My Exhibitionist Straight Brother by kingcocks14

A gay adult story: My Exhibitionist Straight Brother_(0) by kingcocks14 ,


So there we were… me and my gorgeous studly big brother, both grinning at

each other at having shot our loads simultaneously, and Jen in the

bathroom, cleaning up.

Dan said “bud, this is awesome! Look at my cock, bud… its still dripping

wet” He held it up for me. His cock was still wet and smeared with cum and

pussy juices. God I loved how it looked… half erect it was still about 7

inches, and it was still flushed after all the action he’d just had.

“Sorry bud, I only have a queen size futon, we’ll have to make due with

sleeping together” Dan said looking away.

“Are you sure Jen can’t go home?” I asked, irritated that I’d have to put

up with her being here. She completely ignored me, and probably didn’t want

me here either. All she seemed to care about was getting stoned and sex

with my brother.

I regretted saying that immediately. Dan got a really hurt expression on

his face… and looked at me with pleading eyes… “come on, bud I know you

just got here but she gets lonely when she goes home”

“Ok, fine” I said, not wanting to get Dan upset. In reality, I hoped

there’d be more action in bed between them, so a part of me didn’t mind.

His eyes brightened and he grinned widely “You’re the best, bud! I knew I

could count on you, man!” he said as he reached over and ruffled my hair,

noticing he used the same hand he was just holding on to his dripping wet

cock with.

We unfolded the futon, and Dan lay down right in the middle.

“You want a glass of water?” I said as I got myself one.

“Sure that would be great”, so I brought him some water, and lay down

beside him on his right side. I admit it was kind of weird being naked in

bed with my brother, but it was too hot to put on clothes and I was really


“Jen’s pretty hot, huh bud?”

“Yeah, I guess…” I said, getting sleepier.

“Man, I was so rock hard when she was sitting on top of me and we were

kissing… did you see, bud?”

“uh huh”

“My dick was so big and hard, man… and when I went inside her, wow it was

almost bursting.”

“Yeah, I noticed, I think” I was actually paying very close attention to

Dan’s dick, and it was indeed huge and rock hard when he was fucking her.

“Sure didn’t take long to shoot…” he drooled.”Best orgasm I’ve had in a

while. Jen’s amazing. Bud… you shoulda seen us yesterday. She was sort of

on top of me like this.. Check this out…”

He nudged me so I could see. I opened my eyes. He was humping the air, and

holding something above him (presumably her hips) “Then, just when I was

cumming, she pulled my cock out and aimed it upwards”

He held his cock with his fist and pointed it upwards. “Man, it was like a

fountain” he said and laughed. “Cum everywhere, bud”

“I can imagine, Dan. I’m really tired, and am going to sleep now…” I

said. I really was tired, even though I was turned on.

Meanwhile, I heard Jen come out of the bathroom, and she and Dan started

talking and giggling in low voices. I heard Dan doing “babytalk” with her,

and that annoyed me. I didn;t like her at all, but I guess if she made Dan

happy, I was happy for him. I heard them light up again, and could smell

the pot in the air.

I slowly drifted off to sleep to the sounds of my big brother and his

girlfriend laughing and talking as they were getting high. I felt sort of

content knowing Dan was happy and it was nice to be near him again after

all these years.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I was woken up by Dan shaking my

left shoulder. “Bud!”

“wha… what happened?” I mumbled, barely coherent and still asleep.

“Just checking… you awake, bud?” Dan asked.

“huh?” I said, opening my eyes. All the lights save the nightlight in the

bathroom were off, so my vision had to adjust to see.

“Just checking to see if you were awake, buddy boy” Dan said. He was lying

on his back, naked, with his head turned towards me, with a stupid,

grinning expression on his face. His other arm was around Jen, who was on

his other side with her head on his shoulder, and making these moaning

noises. One of her legs was up on Dan’s and she was moving her hips slowly

into Dan’s side.

“Fuck you, man.. I was asleep but I guess I’m awake now!” I was really mad

at being woken up.

“Sorry, man” Dan said “I didn’t mean to wake you up. Could you do me a huge

favor and get me another beer?” I noticed his cock, which was semi hard,

started tenting upwards. “Im really thirsty and it’s really hot in here” He

looked towards Jen, kissed her head, and asked her if she wanted one too.

So I got up and got 3 beers out of the fridge and returned. I was really

mad ad Dan for waking me up, but must admit the sight of his hard dick got

me a little excited. “While you’re up, could you turn up the lights a

bit… it’s really dark in here”

Jen noticed Dan getting hard, so she started lazily drawing circles on his

inner thighs and and balls. Dan started moaning softly and his cock got

fully erect. The two of them were really hot together.

“Here, lie down, bud. You need more space?” he said, and scooted over a bit

“No that;s fine” I said and lay down beside him.

Jen then turned around so her feet were facing Dan’s head and her face was

near Dan’s feet.

“Jen’s got this thing about a guys feet… she loves licking my toes, don’t

you, Jennybaby?” he said and lighly slapped her on her ass. She responded

by gyrating her hips a little, and Dan moved his hand to the area between

her legs and left them there. She started licking Dan’s toes

“Whoa, I love that” Dan said and groaned.

He reached out to me, and grabbing my shoulder, said “check out my cock,

bud” It was fully erect and standing straight out, in all glory. I loved

that sight.

