My Best Friend’s Father Ch. 01

A gay sex stories: My Best Friend's Father Ch. 01 I tapped my knuckles against the wooden door before stepping back and waiting. Chris swung the door open wide and greeted me with a smile. He and I had been best friends since we were little. We’d been inseparable ever since he and his family moved in a couple of streets over from me and my mother.

“Holy shit, it’s hot out here,” he said. He wore blue swim trunks that went down to just above his knees. His leaned frame, cut by our hours of dedication to the wrestling team in high school, looked even better than I’d remembered. He’d gone to a D3 school a few hours away to wrestle. I’d gone to a large university to be in a populous college town but wasn’t good enough to make the team. I did find a competitive club team though that kept me in shape.

“Yeah, it is. Now move out of the way so I can get to the pool,” I responded with a smile.

Chris and I walked through the sliding glass doors onto the back deck looking over the pool. The blue water sparkled as the sun burned overhead. I immediately shed my shirt and jumped into the cool, refreshing water.

I turned around just in time to see Chris cannonball into the deep end. He flipped his dark hair as his head breached the surface. He slowly swam, then walked into the shallow end toward me.

After my wettest dreams and most powerful orgasms began containing the images of other men, I realized I was gay. I hadn’t been open about it to anyone until I got to college. I decided to introduce myself there as the real me and was surprised by the acceptance I received.

I knew Chris was straight. He told me so many times and always talked of women that he crushed on. The morning after he lost his virginity, I was there listening to him recount every second.

There was a time that I thought I was in love with Chris. But I later realized it was lust. He had been the first guy I’d seen naked other than myself. I was fascinated with his body just because it was different than mine. My father died when I was very young, so Chris was really the only other male influence in my life. Well, he and his father.

Mr. Bryant was like a father to me as well. As it was only me and my mother, who worked nights as a nurse, I frequently found myself over at the Bryant’s. His parents treated me like one of their own.

Chris reached the end of the pool where I was sitting on the edge. The cool water in the warm sun gave me chills.

“Damn, this feels good,” Chris said, running his fingers through his wet hair.

“I missed this place. It’s good to be home. And it’s good to see you, Drew,” he said while lightly punching my thigh.

“It’s good to see you too, dude,” I said.

Chris suddenly jumped backward. Fully submerged, he swam toward the other end of the pool. It fell silent until the sound of the lawnmower, distant at first, grew louder.

I turned to look toward the side of the house. Mr. Bryant was shirtless, pushing the mower up the slight incline from the garage.

He and his son looked a lot alike in some ways. They both had dark, wavy hair although Mr. Bryant’s was graying. He also had a trimmed beard and mustache that contained specks of gray. His body wasn’t as cut as Chris’, but I would have described him as buff. Buff and hairy.

Mr. Bryant pushed the mower up past the edge of the raised pool. He lifted his head and our eyes met. He looked surprised, then smiled, before waving to me and continuing into the backyard.

I felt a shifting response in my shorts as Mr. Bryant’s 6’2″ frame passed in front of me. I looked down to see my dick slowly expanding across my lap. I quickly slid off the edge of the pool and back into the water. I swam over to the deep end where Chris was treading water.

We chatted about our college experiences since we’d last seen each other. We’d both gone on separate spring break trips, and each had wild stories to tell. Chris had won D3 nationals with his team, so they went on a bender in Mexico for a week to celebrate. He told me about the tourists he’d fucked as well as a few locals. All women of course.

I had gone to Miami with a few friends I’d made. My friends were both gay too, but I left that part out of the story. The trip was a sexual awakening for me. I fucked many men and got fucked by many more men. I was inexperienced and my friends convinced me to let loose. I replaced the men with women in the tales of my exploitations.

After treading water for so long, I’d finally willed my penis down to its flaccid state. Not that it lasted long, as I could hear the mower suddenly stop, and Mr. Bryant appeared on the deck beside the pool.

“It’s great to see you again, Drew,” he said to me.

“You too, Mr. Bryant,” I said, surprised my voice sounded normal.

His hairy chest was matted down with sweat. His thick pecs heaved with each deep breath, and I could see his abs clearly with the fine droplets magnifying the sun’s rays. His wet, salt-and-peppered hair dripped onto his handsome face. He wore khaki shorts that were nearly soaked through at the top.

My mouth began watering as I continued to tread water.

At 44, he was in better shape than most guys I went to college with. I had been with a few older men by that point — all of them during the spring break trip. But none of them had a body like Mr. Bryant.

My penis began responding again and I stayed in the deep end to make sure it wasn’t too obvious.

“Beautiful day for a swim, boys,” Mr. Bryant said as he stretched his arms above his head, exposing his hairy, sweat-soaked pits.

“Mind if I join you?” he said.

“Come on in,” Chris said with a wave of his hand above the surface.

Mr. Bryant suddenly hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and quickly slid them down his toned, hairy legs. He stood up for a moment to hang them over the deck railing and I feasted my eyes on his fully naked form.

Naturally, my gaze went straight to his manhood. It hung down past his big balls. His floppy cock was longer than my erection. His bush was fuller than mine but still trimmed like my own. I scanned up his ripped body before making eye contact again.

Chris, who had been facing me, turned around and saw his dad in his birthday suit.

“Oh, what the hell, Dad?” he bemoaned. I could tell he was embarrassed. Little did he know that I was eating it up.

“What, son? We’re all men here,” his father said. “It’s a boys weekend.”

