Massage Swap

A gay story: Massage Swap Dani had arrived early at her clinic this morning, it was a hot summer Saturday and she was excited for her new venture. She had opened her beauty salon a couple of years ago and had built up a really good clientele base offering manicures, pedicures, facials and makeup sessions, she had also recently started offering massages.

After a year of evening classes at a local college she had finally had been awarded her diploma 6 weeks ago and had started her new venture a couple of weeks later. Her business plan was to offer a massage at the same time clients had one of her personalised facial packs, leaving them feeling good physically as well as looking great.

So far it was going well, a few of her regulars had tried it out already and been really impressed. It also made great money for her as she could charge for two treatments at the same time.

She looked at her schedule for the day & smiled at how busy she was. After enjoying the experience last weekend, one of her regulars, Mrs. Winters, had booked her twin sons in for a facial and massage package each this afternoon, as a treat for their graduations. She’d said she was really proud of them for studying so hard and wanted them to relax after the stress of waiting for their exam results.

They would be the first male clients that Dani had massaged and she was a little apprehensive about it, especially as she was only a few years older than the boys herself at 26, but felt sure it would all be fine.

She looked up as the door opened, it was Alex, her part-time receptionist, “Morning Alex!” she beamed, “How are you doing today?”

“Hey Dani,” he replied as he breezed in, “yeah really good thanks, I placed 3rd in my swimming competition yesterday so super pleased about that! How are you, do we have a busy day?”

“Oh well done! Yeah, definitely, super busy today. Really glad you’re in as I’m back to back all day. Are you ok to get everything ready for me please in therapy room 2?”

Alex had worked for Dani since she opened, in the early days he’d been a part-time receptionist whilst he studied for his A-levels, but he had gradually taken on more responsibility and recently had started as her apprentice. He loved the way the clients enjoyed their treatments and always left feeling great about themselves. He had decided he wanted a career in beauty himself.

He could already do some of the nail treatments after shadowing Dani and had completed a week-long taster course at the start of the summer which included a mixture of waxing, massage and other treatments. He would start structured learning again in the autumn, in the meantime he was just keen to get as much practical experience as he could.

Dani was delighted with Alex, he was a natural with her clients and had a real passion for beauty therapy. It was also great to have a man on board as she felt there was a huge untapped market for men in the town, and that many would feel more comfortable with a male therapist.

He came in and quickly scanned through Dani’s appointment schedule and then set to work preparing the oils and waxes and other materials she would need, as well as making them both a cup of coffee.

By lunchtime they both needed a break after a steady stream of ladies had been in and been plucked, waxed, manicured and threaded.

At 12:45 Mrs. Sykes came in, loaded with shopping bags and smiled at Alex, “Hi Alex dear, I’m here for my 1 o’clock with Dani, I’ve been looking forward to this all week! Mr. S is away and I’m treating myself!”

“Ah morning Mrs. Sykes!” smiled Alex, “lovely to see you, looks like you’ve been shopping! Take a seat and I’ll get you a drink whilst you wait.”

You wouldn’t have known it but Alex had panicked when she walked in though… she was one of their best customers, wealthy and a big spender with them… the issue was there wasn’t any booking for her today. Somehow they must have double booked.

He engaged in a bit of detective work, “what are you seeing Dani for today?” he asked as he brought over her usual cup of chamomile tea.

“Well I thought you’d know that dear,” she said, “I’m treating myself to a facial rejuvenation package followed by a manicure and a full make-up session. I’m going to the theatre this evening with my girlfriends and want to impress. I’m having my hair done next door at 3 so it’s all a bit tight really.”

“Oh yes of course,” Alex laughed, “lovely, what are you seeing at the theatre?”

“Its that new one,” she said, “some sort of comedy, I forget the name though.” she frowned in mock concentration as she picked up a magazine to read while she waited.

“I’m sure it’s good'” Alex replied, “I’ll just go and let Dani know you’re here.”

Alex quickly walked down the hallway to the first treatment room where luckily Dani was just stepping out. “Dani!” he said in a panicked whisper, “we have a problem, you’re double booked! Mrs Sykes is in and she has at least a couple of hours of stuff that she’s expecting! I’ve no idea how this happened I’m so sorry…” Poor Alex looked almost like he was going to cry.

