Moving My Girlfriend's New Uncle

A gay story: Moving My Girlfriend's New Uncle All participants are over 18.


As we drove north, I brooded over this intrusion on my weekend. It was late Friday afternoon and I had two glorious days off after fourteen working at the grocery store, including some double-shifts. I was dead tired, and I hadn’t gotten laid in over two weeks. Now, when I should be home giving the girlfriend the high hard one and tucking in early, I was in a pickup truck with a fifty-five-year-old man I had never met before today.

It seems I was “volunteered” for a chore by my girlfriend’s meddling Aunt Thilda: to move the last of her fiancé’s items from his old apartment to her place. Normally, this would be no big deal, but aside from my exhaustion and the sexual frustration, my girlfriend’s new uncle came from a town a couple of hours north of the city. By the time we got there, loaded up the truck, gave the apartment a once-over and drove home to unload the stuff at Thilda’s, it would probably be midnight or later. My girlfriend, Connie, would be asleep by the time I got home and gone to work her own job early tomorrow morning. There’d be no chance to empty my balls soon unless I did it myself.

As if it wasn’t bad enough being tired and horny, the fiancé, Karl, wouldn’t shut up over the course of the drive. He talked about sports, politics, the weather and most annoyingly, his bride-to-be. I was a little stunned when he started talking about sex with the somewhat frumpy fifty-two-year-old woman. The way he talked, she was a dynamo in bed, and he spared few details.

For nearly an hour, he regaled me with stories of her sexual prowess. Nobody should have images of his girlfriend’s aunt sucking cock and taking it up the poop chute. Though Thilda wasn’t my type at all, I found myself getting increasingly horny as the older man talked about it. As he described sex acts between his future wife and himself, I found myself imagining Connie acting out the deeds he was describing. Connie was a good fuck, but she was not keen on giving oral and her ass was only for touching, not screwing. I was hard as I listened to him talk.

“What about you and the niece? How is Connie in bed? You can tell me. My lips are sealed.”

Sure, why would I doubt that? Still, I had my pride and I told him she was a superstar in bed and made up details that would have made Connie blush to hear.

“I’m glad for you, kid. A lot of girls your age are too prissy to give up their asses or properly suck a cock. An older woman with experience for me.”

I agreed dully, uncomfortable with some of the images Karl had fostered in me of my girlfriend’s aunt in bed with him, but since I was horny, I was more than a little aroused too.

Karl’s half-century sat lightly on him. He was tall, probably nearly six feet, and with salt and pepper hair and a well-groomed beard. He had broad shoulders and muscular arms. He had a bit of a gut, but was otherwise in good shape. He wore jeans and a flannel shirt under an open winter coat. His shirt was buttoned up two shy of the top and he had a profusion of dark, curly hair rising from his chest.

His appearance contrasted with my own. I was not quite so tall and I was clean-shaven with short brown hair. My shoulders were not as wide as Karl’s, nor my arms and legs as powerful-looking as his. My chest was bare but for a few hairs around the nipples.

We’d been driving for about an hour when Karl stopped at a gas station with a telephone.

“Do you need the bathroom?” he asked me.


There were only two urinals. We stood beside each other, and when I heard the forceful rush of his urine against the porcelain, I couldn’t resist the urge, which came from nowhere, to glance in the direction of his cock. It was barely visible from my side past the folds of his coat, but I could see the bulbous glans of his penis as he ran his water through it. I blushed furiously when I realized he looked over at me staring at his cock. I met his eyes for a second before I adjusted my gaze downward at my own stream of piss and my comparatively inadequate dick. What had I seen on his face? Amusement perhaps.

He finished pissing and buttoned himself up. I was still trying to go, but to my embarrassment, my pisser had dried up. It had stopped because I was having an erection.

“Take all the time you need,” he said. “I have to make a phone call. Do you want a coffee for the road?”

“No, thanks.”

“Okay. Meet you at the truck.”

When he was gone, it took me a minute, but I finished urinating and tucked my semi-stiff cock back in my pants, annoyed and confused with myself.