His wife, Mrs. Bryant, was out of town visiting her parents that weekend. Mr. Bryant stepped forward and splashed into the water a few feet from me. His naked body disappeared for several seconds.

Chris turned back to me and said, “Sorry, man. This is embarrassing.”

I laughed as casually as I could and said, “Don’t worry about it.”

Mr. Bryant broke through the surface and flipped his hair just as his son had. He swam over towards us and began asking me about college life.

We talked for a while and made our way to where we could stand. Chris eventually calmed down and I think both of us had forgotten his father was naked. That is until he walked over to the edge and pulled himself out. He sat on the edge with his legs spread. My eyes were nearly level with his impressive package which hadn’t shrunk much in the cooler water.

I swallowed hard as Chris said, “Oh shit! What time is it, Dad?”

“Ten to five,” he said as he glanced down at his watch. I regrettably tore my eyes away from his masculine body to look over at Chris.

“Dude, we told the twins we’d be ready at five,” he said.

“Oh yeah, that’s right,” I said remembering we had planned an online gaming session with our friends from high school.

“Dad, can Drew use your shower?” he asked.

“Sure, no problem,” Mr. Bryant responded then looked at me.

“Mrs. Bryant isn’t home so just head in, son, and grab yourself a towel from the closet in the bedroom. I’m still fixing the shelves in the bathroom closet so there’s nothing in there,” he said.

I was fighting against my cock’s urge to grow underwater as I said, “Thanks, Mr. Bryant.”

Chris bounded out of the water and quickly dried off before disappearing inside. I slowly walked up to the shallow end of the pool.

I stepped out, being careful to keep myself turned away from Mr. Bryant. My semi-erection was obvious under the soaked, yellow shorts. Mr. Bryant gazed out towards the freshly cut grass as I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and went inside.

Although I had been to their house countless times, I had only been in Chris’ parent’s room a handful of times. I couldn’t recall ever being in the master bathroom.

I walked through the bedroom doorway to see the large bed. I imagined Mr. Bryant sleeping there at first. But then my mind began to wander, and I was soon picturing him railing Mrs. Bryant with his massive cock. The image of him sitting on the edge of the pool with spread legs re-entered my mind.

My own cock responded immediately, and I was at full mast within seconds. I suddenly remembered that I was in a hurry, so I quickly stepped into the bathroom and shut the door.

I watched in the mirror as I slid my yellow shorts down my nearly hairless, toned legs. My body was almost as lean as Chris’, and I was proud of the progress I’d made since high school. Going through another year of puberty didn’t hurt either.

My boner suddenly popped out and slapped my abs. My six inches were hard as steel. My nuts were already tight up to my body. I could feel a deep ache.

I turned toward the walk-in shower and pictured Mr. Bryant naked. My mind projected him standing under the cascading water. I could see every detail as the droplets coursed down his hairy body, reaching the tip of his long cock before falling to the tiled floor.

After setting the temperature of the water, I stepped in and quickly washed myself. My erection hadn’t subsided at all. I looked at the door, made sure it was locked and wrapped my hand around my pulsating shaft.

It didn’t take more than ten strokes before I blasted an impressive load. I fought to stifle the moans that formed deep within my body.

Finally opening my eyes after a powerful orgasm, I saw my cum splattered across the shower wall. I quickly cupped my hands to collect water and wash away the evidence.

My cock began to deflate as I stepped out, but I panicked as I realized I hadn’t grabbed a towel. I looked around for a hand towel or something I could use but saw only my soaked shorts in the sink.

I realized I’d have to go back into the bedroom but figured Mr. Bryant was still out back. I shook as much excess water from me as I could before stepping up to the door. I cracked it slightly and stuck my head out. The coast was clear. Mr. Bryant’s bedroom was empty.

I walked over toward the closet and just as I was reaching for the door handle, Mr. Bryant appeared at the doorway from the hall.

He was toweling his head. His face was covered and he was still naked. His large cock and balls swung freely between his legs as he vigorously dried his hair.

I froze in place. My heart nearly stopped as he lowered the towel and saw me standing before him.

“Forget a towel?” he asked with an amused smile.

I looked down at my naked body completely exposed to my best friend’s father. My cock had quickly reawakened and stuck out straight from my body.

I felt my face grow searing hot. Mr. Bryant seemed unaware of the effect he was having on me as he started rubbing the towel under and around his package. After throwing open the closet door, I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I didn’t know if I should acknowledge the erection he’d surely just seen.

Instead, I simply walked past him out of the room and said, “Thanks for letting me use your shower, Mr. Bryant.”

“Sure thing, kid,” he said as he glanced over his shoulder watching me walk down the hall.

I bounded up the stairs and walked past the game room where Chris was already dressed and setting up.

“Hurry up, dude! They’re already logged on,” he said.

I went one door down and stepped into Chris’ room. I stepped up to his dresser and pulled out what I needed.

It wasn’t strange for us to wear each other’s clothes as we were the same size. We’d done it ever since we were children. My mother knew what belonged to Chris and always sorted the laundry accordingly when I was growing up. Chris’ parents did the same.

Some guys would be weird about sharing underwear, but we never made a big deal out of it.


Chris and I played for hours. It was great but I noticed he was picking up his phone frequently.

“Damn, dude. Who keeps texting you?” I asked.

He looked over and flashed a sly smile, “Ashley.”

“Smith?” I asked.

He just nodded as his grin grew wider.