“Oh no,” Breathed Dani putting her hand to her mouth. Both Mrs. Sykes and Mrs. Winters were key clients and very gossipy… She couldn’t afford to annoy either of them. “Give me 5 minutes,” she said to Alex, “I’m just finishing up in here, I’ll think of a plan, you’ll need to help me though!”

“Sure, sure – whatever you need.” answered Alex, desperate to make up for his booking error.

Alex went back to reception and looked up who was scheduled to be in at 1, it was blocked out for Mrs. Winters and had ‘Tom & Justin – massage / facial’ written against her name.

Tom & Justin Winters, those names were familiar to him… they were twin brothers who had been 3 years above him at school. They’d always been popular, good-looking and sporty. They’d also been a bit arrogant, they had bullied him a bit he remembered. It must be them, right? Too much of a coincidence otherwise? On the plus side, they probably wouldn’t recognise me now he thought, he’d changed a lot in the last 3-years, he’d toned-up with his swimming and lost all the boyish puppy fat he used to have.

He wondered what Dani’s plan would be as he heard the door to the first treatment room open and saw her walk out with her client. “Thanks so much Liz,” Dani said, “lovely to see you.”

Dani gave Mrs. Sykes a wave, “I’ll be with you in just a moment,” she said as she casually siddled up and stood next to Alex.

“Right. Here’s the plan, it’s the only option as far as I can see and you’ll have to help me… I’ll take Mrs. Sykes through now and get her started, I’ll have a 15 minute window almost straight away once I’ve applied her facial pack. I’ll leave her with this on and some music playing and come out to start the first massage, I’ll put a face pack on the first of the twins, Tom is it? I can put cucumber slices over his eyes and a special compresss mask on which means he wont be able to see who is massging him. When I need to go back and see Mrs. Sykes you’ll have to pretend you’re me and take over the massage.”

“What!” Alex almost shouted, “thats crazy! One, I have never done a a full massage before and two, what if he talks to me?”

“Look, you’re naturally good at this and they’re young, it’s probably their first massage, so they won’t notice anything different… I’ll say that in order to relax fully for the massage we need to be in silence. I’ll tell them that when I want them to turn over I’ll tap him twice on the shoulder. We even have similar size hands so they won’t notice… also… my perfume is in my bag, can you spray yourself before you come in so we smell alike?”

“You’re crazy!” Alex replied.

“It’ll work, I’m sure – and it will be good practice for you! I’ll come back 5 minutes before the end which gives you chance to run back out to reception and welcome his brother. We’ll do the same thing for him, I can find 15 minutes where Mrs. Sykes will just be waiting.”

“Oh god… OK it can work…,” said Alex, his heart beating fast now.

Dani could see his pulse beating in his neck, she knew this was a sign he was nervous.

“OK OK, it’s a plan, lets do it,” he said, palms sweating.

“Come through Mrs. Sykes, we’re all ready for you.” said Dani smiling, her arm gesturing towards the hallway, “you can leave your shopping behind the counter with Alex if you’d like.”

“Oh thank you dear,” said the older lady, Alex could hear them chatting as they walked away from him down the hallway to the first therapy room, closing the door behind them.

Alex checked the clock, 12:50, he started to plan his massage routine in his head and breath deeply to calm himself. A few minutes later the door opened and a young guy walked in from the street.

“Hi” the boy said nervously, “I have an appointment for a massage and a facial at 1, it’s in the name of Winters.” He looked a little sheepish as he checked out the salon, clearly this wasn’t the sort of place he was used to. It was also obvious he didn’t recognise Alex from their time together at school, that was a relief at least thought Alex.

“Hi Tom, yes we have you booked for 1,” said Alex, “Dani is your therapist, she’ll just be a few minutes, can I get you a drink while you wait?”

“No… uh… thank you,” he said, taking a seat.

