My Father's Best Friend

A gay story: My Father's Best Friend A/N – Hello! This is my first time writing a genuine gay male romance, though this could also be considered ‘Mature’ though that category is only for heterosexual relationships.

Usual caveats. All editing and reviewing done by the author with Microsoft Word. Spelling is usually spot on. Australian / British standard English. Definitely the occasional typo. Grammar can be ropey at times, but it’s been a long time since I sat in a classroom. All mistakes owned up to by the author. Please remember this is just fantasy and I’m an amateur.

Comments and feedback appreciated as always.


I heard the laughter and conversation downstairs in the backyard, my parents hosting yet another pool party for their friends and a few neighbours. My two older brothers and sister were down there too, a couple of their friends no doubt invited to join in with the festivities. My brothers no doubt shirtless, showing off their lean, tight bodies, my sister in her bikini, showing off her curves. Sighing to myself, I enjoyed the sunshine through the window, the air coming in through the flyscreen, but I wasn’t going to head downstairs.

Compared to the rest of the family, I was the runt of the litter, or so it felt like. While my father and two brothers all topped over six foot, I was barely five-seven. While they all had delightful, bronzed skin, I was rather pale. Probably not helped by the fact I didn’t join them outside too often. I was too embarrassed as I felt so scrawny compared to them. Even my sister was slightly taller than me, only my mother shorter.

Too often, I’d heard words like ‘pretty’ and ‘cute’ rather than handsome. Granted, when I looked in the mirror, even past my eighteenth birthday, I’d retained my boyish good looks. I had jet black hair I kept long, particularly my fringe. I had bright blue eyes, a small nose, and my lips weren’t too thin. Best feature was probably my cheekbones. I’d been complimented on them more than once, but I always thought good cheekbones were more of a feminine thing.

Despite being thought cute, I still suffered from a chronic lack of self-confidence, not helped by the fact I was totally gay. I’d come out to my parents a couple of years ago. Mum hugged me, assured me she loved me. Dad looked a little uncomfortable, then admitted he wasn’t exactly surprised by that. I wasn’t sure whether I should be offended by that or not. My brothers were weirded out, my sister thought it was cute.

Of course, word got around that I was gay, and despite what people think about teenagers today, plenty of them are still intolerant little fuckwits. My social life, which wasn’t great before, nearly died completely the day everyone learned I was gay. Only a couple of my closest friends remained by my side, social outcasts like I was. Well, I was until girls learned I was gay. Then I was seen as safe and the male friends I’d lost were replaced by women. That all lasted until the end of high school. I was now looking at restarting everything at university.

A knock at the door had me look up from the book I was ready while lying back on my bed. My mother was wearing a two-piece swimsuit. Even close to fifty as she was, she was an attractive woman. “Hey, Mum.”

“What are you doing in here, baby?” she asked, walking over to the bed, barefoot having left her sandals by the doorway.

“I’d just feel out of place down there,” I admitted, “Figured I’d just stay out of the way.”

Mum sat down and stroked my cheek. “You’re our son, baby. You’ll never be out of place.”

“Mum, I don’t fit in with your friends nor any of you. Trust me, I’m fine.”

Mum’s lower lip trembled as I’d never been so honest about how I felt. Probably a surprise considering I was sober. She leaned down and kissed my forehead, pulling me up to cuddle her. “You’re my son and I love you,” she whispered, “And you are an important member of this family. You’ll always be my baby. My little boy.” Hugging her tightly, she added, “But I guess I understand a little bit how you feel. But you should come down later and join in.”

“I’ll think about it, Mum.”

Kissing my cheek, she smiled at me a little sadly before she walked away, slid into her sandals, and disappeared from view. Within five minutes, my sister was in the doorway. Without a word, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, so I was at least standing.

“No more moping around in here, Scott. It’s a lovely afternoon, everyone is having a good time. You should be downstairs with us.”

“I’m not really that interested, Kim.”

She hugged me tightly, just like my mother. Considering she was in a bikini, if I’d been straight, I might have been turned on by it. “Please, Scotty,” she whispered, “For me. And Mum was really upset when she came back down. She wants her little boy to have fun with everyone else.”

Sighing, she leaned back and smiled, kissing my cheek. “Okay, in a few minutes,” I muttered, relenting rather easily.

“Good boy. Get on your swimming trunks and join us in the pool.”

Shutting the door as she left, I rummaged through my drawers, eventually finding them. Putting those on, I also put on a singlet vest, as I hated going shirtless due to my slim physique, stopping on the way outside to grab myself a towel, walking outside onto the decking where everyone was gathered. My arrival went rather unnoticed until Dad glanced my way and grinned.

“Scott! About time you made your presence known. Grab yourself a drink and bite to eat.”

“Yeah, sure thing, Dad.”

Mum gave me a hug, handing me a glass of wine. Yes, I drank wine as I hated beer, and if I was out with friends, I would either drink spirits or cocktails. If they weren’t available, I’d happily drink a glass of white wine. Dad was at the barbecue with a couple of his friends, all of them slapping me on the back, grasping my shoulder, as they wished me hello.

Kim and a couple of her friends jogged towards me, tits jigging away as the trio were all wearing bikinis. Unfortunately, it was all wasted on me. Sure, I knew my sister was hot, as were her friends, but while my older brothers were watching intently, tongues almost hanging out of their mouths, I was capable of meeting their eyes without paying attention to their bodies.

I was dragged over to sit by the edge of the pool with them, my sister wrapping an arm around my waist. My older brothers had their wives with them. I was closer to my sister, but my sexuality still weirded out my brothers, though we’d never been particularly close before that anyway. Guess I’d always been close to the women than men of the household, that fact only exacerbated once they learned of my sexuality.

Relaxing after a couple of glasses of wine and stuffing my face with a burger then a sausage sandwich, I spent most of the night chatting away with my sister and her friends. I had next to nothing in common with the older people around, though most were polite enough to come and speak to me for a few minutes, asking questions about how I’d done in high school and my plans for university.

It was mid-evening by the time the party started to wind down, neighbours heading back home, other friends booking taxis or designated drivers taking their parents’ home. My brothers now lived away from home, being married and all, so they disappeared. My sister, being only two years older than me and would be entering her last year of university, still lived at home with the family.

Sitting in the living room by myself, just watching a little night-time television, Mum and Dad were still keeping a couple of people company. Concentrating on the show I was watching; I didn’t even realise someone sat next to me until I finally felt their presence. Glancing to my side, I noticed it was one of my father’s best friends, Mark.

I found myself blushing immediately as he was someone that I’d had a crush on for a very long time by now. He stood over six foot, just like my father and brothers. Broad shouldered, he was incredibly fit, a bit of a gym junkie. Sitting next to me without a shirt, I had visions flooding my mind of what I’d do to his bare chest with my tongue. He had tattoos down each arm, an entire sleeve from his shoulder to wrist on his right arm, and a couple of symbols on his left. He’d been in the army for a few years once he turned eighteen.

“Glad you came and joined us, Scott,” he said.

“Um… Yeah… Sure…”

“Are thing’s okay?” I shrugged, feeling myself blush even brighter. “Looking forward to university in a couple of weeks?”

“I guess. Shouldn’t be any worse than high school.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, someone like me who is also gay. I had a target on my back every day due to a bunch of narrow-minded pricks.”

“Well, I think you’ll find university a more open-minded and inclusive plates. I’m sure it’ll be full of cute boys like yourself.”

He must have had a few drinks. I’d never heard him call me cute before. Or maybe he’d told others, but I’d never heard it. “Um… Maybe, I guess…”

“Trust me on this, you’ll have an absolute blast at university. Lots of people of all sexualities there. Straight. Gay. Bi. And people who’ll pretty much fuck anyone, no matter what gender.”

“Well, I’m only interested in men…” I paused before muttering, “Not that I’ve had a chance to do anything.”

“You’re still a virgin?”

I couldn’t hold back the scoff. “Yeah, like there was anyone at school interested in me.”

When he wrapped an arm around me, my cock, which was already semi-hard, was rock solid within around three seconds. Whether he noticed or not, I don’t know. “Trust me, Scott. It’s a big wide world out there and I’m sure, once you find yourself, you’ll be getting plenty of offers of cock.” I didn’t reply, loving the feeling of his strong arm around me, leaning into him slightly. His fingers started to caress my side, unable to stop the sigh as I practically cuddled into him.

“You think I’m cute?” I asked softly.

“Of course you are, Scott. I’m not blind.”

“Thanks, Mark. It’s nice to hear from someone other than family!”

He laughed out loud, feeling his arm hold me a little tighter. Lifting my eyes to his face, his brown eyes turned to look at mine. He had near continuous stubble on his face. What I’d call a strong chin and a proud nose. He was so handsome. Resting a hand on his chest, it was incredibly firm, running my hand down over his abs. “I’m guessing you approve?” he asked, chuckling to himself.

“God yes.” I was achingly hard by now. “I need to go.”

Standing up, my erection was noticeable. Hearing him call goodnight, I hurried to my room and shut the door, freeing my cock. I wasn’t particularly endowed, opening up my laptop to find one of my favourite videos. Lubing up my cock, I was soon stroking away as I watched a young twink like myself being fucked nicely by someone just like Mark.

I came all over myself within a couple of minutes. And, of course, someone then knocked on the door. Wiping myself off with my swimming trunks, I dove onto the bed and under the covers before Mum opened the door. “Hey, baby. Going to sleep now?”

“Yeah, Mum. I’m a little tired now.”

She walked in to come kiss me goodnight. Even at eighteen, she still did it. Honestly, part of me still loved it. I loved my mother and loved how close we still were. Sitting up to hug her, she kissed my cheek then my forehead. It was while my head rested on her shoulder that I noticed the film I’d been watching was paused.

“Oh shit,” I muttered.


Sighing, Mum turned around the looked at the computer screen. To my surprise, she started to chuckle, glancing back at me and smiling knowingly. “Did I interrupt something?”

“Ummm… No…”

“Ah, so you’ve already cum then?”


“What? You’re eighteen years old. I’ve read that boys your age are constantly jerking off. And what’s on the screen isn’t a surprise considering you’re homosexual.” To my eternal embarrassment, she actually sat on my chair and restarted the movie. Thankfully, I had the speakers turned low so she wouldn’t have heard much from inside my room. “I’m guessing you imagine the twink is you and the other man is the type you fancy?”

“How do you know what a twink is?”

She turned the chair to face me. “Baby, the day after you told us you were gay, I was online researching what it’s like to be a young gay man, particularly at your age, all the difficulties you were going to face being a young gay man. I made sure I knew enough so I can support you whenever you were facing trouble or difficulty in your life.” She noticed my lower lip start to tremble. I knew how much Mum loved me, but I had no idea she’d done all that for me. She was soon hugging me tightly again. “Your father and I are so proud of you, Scotty,” she whispered, her arms holding me even tighter, “I know your father isn’t the most expressive of men, but trust me, when you showed him your final report card, all A’s and first in every class, and then your exam scores, being in the top five percent of the entire country, knowing what you’d be doing at university, he was proud as punch. Told all his friends about his intelligent son.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

“You’re welcome, baby.” She stood up and looked back at the screen. “He also knows you watch porn, but just don’t let him see it.” She looked closer for a moment. “Well, the top is rather handsome. No wonder you like this film.” I groaned as Mum giggled. “Goodnight, baby. See you in the morning.”

“Night, Mum. And thanks. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

With two weeks to go until I started university, I had plenty of time to myself. The only company I had at home was my sister, Kim. She usually had her friends around every day. I still didn’t particularly go outside much, except when I had company of my own. I really only had two close friends left, of the male sort anyway. Had plenty of female friends though they were all busy living their own lives.

Inviting them over later during the week, the three of us were surrounded by plenty of eighteen-year-old girls in bikinis. Meant nothing to me but my two friends were left rather excited. Couldn’t miss their erections as we watched half a dozen girls cavorting around. When my sister walked out with three of her friends, I think my friends almost filled their swimming trunks with cum.

My parents always headed out on a Friday night together, particularly once Kim was old enough to look after me. Just before they were about to leave, I approached my father, feeling a little awkward. He was curious about what I was doing. “What’s up, Scott?”

I hugged him tightly, resting my head against his chest. It took a couple of seconds before he hugged me back. “I love you, Dad,” I whispered.

“Okay, I’m ready…”

Mum trailed off as she saw me hugging my father. Seeing her smile at me, my father cleared his throat. “Love you too, Scott.”

Mum walked over and hugged us both. “And I love you both. But we’re ready to go, Scott. We’ll see you later, okay?”

“Okay, Mum.”