When I got back to the truck, he was already inside. The truck smelled of fresh coffee and I almost wish I’d accepted his offer to buy me one.

We were back on the road within a minute. I was still embarrassed about what had happened in the rest room but Karl seemed unfazed. He was talking about something, sports or news events, but I just nodded and grunted in all the right places as I replayed the sight of his cock over the urinal. I was deeply distressed by this.

It was already dark when we arrived at his previous home, a former motel located on a highway about five miles out of the nearest town. It had been converted to apartment units. We got out of the truck, which was parked with the back door facing the door to the unit. Karl unlocked the door and ushered me inside.

The unit was a bachelor apartment, sparsely furnished with a love-seat and chair, a television, an electric fireplace cabinet and a queen-sized bed with a table on each side of it, a blanket box at its foot, a chest of drawers, a few lamps, some kitchen appliances. There were a few cardboard boxes stacked in a corner of the kitchenette. The bathroom was small and looked basically empty.

“This place came furnished, so we only need to take the pieces that are mine.”

I began wondering what he needed help with. I knew it was not a big move or we’d have come up in something larger than his pick-up truck.

“Yeah, basically the pieces I needed help with are the fireplace and the blanket box. The chest of drawers there is mine too. I have to clear out the night tables and the kitchen drawers. That’s what the boxes are for. Can’t forget my toolboxes in the cupboards under the kitchen sink. Then a quick cleaning job. Shouldn’t take us over an hour.”

That was alright with me. If we got out of here by nine, we might drop his stuff off at his fiancée’s place and I might be home by midnight. With a little luck I’d get to bone my girl tonight after all.

“Want a beer? I don’t have anything else in the fridge. Nothing that would still be good anyway.”

I was thirsty so I agreed. He got a can for each of us. It was strong beer, but I knew I could handle it, even if I was a bit tired.

“First thing I’m gonna do is pack those boxes with the stuff in the drawers. It’ll take me a few minutes. Why don’t you sit down and have your beer?”

I assumed he had private papers or who knew what else in his drawers, and I wasn’t interested in seeing any of that, so I agreed. I was tired anyway. I made myself comfortable on the love seat and turned the TV on, sipping at the beer. I guess basic cable came with the room since it hadn’t been disconnected in Karl’s absence. I was thirstier than I thought and finished that beer before the first commercial break.

Karl called from behind me, having noticed me up-ending the can, and told me to get myself another. The less we had to take home the better. I thought what the hell, and grabbed another beer, popping the tab and sucking some back. Karl smiled over at me with approval and finished off his own beer before snatching another from the fridge as well.

I returned to my seat in front of the television and began to doze in front of the program while Karl finished up packing up the kitchenware and moved to the bedroom to sift through the night table drawers. The show I’d been watching came to an end and I wondered how long I’d been sitting, dozing and drinking. A look at my watch told me it had been an hour.

An hour? Weren’t we supposed to be done by now? As if he read my mind, Karl came up to the love seat and told me I looked pretty comfortable. I quickly finished the second beer and handed him the empty as he filled my fist with my third. He told me just to stay there on the love seat for now. He had the boxes packed up and sitting by the door, along with his toolboxes and he just needed to clean up the kitchen and the bathroom. When that was done, he’d need my help to load up the electric fireplace, the blanket box and the chest of drawers. I was feeling no pain already and didn’t get too excited about running late.

“Here,” he said, crossing the small sector of the apartment that could be called a living room and turning on the electric fireplace. “This will make you feel cozy.” A part of me realized I already felt a little too cozy but I didn’t quite have the wherewithal to understand why that might be a problem. I just sipped at my beer and stared at the boob tube while absorbing the heat of the electric fireplace. Reality was looking very fuzzy.

I had the sense of time passing, but no idea what time it was. The TV was off, and the main lights had been turned off but the fireplace continued to radiate its warmth into the room, bathing the room in an orange glow. With his back to the fireplace, Karl’s face was in shadow.



