My Boy, Callum. (Part 1) by RedHRT

A gay adult story: My Boy, Callum. (Part 1) by RedHRT ,

First part of my story about James & Callum. Some of you may find it quite slow at the beginning, but I wanted some decent character development. Any future installments will have more action , I promise! Enjoy and leave some feedback!

Hello, my name is James. I’m 18 years old and live in the south of England, about 50 miles from London. I travel to the capital quite often, mainly to see my dad as he stayed living there after he and my mum divorced, but also because I am a massive Arsenal fan and go to watch them play as often as I can. I’d say I’m a reasonably average teenager, standing at about 5’9” I’m not exactly what you’d describe as tall but I’m not that short either. I have jet black hair and hazel eyes mainly due to my South American background; also giving me my caramel skin tone. My build is quite muscular; my chest quite defined and strong like my arms but my stomach is just toned. I do have V-lines though which are my favourite features. I’ve never been to a gym in my life and have the unhealthiest diet but I guess the fact I play football (soccer) 24/7 helps me out. I’ve never worn braces yet my teeth are naturally straight.. all down to luck I guess. I’ve never really had the clearest of minds.. making big decisions has never been easy for me, which probably explains why I’ve only just accepted to myself that I am bisexual.

I’ve had so many girlfriends, like, so many. All through secondary school and even the latter stages of primary school I had built up a reputation of being a “player” even though I had always denied it. Not sure why, but I don’t like that label. I’m quite well-known and popular because of it I guess, but it’s not something I’m proud of. I’d like to think that it’s just because I’m a genuinely nice guy that people like me. I don’t really know what it is, but the novelty of girls has just worn off on me a bit. Don’t get me wrong I still get hard over a gorgeous girl with a nice body, but there’s just something about boys that has always made me curious about what it would be like to have one to myself.

This curiosity was sent into pure lust once I met Callum for the first time. It was a Tuesday morning, the first day back at college after the summer and all the new lower sixth (first year) students were flooding the campus like headless chickens. Our college is pretty big but the sheer amount of people made it seem average! It was a sunny morning but the temperature wasn’t really high yet, after all it was only 8am in September.

I decided to go and chill in the canteen for a few minutes just until everyone had cleared from outside. Looking through the glass door, it was packed. I let out a sigh from under my breath as I walked in and took out my earphone from my right ear, scanning the room for a free seat. In our canteen the seats are in groups of four, two seats bolted either side of a wooden table. Taking my iPhone out my pocket I paused the song I was listening to and looked back up, seeing two girls get up from their seats and leave the canteen. On their table was an emo looking girl who was facing me and opposite her a boy but he had his back to me. I didn’t take much notice of either. As I walked towards the table the boy put his bag on the seat next to him to get something out of it, so I had to sit next to this emo girl.

As I sat down I didn’t look up once at the boy or the girl, swiftly whipping out my phone from my pocket, entering my “6176” passcode and refreshing my twitter feed. Feeling thirsty as hell I got up after about 5 minutes to go get a drink, the fridges just a few metres from where my seat was. After I paid for my Sprite I came back to the table to see the girl had now gone and it was just the boy sat at the table. My newly found acceptance of my sexuality started kicking in and in the seconds it took for me to reach the table I had analysed this boy like I used to analyse girls. I had registered his dark brown hair, slim build and slightly tanned skin. I couldn’t quite figure out if it was a holiday tan or natural but either way, I liked it. He was wearing a black hoody and blue jeans and had his head down reading a book with musical notes in it. I knew he was a lower sixth student as I’d never seen him before, which made me want to get to know him.

“Been somewhere nice during the summer?” I asked him, sitting back down opposite his seat, opening my bottle of Sprite giving him a little smile that I did to everyone to seem friendly. Yes it was a fake smile.

He looked up at me putting down his book, and revealed the most beautiful pair of green eyes I had ever seen. I was caught off guard. He stared back at me for about a second, probably just not expecting me to say anything.

