My First Blowjob

A gay sex stories: My First Blowjob The silence of the night only broken by the beating of my heart, I pick up the pace. It’s colder than I expected. Darker too. The pale, distant light of the waning moon isn’t enough to cast off the darkness swallowing the countryside road ahead of me. In fact, I can barely see where I put my feet. Thankfully, It hasn’t rained for days, I don’t have to worry about muddy puddles.

I check the time on my phone, taking advantage of the temporary light to check the ground ahead of me. I’m not running late per say but our point of rendezvous is definitely farther away than anticipated. To be fair, I hadn’t anticipated having to stop twice to mark my territory on a random tree either. Cursing my nervous bladder under my breath, I turn the display off and pocket my phone.

Keeping the light on would probably help with showing up on time… but I don’t like the idea of walking blind while at the same time signalling my presence to every breathing soul around. I know that’s silly. It may be late at night but this is still a very familiar area. I know there’s nothing to fear here… Yet the circumstances make me even more nervous than I usually am.

I turn right and feel my heart skip a beat.

The car is already there, waiting for me. At least, I think it’s the car. I can’t quite make out the colour in the dark. As I get closer, the lights turn on. I recognize the model. That must be it… but what if it’s not? Doubt makes me slow down. I have half a mind to turn heel and run back home.

I see the shadow of the driver leaning toward the passenger seat and the door opens, inviting me in. I dive in headfirst before my scaredy-cat’s ass can get cold feet. I close the door behind me and holding my breath, turn around.

I’m met face to face with a man twice my age. He hadn’t lied however, he does look younger… ok, let’s say well preserved. I actually prefer it that way. I feel more comfortable putting my trust into older hands.

He still has a full head of blond hair and pink, clean-shaved, cheeks. It’s hard to tell sitting down, but he looks taller than me. He’s definitely bigger though… and I could use to lose some weight. His belly is literally resting against the wheel, making the house feels even smaller than it already is.

He’s friendly. Too friendly for my taste actually. As the engine roars and the car flies into the night, so does his mouth. He talks about all the roadworks going on, the capricious weather, the pangs of remote work… He even mentions some anecdote about his brother and how they used to work together.

Blowing on my fingers to warm them up, I only give short, non-committal answers in return. I’m hoping he loses interest and quiets down. I don’t like small talks, now less than ever.

When the car finally stops, my mood is a bit dampened. My hands are still irritating cold though.

“Mind your steps!” He said cheerfully while turning the engine off. “There are no garden lights!”

There’s no alleyway either. I follow on his heels, stepping very carefully on a slippery, wet grass that’s really in need of a good mowing. The front yard is just a huge mass of bushy, indiscernible darkness. Despite keeping my head down the all time, I still manage to lose my footing but thankfully, he doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy trying to find the keyhole in the dark.

Feeling my stress building back up, I glance around to try to take the edge off my mind. Standing a bit apart from the rest of the street, the house is tall and gloomy. It must have been real nice 50 or 60 years ago but even the night can’t hide the signs of weathering. The closed shutters don’t help either. The whole place feels eerie.

The faint click of the key finally turning in the lock resounds in the empty night.

“After you!”

He steps aside and invites me in with a big grin. I hesitate for a moment, my eyes fixated on the gaping maw of blackness extending behind his inviting hand. I give him a sideways look, inspecting him. He doesn’t look like a serial killer. The place may be a bit off but he doesn’t give me any threatening vibes.

“”I’ll allow myself in then” I smile, walking past him.

I try to sound cheerful but my shaky voice betrays my nervousness. He smiles back at me in a reassuring, almost fatherly way. He’s taller than me by a good hand. I like it.

He closes the door behind me. The doorway is so small I can feel his belly rubbing against my back. I stand my ground, enjoying the light touch. I can hear him feel about in the dark after something. The switch makes a click. The light flickers a couple times before turning on. I can’t help to squint a little. After spending so much time in the dark, the dim, orange light is hard to bear.

The house however, is far from dazzling me. I feel like I stepped on a construction site. It looks like someone started removing the tiling from the floor but gave up halfway, allowing a grey dust to settle on the remaining tiles. Makeshift shelves line up the walls, overflowing with an indiscernible clutter. The few spots where the wallpaper shows, it’s either faded or torn off.

