My Daughter’s Black Boyfriend Pt. 04

A gay story: My Daughter’s Black Boyfriend Pt. 04 Author’s Note

Hi everyone, I wanted you to know I understood the comments about the last chapter not being gay enough. Maybe I should’ve put it in the “interracial” category. Don’t worry, this one has plenty more gay scenes in.

I think the next one will have to have a lot of straight sex scenes as well, so that might be listed as “interracial”.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

I was lay in bed, just wearing my boxers, a cup of tea in my hand and my wife, Joanne, reading a book next to me under the covers.

As I looked at her, I couldn’t get the image of her getting fucked by our daughter’s black boyfriend, Callum, on this very bed. It had only been 2 weeks since that day and the only other activity I saw of them two was when Callum sent me a video of her sucking his dick and fucking her.

From what Callum said in the video, he had been having a lot of sex with my wife. However, she was yet to tell me. Although, I suppose I had been cheating on her with Callum for a lot longer without telling her.

If I didn’t know what I knew, it would be like nothing was going on at all.

Except I did know, I knew that my wife was getting bred by the same black man that I had been cheating on her wife. Also, the same black man that has been fucking our son a lot. The strange thing is, our daughter Melissa, his girlfriend, was the only one he hadn’t fucked yet.

“Right, what do you want for breakfast?” Joanne asked abruptly and closed her book.

That was one thing that was slightly different, whether it was guilt or what, but she was being very, very nice to me lately.

“Erm, just some toast please hun.” I said back.

She leant in and kissed me quickly before walking off.

She was dressing in pyjamas, but even through them her body looked amazing.

We sat there, eating together like a normal married couple. If anything, things felt great. I didn’t have any more guilt on my shoulders for cheating on her since she had done the same. And to my own surprise, I really wasn’t bothered about her cheating on me, I knew how easy it was to fall to Callum.

My only concern was going to be the embarrassment when we eventually bring home a black child in the future, but that’s a problem for another day.

After we ate, Joanne got up and went for a shower and I headed downstairs to watch a bit of TV before doing somehow work.

That was where I saw our 20 year old son, Jack, sat on the sofa.

It had only been a few days since I last got him to suck my cock and he had no idea what his mum had been up to, I sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to tell him.

“Hey dad.” He said as I sat down next to him.

“Hey, how’re you doing?” I asked.

Weirdly enough, ever since me and my son had started having sex, I felt even closer to him.

“Not bad, where’s mum?” He asked and turned to look at me.

I knew that look.

“She’s in the shower, we can’t right now.” I told him.

I saw the disappointment in his face, he really had become a slut for cock. And not just black cock like me, he wanted any cock.

“Okay, I guess.” He shrugged.

“Have you,” I whispered out and looked around to make sure Joanne wasn’t near, “have you seen Callum lately?”

“A few days ago,” Jack admitted straight away, like he had nothing to be embarrassed about, “He made me lick his cock clean after he fucked some girl.”

Some girl? I wondered if that was Joanne, or maybe he finally had taken Melissa’s virginity?

“Don’t worry, he told me it wasn’t Melissa,” Jack said with a little laugh, “I know our incest is bad, but that would just be weird.”

I forced out a fake laugh, when truthfully, ever since I started this thing with Callum and when I watched him fuck her with a dildo without her knowing I was watching, I found Melissa very, very sexy. She may only be 18, but she was hot.

“Well, just don’t let him do anything you don’t want to.” I said.

“Don’t worry dad, I won’t.” Jack replied and carried on watching TV.

After that, I went about the house, I put up a few tiles in the bathroom, cleared out the garage and started to take down a little shed we had in the garden.

It was nearly 5pm when I was finally finished and went inside. To my happy surprise, I could smell my wife’s amazing cooking.

“Oh, what’re you making?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

“Lasagne.” She said.

I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her body, planting a kiss on her cheek.

“Perfect, your lasagne is the best.” I said.

“Oh Steve, go set the table, Melissa and Callum will be here soon.” She told me and I almost had a heart attack at hearing his name.

Joanne though, was as cool as ever, she didn’t flinch at all.

“Oh right, okay.” I replied.

“You don’t mind him coming over do you?” Joanne asked without looking away from the food.

“N-no, it’s fine.” I stuttered back.

I went to make the table and about halfway through, I heard the door open.

“Mum, dad! We’re here.” My sweet, innocent daughter shouted.

I watched them both enter the dining room, just looking at Callum made my cock grow hard. Oh how he had turned our family upside down.

“Hi Steve.” Callum said with a grin.

It seemed he no longer felt the need to call me sir in front of the family.

“Hi Callum, how’re you?” I asked, attempting to play it cool.

“Good,” Callum replied just as Jack walked past, “Jackie, get me a beer will you.”

What did he just say?

“Steve, you’ve got beers in don’t you?” Callum turned to me and ask.

“Erm, I don’t think so.” I stuttered back, stunned by the bravery of him.

“Well, you go the shop and get some for me before we eat.” Callum ordered.

“Callum, don’t be rude.” Melissa whispered and nudged his arm.

But when she said that, I saw Callum shoot me a deadly stare.

“No, it’s fine,” I quickly replied, “I’ll be right back.”

As I drove to the shop I couldn’t work out if Callum wanted me out of the house so he could be alone with Joanne, or if he was just showing off his power over me.

I got a six pack of beer and headed back. As I got in I noticed the food had been served and nearly everyone was by the table.

“Thanks Steve,” Callum shouted out from the dining room, “put them in the fridge and bring me one will you?”

“Sure.” I replied, although I felt my face burn red with embarrassment.

As I opened the fridge and put the beers in, I felt a hand grab my arse from behind. Startled, I turned around and saw Callum towering over me with a huge smile.

“Thanks faggot,” Steve said in a deep voice, “nice bit of alone time, managed to make Joanne cum whilst you were out.”

Hearing that made my cock grow hard instantly.

“Callum, can you be a little more subtle around here please?” I whispered, although all I wanted to do was to get on my knees and take his cock in my mouth.

“Oh please, this whole family is my cock slaves, I’ll do what I want.” Callum laughed and walked off, leaving me to bring his beer in for him.

“Thanks for this Joanne.” Callum said as he started eating.

“You’re welcome.” Joanne replied and I realised, she did look a little flustered.

About half way through the meal, as we all sat in silence, I watched as Callum finished his drink.