Ashley Smith was a girl we’d gone to high school with. She went to the same college as me but I’d only seen her a few times at house parties. She had been one of the most popular girls in high school and that carried over to college. She was hot, captained the cheer squad, and always dated the hottest guys. I was jealous of her then and even more so in college having watched her get hit on by the sexiest college studs.

“She just hit me up on Instagram when I got back into town and we started texting,” Chris said as he looked back down at his phone.

“Oh, when you posted that thirst trap?” I said teasing him about a shirtless pic he posted on his story when he first got home earlier that day.

“Hey, it worked, man. This is proof,” he said as he showed me his phone screen.

On it was a picture of Ashley. She was topless and squeezing her breasts together with her arms. It wasn’t hard to pretend to be impressed by the photo. Ashley was hot and she had a killer body. Even a gay guy could appreciate it.

It was obvious someone else had taken the photo as it showed nearly her whole body. Her hands covered all the most sensitive areas, but it was clear she was completely naked.

“I wonder who took the photo,” I said.

Chris snapped the phone back toward himself and furrowed his brows as he looked at the photo. He evidently hadn’t even thought someone else may have been there to take it.

“It’s probably set up somewhere. You know, like a timer,” he said.

“Uh huh, okay,” I said sounding unconvinced. I loved messing with Chris and he was easy to get riled up.

“Dude, she’s into me,” he said sounding slightly annoyed. “I bet she’d be down to hang right now.”

“Okay then…” I said waving my hand towards his phone, calling his bluff.

“Fine, fucker,” he said with a shit-eating grin. He started typing. I could tell he deleted what he wrote a few times but finally, I heard the noise signaling he sent a message.

He looked over at me with a look that just screamed arrogance. I just smiled and shook my head.

Not ten seconds later, I heard a ping. Chris looked down then back up at me with the widest smile I’d ever seen. He showed me the phone. Sure enough, Ashley had responded with “I’ve been waiting for you to ask. My parents are out but not for long. Come over.”

“Congrats, man!” I said, genuinely happy for him. Chris had failed to get with her many times in high school, despite several attempts. It was good for him to get a win.

“Dude, think you might be able to cover for me?” he asked with pleading eyes.

“Cover for you? Your dad’s cool. Just tell him,” I said.

“Fuck no. He’ll want to give me some long spiel about the birds and the bees, and I don’t have time for that shit,” he said laughing.

“Alright, go,” I said.

“You’re the best,” he said as he stood up and quickly adjusted an obvious erection in his shorts. Neither of us mentioned it as he opened the window and slid out.

There was a tree branch growing over the roof. We had used it many times to sneak in and out of that game room over the years.

As if on cue, his father suddenly knocked at the game room doorway. I turned around to see Mr. Bryant in a T-shirt and shorts.

“You boys having a good ti-,” he began to ask. “Where’s Chris?”

“We needed a memory card from the twins so he just headed out to grab it,” I said, surprised by my own ability to come up with a complete, but believable lie within a fraction of a second.

“Ah, alright,” he said. “You hungry?”

“Always,” I said with a smile.

He said he’d order us a pizza and turned around to go back downstairs. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone.

It was a text from Chris that read, “Fuck forgot a condom. I don’t have any, you?”

I replied no and quickly got a response from Chris.

“Damn. Think you can do me a huge favor? I know my dad keeps some in his bedside drawer,” he wrote.

My heart suddenly started beating fast. My cock also started twitching thinking about searching for Mr. Bryant’s personal condoms.

“You owe me,” I responded to Chris.

I walked past the kitchen. Mr. Bryant was bent over the island on the phone, ordering pizza. His ass looked quite muscular, and his tight shorts molded to his frame. I recalled the events earlier and my brain flashed pictures of Mr. Bryant’s flaccid package in my mind. I could feel my cock growing and knew I’d have to be quick.

I walked into the master bedroom and chose to start at the bedside drawer nearest the bathroom. I opened it and was disappointed when I didn’t see any condoms. There was a baby blue cylindrical object. Without thinking, I reached for it.

It was soft and malleable like silicone. It was a hollow tube made up of four rings and looked to be a little more than four inches long. I looked on the inside and saw the ridges of each ring. Suddenly, I realized this was probably Mr. Bryant’s stroker. I immediately pictured him spread-legged on the big bed beside me. His thick, erect meat was hard, and he was sliding the series of blue rings up and down his long shaft.

I thought I was about to cum in my shorts but instead almost passed out when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was face-to-face with Mr. Bryant.

“Can I help you find something, son?” he said. His voice suddenly sounded deeper than normal. Maybe it was just distorted hearing as blood rushed around my head.

“I…Uh…I’m…” I said, stammering over every word I tried to say.

“Woah, you better adjust that thing before you tear through your shorts,” he said, clearly exaggerating a shocked gesture.

I looked down at my obvious erection. I instinctively flipped it up into my waistband with one hand while still holding the toy in the other.

A few painfully uncomfortable seconds passed before I realized I’d have to explain.

“I was looking for some medicine. My head hurts,” I said. I didn’t even believe my own lie this time, but I didn’t want to rat out Chris.

“Well, that isn’t going to help your head, son,” Mr. Bryant said with a cocky smile.

“Yeah, I suppose not,” I said with a chuckle. “I’ve heard about these things but have never actually seen one. My roommate in college calls his a ‘pocket pussy.'”

I immediately cowered as the words left my lips. I was rambling and embarrassed that I’d said the word ‘pussy’ to my best friend’s father.