“I’ve left some money so you can order in a pizza. And there’s a bottle of wine in the fridge too.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

Mum kissed my cheek, Dad grasped my shoulder and smiled at me before they disappeared out the front door. Left to my own devices, I ordered the pizza immediately while pouring myself a glass of wine. Flicking on the television, I wasn’t particularly interested in playing sport but enjoyed watching it. I particularly liked AFL, all those tall strapping men running around a massive stadium, wearing tight vests and rather short shorts. I usually watched games nursing at least half an erection the entire time.

Sipping at my second glass of wine, I was surprised when my phone buzzed. Not to say I didn’t get messages from friends, but on a Friday night, most others were out having a good time. I hadn’t worked for a year and had very little money. I would be relying on loans once I started the university year. The bank of Mum and Dad would also help, but I didn’t like relying on them while I was on holidays.

How are you tonight?

It was a message from Mark. It wasn’t the first time he messaged me. He’d send me a message every so often, just asking if I was okay. It touched me that someone at least twenty years older than me actually gave a shit. Considering he’d known me nearly my entire life…

S I’m okay, Mark. You?

M: It’s a quiet night at home. Just watching the footy.

S: Which code?

M: I’m a league man. You know that. Watching the AFL?

S: Of course. I love it. x

M: I can only imagine why, cutie.

I felt myself blushing again. It was the first time he’d flat out called me cute.

S: You mean that? That I’m cute? x

M: You’re a gorgeous young man, Scott. If I met you at a club, I’d take you home in a heartbeat.

I’d always been curious about his sexuality. I’d seen him with a girl on his arm during my youth, but he’d been single for as long as I could remember. I’m guessing this was his way of letting me know he was at least bisexual

I took a chance though knew I’d have to tread carefully. He was my father’s best friend, after all. God, he’d freak the fuck out if he knew I was even subtly flirting with Mark, and I knew he’d probably punch on with Mark if he knew his best friend was flirting with his son.

S: Well, if I saw you in a club, I’d want you to take me home, handsome. x

My heart was beating furiously after I sent the message, my hand shaking so much, I had to put my phone down, sculling the glass of wine in my other hand. I was also achingly hard as I was starting to imagine all sorts of scenarios involving Mark coming over and seducing me. I wasn’t desperate to lose my virginity, but the idea of losing it to Mark, a man I’d crushed on for so long, I nearly started crying then and there as just imagining it felt so good.

M; Handsome?

S: God yes, Mark. You’re so hot and fit. xxx

I almost threw my phone away when I sent that message, dreading the reaction. I was left wondering if he’d tell my father, though I knew he probably wouldn’t, my father likely thinking he was leading me on. Then my phone buzzed, opening the message to see a picture attachment.

It was a selfie of Mark wearing just a pair of jeans. I wanted to lick the screen; he was so fucking fit.

M: What do you think?

S: Just like I said. You’re so hot… xxx

M: Hot enough to make you hard?

It looked so blunt as a message, I felt myself blushing again.

S: Yes. xxx

I was barely watching the game now, my eyes only on the screen of my phone, waiting for the next notification. When the phone dinged, I almost leapt off the couch with excitement. Opening the message, it was another attachment.

It was a photo of Mark naked, now standing profile, his thick cock hard and thick. I salivated at the sight. But he was smiling at the same time, and I wondered if he thought about me doing something with that cock.

M: What do you think, cutie?

S: I just drooled everywhere and nearly licked the screen. xxx

M: Want to send me a photo of you?

S: I… I don’t know, Mark.

Before I could even wonder what he’d write back, my phone started to ring. It was Mark. “Hello,” I said softly.

“Hey, cutie. Did you like my photos?”

“Yes,” I almost squeaked, my hand shaking again.

“Want some more?”

“I’d love some more.”

“Going to send me any, cutie?”

“I don’t know, Mark. I mean…”

“Scott, trust me on this. You are unbelievably cute. You know how beautiful you are? I have a photo of you on my phone from Saturday. Most of my friends were salivating over you. Trust me on this, cutie. You have nothing to be worried about.”

“You have a photo of me? When?”

“You were sitting by yourself on the edge of the pool. You looked a little lonely, but there was also this beauty about you in the moment. I would have come talk to you, but I know I make you a little nervous. The only reason I sat next to you later that evening is that I knew we’d have a little privacy. When you cuddled into me, I was ready to either carry you to your room or stow you away in the taxi and take you home with me.”

I started to cry. I couldn’t help it. “Really? You mean that?”

“Wholeheartedly, Scott. You’ve grown into such a wonderful young man. Your father wouldn’t stop talking about you on Saturday. He’s a proud papa bear.”

Wiping my cheeks, it was the second time I’d heard of my father being proud of me. “Okay, Mark,” I said softly, “I’ll send you something.”

“No pressure, Scott, but I’d love to see you in all your glory. And maybe one day, not as a photo on the screen of my phone.”

“You mean that?” I whispered.

“That word again, Scott. Wholeheartedly. Take a photo and send it over, cutie. I’d love to see you.”

“Okay, Mark. I’ll do it now.

“I’ll talk to you later, cutie. Bye.”

“Bye, Mark.”

Heading to my bedroom, I had a full-length mirror that I could pose in front of. Taking off my t-shirt and shorts, I was stood in just my boxer-briefs. They were tight but I didn’t exactly have a large bulge, except when I was erect. Looking at Mark’s photo again, I smiled as I was full hard again within seconds. Taking the picture, I sent it to him.

M: Wow. You look great, Scott. I’d love to run my hands all over that tight little body of yours.

S: I’d love to run my tongue all over yours, Mark.

Where the hell was I finding this confidence? Maybe it was the fact he genuinely seemed interested in me. The only concern was I didn’t just want him to be with me once. I wanted to fall in love and find someone to share my life with, maybe not forever, but at least a few years. I wasn’t interested in casual sex.

M: Going to take your underwear off? No pressure, cutie, but I’d love to see what you’ve got. I’ll send you some more if you’d like.

S: Okay, I’ll send one now.

Lowering my underwear, my cock was pointing out, the head already glistening with pre-cum. I’d left a wet spot in my underwear anyway. Taking the photo, I sent it to Mark, hoping he enjoyed what I sent him.

M: Oh my god, cutie, I’d love to stroke your cock while I’m doing very naughty things to you.

Then he sent me another picture, this time of him sat down, his thick, hard cock resting back against his abdomen. I could only guess it was well above average. His next photo was just a photo of his cock itself. My cock throbbed with excitement at seeing that.

M: You like, cutie?

S: Holy shit, your cock is wonderful, Mark.

M: I’m glad you like it. I’d love to see your lips wrapped around it one day.

S: You would?

M: Definitely. That’s not the only thing I’d like to do to you though.

I gave it some thought before I sent him one single word.

S: When?

I waited on tenterhooks for his reply, wondering what he was going to say. It was already late evening so he wouldn’t come around now. Not sure he’d want to be caught in the act of fucking his best friend’s son. And I wasn’t sure what he’d be doing on a weekend. I’d assume his social life was far better than mine.

M: I’m thinking next Friday. Your parents go out every Friday night. I don’t want either of us to lie, but I’m thinking your father might freak out if he knows we’re… together… At least to start with.

S: Okay. Where will we go?

M: I’ll treat you to a night out, cutie. Dinner first, then I’ll take you to a gay club. You ever been to one?

S: No, I haven’t.

M: Okay, I’ll call you during the week and we’ll set things up. Right now, I’ve got to go jerk off because I’m really turned on right now, cutie. Going to close my eyes and think of you.

S: Want a picture of my butt?

M: Fuck yes.

S: I’ll send one now. xxx

Getting on my bed, I lowered myself down as I positioned myself so my butt was reflected in the mirror. Turning back, I aimed my phone and snapped a couple of pictures, sending them to Mark. He replied very quickly.

M: Oh my god, your arse is spectacular, cutie.

M: No, not arse. That is definitely a boypussy.

S: Want my boypussy, handsome? xxx

M: Just sitting at dinner, thinking about what you’re hiding from me…

S: Going to totally jerk off now too, Mark. xxx

M: I’ll talk to you soon, cutie. Goodnight.

S: Night, Mark. xxx

I didn’t even bother jerking off to porn that evening as Mark sent me half a dozen other photos of him in various stages of undress and hardness. I came so hard all over myself, I nearly passed out it was such a good orgasm. I remained hard as well, continuing to stroke myself as I continued to gaze through the small gallery I had. When I came again a second time, I did pass out, it was so intense.

Waking the next morning, I realised I was under my sheets, lifting them to see I’d been cleaned up. I nearly died from embarrassment then and there, but I needed to pee then have breakfast. Putting on a t-shirt and shorts, I snuck to the bathroom to pee, before I had to walk through the living room into the kitchen and dining room.

Dad was in the lounge room, greeting me cheerfully. No way he’d be in that good of a mood if he’d found me. Mum was in the kitchen. I took one look at her, and I knew as we both blushed brightly. She made me a plate for breakfast, placing it in front of me, kissing my cheek and giving me a cuddle.

“It’s okay, baby. Don’t worry about it,” she whispered.

“I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. It’s perfectly natural. And I didn’t snoop on your phone. I respect your privacy. But your door was wide open, and you needed cleaning up. I got a warm cloth, wiped you down, then got you under your sheets. It’s okay. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Does Dad…”

“He doesn’t need to know.” Kissing my cheek, she whispered, “I love you, baby.”

I spent most of the day hiding in my room. Mum was nice enough to bring me lunch, and I could barely look her in the eyes the entire time. She kissed the top of my head and chuckled, adding that she stumbled into the bedroom to find both my brothers taking care of business. That made me feel a little better, I guess.

That evening, I spent time with my father watching the AFL. He usually preferred rugby league but asked if I wanted to watch the game with him. We sat on opposite ends of the couch, and I had to cross my leg, resting my ankle on my opposing thigh, as I found a couple of the footballers ruggedly handsome. I think even my father figured out why, my sister watching the game with us, glancing at me curiously every few minutes.

“Goodnight,” I stated as soon as the game was over.

“It’s only 10pm!” my sister teased. I looked around helplessly as my parents both chuckled.

“Let him go,” Mum said, “He’s just going to spend time in his room, that’s all.”

Once again, I left the living room blushing furiously. I’d received a few messages throughout the game, not daring open my phone during the game. Once I was in my room, the door closed, I opened it up to see a series of pictures from Mark. A couple were just shirtless selfies, the rest were more pictures of his cock. I replied, lowering my shorts and underwear, taking a couple of mine and sending them to him.

He replied with a simple emoji of a smiley face drooling.

I didn’t hear from him again until Wednesday, calling me while I was home alone by myself. I couldn’t stop smiling as we chatted about nothing important, just chewing the fat until he got to the point of why he called. I knew why he was calling but didn’t want to seem over eager.

“Where would you like to go on Friday night?”

“I really don’t mind, Mark.”

“Well, I’m thinking maybe a pub close to the club, one that has a good menu.”

“That sounds good to me. I’m looking forward to it.”

“So am I, cutie.”

“Um… What should I wear?”

“A tight shirt and even tighter pants, show off that cute little butt and your slim physique. You’re an utterly adorable little twink, Scott.”

“I think I have something like that.”

“Don’t wear underwear. When we’re dancing, and I put my hands into your trousers…”

“Am I going back to yours, Mark?”

“If you want to. Just one thing, cutie. I’m not expecting anything, and I mean anything, except your company on Friday night, okay? I will not pressurise you to do anything you don’t want to do. But I want to take you out on a date.”

“I’ve never been on a date.”

“I’m glad to hear I’ll be your first one, cutie. Okay, I’d love to keep chatting, but my lunch hour is nearly over. I’ll see you on Friday night.”

“Bye, Mark.”

I think my excitement about going on my first date was rather evident as my parents were wondering what was going on with me, my sister finding me rather amusing. I could barely sleep on Thursday night, doing my best to remain in bed on Friday morning. I was so excited and horny, I jerked off twice between lunchtime and once more in the afternoon.

“Okay, what the fuck is going on with you?” Kim finally asked as I sat on the couch, my knee bouncing up and down.

I muted the television as she sat next to me. “Promise you won’t tell Mum and Dad.”

She took my hand and squeezed. “Scotty, I know plenty of your secrets. You can trust me.”

“I have a date tonight.”

“You do?!” Then she squealed and hugged me. “Oh my god. It’s your first date! Who with?”


She leaned back and looked at my first. “Mark… You mean Dad’s best friend Mark?” I felt myself blushing again as I nodded. “Oh, Scotty… Dad’s going to flip when he tells him.”

“That’s why I don’t want him to know yet. I really like him, Kim. It’s only dinner then we’re going to a gay club. He’s not just going to fuck me and dump me.”

Kim looked thoughtful for a few moments. “Well, Mark is a lovely man. And he’s very handsome. Everyone knows you crush on him something fierce too.”