“Jackie, get me another one will you?” He said without even looking at my son.

“Yes si… Callum.” He corrected himself.

I almost sighed and shook my head with how obvious my sissy son was being.

He came back, handed Callum the beer, who didn’t say thank you, and then sat back down.

It was one awkward meal. I knew that Callum had fucked nearly everyone around that table. But Jack didn’t know about his mum, Joanne didn’t know about me and Jack, and Melissa didn’t know anything.

“Okay,” Joanne stood up when everyone was finished, “You all go sit down, I’ll clear up.”

“Thanks Joanne.” Callum said instantly, not offering to help.

Melissa, who tried to argue against his rudeness at first, didn’t seem to mind anymore.

After a few minutes we were all sat in the living room.

Callum and Melissa cuddled together on one sofa, me and Joanne on another and Jack on the floor.

“What should we watch?” Joanne asked, “what about a rom com?”

“Nah,” Callum replied, “I think the footies on, check on that.”

“Oh yeah, of course.” Joanne obediently replied.

He had everyone in this family wrapped around his little finger, and he was loving it.

We started to watch the game, which to be fair I was happy with. I sometimes forgot that I was a normal man, not just a cock slut.

“Melissa,” Callum said about half way through, “rub my feet.”

I watched my 18 year old daughter look at me and her mother, as if for permission, before agreeing to do it.

I looked over to Joanne, who was refusing to look at me.

Then, I saw Callum lie down on our sofa, put his feet onto my daughters lap which she proceeded to rub.

After a few minutes of that, Callum went on his phone and started to text. I glanced over occasionally but every time he was typing on his phone.

That’s when I realised that Joanne had gone onto her phone as well.

Is she texting him? I thought.

But other than obviously looking over her shoulder, I couldn’t see.

Just before the game ended, Callum sat up and everyone in the family turned to look at him.

“Steve, do you have any clothes I can sleep in? I didn’t bring any with me.” He said.

Now he wants my clothes?

“Yeah, sure.” I said and stood up.

As we walked up the stairs, my only thoughts were that I was going to be alone with the man I lusted over.

Once the door was shut, I walked over to my drawers and pulled them open.

“What do you fancy?” I asked.

“Nothing you fool,” Callum laughed out, “I’m going to sleep naked with your daughter, I just wanted you up here to suck my cock, get me nice and ready for her.”

I hated to admit it, but that really, really turned me on.

“Are you… going to have sex with her tonight?” I asked.

“No,” Callum laughed again like it was as stupid question, “I’m saving her virginity for something more special, I just think it’s hot knowing she’s sucking the same cock her mum and dad have sucked that same night.”

Joanne’s sucked his cock tonight?

I wish that annoyed me, but it didn’t, it just turned me on more.

Without saying a word, I sunk to my knees in front of my daughter’s boyfriend. I undid his jeans and pulled out his big, black cock.

God, I love this cock.

I instantly leant forward and took him into my mouth.

“Mmmm.” I moaned, it had nearly been a week since I had sucked on his dick and I missed it.

My wet, soft tongue ran around his head, spreading my spit all over him as I slowly moved my lips up and down.

I was taking just past the tip, savouring every second of this amazing experience.

For a few minutes, I just lovingly gave this man a blowjob.

“Alright, that’s enough.” Callum then said and pulled his cock back.

“Wait, can I make you cum?” I asked and realised how pathetic that sounded.

“No, little Melissa is getting that treat tonight.” Callum said and put his cock away.

Just as we went to leave, Callum turned around and roughly grabbed my shoulder.

“Tonight, try and fuck your wife.” He said and stared into my eyes.

“What? Why?” I asked.

“Just try it, see what she says. I want to test something.” He said with a huge, devilish grin.

We walked down stairs together and back into the living room.

“Right, Melissa, let’s go to bed.” Callum said as I sat down on the sofa.

A few months ago I would’ve stopped that, he wasn’t even allowed to sleep in the same room as her, but that had all changed.

“Isn’t it a bit early?” Melissa asked.

When I looked back at Callum, he was giving her a stern look, I know that look.

“Okay,” Melissa said and jumped up from the sofa, “night mum and dad.” She said and ran off with him.

Me, Joanne and Jack all sat in silence. Normally, one of us would’ve said how strange that was, but we all knew how good Callum’s cock was.

Fuck I’m horny now.

“I might go to bed as well.” Jack said and walked off, leaving me alone with Joanne.

Try and have sex with her, I thought to myself, thinking of Callum’s orders.

I leant over and lightly put one of my hands onto her chest.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Come on, we’re alone.” I whispered and leant in to kiss her, but she pulled away.

“No Steve, not right now with everyone in.” She argued.

I assumed Callum had ordered her not to have sex with me, but I kind of wanted to see how far she would go.

“Come on, no one’s going to come down.” I whispered and tried to kiss her again.

“Steve enough!” She barked and stood up, “I’m not having sex with you, now I’m going to bed, don’t come up too soon, you’ve really annoyed me.”

As she walked away I couldn’t help but feel bad, even if I knew she said no because her lover told her too.

In my horny state, I grabbed my phone and texted our son.

“Downstairs, now. Faggot.” I text.

It took all of 5 minutes for Jack to come running downstairs, I should’ve been surprised, but I wasn’t, when I saw he was just in a dressing gown, when he opened it I saw he was in a red thong and thigh high stockings.

“You texted me Daddy?” He said in a girly voice.

“Come suck your Daddy’s cock.” I ordered, surprisingly turned on by seeing him dressed like that.

“Yes, Daddy.” He replied.

My son sunk to his knees and crawled over to me, his hands reached for my belt and undid my trousers.

I just watched as my girly, sissy son reached up and grabbed my hard cock.

He opened his mouth, leant forward and I watched his lips wrap around my shaft.

“Mmm.” My son moaned around my cock.

“That’s it, suck your Daddy’s cock you little sissy.” I moaned.

His mouth felt unbelievable, so warm and wet around my cock. I just watched as he moved up and down. I didn’t know who enjoyed it more, me or him.

His tongue circled around the head of my cock, gulping down all of my precum.

I thought about how my wife was upstairs on her own, and my daughter, who was most likely sucking on a big, black cock.

That got me really horny, thinking of little Melissa choking on Callum’s dick.

“Suck my balls son.” I moaned out.

“Yes, Daddy.” Jack replied.

He moved down and I felt his wet tongue press against my smooth balls.

