the tree.” James grabbed his dad’s other hand and dragged us off towards the tallest tree on the lot.

“That’s too big buddy, it won’t fit in our house.” Tom was smiling as he explained to his son about the trees.

“Okay, how about this one.” James answered, unfazed, pointing to the second tallest tree on the lot. I watched as Tom unhooked a tape measure from his jeans and measured the tree, humoring his son.

“Sorry buddy still too big.”

“Rats.” James said as he ran off again

“He’s a good kid.” I told Tom who nodded knowingly at me. Tom guided me towards a section of trees he thought would be the right size.

“James, buddy come here.” James instantly flashed around the corner and stood next to us. “These four will fit nicely, why don’t you pick your favorite.” Tom pulled me back towards him as James carefully circled the cluster of trees. He walked around each one inspecting them for flaws.

“This one!” James declared.

“Good choice buddy, it’s perfect.” Tom answered. Tom stopped to take pictures of James in front of the inflatable characters before we loaded up the tree and left.

“Wanna help us put up the tree Mason?” Tom asked as we got on the road.

“Please?” I heard James add from the backseat.

“How could I say no to that.” I grinned at Tom and Mason as we headed to their house. Tom had large plastic containers waiting in the den when we walked in with the tree. Tom had the tree up quickly and we strung the lights. There was a lot more involved in the larger tree than my small one. Three times as many lights were strung around. The tree was glistening. James hung his favorite ornaments around the bottom of the tree where he could reach. Tom and I helped him reach higher branches.

“You ready to put the angel up buddy?” Tom asked his grinning son. Tom handed James an angel with golden blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Is this what momma looks like now?” James asked and my heart nearly broke.

“I think so buddy.” Tom told his son. I stepped back, trying not to cry as Tom picked up James and lifted him up to top the tree.

“You okay Mason?” James asked when his feet hit the ground.

“Yeah buddy, I’m okay.” I nodded and tried to smile. I was surprised when James wrapped his arms around my leg, giving me a hug. I bent down and hugged him back. Tom gave a solemn smile at the scene that had unfolded in front of him.

“You wanna take a nap buddy?” Tom asked his son who nodded. “I’ll be right back.” I nodded as they headed out of the room. I took a seat on the couch and stared at the beautiful tree. It wasn’t neatly decorated like mine, but it was charming the way that James had placed most of the ornaments near the bottom of the tree. Tom came down a few minutes later and sat close to me on the couch. There were no games this time as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I instantly melted into the embrace and let my head rest on his shoulder.

“You okay Mason?” Tom whispered in my ear. I nodded my head on his shoulder as he squeezed me tightly to him. I felt him kiss the top of my head and I sat up to look at him. He placed his hand under my chin before I felt his lips on mine. Instantly I was lost in the sensuous moment. Our tongues tangled as we tasted each other.

“I really like you Mason.” Tom said as he looked down at me.

“I really like you too Tommy.” I felt the heat in my cheeks as the nickname stumbled out of my mouth. Tom peppered my face with kisses.

“I haven’t been called that since I was a kid.” He admitted. “It’s okay if you want to call me that.” I blushed deeper when I felt him nibbling on my neck, his facial hair was tickling and rubbing my face and I squirmed and moaned under his touches. He stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I took at and he pulled me to my feet. I followed him through the kitchen to a back corner on the first floor. He led me into a room that looked like an office. He closed the door behind me and I saw the futon on the other side of the room. I sat down beside him on the futon and we shared a slow and seductive kiss. I felt his hands tugging at my shirt and raised my arms so he could slide it over my head. The rough pads of his fingers sent an electric charge through my skin as he rubbed my smooth chest and the subtle ridges on my abdomen.

“Beautiful.” He sighed as he examined my body, his eyes were filled with desire. I tugged his shirt tails out of his jeans and he helped me slide the shirt over his head. I couldn’t help the wanton moan that escaped my lips before he reclaimed my mouth. His body was exquisite. I rubbed my fingers along his strong biceps before letting them glide on to his defined pectorals muscles. His body was strong and hairy. His soft pelt tickled my finger tips as I explored his exposed chest. Without warning Tom pushed me down onto my back. His mouth remained engaged with mine and I relished his weight on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his strong back and pulled him closer to me, enjoying the feel of his strong chest against mine.