“What?” I asked flatly.

Kim giggled away. “Oh please, you can’t help looking at him all the time whenever he’s visiting. And your tongue was practically hanging out of your mouth when he had his shirt off the other weekend.”

“You won’t tell them?”

She hugged me again. “Of course I won’t, Scott. I trust Mark. Even Mum and Dad would, but they won’t like it when you’ve done this in secret. But I also understand why. You do know he’s thirty-six years old. He’s younger than our parents, but he’s still an older man.” She leaned back and smiled. “Then again, Mark might have a penchant for cute little twinks like yourself.”

“Does everyone in the family know me as a twink?” I groaned.

“Look up twink in a dictionary and your photo is there, Scotty.” She pinched my cheek. “You are just too adorable. And I love you for it.”

Blushing, I replied, “I love you too, Kim.”

Mum and Dad got home from work and, after relaxing for an hour or so, disappeared to get ready. I let Mark know what was going on, my clothes laid out ready to get changed as I showered at the same time my parents were getting dressed. They came to wish me goodnight as I was drying off, opening the door wide enough for Mum to kiss my cheek.

As soon as they were gone, I started to get ready. Doused myself in deodorant. My t-shirt was plain black but tight to my slim body. My jeans were slim-fit and hugged my thighs and butt. I had a pair of leather shoes to wear. Applied a little cologne. Styled my hair. Kim knocked on my door just as I was about ready.

Hearing her gasp made me smile. “Oh my god, you’re gorgeous!”

“Thanks,” I whispered.

We hugged for a couple of minutes before she rested her hands on my shoulders. “Scott, I’m guessing you’re a virgin.” Nodding, she added, “Do you have condoms and lube?”

“I’m not having sex tonight, Kim.”

“You sure about that? I bet you’d love for Mark to take you to bed.”

“Not tonight. And I know he won’t rush me into it.”

“I know, but if you’re horny…”

“I’d rather he didn’t wear one anyway.” Kim raised her eyebrows. “I’m a virgin, and I trust him enough to not give me anything. To feel my first lover… You know, finish inside me…”

“Well, I wouldn’t know that feeling.” When I returned a blank look, she giggled. “I’ve only been with women, sweetie. Haven’t met the right man I’d want to have sex with for the first time.”

“Oh, I knew you were bisexual, but I thought…”

“Nope, nothing but pussy since my first time. Sometimes, I’m thinking I might as well just go full lesbo and be done with it.”

“So… Our parents might have two gay kids?”

“They won’t care, Scotty.”

Grabbing everything else I needed, we waited in the living room until there was a knock at the door. Kim opened it up as I stood in the middle of the room, waiting for Mark to appear. I was so nervous that, when he appeared, my legs nearly went from under me. He strode towards me, taking in the tight shirt and jeans he was wearing. He smelled delightful.

“Gorgeous,” he whispered, caressing my cheek with his hand. “How are you, Scotty?”

“I’m so fucking nervous, Mark.” I knew being completely honest would be best.

“Nothing to be nervous about, cutie. This is going to be a great first date.” He turned back to Kim. “Don’t wait up for him. What’s the cover story?”

“He’s staying at a friend’s place. I drove him over and I’ll pick him up tomorrow morning.”

“Good.” His hand moved from my cheek to my hand. “Ready to go?”

“Yes,” I replied softly.

Leading me to his car, I was surprised he was driving. When asking about that, he explained he didn’t want to drink too much, and warned me not to get drunk, otherwise he’d just bring me home. As we drove into the city, he noticed me fidgeting, still feeling nervous. He took my hand and held it for a while, before he then rested it on his thigh.

“You’ve got lovely soft hands, cutie,” he told me, eyes still on the road, “But I can’t wait to have you in my bed tonight.”

“Are we going to have sex tonight, Mark?” I blurted out.

He waited until we were stopped at a red light before glancing at me. “No, Scott. We’re not having sex tonight. But we will be having sex soon.”


“Do you want to have sex with me, Scott?”

“Yes,” I whispered, “So much, Mark.”

He leaned closer to me. “Do you want to feel my thick, hard cock sliding inside you?” I couldn’t answer, releasing a whimper as his lips met mine for the first time. When he realised that I’d frozen, he leaned back slightly. “You’ve not kissed anyone before, have you?” When I shook my head, he caressed my cheek and kissed me again. It took me a few seconds to kiss him back, only breaking apart when someone beeped their horn as the lights turned green.

He heard me sniffle, wiping my cheeks as he took my other hand again. “I can wait, Mark,” I said quietly, “I don’t want… I want to fall in love, Mark. I don’t want anything casual.”

We drove without speaking the rest of the way, only tunes from the radio filling the air. He found a place to park near the pub he’d chosen for us to visit. Holding my hand, I felt a little self-conscious walking through the door. He tightened his grip as we approached an empty booth. When I slid onto the leather seat, he sat next to me. I felt rather small compared to his broad frame.

“Glass of wine to drink?”

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll go get us drinks. Have a look at the menu, let me know what you’d like when I get back.”

He disappeared to the bar as I looked over the menu. It was a decent selection for a gastropub. Making my selection, I glanced around and noticed plenty of couples dotted around the large dining area, and I felt myself smiling as there quite a few same-sex couples. Mark returned with a glass of wine for me and a schooner of beer for himself.

After he looked at the menu, he asked what I wanted, asking if I wanted a starter or dessert too. Checking the menu, I asked for a dessert too. Before he left, he placed a finger underneath my chin, taking a moment to gaze into my eyes before he leaned down and left a soft kiss on my lips.

“So damned cute,” he said softly.

I found myself people watching while he was ordering at the bar. Not too many women couples, but there were a few male couples. And it was obvious to see those who were couples and those who were just a pair of friends hanging out. Or, at least, I thought it was obvious. I think I was picking up subtle clues. The guys who were kissing, well, that was obvious.

Mark returned, sipping at my wine as we chatted about anything that sprung to mind. Wrapping his arm around me, I leaned into his side, feeling his fingers caressing my side in return. Placing my hand on his thigh, I started to stroke that as I leaned up enough so I could look at his face.

“So you’ve had a little crush on me?” he finally asked.

“God yes,” I replied softly.

“For how long?”

“Since I was a little younger and realised that I preferred men. I loved it when you would come over to see Dad and you’d walk around without a shirt.”

“How many times did you jerk off the night I sent you all those photos?”

“Oh my god, it was so embarrassing. I stroked off the first time and I came so hard, I nearly passed out. Should have seen all the cum on my body.”

“Would have loved to see that. Send me a picture next time.”

Blushing, I managed to continue. “Anyway, I was still horny as hell, so I jerked off again straight away. Beat my poor cock raw, even with lube, and I came even harder the second time. I passed out…”


“I woke up the next morning cleaned up and under my sheets. Mum found me, cleaned me up.” He started to chuckle. “I was so embarrassed, but Mum’s really cool about it. The night of the party, I’d just finished jerking off when she came in to see me goodnight. I’d left the porno I’d been watching paused. She noticed and started to explain it was okay.”

“Your mother has always been an incredibly open-minded woman, first with your sister admitting she’d bisexual and then with you coming out of the closet as well.”

He turned his body and placed his hand on my thigh. I could help shudder as he leaned down to kiss me again. I slowly figured out what I was doing, but when he slid his tongue into my mouth for the first time, my cock was achingly hard in seconds as I almost melted into him, whimpering slightly as his arm pulled me closer to him. His hand moved further up my thigh, ever so gently brushing over my obvious erection. I moaned into his mouth, causing him to break the kiss as he chuckled.

“I think someone needs a release.”

“I jerked off three times already today!”

Chuckling again, the moment was broken as the waitress arrived with our plates of food. We ate mostly in silence, continuing to sip at my large glass of wine. I didn’t feel as embarrassed ordering it. The first night I went out with my father for a drink after turning eighteen, we’d gone to a standard pub in the western suburbs. Every other male was drinking beer. I could feel everyone judging me drinking a glass of wine, though my father told me to just ignore everyone.

Finishing our meal, I couldn’t help cuddling into his side again, his arm wrapped around my waist this time. Hand on his thigh, I kept my eyes on his as I moved my hand closer and closer to his groin. He leaned down and left a soft kiss on my lips. “You can play with me later,” he whispered, “Trust me, I want to feel those soft hands wrapped around my cock, cutie.”

We shared a dessert, blushing as he fed me bits of cake and ice cream, kissing me each time after I’d swallowed. Once we’d cleared that, we finished our drinks and headed out into the night air. Taking my hand, he led me down the road towards a bar, suggesting we have a drink in there before heading to the club. The bar was lively, the music was the sort I liked. He ordered me a cocktail while he sipped at some sort of spirit and mixer. Standing room only, with a small dance area, we stood on the edge of that, Mark standing behind me, his hand caressing my chest as I leaned back against him. a bit too loud for much conversation but just him touching me was enough.

Finishing our drinks there, Mark checked the time and smiled, taking my hand and leading us back up the road in the direction of the club. We had to line up for a while, but I wasn’t overly surprised he knew the two men on the door. Heading inside, the vibe was friendly, everyone there to have a good time. The music was certainly pumping, locating the dance floor to see it was already full of revellers.

Mark bought us a bottle of water each, escorting me to the dance floor. One thing I’d always been pretty good at was dancing, but Mark wasn’t worried about moves, he just wanted my body pressed against him. Rather quickly, I was grinding my arse back against him, one of his arms tight around my body as I felt his erection pressing against me. Leaning back, I turned my head so he could kiss me, moaning softly as his large hand cupped my groin.

“Don’t cum in your jeans,” he whispered.

“I’ll try but… I’ve not been touched before.”

Resting my head back against him, I continued to move my arse against him as his hand slowly slid their way into my jeans, groaning as I felt his hand gently grasp my cock. I whimpered and then moaned, feeling my cock throb in his hand, his lips moving down to kiss my cheek and then my neck. “Mark,” I whimpered.

“It’s okay, cutie. Just enjoy the moment,” he whispered into my ear.

He spun me around and kissed me hard, taking my hand and placing it at the fly of his jeans. My hand shook as I lowered it, meeting his eyes to see him smile and nod. Carefully putting my smaller hand through the gap, I felt the heat from his cock as I managed to pull it out through the gap. It was even longer and thicker in real life than it had appeared in the photos he sent me.

“Oh my god,” I moaned softly.

Glancing around, we weren’t the only couples fooling around. A couple of guys were being blown, a few others were enjoying mutual handjobs. Meeting Mark’s eyes again, I just about managed to wrap my fingers around the shaft of his cock. “So big,” I whispered to myself.

He pulled me closer, his cock now trapped between us for a moment, kissing me hard as he undid the button of his jeans, his cock disappearing, doing up the button and pulling the zip closed. “You’ll see more when we get back to my place, cutie,” he breathed into my ear, “Let’s just dance for now.”

We lasted a couple of hours before I was begging for him to take me back to his place. Returning to his car, he had us on the highway heading back west. As soon as we were in the car, I’d leaned over to take out his cock. He kept lube in the glovebox, lubing him up so I could slowly stroke him off. Feeling how thick and long his cock was, I could only imagine what it would be like to try and suck on it. Trying to fit in my arse would be something else entirely.

Making it home far quicker that it was later in the evening, we pulled up onto the driveway, his house in the suburbs. Guiding me to the front door, I was giggling as his cock was still out and swinging, his hand on my lower back as he ushered me inside. As soon as the door was closed, he asked if I wanted a drink.

“Please take me to your bedroom,” I practically begged.

He made me cry out as he picked me up in his arms so easily, I was momentarily embarrassed. Kissing me the few steps towards the master bedroom, he placed me down on the edge of the bed, taking off my black shirt as I helped undo the button of his shirt. Once that was off, my hands immediately went to his chest, running them all over his defined muscles. Leaning up, I left a trail of kisses everywhere. “You’re so hot, Mark,” I whispered.

“Sit back, cutie. I’ll get those jeans off.”

First off were my shoes and socks, before he undid the button and lowered the zipper of my jeans. Pulling those off, he also grabbed my underwear, leaving me naked on the bed. His jeans quickly disappeared, seeing him nude in front of me for the first time.

Climbing up onto the bed, he hovered above me before leaning down to kiss me. Running my fingers up and down his chest, I lowered them enough so I could wrap both around his thick cock. Growling into my mouth, his cock was still slick with lube, stroking him off. When I felt his hand wrap around my cock, I shuddered and moaned into his mouth.

“You need to cum, cutie. Want a blowjob?”


He smiled down at me, caressing my cheek before running his fingers through my black hair. “I’d love to give you your first blowjob, Scott. I’d love to be your first everything.”