“When we were at the gas station, I called Thilda. Connie told her you haven’t had much sleep the last couple of weeks so they thought I should take it easy on you tonight. You’d agree it’s been pretty easy so far, right?”

I mumbled something affirmative. He patted my face gently to fully wake me up.

“I told Thilda, and she told Connie, that we would finish the job in the morning and get back tomorrow afternoon.”

“Tomorrow afternoon?” I was still hazy.

“Yes, we’re going to stay here for the night.”

“What time is it?”


“We could still get back tonight.” I was waking up. Foremost in my mind was the diminishing probability of getting laid tonight.

“No, we’re staying here. We’ll pack up the truck in the morning.”

“But there’s only one bed.”

“That’s okay.”

Was it though?

“I can sleep here,” I said.

“No reason you shouldn’t be comfortable in the bed. There’s room for both of us.”

I felt a surge of panic and it woke me up fully.

“Kid, back at the gas station rest room, you got an eye-full of my cock and it looked like you liked what you were seeing.”

I blinked in surprise at his words and only sputtered in response. I muttered no denials.

“Look, nothing’s going to happen unless you want it to. And from the look of that bulge in your pants, I’d say you want it to.”

I was embarrassed by my sudden erection at the memory of this older man’s cock and the partial view I’d had of it.

“But I’m not gay. I have a girlfriend.”

“I have a fiancée, but it’s not going to stop me from fucking you every way I can.”

I flushed with fear and excitement.

“Why don’t we start with baby steps,” Karl said. “I showed you mine. Now you can show me yours. I’m sure you agree that’s only fair.”

Was it the alcohol? Was it unadulterated lust? The power of suggestion? I still don’t know, but after the barest hesitation, I unbuttoned my fly and pulled the zipper. I lifted my ass off the love seat and pulled my pants down to my knees. Then I pulled my briefs down. My swelling cock caught in my underwear until it sprung up and swayed back and forth as if of its own volition. It might as well have been, as clearly it was guiding my actions. All day I had been thinking of getting laid tonight, and it looked suddenly as if it was not the outside chance but rather a strong possibility. Just not the way I had thought.

“Son, that’s a nice cock.”


“Call me ‘Uncle’.”

“Thanks, Uncle.”

“Do you know what’s going to happen next?”

“No, Uncle.”

“You’re gonna get some of this,” Karl said, grabbing his own bulge suggestively. “And I’m getting some of that. Stand up.” I obeyed. “Get undressed.”

I hesitated, but given my exposure, I don’t know why. He was already seeing my most private parts. Just the same, I didn’t make him ask me twice. I rose to my unsteady feet, swayed a little and fell into his open arms.

“A little off-balance there,” he said. “I guess you didn’t look at the alcohol content on the side of those cans, huh? When you’re tired, it hits you hard.”

He hooked his thumbs under the hem of my sweater and with a fluid move raised it over my head as I raised my arms to allow him to strip my sleeves as well. The t-shirt beneath was quickly removed and I felt silly standing with my pants and underwear down to my knees. He helped me keep my balance by holding my bare arms and I kicked pants and underwear off. With one foot, he punted them aside and I stood naked in the rippling orange light of the fireplace.

“You’re beautiful, Kid.”

I felt gratified and relieved to hear him say it. He had turned so that his side was facing the fireplace, which allowed for the light to glisten off him as he peeled off his flannel shirt and t-shirt. I admired his powerful arms and barrel chest, both covered in hair. His swollen belly was also hairy and as he unbuckled his belt, I found my mouth watering for the first sight of his full cock and balls without obstruction such as there’d been in the gas station rest room. Sure enough, when he stepped out of his trousers and boxers, he sported an enormous erection, rooted in a hairy pubic beard.

“It’s, um… magnificent.” It was the only word I could find for it and I meant it.

“Thanks, Kid.”

I thought of my girlfriend home sleeping. Oddly, I couldn’t remember in that moment what she looked like.

“You’ve never done anything like this before, have you?” he asked.


“Then let me do the steering.”