“Excuse the sorry state of the place. I should have warned you.” He explains as if he had read my mind. “This was my late mother house, she passed last month… We’re in the middle of renovating it. My brother will move in with his family.”

Again with the personal story… I take my courage in both hands and turn around, determined to set the record straight.

“Listen. I’m sorry for your mother but I… I didn’t come here to talk.”

The words escape my mouth so fast they seem to all melt together in a barely intelligible sentence. I spoke directly to his shoes, feeling too shy to make eye contact.

A few seconds pass in complete silence and I feel instant regret.

I shouldn’t’ have said anything… Fuck, I just ruined everything!

He suddenly grabs my chin and forces me to look up. He kisses me before our eyes can meet. It’s my first kiss with a man. It feels different than a kiss with a woman. The texture of the lips is coarser. His tongue forces its way in, prying my lips. His saliva doesn’t have the freshness of a woman’s. Instead, it feels lukewarm and somewhat… sourer? His tongue especially is rough, swigging left and right like a crazed swordsman. My own tries to fight back but is quickly beaten into submission. I tap out with a muffled groan.

As he had been waiting for that, he pulls me toward him. Ours arms naturally wrap around each other in an timid embrace. Our bellies are being squeezed against each other in an awkward way but I don’t care. It’s my first time being cuddled by someone bigger than me… feels nice.

When he let go of me, my pants are tighter. It’s not quite a full blown erection yet but the blood is definitely flowing down here. I wonder if the same thing is going on in his pants but don’t have the chance to investigate.

“Follow me” He says and the commanding tone of his voice makes my crotch twitches a little. “Let’s find a better use for your mouth…”

He barely have enough space to slide in between the dubious shelves. I follow him docilely. I’m more nervous than ever now but it’s a good kind of nervous. The horny kind.

The living room turns out to be just like the hallway. Piles of boxes and old furniture clog up most of the space. He leads me to the couch. It sits in front of a huge flat screen TV that feels a bit out of place. It’s the only area that’s somewhat cleaned up, although the coffee table is swamped with all sort of junk. The vibe is a mix between a student room and a squatter’s den.

The TV is stuck on the offline blue screen. He quickly pulls out his smartphone and start tinkering with it. The blue screen turns into a long list of files. He goes through them too fast for me to be able to read the names. Looks like he knows which one he’s searching for.

It starts playing at once. It’s on mute but I don’t need sound to be able to tell it’s a porn movie. The story kind probably because the first scene shows two guys walking in the wood. The quality of the picture screams 90’s. Both guys look like they’re in their 20s and very much in shape.They start kissing and I look away, wondering why he needs porn as background. I’m painfully aware these guys are a thousand time hotter than me but still… am I so unappealing? Is it why he put this on? Because he was afraid he wouldn’t get hard from me alone?

“Want something to drink?”

I’m about to refuse automatically when I realize my throat is actually parched.

“What do you want? I’ve got beer, liquor, wine… anything but healthy drinks!”

“I’ll take the same as you, thanks.”

He tells me to make myself comfortable before disappearing. After a moment of consideration, I sit stiffly on the far left of the couch. I can’t help but to look at the screen. The two ephebes are now shirtless, licking and kissing each other’s six-packs. I look down at my own guts with disgust. My pants are definitely not tight anymore. A part of me wants to run away.

He thankfully chooses this moment to come back. He changed and is now wearing nothing but a large bathrobe. I barely notice the drinks he’s carrying in each hand. He put them on the coffee table and joins me on the couch. He sits as close to me as possible. The couch goes down a little with a squeak.

I’m very aware of our legs touching and that his leg is completely bare. The robe opened up a little when he sat down, revealing the beginning of a plump, milky thigh. I’m surprised how much it reminds me a woman’s leg… After a moment of hesitation, I get over my timidity and reach for it.

My trembling hand lands right above his knee. His skin is surprisingly soft. I stroke it timidly, almost in disbelief at how nice it feels. As if it was moving with a mind of its own, my hand starts going up his leg, pushes away the robe, and slides down his inner-thigh. My fingers bury into his soft flesh just the right amount. Contrary to kissing, this feels exactly the same as groping a woman’s leg.