“Me too.” I shuffled back as he sat between my legs. “Can I blow you too?”

“I’ll see. I don’t want to do too much tonight, cutie. I want to take this slow, just like you do. There’s no rush to do anything.”

Kissing me again, I was moaning constantly as he kissed down my neck. I had no idea men’s nipples could be so sensitive, but I moaned loudly as he gave both of mine some attention. Kissing down my body, I was almost begging for him to touch my cock. I was practically hairless down there but I shaved anyway. I kept my entire body smooth except for a little hair on my legs, arms and on my head.

Running his tongue along my shaft, I was surprised I didn’t cum immediately. I felt my eyes widen as I watched him wrap his lips around my cock and take the entire length inside his mouth. As I said, I was only average, nothing compared to Mark. His head was soon bobbing up and down on my cock, moaning and shuddering, doing all I could not to cum too quickly.

“You have a lovely cock, cutie,” he whispered, licking up and down my shaft before he sucked on my balls. I groaned again, my hands taking handfuls of his sheets as I struggled to maintain control, “And your pre-cum is delicious. I’m going to swallow your load. Every. Single. Drop.”

Bobbing up and down on my cock again, I kept whimpering, it was just so good. And then I came. I barely had time to warn him, hearing the surprise when I spurted into his mouth the first time, but he recovered quickly, his hand running up and down my body to keep me flat on the bed. It was the best orgasm I could remember, doing anything I could think of to keep my emotions under control.

He kept sucking me until I started to go soft, finally releasing my cock as he kissed up my body before kissing me again. “Well, that was wonderful, cutie. What did you think?”

“I… I don’t…”

I hugged him tightly. He easily rolled me over so I was now straddling his body, resting on his chest. Lifting myself up, I felt the heat and presence of is thick cock underneath me, blushing as it was a position in which we could make love. Sitting up, I ran my fingers up and down his body again, up and down his arms, almost cooing over how strong and defined his body was.

Kissing across his chest, I slowly made my way down his body before I reached his navel and his cock was there, ready and waiting for me. It was already leaking pre-cum. “Do whatever you’re comfortable doing, Scotty. Remember that, okay?”

Sitting between his legs, I circled my hand around the base of his cock and just looked at it. I couldn’t believe the size of it, though I had nothing to compare it to. But it was thick, veiny, and felt ever so warm. Even with both hands, I couldn’t take his entire shaft, though I did have small hands compared to even my sister. His balls seemed enormous, realising he was shaved, just like I was.

Using my tongue, I licked his shaft up and down, tasting the pre-cum of someone else for the first time. If you’re wondering, I’d tasted my own cum plenty of times. He groaned a couple of times before I did my best to wrap my lips around the head of his cock, using my tongue to play with it. His fingers immediately started to run through my hair.

“That’s it, cutie. Just as much as you can,” he told me softly, “You don’t need to gag or prove anything.”

I looked up into his brown eyes, figuring out what he might like. Lowering my mouth, I could barely take half the length of his cock in my mouth before I hit my gag reflex. Now that I knew how much I could do, I slowly bobbed up and down, using my hands to stroke the rest of his cock.

“Both hands, cutie. One on my shaft, fondle my balls with the other. That always helps.”

He smiled as I followed his instructions. He never stopped smiling at me as I now wanted nothing more than to make him cum, and I intended to swallow all his cum, just like he’d done for me. I would have swallowed all his cum anyway. I eventually removed my hand form his balls, now using both on his shaft as I tried to read how his body was reacting.

Feeling his fingers grip my hair a little tighter, I was figuring that he was getting close “That’s it, use the tongue like that, lips nice and tight. You’re doing so good, cutie.”

My head was soon bobbing faster and faster, both hands stroking the rest of his cock. His breathing was starting to get faster, his fingers on my hair tighter, and his hips were starting to move. I was hard again as well, so excited that I was going to make him cum. His eyes gazed into mine, now desperate to make him cum.

“Close, cutie. Any second now. Ready?” I managed to nod as I got ready for my first every load.

That first spurt made me squeal, quickly tightening my lips around the head of his cock, continuing to stroke his cock. I swallowed immediately as the next spurt arrived. My god, his cum was wonderful, gulping down spurt after spurt without hesitation. He must have spurted seven or eight times before he stopped groaning, his cock stopped throbbing.

“Clean me up, cutie. Use that talented tongue of yours.”

I had no problem running my tongue all over his cock, licking up all the cum I could before I released his cock. Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me up so I straddled his body again, leaning up to kiss me hard, his tongue in my mouth as his arms wrapped around me. Rolled onto my back, I kept my legs wrapped around him, his heavy cock resting on top of mine.

“Our first time… Like this…” I whispered.

His fingers gently caressed my cheek. “Whatever you want, cutie.” Feeling I was hard again, he rolled off to rest next to me, lying on his side. Turning onto mine, he kissed me again before he leaned back to grab the lube. Pouring some onto his hand, he lubed up his cock before doing the same to me. “Stroke me, baby. Just have some fun with me.”

Wrapping my hand around his cock, he stroked me off at the same time, making out as I was soon moaning into his mouth again. Ending up on my back again, unable to stop giggling, his large hand quickly found itself wrapped around both our cocks. “Ever heard of frotting?” Shaking my head, he smiled at my innocence. “It’s when we stroke both our cocks at the same time. Feels nice?”

“It does,” I replied quietly.

“Want to be covered in our cum together?”

“I’d love it.”

Feeling him stroke us both off at the same time was a complete and utter turn on. I’d seen it maybe once or twice in porn but never knew what they called it. He soon built up the tempo and I lasted longer than I thought I would, thankful he’d already blown me. Leaning down to kiss me occasionally, I didn’t bother warning him when I was close. He could read my body language, how I started to move my hips and shudder at his touch.

“Let it go, cutie. Cum for me.”

I came hard, the first couple of spurts ending up near my chin or just high up my chest. The rest ended up on my lower torso. He kept stroking me until I was too soft to continue, feeling him release my cock as he started to pump his. He gently grasped my wrist, holding my hand underneath his. “Feel how hard I am for you, cutie. How hot my cock is for you. How much I want to cum for you.”

“Cum on me, Mark. I’ve dreamed of you leaving a load on me for so long.”

“It’s coming, cutie. Lots of cum, just for you.”

The first spurt fired onto my face, making us both giggle. The next couple of spurts were heavy, feeling them almost splatter on my body, before the rest pooled with mine. He moved quickly, grabbing both of our phones, smiling as I spread my legs wide, showing my arse as he took some photos of me. When he was done, he ran a hand down my right thigh before he brushed his hand over my rosebud. I shuddered at his touch.

“We need to clean you up before sleep.” What I didn’t expect was him to run his tongue to clean up some of our cum, kissing me and feeling him swap it with me. But he then slid off the bed and lifted me up again, kissing me softly, carrying me to the main bathroom. There was an enormous shower in there, turning on the water, waiting until it was hot, before he finally lowered me to the ground.

I almost wept as he washed me from head to toe. It was something so simple, but he made me feel so loved at the same time. When it came to returning the favour, I giggled more than once. Once we were done, he cuddled me for a couple of minutes before we stepped out, finding myself wrapped in a large towel so he could dry me off, before he quickly did the same for himself.

Returning to his bed, he had me get comfortable as he checked everything was locked, turned off the lights, returning to find me already snuggling under the blankets. Joining me, he turned off the lamp as I moved closer to him, both of his arms wrapping around me. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly.

“Best night of my life, Mark.”

He kissed me hard, making out for a couple of minutes, before I rolled over and spooned back against him. Feeling him hold me tight again, my back against his chest, I couldn’t hold the emotions back any longer. He kissed my cheek. “It’s okay, cutie. I know how you feel. The first time or two is always a big deal.”

“I want to make love with you,” I whispered.

“And I with you, cutie. We will very soon. I promise.”

I slept like a log that night, cocooned in his arms. Waking before him the next morning, I felt his morning wood pressing into me. I managed to move enough that I could turn around, watching him sleep, running my fingers down his body until I grasped his cock again. As I started to stroke him off, a smile started to form.

“Naughty,” he whispered.

“I want to blow you again.”

“Okay. Give me a couple of minutes to wake up.”

He had me kneel on the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed. No teasing this time, just my head bobbing up and down on his cock, my hands working his shaft, wanting to get him off and swallow his cum as quickly as possible. He came rather quickly, admitting he jerked off every morning and he always got himself off quickly, usually doing it in the shower to clear the pipes.

Taking my hand, we peed together in the bathroom before he sat me down on the kitchen counter while he started to prepare us breakfast. Whenever he had time, he’d walked over to kiss me, give my cock a fondle, before he finally stopped teasing me, blowing me for all of two minutes before I came hard.

Then we ate breakfast together.

Watching television a little later, he had me sitting naked on his lap, his hands never stopping moving around my body. It felt wonderful to be the sole focus of attention from a man like him. But we knew I had to call my sister eventually to come pick me up. Even though I was eighteen, Mum often called me a ‘young eighteen’, meaning that I was mature but, well, rather innocent and lacking experience in social situations. She was usually right, to be honest.

Kim picked me up just before lunchtime. Mark kissed me goodbye at the front door, telling me that we’d keep in touch, and that we’d get together next Friday, but if we could find time, he’d see me during the week. “And your father is also organising another party in February, an end of summer kind of thing,” he added, “If you want to give me plenty of attention there…”

Kim couldn’t stop smiling at me as she drove us home, thankfully not asking too many personal questions. I didn’t exactly want to divulge my sex life too early, plus it wasn’t her and anyone else’s business anyway. She kissed my cheek when pulling up outside home anyway.

“I’m happy for you, Scotty. It’s a little weird, Mark being Dad’s friend and all, but I noticed the kiss you shared. He definitely likes you.”

“I really like him too.”

Thankfully, the parents were not full of questions about what I’d been doing the night before. Later that night, long after we’d finished dinner, everyone just relaxing around the house, I was busy gaming when Mum knocked on my door. I never wore headphones, particularly if watching porn, calling Mum in. She smiled as she closed the door, sitting on the edge of my bed as I turned around in my chair.

“What’s up?”

“Scott, you’ve never lied to me, I know that, so I’m going to ask a very simple question. Were you at a friend’s place last night?”

“Technically yes.”

The smirk made me smile as she knew what I meant. “Were you safe, baby?”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean you didn’t put yourself in a situation where you’d get hurt.”

“No, Mum. I was with someone I trust.”

“Okay… Okay… Will you be seeing this friend again?”

“I will, Mum. I hope to see my friend a lot more going forward.”

Nodding without a word, she stood up. I did so too, giving her a hug. “Just be careful, baby,” she said softly, “Your father might not understand.”

“You know?”

“Not entirely but I can take a good guess who this friend is. I’ve never been blind to how you behave around him. Your sister and I have always been aware of the crush you’ve had on him. And the way you’ve been smiling all day, baby. It’s the look of a young man in love.”

“I’m not exactly that. I mean, I really like him but…”

“I trust you, but more importantly, I also trust him. When will you see him again?”

“This Friday, I think. But I don’t want to just see him once a week.”

“Once it’s serious enough, you’ll have to tell your father.”

“I’m not sure…”

“You can’t hide it from him, baby. And you’ll have to prepare yourself for the fact he might not understand. It’s up to you to explain it to him.”


She squeezed me tightly. “But that’s your father. I’m happy for you, baby. Your first boyfriend. And you chose a good man.”

I called Mark the next day and discussed what Mum had told me the previous night. To my surprise, he was rather calm about it, against suggesting that my mother was a very understanding and open-minded woman. I tried not to vocalise too many of my own concerns, particularly about my father. Mark kept me calm though, assuring me of his support whenever it did come to telling him. “Scott, this isn’t just a short-term fling in my eyes so we will have to tell him eventually.”

“It’s not? I mean… I don’t… It’s just you’re older and…”

“You told me you don’t want to have casual sex, cutie. I’m the same. Despite what many assume, many gay men are not promiscuous. Since admitting my sexuality, I’ve had three relationships and only slept with those men… Plus a couple of friends while I was in the army.”

“Oh… I mean, I didn’t want to assume, but you’re so hot…”

When he chuckled, I felt myself blushing, even on the phone. “I love hearing how attracted you are to me, cutie. Tell you what, I’ll pick you up on Friday and we’ll have dinner at my place. You’re starting university this week, right?”

“I am.”

“You’re at UTS?”


“Good. Your campus is close to my office. I’ll pick you up for lunch on Wednesday too.”

“I’ve already got my timetable. I’ll send you when I have breaks each day. Maybe we could have lunch a few times… If you’d like…”

“Send it over and we’ll figure it out.”