“Oooh yeah, that’s it my little faggot son.” I moaned, loving that I was still dominant over someone.

His lips pulled at my balls, his tongue ran all over them, oh god it felt so good.

I knew it was incest, it was cheating, but god it felt good.

Jack continued to suck and lick on my balls for a few minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stand up, let me see that little ass in that thong.” I ordered.

Jack gave a girly giggle and stood up, doing a little spin for me so his ass faced me.

I couldn’t help myself from reaching up and grabbing his cheeks, god they feel so good.

I pulled his thong to one side and buried my face between them. Sticking my tongue directly onto his arse.

“Oooh Daddy,” Jack moaned, “Lick my cunt Daddy.”

Spank! I lightly struck my sons ass, not loud enough to get anyone’s attention. Then I carried on eating his arsehole.

I felt him bend over and put his hands on his knees, which just helped me get my tongue deeper inside of his tight little hole.

Fucking hell, why haven’t I fucked a guy before.

My tongue fucked his hole until he was quivering around me, moaning like a little whore. Then I grabbed his hips and sat back.

Lowering him down, Jack placed his hands onto my thighs and turned his head to look back at me. In his thong and thigh highs, he looked hot.

My cock came into contact with his spit covered arsehole and then… I felt my head slip in.

“Oooh Daddy.” Jack moaned again as his arse stretched around my cock.

“That’s it sissy, take your Daddy’s cock.” I moaned.

I kept hold of his hips, controlling his movement. I slowly slid him down my cock, loving ever inch of his rim, wrapping around my shaft until I was balls deep in my son.

“Oh Daddy, that’s so good.” He moaned out.

“Not as good as Callum’s though?” I asked, even when fucking my son I couldn’t get the thought of Callum out of my head.

“No Daddy,” Jack moaned, “Nothing is as good as his.”

“Start to ride me now slut.” I whispered to him.

I just sat back, watched my son grip onto my thighs and slowly lift himself off of my cock. It was a wonderful sight, his ass wrapped around my cock before he slid back down again.

“Fuuck.” Jack whispered in a moan.

He carried on like that, slowly riding up and down as he faced away from me. I was happy, I got a great view of his curvy ass, his thong pulled to one side as he rode my cock.

Jack just kept rocking back and forth on my cock, I could tell he had to fight from moaning too loud every time he took me completely.

“Oh yes… Daddy… so good.” Jack moaned.

“You like that? My faggot son?” I whispered back to him.

“Yes Daddy!” Jack moaned louder than intended, “Your gay son loves it.”

I wonder if he has fully admitted he’s gay?

However, I was too distracted by having anal sex with my son to think about that. He just kept bouncing up and down, riding me reverse cowgirl.

It didn’t take long in this tight ass for me to feel my balls start to tighten up.

“I’m about to cum in you son, you want that you little sissy?” I moaned, my breathing grew heavy.

“Yes Daddy, cum in me. Cum in your sons cunt!” He begged, fuck that was hot.

He kept riding me, clenching his arse around my cock until finally, it hit me.

“Fuuuuckkk yeeeesss!” I grunted as I unloaded shot after shot of cum deep inside of my sons bowels.

Jack never stopped, he milked every last drop of cum from my balls like a proper whore. When he eventually pulled away, I saw a bit of cum leak from his arsehole before he pulled his thong back into position.

“Steve?” Suddenly I heard Joanne shout from up the stairs.

“Shit,” I gasped, “Jack, go hide, quick!”

Jack put on his dressing gown and ran into another room just before Joanne came in, giving me enough time to put my cock away.

“I’m sorry,” Joanne said when she entered the room, “I didn’t mean to be a pain, I’m just not in the mood tonight.”

“It’s okay sweetie,” I told her, “I’ll come up now.”

“Good.” She said with a smile.

I followed behind, not knowing where Jack was. When I passed Melissa’s room I wondered if Callum had cum yet or not.

Joanne was already in bed by the time I got there, I took off my clothes and got under the covers when she surprised me by putting her warm hands on my chest.

“I’m not in the mood for sex,” She whispered, “but what about a blowjob?”

Oh god, really?!

Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. I had just cum a few seconds earlier! Plus, I don’t think my wife would like to know she sucked my cock right after I fucked our son.

“It’s okay hun, I’m tired, let’s just go to sleep.” I said.

“Oh right, fair enough.” She said, seemingly happy with my answer.

We rolled over and I very quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, I noticed that Joanne wasn’t next to me, but I could smell breakfast. So I put on some baggy clothes and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen, making a full English, I saw Joanne, but she was dressed, differently.

Normally she would wear baggy clothes around the house to be comfortable. But this morning, she was in very short and tight, silk pyjama bottoms and a tight, silk top as well. She was barely hiding much of her body.

“Morning?” I said as I looked at her, I didn’t even know she owned anything like that, never mind wearing it around the house.

“Morning.” Joanne replied with a happy tone as she carried on cooking.

“New pyjamas?” I asked as I looked at her from across the room.

Before Joanne could reply back, I felt a strong arm land on my back and Callum appeared next to my face.

“Doesn’t she look great,” Callum said and smiled at me, “Love the new pyjama’s Joanne.”

“Thanks Callum.” Joanne said and carried on cooking.

Callum held onto my shoulder and made me walk out of the kitchen with him, then he leant in close enough to my ear that I could feel his breath.

“I just fucked your wife while you slept.” He whispered in my ear.

I had to stop myself from letting out a gasp.

“Oh yeah, filled her up good and proper.” He said with a laugh.

After that, we all ate breakfast together, like one big happy family. Joanne cleaned up and then went to do the weekly food shop, Jack went out to the cinema and Melissa went out to see her friends, leaving me alone with Callum.

We were sat in the living room, the TV was on but I couldn’t take my eyes off of this beautiful black man.

“So, I think it’s safe to say you’ve fully accepted your role now?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked back, I had been his cock slut for quite a while.

“Well, now you’re pretty much a cuckold and you’re happy for me to fuck your entire family, you’ve accepted that I am going to be the man of this house.” He said firmly.

Annoyingly, that actually turned me on.

“I… I guess you’re right.” I replied, actually admitting to myself that I have given my family and my role in it to this 20 year old black man.

“Good,” Callum said and sat forward, “that means, no more cock except for mine.”

“What?” I instantly asked back, what does he mean no more?