Tom broke the kiss long enough to look longingly into my eyes before he began nibbling down my neck. His lips and tongue worked their way down my chest. He paused and lightly nibbled on my tiny nipples, causing me to squirm. He began to unbutton my pants but paused and looked at me, as if asking permission. I nodded frantically, urging him to continue. Tom broke into a large toothy grin as he unbuttoned my pants. He slid my jeans down revealing my tight green briefs with yellow elastic. He grinned at me before he began licking my hard member through the cotton fabric of my underwear.

“Tommy.” I said as he pulled my waistband down. My rigid cock sprang free exposing a delicate string of pre-come dangling from the head of my cock. I moaned loudly when I felt his warm tongue lick the mushroom head of my dick. Tom’s mouth was heaven as he swallowed my throbbing organ. His tongue was sending shivers down my spine as it glided up and down my straining erection. It was too good; I tried to prolong the pleasure as long as I could. He rubbed his deft fingers up and down my chest while he increased the suction on my dick.

“Oh Tommy, I can’t hold back.” Tom’s speed increased and I felt his warm hands rubbing my balls in my tight pouch. “Tommy!” I shouted through clenched teeth as I reached the point of no return. I felt my sac tighten before a volcano erupted; spewing molten lava into Tom’s sucking mouth. I felt him swallow several times as I panted, coming down from the intense high. Tom gently suckled my softening dick before he was on top of me again. His tongue was back in my mouth and I could taste remnants of my seed in his mouth.

“So good.” I sighed as I tried to roll Tom over onto his back. I was still too weak, and he was too strong, but he pulled me on top of him while we shared a passionate kiss.

“My turn.” I smiled impishly at him as I began to lick down his neck. I let my tongue lick his chest, enjoying the feeling of his soft hair on my tongue. Tom tasted clean and slightly salty. I felt him squirm when I nibbled on his hard nipples with my teeth. I let my hands rub up and down his sides as I moved downward, closer to my goal. I reached for the button on Tom’s jeans, pausing to look at him before continuing. He shook his head eagerly and I smiled as I unzipped his jeans. He lifted his hips and I slid off his jeans and his light blue boxer shorts.

“Wow.” I murmured under my breath when I got a glimpse of what Tom was working with. I heard him chuckle as I gently grasped his nearly nine inch erection. It was throbbing and thick as I slowly stroked my fist up and down his shaft. He was massive, almost twice the size of any I had felt. A clear drop of dew formed at his blood-filled head and I used my tongue to lap it up.

“That’s it Mason.” Tom encouraged me as I wrapped my lips around his shaft. I only managed to get about half of his member into my mouth, but I savored the feeling and the taste of it. I used my right hand to slide the saliva down his shaft, pleasuring places I couldn’t reach with my mouth.

“There you go babe, just like that.” I let out an involuntarily whimper when he called me babe and focused to make this as pleasurable for him as possible. I twirled my tongue around his plump head and was rewarded with another drop of his delicious nectar. I tightened my grip with my hand as I sucked harder and faster around his lead pipe. I was drooling around his cock, enjoying every second of it. I used my other palm to rub his weighty sac as I worked for my prize.

“Babe, I’m close.” Tom panted as I increased my rhythm and starting humming with pleasure at the thought of swallowing his load.

“Mason!” Tom groaned and I felt the first blast hit the roof of my mouth. I shifted my mouth so it pooled on my tongue, savoring every drop of Tom’s essence before swallowing it eagerly. I lost count of his blasts and I milked every drop of his precious seed from him. He softened and I let him slip out of my mouth. I licked all around his shaft, searching for any stray remnant before climbing on top of him for a steamy kiss. Our dicks were resting happily on top of each other and I started to get hard again.

“I’d like to keep going Mason, but I need to get you home in time for work.” I looked at the clock and sighed when I rolled over. I had to be at work in an hour and reluctantly stood up and pulled my clothes on. Tom joined me.

“Thanks for that Mason.” Tom said before he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

“Thanks.” I mumbled into his chest, feeling my neck flush with heat.

“I’m going to go wake up James, we can leave in a second. I nodded as he headed upstairs to wake up his son. James’ hair was stuck up and his eyes were glazed as he made his way downstairs. He was holding his blue stuffed monster as we headed outside. Tom buckled James in the backseat as I hopped in the front seat. Tom started the truck and put it in gear before we headed towards my house. His right hand reached across and grasped mine. He quickly flashed me a smile when I laced our fingers together.

“Wanna quick tour of my house before I head to work?” I asked as we pulled in the driveway.