Alex saw him take a deep breath as he sat down, clearly a little nervous. He looked good, thought Alex, hotter than he remembered, he’d also changed physically in the last 3 years. He studied the boy as he flicked through a magazine. He was tall, with shortish hair, freshly cut and styled to one side. He had fair skin with freckles and a gorgeous white smile, he looked lean, but strong, his polo shirt clinging to his muscular biceps.

After a few minutes, Dani came out and closed the treatment room door softly behind her. She walked straight through to the waiting area, “Hi, you must be Tom,” she smiled, “lovely to meet you, come through please.”

Alex saw Tom’s eyes widen and his jaw drop a little when he saw Dani, she was strikingly beautiful he knew and Tom was clearly more than a little attracted to her.

Dani sensed that Tom was a bit nervous, “is this your first massage?” She asked to a nod, “we’ll its nothing to be nervous about.” She explained how the treatment would work. “I’ll let you undress down to your underwear and then ask you to lie down and we’ll apply the facial, you’ll have a compress over your eyes which will feel lovely and cool and then we’ll start the massage. Is there any pain or discomfort I should know about? Or any questions you have?”

Tom replied that there wasn’t and Dani left him to undress.

When she came back in he was sitting on the side of the bed wearing just his loose fitting boxer shorts, his cheeks were flushed a little but his body was incredible. “Wow,” she said to herself under her breath. “Perfect thanks Tom, if you lie on your back please, I’ll cover you in a towel to keep you warm, and we’ll apply your facial.”

Tom obliged and lay down, he lay flat on his back with his hands cupping the front of his boxers. “If you place your hands by your side please,” Dani asked as she held the towel up ready to place over him. She couldn’t help but glance down and noticed the fly on his boxers had stretched slightly to open and reveal just a hint of his manhood. She saw him blush further as she carefully placed the warm fluffy towel over him.

Once this was on and with the spa music softly playing in the background she felt him begin to relax. She covered his face with the charcoal and avocado pack that she had made and gave him a small facial massage as she did so, finally covering his eyes with fresh cucumber slices and a cool compression mask. Once his eyes were covered she wiped her hands and quickly texted Alex… “come through now.”

Alex saw his phone flash and the message pop up, he sprayed on Dani’s perfume and hurried through to the treatment room, silently opened the door and stepped in. Alex and Dani stood side by side as Tom lay in front of them, covered in a towel and visibly relaxed as he waited for his massage to start.

“OK Tom I’ll start your massage now,” Dani said, “I prefer to work in silence to allow you to fully relax and me to concentrate, if you can turn on to your front now I’ll tap you gently on your shoulder twice when its time for you to turn back to your front.”

“OK that’s fine with me.” Tom replied and flashed a smile.

Alex stepped up and lifted the towel to allow Tom to turn, and marvelled at his lean muscled body as his did so. He placed the towel back over him, over his legs only, leaving his back exposed this time. He gave a quick thumbs-up to Dani who exited the door quietly slipping back to her other patient.

Alex had to breath deeply, he was alone now with one of the hottest guys he’d known, 3-years his senior, straight and wearing just his underwear. Even more crazy was the fact that the guy thought he was being massaged by Alex’s attractive female boss.

Alex stood by Tom’s head, leaning over as he started with his shoulders and back, first he covered him in warm scented oil, lightly rubbing all over his back just to loosen him up, then he bagan his massage. He deftly moved his thumbs down the length of his spine and circled back to his shoulders, squeezing and circling his knuckles. He could hear Tom moaning gently when he worked a tight muscle and knew he was enjoying it. Because Tom was so tall, as Alex stretched forward to reach for the lower back his groin was pressing onto the older boy’s head which was actually getting him aroused.

He stepped round to each side in turn now to work his arms, using both hands to target his biceps, triceps, down to his forearm and wrists. As he lifted his first wrist up he pulled it towards him for a stretch and allowed Tom’s fingers to press gently into his crotch, I may as well enjoy this, he thought & Tom won’t know. He finished each arm with a hand massage down to every single last finger. Then he re-covered his back with the towel, smoothed it over firmly and moved down to stand by his legs.

He moved the towel away and took a few seconds to appreciate his ass, it was incredible, pert, firm like an actual bubble butt. His underwear was loose, thin white cotton boxer shorts which had wedged themselves between his butt cheeks to show off his perfect curves.