“I let you be a slut,” Callum continued, “make sure you were properly addicted to cock and work out how much you love it, just like I’m doing with Joanne and Melissa. But now you’ve accepted it all, you’re only for me to use.”

“What about your friends?” I asked, I had already given a blowjob to most of his mates, I just assumed it would happen again.

“Nope, all part of the process to get you to where you are now,” Callum said with a huge grin, “You’re mine, completely. No more going to the glory hole, no fucking Joanne, no more fucking little Jackie,” he said that last one with a smirk, “Oh yeah, I know what you did last night.”

I hung my head a bit in shame, realising he had fully taken over the family.

“You will only cum when I allow it, but you will only ever please my cock… Maybe Jackie’s, depends if he deserves it.” Callum finished.

I looked back up at him, smiling back at me, victorious.

“I… I understand.” I told him, setting my decision.

“Good bitch,” Callum almost growled as he stood up and slowly walked over to me, “Maybe you should clean your wife’s cum off of my cock.”

To my own embarrassment, that turned me on so, so much!

I sunk to my knees even before he reached me and looked up at this young, black man who pretty much controlled my family.

He unbuckled his belt and unleashed his semi hard, beautiful cock. Even semi hard, it was fucking huge. I completely understand why Joanne submitted to him, just like I did.

I opened my mouth and took him in, wrapping my lips around his beautiful, black cock.

Even though it had been a while since he fucked my wife, I could definitely taste her on his shaft.

Swirling my tongue around his head, my mouth moved up and down and I slowly started to feel him getting harder and harder.

“Mmmm.” I moaned when he was eventually rock hard.

“That’s it faggot,” Callum moaned, “Look at you, big strong man, my little bitch more like.”

I hated how much his degrading turned me on.

As I kept bobbing up and down, completely taken over by my love of his cock. I felt my own smaller cock grow hard.

Suddenly, Callum grabbed my head and pulled me back.

“I own your family now,” He whispered to me, “your little white family are all black, cock, whores.”

I loved it, and I knew he was right.

“Yes, Master.” I replied back to him.

He released my head and I greedily took his cock back into my mouth. Bobbing up and down like a seasoned cocksucker.

Knowing that I was only going to get his cock and I had to fight for it against three members of my family, I wanted to savour every second.

It didn’t take long for his black meat to be covered in my spit. I was moaning constantly as my mouth felt the heat coming from his shaft.

“Bend over the sofa gay boy.” Callum ordered.

In a heartbeat, I rested my hands onto the sofa and lifted my arse into the air. Callum grabbed my waistband and pulled them down, exposing my little hole.

When I felt him rubbing his big, black cock up and down my cheeks, teasing my arse I let out a little whimpering moan.

“You want me to fuck you?” He asked, putting a little pressure on my arse just to tease.

“Yes Master,” I panted, “Please fuck me.”

“You want the big, black cock that’s fucking your wife, your son and soon to be your daughter?” He asked.

I attempted to push myself back against his cock but he slapped my arse cheeks hard and held me still.

“Please Master, your faggot, worthless, whore needs your big, black cock!” I begged.


He struck my arse again which just made me let out another moan.

Then, finally, I felt his head push inside of me.

“Yeeees! Thank you Master!” I moaned back to him.

“You’re wife has one tight cunt,” Callum grunted as a few inches stretched me, “but this arse is even fucking better.”

I remembered how my wife degraded me whilst she was getting fucked.

“My arse is fucking better than her cunt!” I moaned out, wanting to prove my worth, “she won’t let you fuck her arsehole, but you can fuck mine whenever you want!”

Callum let out a heavy chuckle when I said that and pushed another inch into me, making me gasp for air.

“You pathetic slut,” He laughed and spanked me, “you worried I’ll choose your whore wife over you?”

“Yes Master!” I admitted, “I want to be your best slut! Not her!”

“And what will you do for it?” He asked, nearly all the way inside of me.

“Anything!!” I almost screamed when I finally felt his heavy, black balls rest against mine.

“I’ll hold you to that you little fucking bitch!” Callum roared.

I felt him grab my hips and then he started to really fuck me.

“Yes! Fuck me Master!” I squealed out, “Fuck me like you did my whore wife!”


“You want that whore?” Callum roared to me, “You love this cock as much as she does?”

“You know I fucking do!” I moaned pathetically, “I’m your whore! Not her! Use me all you fucking want!”

I didn’t care about what I was saying, Callum had taken over the family, I just wanted to be his number 1 choice at that point.

“We’ll see about that,” Callum moaned as he battered in and out of my arsehole, “see how good a slut you can be for me!”

“Do whatever you want Master, I’ll do anything for you.” I pleaded.

My whole body rocked back and forth as he fucked me harder and harder. I could feel my stretched arsehole clenching around his cock, wanting to feel him deeper and deeper.

Every time I felt his balls hit mine I let out a gasp of air, moaning like the cock whore I had become.

“Oh god.. so fucking good! I love your cock Master!” I moaned.

“Bounce back on it you fucking faggot.” Callum ordered.

It didn’t take even a second for me to be fucking myself against his big, black cock. Taking it to what felt like my stomach as I used his cock to destroy my own arsehole.

“That’s it Master,” I moaned, “Look at my tight arsehole stretch around your big black cock,” I wanted to say anything that would make him want me more, “It’s your arsehole, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it!”

Over and over, my arse cheeks would crash against him as I took him balls deep into my bowels.

I couldn’t believe what had come over me, but I fucking loved it!

Wanted to please him more, I kept clenching the rim of my arse around his shaft, making myself tighter for this perfect man.

“Fuck yeah, you little faggot, you want me to breed you just like I did to your wife?” He moaned out.

“Yes Master!” I moaned, still fuckin myself against him, “fill this tight arse with cum, breed me Master!”

Suddenly he grabbed my hips and took control again. His big, black cock fired in and out of my arsehole over and over. I could only let out unnatural moans of pure pleasure.

“Here I cum you fucking whore!!” Callum roared out and I finally felt it.

The inside of my arsehole got shocked with his first hit of warm, delicious, thick cum. Over and over like a fire hose I felt him unload into me.

Callum never slowed down on fucking me as he filled me up entirely. I didn’t even care about my cock or my own orgasm at that moment, I just wanted to please him.

“Fucking hell,” Callum moaned and pulled his cock from my gaping arse, “You are a slut.”