“pretty stiff, Dan”

“yeah, I’ve got a great cock, huh…” he said, looking at it lovingly. It

was indeed gorgeous in the dim lighting. He then held it up and said ” how

big do you think it is, man?”

Of course, I knew the answer to this. We’d measured it over and over again

as teenagers. At a shade under 9 inches, both our cocks were the exact same

length. Mind you, Dan never admitted this. He would always say how much

bigger his was than mine. It used to bother me, but then I realized it was

really important to him to have the bigger dick, so I don’t argue much.

“It’s 9 inches long, man. Pretty wicked big!”

“Here. Let me turn on the light” and reached over to his reading lamp,

turned it on, and then pointed it straight towards his midsection. So now

he had a spotlight on his huge, engorged cock. It looked even better

“wow, Dan… you’ve got the biggest cock in the family, man”

He looked at me, smiled and nodded in a very proud way. He was

handsome. “Hey, yours isn’t bad either, man”

I could tell, he was loving this. Jen had since moved upwards from his toes

to his upper thighs. She turned around, so she was facing the same way we

were, and started licking his balls.

“mmmh” Dan moaned, and spread his legs further apart. His legs spanned

almost the entire futon, so I had no choice but to put one of my legs on to

of his, sandwiching it between my legs.

So I was watching my big brother with his raging hardon brightly lit up and

his girlfriend licking his balls like they were candy.

He folded his hands behind his head, closed his eyes and smiled

proudly. “Just look at at that cock!” By now it was drooling precum and

pulsing wildly. You could tell he liked getting his balls licked!

Meanwhile, my cock was sticking straight out and its head just few inches

away from Dan’s body. I so wanted to move in closer… I just wanted my

precum to touch Dan’s hard body. I wanted to feel my cock along his

side… I wanted to lick his armpits and have him kiss me passionately.

“Hey bud, I need another beer” he said.

I got up, and, fully erect, went to the kitchen, and got Dan a beer. When I

got back, Jen was up on all fours, and giving Dan a blowjob. Dan looked up

at me and said thanks and took a swig.

Jen was trying really hard, but I could tell she wasn’t doing a good

job. She was choking, and could barely get it half way in her mouth. Dan

periodically opened his eyes and winced but didn’t say anything.

“here Jennybaby, let’s try this” he said, and, getting up, lifted her up on

the bed and had her lie on her back. He got on top of her, and slowly

entered her, but then stopped.

“Hey, bud… get me some lube it’s in the bathroom” he said. So I guess she

was a bit drier the second time round.

I was very excited about all of this, and felt ready to explode at any

moment. I got the lube and absentmindedly put a big glob on my palm, ready

to lube myself up, when I realized it was for him.

“That’ll do just fine” Dan said, and lifted off her a bit. His cock was

still positioned at entry position I looked up at him, he looked at me

expectantly, and then looked down at his cock. “whatcha waiting for, buddy


So, I took my lubed up hand, and rubbed lube up and down his shaft. Slowly

and rhythmically. Meanwhile, Jen leant upwards and started kissing him.

I can’t believe this, I thought. I’m lubing up my big brothers dick while

he’s kissing and about to fuck his girlfriend.

With my hand still in place, Dan thrust his rock hard tool towards her

hole. I guided his cock into it the best I could, and removed my hand. Dan

was in heaven. Both of them were. He was groaning and letting out low

growls as he fucked her. She was moaning and you could tell she loved

it. She occasionally squealed.

Meanwhile I was rock hard and desperately jacking myself off. This was way

too horny for me and I didn’t think I could take much more of it…

Dan looked towards me and saw me jacking off. He was pretty close too, I

could tell. I didn’t want to come before my big brother did, that seemed

uncool somehow, so I hoped he’d come soon.

“Hold on, bud… almost there man” he said in a strained voice. I watched

his magnificent, majestic cock thrust in and out of her. Each stroke was

the full shaft… I saw his cockhead on every single thrust, and he’d bury

it to the hilt till trimmed his pubic hair crushed against her smooth

skin. His body was glistening with sweat.. and his muscles were all

strained. God I loved the look of his chest and his abs, with all the

muscles tensed up.

I moved forward to Jen’s side, and knelt facing him. I was on the verge of

orgasm, and a single stroke at any moment would make me shoot. He looked

into my eyes, and started thrusting again, wildly, and then suddenly said

“Bud, I’m about to shoot, man…” he suddenly pulled out of her, and got

up on to his knees. A single stroke of his cock caused him to shoot wave

after wave of cum into the air, coating both Jen and me (mostly me, as I

was standing) with his cum. Just the sight of it caused me to shoot

too… my cum coated him and made me shudder over and over. I’d never come

without touching myself before… ever. I shot so violently I fell

forward. Dan caught me and I fell into his chest. He moved a bit closer,

and put his strong arms around me. Our pecs, abs and chest were slick with

our cum as we held each other.

After a few minutes, I broke out of his embrace and lay down out of

exhaustion. He collapsed on top of Jen, and they started making out and

fondling each other in that lazy, post-orgasm way. I heard lots of `I love

yous’ said between them, which made me feel strangely comfortable. I was

really happy for Dan.

He nudged my shoulder and said “Nighty Night, buddy boy. Get some rest”

God I love my big brother.

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