My first couple of days at university were fantastic. I met loads of people, and three girlfriends from high school were attending the same campus. We met up on the Monday, lots of hugs as we were delighted to be spending another three or more years together. My gaydar was also going off something fierce, more than one strapping young man definitely of the same sexuality. Whenever one of them talked to me, I felt myself blushing away, though had to remind myself that we would only be friends.

Mark picked me up on Wednesday around lunchtime, driving me to a nearby gastropub. As we enjoyed lunch, he asked me plenty of questions about what I was studying, the people I was meeting, and how I was finding the experience. He again sat next to me as we ate, his arm around my waist when we were not eating, turning so he could leave soft little kisses on my face.

“Want to blow me in my car?” he asked when walking out to the car park. Noticing I blushed, he added softly, “Just joking, Scotty. Sorry.”

“I’d love to blow you right now.”

“You would?”

“God yes!”

He drove us to a quiet side-street which was also a dead end so there’d be no traffic around. Parking up the car, I leaned over and, loosening his belt, unfastening the button and lowering the zipper of his trousers, I fished out his semi-erect cock. I felt him getting harder in my mouth as his hand rested on the back of my head. He didn’t say much, relying on his moans and groans to let me know how I was doing.

“Fuck,” he groaned rather quickly, “I’m close, Scotty.”

I sat back a few minutes later grinning away, feeling some of his cum dribbling down my chin. He looked at me and chuckled as I used a finger to clean myself. Returning to university campus, we shared a steamy kiss before I got out of his car, having to adjust myself as I was achingly hard.

Mark was right about one thing, though. I was hit on more in that first week of university than I had been in my entire life. And apparently being the rather cute twink I was, the sort of young man showing an interest in me matched what I wanted in a partner. I had to tell them I’d just started dating someone, and didn’t want to date around, but I certainly made plenty of friends, invites for nights out and to parties already being offered.

Arriving home as early as possible on Friday, Mum could see I was excited again, giving me more than one knowing grin as she got ready to go out with my father. Kim was also aware that Mark was picking me up again, watching me get ready, going with a similar ensemble to what I’d worn for our first date.

“At least I can invite a girlfriend over if you’re not here,” she stated, “Or maybe two…”

I couldn’t help giggle. “Seriously?”

“Well, my two besties both like women too.”

“You’re all bisexual?” I wondered.

“Jessica’s a lesbian. Katie’s bi-curious, so we’re just having fun together.”

Well, I learn something new about my sister every day, it seems. Mum called out that they were getting ready to go, walking out already dressed as I’d told them that I was heading out for another night over at a friend’s place. Another knowing grin from my mother, my father simply telling me to have a good time. He never joked about anything sexual. He had no problem with me being gay but making jokes was a step too far, at least for the time being.

Mark arrived fifteen minutes after my parents left. He wandered inside to pick me up, my sister giggling as he leaned down to kiss me in the living room. “Ready to go?”


“Grab your bag and let’s head to mine.”

Holding my hand the entire way again, there was still sunshine in the sky when pulling up into his driveway. I felt a little self conscious being led into his house, wondering what the neighbours might think, a man in his mid-thirties leading an obviously younger man by the hand into his home. When I mentioned that to Mark once inside, he turned and cuddled me tightly, whispering he didn’t care what anyone else thought, the only thing that mattered being that I wanted to be there with him.

Putting my bag in his bedroom, I joined him in the kitchen, pouring me a glass of wine, smiling as it was one of my favourites, as he popped open a bottle of beer. Telling me what he was going to cook me, having prepared everything when getting home from work earlier, I asked him what he wanted me to do.

“Get naked and keep me company,” he told me with a completely straight face. When I started to blush again, he hugged me tightly. “Though I love seeing you naked, I was joking about the nudity.”

“I will if you want me to do it,” I whispered.

“Whatever you’re comfortable doing.”

I returned to the kitchen a couple of minutes later naked and hard. His face lit up seeing me naked again, taking me in his arms and kissing me with as much passion as last weekend, his hands caressing my body until they ended up cupping my arse. “Mark?” I whispered.

“Yes, cutie?”

“I’ve never, um, had anything inside me. At all.”

I think that surprised him as I noticed his face when he leaned back. “Really? I thought…”

“I know about, you know, my prostate but I was always nervous about doing it.”

He let me go and turned everything off that he was cooking. Taking me by the hand, he led me back to his bedroom. Asking me to get up onto the bed on my knees, resting my head on some pillows, he grabbed a few things as he rested on his knees behind me. I giggled at the thought I was naked while he was still dressed.

“You showered before coming over. Did you drink the tea I suggested?”

“I bought a whole box of the stuff.”

“Good. Now, I bought you a couple of things this week as I know you’re a virgin, but I had no idea you’ve never had anything inside you. Would you like me to play with you and loosen you up with a plug? I won’t be giving you my dick tonight, but if you’d like to explore some arse play…”

“I’d like that, Mark, as long as I focus on you in return.”

He gently slapped my butt. “God, you’re just far too gorgeous, Scotty. Okay, I just wanted to get you into this position. I’ll finish up dinner then we’ll come back here and spend all night fooling around.”

Before he did that, he spread my cheeks and I felt his tongue run over my rosebud. I moaned softly, hearing him chuckle, before he did it again. I think he abandoned moving off as he soon had his tongue working me slowly. I couldn’t help moaning all the time as I had no idea that I was so sensitive. Turning enough so I could watch, his eyes met mine and I was sure he was smiling at me.

“Couldn’t help it. It’s so pink and inviting.”

Dinner was fantastic, Mark proving he was fantastic in the kitchen. I admitted that Mum did all the cooking in our household and, when she didn’t, Kim happily prepared meals. I knew I should probably learn to cook, but as I wouldn’t be moving out anytime soon, I had time to learn. And I did other chores around the house anyway. As for work, I’d picked up a job at fifteen but had quit before starting my final year at high school as I wanted to focus on my studies.

“You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Scott. It’s obvious to all their friends how proud your parents are of you. I know for a fact your mother was even prouder the day you sat them day and told them your sexuality. Even in today’s world, it’s still a big deal for many young men to admit what they truly want.”

Helping him clean up the kitchen, once we were finished, he led me back to his bedroom. I caught him by surprise by immediately dropping to my knees. He knew what I wanted, unbuttoning his shirt while I helped take off his shoes and socks first before lowering his trousers and underwear, his cock popping out.

“That’s what I wanted,” I cooed, “A nice big cock!”

Never taking my eyes off his, I swallowed his cock, not teasing him as I wanted to swallow his cum as quickly as possible. I was able to take a little more of his cock than the first couple of times I’d blown him, still using my hands to stroke the couple of inches I wasn’t able to swallow. His hand again rested on the back of my head as his hips started to move. I felt the head of his cock trying to enter my throat, but I choked and gagged each time.

I wanted to take his entire length, feel my nose bump into his groin. I eventually got frustrated I could, taking my mouth away, spit and drool on my chin and all over his cock. “Sweetie,” he whispered, “Don’t force it. I’m going to cum because it’s you doing it.”

“I just want….”

Placing a finger under my chin, he lifted my head so I was meeting his eyes. “Scott, you’re getting better and better. Just focus on sucking my cock. I’m going to cum in a minute and you’ll have all the cum you want.”

Just his tone made me smile, taking his cock back in my mouth, happily bobbing up and down on it again. He warned me when he was about to cum, sealing my lips around his cock, ready for that first spurt of hot cum to fill my mouth. I relied on him gently thrusting into my mouth for those last couple of minutes, moaning softly when he came, loving how loudly groaned, his fingers tightening on my hair as he unloaded an enormous load for me to follow.

Soon as he was empty, he lifted me up to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning down so he could kiss me. I whimpered his mouth as I ended up on my back, wrapping my legs around his waist as we ended up in the middle of his large bed.

Lifting himself up, he loosened my legs and turned me over, lifting me up just enough so he could bury his tongue into my arse again. I moaned loudly, pushing back against his tongue, almost shuddering at how good it felt.

“Ready for something else?” he asked.

“Yes,” I hissed, “Play with my arse, handsome.”

I felt him move, glancing back to see him take a few things out of his drawer. I recognised a couple of butt-plugs. I knew what lube was. He also had a small dildo, raising my eyebrows at that. Seeing where I was looking, he leaned over me, kissing my cheek. “I can’t just go sliding my cock inside you, sweetie. I’m far too big for you to enjoy it even slightly. You’ve got a tight little virgin arse and I don’t want to hurt you, so I’m going to get you used to having things inside you first, then we’ll make love.”

“Okay. I trust you, Mark.”

“I know you do, sweetie.”


“Scott, you are a complete and utter sweetheart. The name fits.”

Feeling the cool lube applied to my butt made me giggle, Mark’s laughter joining in. His hands caressed my soft skin as I knew he was trying to relax me, before I felt his fingers running over my rosebud again. Urging me to stay relaxed, I felt him press his finger against me, turning back to see him smiling at me, his middle finger ever so slowly sliding inside me.

“Oh fuck,” I whimpered, doing my best not to clench on the foreign object now inside me.

He leaned forward over me, kissing my cheek. “Just relax, cutie, but if it hurts too much, just let me know.”

“It feels really good,” I whispered.

I felt him slide his finger all the way in, making me giggle again as he wiggled it. Slowly fucking me with his finger, he suggested I play with myself at the same time. He slowly used his middle finger for a couple of minutes and it rather quickly turned quite pleasurable, moaning softly a few times. When he suggested that he add a second one, I nodded eagerly.

I moaned even louder when I felt him add his first finger alongside his second, now stroking myself even more. Leaning forward over me again, he kissed my neck and cheek before I turned my head so I could kiss him properly. He pumped me a little faster this time, whimpering into his mouth. He pulled back and smiled.

“Like it?”

“God yes,” I moaned, “Don’t stop.”

“Once you cum, I’m going to slide a plug into you. I want you to wear one all the time. Next Friday, you’re coming here and staying until Sunday.” I smiled as he added, “And we’ll be making love a lot, if you’d like…”

“I’d do it now, Mark, but… I’m worried it’ll hurt too much.”

“That’s why you’ll wear a plug. The second one, wear later in the week. It’s a little bigger. The good thing is that it’ll keep you horny all the time. I want to see photos after you jerked off, leaving nice creamy loads all over yourself.”

“I’ll cum on my mirror and lick it off. I’ll film that for you.”

“Now that’s very naughty, cutie.”

He pulled his fingers out, moaning with disappointment, only for him to pull me back slightly, my arse almost hanging over the edge of the bed. Feeling his lips wrap around my cock, two fingers were up my bum again, and he found my prostate easily. I cried out so loudly, I was sure the neighbours would have heard. I unloaded in his mouth within a minute. It was the best orgasm I could remember.

Cuddling against him once he joined me again on the bed, I started to giggle again when I felt his cock slowly started to get hard again. I decided to tease him this time, rolling over onto his back as I ran my body against his shaft. Kissing down his body once again, I sat between his legs and just played with his cock and balls for a little while, making him laugh almost constantly, like a kid with a new toy to play with.

Finally taking it in my mouth again, he suggested rather quickly that we try a sixty-nine. I was already hard again, so eagerly spun around, feeling his lips around my cock at the same time, though he also spent time focusing on my balls and then my rosebud again. With everything he was doing, it was rather distracting, moaning around his thick cock plenty of time.

Still managed to make him cum first, and I took the first couple of spurts on my face, before I swallowed the rest. He then focused on me, two fingers in my arse again as he sucked on my cock. I came hard again, almost passing out on top of him. I came to in his arms as he was carrying me to his bathroom as we needed a shower.

Spooned against him back in bed after we’d enjoyed a bath together, he hugged me tightly and I knew I was probably grinning like an idiot. His cock was soon poking me in the back again.

“Need another blowjob?” I wondered.

“You can wake me up with one again, if you’d like?”

“Definitely. I’ll have another load of your cum as breakfast.”

He chuckled, feeling his entire body shake for a few seconds, before he nuzzled into my neck, a series of soft kisses up to my cheek. “Goodnight, cutie.”

“Night, Mark.”

After slowly sucking his cock for at least half an hour the next morning, I swallowed all his cum again before we got out of bed. I remained naked as he put on a t-shirt and some shorts, his hands constantly teasing me as he made us a simple breakfast. He had me sit on his lap while we ate, cuddling into his chest as his arm remained around me.

I remained at his place until lunchtime when I messaged Kim, asking her to come get me. I packed my things, including the toys he’d given me. Asking about the dildo, he suggested I have a little fun with it during the week, as when I came around on Friday night, he was going to have his cock inside me very quickly.

Mark answered the door when there was a knock. Hearing him mutter, “Oh shit,” my head spun to see my mother standing in the doorway. “Um, hello, Debra. Here to pick up Scott?”