“Okay Mason.” I heard James say from the back and turned around to smile at him. Tom squeezed my hand before we got out of the car.

“You have a beautiful home.” Tom observed as we walked to my front door.

“Thanks, it was my grandmother’s. It needs some work done, but it’s home.” I answered as we headed inside. James ran to my little Christmas tree.

“Can I plug it in?” He asked eagerly and I walked over and plugged it in for him. “What are these?” He excitedly asked, looking at the glass tubes filled with colored liquid.

“Bubble lights, when they heat up little bubbles appear in the tubes.” I answered.

“Cool!” James said as he camped out around the tree, waiting to see the bubbles.

“Well do you want the tour?” I asked Tom who was watching James.

“James buddy, Mason is going to show me around. Stay right here, we’ll be back in a second.”

“Okay daddy.” James answered, his eyes never leaving the tree. Tom followed me upstairs where I quickly showed him the master bedroom and one of the guest rooms. When I entered my room Tom looked around. He picked up the only picture in the room, me as a child with my parents. He placed it down before looking thoughtfully looking at me. I opened my closest and pulled out a blue shirt for work and laid it on my bed. I pulled off the one I was wearing and let it hang on the back of a chair. Tom licked his lips as he approached me.

“Let me give you hand.” Tom wrapped his arms around me while he kissed me, leaving me breathless. He reached down and picked up my shirt and slid it over my head. I smiled at him before we headed downstairs.

“You okay buddy.” Tom asked his son when we reached the bottom of the steps.

“Mmhmm.” Was his response, he was still staring longingly at the tree. I showed Tom the kitchen and the dining room before we headed back to the den.

“Look daddy, it’s bubbling.” James was jumping up and down pointing as the tiny bubbles filled the colored glass tubes.

“That’s pretty cool isn’t it buddy.” Tom said as James nodded along. “Come on James, Mason has to get to work.”

“Aw man.” James exclaimed as he walked to join his dad at the front door. I unplugged the tree and followed them out the door.

“Bye James.” I said as Tom scooped him up and strapped him in the back seat.

“Bye Mason.” James said as his dad closed the door. Tom walked over to my car and opened the driver’s door for me.

“I had a great day Mason.” Tom said as I got into the driver’s seat.

“Me too Tommy.” I answered and saw his grin before he leaned down and gave me a kiss. “I’ll call you.” He said before closing me in and jogging to get into his truck. Nothing could dampen the mood I was in and I wore a smile the rest of the day.


Tom and I worked different schedules, but we managed to talk on the phone almost every day since we met. I had never felt more comfortable with anyone than I did with Tom. Friday night James was staying with his grandmother and Tom wanted to take me out. I had ordered a present for James and brought it with me for Tom to give to his son.

“Hey Mason.” Tom greeted me with a sweet kiss on my lips as we headed to his truck. He held the door open for me before heading around to get into the driver’s seat. “What’s that?” He noticed the small wrapped present in my lap.

“Oh, I got James a present. I want you to give it to him when he gets home.”

“What is it?” Tom asked, curious to know the contents of the package.

“Guess, you’ll have to wait and see. I think he’ll like it though.” I answered grinning at Tom. Tom reached his right hand across and grabbed my left hand as we headed down the road. We had a delicious dinner at an Italian restaurant. Instead of going anywhere else Tom drove downtown and parked. We walked down Main Street and enjoyed all of the houses and storefronts that were decorated for the holidays. I still couldn’t believe how well we got along and how compatible we were. Tom was compassionate, and smart. He always made me laugh, but was serious when he should be. He was so handsome and took everything in stride. When people would murmur about us holding hands he would just pull me closer and smile, causing me to forget everyone around us.

A few minutes later when we were in the car I realized he was heading to my house. I squeezed his hand tighter, and when he glanced at me I shook my head.

“What’s up Mase?” Tom asked.

“I’m not ready to go home.” I answered.

“What do you wanna do babe?” Tom asked and I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks as I thought about what I wanted to do.

“Be alone with you.” I whispered as he glanced at me. He picked up our linked hands and kissed the back of mine.

“Me too Mason.” Tom flashed me a grin before his eyes returned to the road. He pulled into my driveway, but I was no longer worried about him leaving. The door was barely closed when he pinned me to the wall, leaving me breathless with a kiss that had my heart doing black flips. I broke away and saw the fire glowing behind Tom’s hazel eyes. I held out my hand and he latched on, following me up the stairs to my room.