I nodded. For some reason, I implicitly trusted him. He had my arms again. He manoeuvred me to the middle of the living room and lay me on my back on the carpeted floor in front of the fireplace so that I was bathed in the orange glow of the fireplace, as he was. I looked up at him helplessly as he looked down at me with appraisal, committing the sight of me to memory. I knew he liked what he saw and I liked him back. My erect cock twitched and he smiled. Then he walked over to one of the boxes by the door and fished out a bottle of massage oil before strolling back. He went to his knees beside me and poured a few drops of the substance into his hand. Setting the bottle aside, he rubbed the oil into both hands before leaning forward and planting his hands on my shoulders. He began to squeeze and knead my shoulders.

I groaned. Connie never did this. He continued to rub my shoulders for a few minutes before letting his fingers slide down to my underdeveloped pecs, massaging my nearly hairless nipples with his thumbs. After a few minutes, he began to use his thumbs gently to caress my abs, letting one orbit my navel for a time.

He bypassed my cock and balls, rubbing my thighs, my knees and my calves before removing my socks and renewing the oil on his hands to massage my feet. Nobody had ever done that for me before and I was surprised how pleasant and how very erotic it felt.

When he was finished with each foot in turn, he told me to turn over. My erection was pressed into the carpet and it was tempting to get myself off by fucking the carpet, but I was quite sure there would be an even better payoff if I waited for it. With great tenderness, he began working his way up the back of my calves, the sensitive area behind my knees, the thighs and, eventually, the buttocks. I had been told by girlfriends that I had a nice ass. Karl seemed to agree, because he spent a lot of time working it while I simply moaned with pleasure like an easy whore. He didn’t put any fingers in my asshole, but while I was new to all things homosexual, I knew that was an area where gay men liked to be stimulated. He was going to make me wait that out, it seemed, because his hands moved on to my lower back and finally my shoulder blades.

“How do you feel?” Karl asked.

“Relaxed. Very horny.”

“I told you nothing would happen that you didn’t enjoy. Do you want to do more?”

“Yes, Uncle.”

Karl was pleased. He told me to roll over. When I did, he leaned in close and sucked my nipples one after the other, then moved up to my neck. From there, he licked and nipped at my ears. When he thought I was ready, he planted a kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss and reached up to embrace him, pulling him in closer. His kiss deepened and I felt his tongue pushing through my lips and wrestling with my own. It was a powerful muscle, reflective of the man himself.

After a time, Karl broke the kiss and began to lick his way down my body. Down over my chin, rough with stubble from missing a couple of day’s shaves, down my neck over my Adam’s apple, onto my smooth chest, down my belly to my navel, which was where he let his tongue swirl provocatively and finally down the trail of hair from my belly button to my pubic hair. His beard tickled my skin. My breathing was laboured with anticipation by this time and after skirting my genitals in his massage, Karl was prepared to follow through on the promise of all this stimulation.

I watched as his mouth closed on the head of my cock. My sharp intake of breath satisfied him. He sucked on the glans of my penis and rotated his tongue around it, occasionally letting it slip into the ultra-sensitive slit where, I had no doubt, he was tasting my pre-cum. After a few minutes of this, he engulfed more of my cock, licking the veins and the sensitive ridge lining the lower side. When most of my cock was in his mouth, he brought his hands into play, using one to rub and knead my testicles while the other jacked me off, keeping time to the blowjob he was giving me.

In my mind, I tried to salvage something of my heterosexual identity. Try as I might, I couldn’t mask Karl with Connie’s face as I was given the greatest sexual pleasure of my young life. Instead, I moaned.

“Oh, Uncle!”

I came buckets. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I felt myself spasm, emptying myself into Karl’s mouth with moans and groans but the man would not stop until I started going soft in his mouth and that took a while. He swallowed it all and his moans of pleasure were almost a match for my own.

When I came down from my orgasm, Karl was sitting up beside me with his back supported by the living room chair. I just lay there like a rag doll, shattered by my experience and my confusion with it all.

“How was that, Kid?”

“It was amazing, Uncle.”