“Morning, Mark. I am, though I wanted to have a quick chat with you. Alone preferably.”

“Mum, anything you want to say in front of Mark…” I said, walking towards him, taking his hand in mine. Sitting down on the couch, Mum took one of the armchairs. “We will tell Dad eventually, but for the moment, I’d rather as few people know because, frankly, it none of anyone else’s business.”

Mum smiled at me. “I’m not interfering, sweetheart. I just want to… Mark, is this serious? I don’t want my baby hurt.”

“Come on, Debra, give me a little more credit than that!”

“There’s an age gap that does concern me, Mark. I know he’s eighteen and an adult, but he’s never had a boyfriend and, as his mother, I worry. Add to that you’re a dear family friend, and the last thing I want is for all our relationships to fall apart.”

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling him closer to his body. “We’re just at the start, Debra. I understand your concerns. Truly, I do. But what you must remember is that I’ve also known Scott for years. He’s grown into a wonderful young man. I’d be proud to call him my boyfriend.”

I raised my eyes to his. “You would?” I asked softly.

“Of course, sweetie. And I know you want me as your first boyfriend too.”

“I do.”

He kissed me softly. Mum cleared her throat, perhaps thinking we’d start making out. “The only thing I can ask is that you’re careful at our party weekend after next. I don’t want your father getting overly suspicious, but you will both have to sit down and tell him soon. I don’t like keeping secrets from my husband.”

“I understand, Debra. And I won’t put that pressure on Scott’s shoulders. I’ll tell him myself.”

I was feeling a little awkward though understood my mother’s concerns. Mark did too, standing up and giving her a hug. She hugged him back, hearing them whisper some nice words to each other. Mum had known him as long as my father, so while I figured my burgeoning relationship with Mark might make things a little awkward, Mum also trusted both of us.

She was a little quiet in the car on the way home, stopping a couple of streets away, parking up to the kerb. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, baby, but it was with the best of intentions.”

“I know, Mum. Mark won’t mind, and I understand. I’m eighteen but I know I’m rather naïve and a bit awkward about things. But I really like him, and he really likes me.”


“That’s it?”

“I trust you both, baby. And Mark is a good man. He’s never been one to pump and dump…” I giggled at the term, Mum joining with my laugher. “I know he’ll look after you and treat you right.”

“He will, Mum. I really like him.”

“And I saw how he was looking at you too, baby. I know he won’t hurt you.”

I spent the day with my sister and her friends by the pool. Her friends knew I was gay so had no problem going topless around me. I knew straight guys were obsessed with breasts. I mean, I guess I understood why, but I barely paid attention to them, far too busy talking about whatever was on our mind. After dinner that night with my parents and sister, I wandered off to my room. I’d had my tea and had a shower, stripping off once I locked the door.

Playing with my arse was something new, getting into position so I could finger myself. I found it rather enjoyable, eventually lubing myself up then the small plug. Sliding it in, I moaned softly as I felt it stretching me out before it popped inside.

“Okay, that feels really fucking good,” I moaned.

Playing with it a little more, I simulated fucking myself with it. Finishing all over myself a few minutes later, I sent Mark a couple of photos of my cum covered body then getting on the floor, my arse pointed at the mirror, showing him the fake-jewelled bottom of the plug resting in my arse.

Mark was delighted by everything I sent him, sending me a picture a few minutes later of his cum splattered body.

We met up for lunch again on Wednesday, though we ended up on the same street as before. Asking to see the plug, we got into the backseat of his car, ending up on my knees as he played with the plug before he pulled that out and ate my arse.

“Love your arse,” he whispered, “Going to make you cum.”

I ended up on my back, legs spread obscenely wide, as he fingered my arse while sucking my cock. As soon as I came, I got out and had him back against the car, on my knees as I sucked him off in full view of anyone who might have walked by. Thankfully, no-one did, and I took his entire load in my mouth again. Getting dressed, I moaned as he took delight in sliding the plug back inside me, whispering that I couldn’t wait until I felt his big cock inside me for the first time.

Quickly grabbing a bite to eat, we were both chuckling as we pulled into the campus car park of my university. He got out and hugged me for a couple of minutes, snuggling against his chest as his hand caressed my back.

“You’ll pick me up Friday night?” I asked.

“I’ll cook you dinner again on Friday night. We’ll go out on Saturday night. Another gay bar. Maybe you’ll be confident enough to fool around with me?”

“I’ll do anything you want to do, Mark.”

He kissed me softly and I practically melted against him. Watching him get into his car and drive away, I had to adjust my cock before walking back into the main building. A few people had seen him with me, wondering who he was. I explained that he was my new boyfriend. Some of my friends gave me a knowing look, as it was easy to see he was older than I was.

Arriving home that night, Mark called me, asking if I’d like to use the small dildo that he’d give me for the next two nights before Friday. It was still nothing compared to the size of his cock, but it would get me used to have something sliding in and out of me. As it had a flared, suction base, he suggested I attach to my mirror and push back against it.

I took a few photos at the same time, particularly of my arse with the plug still in place, and also of my body and face after I’d cum on it. But it was using the dildo for the first time that I realised how much I was going to enjoy it when he made love to me. Pushing back against it, I had to rest my head on my forearm as I stroked myself.

When I orgasmed, it was one of the best I could remember.

Mum knew Mark was coming to pick me up on Friday. As I was getting ready, she knocked on my door, walking in ready herself for another night out. She knew I wouldn’t be back until Sunday evening. Dad wouldn’t be bothered if I was gone for a week. I was eighteen and free to live my own life, but he still liked to know I was safe.

“You look beautiful,” she stated. That wasn’t the word I’d hope to hear, but I was used to hearing it by now. “What will you wear tomorrow?”

“Something similar. We’re going to a gay club again.”

“Did you enjoy your first time?”

Smiling, I nodded. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Lots of hot guys in there but also quite a few young men just like me.”

She walked across the room and hugged me tightly. “Have fun this weekend, baby,” she said softly, “And next weekend, when Mark comes for the party, spend time with him but you’ll just have to be careful in front of your father.”

“I’ll behave. Mostly…”

Mark arrived half an hour or so after the parents had departed. Kim was also out so I had the house to myself. Inviting him inside first, I took him by the hand and led him to my bedroom. He chuckled it was quite clearly the room of a young gay man. A couple of posters were those you wouldn’t find on the walls of a heterosexual young man.

“I’m guessing you’ve never fooled around with another man in your room,” he said.

“Not yet,” I replied, giving him what I hoped was a knowing look.

“Maybe next weekend…”

He kissed me softly before leading me back to the living room, grabbing my bag and ensuring the house was locked up before leaving. Dumping the same bag in his bedroom upon arriving at his place, he started to prepare dinner as I had a quick shower. I’d already had my tea, so after ensuring I was clean inside and out, I dried off before walking naked into his kitchen.

Dropping to my knees, I lowered his shorts and took his cock in my mouth. Chuckling to himself, he got nice and hard very quickly, continuing to prepare dinner as I savoured having his hot, thick cock in my mouth again. He eventually had to stop and focus on what I was doing, gently thrusting into my mouth as hearing him groan had my cock rock hard at the same time.

“Fuck,” he grunted, “Ready, cutie?” I looked up and smiled, waiting for that first spurt to hit my throat. Feeling his fingers tighten on my hair, he warned me just before I felt his cum erupt. Moaning before I swallowed it down, he stroked the back of my head as he climax, gulping down his cum, ensuring I cleaned up his cock before I finally let it go. “Happy now?”

“Happy now,” I giggled.

Helping me up, he easily picked me up and sat me on the counter as he continued preparing dinner. “Plugged up?”

“And ready for your big cock, handsome.” He gave me a look that almost made me shudder. “Sorry…”

“Don’t be sorry, cutie. I’m glad you want it as much as I do.”

As dinner cooked in the oven, we moved into the lounge room to fool around. Straddling his lap, I helped take off his shirt, running my fingers all over his chest and arms. He grinned as I probably started drooling at how fit he was. I was slim but had no definition at all. I didn’t go to the gym or do weights, but I was a good swimmer and liked to run. But I’d always been either useless or too small for the major sports.

Dinner was delicious as the last time he’d cooked for me. We made a good team cleaning up, though he stood behind me this time, and as I was washing some plates, I felt his hard crock press into me. I gasped as both arms wrapped around me, one hand moving down to stroke my cock. I moaned softly, dropping the plate into the sink.

“You have such a cute little bottom,” he breathed into my ear, “Can I play with it while you wash up?”

“Of course,” I replied shakily.

He disappeared, and I took my time with everything else as he returned, feeling him spread my legs slightly. Lubing me up, he slowly removed the toy first, sliding it in and out of me a few times. I moaned again as he removed it completely, replacing it with two of his thick fingers. I whimpered immediately, hearing him chuckle again.

“Finish up, cutie,” he whispered, his lips caressing my ear, “Sooner you finish, the sooner we can go to bed.”

“Don’t stop,” I moaned.

“I won’t do too much but you need to finish clearing up. And you cannot cum before you do.”

I moaned again as I started to wash everything quicker, but his fingers thrusting into me were one hell of a distraction. Somehow, I managed to get everything washed up and onto the rack. Handing me a towel, I dried my hands before he easily picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. Lying me down, he slid his fingers back inside me as his lips wrapped around my cock.

“Oh god!” I cried softly, running my hands through his hair. His brown eyes never averted from looking into mine, seeing the smile and delight in pleasing me in return. “Oh god, I’m close already.”

He picked up the thrusting of his fingers, and I felt the pressure on my prostate. My head rolled back as the orgasm hit, thrusting up into his mouth as I exploded. I felt his tongue continuing to work my cock, lips moving up and down my shaft, until my cock stopped throbbing and I felt my entire body relax. Feeling a trail of soft kisses up my body, giving my nipples a lick and a suck, which made me giggle, I clutched him tightly once his lips met mine.

“It’s okay, cutie. I love the fact you express your feelings so much,” he whispered, rolling me onto my side so he could hold me in return, “Never be ashamed or embarrassed about your emotions.”

“It just felt so good,” I replied.

“Good, because I want you to feel as wonderful as you make me feel.”

We cuddled for a while before he asked if I was ready. I knew what he was asking and nodded eagerly. Getting me onto my knees, I curled my body enough that I could watch him, not surprised his mouth found it’s way onto my arse again. He seemed to really enjoy pleasing me that way, and I loved the feeling. Next was the lube, and when he told me he would slide three fingers in me, I felt another waved of nerves, his other hand caressing my body as he had two fingers into me again.

Feeling the smile form on my face, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. I groaned again when I felt the third finger inside me. Pushing back against his fingers within a minute, he chuckled and gently patted my butt, telling me I looked wonderful and asked how much I was enjoying it.

“I’m ready, Mark,” I whispered.

Rolling me onto my back, he grabbed a pillow and placed it under my lower back, spreading my legs wide as he lubed up his cock. I felt the nerves again as he readied himself. His cock now looked even bigger than normal, though I think that was just my mind placing tricks on me. Hands under my knees, I pulled them back wider as I felt the head of his cock press against me.

“Just relax, cutie. I’ll take it nice and slow,” he stated softly.

I took a couple of deep breaths before he gently pushed into me. I felt my arsehole slowly widen to accept his thick cock, even bigger than his three fingers were. The thick head of his cock popped inside me, and I groaned loudly as Mark leaned down to kiss me softly, whispering I was doing very well.

Releasing my legs, I placed my feet flat on the bed, running my hands up to his rest on his back. Feeling him slide more of his cock inside me, I felt my arsehole expanding even more to take him.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned. He stopped immediately, my heart melting at how concerned he looked. I leaned up to kiss him. “It’s okay. It hurts a little, but it feels really good.”

Grinning, he replied, “Got you nice and loose first.”

“Keep going.”

He slowly started to move in and out, giving me a little more of his cock each time. I closed my eyes and moaned again as it just felt far too good, way too quickly. Yes, there was a residual discomfort but his idea of using plugs and dildos certainly helped me get used to having things inside me.

Opening my eyes as I couldn’t stop moaning at each gentle thrust, he eventually grinned at me as his entire cock was buried inside me. He kissed me again as he started to thrust into me properly, feeling him pull nearly his entire cock out of me before sliding it all the way back in. I felt my eyes almost roll back in my head from the pleasure, my fingers digging into his back, as he established a tempo that we both seemed to relish.

“Holy fuck, your arse is so tight,” he moaned.

“I’m a virgin, Mark!”

“I know. I love the fact I’m your first lover, cutie. I think I’ll keep you around for a long time yet.”

Despite his cock thrusting into me, I managed to ask softly, “Really?”