Alex realised his own cock was throbbing as his oiled each leg in turn. Tom’s legs were muscled and lightly hairy. He was lying with his legs together and Alex needed more of a gap to massage properly so he gently lifted each leg, moving them apart, Tom understood what was needed and helped by moving them wider apart himself.

“Fuck,” breathed Alex softly to himself. As Tom had opened his legs up he could see his balls hanging down inside the left leg of his loose boxers. His heart was beating like a drum as he began the lower body massage, he started with his right foot, applying gentle pressure all over the sole before working his way up the ankle and calf to his upper thigh.

Alex was applying strong strokes from the back of the knee high up the thigh, his fingertips reaching inside Tom’s boxer shorts as he did so. He’d started with the right leg to give Tom a chance to move his balls, hanging down on the left, perhaps to tuck them under his body. But when Alex started on Tom’s left foot he could see they were still there… surely he must realise Alex thought?

He slowly worked his way up the older boys left leg, enjoying the feel of his strong muscled in his hands until he was finally working his inner thigh. Alex could choose to stop his massage stroke further down the leg or just carry on a little higher…. he decided on the latter.

His thumbs firmly pressed into Tom’s leg as they traced their way high up his hamstring and his thigh. They slipped easily under the loose material of his boxers and his fingers gently brushed past Tom’s balls. Almost imperceptibly Alex felt Tom react a little as he made contact, the second time though he had relaxed and Alex worked his thigh more, enjoying the sensation of contact with his testicles. They were big, smooth and hung down close to his leg meaning every massage stroke brought his fingers into contact. He wondered what Tom was thinking…

Alex checked the clock, half-past, he was on schedule but needed Tom to turn over… he tapped him gently on his shoulder, lifted the towel off to allow him to turn and stepped back to watch.

Tom was so rekaxed took a couple of seconds to respond, but then mumbled, “uh… ok” and hoisted himself up on his forearms, his muscles tensing and bulging as he did so, and spun himself over to lie on his back. He cupped his privates in his hands as he lay there waiting for the towel to cover him again. Alex was enjoying this too much though now, he reached forward to move Tom’s arms away from his groin to place them down by his side. He was enjoying this quiet authority he had over his former bully and wanted to see his bulge before he had to cover it with a towel once again.

Tom resisted Alex’s attempt to move his arms, but only briefly, as if he realised he had no choice. His boxers sprung up into a tent as his second hand was moved. His cock looked semi-erect and was pushing open his fly, which gave Alex a tantalising glimpse of his cock. He could see a little wet patch where the tip of his cock pressed against the fabric, precum leaking out and turning the cotton slightly transparent.

Alex quickly covered Tom with the towel, he pressed it down gently across his body and legs before taking a quick sip from his bottle of evian water and starting on the next stage of the massage. He was feeling confident now, he was in control and enjoying himself as he looked down at Tom, lying there relaxed and with his eyes covered.

He proceeded to massage both of his feet in turn, from the centre of his sole outwards. His feet were big, neatly trimmed toenails and soft skin… Next Alex folded his towel up to allow him access to massage his legs. He knew he should fold this up to just below his underwear, but he wanted to see more and he also knew that Tom wouldn’t know what the appropriate etiquette was, so he folded the towel all the way above his boxers this time, leaving his white tent and semi-erect cock exposed.

As Alex started work on the right leg he lifted it straight and rested it on his own shoulder as he worked his hands up his calf. This gave him a great view up Tom’s boxers and in through his fly, he could see more of his balls now, they looked big and were hanging down to his right side. Alex placed his leg back on the massage table and moved further up with his hands now to the thigh.

Again Alex was able to easily slide his fingers underneath the fabric of the boxer shorts. The only difference now though was that he could see the effect it was having on Tom’s cock, it grew from semi-erect to fully hard and increased rapidly in size. Pulsating each time Alex’s hands brushed past his balls, Alex teased him, going closer than he needed to for his massage whilst still continuing in an otherwise professional manner.