Come on Steve, prove it to him.

Without a second to doubt myself. I span around, got onto my knees and took his cum covered cock that was just in my arse and shoved it down my throat.

“You dirty little fucker.” Callum chuckled out.

“Mmmm!” I moaned as not only did I get to feel his cum in my arse, I got to taste it as well.

I bobbed up and down on his cock that started to go soft in my mouth. I fucking loved it!

“Right, get off me faggot.” Callum shouted and pushed me back.

I could feel his cum leaking out of me and onto the floor, but I didn’t care.

“You did well, I’m impressed.” Callum said as he pulled up his trousers.

“Thank you, Master.” I replied.

“I need to get going, I’ll let you know next time I want that tight arse.” He said and left me on my own.

I looked at the pool of cum on the floor that had fallen from my arsehole. I thought about when I saw the cum stain from when Callum fucked Joanne and just like her, I left it.

It wasn’t until a few hours later when Joanne came home. It was strange when I looked at her. I loved her with all my heart, but I saw her as a threat, someone to take Callum’s cock away from me.

To my surprise, she seemed pretty pissed off when she got back, not that she would admit it.

“Hey, everything alright?” I asked as she rummaged through the kitchen cupboards.

“Fine.” She grunted to me.

She stormed upstairs and I heard her start to run a bath.

Not long after, a text came through on my phone.

Callum: Hey faggot, has Joanne gotten back home yet?

Steve: Yes Master, she seems to be in a mood though.

Callum: That’s probably because she was waiting at a hotel all day for me to come and fuck her. But you did such a good job earlier I never went to meet her.

Oh my god! My wife wasn’t where she told me, she was waiting all day for Callum to fuck her. I was actually kind of proud of myself for doing enough for him.

Steve: I’m happy to be of service Master. Any time you want me, I’m yours.

Callum: Good boy.

My cock was rock hard. Truthfully, I was desperate to go upstairs and fuck Joanne, but I knew that even if she let me, I couldn’t because I needed Callum’s permission.

Instead, I let her have a bath and hopefully get in a better mood. I almost had to laugh to myself as I sat on the sofa.

She might take out her mood on me because she didn’t get to cheat on me, because the guy she was to get fucked by fucked me first.

Nearly a week later.

I was in a dire state, I was horny as fuck! I hadn’t cum and Callum hadn’t fucked me again since that time on the sofa. I did suck his cock a few times but that was it.

I was driving home from work early, I was hoping that when I got home I could call Callum and ask him to come over to fuck me. But when I got home, his car was already outside.

Which was really strange, because Joanne’s wasn’t. So I knew he wasn’t in there with her.

When I got to the front door I realised it was unlocked and quietly creeped in. My first thought was that he was fucking Jack, which I was eager to join in.

But as I slowly walked through the hall, I heard a moan very clearly from Callum.

“Oh yeah, just like that, take it down your throat.” He moaned out.

I pocked my head around the corner and into the living room and my eyes shot open.

I saw my little angel, Melissa, on her knees, completely naked as she bobbed up and down on Callum’s big, black cock.

Her blonde hair was tied behind her head and I could see her spit glistening off of his shaft.

“Mmm.” She moaned. Her eyes were closed and even if she opened them she would only be able to see Callum.

Callum was stood over her, naked as well with a huge grin on his face.

Then he turned to look at me. We made eye contact instantly and I didn’t even attempt to move.

I couldn’t help it, it was a beautiful site.

This big, black, amazing man with the perfect body.

Then my 18 year old daughter who’s body was even better in person. The only time I had seen it was when Callum FaceTimed me but she was tied down. This time, I could see her perky, soft tits bounce as she bobbed up and down.

“That’s it, choke on that cock you little slut.” Callum moaned as he stared at me.

Part of me knew I shouldn’t like that he just called my daughter a slut, but my hard cock had different ideas.

“You love this big, black cock don’t you?” Callum said.

I saw Melissa pull her head back, a little bit of spit went from her lips to the head of his glistening cock and I quickly ducked back behind the wall just in case.

“Yes Master,” I heard my not so innocent daughter moan, “I love your big, black so fucking much.”

“What if I wanted to fuck you right now?” He asked.

“I would let you bend me over and fuck my tight, virgin cunt however you want.” She told him.

She’s as submissive as me, her mum and Jack.

“What about your parents bed?” Callum asked and I had to stop myself from gasping in shock.

“Gladly!” She moaned out, “Please Master! I want this cock in me!”

Then I heard a slurping and gagging noise and I knew Callum was fucking my daughter’s face just like he does to me.

I turned my head around and watched her throat bulge as his giant cock slid down it.

Spit poured from my little girls mouth, down her chin and onto her floor.

“Gllllggg.” She moaned and gagged as his balls slapped against her chin over and over.

God, I was jealous.

“You ready to lose your virginity my little whore?” Callum asked and pulled his cock back.

Melissa gasped for air but did nothing to wipe the spit from her chin and mouth.

“Yes! Please! I’m ready.” She said.

“Steve?!” Suddenly Callum shouted in a shocked voice which I knew he was faking.

It was like slow motion as Melissa turned, saw me and her eyes shot wide open.

“Daddy!” She screamed out and I saw her attempt to cover her naked body with her hands.

Her small, thin, beautiful naked body.

Fuck, what is Callum doing?!

“Melissa…” I went to speak, maybe even to admit everything, but Callum stopped me.

“We thought you were at work, sorry about that.” Callum said with a grin and unlike Melissa, he did nothing to cover up.

His cock that dripped with my daughters spit was looking right at me. I had to fight every urge to just get onto my knees and swallow it right there and then.

“Daddy I’m so sorry!” Melissa shouted and she grabbed a pillow off of the sofa to cover herself.

I went to speak but Callum cut me off.

“Don’t apologise,” Callum said and looked to me, “We’ll finish off upstairs, don’t worry.”

I watched in pure disbelief at the lengths Callum would go to show his dominance in my house.

He walked passed me at to the stairs, his big, hard cock swinging as he walked.

“Melissa, come on.” He ordered.

I turned and saw my daughter crouched, doing her best to cover her naked body, but not very well.

“Daddy…” She whispered.

“Now.” Callum ordered.

“I’m sorry.” She quickly said to me and raced after Callum.

I watched her firm, toned arse cheeks bounced until she got out of view.

I couldn’t believe it, Callum had some fucking balls on him. This was further and riskier than anything he had done before.

