My Dark Angel Ch. 11

A gay story: My Dark Angel Ch. 11 **Previously**

Louis’ arms unwound from around my waist and in a few seconds I understood why. The door opened and the rest of the class began to pile in for the last 2 lessons of the day. I pulled on my red sports top and unbuttoned my beige chinos. I tugged them of my legs and pulled on my gym shorts. I headed for the door to the gym sparing a quick glance back at Louis topless form. I dragged my eyes away regretfully wishing we were somewhere alone as I walked towards the gym.

** ** ** ** ** **

**And now**

I entered into the gym and was greeted by Mr O’Hara. He was a burly man with thick arms, barrel chested and powerful thighs. His hair was dark, cut close to his skull. He was in his mid thirties with a hard set in his jaw. He didn’t smile when he saw me but asked me to prepare the equipment for the lesson.

The others joined me and we prepared for the basketball match, almost an exact repeat of the day before. I had always been sporty and was obsessed with keeping up my muscle tone. From the age of 15 I had devoted myself to stamina and weight training. Now the results showed. I could run for longer and faster and I felt a new boost in my muscles. Louis’ vampire blood took care of that.

The game dragged with me on a team with Louis and 5 others. It went well until a guy deliberately shoulder barged me from behind sending me flat onto my front. I shot a glance at Louis noticing the aggressive posture as he glared at the one who had barged me.

I caught his gaze and shook my head cautioning him not to do anything. The guy had the ball and was dribbling towards the hoop. I focused on him and released my power into my words.

“Forwordenes.” I uttered pulling myself up to my feet.

The guy jumped for the hoop and threw the ball. It bounced of the ring and rebounded into his face causing him to lose his balance and hit the floor.

The entire class laughed and I got a grin from Louis before we continued with the game. Our team won eventually and by the end I was still brimming with energy. I was sweating though and once I was in the changing room I stripped and headed to the shower.

I washed the sweat from my body and by the time I left the shower I was alone. Well almost.

The one person I wanted to see was sitting on a bench. The only thing I wore was the towel wrapped around my waist. His eyes roamed over my topless form as he began to walk towards me. His fangs were slightly descended, peeking out from under his lips.

A moment later his lips were at my ear and his arms around my waist. He kissed his way down my neck sending tingles along the supple flesh.

By now my back was against the wall and my cock pressing against Louis.

“Grab my bag.” I said eagerly.

Louis caught my gaze and cocked an eyebrow but complied and quickly grabbed my bag.

He moved back to me and I wrapped my arms around him and incanted quickly eager to leave:

“bealucræft edcierr ust eac úre húswist.”

Icy hands tugged at us and we vanished into darkness.

We landed with a thud on Louis large double bed. Louis stared at me in surprise before he claimed my mouth with his lips throwing my bag off the edge of the bed. I moaned as he pressed down on me his hips rolling over mine.

He pulled away a with a growl in his throat, and rested his head against my chest.

“Louis?” I said hesitantly afraid I had done something wrong.

Louis lifted his head off of my chest and shook his head.

“I don’t know if I can hold back my urges. I could hurt you if I let them loose.” he said.

I lifted a hand and ran it down his cheek. He leaned into my hand and sighed.

“Louis I can take whatever you can give. I want everything you can give, I fell in love with the man as well as the vampire. I can’t have one without the other.”

“I couldn’t live with it if I hurt you. You’re too fragile, If I let go I don’t know if you’ll be able to take it. The Vampire in me wants your blood and your pain. I don’t want you to see that.”

As he said this he ran his hand across my cheek.

“I may be human, but I’m not made of glass. Whatever you give I can take it.”

I said running my hands over his top.

“There is one thing I want James,” He asked quietly.

“Anything.” I answered eagerly.

“Become my mate.” he said his eyes glowing a brilliant green.

My heart swelled as he said this and I responded eagerly,

“Yes, tell me how?”

“We must bite each other whilst I am inside of you and drink more of each others blood than we have before.”

“What are you waiting for, give me everything you’ve got.”

“I warned you.” he said and reached up to tear his red top revealing his pale skin.

He reached down and I watched him rip the material of his jeans with just as much ease.