“You have me alone Mason, what are you going to do with me?” Tom teased as he stared at me, setting me ablaze with desire. Emboldened by his words I jumped onto the handsome man. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

“This.” I moaned before sliding my tongue between his lips. His quickly was entwined with mine as he walked us towards the bed. I felt the mattress give slightly as my back hit the bed and Tom’s weight settled on top of me.

“You’re so sexy Mason.” Tom husked, leaning over me. The hungry look in his eyes had me moaning with anticipation. Tom was so hot I couldn’t take it any longer. I pulled off my shirt and pulled him on top of me, needing as much contact with the hunky man as possible. I felt his moist lips sucking on the base of my neck. His facial hair had me squirming from the erotic friction it caused. Tom pulled back and examined the mark he had left on my neck before he pulled his own shirt off. He was so masculine, so sexy I rubbed his firm pecs as he predatorily licked his lips. His mouth reclaimed mine preventing my moans from escaping.

“Tommy.” I couldn’t take it anymore, I was going to ignite from his touch and I needed more. Tom raised his eyebrows as he studied me. “I need you.”

“What do you need Mason?” I knew he was teasing me but I didn’t care. I needed him to make love to me.

“Tommy please.” My words were merely whimpers as I pleaded with desire. Tom let out a guttural noise, close to a growl as he stripped my pants and underwear off. I was naked on my bed, flushed with desire. My lover was staring at me with a look of awe, or was it love on his face. His tactile tongue twisted and twirled around my throbbing cock. “Oh Tommy.” I let my head fall back on the mattress as I squirmed in delight from his skillful tongue and mouth. His mouth was a haven, an oasis of pleasure as he sucked up and down my engorged erection. His tongue sent a tortuous pleasure through my system as he licked down my shaft, stopping briefly to lap at my balls, before heading to its intended destination. Tom lifted my legs in the air. I felt one of his strong hands massaging my ass cheeks.

“This is the sexiest ass I have ever seen.” Tom proclaimed before I felt him kissing my plump ass cheeks. I glowed hearing Tom’s praise.

“Holy shit!” I was startled at first when I felt his tongue licking at my pink puckered hole. I felt his warm tongue gently probing at the gates, slowly working them open. I was panting, short of breath from the new experience. I was thrashing on the bed and when his tongue slipped deeper in I felt my body tremble with delight.

“You like that babe?” Tom sounded like he was miles away. “Oh Tommy, so much.” I leaned forward placing a hand on the back of his head, urging him deeper. The hair from his neatly trimmed goatee started tickling around my hole, sending new levels of pleasure though my nervous system. My dick was dripping wet, a clear string dangled from my blood red head to my belly button. I couldn’t tell if my body was going to float away, erupt in flames, or dissolve into the bed. I reached over and retrieved a small bottle of lube from the nightstand drawer and handed it to Tom.

Tom stood up and removed the remainder of his clothes. His hardened nine inch dick pointed straight at me and I shivered in anticipation. Cool liquid dripped onto my hole, not cold enough to extinguish the inferno of desire that was ablaze inside me. I felt a strong, thick digit trace a deliriously slow circle around my puckered hole. “Tommy.” My voice was ragged as I tried to encourage Tom. His thick finger slowly pushed passed my guarded entrance. Steady moans tumbled out of my mouth as he worked deeper, knuckle by knuckle. The pad of his finger turned upwards, rubbing against a trigger inside me. My cock lurched and a heavy moan escaped my mouth. Tom seemed to relish his slow, deliberate, delicious torture. I winced, trying to hold in a hiss when he stretched me further. Slowly his two fingers worked inside me, preparing me for his impressive member.

“You’re so tight babe.” Tom husked before he worked a third finger. My insides burned as I tried to accommodate the intruder. He held still, allowing me time to adjust. The burning was quickly replaced with intense pleasure as I began rocking my hips against his finger.

“Tommy please. I need you so bad.” I was begging, but I didn’t care. Tom had turned me into a needy man, desperate, ready to be filled. I watched wide eyed as he squirted a healthy dollop of lube into his hand, slowly massaging it on to his enormous hard-on. My legs were suddenly stretched wide and I felt his heart-shaped head lightly brushing against my entrance. Tom leaned down and kissed me deeply before I felt his battering ram slowly, but steadily breaking through my defenses. I whimpered from the pain, but I was determined to have him inside me. I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer, urging him deeper inside me. My dick was rock hard as Tom continued his slow descent, filling me like no one else could.

