Mr. Right? Ch. 02


A gay story: Mr. Right? Ch. 02 Damn, it’s hot as hell. I try maneuvering my limbs but I’m stuck. I need to wake up but I’m so tired and empty. I stall for a second, willing myself to wake up. I jerk my head, dissipating the fog and I come to basically being smothered. Adonis is wrapped around me like a pretzel and his arm is covering me.

“Adonis!” I say in his ear, he grumbles and slightly stirs but doesn’t wake up. I try to move his arm from around me and push against his rock-solid chest. “Move please you’re squishing me!” He rouses again and lowers his arm freeing me. He looks softer when he’s asleep less brutish I noticed. His broad lips part as he gently snores while laying on his side, his face to me. Timidly, I graze my knuckles softly against his beard. I like facial hair and his thinly trimmed beard shadows his square jaw. I turn away and sluggishly drag myself out of bed and to my clothes. I check my phone and notice the battery percentage is low but I have several messages.

Seth: Hi! How are you?

Madison: I’ve made my demands. Now answer!


Justin: We need to talk…

I plug my phone into the charger while simultaneously responding to messages.

Me: I concede to your demands. See you tonight Maddie!

Justin, I’m busy right now we can talk later.

Hi, Seth! I’m good and I’m glad you responded.

Matt, I’m going to have to take a raincheck. Maybe we can meet up some other time?

I delete unknown’s message as I’m putting on a baggy t-shirt and my pants. My stomach is growling again and Adonis is still unconscious, lucky bastard so I leave for the bathroom. I freshen up and brush my teeth then I head to the kitchen. It’s quiet and dark so I don’t bother turning on the lights. I open the refrigerator, it’s bare as I pick through a few items disregarding the bottles of wine, condiments and thawed vegetables. We need groceries and I was supposed to get some after work. The cabinets are empty as well even our stashed Pop-Tarts are gone. I feel a pair of eyes on me and I turn around coming face to face with Lincoln. He’s standing at the doorway, lurking in the darkness like a creeper.

“Geez!” I say holding my chest. He stalks into the room toward the microwave. His face is impassive as he responds. “Morning,” he deadpans while grabbing his leftovers. I stare transfixed at his food as he sits down at the table. The faint smell of orange chicken and noodles assault my senses. He takes a chunk out of his egg roll and I softly whimper salivating. He looks at me and I quickly turn away feigning aloofness. He continues to stare as he twiddles his fork into the noodles.

“So…” I start but I can’t think of what to say. It’s awkward as hell and unnerving the way he’s studying me. I’m faltering and anxious under his scrutiny. We’re just staring at each other as the uneasiness escalates.

“You drink a lot?” he asks suddenly breaking the silence and tension.

“What?” I snap at him, completely blindsided. Does he think I’m an alcoholic?

“Do you have a problem with drinking?” he says straightforward with no tact.

“What? No!” I scoff offended, he doesn’t react when I walk to the table, taking a seat. He only leers at me as I take a orange from the fruit bowl. “Do you have a problem?”

“With?” He says seeming unsure but curious.

“Staring?” I confront him as I’m peeling the orange.

“What?” He almost snarls as I languidly eat a slice. “You have a problem with me looking at you?”

Yes. “It’s just intrusive,” I finish, he blinks trying to comprehend my complaint.

“If you have a problem with me just looking at you?” He haughty balks, shaking his head. “Then your more insecure than I thought princess.”

I glower at him with contempt, fuck this guy. “I also think you’re a asshole and wrong for my friend.”

“Well, princess I don’t give a fuck what you think,” he rasps calmly but his eyes are quietly blazing with fury. The submissive part of me almost wants to crumble but I hold firm. Feigning tranquil I eat another slice, purposefully ignoring his withering gaze.

“Don’t call me a princess!” I warn him. He looks me up and down as if he’s noticing something and I involuntarily shiver.