He wore nothing beneath and I gulped as his huge cock jutted out from his body, hard and aching for attention.

Louis’ eyes roamed over my topless form and I noticed his eyes had turned to black coals gleaming with dark intent. He leaned down like a predator his fangs showing. His hands trailed down my chest and quickly pulled the towel from around my waist leaving me bare and defenceless. His hand skimmed over my eager erection and he grinned darkly.

“Mine.” He said possessively as he wrapped his hand around my cock. I groaned lightly closing my eyes. That was my first mistake. I felt Louis fangs ferally bite into the skin of my neck and he greedily drew on the wound, pulling my life’s blood into the cool depths of his body. The shock of pain shot through me as my body protested. I cried out lightly and heard Louis chuckle evilly as he pulled away from my neck.

I held back my cries of pain with great effort. Louis lifted my upper body from the bed and held me against his body. My face level with his neck. His voice spoke darkly becoming more forceful as each word left his lips.

“Bite me. Bite into my flesh. Taste my blood, My sinew, my bones. Open me up. Taste me, drink me, Feed on me!”

I drove my teeth into the flesh of his neck, tearing through the skin and biting deep into the tissue beneath. His sweet blood flowed into my open mouth and I sucked eagerly on the wound. I closed my eyes again and ignored all else as his blood flowed into my body raising my temperature and driving me into a frenzy.

That was my second mistake. I pulled away from him and cried out painfully when his cock ploughed into me. I pulled back and caught Louis gaze.

A flicker of green shot through his eyes as he said.

“Drink it will make it easier.”

I moved back to his neck and drank eager for the pain to fade. Louis gave me no rest, as soon as my lips met his neck he began to thrust in and out of me. After a few seconds the pain started to fade and pleasure took hold. Once it had faded completely I pulled away from Louis neck only to have his fangs drive into mine. I cried out and thanked whatever vestige of sense that remained in Louis when his fangs began to spread familiar pleasure through my body.

He thrust into me again angling his cock to hit my prostate. I cried out as he did and felt him tighten his hold on my body. This was so different from the night before. Before it had been tender and sweet, but now it was hard and fast, but thoroughly enjoyable in it’s own way.

Louis cock started pumping faster and faster into my body each thrust hitting my sweet spot with deadly precision. I felt his hand nearing my cock and moaned loudly as he touched me. His hand moved in time with his thrusts, I was now receiving pleasure from 3 different parts of my body.

I had no idea how much longer I could last. I moved my hands to Louis’ hips and dug my nails into his flesh. Louis’ lips broke away from my neck and he roared at the ceiling forcefully pulled my mouth against his.

His tongue wrapped around mine and his tongue slid over mine muffling my moans of pleasure. His lips broke away form mine and he stared into my eyes and the glint in his eyes made me nervous. I was right to be. His right hand wrapped around my ankle and pulled it up to rest on his shoulder.

The result was that now his cock slammed even more directly against my prostate. His left hand continued to wank my cock in time with his ever constant thrusts, and his other hand moved to my chest and painfully twisted the nub of my right nipple. My back arched off the bed and I bucked against his hand and felt my balls pull towards my body.

Louis too noticed and sped up his thrusts, and I shuddered my entire body on fire with sensation.

Louis’ thrust sped to impossible speeds thanks to his vampire nature, and I screamed as I came feeling myself tighten around Louis’ cock. My cock shot ropey strings of cum into the air between our bodies. But Louis wasn’t finished with me yet.

His hand kept up it’s punishing rhythm and his cock continued to piston in and out of me. I cried out again as Louis pushed my body through it’s refractory period into a plateau of pain and pleasure unlike anything I had felt before. Louis fangs dug into my throat and he buried himself to the hilt inside of me. I counter bit him as he had said and drank eagerly.

This was entirely novel to me, and this position was incredible. My left leg resting on his shoulder, his cock buried deep inside me, his fangs on my neck and my teeth in his.

His blood slid down my throat as my own was drawn into Louis body. We were truly one. Our bodies were joined three ways, and I drank and drank feeling energy sparking at my fingertips.