Mr. Bryant let out a hearty laugh and said, “That’s not what that is, son. You got into my wife’s drawer.”

“My ‘pocket pussy’ is in that one of there,” he said, using air quotes before pointing to the drawer on the other side of the bed.

I looked at the toy again then back to him as he reached out his hand and said, “May I?”

Silently, I handed him his wife’s sex toy, whatever it did. I watched as he pulled one of the rings from the rest of the group.

“They’re depth limiters technically but I like the term ‘dick bumpers,'” he said with another laugh. I felt my body relax slightly watching his handsome face light up at his own joke.

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about but didn’t want to seem naïve or ignorant, so I said, “Oh…”

I clearly didn’t fool him because he explained, “They limit how much you can penetrate your partner. More rings, less depth. Fewer rings, more depth.”

I shuddered, and my asshole quivered when he said the word ‘penetrate’ but I started putting two and two together as he continued unprompted, “My wife insists that I wear them. She says it’s too painful otherwise.”

He seemed to gaze off a bit before he said, “Wow, I should not have said that. Much more information than you wanted.”

“It’s okay, Mr. Bryant. I obviously don’t have a male influence at home to learn these things from. Do they hurt to have on?” I asked.

“Not at all, thankfully. They’re quite stretchy,” he said as he demonstrated by stretching the rings apart.

“Seems like they’d be frustrating,” I said.

“Not being able to use…the whole thing, I mean,” I clarified.

“Oh, you have no idea, son…After a while of using only half your dick, you want nothing more than to rip them off and…” Mr. Bryant trailed off. For the first time, he looked almost embarrassed.

“That thing only covers half your dick?” I said genuinely shocked. I immediately started fantasizing about how long Mr. Bryant’s erect cock was.

He laughed to himself before he put the rings back together and placed them into the drawer.

Mr. Bryant slapped his hand onto my shoulder and said, “Come on. Let’s go find you that medicine.”

I pulled out my phone to tell Chris I couldn’t find a condom. He had already texted me saying Ashley had them covered.


It had been well over an hour since Chris had slipped out of his window. Ashley’s place was right down the street, so they were either going another round or, more likely, they had fallen asleep after fucking each other’s brains out.

My best friend’s father and I sat around the table and ate pizza, which arrived shortly after I took the medication that I didn’t need. He knew something was up when Chris hadn’t returned and eventually got me to tell him the truth about where his son was. He laughed and seemed cool about it. I shot Chris a warning text that his father knew.

Mr. Bryant suggested we watch TV, so I followed him downstairs into the basement. We sat on the sofa and Mr. Bryant began searching around with his eyes.

Clearly unable to find what he was looking for, he said, “Run up there and turn on the TV for us, will you? Chris always moves the damn remote.”

I walked up to the TV and felt around the bottom edge for a button. As soon as I pressed it, porn instantly appeared on the screen. There was a man between a woman’s legs. She was laying on her back on a dining room table. He was plowing her deep and hard with his big cock. His body was hairy and muscled. He looked oddly similar to Mr. Bryant and I felt my cock stir yet again.

The woman’s moans quickly filled the basement and sexual tension was instantly palpable in the air. I looked over to Mr. Bryant whose eyes were transfixed on the screen. I watched for a few seconds, astonished that he was seemingly frozen. I thought I could just make out his package growing under his loose athletic shorts before he suddenly adjusted and cleared his throat.

“Goddamn. Chris hasn’t been home for twelve hours and already left porn playing,” he said with a slight laugh.

“No dick bumpers for that guy,” I said, thinking it would lighten the mood as I looked back at the screen. The man was repeatedly pulling his entire cock from the woman and slamming it into her balls deep. Her tits bounced on her chest with each powerful thrust of his hips.

Mr. Bryant laughed loudly and said, “That lucky son of a bitch.”

The rhythmic pounding put me in a sexual trance, and I slowly stepped back until I was sitting on the end of the couch opposite Mr. Bryant. We both watched for a minute or so in silence.

“So, Chris is out getting high school tail…you got any girls you’re pursuing in college?” Mr. Bryant asked.

My eyes were glued to the screen as the man pulled his cock from the woman and began rubbing it around her clit. He teased her with the tip. The zoomed-in view showed every detail of his dick. And it was beautiful.

I slowly shook my head, silently answering Mr. Bryant’s question.

“Any guys?” he asked.

“There was one –,” I said before I quickly turned to look at him. I felt my face turn beet red.

“Relax, Drew,” he said calmly. “I’m not going to tell Chris. Or anyone for that matter.”

Several seconds passed which were awkward enough given the topic of conversation. Not to mention the woman now passionately blowing the man on screen.

“I’m gay, Mr. Bryant,” I said, instantly feeling a weight lifted off my chest. I looked over at him and his broad smile.

“I’m proud of you, son,” he said.

I was on the verge of happy tears when he said, “I’ve had my suspicions but I’m happy you finally feel comfortable telling me.”

“Suspicions?” I asked.

“Yeah, little things here and there, over the years. It really was just an inkling though…until today,” he said.

I recounted all the times I’d thrown a bone since I’d arrived earlier that day. Many of them had been in front of Mr. Bryant himself.

He continued, “I saw the way you looked at me at the pool. And then there was the evidence in the shower.”

My eyes widened and I felt myself sink lower into the couch.

“Oh, I’m not mad, son,” he said laughing. “All of us do it. Hell, this shit on TV is making me want to do it now. It’s been a while since I’ve watched porn.”