My erection is definitively back.

A large hand closes on my forearm and starts stroking it gently, making sure to match the rhythm of my own caress. Our eyes meet. Comfortably sprawled on the couch, he’s sizing me up with a satisfied grin on his face.

“Guess I don’t have to get you drunk first, heh? Let’s go straight to the full meal then!”

He swiftly pulls me toward him and before I can fully understand what’s happening, I find myself on top of his lap, straddling him like a horse. His eyes are burying into mine. I only now notice they are blue.

His hands get a quick feel of my own thighs through my pants before grabbing me by the hips. I can’t really explain why but feeling his powerful grip on my pelvis drives me crazy. I feel completely subjugated, like an invisible leash has been locked around my neck. From this moment onward, he is in charge… completely in charge.

I grasp his hands with my own and stroke them slowly. In my mind, I’m going for a “slutty tenderness” type of vibe but I can’t swear I pulled it off. Even though I can feel my face turning red, I maintain eye contact. I want him to know, I want him to understand…

“I want you to make me your bitch for the night.”

I hear the words as they leave my lips. I freeze in place, feeling like something especially large just got stuck in my throat. The reason of my stupor has nothing to do with shame however.

“Make you my bitch?” He repeats, raising an eyebrow.

Again. Hearing that word stirs something deep within me…

“I’m afraid you misunderstood something of the utmost importance…”

He pulls my hips toward him, the rest of my body follows like I’m made of paper. His eyes are gleaming with lust.

“Since the second you entered my car, you were already my bitch!”

That word again. It’s like fucking ecstasy. I throw my arms around his head and go for a kiss. This time, my tongue is the one leading the dance. It coils and thrashes in his mouth until I run out of breath. I still manage to suck on his lower lip before retreating.

“Call me that again” I almost beg him, gazing into his eyes. “Please…”

He grabs my head in between his hands. They’re so big, I feel like a hopeless child.

“You’re a bitch. A dirty, naughty, little bitch!”

Something deep within my loins roars with pleasure. I break free from his hands and our lips start almost eating each other in a passionate embrace. That magic word seems to have awoken the horny beast within me. There’s no more tenderness, only lust.

His hands slips under my shirt and starts exploring what’s underneath, stroking and pinching every inch of flesh they can grab. I love feeling his big arms wrapped around my body. I feel constricted and protected at the same time. I bite his under lip one last time before attacking his neck. I always loved kissing neck. I’m thrilled to realize I love giving love-bite to a male neck just as much as a female’s.

One of his hands suddenly sneaks in under both my pants and my underwear to grab hold of my right buttock. I jump like I’ve been splashed with ice water.

Another man’s hand is in my pants!

Another man’s hand is grabbing my ass!

This feel surprisingly heavy, like a line had just been crossed and there was no return possible. A thousand contradictory emotions start flooding my brains. For the first time tonight, I’m feeling conflicted.

But right as I’m on the verge of freaking out and potentially ruin everything, something magical happens: he starts groping my ass. By the third squeeze, I have come to peace with my feelings. Hands quavering with anticipation, I unbutton my pants and pull down my zipper to give him more room to move.

“This bitch has two buttcheeks” I say bashfully, looking at him while trying to do my better imitation of the Puss in Boots.

Even though I must look particularly ugly doing that kind of face, he is kind enough to indulge me. Spreading his fingers wide, he grabs one ass cheek in each of his hand and squeezes. He squeezes so hard I can’t help but to moan.

“That’s it bitch, let me hear how much you like having your ass being played with. Louder bitch! That’s it, that’s a good little bitch!”

His hands are relentless: they squeeze and knead my buttcheeks, they wiggle them, spread them as much as they can in my pants and press them back together to rub them… Always with just enough strength to make it enjoyably painful… I feel like a toy in the hands of a giant, a piece of meat without any other leeway than the one his master will give him. It feels amazingly liberating.