So, sitting on the sofa, I stayed silent, hoping to catch some of the sounds of my daughter finishing sucking Callum’s cock. Or for all I knew, taking her virginity. The whole time, I was as hard as a rock.

It was only half an hour later when they both came down. Callum had his arm around Melissa who hung her head as if in shame.

“We didn’t expect you back,” Callum said as they entered the living room, “you should really have called first, you could’ve walked in on me fucking her.”

I could see Melissa’s face burning red with embarrassment but she didn’t say anything.

When I looked back at Callum, I could just see him smiling at me.

“Sorry.” I whispered.

He walked over and stood next to where I was sitting.

“Can you get up Steve, I was sitting there.” He told me.

“Oh right, yeah, sorry.” I managed to get out, this time, it was my turn to hang my head in embarrassment.

I stood up and Callum took my seat.

“Melissa, sit down.” He said.

I watched my young daughter sit next to him, still not able to look me in the eye.

“Go get us some drinks will you Steve?” He asked, but really it was an order.

I didn’t say anything and just left for the kitchen. When I returned, Melissa was pretty much sat on his lap, as though nothing was wrong.

I handed them both the drinks, but she still refused to look at me.

“I’ll erm, leave you to it.” I stuttered out and went to go upstairs.

“Nonsense,” Callum said, “it’s your house, sit with us.”

I don’t know what had happened to me, it was like I had no control.

I knew he was testing me, I told him I’d do whatever he wanted and if it meant I got his cock more, then I meant it.

I went to sit down on the other sofa as Melissa fully sat on Callum’s lap with his arms around her. It definitely wasn’t a normal way a young woman would sit whilst her parent was in the room.

We watched football in silence for about ten minutes until Callum pushed it even further.

“Melissa, give me a kiss.” He told her.

“But… my dad…” She whispered.

I had to do everything I could to not look at them and just act like I wasn’t there.

“He doesn’t mind.” Callum whispered, but definitely loud enough for me to hear.

Then, I heard the sound of them sloppily making out. When I turned my head I saw my daughter’s hand on his cheek as their tongues pressed against each other. It was a beautiful site.

It was a little strange, everyone in the family had their own sort of secret affair going on with Callum, but I was the only one that knew everything.

They kept making out for a long time, even when the front door opened they didn’t stop. That was until Joanne entered the room with a very shocked look on her face.

“Joanne, good to see you.” Callum said, breaking the kiss but keeping Melissa on his lap.

“H-hi Mummy.” Melissa whispered out, face as red as anything.

“Hi?” Joanne said in a confused tone and looked at me, then back at our daughter.

“Sit down,” Callum said, “Steve’s just about to start making us some food.”

I am?

I looked over at Callum who smiled back at me.

“Right, of course, take a seat sweetie.” I said to Joanne and kissed her cheek before going into the kitchen.

From there I couldn’t hear much of what they were talking about and just decided to make everyone some fajitas.

“Daddy,” I heard Melissa’s soft, nervous voice say, I turned around and saw her looking sheepish in the doorway, “I’m sorry about what you saw.”

I could see how embarrassed she was about it and I didn’t want to make her feel any worse. If anything, she is the only one in this family that should be doing what she did!

“It’s okay sweetie,” I told her with a smile, “You’re 18, I know you must get up to… those things.”

“I… I didn’t mean for you to see,” She whispered, her right hand rubbed up and down her left arm as she looked at the floor, “It’s just when Callum wants me to do something, I find it hard to say no.”

“I understand.” I replied way too quickly! I panicked, worried I had blown my cover. Quickly wanting to distract her I asked, “he’s not making you do anything you don’t want to, right?”

“No not at all,” She instantly said to me, “If anything, I want to do more.”

I guess he’s not taken her virginity yet.

“I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to know.” She whispered.

“It’s okay,” I told her, wanting to reassure my daughter, “I’m here if you need me, for anything.”

“Thanks.” She said with a hint of a smile and left the room.

When I eventually went back in with the food I was surprised to see Melissa on one end of the sofa with Callum’s feet in her lap, rubbing them. Then Joanne on the other end, behind Callum and massaging his back.

“Oh hey Steve,” Callum said, “Thanks for that. God Joanne’s hands are like magic.”

I saw my wife blush a little, she looked at me but never stopped massaging the young black man.

Even though she didn’t know it, it was like we were battling for his attention.

Putting the plates down on the coffee table, I went and sat down as both women carried on massaging Callum.

“Me and Melissa are going to head out for a bit,” Joanne eventually told me, “Callum wants a bit of a lads night with you and Jack, thought it would be good for you all to bond a little.”

If only she knew what that really meant.

Looking at Callum, he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Half way through eating Jack came home. The look on his face when he saw Callum sat in between his sister and his mum and them both being so close to him, he was definitely a bit surprised.

“We’re having a boys night tonight Jackie.” Callum told him.

“A boys night?” Jack asked and looked at me.

“Yeah, me, you and Callum.” I told him.

Jack made no attempt to hide his smile, knowing he was going to be getting fucked like the slut he was.

It was only an hour later when Melissa kissed Callum goodbye, Joanne kissed me and they left us lads alone.

The front door shut.

I was sat on one sofa, Jack on the floor and Callum on the other sofa with his arms spread.

“So, just us boys.” He said.

Jack’s face was as eager as ever, which to be fair, I was looking forward to whatever was about to happen.

“Jackie, just to get you up to speed,” Callum said, “Steve and I have agreed that I run this house now.”

Jack turned to look at me.

“No, look at me,” Callum ordered, “what I say goes, you don’t get to cum without my permission. You don’t get to fuck or suck anything unless I say so, go it?”

“Yes Master.” Jack said very, very confidently.

“Good girl,” Callum said to him, “take off your clothes.”

Jack jumped to his feet and started to strip. Once his normal clothes were off he revealed his thigh high stockings and thong that he was wearing.

“Mmm nice,” Callum said, “Go and sit on your dad’s lap.”

Jack moved to sit on my lap, feeling his bare skin and in his slutty clothes on me turned me on immensely.

“Now, kiss.” Callum ordered.

Taking my dominant role over my son, I grabbed his head and pressed my tongue into his mouth.

“Mmm.” My son let out a girly moan as we made out.

I felt one of his hands on the back of my head, pulling me in to kiss him deeper and his other hand on my chest.