I almost believed he was just going to whip it out and start wanking himself right there in front of me.

“And you clearly tried to clean up after yourself,” he continued. “But that was one hell of a shot, kid! I saw jizz up at my eye level on the tiles.”

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Bryant,” I said lowering my head. I couldn’t look him in the eyes. I was mortified.

“Hey, don’t be,” he said as he leaned over and placed a hand on my thigh. It wasn’t so much sexual as it was a comforting fatherly touch, but my erection pulsed from the contact nonetheless. I could feel precum leaking into my underwear.

I looked up at his face to see a reassuring smile. I was distracted by loud gagging noises. Both of us returned our gaze to the TV where the man was on a couch. His legs were spread wide and the woman was on her knees in front of him. She had tied her hair back and was slowly trying to engulf his entire cock with her mouth and throat. She gagged repeatedly. Saliva dripped around her lips and slid down the man’s length.

Mr. Bryant lifted his hand from my thigh causing me to instinctively look in his direction. He adjusted his package which had clearly grown since he’d first sat down.

“Fuck, I haven’t had a proper blowjob in years,” he said. It was quiet, almost as if it was supposed to be an internal thought.

I saw his eyes widen just as the man on screen grunted loudly. I glanced up quickly enough to see the woman had successfully buried his entire cock in her throat. It was impressive but I had something else on my mind.

Looking back at Mr. Bryant, he was adjusting an even larger mound in his shorts. I knew the thoughts in my head were wrong, but I also knew I’d never get another opportunity like that.

With Mr. Bryant’s eyes still locked on the TV, I reached over and touched his thigh just above his knee. He jumped and looked down at me.

With the most seductive look I could muster I said, “I could help with that.”

As if he needed any clarification, I licked my lips and looked down at his shorts struggling to contain his rising manhood.

“Woah, woah, Drew. I wasn’t…I didn’t…I wasn’t asking for –,” he said, surprisingly flustered.

“I know you weren’t asking. But I’m offering,” I said as calmly as I could. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, and I could hear my pulse in my ears.

“We shouldn’t…we can’t,” he said.

My hand still rested on his thigh. I squeezed lightly and said, “I won’t tell anyone. You know a secret of mine so I should know a secret of yours…”

“This is quite different, son. I’m married…and I’m not gay,” he said.

“You don’t have to be gay to enjoy a mouth on your cock, Mr. Bryant,” I said surprised by my own candor.

Mr. Bryant was even more surprised. I could see the wheels turning in his head. His resolve was cracking, and I knew I had to make my move. It was ‘now or never.’

The man on the screen began moaning louder and more frequently, a tell-tale sign of an impending explosion. Mr. Bryant’s attention was pulled back to the TV, but I remained laser focused.

As he watched, I slowly moved my hand up his thigh. I slid my hand under his loose shorts and continued lightly stroking his muscular leg as I moved up. I reached the leg of his boxer briefs and continued sliding over the top of them.

I finally reached his crotch. He inhaled sharply as I traced my hand along his shaft. The warm, pulsating tube of flesh was separated from my fingers by just a thin layer of cotton underwear. It extended toward his hip away from me. I leaned over further to inspect his entire length. When I reached the head, my fingertips were greeted with sticky precum which had begun to soak through.

I kept my hand still over his leaking cock head as I looked up. He slowly looked down and met my gaze. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes he gave me that night.

He wanted it. No, he needed it.

Taking that as affirmation, I slowly slid onto my knees in front of Mr. Bryant. The scratchy carpet against my knees suddenly reminded me of playing down here with Chris when we were younger. And I was about to blow his dad.

I reached for the waistband and started to pull it down. Mr. Bryant lifted his hips and soon his shorts and underwear were at his ankles. He slipped one foot out completely so he could spread his legs wide.

Standing up at least eight inches, just in front of my face, was Mr. Bryant’s impressive cock. His balls were proportional and hung low. I looked up as I reached out for it. Mr. Bryant and I made eye contact as my fingers touched his bare shaft for the first time. He inhaled sharply as he had before. Only this time he allowed his eyes to close and his head to tilt back.

Gripping the shaft completely, I instantly started stroking. I wanted him to feel good. Moments between pleasure were opportunities for the doubt to creep in. And the last thing I wanted was for it to end prematurely.

Suddenly, another video started on the screen. The woman’s moans were loud, and I turned around briefly to see what Mr. Bryant was intently watching.

A woman was on her back on a bed. Her legs were spread wide and her hairless pussy was on display. A man was on his knees teasing her clit with his tongue and finger fucking her.

I felt my hand slide across Mr. Bryant’s cut head more easily and turned my attention back to his tool. He was leaking globs of precum every few strokes. He began moaning very softly.

I took a deep breath and wet my lips. I wanted this to be the best blowjob he’d ever received. I didn’t look up again before leaning in, fearing the brief sight of my best friend’s father’s face might psych me out.

Gingerly at first, I wrapped my lips around his precum-soaked head. My tongue followed shortly after to lap up his juice directly from the source.

There was no sharp inhale this time but a loud, guttural groan. I slowly slid my wet, warm mouth down his shaft. My tongue traced the sensitive ridges along the underside of his erection. He moaned nearly continuously. I felt my own cock ache and begin to leak as it was clear he was enjoying himself.

I timed a breath expertly before sinking down his lengthy shaft. I couldn’t get all the way before gagging but I certainly impressed Mr. Bryant.