“Um, yeah man” he replied, shutting his book and running his left hand through his hair. He had short back and sides, the sides fading into the longer hair on the top. About 90% of boys had this haircut nowadays, me included. “went skiing with my family for a couple weeks. How about you?”

He smiled back at me with straight, white teeth yet I was just fixated on his eyes. After having a few more seconds looking at them I noticed they were a mix of grey and green and just sparkled at me as he spoke. His lips were plump and red-ish, complimenting his skin tone and beautiful eyes. I felt my dick start to get hard in my jeans.

“Ah that’s cool buddy” I responded, trying to act as calm as possible. “Nothing that great for me, not been the best summer I’ve ever had.”

“Well if it makes you feel better, that was my first real holiday for 3 years!” he said sympathetically.

“Oh man really?” I replied as we both shared a little laugh. I couldn’t help but notice, though, how he never really stopped looking at me, like I hadn’t stopped looking at him. Was he gay? Surely not. He really didn’t seem it, his voice was just as “straight” as mine and he didn’t appear to have any effeminate mannerisms. He didn’t sound “camp” or look it. Then I realised that I was probably over-thinking and he was most likely just a very friendly straight boy, who was delighted that an upper sixth student was talking to him. However, I needed to find out.. but before I thought of what to say to him he had a question of his own.

“Your name’s James right?” he asked shyly and slightly hesitantly, making me stop mid-sip of my drink as I looked back at him.

“Yeah… if you’re taking psychology as one of your subjects don’t bother anymore with all that psychic shit you’ve got going on” I jokingly replied. He laughed which made him finally break eye contact with me; I didn’t care though because his laugh was so cute. But how did he know my name?

Smiling back at me he said “No it’s just that I thought I recognised you from about a year ago, you played against a football team close to me and I was watching, all your teammates called you James!”

I couldn’t believe this. Not only was this perfection of a boy tolerant of football, he also knew who I was! Even if he’s not gay he must be like me and kind of like boys to have me in his memory for so long? But maybe I was just jumping to conclusions again.

“Oh no way, that’s crazy man” I said letting out a little laugh. “Around where do you live, I might remember the game” I cunningly asked. Of course I wouldn’t remember the fucking game; I can’t even remember matches I play a month ago never mind a year ago. I just wanted to know where this gorgeous boy lives.

“Like ten minutes from here! That’s like the main reason I came to this college, saves me getting up ridiculously early and looking like a dickhead every morning”

“Yeah. You couldn’t look like a dickhead if you tried mate” is what I desperately wanted to say but, obviously, I couldn’t. It genuinely terrified me thinking about what would happen if everybody found out that I like boys as well as girls. Even if everyone was supportive and didn’t really mind, I’d still hate it. I love it being my little secret and something for me to get up to undercover, so no-one was finding out anytime soon.. Except for this beautiful boy sat opposite me, if I could somehow get him to send me some signals.

“Fair enough haha” I replied to his ridiculous comments about looking like a dickhead. Then it hit me. “What you doing after college? If you show me the pitch maybe I’ll remember the game you saw me at”

“Nothing man, that’s cool with me” he replied happily. “I’m only in for a couple hours because I’m auditioning for the band but I can meet you after?”

So that was what the book was about. He’s a musician. I wanted to ask him what instrument he played along with pretty much everything about his life but decided to save that for later when we met.

“Yeah sure, I’ve got football training now so will be done about the same time. Meet me at the front gate when you’re finished buddy” I said to him with a smile getting ready to leave my seat. “Oh yeah, what’s your name?”

He looked at me with the cutest smile, possessing a look on his face as if to say ‘finally you asked me what my name is’. I was just so caught up on him that I forgot to ask.

“Callum” he said, still smiling with his eyes sparkling at me. I’d now noticed the faintest of brown freckles scattered across his nose, a couple going either side of his nostrils. God he looked so gorgeous right there.