Louis cock still since we had begun our counter biting began to move slowly, each thrust hitting my prostate squarely. A few thrusts later I heard Louis grunt and felt his cool cum shot into my body. He pulled away from my neck roared into at the ceiling and collapsed on top of me. I released my lips from his neck and relaxed back into the bed, my bones melting as I bathed in my post orgasmic glow.

His hand trailed down my face affectionately and he pressed his lips very softly against mine. He turned tender then and rolled off me and pulled me onto his chest. I snuggled against him and sighed happily. I looked up at Louis face and saw his eyes returning to their natural wonderful green. I saw his eyes give me a once over assessing any damage he may have caused. The bite marks on my neck had healed thanks to the large amount of blood from him. He relaxed when he saw me unharmed and tugged me closer against his chest.

“I warned you.” He said quietly, kissing the top of my head,

I smiled against his chest and looked up at him.

“And I told you I could take it.” I said tired.

“Come here.” he said and pulled me on top of him.

He kissed me tenderly, his tongue not fighting with mine simply gliding over mine soothingly.

I pulled away and rested my head on his chest hugging my mate tightly, unwilling to let him go.

“What does this mean now that we are mated?” I asked relaxing against him.

“We were mated before but now our bond is consummated. We are linked together for all time.

You are mine and only mine, and I would rather die than give you up.” Louis said softly his fingers trailing up and down my spine.

“You are as protective as ever aren’t you.” I said grinning against his chest.

“Even more so now, the mating bond is a primal urge. Now more than ever I will be territorial and possessive of you. If I think someone is looking or touching you in a sexual way, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from hurting them.” Louis said grimly.

“What about me? Would you hurt me?” I asked slightly pulling away from his embrace.

“No, that would never happen. Even if I completely lost control, be that through thirst, anger or otherwise my primal instinct would be to protect you above all else. Disregarding my own safety. You are my reason for being now, the centre of my universe.”

Louis said his arms holding me tenderly to his chest.

“Will I feel the same?” I asked looking up at him.

“Not exactly, you will be more possessive and territorial of me than before.” Louis said happily.

“You didn’t hurt me at all you know. But I may not be ready to take it that rough for a while.”

I said quietly already half asleep in the loving embrace of Louis.

“Well you could top instead?” He suggested quietly stroking my hair.

“You’d bottom?” I asked looking up at him surprised.

“For you I would. I haven’t bottomed in a while though,” He said with a laugh.

“Not for 50 years or so.” He added.

“Well we’ll see.” I said touched at his trust. When I thought of vampires I expected them all to be strict tops.

“I love you.” I mumbled against his chest tired from our frenzied fucking.

“I love you too my mate, now sleep. I’ll be here when you wake.” Louis said softly.

“Promise?” I asked on the verge of sleep.

“I promise.” I registered distantly. Louis began to hum soothingly and I slipped into my dreams. Happy and satisfied I nestled against my mate, feeling him pull the duvet over us and wrapping his arms around me. I was truly at peace. That was until the dream started.

All I could see around me was darkness, I spun through it, falling deeper and deeper. I landed on something and stood up looking around. I was in a dimply lit room fitted with medical fixtures and equipment I couldn’t begin to understand.

I walked towards the centre of the room and looked around. My eyes were drawn towards a corner of the room and I soon understood why. In the corner was a metal table with manacle and straps attached to it. On the table was affixed a man, completely naked.

His skin was slightly sun tanned and he had jet black hair. I examined his face taking in the smooth curve of his jaw and cleft chin, his lips were pale much like the rest of him, I soon discovered why.

His eyes were closed and he looked dead, he wasn’t breathing and had an IV attached to each arm. I followed the dark red tubes to blood bags. I retched in disgust and walked slowly towards him.

I reached out and lightly placed a hand on his shoulder.

His eyes shot open and his nostrils flared. His eyes were dark coals which told me two things. One he was a Vampire, and two he was a hungry vampire. His eyes roamed around as if searching for something before he said quietly.

“Who are you?” he sounded tired.

“I am James and who are you?”

“I’m guessing James that you are a Fae, seeing as how you are able to astral project.” Each of his words grew weaker as he spoke.

“No I am a witch, but who are you and why are you here?” I asked stepping back.

“I am Santiago and I am here because the hunters captured me.” he said quietly his eyes lidding over.