He stands up and tosses his finished meal into the trash. I polish off my last piece and wipe my hands on a napkin. He leans closer over the table until he’s in my face, being this close up is doing something to me. Hell, he even smells good like husky spice and the outdoors. His jaw is tensed as he’s speaking though clenched teeth. “Is it because I’m honest and that’s what’s really bothering you. Either way, you need to get over yourself because I’m not going away.” I frown up at him as he scowls back at me.

“Just know I will do anything for my best friend that includes tolerating you but I will not let you hurt her.” I threaten him.

He nods in understanding as we back away from each other. The moment dissipates and I feel freed, I stand to leave still feeling his probing eyes on me as I head back to my room. Adonis is up at least, chilling on my bed and on his phone.

“Did you bring food?” he asks as I enter.

“Nope,” I say exposing my bare hands. “I need to go to the store pronto.”

“I’ll order something,” he says simply while patting the space next to him.

“It’s really early,” I tell him as I lay next to him. “I think only a few good places are open.”

“All I really need is some eggs and ham,” he says as he scrolls through an IHOP menu. “What about you?”

“Pancakes, bacon and eggs sound perfect,” I say grabbing my phone from the charger.

Madison: Can’t wait!

Justin: When?

Seth: I’m glad too. Do you want to go out on a date? I want to get to know you.

I respond to Seth, I’ll love that! Tomorrow night?

“I texted Malcolm our order and he’ll be here in twenty minutes,” he says, meaning his personal assistant.

“Thanks,” I say while putting my phone back on the charger.

“No problem, besides you deserve it,” he compliments as he nuzzles into my ear. “Want to fool around while we wait?”

“Okay,” I mount him. He sits up, propping and rearranging the pillows behind him. I place my hands on his chest, steadily myself. Properly situated on his lap, he grips my hips and I sensually rock against him.

“Did you brush your teeth?” I question him as I’m picking up the pace deliberately increasing the fiction.

“No, just mouth wash,” he grunts then nods toward his mini mouthwash in his travel bag. 

“Good enough,” I respond as he kisses my neck teasingly leading toward my lips. Impatient, I grab his face and kiss him. His tongue intertwines and dances with mine and I’m ignited. He’s touches my face and moans into my mouth as my grinding accelerates.

“Jesus, you get me so hard,” he gutturals as his body crashes into mine but I stay on him like he’s a bull. I ride and vigorously hump him until his head falls back. He assists me by rocking his hips upward and I shudder. We’re going so fast, I’ve become dizzy and incoherent.

“Fuck, oh shit baby,” he pants tirelessly, suddenly on top of me. “I’m almost there!”

Damn, when did we switch positions? I groan feverishly as he repeatedly pounds into me. I wrap my legs around his waist fully pressing our erections together. God, this would be so much better if we’re naked or actually fucking. His speed dissipates as he abruptly spurts into his boxers. Lazily he collapses on me and I helplessly squirm underneath him, desperately trying to reignite the heat. He rolls over with a content smile on his face but I’m just disappointed. What am I gaining from this arrangement besides superficial gifts and money. My current blue balls and bruised self-esteem says differently. In that moment, Lincoln’s insult creeps into my psyche and resonates. Then you’re more insecure than I thought, princess.

He finally notices. “What?”

“You know what,” I say, facing him but holding my legs. 

“Oh, you didn’t cum?” he seems a little contrite but distracted as he starts fiddling with his phone.

“No,” I spat, pushing my sweaty hair over my shoulder. It’s wavy mass blocks me as I tuck the locks behind my ears.

“My bad, just jerk off,” he shrugs indifferently still preoccupied. I shouldn’t have to when there’s a perfectly good guy right here.

“Whatever,” I sigh meekly and tiredly. He likes me but he’s not really into me and we will never have sex or be together. I feel like I’m wasting my time and there’s nothing at the end of this rainbow. “It’s not like you can give me more.”

He’s quiet suddenly, contemplating. “More what?”

“I’m gay Adonis and I have sex.” I want to deny my desires and carnal need to be fucked and dominated but it’s hard and it’s easier telling half-truths or saying nothing at all.

