Mom’s Boyfriend

A gay sex stories: Mom’s Boyfriend

The time was the early 1970’s and I had resumed my studies at a local college, being unable to afford to continue out in Colorado. I was very confused about my sexuality, as I was still attracted to girls, despite the feelings not being mutual.

It was only a year before that I had been introduced to the joys of sex with another man, and although I was still able to count my experiences on one hand, they were wonderful experiences that I was eager to expand upon.

I was still very much in the closet, and planned on staying there as well. There were a lot of drawbacks to the world knowing your sexual preferences back then, even more so than now.

My mom and dad had divorced a couple of years ago, and I lived with mom, who was unaware that her only child had these feelings towards men. Mom was rediscovering feelings for men herself, and had become serious about a particular man over the last few months.

Joe was a man’s man, or so mom claimed as she constantly babbled about him to me. He certainly was a big guy, standing a half foot taller than I did, with piercing brown eyes and a friendly smile. He was in good shape too, and the only real sign that he was in his mid-50’s was his balding skull and the little grey hair that remained on the sides of his head.

We got along well, but I made sure not to pay too much attention to him, although my thoughts did wander at times. Especially late at night when he would stay over, and I would hear the muffled sounds that came from her bedroom down the hall.

Unfortunately, my mom had to go into the hospital for a couple of back operations. During that time late in summer, Joe stopped by the house one hot day after we had seen her at the hospital.

Joe had suggested that we should surprise my mom by clearing out the land behind the house, something she had longed to do for quite a while. There was a lot of brush and broken branches back there, and even though it was town land, she thought it would look nicer cleaned up, as well as maybe cutting down on the mosquitoes.

So it was this project on a hot August afternoon that led to a project much more interesting that evening.


Chapter 1: Two sweaty guys.

It was close to ninety degrees, but it felt like 110 with the humidity as it was. The air was so thick it made it hard to breathe, and although in the woods we were out of the sun, that was of little help.

“The farther in we go the worse it gets!” Joe exclaimed as he wiped his brow with his hand before reaching into the styrofoam cooler and pulling out another beer..

“It’s brutal,” I agreed as I pulled off my t-shirt, willing to pay the price of bug bites to get the soaking wet thing off me.

“That’s a good idea,” Joe agreed, and unbuttoned his shirt.

I tried not to look as he took the shirt off, but couldn’t help myself as Joe stripped down to his shorts. For an old guy, Joe had a good body on him. He was a big man but not flabby at all, and I supposed his job as a construction foreman kept him fit.

The sight of Joe’s upper torso made a shiver go up and down my spine, as I tried not to be too obvious about looking. From his neck to the top of his shorts, Joe was covered with a thick mat of hair. A little bit of grey was showing on his chest hair, but the rest was dark brown, and his back was as hairy as his front. It seemed that the only part of Joe’s body that was smooth was the top of his head.

I forced myself back into working, trying to keep my mind away from the man. God, if he ever saw me staring at him, or thought I was queer, he’d probably kill me. Worse yet, he might tell my mom. That would make death preferable.

Still, I found myself looking at him every chance I got, even though I felt guilty about it. Joe was about 6’4″, a good half foot taller than myself, and as I watched his muscular torso ripple as he tossed aside limbs and branches of trees I pictured him and my mom together, as perverted as that may sound, and the thought of my little mom underneath Joe as they made love made me feel something. What, I wasn’t sure. Fear? Concern? Maybe jealously?

I had been introduced to gay sex by an older gentlemen, and the majority of my lovers had been older men. There was something about them that attracted me for some reason, and the fact that Joe was so incredibly hairy made him doubly interesting to me, because I was definitely a fan of that.

I suppose that it was a case of opposites attracting, because I had to be the least hairy 19 year old on earth. It had gotten so that I had taken to shaving off all my body hair when I had gotten to college. “All of my body hair” consisted of a tiny tuft of hair above my dick and sad little wisps of hair under my arms, and I found it more comfortable to have people think I was a swimmer or a weightlifter with a smooth body.

I had taken to lifting weights over the past year, and my formerly pudgy body was now looking much more manly looking, as long as I kept my pants on that is.

That was on my mind as I realized that I had to take a leak. There wasn’t much sense in going all the way in the house to do it, as there was no houses within sight of where we were working, so I slipped behind a tree and let it rip.

A crackling of leaves and twigs startled me as I relieved myself, and I saw that Joe had come up alongside of me and was unzipping his shorts.

“Nobody out here but us two sweaty guys,” Joe commented as I tried to shield myself from his view without being too obvious about it. “Maybe it’ll act as fertilizer or something.”

I chuckled uncomfortably as I tried to make myself go faster, cursing myself for drinking those beers and hoping Joe hadn’t gotten a look at me. Joe was not nearly as modest as I was, and out of the corner of my eye I could see why.

Joe’s cock hung down between his legs, a long, brown flaccid hose with an enormous vein that ran lazily down the top of it. I had seen bigger, but Joe was well endowed to say the least. Picturing what that cock of his might look like when it was angry made me shudder, and as Joe wagged it around as he finished up, I realized that I had been staring. I also realized that Joe was watching me watching him.

I hurried away and began piling up more of the brush, hoping that I hadn’t been as obvious as I feared. Still, the image of Joe’s manhood stayed in my mind the rest of the afternoon, and every time I saw his hairy, sweaty body a warm rush surged through my loins.


Chapter 2: After work.

“Your mom won’t recognize it,” Joe said as we looked out from the patio at the large area of woods we had cleared out. It had been hard work, and the town would be none too pleased at the mountains of brush, branches and leaves we had dragged out to the curb, but it was worth it.

“Yeah, she’ll be happy,” I agreed before finishing the sandwich that was going to be dinner for me.

The sun was quickly setting as we finished eating and drained the last of our beers. I couldn’t wait to get into the shower and wash the funk off of me.

“Say, would you mind if I slept here tonight?” Joe suddenly asked. “I’ve had quite a few beers and I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to drive. I’m sure your mom wouldn’t mind.”

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