“Well good luck with your audition, Callum! See you in a bit” I said getting out of my seat and putting my hand on his shoulder as I walked past. Shit. Didn’t mean to do that. It was just instinctive. I was trying so hard to keep my cool and just act normal but it’s like my dick took control of my arm and just lusted for some physical contact with him. As far as I was concerned, he was now mine.

“See ya” he replied. Fighting the urge to turn around and see if Callum was watching me leave, I placed my right earphone back into my ear and walked out the canteen. I was suddenly very, very happy.

Throughout training all I could think about was Callum. He was perfect. Throughout my denial period about liking boys at all, I always used to tell myself that I couldn’t be gay because I didn’t find muscular, Abercrombie & Fitch type men attractive in the slightest. This was still the case, as I felt like I should be the ‘manly’ figure in any relationship I was in and getting with a strong, broad shouldered boy would make me feel rather.. well, feminine. Callum was exactly my type however. He was skinny but wasn’t just flesh and bone. I kept replaying the touch on his shoulder in my head, remembering how the bottom of my palm rested on his collarbone for those few milliseconds in the canteen. I’d never felt like this before about such a non-sexual piece of activity, it was just his shoulder for fuck sake! But I couldn’t help this feeling at all, I had to touch him again somehow. So as I stood outside the college gate waiting for him, I made this my first goal for our little meet up.

After about 3 minutes pretending to be doing something on my phone so I didn’t look like a total bellend stood on my own, Callum came to meet me holding a case which I assumed had the instrument that he was playing inside it.

“Hey James” he said in quite an enthusiastic manner as he walked towards me. I could tell he was happy about seeing me and making a new friend so quickly. This was the first time I’d seen Callum standing and he was the perfect height. From a distance he looked the exact same height as me but as he drew closer, I realised he was maybe an inch or two shorter. So cute.

“Hey buddy” I responded as he joined me by my side and we proceeded to head down the road. “How’d your audition go?”

“Pretty shit if I’m honest, kept running out of breath for some reason so my notes weren’t great” he replied lethargically. Seeing this as my chance to achieve my goal of touching him again, I placed my hand on the base of his spine and gave him a little pat for comfort.

“Ah man, don’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll be fine”

“Yeah I hope so” Callum said, looking briefly over at me and not reacting to my physical act of sympathy. “Well the park’s just down here; I’m totally up for just chilling there for a bit if that’s alright with you”

I agreed. After all I wasn’t there to remember some random football match I played a year ago. Finding a bench that had two large oak trees either side of it, we sat down together and started talking about well, pretty much everything. It started off Callum talking more about his audition and how he loves playing the flute (the instrument in his case) and how he stopped playing Tennis in order to concentrate more on his music. We talked about school, friends and our summer before I decided to dive into the meaty subject of relationships.. this was it.

“So you talking to any girls these days?” I asked, giving Callum a cheeky wink. I wouldn’t normally do that but I was trying to make him show me that beautiful smile he has, even though I’d seen it about 20 times in the past 5 minutes. We were really getting along well.

“Nah not really man” he replied, running his fingers through the front of his hair again and smiling. “Bet you’re drowning in pussy right now though aren’t ya” he said after planting his hand back into his lap from his hair.

“Ha what makes you say that?!” I said quickly, staring straight into his eyes.

“Well, you’re a pretty good looking lad so I’m just guessing” laughed Callum.

I was so damn happy.

Eager to return the compliment I replied: “Ah thanks you fag”. Then with a playful punch on his shoulder added: “so are you if you don’t mind me saying”

Callum looked down into his lap for a split second and in this miniscule amount of time I thought he had reacted badly to me calling him a fag as a joke. I was trying so hard to send him the faintest signals that I wanted him in my bed, but couldn’t tell if they were working. My heart was just about to sink when he said:

“Course I don’t you bender, thanks” he finally replied. I was still smiling at him and he looked back up at me squinting as the sun had just come out from the clouds behind my shoulder.

“Hey” he unexpectedly said once he adjusted to the light and taken off his black hoody revealing a tye dye t-shirt. “I live just round the corner and my parents are out, wanna come in and chill for a bit?”