“Wait you’re Santiago. You’re Marcus’ maker.” I said quickly.

“And how do you know of Marcus.” Santiago asked raising an eyebrow at thin air.

“You can’t see me can you?” I asked.

“No I cannot, yet I felt your touch on my skin, focus on your image that I may see you.” he said.

I focused on my body and materialised in my boxers in front of him. I tried to ignore the look up and down my body I got before I replied to his question.

“I know Marcus because I am the mate of Louis.” I said.

“Ah I see I have missed much in my imprisonment.” He said glumly.

“How can I help?” I asked.

Santiago lowered his head, when he raised it again his fangs had dropped. I could guess what he wanted.

“This is a dream though isn’t it? I can’t give you my blood.”

“Not you, the blood bags, the are my own blood, disconnect the IV’s and place the bags to my lips.”

I did as he directed and he hungrily drank from the first blood bag, a low moan in his throat.

He drained it dry and I placed the second bag to his lips. I turned my gaze quickly away however when the secondary effect of his feeding kicked in. All of the blood I was feeding him, rushed to a now growing part of his body. Vampires associated feeding with sex, so as you can guess he wanted something other than blood now.

His eyes roamed over me with both hunger and lust.

“You should leave now.” Santiago said, his voice now with more strength.

“But can’t I help you escape?” I asked moving my hands to the manacles securing him.

“It is too risky, if you die in your astral body you die in your corporeal, I cannot risk that. If you die it would break Louis’ heart.” Santiago said quietly a weak smile on his lips.

“What should I tell them?” I asked placing a hand on his arm.

“Tell them to be careful, and tell them this, inform Zachariah that I am safe.”


“My maker, the Vampire King of Europe, now go before they return.”

“They?” I asked.

“The hunters, now go!” he said shaking his manacles.

I heard a door somewhere near me open and I gritted my teeth and pinched my arm.

I faded slowly leaving me with a last image of Santiago smiling weakly in my direction.

My eyes shot open and I jolted forward on the bed. Louis’ arms were wrapped around my waist and tugged me back against his chest.

“Hmm someone’s awake.” he murmured, pressing his lips against my ear.

“No time, the hunters have Santiago.” I said tugging at his arms.

I felt him go tense and his arms wrapped more firmly around his waist. His lips coasted down the nape of my neck and he pulled me further against his chest.

“You should be careful using your powers, if left unchecked they could prove dangerous. I am not willing to risk you.” He said, his hands roaming over my chest.

“We don’t have time, he needs help.” I said again tugging at his hands.

“It is an hour until sundown, Marcus and I will require darkness for our powers to be at their height. So until then we have one hour to kill.” He said sighing against the skin of my neck.

His arms slipped from around my waist, he got up too quickly and got two towels from a chest of drawers. He moved towards the bed and tugged me up onto my feet before leading me out of his bedroom.

He led me into the spacious bathroom with its large circular bath, easily big enough for 6 people. My eyes darted to the shower and I grinned at the memory of it. I watched him drop the towels next to the bath, watching the tantalizing way his arse moved. He moved towards the bath and set the taps running, tested the water then turned back to me.

I walked forward and clambered into the bathtub, Louis joined me and I leaned in against him. In the water he felt warm, everything did. I sighed and relaxed as the water warmed my body. Louis hand reached out and he tenderly stroked my hair.

“You need to talk.” he said expectantly.

“About what?” I asked.

“Your father.” he said delicately trailing his fingers along my spine.

“She didn’t tell me Louis, for 18 years I thought he was dead.” I said against his shoulder.

“I’m betting she had her reasons, you are too powerful love.” He said enigmatically.

“And what is wrong with that?” I said snuggling against his side.

“It all began centuries ago in around 1012. Back then witches were pure blooded, that meant that both of their parents were witches,” Louis said before continuing.

“Some however used their increased power to control the dead. Necromancy in its most powerful form can control even vampires. The witches decided that the blood should be diluted. So all witches were and currently are forced to only wed mortals or other supernaturals aside from witches.” Louis said soothingly.

“Then I’m a full blood I take it?”

Louis nodded and wrapped his arms more tightly around me

“And what does that mean I can do?” I asked.

“Well it means that you can influence vampires to do your will, that one you have already demonstrated.” Louis said.