His robes have gotten quite loose by now. I pull them apart completely, revealing a set of large, heavy man breasts resting atop an even larger belly. I lean on it and starts stroking it, completely captivated. It feels strong and tight, like a warm inflated balloon. A part of me wants to throw a punch a hit but I content myself with kissing it instead.

My lips move up to his chest. They’re a lot softer than his belly. I grab them with both hands and manage to squeeze them together, creating the biggest, juiciest cleavage I’ve ever seen in real life. I rub my face in it. It feels just like a woman’s. Getting more aroused by the second, I spot a nipple the size and the shape of a pink blueberry. I jump on it like a starving man and start suckling hungrily on it.

“Is my little bitch feeling thirsty?”

I answer with a positive moan.

“Then stand up bitch, we gonna give you some actual milk!

After a last squeeze, he pulls his hands out of my pants and slaps my ass with both of them. It isn’t strong enough for me to feel anything, especially with the extra layer of clothing, but I still respond by moaning. I’m rapidly discovering that acting slutty is intoxicating. I give his belly a quick, cheeky lick before sliding off his laps.

“Take off your clothes for me.”

I take my shoes off with my feet and take a step back to give me some room. My nerves are suddenly going crazy. Is he expecting a striptease? Because I can’t do that… Stop, I’m putting myself under pressure for no good reason.

Think! He wouldn’t have told you to get naked if he was disgusted by you! So stop being a little bitch and start acting like a good bitch instead!

It’s easier said than done but I still push forward nonetheless and take off my shirt. I can’t help but to suck my stomach in even thought I know very well it doesn’t change a thing a this point. I keep my head down, too shy to look at him… or maybe too afraid to see his reaction to my fat, hairy body. My lack of self-confidence is slowly taking over. I can’t bare to face him for the next step and turn around to show him my back instead.

I realise at once I made a mistake. I had completely forgotten about the porn running in the background. Both guys are now completely naked, save the cowboy hat the brunette was still wearing. What little confidence I still had is shattered at the sight of theirs dicks. They’re literally twice bigger than mine. I look away but can’t avoid peeking sideways at the screen. Life is truly unfair. Even if I were to turn all my extra fat into lean muscles, I would still look like an insect next to guys like them.

My heart skips a beat when I realise with horror he’s probably starring at the screen too. I must be completely invisible next to that. I resist the urge to turn around to check. I close my eyes, trying to remember the touch of his fingers on my ass. Those fingers were hungry for it, hungry for me. It may not be as big or as round as theirs, but it’s my ass he was squeezing.

“I don’t have all night!” He suddenly complains. “Get moving already, bitch!”

The timing was perfect. A glint of pride comes back to me. I know I look more like a pig than a man. I know he’d rather be fucking one of those guys on the TV. So fucking what? I’m the one who’s standing in front of him now! I swear to God I’ll make his balls explode!

Feeling invigorated, I pull down my pants and my underwear at the same time. I try to do it a sexy way: I keep my ass up and my legs as straight as possible when bending over to pull them all the way down. I straighten up slowly, my hands gliding along my hamstrings to grab my ass. A guy with my looks acting like that must look stupid but right now, I don’t care.

Acting like a slut is surprisingly freeing.

I reward myself with a good squeeze before turning around to reveal myself fully to him. Shame is still gnawing at my mind but now that I refuse to let it control me, it seem to turn into a powerful aphrodisiac.

Sprawled on the couch and holding a drink in each hand, he’s looking at me like a master his possession. He threw his robes away. The glare of the TV bounces on his imposing curves. He doesn’t seem to have a single hair on his entire body, not even pubes.

Taking notice of his dick for the first time, I feel a twang of pride and relief: he’s rock hard! I refuse to question whether his erection is for me or the porn. It doesn’t matter: I’ll have the last laugh either way.

He takes a sip of his right drink, his eyes are inspecting me up and down still. For the first time in for ever, my introvert ass actually takes pleasure in the attention. No, it revels in it. If only I could dance, I’d have loved to tease him with a sexy dance but I’m all too aware of my limitations in this department.

Keeping my chin up, I settle for plan B. Getting down on all fours, I crawl to him like a dog. I try to sway my hips in a sensual way while closing the gap. It feels more silly than seductive but i still enjoy doing it. Nestling in between his legs, I sit on my knees and look up.

