My First Taste of Cock


A gay story: My First Taste of Cock My buddy asked me if I wanted to join him and his wife at their cottage one afternoon for a barbecue and some relaxation. He said his wife had to work until 5:00 or so, but we could go in the morning and soak up some suds and sun and take a swim. Since my wife had to work too, I said that it was a good idea.

We got to his cottage about 10:30 and walked around a bit, tidying up broken branches, etc. Around noon, he asked if I wanted to go for a swim, but I said, “Stupid me. I forgot my trunks.” Since there was only one other cottage in the area and the owners were out of the province for about two weeks, he said, “No sweat. No one can see us.” (because we are about a half mile from the main road, down a steep hill.)

So, off came the clothes and into the water we went. We swam and waded and floated on inner tubes for about an hour and a half. We decided to go back up to the cottage for a snack. When we got up there, he handed me a towel-like wrap-around with a snap on it to wear, since we were going to back into the water anyway.

While he was getting something ready, I sat in a lawn chair on the deck facing the lake and he brought out a photo album with pictures of the property before the cottage was being built and at different stages of construction. I was genuinely interested in the photos and wanted to see all of them, so I just put my sandwich down on a small table. There was one photo that I asked about, so he came over to stand beside me to look at it. He explained whatever it was that I asked and just stood there looking at the pictures over my shoulder.

As he stood there, he got closer to me until his body was touching my arm and my shoulder. I didn’t think anything of it until I felt a little pressure on my arm and I could feel his semi-hard cock. I didn’t pull away because I didn’t mind it at the time. He pointed to something on the picture and put his hand on my shoulder, gradually sneaking it around until his arm was around me and his cock was pushing harder.

He gently started to rub the back of my neck–and it felt okay–but his cock was starting to get rock-hard. His hand was pulling my head toward his cock, but only from the side. I don’t know why I did this, but I took my left hand and slipped it around his hips, and as his cock started feeling pretty good to me, I slipped my hand under his wrap-around and felt his bare ass, down between his legs. Finally, he unsnapped the wrap-round and let it drop to the veranda and he turned my head toward his cock.

I looked straight at his cock, and without a bit of hesitation, took it in my mouth as fully as I could. Man, it felt nice to have that hot cock between my lips and around my tongue. He said, “Hey this is getting one-sided. Want to go inside?”

We went into the cottage and straight to one of the bedrooms. He stretched me across the bed, lifted up my wrap-around and started playing with me. My first time having a man play with my cock. It felt great. He sucked me, played with my balls until I said, “We’re back to being one-sided again.” So, we moved into 69 position and sucked each other. I told him I was going to cum and didn’t want to because I wanted this to last. He told me not to worry and used several techniques to keep me hard. What a wonderful time we had. I sucked as long as I could and kept taking a little more each time until I had almost three quarters of his cock. I need more practice to take it all.

We sucked for a long, long time, taking turns with each other and 69-ing. I loved every bit of it but was afraid of him telling someone about it–especially his wife who would tell me wife who would tell me to get lost.

About 5:00 we went back down to the lake to swim and get the cum and smell of cum off us. Around 5:30 we were back up getting things ready for a barbecue when I thought I heard a car coming down the roadway. I went to the bedroom where I had been sucking earlier and looked out through a crack in the curtain. Here were the two girls parked in a cut-out about 20 yards from where we normally park. They were in Paul’s wife’s MG convertible. I could not believe my eyes. She had turned off the engine and was presumably getting some things together to come into the cottage. What I couldn’t believe I was seeing was that Cheryl had leaned over and was kissing my wife Donna full on the lips for a good long kiss. Donna had her had behind Cheryl’s head and was holding her tight against her lips.

Was I shocked? Yes. Was I angry? No, because all I could think of what that all four couples liked sucking and fucking obviously, and we were going to be in for a good time. It’s Friday night, so having to back home won’t matter. WOW!

This is a true story that is much longer than I thought it would be. If you want to know more about the rest of the night and about Saturday and Sunday, let me know. I’m horny just recalling it and ready to cum.


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