“Holy shit,” he said, almost as a long, drawn-out moan.

At my peak depth on his cock, I reached a hand up to grip his full balls. The hair felt wiry in my fingers. I rolled them around gently as I slid my mouth back up his shaft.

Reaching the top, I repeatedly massaged my tongue around the ridge of his head driving him wild. His hips began to buck slightly, and it was obvious he was having to stop himself from thrusting his cock into my throat.

I stopped teasing him after a quick breath and sunk down onto his shaft. I moved quicker this time and got further with each plunge, but gagged loudly when I neared the base.

I could feel his hands on the sides of my face pulling me up. I’m sure he wanted to make sure I was alright, but little did he know that I would have cut off my own air supply to bring him pleasure. I was also dangerously close to cumming in my shorts.

Without pulling much of his cock out of my mouth, I adjusted slightly and gripped the base with my free hand. I let spit drip down the sides of his shaft. Once my fist was soaked, I began a coordinate suck and stroke rhythm that was slow and light at first. After thirty seconds or so, I increased the pressure and speed.

Mr. Bryant sounded as though he was beside himself. He was grunting and groaning. Some sounds were indistinguishable from others. I don’t think he was in control of what was coming out of his mouth. After a minute or two of polishing his shaft with my mouth and hand, I lifted my head. A trail of saliva bridged his glistening head to my lips.

My best friend’s father looked at me with a mix of bewilderment, pride, and lust. I hadn’t been able to hear the porn when I was sucking Mr. Bryant but the woman’s pleasure-filled moans added a layer of intensity as we made eye contact.

Mr. Bryant very lightly licked his bottom lip. He was staring at me with such intensity I thought he was actually going to lean forward and kiss me.

Suddenly, the front door opened which was just a few feet from the door down into the basement where we were. I saw pure terror appear on Mr. Bryant’s face before I immediately jumped up and turned the TV off.

I turned back around to see Mr. Bryant lift his hips and slide his clothes up over his beautiful, saliva-soaked hard-on. I quickly flipped my own boner into my waistband, happy to see I hadn’t leaked precum through my shorts.

Mr. Bryant was struggling to conceal his massive cock under his shorts. I threw him a blanket from the other end of the couch just as Chris bounded down the stairs and said, “There you guys are. What’s happening?”

Chris looked a lot more relaxed than when he’d left. His hair was a mess though and his shirt was wrinkled. Clearly, he hadn’t looked in a mirror before leaving Ashley’s.

“Just catching up,” Mr. Bryant said sounding surprisingly calm.

“Normally, I’d join but I’m beat. I’m off to shower and head to bed,” he said with a sleepy smile.

“Alright, son. Good night,” Mr. Bryant said.

“You staying the night? Yes? Cool,” Chris said pointing to me before answering his own question and turning back around.

“I’m not going to be grandfather anytime soon, am I?” Mr. Bryant said more loudly as Chris ascended the squeaky basement stairs.

“Not unless Drew knocked someone up in that big college town!” he responded from the top.

I looked back at Mr. Bryant as the basement door opened and shut. We could hear Chris walk overhead before going up the stairs to the second floor where his room, bathroom, and game room were.

I stood there, a few feet in front of the couch. Mr. Bryant sat on the couch with his lap still covered. We were silent for what felt like several minutes. I started to step toward him but stopped as soon as he spoke.

“Look, Drew. We should…talk about this…” he said.

I could tell he was uncomfortable and probably had a lot of regrets. I didn’t want to make it more painful for him although I desperately wanted to rip off his shorts again and finish the job.

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Bryant. As I said, no one will ever find out. Good night,” I said.

I adjusted my erection once more and looked down to make sure it wouldn’t be too obvious if Chris wasn’t already in the shower. It hadn’t even occurred to me at that moment that I was directly in front of Mr. Bryant. I looked up to see him watching me intently.

I could tell he was conflicted and uncomfortable. I started to walk around the couch toward the stairs to leave when Mr. Bryant said softly, “Good night, son.”


That night, I tossed and turned on the pull-out sofa in the game room. I’d slept there a hundred times but my throbbing erection that night kept begging for attention. I quickly realized I’d never be able to sleep until I relieved myself.

I slipped my hand beneath the thin sheet that covered my nearly naked body. It was always warm upstairs at the Bryant’s house.

My hand slid down my hairless abs and under the waistband of the boxer briefs I was wearing. I fleetingly thought about Chris likely having leaked into that same underwear at some point, but my mind quickly returned to his father’s cock I’d just sucked.

My six inches of rock-hard cock were soaked with precum, and my hand slid easily from base to tip. I felt a bit constricted, so I threw the sheet aside and slid the underwear down my thighs.

I was stroking quickly and intentionally when I heard the floor creak in the hallway. I looked up and saw Mr. Bryant at the doorway to the game room. He undoubtedly saw what I was doing. I’d left the windows open leaving more than enough light.

He nonetheless walked over towards the sofa bed as I pulled the underwear back up. I clearly didn’t need to cover myself as he’d just seen everything, but it happened almost mechanically.

Mr. Bryant sat down on the bed beside me. He was wearing only his tight boxer briefs and looked like he had just gotten out of bed.

“I can’t sleep thinking about what we did. I should not have put you in that position and I should not have let you do that,” he said.

I was disheartened, to say the least. I’m not saying I’d fantasized about Mr. Bryant my entire life, but ever since my sexual awakening during the first semester of college, men with bodies like his made me want to do nasty things to them. Add to it that he was older and experienced, not to mention hung, and I was fully in lust with my best friend’s father.