I reached down and squeezed his arse as we made out, feeling his wet tongue against mine.

“You pair of faggots.” Callum whispered as we kept making out.

Jack started to undress me, pulling my top off over my head. He barely stopped kissing me as he started to undo my jeans. I looked over to Callum for permission and he just nodded.

In a few seconds, I was completely naked with my son sat on my lap in his women’s underwear.

He straddled his legs either side of me, grinding himself up and down my hard cock as we passionately kiss. My face in his hands and me grabbing his arse cheeks.

“Oh god, Daddy.” Jack moaned into my mouth.


“You like that you little sissy?” I growled back to him.

“Mmmm yes!” He moaned.

I was so fucking hard and leaking precum all over as he kept going up and down.

“Take his cock in your little cunt.” Callum ordered and threw some lube over to me.

I quickly poured it and spread it around my cock, Jack sat up and pulled his thong to one side. As he moved back down, he guided the head of my dick to his arsehole.

“Oooooh.” He moaned out as his arse stretched around my cock.

“Fuck that’s tight.” I moaned myself.

Feeling his unbelievably tight and warm arse around my cock was like heaven.

It didn’t take him long to slide down my shaft and take me balls deep into his little hole.

“Oh fuck, Daddy.” Jack moaned.

He instantly started to ride my cock, bouncing up and down as we kept kissing passionately. I would grab and squeeze his arse cheeks, shove my tongue deeper into his throat. I loved what a whore my son was.

I didn’t realise it, but Callum had completely undressed and stood up onto the sofa next to us. Both Jack and I turned our heads to see his big, black cock inches from our faces.

Before I could react, Jack leant over and wrapped his lips around the beautiful cock.

Seeing his pale skin as he bobbed up and down the ebony cock was a beautiful image. Added with the feel of his arse riding up and down my own cock which just made it better.

Callum pulled Jack’s face away and aimed his cock to me. I automatically opened my mouth and accepted it inside. Tasting his precum and my son’s spit on his dick.

“Mmmm.” I moaned.

Feeling a cock in my mouth and Jack’s arsehole around my cock was fucking amazing.

Callum had his two white faggots right where he wanted them.

He would alternate between me and Jack sucking his cock, but Jack never once stopped riding me. The rim of his arse was so fucking tight!

Then, Callum pushed his cock between our faces and both of us took a side each. We wrapped our lips around his shaft, they even touched in the middle and we moved up and down it. Occasionally our lips would meet around his head and we would kiss around his cock.

Our tongues would glance each other as we licked his dark pole.

It was so fucking wrong, but felt so fucking good!

“Get the fuck up Jackie, I need to fuck that little cunt of yours.” Callum ordered.

“Yes Master.” Jack moaned and pulled away from my cock.

I was kind of glad, not having cum in a week I don’t know how long I would’ve lasted inside of my son and I did not want this to end yet.

Callum positioned Jack onto his hands and knees, like that, in the thigh high stockings, Jack looked even sexier.

“Come watch me stretch your son’s cunt,” Callum told me, “or I should just call him your daughter.”

I moved at watched Callum’s big, black cock aim right at my son’s arsehole that I had loosened up for him. Slowly, the rim of his arse opened up and accepted Callum’s dark meat.

“Ooooh Daddy.” Jack moaned.

“Hmm that’s a good idea you little faggot,” Callum moaned as I watched another inch impale my son, “Steve is no longer the man of the house, you call me Daddy for now on.”


Just another way for Callum to show his dominance over me.

“Yeees Daddy!” Jack moaned in front of us.

“You call him Steve for now on, nothing else! Got it slut!” Callum roared and slapped Jack’s arse.

“Yes Daddy!” Jack moaned out.

It was such a beautiful view, my son’s tight arsehole stretching wide open and clenching around Callum’s cock. Deeper and deeper he delved into my son.

“Do you want your mouth fucked as well?” Callum asked.

“Yes Daddy!” Jack squealed out, “Fuck my mouth Steve!”

Hearing my own son call me Steve made me feel even smaller, but fuck was I horny.

Watching the last inch go inside of Jack, I moved in front of him and slid my own cock into his mouth.

I got to stare at Callum’s hot, muscular, ebony body as we started to spit roast my son.

“That’s it faggot Steve, fuck your daughter’s mouth!” He roared out.

“You like that my sissy daughter?” I moaned, “You like me fucking your throat?”

“Gllgggggg!” Jack managed to groan out and spit started to trickle onto my balls.

My smaller cock was easily going down his throat as Callum fucked him from behind. Jack just stayed perfectly still and let both of his holes get fucked from each end.

When I pulled back Jack let out a heavy moan and a pant.

“Fuck my cunt Daddy!” He shouted, “Stretch me open with your big fucking cock!”


“You pathetic little bitch!” Callum roared as he kept fucking my son.

“Steve get that fucking cock back in my whore mouth!” Jack moaned out in a high pitched voice.

I grabbed his hair and went back to fucking his mouth. My balls slapping against him as we used my young son.

For a solid 15 minutes we spit roasted my son, loving every second of it.

“Stevie, get behind here and fuck your Jackie.” He ordered.

“Yes Master.” I replied.

“No!” He suddenly shouted at me, “You call me Daddy as well.”

“Yes… Daddy.” I embarrassingly said, but my cock flinched when the words left my mouth.

I saw my sons gaped arsehole as he remained on his hands and knees, it was very easy for me to slide my cock all the way inside of him.

“How does that feel?” Callum asked it.

“Not nearly as big as yours Daddy.” Jack whimpered out.

“Ha, hear that faggot Stevie?” Callum mocked.

I didn’t reply and just kept using my son’s arsehole for my own pleasure.

Then, I felt Callum move in behind me and line his cock up with my arse.

“I’m gonna fuck your cunt as your fuck hers.” He whispered into my ear.

“Fuuuuuucckk!” I moaned out as my own arsehole stretched from his invading member, “Fuuck my arse Daddy!”

I couldn’t believe I was calling a man half my age Daddy, but the naughtiness just turned me on.

It didn’t take long for Callum to be balls deep inside of me. Every time I thrust into Jack, I would pull back and take his cock deeper. It was fucking amazing!

I never wanted it to stop until Callum eventually held me still.

“Wait, come with me.” He said.

Like lost children, Jack and I just followed him upstairs and I quickly realised he was taking us into Melissa’s room.