“How do you feel?”

“Uh, I’m not sure. Tired.”

“It’s normal to be confused your first few times. You’ll get used to it.”

That suggested there was more to come. I didn’t dread that possibility at all.

“Should I do something for you?”

“Later. Get some rest.”

He gave me a beer. That finished me off for a while.

When I woke up, it was dark, but I remembered vividly where I was and what I had been doing. The bedside clock radio had been packed in one of the boxes so I had no idea what time it was, but my sense was that hours had passed. The electric fireplace was shut off, so the darkness was nearly absolute, save only the thin strip of light coming from a small night light in the bathroom. The silence was complete as well, but if my eyes and ears lacked input, my other senses did not.

I was on something soft and yielding and I was tucked in under a warm layer. The bed, I assumed. My body could breathe, so I was still naked. I was on my side and, against my back, I felt heat and breath. The thought of Karl spooning with me was a turn-on for me, and evidently, it was a turn-on for him, because I felt a spongy hardness against my buttocks.

I broke the silence with a moan of wanting. As satisfied as I had been by the blowjob, I felt myself incredibly aroused once more. To my astonishment, I was prepared to beg for it.

“Uncle?” I whispered.

After a moment a soft reply: “Kid?”

“I want you.”

“How do you want me?”

“Any way you want to take me.”

It was probably a better answer than he was hoping for. He put a hand on my thigh.

“You’ll have to be more specific than that.”

“Please take my ass, Uncle.”

“It might hurt a little.”

“Will you be gentle?”

“At first, at least.”

“That’s okay then.”

If it was up to me, I likely would have opened my cheeks for him at that very moment, but Karl liked his foreplay. Once more his hands roved over my body. He nuzzled my neck and nipped at my ears. I long since had an erection, but I judged it was not my turn to achieve satisfaction. Karl deserved to come after delivering me such an intense orgasm. I turned my head and leaned up into that hungry mouth, tonguing him with passion and surprising need. One of his hands had been caressing my thigh, but during our kiss, he let it slide down the front of me and he began to knead my balls. I moaned in submissive pleasure and begged him to take me.

“I want your cock in me, Uncle!”

“Soon,” he said.

I groaned in frustration, which was a little strange because I was a bit petrified with fear of my first time having anal sex.

As he kneaded my testicles with one hand, he wormed his other arm under me and reached up to pinch my nipples again. Meanwhile, the lip service continued in prolonged kissing alternating with nibbling at my earlobes. I reached behind me, hoping to touch his pecker, but he had that tightly against my ass, so I caressed his thigh as best I was able, sometimes gently with my fingertips, other times, roughly with my nails.

Karl’s hand left off kneading my nuts and gave my cock a quick couple of strokes before withdrawing, leaving my as needy and horny as ever.

“Okay, Kid, Uncle’s going to fuck you now. Would you like that?”

“Yes, Uncle, yes, please!” I meant it. My fear dissipated in the face of my lust for this man old enough to be my father.

“Good. Get on your hands and knees. Face down, ass up.”

I obeyed instantly. Karl must have kept the massage oil or another useful lubricant handy so he could find it in the dark, because after some initial adjustment of his position jostled me on the mattress, I soon felt a cold gob of goo in my ass crack. I grabbed a pillow and prepared to bite on it, because I knew this was going to hurt.

A moment later, I felt the tip of his cock kissing the bud of my asshole.

“Okay, Kid, here it comes. If you can’t take it at first, I’ll go slow. Push out your ass like you’re taking a shit and that should help me in.”

“Yes, Uncle,” I replied, trying to sound brave. In hindsight, I was brave, but I was so horny I could hardly wait for him to penetrate me.

At first, it was bewildering. I had never felt something go the “wrong” way in my ass before, but when I pushed back like he suggested, he popped inside me and the pain was brief, just a bit of cramping up.

“Unh,” I groaned.

“You okay, Kid?”

“Unh… yes, Uncle.” I was making fists around the pillow, but I wasn’t biting off screams into it like I feared I might.