I paused for a moment, appreciating his nearly nude form in the moonlight. I thought it odd that he came up so exposed just to tell me we couldn’t continue.

“That’s a bummer, Mr. Bryant,” I said reaching out and placing my hand on his bare thigh.

“I really wanted to finish the job,” I said as I gripped his muscular, hairy leg. I thought about telling him I’d offer him my ass in a heartbeat but didn’t want to freak him out any more than he already was.

He paused for several moments before saying, “It was only a few minutes…but it was the best I’ve ever had.”

I could see the utter conflict written across his face. I knew it was low using his cock against him, but I wanted it back in my mouth. I slid my hand up his thigh and again gripped his package through his underwear. He wasn’t as hard as before, but I could tell it was slowly expanding.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath.

I slowly traced my fingers around the growing shaft until he looked down and said, “You really want to do this?”

“Mr. Bryant, look at me,” I said. “I was beating myself off to the thought of your cock in my throat.”

Mr. Bryant appeared shocked at first and quickly looked up to ensure the doorway was still empty. A sly smile then crept across his face as he said, “Come on, then. We can’t do this here.”

He stood up from the bed, adjusting himself slightly before reaching out a hand. I grabbed it as he pulled me to my feet in front of him. Our faces were inches away from each other momentarily before he put his hands on my bare shoulders and spun me around. He nudged me in the direction of the stairs.

We walked down the stairs in silence, both of us trying to avoid the squeaky spots. My own erection was leaking into Chris’ underwear as Mr. Bryant’s strong hands squeezed my shoulders. I looked back to see that Mr. Bryant definitely wasn’t soft.

As soon as we were in his room, Mr. Bryant shut the door and turned toward me.

He looked frozen, unable to speak. I reached up and touched a hand to his bare chest. I felt the hairs between my fingers for a second before I pushed him back. He sat down on the bed, and I signaled with my hand for him to slide up the bed.

He complied and sat at the head of the bed leaning up against the pillows. His legs were spread wide, and his substantial package bulged in his straining boxer briefs.

I wet my lips and climbed up onto the bed. I wasted no time pulling Mr. Bryant’s underwear down his legs and off his body. He sat naked in front of me and before he could second-guess his decision, I gripped his hard shaft and swallowed the top half of his member.

He groaned loudly as I immediately went back to working his throbbing shaft with my hand and mouth in coordination. As if we hadn’t been interrupted earlier. I tasted spurts of precum on my tongue every so often and his continual moaning egged me on.

“Goddamn, Drew. Fuck!” he said as I repeatedly speared my throat with his cock.

I took a few moments at the top of his cock to lick every surface of his sensitive head. I also used the opportunity to catch my breath before plunging back down. I opened my jaw to the max and gripped under his balls to push him up toward me. Eventually, my lips contacted his trimmed pubes and I fought like hell to resist the urge to gag.

“Holy shit,” he said breathlessly.

I suddenly started contracting the muscles in my throat massaging his sensitive cock.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Drew…” he said with urgency. I knew what it meant but wasn’t quite ready for it to end so I lifted myself off of his impressive piece completely. I held the shaft by the base and pointed it toward the ceiling while I used my other hand to wipe my mouth and chin.

“They teach you to tease a man like that in college, son?” he asked.

I looked up to see a smile creep across his handsome face. His head was leaned back against the pillows and his eyes were shut.

“It’ll be worth it, I promise,” I said as I slowly slid my hand up his spit-soaked dick.

He shuddered and moaned but kept his eyes closed. I leaned forward and put my wet lips against one of his protruding nipples. He jumped at the initial contact but didn’t push me or lean away.

His chest hair tickled my lips as I began to flick my tongue over his nipple. It quickly hardened and I could feel his cock twitching in my hand. I kept still so as not to get him too close to orgasm again but would intermittently slide a single finger around the sensitive underside.

After his nipple stood proudly, I started to work on the other. Mr. Bryant’s moans turned to frustration, and he put his hand on my head for the first time. It was gentle at first, almost cupping my cheek. Then he slid his hand up to the top of my head and ran his fingers through my hair. He lightly applied pressure and I got the hint.

I sunk back down but remained on my knees and elbows. As soon I put my lips to his cock again, Mr. Bryant’s hand dropped to his side. I quickly grabbed it and his other hand and placed them on my head and face.

I bobbed up and down on his cock while holding his hands tightly to my head. I began to apply pressure over his hands with each dive downward. It didn’t take long before he understood what I was doing. He tightened his own grip on my head but simply followed my movements. I got to the top of his cock again and stopped suddenly.

His moaning stopped abruptly, and I could feel his eyes on me even though I was face down in his crotch with my lips wrapped around his cock head.

A few moments later and he worked up the courage to push my head down further on his cock. He was incredibly gentle at first and only pushed me down about halfway. I did none of the work for him and he quickly grew frustrated with the minimal stimulation.

As if a switch went off inside him, he suddenly held my head in place and began thrusting his hips upward. After a few awkwardly aimed thrusts, he figured it out and was properly fucking my face.

I opened my throat wide to accommodate him and took in shallow breaths when I could. Saliva leaked copiously from my mouth and slid down his piston-like shaft.

I took the opportunity to reach down and grope my neglected cock straining to break free from Chris’ underwear. I reached inside and slid my fingers around the soaked ridge of my cut cock head.