He gently placed his right leg down and moved on to the left, repeating the procedure until once again his hands were reaching in to his boxer shorts, the tips of his fingers lightly caressing the sensitive skin around his pubic bone. He could see the wet patch of precum had grown now and Tom’s erect cock was swaying around as he worked, tantalisingly close to slipping out of the fly of his boxers altogether.

Alex placed his second leg down on the table again and covered them with the towel. Squeezing all down the leg to take off any excess oil as he did so. Whilst his body was fully covered Alex saw Tom quickly move one hand up to his cock to adjust himself, clearly embarrassed at the idea that Dani would have noticed he was hard.

Alex now needed to move the towel off of Tom’s torso, but again instead of stopping at the waistband of his boxers, he went a little further and folded the towel down to just below the bottom of his underwear. It looked like Tom had adjusted his cock to sit flat against his body, he’d tucked it at an angle into the waistband of his boxers.

Alex carried on with the massage, now working on Tom’s top half, starting with his shoulders and moving on to his chest. As he innocently massaged over his nipples though he realised Tom was obviously very sensitive here, his nipples stood up and he could see Tom gritting his teeth and pursuing his lips involuntarily. Noticing this, Alex cheekily spent extra time here, gently ensuring his massage strokes brushed past each nipple in turn, he could see Tom’s cock throbbing and growing harder still.

It gradually pushed its way out of the loose waistband of his boxers to point directly up at his bellybutton, about 2 inches of cock visible above the fabric. His cock was so big and his boxer shorts were so light and loose that they did a really bad job of containing it.

Tom moved his hand to try and adjust his cock, “uh s-s-sorry about this” he stuttered.

Alex smiled to himself though as he caught Tom’s hand and set it back down by his side before he could adjust himself. He touched a finger to the boys lips to still him, “shhhh” he said quietly.

Tom lay there, face covered, cock poking out of his boxers as Alex carried on with the massage. He gently pressed on his ribs, working down and out, and then pulling back in from under the small of his back. Once he reached below the ribs to Tom’s belly he made gentle rubbing motions from side to side, gradually getting lower until his hand brushed against the tip of his penis.

Tom arched his hips up slightly at the sensation of Alex’s fingers brushing the tip of his cock. As Alex moved on his hands were sliding fully underneath his cock each time they went past. His precum was mixing in with the massge oil now as Alex’s hands slid across his toned belly.

Alex was horny himself now and, checking the clock quickly, figured he had 10 minutes before Dani would come back in.

He slipped his finger just inside the tip of Tom’s foreskin and gently explored using his precum as a lubricant. Tom’s back arched again at this and Alex quickly took the opportunity to slide his boxer shorts down fully and expose him.

Both boys shared a quick intake of breath, Tom from the shock of being fully exposed by (so he thought) this beautiful slightly older masseuse and Alex from the size of Tom’s thick cock. Seeing it fully exposed he guessed it was probably 9″ and thick like a can of redbull, his balls were huge, they hung down deliciously while his cock strained upwards, the head now pulling out from his foreskin.

“No… Dani… please…” Tom said quietly, but he didn’t resist.

Alex couldn’t help himself, he was so horny now – his head went down and took as much of Tom’s cock as he could fit into his mouth. He gagged at first but persisted, urgently gripping the shaft and rubbing it with his oiled right hand. It was so thick the tips of his fingers didn’t touch his thumb when he held it in his grip.

Tom moaned and went to reach his left hand up to take his mask off but Alex caught it just in time and set it back down by his side for the second time.

Alex was in charge now, he slid his tongue inside Tom’s foreskin sending a shudder through him as he explored the sensitive head of his cock, the taste of his precum salty in Alex’s mouth. His left hand was teasing his nipples, he knew how sensitive they were for the older boy and he could tell this was driving him crazy, Tom was now so horny he was thrusting his swollen cock into Alex’s mouth with gentle but powerful motions from his hips.

Alex pulled his head back to admire Tom’s cock as he continued to wank him with his right hand and tease his nipples with his left.

Tom tensed his abs and pubic muscles for a second, holding himself still, not breathing, the next second a massive jet of cum shot out like a volcano erupting. It covered Alex, it went in his hair and his mouth, all over his face.