“When?” I asked searching my memory.

“That first morning you used your magic, you influenced me.” He replied.

“So what will happen to me as a full blood?” I asked running a hand over his abs.

“You are going to be very interesting to many people, they may want your power for their own ends.”

“Iōannēs.” I stated.

“Exactly.” Louis stated.

“He wants more than just my power doesn’t he?” I said my head lolling against Louis’ shoulder.

“Iōannēs is interested in you because you are unique in this day and age. Also a witch mated to a vampire? Now that is unheard of.” Louis said.

“I don’t want to be under his authority.” I said turning my hear to look up at Louis, his brown hair clinging to the sides of his face.

“I’m afraid we are James, but as long as his requests are reasonable it may be best to bend to his wishes.” Louis said kissing my forehead.

“I could be hurt tonight.” I said my fingers running lightly up his chest.

“I know.” he said bluntly, his chest tensing slightly.

“Santiago has been drained of his blood to weaken him.” I said wrapping my arms around Louis’ waist.

“Tonight you may have to harm other humans.” Louis said his fingers stroking lightly through my hair.

“I’ve been thinking about that too.” I said sitting up in the warm water.

“They will be armed to the teeth.” Louis said looking at me.

“So am I.” I said raising my right hand out of the water.

“Ál.” I said and fire spread across my right palm, the water boiling instantly on my skin

The fire did not burn my skin but warmed my flesh instead.

“I know that you are powerful James, but magic will not heal a bullet through your skull.” Louis said smiling at me.

“I know Louis, I know. Come on I think we need to get ready.” he nodded and pulled himself out of the water quickly and grabbed a towel.

I watched him walk away, noticing the flexing in the muscles of his arse as he moved. I stepped out of the bath and walked towards Louis.

“Did I ever say you have a really nice arse?” I said kissing Louis’ shoulder lightly.

“I think yours is better.” Louis said turning his head slightly.

“We’ll have to agree to disagree.” I said grabbing a towel from his extended handsomest.

“Well I’m sure that you can we could find a way to decide.” he said turning towards me with his towel wrapped around his waist.

He leaned in close and his lips brushed lightly on my ear as he whispered,

“I think next time its your turn to fuck me James.” he said catching the lobe of my ear lightly in his teeth. I flushed red and wrapped my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug.

“Come on lets get dressed.” I said running my hand lightly down his chest marvelling at the definition on his muscles.

I walked into his bedroom and grabbed my bag before turning back to the bathroom, jumping slightly when Louis stood directly behind me.

“I think I may need to borrow some clothes.” I said.

“I was about to suggest that.” Louis said smiling kindly at me.

He moved too quickly to his drawers and pulled out a pair of briefs, jeans and a dark blue short sleeved t-shirt. He handed them quickly to me and I quickly slipped on the briefs and slid into the slightly too large jeans.

Louis dropped his towel with his back to me and moving too quickly for a human dressed in his clothes. He was done in about 3 seconds. He quickly grabbed a pair of socks and slid into a pair of leather shoes. He ran a hand through his short brown hair and turned to me as I pulled his t-shirt over my head.

He threw me a balled pair of socks followed by a pair of slip on black trainers that hugged close to my feet. I slipped on the socks and stepped into the trainers. Quickly checking my reflection and running my fingers through my short blonde hair I turned to Louis.

He stood leaning against a bed post his eyes focused on some point on the floor.

“If I get hurt tonight…” I started but I was unable to finish.

Louis was on me in an instant, my body pressed against his and his lips roughly on mine. I needed this, I needed him. My arms seized his t-shirt and drew his body closer to mine. If I was going to die tonight, I was going to go knowing that he wanted me. And I was going to leave Louis knowing I wanted him.

My back was pressed against a wall quickly and my left leg was lifted and hooked over his hip. There was no escape from him, our bodies pressed against each other and I growled at him. The sound surprising myself. His lips broke away from mine and he growled playfully back, his fangs dropping down from his lateral incisors.

He panted slightly before his eyes slowly shifted back to green. And his fangs receded. He gave me one lingering kiss on the lips before he pulled away and took my hand leading me down the stairs and into the living room. To await the arrival of Marcus.

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