My Business Holiday in Marrakesh

A gay story: My Business Holiday in Marrakesh 11 young men stood in a neat row. It felt like I was choosing from a police line-up in an overcrowded station instead of a cheap whorehouse.

I found myself currently in a Marrakesh brothel. The place catered for all tastes and sexual proclivities. I felt in need of attaining a quick release by way of sodomizing a young male at this present moment.

On completing a little research I had found this inexpensive, clean place that treated their ‘staff’ well and catered for all tastes.

I chose the youngest and best looking of the bunch, a 20 (ish) year old George Michael lookalike.

Having completed the negotiated transaction by handing over the allotted dirhams to the Madam in charge, I was led down a long passage into a small, dimly lit room.

As my eyes adjusted to the gloom, I became aware of outstretched hands that were offering me what turned out to be a condom and a tube of lubricant.

As soon as I took the offering, George turned, lifted his floor-length robes to expose a pure white, fuckable anus, then he bent over what appeared to be a pile of sacks, presenting me with an inviting target.

This sight stirred me to the requisite stiffness which provoked me into dropping my trousers, securing the proffered condom, applying vast amounts of lubricant, then jumping on.

George had obviously been assailed similarly on many previous occasions as his ‘looseness’ wasn’t giving me as much grip and traction as I was used to receiving from lots of similar undertakings. Nevertheless, with a great deal of furious pounding and a couple of imagined scenarios, I managed to achieve relative satisfaction as I proceeded to fill the condom.

However, I had to admit the experience had left me extremely underwhelmed.

I was aware of a presence in my hotel suite as I drifted in and out of consciousness when slowly awakening the following morning. It must have been getting on for 11 am and I was still in bed.

I had stayed in the bar drinking until quite late the previous night. I had indeed imbibed quite a lot. The extremely good-looking barman led me back to his room when the bar had closed.

I was beginning to wonder if all Marrakesh males liked to be taken from behind whilst leaning on some sort of support. Their gowns gathered about their waist exposing a juicy rectum for me to assail. For forms sake I let him fuck me in a similar fashion. It seemed to be all a little too formulaic.

At roughly the same time as I became fully awake, a figure in a full-length djellabas, and a skull-cap, appeared at the end of my bed and asked if there was anything else he could do for me.

I, in turn, whipped back the bedsheet to reveal my morning erection. I answered him by asking him if he knew anyone who could take care of this.

He obviously did, and he he obviously spoke very good English. In two seconds her had my throbbing cock in his mouth and was sucking it for all he was worth. He interspersed the sucking with frantic masturbating strokes. It wasn’t too long before the familiar build up towards a satisfying ejaculation soaked my bedsheets and the back of my satisfier’s hand.

An unmistakable bulge alerted me to the fact that ‘room service’ had become excited whilst undertaking his last task.

As a firm believer in the concept of give an take, I reached for my benefactor’s djellabas and raised it waist height revealing a neat moderately-sized, pulsating hard-on. Without much originality I sucked a little and masturbated much as he had done to me. This time though he came much faster than I did.

Turning over, Asif, for that was his name, slipped his djellabas over his shoulders and pressed his rear towards my once again stiff cock.

Reaching for my condom and lube from the bedside table I doused myself and oiled -up Asif. I somehow had the inkling that Asif wasn’t that experienced. I stated nice and slowly. I needn’t have worried though, Asif took me inside of him with no bother at all.

When I increased my pace to a pounding speed that brought me to a shuddering climax, Asif didn’t flinch. His tightness did however aid in giving me the best fuck I’ve had for a long time.

I, of course, suitably rewarded room service for its outstanding attention to detail.

In the taxi on the way to the airport I promised myself I would stay longer when visiting next time. A two day business trip didn’t allow for much sigh-seeing.

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