“Nnnnnnggghhhh fuuuuuuuckkkk,” moaned Tom as he shot ropes of cum across his chest. Alex moved his head out of the firing line but was admiring the volume and velocity of his cum.

Tom shuddered as the last drops dribbled out and his orgasm subsided. Alex softly placed his big cock down on his abdomen, the tip reached all the way to his bellybutton now and lay on his neatly trimmed pubes. He lay there glistening with oil and cum, breathing deeply, a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

Alex glanced at the clock, quickly reaching for paper towels & wiping first his own face and then Tom’s body and cock before pulling up his boxers and tucking his manhood away which was now shrinking a little back to its soft state.

A minute or so after he placed the towel over him, the door opened silently and he saw Dani’s head peek through, “OK?” she mouthed.

Alex gave her a double thumbs-up and nodded as he smoothed his hands over the towels covering their shared client. He quickly slipped past her and back to reception.

“OK Tom, that’s all we have time for today,” Dani said warmly. “I’ll just remove your mask and the facial for you. Open your eyes when you’re ready. How did you find that?” she asked.

“That was uh… amazing, wow,” Tom replied, “umm, that was my first massage… was that… normal?”

“Ah I’m so glad you enjoyed it,” Dani replied, “Yeah that was our relaxing massage, but we do also offer sports massage or a thai inspired massage which are all a bit different. Right let me give you a few minutes to get dressed, just sit up slowly and come through to reception when you’re ready. There’s a glass of water on the side for you.” Dani said as she stepped out.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she shut the door, Alex’s massage had obviously gone well, one down and one to go she thought, stepping back in to Mrs. Sykes.

Tom dressed himself in a sort of daze, this had not been what he expected, had he just imagined it or did that really happen? How could Dani be so ‘matter of fact’ after what they’d just experienced together? He walked through to reception in a post ejaculation euphoria.

“How was your treatment?” Alex asked, smiling.

“It was really good, thanks,” Tom replied, emphasising the word ‘really’. “Dani gave a great massage… um… yeah… I’ll definitely book again…” he said, blushing, “is my brother here yet?”

“He is, he’s just using the bathroom if you want to wait and see him?”

“OK – no I need to head off, I’ll catch him later. Thanks very much. Oh, you have something in your hair by the way, maybe gel? Hope you don’t mind me saying.”

“Really?” Alex replied, he reached up to his fringe. Fuck! He felt a big glob of Tom’s cold spunk in between his fingers. “Ah thanks for letting me know, yeah its wax I think,” he said, styling it back through his hair and wiping the excess on his white salon uniform. “Glad you liked the massage, just give us a call when you’d like to book again.”

As Tom left the salon, Alex heard the toilet flush, the bathroom door unbolted and Justin walked back out to sit down. His eyes were fixed on his phone even as he walked, so he didn’t notice Alex checking him out.

He was shorter than his brother, slim and more athletic looking than muscular, with floppy blond hair that was loosely styled back but fell forwards as he leant over to look at his phone. He was tanned, more so than his brother, they were very different physically, Alex thought. He could see similarities in their eyes and mouth but otherwise you’d be forgiven for thinking they were unrelated.

I wonder how they compare downstairs Alex thought, a cock like Tom’s on this smaller guy would look unbelievable…

Justin looked up as Dani came through from the treatment rooms, “Hi, you must be Justin? Lovely to meet you, I know your mum well – would you like to come through?”

Alex watched them go, Justin’s small ass looked amazing in his skinny jeans. He felt the anticipation of his second massage building up inside him, his cock already swelling.

A few minutes later, the phone pulsed as the text came from Dani, “he’s ready, come through, he’s nervous though so be gentle with him. He’s also embarrassed as he isn’t wearing any underwear, apparently was told by his mates that we would provide it, think they wound him up. No peeking!” she signed off with a winking emoji.

Alex’s heart surged in anticipation as he read this and he quickly slipped into the treatment room, again he gave Dani a thumbs up as she walked past him in the doorway on her way back to Mrs. Sykes. He looked at the neatly folded clothes on the chair, blue jeans, gray polo shirt, socks and red basketball pumps placed side by side underneath.