I’m met face to face with his throbbing dick. It’s not as huge as the behemoths from the TV but it’s still significantly bigger than mine. I gaze at it blankly, suddenly daunted by the next step. I feel intimidated but also jealous to be honest.

A thousand porn videos, fantasies and even past experiences with women flash through my head without leading to any breakthrough. Realising my fear of failure is once again messing with me, I decide to just go for it. It’s like the French say after all: one can only become a blacksmith by forging.

I lift my right hand and grab his cock. It feels pleasantly plump. My fingers can feel a core strong as rock underneath the turgescent skin. I move my hand down on his shaft, pulling his skin with me and freeing the glans from its foreskin. It looks like a big, bloated, upside-down strawberry. A tiny bead of pre-cum is sitting on top of it.

After a short hesitation, I lick it. The tip of my tongue barely grazes his glans but it stills send a shiver down my spine. Alarm bells are ringing in my head as to signal me I’m doing something wrong, something unnatural… this only makes me hornier.

I start jerking him off, going up and down very carefully. It feels kinda weird to jerk someone else. More pre-cum starts dripping out, leaving a gleaming wet spot on his tip. Captivated, I squeeze the base of his shaft. Even more juice gushes out. I lick it all off, this time using as much surface of my tongue as possible in an almost grooming fashion. I taste something vaguely salty but it’s so faint I can’t swear my brains isn’t making it up.

Wrapping my lips bashfully around the tip of his penis, I start jerking him off again but this time with a tighter grip. My free hand reaches for my own and I start masturbating the both of us in sync. I can hear him breathing heavily above me. That sound fills me with motivation.

I allow my lips to open up and slowly move further down his head until I welcome it whole in my mouth. I squeeze my lips tightly around it and start jerking him faster. I’m rewarded with my first moan! This makes me go even faster. Saliva is building in my mouth. I try to swallow some with a gulping motion. This gets me an actual groan. Almost gloating with pride at my accidental discovery, I start suckling on his head, fast and hard. I gave up on jerking my own penis a long time ago.

His moans are getting louder and I suddenly fear he may be about to cum. Not yet, I don’t want the spell to be broken yet. My arm stops in its track and my mouth jumps from his glans to his testicles. Arousal has caused them to scrunch up into a tight, smooth ball that looks like it’s about to burst.

Afraid that might actually happen, I only dare lay a brief kiss on them. And a second. Unable to refrain my enthusiasm, I soon start grooming them with my tongue. Before I can stop myself, my tongue is running up and down his shaft again… I can feel it trembles dangerously.

I sit back on my calves to force us both to calm down. As i collect my breath, I suddenly realise I’ve only been staring at his dick the all time. I glance at him bashfully. From this point of view, he looks even bigger and larger than he actually is. His domineering, looming presence is squashing me even lower on the ground. It makes me even hornier.

His tip is even more swollen and redder than before. It looks kind of appetizing actually. I stand up on my knees and starts swirling my tongue all around his corona and frenulum. His breathing is getting heavier with each lick. His head is now drenched with our juices. Acting on the spur of the moment, I rub it all over my mouth and even slap it against my cheeks a couple time. This really triggers my inner slut and I just go for it.

Opening my mouth wide to keep my teeth out of the way, I go down on him for real. In my mind, I was picturing myself deepthroating him at once but it’s quickly evident that’s not going to happen. I can barely gobble half of his meat before coming to a dead stop. It’s crazy how much bigger it feels once inside. I wonder if the feeling is similar or worst when being fucked in the ass… Let’s worry about that later.

Accepting my limitations, I put all my focus on the half of his dick filling up my mouth and the beginning of my throat. At first, I’m sucking it like I would a lollipop, only putting pressure on my lips. Probably not the best sensation for him but it helps me get used to the feeling and build off my confidence.

Feeling my jaws fatiguing, I let his dick go… but doesn’t allow myself a long break. Looming over his meat, I gather as much saliva as possible in my mouth before releasing it all over it. It doesn’t go down as smoothly as i thought it would however. I have to spit a few times to get the last stubborn strands of ooze the stop dangling from my lips.