“You okay?” Tom’s lips were by my ear whispering and I nodded. “So tight. So hot.” Tom moaned as he plunged deeper. His tongue wrapped around my earlobe before he lightly nibbled on it. “You have all of me babe.” Tom’s voice was gravel next to my ear. I felt his pubes brush against my trench and moaned from the thought. He stayed there unmoving, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

“Move.” My words were barely a gasp of air as I felt him slowly start a series of short thrusts. I had never felt anything like this. The pain was gone, and my body was a giant nerve, wrapped around Tom’s mammoth dick. His thrusts got longer, and deeper. His head brushed against my prostate and I lost conscious thought. All I could do was feel as his thick cock rocked inside me, touching every nerve.

“Faster.” I begged as Tom braced himself above me. His eyes were ablaze with desire as he started fucking me with a new purpose. He wasn’t holding back. He developed a rhythm that battered my sensitive bundle of nerves with every thrust. Whimpers and moans were pouring out of my mouth as I thrashed my head from side to side on the bed.

“So good. So tight.” I could barely process what Tom was saying as he worked his glorious piece of manhood inside my tight tunnel.

“Gonna. I’m gonna. Tommy!” I screamed his name as my nuts unleashed their seed. Thick ropes of iridescent white cream blasted out of my slit onto my chest as I gasped for air. My tight sheath constricted rhythmically around Tom’s thrusting dick.

“Oh shit babe.” Tom’s rhythm hitched as he frantically thrust inside me. With a final thrust I felt him fill me to the hilt.

“Mason!” Tom grunted and I felt his thick organ throb and pulse, sending a gloriously intense liquid coursing through me, searing my insides. Tom collapsed on top of me panting in my ear. I clung tightly to him, coming down from my highest of highs. “I love you Mason.” It was barely a whisper and I had to focus, making sure I wasn’t dreaming. As he pulled back to look at me his softening dick escaped my hole. I groaned, immediately feeling empty, missing Tom inside me. Tom just watched me as my breath finally started to even out.

“I love you too Tommy.” We hadn’t known each other very long, but I knew the words were true as I spoke them. Tom smiled broadly before peppering my neck, cheeks, forehead, and finally my lips with kisses. Tom’s warm seed was leaking out of my ass and I moved a finger to stop it from pooling on the sheets below me.

“Don’t Mase, let me.” Tom jumped out of bed and I watched as his buff naked body trotted out of the room and down the hall. He came back with a wet washcloth and gently cleaned up my sloppy hole. I pointed to his chest, when he collapsed onto me; my come had matted into the fur on his stomach. A laugh escaped his lips as he rubbed my release off of both of our stomachs. Tom climbed back in bed behind me and pulled the covers over our naked and exhausted bodies. His strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to his firm body. I had never felt more secure, more cherished. I fell asleep with the man I loved.

The sunrise outside my window brought me out of my slumber. I had a blissful smile on my face as I turned around to face Tom. I panicked when I realized I was alone in the bed. The dull pain in my ass and the lube on the nightstand told me that it hadn’t been a dream. I fumbled around trying to pull on my underwear before I headed down the hall to check the bathroom. It was empty. I clamored down the stairs before I heard it. Someone was in the kitchen. I took a deep breath, letting the panic leave my mind. When I walked into the kitchen I saw Tom’s handsome face smiling at me.

“Hey babe, I made breakfast. Want some?” Tom was completely dressed and grinning at me.

“Yes, please.” I grinned as he walked over to me and delivered a sweet kiss to my lips.

“Go get dressed and it’ll be ready when you get back.” I ran upstairs and quickly used the bathroom and washed my hands before pulling on some pajama pants and a t-shirt. When I got back downstairs Tom had set the table and there were two plates with toast and scrambled eggs.

“Looks delicious, thanks.” I said as I sat down across from Tom. We were grinning at each other while we ate.

“I’m gotta go pick up James, but I’ll call you later babe.” Tom said after we had finished eating.

“Don’t forget to give him his present.” I reminded as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. We shared a final kiss before he headed to pick up his son.


Christmas morning Tom insisted that I come over for breakfast. I was hesitant to intrude on the moment between Tom and his son. It was easy picking out a present for James. I got him a stuffed Buzz Lightyear, that I knew would go with one of the movie that I saw Tom pick up on Black Friday. I had seen the worn folder that Tom carried with him when he was at work. I found a brown leather folio so he could take notes and keep his records for work.