“I’m gonna fuck you both on Melissa’s bed.” He said with a grin.

I could see the shocked look on Jack’s face, but I knew that horny slut wasn’t going to say no.

“Where do you want me Daddy?” Jack asked Callum.

“On your sister’s bed, on your back, legs spread.” He ordered and Jack did it, “Faggot Stevie, fuck your son.”

I got onto my daughter’s bed, put Jack’s ankles onto my shoulders and slid my cock into his arsehole.

My cock fired in and out of his arse, he whimpered and moaned like a little whore until I felt Callum come back behind me.

Once again, his cock slide into my arse and I was the filling of this gay sandwich.

“Fucking hell…” I moaned out, “That feels so fucking good!”

“It was only a few hours ago I was fucking Melissa’s face right here.” Callum growled out.

I could see the look of shock on Jack’s face, but as he took my cock he didn’t say anything. I just hoped that Callum wasn’t going to tell Jack about his mum, although I was sure it would come out eventually.

“Oh yeah, she loves to chock on my cock as much as you two.” Callum moaned.

I could feel his big, black cock sliding in and out of my arsehole. I couldn’t believe how easily I could take him, he was so fucking big.

Suddenly Callum pulled out of me, grabbed me and made me get out of the way. In a few seconds he lifted up Jack’s legs and slammed his entire cock into his arsehole.

“Fuuck yes Daddy!!” Jack moaned, “I fucking love your huge cock!”

“That’s it whore,” Callum roared out, “You didn’t moan like that for Steve did you?”

“No Daddy! Steve’s cock is so much smaller than yours!” Jack moaned.

Watching Callum fuck my son with his legs in the air, it made me think of when I watched him fuck Joanne like that.

“Oi, faggot Stevie, come lick my arsehole as I fuck your son’s cunt.” He ordered.

“Yes, Daddy.” I replied.

I grabbed onto Callum’s firm, black arse cheeks and spread them wide, exposing his tight, black arsehole.

He slowed down on his thrusting and I buried my tongue deep into him.

“Ooh yeah, eat my ass faggot.” Callum moaned.

“That’s it Steve, it our Daddy’s arsehole!” Jack squealed out.

“Mmmm!” I just moaned in response.

I kept spreading Callum’s cheeks as I tried to tongue fuck his hole.

It was one fucked up threeway on my daughter’s bed, but I fucking loved it!

Callum kept fucking my son, when he pulled back my tongue would go deeper into his arsehole. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to rim this beautiful, black man.

“Oh yeah, I’m gonna cum soon boy,” Callum warned, “You want me to fill your little cunt with cum?”

“Yes Daddy!” Jack begged, “Fill my little pussy with your hot, dominant cum!”

“Oh fuck yeah, listen to that Stevie,” Callum growled, “I’m about to fill your sissy son to the brim.”

“Do it!” I said between licks, “Fill my faggot son’s cunt with your perfect fucking cum!”

“Oh fuck. I’m cuumminngg!!” Callum roared.

I felt his arsehole clench as I kept rimming him throughout his orgasm. I knew he was cumming deep inside of my son’s bowels and I was actually jealous.

Eventually, he pulled out and when he moved away I saw my son, in women’s underwear. His legs were spread and cum was leaking out of his gaped hole.

“Fuck his cum filled cunt.” Callum told me.

My son was just panted for air as I lined my cock up with his gaped arsehole. With Callum already stretched him open and with all the cum, it was very easily to slide my cock into him.

“Mmm, you’re so much smaller than Daddy.” Jack babbled out under me.

“You still love it though don’t you faggot.” I told him.

“Mm yes Steve, I love any cock, just like you!” He moaned.

Callum was just at the side watching me fuck my son with his legs around my waist. I was so fucking horny. I dove my head down and shoved my tongue into his mouth.

Passionately making out with my son as I fucked him.

I felt his arms grab onto my back, his legs tighten around me, pulling me deeper.

“Oh god… oh Steve.” Jack moaned.

I could feel my orgasm building up, more and more, the pleasure was too much.

“Fuuuuuuuccckkk!!!” I grunted and unloaded another load of cum into my son’s bare arsehole.

“Yeees.” Jack panted out.

I kept thrusting in and out of him, filling him with a weeks load of cum and he took it well.

When I pulled out, I spotted that at some point he had cum in his thong as there was a huge wet patch.

“You two are so fucking gay.” Callum laughed at the side.

I was still panting for air and to my amazement, Jack was using his fingers to scoop the cum from his arsehole and then pushing it into his mouth.

“Go on Steve, clean your son’s pussy.” He told me.

Even after cumming, I felt so weak compared to Callum.

I spread Jack’s legs wide and dove my tongue into his well fucked, cum filled pussy.

“Mmm!” I moaned, it tasted delicious.

A mix of mine and Callum’s cum. Jack was well and truly filled up.

I licked and sucked every drop of cum from his arsehole and swallowed it all down.

“Right, well that was fun.” Callum said.

“What, what now?” I asked.

“Girls won’t be back for a while,” Callum told us, “I want to fuck you both on every bed in this house.”

And he did just that.

By the time Joanne and Melissa got back I had two loads of cum in me and had cum two more times myself. I lost track of how much Jack came and his cock was barely even allowed out of his thong.

A few days later I was sat at my desk working when a video came through on my phone from Callum. At least I was smart enough to open it with the sound turned off.

What I saw was Joanne, on Melissa’s bed getting fucked by Callum.

“You like me fucking you on your daughter’s bed?” Callum asked her.

I watched his giant cock stretching her pussy wide open.

“Yes Daddy,” Joanne moaned and my eyes shot open, “I’ll take your cock wherever and whenever you want me to, I want to be your biggest whore.”

I panicked when I heard that, did Joanne know the truth?

I watched until Callum fired another load of cum into my wife’s unprotected pussy and the film ended.

The rest of the day I was in a state of panic, wondering if Joanne knew.

By the time I got home and no one was there I had to text Callum and find out.

Steve: Daddy, does she know about us?

Callum: Not yet, but she will soon.

This again frightened me. I had no idea how she would react.

Steve: I just hope she takes it ok. I dread to think how she will react when she knows I’ve been committed incest with our son!

Callum: Oh… I don’t think she’ll mind.

What does that mean?

Before I could reply another text from Callum came.

Callum: And Friday next week is the day. It’s finally time to take Melissa’s virginity, and you’re going to be there.

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