My Dirty Little Secret (4) by instranger

A gay adult story: My Dirty Little Secret (4) by instranger ,
Glitter and whipped cream…
Loving everything about this, guys 🙂 There are some references to Halloween in here, because I intentionally planned to release this chapter near the day XD However, in later chapters, I might fast forward to Christmas season etc. before it actually arrives because none of us are patient enough to wait weeks for chapters 😉 I couldn’t keep the promise of including more drama in this chapter as I said last time because that would simply have taken much longer to write. As a result, this chapter is simply fuck, cum and fuck again… which sort of accurately describes the day I write about in this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it 😀

My Dirty Little Secret 4

There was little difference between me and a sex addict when – actually, wait. There was NO difference between me and a sex addict. After my first time with Saahil, we were fucking all over the place. To be perfectly honest, the last days of the holidays had been some of the happiest days of my life… I had exactly everything I had craved a year ago: A cute boyfriend who understood me, a great body and, well, sex.

Of course, happiness doesn’t last and Dave confessed to me he had broken up with his girlfriend in the same bathroom we had felt each other’s cocks for the first time. Later that night, I messaged him on facebook with a friendly “Hey : )”

This was the first time I’d messaged him in weeks and I hadn’t expected him to reply as fast as he did. “Hello : )”

Me: How are you feeling?

Dave: Better than before but still feel like shit

Me: I didn’t know what to say at school, but I can’t leave you like this. This is as much my problem as it is yours. I’m always here for you.

He didn’t reply for what seemed like a long time… and then he gave me this: “

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