“I’m not stupid,” he scoffs. “Or gay and I have a girlfriend!”

“Yeah,” I say dejectedly while internally rolling my eyes. His phone beeps so he jumps up and starts tugging on his pants. “But, you demand a certain amount of my time and I’m not sure anymore if it’s worth it. I should be looking for someone because I want a boyfriend.”

“What like Hufflepuff boy?” he snickers. “Riley quit being so sensitive man and don’t ruin a good thing,” he says while tussling with the buttons on his shirt. “If you want more money just say so shit you’re so timid. Food’s here.” He walks out the door and I decide to check my messages before following needing to cool down.

Seth: I’ll pick you up. Dinner?

Justin: Tinkerbell… when? You know you want it!

His innuendo stirs the deviant freak in me and I reluctantly respond.

Justin, I’ll text you when.

Seth, Yes! Pick me up at 9.

I put my phone away, the smell of pancakes and bacon is beckoning me. I walk into the kitchen and see several steamy trays arranged on the table. Amber looks on as she sips her coffee beside Lincoln who’s silently watching Adonis pile on eggs and ham. I grab my tray and add whipped cream, strawberry toppings and syrup to my pancakes. I munch right away on the crispy bacon and the salty goodness makes me want to cry. There’s a gallon of orange juice so I pour a cup and tear into my pancakes.

Amber smiles sweetly as she looks at our spread. “We ordered Chinese last night but I sure do love breakfast pancakes!” I toss her a extra tray and watch as she delicately cuts into a pancake. She offers Lincoln a bite, I peek at him for his reaction but he’s stoic as per usual. He shakes his head and just sips his coffee while his hawk stare surveys us.

“Yeah, it’s a guilty pleasure,” Adonis says thoughtfully while chewing and cutting into his ham. “I don’t usually eat this junk but I was starving and it’s early so…”

I nod in agreement. “I mostly subsist on junk food!” I say, sheepishly while licking the whipped cream off my fingers. Lincoln is shocker of course staring but I ignore him.

Adonis leans over and I quiver as his breath tickles my ear. “You can’t tell,” he says brazenly, seductively and I blush panic-stricken while nibbling on my last piece of bacon. Amber takes notice and eases my discomfort by switching the topic and focus.

“So, any plans today?” She smiles nicely at Adonis who belches loudly, his attention drawn elsewhere.

“Tons,” Adonis says finishing his toast and standing up from the table.

“Sounds busy, I have work too,” she relays but he’s engrossed on his phone probably texting his precious girlfriend.

“Lincoln and I are going to hang for a bit and watch TV.” She says this to me softly and nicely because she knows we’re supposed to chill together. She works part-time at a retail store so that’s even more time apart but maybe she’ll go with me and Madison tonight. Granted, she’ll be tired but there’s nothing like drinks and dancing to wake you up.

“Okay but can you come out with me tonight?” I pout, giving her my best puppy eyes.

She looks a little taken aback and swayed but resists. “Will Madison be there?”

“Yes,” I finish slowly. God, what is with the Madison hate. She looks to Lincoln coyly who’s on his phone and then back at me.

“Can Lincoln come?” she requests. “Will you come sweetie?” She coos, his face is diffident when he looks up from his phone at her. But she bats her lashes and he reluctantly nods, pleased she looks back at me awaiting my response.

“Of course he can come, it’s just stupid fun,” I say reassuringly.

“Great, perfect,” she grins standing up. Adonis has already retreated back to my room. She kisses my cheek while taking Lincoln’s hand. He finishes his drink and follows her. I go to my room to find Adonis newly dressed and his bag in one hand and phone in the other.

“I have to go but I’ll call you later,” he tells me as he fishes out his wallet. He hands me a roll of hundred dollar bills and kisses me. I palm the money and watch as he makes a call and leaves the room. I lock the door after him and watch him pull away in his white truck. I walk back into my room and change clothes. I put on my soft cotton shorts and oversized Michael Jackson Bad t-shirt. I text Justin to come over, I need some dick now!


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