“Tell me if you can’t take it.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

The pain lasted a few short minutes, but it receded even as he filled my ass end up with his cock. He began to flex his hips against mine, filling me again and again. It produced a warming sensation and a fullness that were surprisingly pleasant. Soon I was pushing back with my hips to meet his.

“That’s it, Kid. You’ve got it.”

“It feels good, Uncle. Fuck me harder if you want. I can take it.”

Fuck me harder he did. I not only took it, but I felt a surprising heat in my loins, a build toward release that I had not expected. If we did this long enough, I might come without even touching my cock, or so I thought. Karl had other ideas.

“Christ, Kid, you have one tight ass! I’m going to come soon.”

As he continued to fuck me, he demonstrated some serious multi-tasking ability by reaching around my hips to stimulate me. His hand brushed my cock, but my testicles were his real target for now. He rubbed them and caressed them until I felt the sperm inside them coming to a boil. Then he reached back and began to tug on my cock, giving the whole shaft his attention from root to glans until I heard him gasp that he was close and he wanted me to come with him.

He made a fist around the head of my dick and caressed the very tip with his thumb until I was nearly mad with need. Finally, I could bear it no longer and I squeaked out a declaration.

“Uncle, you’re making me come! Fill me with your jizz!”

I didn’t know how things worked then, but as I ejaculated, it set off a reaction in my ass, making it tighten and release with each spurt of my semen, thereby increasing the pressure on Karl’s dick in my backside. My orgasm enhanced his, and even as he mercilessly continued to stroke my cock, sending convulsions of pleasure through my body, I felt a hot splash deep up my bowels and I knew that he was coming. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he announced his orgasm in a loud voice.

“I’m coming, Kid!”

He continued to stroke my cock and flex his hips against my ass for a few more seconds before he collapsed on the bed beside me, laying face up on the bed. My eyes had adjusted to the near-total darkness by now and I could see him in the barest outline. I collapsed too, landing in the sticky, wet puddle of my ejaculation. I adjusted myself to lie on my side in such a way that my head was resting on his chest. We came down from our orgasms together and after a few minutes I found my fingers caressing his nipple and twirling around in his chest hair while his hand caressed my shoulder.

We fell asleep like that.

When I awoke again, there was daylight streaming through the windows and Karl had already loaded up the truck with the boxes and smaller items, leaving room for the furniture that he needed me to help him move. He was fully dressed and sitting on the bed beside me. It was him joining me there that had awakened me. He had gone out and bought breakfast for two at a nearby McDonald’s.

I thanked him as I downed my McMuffin and a coffee, still naked under the blankets. We talked a little between gulps. We had both worked up quite an appetite in the past eighteen hours. (Yes, it turned out I had slept until noon.)

When our appetite for food and drink was satisfied, Uncle offered me something that was a bit of both: he unzipped his pants and let out his cock, which I then sucked for the first time. My technique was imperfect, but eventually I managed to get the older man off before I jerked myself to another explosive orgasm. (Fair enough since he’d been working all morning while I slept.)

We had a short cuddle then and I told him I would leave Connie for him. I had known him less than twenty-four hours and I meant it anyway. He told me not to. After all, we would still be in each other’s orbit as he would be marrying Connie’s Aunt Thilda. There was no reason why we shouldn’t continue to get each other off once in a while, he said. Men helping men wasn’t cheating in his view. It was good sex, but it was meaningless to him. On reflection, I wasn’t sure I agreed, but I was okay with this. We settled that Connie and Thilda need never know of our relationship.

And we were never found out. A few years later, Connie and I found we had drifted apart and broke up on good terms. She moved on to a better job and a new relationship in another province and I still had Karl, for a while. His health failed after a few years and I was eventually a mourner at his funeral. I don’t know if Thilda ever knew about us, but she thanked me for always being there for Karl.

For myself, I eventually found the courage to come out as a bisexual man and established a new relationship, as it happens, with another older man.

But I still think of Karl at least a few moments out of every day and thank him in my mind for gently introducing me to myself.

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