Grabbing his shaft with both hands this time, I start jerking him off again. The saliva makes my hands fly. I stare at his glans popping in and out of his foreskin. It looks silly and cute at the same time. I lean forward to lick it some more. This time, I force myself to make eye contact. My innards writhe with shame but I power through the awkwardness.

Keeping my eyes locked on his, I clean his shaft with my tongue before taking his dick back in my mouth with a thirsty moan. This time, I suck it all up until i can feel my sunken cheeks glued to his meat.

Holding the suction as good as I can, I start sucking him off. Going down feels a lot harder than before. His swollen meat feels so big in my mouth… I keep jerking him off at the same time. There’s not enough room for my two hands anymore. The spare goes down to play with his balls. Until now, I had never realised how much work was required to give a blowjob. It’s a lot more tiring and technical than eating pussy, yet also a lot funnier.

I suckle and squeeze, lick and twist… literally feeding off his muffled grunts. My eyes are watering but I maintain eye contact. I can tell he’s trying to keep a poker face. Managing to make him wince soon becomes a game. Everytime he betrays his pleasure, I feel like hitting a home-run.

My own hype gets to me and I overdo it. Grabbing firmly his thighs, I go down as deep as possible. I can feel his meat pushing down my throat. It feels impossibly big, like it’s completely filling up my oesophagus…

Too horny to give up, I fight off my gag reflex and impale myself even deeper on his cock. Too deep. My throat tightens painfully in a sudden spasm and I start retching on his meat. I sound like fucking Donald Duck having a stroke…

I pull out in haste and collapse against his leg, panting heavily like a dog. Thread of saliva are dangling from my chin and nose. Tears are blurring my vision… Despite my sorry state, I feel ecstatic. This was so thrilling, so exciting, so… good.

“You worked hard” He says, patting me on the head. “Now, let me give you your reward…”

His other hand finally grabs his own dick and he starts masturbating wildly like a mad man. His entire body is vibrating and contracting as he’s beating his meat frenetically, huffing and puffing loudly. It’s not the most graceful picture to be honest.

I keep my head away, afraid to get hit if I come any closer, but reach for his balls with my hand. They’re up so high, I can barely feel the testicules underneath the rolls of thick skin. I start stroking them in encouragement.

“That’s it baby!” I hear myself purring, still a bit out of breath. “Jerk off for me, empty those big, fat balls for your little bitch”

He keeps going for just a little too long before suddenly pointing his dick in my direction.

“Suck it, bitch! Now!”

Caught unprepared, my body springs into action by instinct. There is no arguing with his commanding tone, only obedience. I’m still not quick enough however and he erupts before I can suck anything. I barely have the time to close my eyes shut before bursts of warm cum hit me all over the face.

It ends as abruptly as it happened. I stand in shock, motionless. Eyes shut tight, quivering lips ajar, I can’t believe I just got my first facial. I can feel every single drop of it on my skin. All signs of arousal have disappeared, replaced by shame. This is… humiliating.

I hear him moves behind my eyelids as he reaches for something on the coffee table.

“Shit, I never nutted that hard! You have to see that… There, open your eyes! Come on!”

I’m greeted by my reflection on his smartphone’s screen. My face is drenched with thick, creamy cum. It’s all over me. Visions of girls laying on the ground after a bukkake, panting and covered in cum, pop briefly in my mind.

Something isn’t right…

My chest is searing with the feeling of humiliation so why? Why do I feel so content? Embedded in my shell-shocked face, my eyes are gleaming with a pure, almost childlike joy. I wipe some cum off my cheek with the tip of a finger and after a slight hesitation, put it in my mouth. It tastes tanguy.

“You ok, man?”

He’s looking at me with concern.

“Was I good?”


“Was I good?” I repeat.

I take notice of his dick, half limp but still thick and swollen. A drip of cum is hanging down his foreskin. Getting on all fours like a dog, I slurp his meat back in my mouth to suck it clean.

“You were great” He smiles, patting me gently on the head. “The best bitch possible.”

A feeling of prideful warmth washes over me and I finally accept who I am. Resting my face against his groin, I raise my eyes to meet his.

“Next time, would you cum directly in my mouth?”

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