I snapped at accepting this invitation and we made our way to his house. I wasn’t getting ahead of myself as it was normal for a mate to ask me to come round and chill, we’d just play FIFA and watch TV, talking about some random shit. But this was different. I had never wanted to fuck one of those mates before, and now I was inside Callum’s living room it was all I could think about.

“Sorry man my ice dispenser’s broken” he said to me as he walked into the living room handing me a glass of Sprite. “Let’s go upstairs my Xbox is in my room”

I didn’t even have time to thank him for my drink before he was walking up the carpet stairs, me following. His house was normal sized and was quite nice but I noticed the TV in his living room was fucking massive.

“Yeah it’s 3D too man, dad fucking loves that thing” Callum explained to me after our third game of FIFA when I’d remembered to ask him about it. We’d spoken for quite a while now, making some small talk during the games about college and just life in general; much like we did at the park. He was sat cross legged on his bed with his back leaning against the wall, me sat on his desk chair which I’d repositioned in front of the TV. After our 6th or 7th game of FIFA I noticed that Callum was starting to get a bit bored, after all football wasn’t really his thing. Responding to this I suggested we just put the TV on and he agreed. However, nothing could’ve prepared me for what happened in the seconds that followed.

Putting my Xbox controller on desk to get up and take the FIFA disk out of the Xbox, I had just pressed the eject button when Callum said my name in a normal tone. Not sensing anything peculiar I didn’t turn around and just replied “Yeah” putting the game away.

“What you said at the park, about me, me being good looking” I instantly turned around to see Callum looking down in his lap whilst talking. “That was really nice of you man”.

I got a swarm of butterflies enter my stomach as I just stood there staring at this beautiful boy, too shy to look at me but in that moment understanding where he wanted this to go. He liked me. Why else would he have come back to that conversation we had. All my feelings for him that I had caged up inside me to act “normal” were just about to let the fuck out.

“Oh” I said, slowly walking towards his bed and sitting down beside him. He looked up at me with those flawless eyes, surprised that I had come next to him. “Well what if I told you that I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, and all I could think about at training was you”

We just sat there staring into each other’s eyes; Callum’s lips separated about half an inch and I couldn’t take it any more. I had to kiss him. Putting both my palms on either side of his face I pressed my lips against his, feeling him do the same to me. Gently pressing my tongue against his soft, thick lips I asked for permission to explore his mouth and he quickly brought his tongue out to meet mine. My hands had now travelled down his body and were holding his waist, his arms wrapped around my neck. We passionately kissed for what felt like an eternity but we both couldn’t get enough, rubbing each other’s bodies and every now and then breathing heavily as we took a break from eachother lips and repositioned on the bed.

I was in a dream.

Now led on top of him, our bodies perfectly aligning due to our similar height, I stopped kissing him to just stroke his beautifully soft hair and stare at his flawless face one more time. He was so fucking hot.

I pulled him up towards me and took off his shirt to reveal his surprisingly lean body, his chest and abs nicely toned. Shifting down his body I slowly kissed his neck, and moved down to his nipples. Sucking and licking each one I felt Callum lightly flinch underneath me and looked up to see his eyelids pressed shut, whilst he bit his bottom lip in pleasure. The fact I was pleasing him made me rock hard and as I got down to just below his belly button I was at my full 7.5 inches of length just begging to be unleashed from my jeans, whilst it was pressing against his leg. I undid his belt and pulled his jeans and boxers down in one, revealing his 7 inch cock as it swung back against his abs. Just as I was about to hold the base of his beautiful cock and engulf it into my mouth Callum grabbed the top of my hair and looked at me with a smile.

“You’re getting it first today” he said as he grinned at me and sat up.