“Definitely. I’m going to show you off to all my friends that I’ve got a cute little boyfriend, with a tight little arse, and looks utterly delectable naked on my bed.”

He moved his hands to rest underneath my knees, pushing them back, proving I was rather flexible, at least, my knees ending up by my shoulders. It made his cock feel even bigger inside me, the angle changing and there was no missing he started to hit my prostate. I couldn’t help moaning loudly with every thrust, pretty much babbling after a couple of minutes.

“Faster,” I moaned.

“I won’t last much longer, sweetie. Too fucking good…”

I opened my eyes to see his gazing down at me, a smile appearing on his face as he leaned down to kiss me. Releasing my knees, he moved them to wrap around his waist as he started to fuck me faster. It hurt a little bit as he did start to really thrust into me, grunting a few times and I know I winced, feeling him kissing me softly, making me smile as I knew he was making sure I was okay.

“Fuck,” he grunted again, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, sweetie.”

“Cum in me,” I whimpered, “Please cum in me.”

He kissed me again before he rested his head next to mine, grunting again before I felt this warmth inside me that I’d never felt before. My arse was so tightly wrapped around his cock, I felt his cock throbbing with each spurt of warm cum that filled my bowels. I felt over half a dozen spurts before he was probably just dribbling inside me, leaving his cock buried deep as I wrapped my limbs around him tightly.

“Holy shit,” I murmured, “Holy shit, Mark. That was fantastic.”

I groaned with disappointment as he lifted himself up then slowly pulled his cock out of me. It glistened with cum and lube, smiling as he lay down next to me, rolling onto my side and cuddling into his chest. “Are you okay?” he asked softly, stroking my back.

“That was… I don’t know how to describe it. Everything I hoped it would be?”

“I didn’t hurt you too much?”

“It hurt a little to start, but when you started to fuck me, though it hurt, the pleasure outweighed any pain.”

“Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much.”

“Is it okay if I suck your dick to get you hard again?”

“I’ll wipe myself off first. I don’t expect you to suck me off after being in your arse.” He met my eyes and started to chuckle. “You’ve seen it in porn, right?” Blushing, I nodded, resting my forehead against his chest, a little embarrassed. “Maybe it’s something we can do at a later time, if you really want to try it.”

Leaving me to get a wet cloth, he wiped off his cock. He asked if I wanted to be cleaned up, but I loved feeling his cum leaking out of me. I mentioned surprise at the fact he didn’t ask about a condom. He cuddled me tightly again. “You’re a virgin and I use a condom with anyone else I’m with until I know we’re both safe. But I wanted you to feel skin to skin for your first time.”

“You mean bareback?”

He chuckled again. “Yes, I was definitely going to bareback and cum in you, sweetie. Why didn’t you ask about a condom?”

“Because I wanted bareback too,” I admitted, “I want to feel the real you inside me, and I wanted to feel you cum in me.”

He kissed my forehead. “I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and made sure I got checked out, even before the weekend of the party. I haven’t been with a man without a condom in quite a while, so I knew I was safe, but better safe than sorry.”

Rolling onto his back, I kissed all over his chest before moving back down to his cock. He was rock hard again all ready, moaning as I sucked on just the thick head, hearing him groan as my head was quickly bobbing up and down on his cock again. I wasn’t going to make him cum, I just loved having his cock in my mouth. Guess I was a bit of an addict already.

Grabbing the lube, I got him nice and ready before I turned around, wiggling my arse in his direction. He was up quickly, giving both cheeks a slap, enough that it stung but, to my surprise, felt rather nice. Feeling him pour some more lube onto me, I looked back to watch him slide his big cock inside me again.

“Fuck yes,” I moaned as it didn’t take him as long to bury it this time.

Hands at my hips, he was soon thrusting into me nice and slow, bending my body enough that I could watch him thrusting away. He smiled at me, lightly slapping my cheeks again before resting one hand on the middle of my back, gently running his fingers up and down my spine.

“Okay?” he asked.

“Fuck yes,” I replied, pushing back against him, “Fuck me, Mark.”

He thrust hard, which made me grunt, but I pushed back against him again. His eyes lit up as he grabbed me firmly by hips and thrust harder again. “Oh fuck yes,” I groaned.

Fucking me faster and faster, I had to turn my body straight and rest my head on the mattress. My cock was rock solid, but I didn’t want to touch it, wondering if I’d cum without stroking myself off. Then he moved, feeling the angle of his cock change, glancing back to see him leaning forward. I naturally lowered my arse as he buried himself even deeper.

“Holy shit,” I groaned, hearing him chuckle as his head ended up next to mine.

“Ready for this, cutie?”

“I’ll do my best,” I whispered.

He slowly drove his cock into me first, but at the angle he was going, it felt even deeper, and my cock throbbed with each thrust of his cock. He had me groaning like crazy as he thrust faster and faster, his cock no doubt a blur as he wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight, as he was like a machine, thrusting faster and faster until I could say he was well and truly fucking me for the first time.

“I love your arse,” he groaned, “Best arse in Sydney.”

“Your arse, handsome,” I groaned in reply, “I love your big cock!”

He chuckled, grunting into my ear. “Your big cock, cutie,” he breathed, kissing my cheek, “For however long you want.”

I have no idea how long he fucked me until he came, but when he did, he groaned so loudly, I started to giggle, driving his cock deep. It hurt when he did that, and I know I yelped more than once. As soon as he was finished, he pulled out and turned me around, hugging me tightly, thinking he’d really hurt me. I smiled at how much he cared, stroking my back and apologising. Another reason why I liked him because he was just so sweet to me.

“Can I ride you and cum?”

I lubed his cock again and stroked him until he was hard, amazed at how quickly he was hard again. Straddling his lap, I knew the theory, lifting myself up and placing the head of his cock against me, carefully sliding down, feeling his big cock spreading me wide again. Once he was completely buried, I leaned forward to rest a hand on his chest, wrapping my other hand around my cock.

Having watched porn where young men would be bouncing up and down on a big cock, I learned within a minute why they were always smiling. It felt fucking fantastic! Stroking my cock while I rode him, I came all over his chest within a couple of minutes. Needing to stop for a couple of minutes, I leaned further forward to kiss him as his hands ended up cupping my arse, starting to thrust up into me as I continued to ride him.

“Fuck me,” I moaned, “Fuck me, Mark.”

“Might be a while until I cum again.”

“Want to just bend me over the bend and have your way with me?”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure, Mark.”

Sliding off his body, I bent over the bed, feeling his cock slide inside me again. Grabbing my hands, he held them firmly against the bed as he started to thrust into me. I urged him on to fuck me harder, his skin soon slapping against my arse. It hurt a little bit, but I wanted more and more of him. He was soon pounding me, closing my eyes so he didn’t see me wincing every so often.

He soon grabbed my hips instead, really hammering into me. I was gripping the sheets tightly, my eyes still closed, just focusing on the feeling of his thick cock now slamming my arsehole. “Don’t stop,” I whimpered.

“You okay?” he asked, hearing the concern in his voice.

“Please don’t stop. I’m yours, Mark. Fuck me hard.”

He eventually leaned forward, his cum covered chest resting on my back, feeling him change the way he was fucking me, ensuring each thrust buried his cock as deep as possible. Whispering he was close, I pushed back against him with each thrust, but I asked him to pull out and cum on my back and on my little rosebud. He chuckled but assured me he’d do just that.

Pumping me faster and faster, he eventually pulled out, feeling him spurt against my gaping arsehole with a couple of other spurts ending up on my back. Once he was done, he slid his cock back inside me, continuing to fuck me until he started to finally go soft.

Pulling out, he lifted me up and my legs nearly went out from underneath me. Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the bathroom, sharing a long shower as we both needed a wash. I was half-asleep by the time we were finished, carrying me back to bed where I was asleep within a couple of minutes.

Waking up the next morning, I told him I would be remaining nude until we went out that night. He had a pool so, after breakfast, he put a lot of sunscreen on me before we enjoyed a long dip the pool, spending most of the time either lazing about, making out, or I’d have my mouth around his cock. He told me he wouldn’t fuck me again until that night. Not a bad idea as I winced when sitting down for breakfast. He said I’d done wonderfully well for a first time, and he wasn’t going to stop me enjoying myself, but he wasn’t surprised I was feeling a little sore.

Didn’t stop me sucking him off to orgasm three times during the day, and he sat me down on the couch and returned the favour once, amusing us both when he made me cum all over my chest before he licked it up and shared it with me.

Getting ready later that night, he made sure I looked just right in his eyes, and when he drank me in, I giggled when he adjusted his cock due to him getting a little excited. He looked fantastic in a tight shirt and jeans, but he couldn’t keep his hands off me as we drove into the city.

Visiting a different pub this time, we ate a light dinner and avoided alcohol to start with, snuggling against him in our booth. As much as he couldn’t stop touching me, my hands were constantly feeling his broad, firm chest. I couldn’t get enough of him, his brown eyes constantly amused by my fawning.

After visiting a bar, buying me a fruity cocktail while he drank a spirt with mixer, we headed to a different gay bar this time. Mingling for a little bit, as Mark had a few friends there that evening, I wasn’t surprised to see his friends were much like him, and a couple of them were dating young men just like me. I found myself getting along with them quite well, and considering they were very cute, I understood the attraction.

Mark took my hand eventually and led me to the dancefloor, spending the next couple of hours turning me on. I was hard almost constantly, and I felt that tingle in my butt, wanting nothing more than to feel his big cock inside me again. I was soon begging in his ear for him to fuck me. He relented rather easily, wishing all his friends goodnight, before he led me back to his car. As he drove us back to his house, I leaned over and sucked his cock the entire way, timing it so he came in my mouth only a few minutes from home.

Despite being rather sweaty, he led me straight to his bedroom as we made out, stripping each other down before he had me on all fours on the bed, and after lubing me up, he slid his cock inside me and fucked me senseless until he came inside me. Turning me around, he barely went soft as he resumed fucking me, stroking my cock as I came all over myself, and he kept fucking me hard until he left a second load inside me half an hour or so later.

I loved waking in his arms the next morning, not moving a muscle as his cock poked me, his hot breath on the back of my neck. Snuggling back against him, his arms tightened around me. We remained in bed half the morning, barely talking, just enjoying the presence of each other. Only when our stomachs started to make noises did we get out of bed.

“Can we do this more often than just Friday nights?” I asked once we were sat at the table.

“Soon. We’ll see how this weekend goes,” he replied.

Kim came to pick me up in the early afternoon. Mark greeted her at the front door, giving her a big hug as always. She greeted me with a hug before she told me that she’d wait in the car. Mark kissed me softly, and it took all my self-control not to blurt out that I was falling in love with him already. Walking me to Kim’s car, we shared one last kiss and a hug before I go into the car.

“I’ll pick you up for lunch on Tuesday and Thursday, and then I’ll be around on Saturday,” he told me.

There was no lunch of Tuesday or Thursday. He picked me up, driving to the same secluded spot. Getting onto his backseat, he pulled his trousers down, lubed up his cock, as my jeans were also lowered, riding his cock until he filled my arse with his cum. Both days, I made him chuckle when I pulled up my underwear, puling them to the side as I continued to ride him until I came as well. Then I just placed my plug back in place, pulled up my jeans, kissed his cheek, and got back into the front of the car.

I’ll admit to feeling a little nervous on Friday night, aware what could happen the next day. Mark called me just to calm me down as I had all these visions of my dad freaking the fuck out, getting into a fight with me, Mum, Mark, and anyone else who would get involved. He eventually suggested I just jerk off as much as I could to calm down. To my surprise, after I’d cum three times, I just went to bed and fell asleep.

Mum could sense my nerves at breakfast the next morning. Dad didn’t notice anything, but even Kim could see I had a lot on my mind. I kept to my bedroom until after lunchtime when guests started to arrive. Not wanting to do anything out of the ordinary whenever they had a party, I stuck to my bedroom until Mum came to get me as usual. I was dressed and ready to go, Mum giggling at how eager I was.

Following her out to the backyard, my brothers and wives were by the pool as always. They were polite, but I definitely got on better with the wives. At least my brothers had stopped picking on me, pretty much the day I told them I was gay. Didn’t want to be called homophobic if they kept picking on me. Kim had her best friend over, the girl who was bisexual. From how they were sitting, I figured they’d likely been intimate recently.

Sitting on the edge of the pool, Mark took all of five minutes before he was sitting next to me. “Hey, cutie,” he whispered.

“Hey, baby.”


“Well, I’m cutie or sweetie. Got to think of a name for you.” Resting a hand on his thigh, I leaned even closer, “Want to go up to my room to fool around?”

Chuckling lightly, he grabbed my hand briefly. “Head inside. I’ll announce I’m going to the bathroom.”