Justin was lying on his chest already this time, 2 towels draped over his back, his face had a hardened beauty pack applied to it and Dani’s eye mask was fitted so he couldn’t see anything. She’d tied a band over his hair too to keep it from getting stuck to his face pack. Gentle spa music and scented candles completed the ambience.

Alex admired his client and gently pressed down with his hands and forearms over Justin’s back before removing the top towel. He peeled it back lower to just below Justin’s butt so he had a full view of his cheeks, they were smooth, pert and showed off the most amazing tanlines. He must have been on holiday recently & Alex loved that he could just help himself to see the private parts of his body that Justin had covered up from others on the beach. This was going to be a fun massage.

He gave Justin the same treatment as his brother had enjoyed. As he was a little shorter than Tom, it meant Alex’s hands could reach further down his body from the same position standing behind his head. He stretched his hands down and over the his butt, enjoying the sensation of tracing his hands along the tanlines and slightly, subtly, just teasing the top of his crack a little.

He waited until he felt Justin was really relaxed though before covering his top half with the towel and moving on to his feet. He had smaller feet that Tom, petite almost with soft skin and tanlines just between the toe where his holiday flip-flops must have fitted.

After his feet, Alex folded the towel up off his legs and over his butt, slowly, like he was unwrapping an expensive gift and savouring every minute.

Justin lay there face down, his legs slightly spread and pale bum on display. His tanlines showed like he’d been wearing shorts to tan in and his butt cheeks had a fine soft hair in that got thicker as it got closer to his actual crack.

He coughed to himself and shifted his legs slightly closer in a vain attempt to salvage some modesty. Alex gently but firmly took his right leg, eased it further apart from the left and continued his massage. He had a perfect view of his balls, they looked smaller than his brothers and sat tight up underneath his butt, the hairs visible from between his cheeks looked manly and tantalisingly delicious.

Alex worked his way steadily up Justin’s leg until his fingertips were just slightly kissing his balls. To Justin this would feel almost like it could be accidental and Alex noticed his balls seem to retract further up like they were trying to escape.

He completed the second leg but then instead of asking him to turn over straight away he thought he’d have some fun and try a butt massage… He took each cheek in turn and held it in both hands, his thumbs central and pressing firmly in outward circles. As he did this he let the fingers of one hand drift into his butt and just brush gently past his hole. It felt warm, hairy and masculine, moist from a combination of nervous sweat and massage oil.

To finish he pushed down with one hand on each cheek and let his hands slide outwards, this had the effect of pulling open his butt cheeks and gave Alex an incredible view of his hole, tight and pink amongst his hair. Alex leaned in to get a close-up and inhaled the scent of his young client. He’d obviously showered before he arrived and smelt beautifully of some sweet coconut shower gel and massage oil.

Alex finished Justin’s back in his most professional manner, covering him with the towel and pressing down gently all over his body before tapping him on the shoulder, the agreed signal for him to turn over.

He stepped back and watched as Justin rolled over and wiggled himself flat and comfortable under his towels. He lay there, on his back, his chest gently rising with his breath. Alex could see that he’d also cupped his hands over his groin for modesty, the same as his brother had done and he couldn’t wait to see what he was packing.

Alex peeled back the towel from his legs and left it to sit just above his groin, his tanned hands protectively closed over his pale genitals. Alex gently took his top hand and massaged his fingers as he set the arm down by his side, only one hand now left protecting his modesty.

As Alex reached to take the hand he heard Justin’s breathing intensifying, “oh… uh… no, n-n-no… sorry Dani,” he said, quietly but imploringly, he raised his head and shoulders off the couch a little in protest.

“Shhhh…” Alex soothed softly and touched a hand gently to Justin’s shoulder lips to pacify him and set him back down flat on the table. He could see now the boy’s heart visibly beating. He flushed so red that his tanned skin turned beetroot and Alex could see the colour extend down his neck, his face brightening even under the beauty mask.

“Oh no…” Justin said, almost to himself, he took a breath in and held it, waiting for what he knew was coming.