I couldn’t believe what was happening but it happened so quickly and I loved it so much that I couldn’t stop to ask any questions. Swifty pulling down my jeans and boxers, I moved so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed, with my legs planted on the floor. Callum got on his knees in between my legs and started kissing the insides of my thighs, as I let out little moans of pleasure and started stroking his hair. Slowly moving up he started to lick my balls, sending me into another world. He moved up to the bottom of my shaft and licked all the way up till he hit the tip of my cock, being greeted with pre-cum which he licked off. He then looked straight into my eyes for a couple seconds and smiled, almost anticipating the sheer ecstasy I was about to experience.


I threw my head back and gripped Callum’s hair as he wrapped his warm, moist lips around my bellend and plunged down about 5 inches. He kept on going up and down on my cock like some sex-crazy monster and I was on cloud nine. Thrusting my hips into his face made him go deeper and deeper and I saw his eyebrows slightly frown for a millisecond as he adjusted to my cock invading his mouth. Going deeper and deeper I couldn’t hold it in much longer.

“I’m g-gonna c-uu-uummm” I managed to spill out whilst tightening my grip on his hair. I thrusted one last time into his mouth to signal that I was going to explode any second, but Callum kept his lips firmly wrapped around my cock.

“Ahh SHIT” I screeched as a shot one, two, three, four, five ropes of pearl-white spunk into his mouth. He gagged as I felt some of it fly back against my shaft, his lips still engrossing my cock. Composing himself, Callum made one last movement all the way up to my piss hole; collecting all the spunk back into his mouth.

Straightening his back out and kneeling up, he looked me dead in the eyes with those dreamy green gems of his and swallowed it all. He then smiled and started laughing, as I pulled his head into my chest and hugged him like I’d known him my entire life.

“You cannot tell anyone about this man, this needs to be our little secret” I said in a deep, husky and tired voice. Callum had exhausted me, and it was just a blowie!

“Of course Jamesy” he replied in the cutest voice ever. “All my mates think I’m straight as well!”

“Ha ha me too!” I laughed in response, and then kissed the top of his forehead. “But I’m exclusively gay for you now”

We both stood up and hugged each other tightly, our semi-erections pressing together. It must’ve been about 30 seconds we stood there before Callum flicked his heel up in the air and let go of me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worryingly, keeping my hands on his hips

“Your jeans just vibrated on my foot and scared the shit out of me!” he said bursting into laughter. “Think you got a message” He bent down and took my phone out the pocket looking at the message before showing me.

“Jack? Wants to know if you’re going to play football?” Callum read out, smiling.

“Ah shit yeah!” I said in recollection of my plans. Callum showed me the time on my phone, revealing I was at his for 2 and a half hours; completely forgetting I was meant to go see my mates.

“Yeah I’ve gotta go man I promised I’d be there” I said in a slightly downbeat tone.

“Nooo” Callum moaned at me, pouting his lips and pressing his head into my chest.

“I’m sorry baby, I totally forgot” I said sadly; I really didn’t want to leave.

Callum looked at me again with that sexy smile, staring me straight in the eye. “Okay, but you’re not going anywhere until I let our little friend Jack here know about what we ju-“

“Gimme my phone you twat” I said before Callum could unlock it. We both laughed and got dressed. I gave him another, long hug and we kissed again passionately. I really didn’t want to leave, there was so much more I wanted to do with this boy.

“I need to see you again, real soon!” I said as I walked down the stairs, Callum close behind me. He reached over and grabbed my phone from my hands and before I could even turn around, said:

“I’ll put my number in, text me when you’re finished with your mates”

I agreed and he handed my phone back once the number was in and we stood just next to the front door, ready for me to leave. Looking at his gorgeous face and noticing his impossibly cute freckles once more, I licked the tip of nose and grabbed his ass cheeks. God they felt amazing, I was starting to get hard again just thinking about the next time we’d meet and what we’d do together.

“Thanks for today man, I fucking loved it, you were amazing” I said once we hugged yet again. Opening the door for me Callum replied with “So were you baby, can’t wait for next time”

I stepped outside and gave him a wave to which he shouted “see ya later faggot” as I started making my way back towards college to meet my mates. I laughed and mumbled “wanker” under my breath.

But now it was official.

He was my boy, Callum.

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