Heading inside, I casually walked to my bedroom and closed the door. Five minutes later, Mark knocked and walked inside, making sure the door was closed and locked before I leapt on him. Moving over towards the bed, I made sure his swimming shorts hit the floor before he sat down, sitting between his legs as I continued to kiss him. Grasping his cock, I made him chuckle when I said, “This cock is mine.”

Covering his mouth as he laughed, he groaned as I took as much of his cock in my mouth immediately, my head soon bobbing up and down as he told me that he hadn’t cum all day so I was going to get a nice creamy load. I must have been getting better at sucking his cock as he was warning me within five minutes that he was going to cum.

Feeling that first spurt of his hot cum flood my mouth always made me moan, gulping it down as one spurt after another fired from his cock. Once he stopped spurting, I kept sucking him until it started to soften, licking his cock up and down to clean it up before I sat back, smiling up at him.

“First time I’ve sucked off a man in my bedroom. Next time, we’ll have to break in my bed.”

“I’m guessing doing it today is a bad idea?”

I returned a knowing smile. “A very bad idea, handsome. It’s not like I’m not wearing my plug or that I have a lot of lube in my drawers.”

He leaned forward and kissed me. “You’re a very naughty boy, Scott,” he whispered.

“Two hours?”

“Two hours.”

He left first, as it wouldn’t be good for him to be seen exiting my bedroom after me. I waited five minutes before I walked back outside. So it didn’t look obvious, I grabbed a bottle of beer, a can of gin and tonic for myself, and walked towards him. It was difficult making light conversation and not seem too obvious that we talked all the time, thankfully helped by a couple of my father’s friend wandering over to join in.

Mum was keeping an eye on me as no doubt she’d seen Mark and I disappear at the same time. When I met her eyes, I grinned, and she burst into giggles. Kim wandered over and whispered into my ear that I was a very naughty boy but kissed my cheek and said she loved seeing me smiling so much. As for my father, I could only hope he was still oblivious. I could only hope that he’d never suspect his youngest son would be romantically and sexually interested in one of his best friends.

After a dip in the pool and making sure I had a bite to eat as I had another can of gin and tonic, I made my way over to Mark once he was alone. Sitting next to him, I gave him a look and gestured to my bedroom window with my eyes. He smiled and returned a brief nod.

Disappearing again, making sure it wasn’t really noticed by anyone, I made my way to my bedroom, shutting the door and getting on the bed, shutting the blinds as I lubed myself up. Mark knocked on the door five minutes later, calling him in. After locking the door, he lowered his swimming shorts and grabbed the lube, getting behind me.

“Just fuck me,” I whispered, “Just fuck me until you cum. That’s all I want.”

I groaned as he buried his cock in one smooth movement, and once he’d mounted me as that’s what I wanted, he just fucked me hard. For twenty minutes, the only sounds coming from my bedroom were his grunts and groans, my whimpers and moans. The only other sound was when he filled my arse with his cum, whispering into my ear how much he loved my tight little arse, and that he was going to spend a long time doing the same thing over and over again, as much as we could manage.

As soon as he pulled out, I turned around and kissed him hard before he suggested we get dressed and go. Passing him a small towel, he wiped himself down and left quickly while I put my plug back in, smiling as I’d be carrying his cum around. Joining the party back outside, I must have looked freshly fucked as, within five minutes, Mum was by my side.

“You didn’t?” she whispered. I didn’t reply, giving her what I’d call a knowing look. She giggled, giving me a one-armed hug. “Your father didn’t even notice you were gone. He did ask after Mark, but I said he was just around.”

Trying not to spend most of my time hanging around Mark, I was waiting until a few of the guests started to leave. Thankfully, Dad wasn’t drinking too much so once the sun started to set, I waited until only the family was left, alongside one or two close friends, before I asked Dad to join me at the table. Mum sat next to me, Mark on the other side. Making sure Dad at least had a drink in hand, I cleared my throat.

“Dad, you know I’m gay, right?” Chuckling, he nodded, very aware that I’m gay. “Well, I have to tell you I’ve met someone, Dad. I really like him, and he really likes me. The thing is, he’s a little bit older than I am.”

“How much older?”

“Double my age.”

His brow furrowed slightly. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“It’s a very good idea, Dad. He’s a very kind, honest and gentle man. He treats me like how you’d want any man or women to treat your children.”

“I know you talk to you mother about these things. I assume you’ve already told her?”

“I have, Dad. The reason I haven’t told you yet is that it’s still new and, I’ll admit, I’m nervous about telling you.”

“Why would you be nervous about telling me, Scott? I’m your father. I’ll always do my best to understand.”

Mark cleared his throat next to me. “It’s because it’s me, Jim. I’m the older man.”

You could have heard a pin drop for a good thirty seconds. I took Mark’s hand as my father looked between the pair of us. Mum gripped my hand as well. My brothers and sister looked between all of us nervously. Dad finally glared at Mark. “Are you fucking my son, Mark?”

“I make your son happy and feel loved, Jim, as much he does for me. I know there’s an age gap…”

“It’s not just that,” my father spat, “You’ve known him nearly all your life.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice, “And now you want to what? Have a relationship with him?”

“I do, Dad,” I whispered, wiping my cheeks, “I’m falling in love with him, Dad. No-one else outside of the family has ever made me feel as special as he’s made me every single time we’re together.”

He leaned back, clearly taken aback by what I’d just said. Mark wrapped his arm around my waist as I leaned into him, turning away for a moment, feeling Mum’s hand caressing the back of my head at the same time, thankful that she was next to speak up. “Honey, I know this might be difficult to understand and accept, but when can you remember a time your son has seemed so happy in life? You’ve mentioned it more than once in the past few weeks. He’s happy because of Mark.”

“He’s my best friend!” he exclaimed, “He shouldn’t be…”

“Do you honestly believe I’d willingly hurt your son, Jim?” Mark asked, and I heard the faint tone of hurt in his voice.

“You’re old enough to be his father, Mark.”

“I know that, Jim. And I gave all of that plenty of thought before agreeing to start this with Scott. We’re both more than aware of the age gap between us, the fact we’re at different stages of life, but sometimes, the heart wants what it wants.”

My father stood up and walked away. I’d known him long enough to know when he wasn’t happy, but he didn’t seem overly angry. Mum kissed my cheek and followed him inside. Kim smiled at me. My two brothers were a little bemused by it all. “I thought it was a phase he was going through,” Jack finally stated with a chuckle, his older brother, Tim, chuckling with him.

“It’s not a phase or exploration, Jack. I’m gay,” I retorted.

“I think it’s very sweet,” Kim added, “I’m happy for both of you. As for Dad, he just needs a little time.”

I was still cuddling Mark when Dad returning with Mum alongside him. They sat opposite us, my father still not looking particularly happy. He remained silent, looking between us for a couple of minutes before he finally cleared his throat. “Scott, you’re eighteen years old and an adult. I can’t stop you dating anyone. I don’t want to say I disprove of this. Mark has been a great mate of mine for nearly two decades.” He sighed and looked at Mark. “I’m not particularly happy about this, mate, but you’re consenting adults and I can’t stop it without forcing my son out of home.”

“Thanks, mate,” Mark stated.

“Just give me time to get used to it. I don’t want to lose my rag over this, don’t want to lose my son, and don’t want to lose you either, Mark. But it’s still really fucking weird that you’re with my son.”

“I understand, Jim. But thanks for understanding.”

“Can you also understand that, for the time being, I’d rather no overnight stays here?”

“That’s fine, Jim. Um… Scott would prefer to stay at mine anyway.”


“Can I stay with him tonight, Dad?”

He gave me a look before laughing, and I think that helped everyone else calm down. “Scott, I’m assuming you’ve already stayed at his place more than once. You don’t need my permission. And while I should be mad about the fact you’ve kept this hidden; I also understand why you’ve done so. As I said, just give me a little time to get used to the idea.”

“I will, Dad. Thanks.”

“Mark, can I just have a word before you go though.”

“Sure, Jim. No worries.”

The party pretty much ended there. I headed to my bedroom to pack a small bag, Mum following me and giving me a big hug, my sister joining in, both of them saying I’d been very brave, but I added that, if Mark hadn’t been there, I’d have not said a word. I waited until Mark came up to the door to come get me, already in his t-shirt and shorts.

Dad walked me outside towards Mark’s car. To my surprise, he stopped and hugged me tightly. When he was the first to say he loved me, I nearly broke down. He realised I was about to cry and hugged me tighter. “I know your mother says it all the time, but you’re my little boy too,” he said softly, “You’ve always been your own man and I’ve always been proud. Gay, straight or in between, I don’t care, Scott. Raising our children, all we want to ensure is that they grow to be good people and they are happy in life.”

“I am happy, Dad.”

“Good. That’s all I want. Have fun tonight, okay?”

“I will, Dad. See you tomorrow.”

An hour later, I was lying back on Mark’s bed, his thick cock buried inside me. Our mouths rarely parted as he gently thrust into me, my fingers caressing his back, my legs wrapped around his waist. He broke the kiss and smiled down at me, his fingers caressing my cheek.

“Falling in love with me, are you?”

“I love you, Mark. I just… I didn’t want it to seem too quicky.”

“No such thing as too quick. When you know, you know. Because I love you too.”

“You do?”

“Scott, the first time we made love, I knew I didn’t want this to just be a short-term fling for either of us.”

As he got closer to orgasm, I stroked my cock faster and faster, wanting to cum at almost the same time as him. He came first, that load joining the one he’d left inside me back in my bedroom. Feeling him cum set off my orgasm, moaning and whimpering as it was one hell of an orgasm. He leaned down and kissed me again, making me giggle when he sucked my fingers clean, before he picked me up, his cock still buried inside me, as he carried me to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, we were snuggling in bed, spooned back against him as I normally was. Feeling his arms tighten around me, I had to ask him about the future.

“Maybe you can move in in a few months’ time?”

“Not sure how much studying I’d get done if I’m around you all the time.”

“Hmmm. To be eighteen again with your libido.”

Scoffing, he tickled me as I giggled. “I think your libido is just as high as mine, honey.”

Kissing my cheek, he whispered, “I do love it when you call me that, sweetie.”

Turning around in his arms, I kissed him softly before I snuggled into him and was fast asleep within a couple of minutes.



Six months later, I moved in with Mark. We were both eager to move in quickly but didn’t want to rush into moving in together. Mum was crying the day I left home, as only Kim was now left living with our parents. Dad got used to our relationship rather quickly and approved of the fact that I’d be living with my boyfriend. All their other friends learned of our relationship and the reaction was mostly positive, all of them aware of the crush I’d had on Mark.

The day after I graduated university was the day I was proposed to. We were hosting a party at our house, my parents and siblings all there, along with a few close friends from university and the others I’d kept in touch with from high school. I had no idea the proposal was coming, chatting with a couple of friends as Mark approached, taking my hand to stand in front of everyone. I was expecting a speech about how proud he was of me graduating when he got down on one knee and showed me the ring he’d bought.

I think it’s the closest I ever came to fainting before I cried out ‘Yes!’ and then, well, I cried as he cuddled me.

And Mark enjoyed a very good night once all our guests had departed for home. After getting on my knees and blowing him to completion, I got onto my knees on our bed and had him fuck me through three more orgasms, stopping some time early the next morning when we just collapsed onto the bed, rolling into his body and falling asleep with his cum dribbling out of me.

The day of our wedding, I was definitely the ‘bride’ considering our roles in our relationship. To really highlight that fact, he wore a black suit, I wore a white suit. We went completely traditional though non-religious, insofar as my father walked me down the aisle toward him. Watching the video back afterwards, my father couldn’t stop smiling, my mother and sister didn’t stop crying the entire time.

Our reception was fantastic and a lot of fun. Our first dance as husband and… well, husband, I moulded myself into his body, both of us chuckling as we both felt how hard we were. We did enjoy a three-course meal, had a couple of speeches, then threw off the shackles and made sure everyone had a great time.

My husband was pulled into an empty room during the reception, had his cock sucked to completion before he bent me over a table, pulled the plug out of me and fucked his new husband until he came inside me, and I left a load of cum on the floor.

Settling in as a married couple was nothing short of wonderful. We were so happy together; I think we rarely argued. Sure, we disagreed, but we never went to bed angry. I always made sure to tell him that I loved him whenever I left the house without him. Hell, I did it leaving a room in the house sometimes.

Neither of us was interested in kids or anything. I’m now twenty-five years old, he’s forty-three. He’s still fit as fuck. In fact, with every passing year, he grows ever more handsome. No wanting kids, we have a pair of dogs and a cat. Our sex life is fantastic. We rarely go a day without making love one way or another. I’m still obsessed with sucking his cock, and it also spends a lot of time still buried inside me during the week.

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