Alex reached down and took Justin’s second hand, massaging his fingers again as he moved it gently away from his groin and leaving him fully exposed. He placed his arm down by his side and paused briefly to admire the total nakedness and vulnerability of his client.

Justin was taking quick, shallow breaths and Alex noticed he had gritted his teeth. He could see now why he was so keen to protect his modesty.

His cock was small, probably about 4″ and was already fully hard. It had leapt up, pointing towards the ceiling as soon as it was released from his hand, a droplet of precum sat on top of his long foreskin like a jewel, glistening in the soft flickering light of the massage room.

Alex’s eyes widened – wow, so different to his bigger twin brother! It suited him though he thought and even though his cock was small it was beautiful. As Alex massaged his way up Justin’s legs his eyes were fixed on his little cock, bobbing from side to side as his body moved with the motion of his strong massage strokes.

Justin was leaking precum like a tap, Alex had never seen anything like it – it had dribbled the short distance down the shaft of his cock and pooled around the base, creating a little river up to his bellybutton. Unlike his brother Justin had totally shaved his pubes, presumably he did this to make himself look bigger but it actually made him look more boyish Alex thought.

Whenever the opportunity presented itself Alex made sure he brushed past his cock and balls which sent Justin into a little spasm of silent ecstasy, the poor boy still thought he was being massaged by Dani and had no idea whether she was offended, excited or professionally indifferent to his erection.

Alex had managed to spread precum all over him as part of the massage, by the time he’d finished his lower body he was covered in his own liquid.

Alex covered his legs and then in turn folded back the towel on his upper body, again just that bit lower than he really should, leaving his cock and balls fully exposed once more.

He could see that Justin was still hugely embarrassed, he had flushed crimson all down his neck and onto his chest. His sweet face, beautiful boyish shaved cock and his helpless embarrassment at his exposure was driving Alex crazy.

Whilst his cock may be half the size of his brother’s, his nipples were equally sensitive Alex realised and by the time he had reached down to his cock Justin was whimpering and gripping the table, his knuckles almost white with the pressure and his lips pursed as he controlled his breathing.

Alex touched his cock fully for the first time, tracing his fingers down the length of his shaft and leaning in to get a closer look. At just this touch alone, Justin exploded. His cum arced up into the air with such power it was like someone had shot it out if a high-powered water pistol. Alex, who wasn’t expecting him to cum so soon took the full force of impact for the second time that afternoon. Squirt after squirt of hot cum rained on him until it gradually subsided the final splashes landing on Justin’s heaving chest.

Justin lay there, both exhausted and mortified by what had just happened, he couldn’t believe this beautiful girl had just made him cum with a single touch.

If only he knew whose magic hands it had really been, thought Alex to himself as he towelled first himself and then Justin, taking care not to miss any cum this time…

He had a few minutes before Dani came back in and used this time to ensure Justin was fully respectable, covered and relaxed. He looked up as the door opened, Dani gave him a questioning look and he replied with a thumbs up and a grin. He slipped past her and back to reception.

When Justin walked out a few minutes later Alex asked him how he’d enjoyed his treatment as he walked past reception.

“Oh gosh, that was amazing,” he replied. “I feel totally relaxed, definitely need to treat myself to this again.”

“That’s great,” said Alex, “enjoy your afternoon and hopefully you’ll cum again quickly, I mean soon, I mean… sorry… uh, h-h-hopefully we’ll see you again soon.” he stammered, blushing himself now at his clumsy innuendo.

By the end of the afternoon they’d had no less than 5 appointments made for the following couple of weeks from friends of Tom and Justin. “That’s amazing,” said Dani, “well done Alex, your massages must have been really good to get so much new business so quickly through word of mouth!”

“How did you get on with Justin not wearing any underwear, hope that didn’t make you feel uncomfortable?”

“Oh no, it was all very respectable,” Alex answered, his mind racing back to the explosion of cum a short while earlier.

“I wonder if we should keep with today’s approach of you setting the clients up but me actually doing the massaging?” Alex suggested.

“Well it did seem to go very well today,” Dani answered, “I think that could be a great idea.”

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