“Mason!” James practically shouted my name when I walked in the house. “I’ve gotta show you something.” Tom grinned at me as I placed the presents I was carrying down and followed James upstairs to his room. “Thanks for my light. It’s so cool.” I grinned as I saw the bubble light nightlight I had bought for him earlier glowing and bubbling from an outlet in his room.

“I’m glad you like it buddy. Wanna piggy-back ride downstairs?” James grinned and I squatted in front of him so he could climb on my back. He was giggling as he bounced when I headed downstairs. “I got you another present.” I told him as I set him on the ground when we got downstairs. I scooped up the presents and Tom stole a quick kiss as we headed to sit in front of the Christmas tree.

“Eww.” James squealed seeing the kiss. “Are you two boyfriend and boyfriend?” I tried to suppress the laugh that was threatening to leave my lips.

“Yup.” Tom said tousling his son’s hair as we settled in the den. I gave James his present and watched as he shredded the paper.

“It’s Buzz. Thanks Mason.” James said grinning as he hugged his new toy to his chest. “Can we watch my new movie dad?”

“Sure buddy, put it in.” Tom answered as James slid the Toy Story 3 disc into the player. He ran around pretending Buzz Lightyear was flying before he plopped into a chair to watch the movie.

“Thanks.” Tom said grinning and I felt his lips hit my cheek. “You’re really good with him.” I handed Tom his present and he grinned before opening.

“You know, I really needed one of these. Thanks babe.” He gave me another kiss on my lips.

“Cut it out you two.” James said exaggerating a groan. I couldn’t help but laugh. Tom handed a present to me and I sat up to open it.

“I love it.” I said giving Tom a kiss on his cheek. “I’ve wanted a Kindle for awhile, just haven’t gotten around to getting one.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Tom said, wrapping his arm around me before I nestled into his side.

***One year later***

It was the first white Christmas that I could remember since my childhood. My house was starting to look and feel like a home. The yard was neat and tidy. The peeling paint around the windows had been scraped off and a fresh coat glistened, reflecting the soft glow of the candles in the windows. Tom and James had moved in with me three months ago.

“Merry Christmas Tommy.” I said rolling over to face my handsome lover.

“Merry Christmas babe.” Tom said before I felt his soft lips brush across my own. Our quiet morning was disturbed when James came running into the room.

“Dad, Papa Mason, it’s Christmas.” James was bouncing on the bed between us, trying to rouse us up.

“Alright buddy, we’ll be down in a second.” Tom told James before I heard his feet pattering down the stairs.

“Somebody’s excited.” Tom said grinning at me as I rolled out of bed.

“Come on old man.” I laughed pulling Tom to his feet. We dressed quickly and joined James who was sitting patiently by the tall tree that was glistening and bubbling with lights and ornaments. We watched as James excitedly opened his presents, Tom and I opened the handful of gifts for each other. Our home was full of love and I was happier than I ever imagined I could be.

“Papa Mason, this one’s for you.” I sat up and looked at James who was holding an envelope in his hands. I looked at Tom who was trying his best to hide his expression. James brought me the envelope and I opened it and unfolded the letter from Tom.

‘Mason, I never thought I would be able to love again. You have changed my world and I am forever grateful. I can’t express how happy I am to have met you. I know you haven’t had the easiest of lives, but I am thankful that you are such a positive force in my life. You are so kind and caring. I cherish every second that I am around you. You make the world a better place. You’ve filled the void in my life. You are everything that I’ve been missing. I will love you always and forever. -Tom.’

Tears were streaming down my face when I lowered the letter to face Tom. He was down on one knee in front of my chair. His eyes were watery with unshed tears. Two gold rings were resting in Tom’s hands and my jaw dropped from the surprise.

“Mason, I love you so much. We’re a family you know. You, me, and James. Will you marry me?” I slid out of my chair and settled beside Tom on the floor. He grasped my hands in his. I absorbed the love flowing from him.

“Of course I’ll marry you.” Tom’s lips were instantly on mine, sealing our bond.

“Can’t you do that somewhere else?” James groaned. Tom took my left hand and gently slid the ring on my finger. I held my hand in front of me, staring at the ring that represented our unending love. I took the other ring and slid it on Tom’s ring finger.

“Thank you.” I sighed happily. “I love you more than anything. Merry Christmas Tommy.” Out lips met and we shared a sensuous kiss.

“Merry Christmas Mason.”

*The End*


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