I moaned at the stimulation in my throat and at my cock. I heard Mr. Bryant grunt louder before increasing the depth of his thrusts. I quickly started gagging with each one until it became violent sounding.

Mr. Bryant immediately snapped out of his sex-crazed state and lifted my head from his glistening cock.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry…I just got carried away,” he said, truly out of breath.

“I fucking loved it…but you’re big, Mr. Bryant. Quite big,” I said catching my own breath after being recurrently stuffed with his cock.

He put his hands back at his sides and I resumed suckling his sensitive head. I savored the juice release I was being treated to. I licked and sucked and stroked but never enough to get him close to the edge.

“You ever going to let me cum, son?” he said sounding exasperated.

As soon as he said it, I couldn’t shake the thought of his warm load blasting down my throat. I lowered myself to lay on my front between his hairy legs. I angled his shaft down slightly so that it slid into my throat. I repeatedly sucked about three-quarters of his length and slowly massaged his balls in my free hand.

His primal moaning, the large cock in my mouth, and the fact that I was sucking my best friend’s father had me on edge alone. I began to grind my erect cock against his bed and nearly lost it. The soft, cotton underwear prevented too much friction and I was quickly leaking continuously.

Mr. Bryant again ran his hand through my hair and said, “Drew, I’m getting close.”

I tightened my grip on his balls just slightly and greatly increased the suction my mouth and throat were supplying. He simply tensed in response, unable to speak. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would taste his homemade sauce.

“Hey…son, I’m really close. You better…” he said trailing off.

I increased the speed of my coordinated suck and stroke and heard a loud, “Drew! Oh, fuck!”

His cock began to pulse in my hand and mouth before the first blast was unleashed. It was powerful and I struggled to contain even the first. The second was even more voluminous and it quickly began seeping around my lips as I continued to bob up and down on his unloading dick.

“Ahhhh,” he nearly screamed as I continued to suck him dry. His sensitive skin undoubtedly tingled unbearably as my wet lips and tongue continued to lap at his shaft.

The taste of his salty load on my tongue — the same that made my best friend — put me over the edge and I began to spurt jizz into my boxer briefs as I continued to hump Mr. Bryant’s bed.

I groaned loudly around his cock just as his orgasm subsided. I kept it in my mouth to suckle on the last drops while I crested the orgasmic wave myself.

I eventually pulled off his sensitive head and turned over onto my back. My head rested against his inner thigh and his softening cock lay inches away. An intoxicating odor of man and cum filled the room.

I wiped the excess load from around my mouth and looked up towards Mr. Bryant’s head. He had his head back and was breathing heavily. I looked over at his flaccid cock and realized he was the definition of a show-er. Seven inches soft, eight inches hard. His powerful tool lay atop his balls which were slowly descending in his sac as his body came down from an incredible high.

Reaching up, I lightly traced my fingers along his long shaft. He leaned up and looked down at me with a look of pure satisfaction.

A smile came across his face as he said, “You certainly are talented. I feel a responsibility to personally thank the man who taught you that.”

“Men,” I corrected him. “And they taught me many other things.”

“Oh, really?” Mr. Bryant said with a huge smile.

We stared at each other for a few brief moments before he said, “You soiled your underwear, son.”

I looked down to see the gray boxer briefs I was wearing utterly soaked from what had to have been one of my biggest loads.

“They’re your son’s,” I said bluntly.

Mr. Bryant laughed slightly before he shook his head and said, “I’ll never understand you two sharing underwear. Other clothes I get, but underwear?”

I just smiled at him as he said, “You and Chris haven’t…”

“No,” I said sensing the fear in his voice. “He’s completely straight.”

“Well, you don’t have to be gay to enjoy a mouth on your cock,” he said with a cocky grin.

“Touché,” I said and smiled back.

I looked down again at the soaked underwear and said, “I probably shouldn’t go back up there like this. Just in case Chris is up to pee or something.”

“Right,” Mr. Bryant said as he swung his leg over me and stood up. His hairy ass was taut with muscle and fit so well with the rest of his virile body.

“Let’s find you something you can wear. Get those off,” he said pointing to the underwear I had deposited a load into just moments earlier.

I stood up from the bed and slid the underwear down and off my body. When I stood back up, Mr. Bryant had his hand held out as he looked at me intently. I bunched up the underwear, suddenly embarrassed about the load I’d let loose in them. Tentatively, I placed them into his hand.

“Damn, these have some weight to them, son,” he said.

He laughed slightly as he threw them into the hamper. He reached into his top drawer and pulled out white briefs.

He handed them to me and I slid them up over my legs until the pouch began to loosely cradle my junk. I looked down to see how stretched out it was. His underwear was accustomed to supporting a cock and balls that were much more substantial than my own. I instantly started getting another erection.

“Well, those should do for tonight,” Mr. Bryant said.

I reached out and lightly gripped his long, soft, still-damp shaft. He jumped slightly at the sudden touch.

“If you ever want to use my mouth again, I’m all yours,” I said.

He smiled softly before I said in a softer tone, “Or even try out my ass. I wouldn’t require dick bumpers.”

I felt his cock leap in my hand. I released it and turned to leave his bedroom.

Just as I left the room, I looked over my shoulder to see him lightly tugging on his junk while he watched me walk away in his white briefs. His gaze was fixed on my ass. I thought about the fun summer ahead as I bounded back up the stairs and into the game room where I instantly passed out.

Chapter 2 coming soon.

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