My First Year with Austin Ch. 13

A gay story: My First Year with Austin Ch. 13 This story is a sequel to My First Year in College and My First Year in Prison.

Tyler is finally ready to commit to a serious relationship when he moves in with his former College crush, Austin. After years of entertaining the idea, it is time for those two to figure it out: is their relationship meant to last?

This story is entirely fictional and all characters featured are above 18.



Chapter 13: Under the mask

As you are about to read this chapter, I must warn you, dear reader… If you thought the tale was pretty tame so far, buckle-up, because the ride is about to get bumpy!

Sometimes you watch a ridiculous soap-opera on TV, and sometimes, you just live in it.

There was a silver lining to the mess I was in. Since I had one hell of a bigger fish to fry, I did not spend my night torturing myself over breaking-up with Austin.

I was way too freaked out!

My best friend was supposed to marry “The Masked Hunk” in less than 36 hours.

Shit… I had been jerking off to Janice’s fiancé for the past few weeks!

All of this time, I had been fantasizing and beating my meat about sexy (but boring) Richard?! What the fuck?

All the evidence was there, in the bag and on the videos, but still, I could hardly believe it.

Friendly but quiet, confident but discreet, rich but humble, Richard… Could he really be the same guy who was twerking his ass in the Man-Cave, jerking-off on videos, literally shoving an XXL dildo up his hole in his latest entry?!

I checked the page again. The content was raunchy as fuck!

I had never seen Richard — I mean, in his capacity of being the “fiancé to one of my best friends”– naked, or even shirtless for that matter. Sure, Richard looked well-built under his fancy shirts, and he definitely had that bubble butt, but was he really hiding the Masked Hunk’s banging body underneath his clothes?

The mouth, though…

I was always going back to his mouth.

It was almost enough to be certain. The full juicy lips, larger and more luscious than your average white guy. Whether it was Richard talking to me at a dinner party, or “Robin” who was deepthroating a dildo on his exclusive platform, those two guys had the exact same lips.

How could I have missed that before?!

I texted Ralph, shaking.

I remembered that I had forwarded him “the Masked Hunk” page as a way to get him some contacts in the business. Maybe he knew something…

“Did you ever contact the Masked Hunk?”

No response.

Ralph was at the party at my place though, and he had not reacted in any way.

Richard, if it were really him under the damn mask, – I was struggling wrapping my head around that news -, would have been careful not to reveal his identity to anyone.

Ironically, he was very much of a super hero in that sense.

Jasper had told me that no one, except from our boss, was allowed to welcome “Robin” backstage.

Did anyone know who was hiding behind the mask? Could I call Abrozio?

The video of the Hunk impaling himself on a black dildo was still playing on my phone. It felt so wrong now… Yet, I could not stop watching. It was like witnessing a car crash. Or a damn hot pornstar doing his thing…

I mean, I still had the right to find him hot?! He sure was! Despite everything that happened afterwards, I have to admit, the Masked Hunk was THE top content creator back then, his whole body and attitude were screaming sex and sensuality.

Another theory came to mind.

Maybe Janice knew about it? I wanted to believe it; it would have been so much easier. It was unlikely though.

She was complaining that she did not know any of his coworkers. They were talking about the freaking “Economy” at dinners. Janice always seemed to believe that her man was truly working a boring investment job.

What did Richard really know about finance? Was it an entire lie, or was his gig as a gogo-dancer / x-rated content creator a side-hustle from his 9 to 5 job?

The Masked Hunk was posting a lot and handling multiple platforms and social networks at once, it also seemed like he was recording in his own studio. All and all, it did not look like a side-hobby, but it could explain the crazy amount of money Richard was making…

Since my life had turned into a soap-opera, I considered the “Evil Twin” theory.

But again, it could not work. An Evil Twin would not have hidden his shameful bag in the guest bedroom of his twin brother’s place…

Yes. If you had any doubt, I was becoming insane.

*Get a grip, Tyler, that’s him! You have the Robin’s mask, the cape, the dildos… And look at the damn videos, it’s the same person riding that silicon toy! It’s downright obvious. And Tyler, why the hell do you keep watching this crap?!*

I finally closed the page.

I had been an unexpected guess in their home. Richard had not had time to hide his stuff in a safer place. Was he thinking about it, lying in his bed with Janice? That his secrets were at risk to being exposed?

He knew that I was working at the Man Cave, he must have been scared shitless to have been found out at my party.

Thinking about it, he had shown some rare signs of uneasiness when I had told him about the Man Cave back then.

Ralph finally texted me back:

“He never replied. Why? You’re still touching your wiener to that guy! Check the Nine Inches King instead!”

Always classy, Ralph had attached a close-up picture of his blatantly hard dick from (apparently taken live) to his text…

At several occasions, I left the guest room with the purpose to confront Richard and Janice in the middle of the night. I always stopped myself before reaching their room though.

What was I even going to say? I was an intruder in their luxurious home, seeking shelter after breaking-up with my boyfriend. Who was I to confront anyone?

Besides, the wedding was so close, I was not sure I had it in me to ruin it all. Was it even my place to do so?

I fell asleep very late in the night, or very early in the morning, feeling drained.

I woke up around noon with several texts from Austin.

“I wish things were different. I understand that you need some space. I will wait.”

Oh boy, he was not going to make it easy to stay away from him… I missed him already.

If only he was there so I could share the huge piece of information which had literally fallen upon my head! Austin was not only my boyfriend; he was also my best friend and he would have been the perfect person to help me figure out what to do.

Well, he had also lied straight to my face and dismissed my feelings.


Richard and Janice were great hosts. They left me sleep late and they even made a brunch. Could not they have been awful for once?! Just to make my task of ruining their entire lives easier?

Janice welcomed me in their kitchen with pancakes.

She was wearing a silk nightgown; she had already taken a shower but she was still in the middle of getting ready.

“You managed to sleep?” She kissed me on the cheek.

“More or less… Thank you for welcoming me here… I mean, with the wedding coming and all…”

She smiled at me.

“Anytime. Don’t worry about it. I may not be here a lot though. I have to go to my sister for some last-minute details. Also, I should not be seeing the groom too much before tomorrow morning.”

She winked at me.

I drank some of the orange juice although I did not feel like swallowing anything. (Pretty rare of me not to want to “swallow”, right?)

Should I have said something to Janice right there? I did not know if Richard was home.

I forced myself to eat a pancake. I needed a conversation opener.

“Tell me if you need help with anything, Jan. I want to keep myself busy. We can plan something or I can help you out with the….”

“No, no, no. We have made it a small wedding not to bother ourselves with any planning. I’ll just have to do one last fitting of the dress at my sister’s and that’s it. Just chill in here, or keep Dick busy, he’s more anxious than I am.”

Just as if he had been summoned, Richard walked right in the kitchen.

He was apparently coming straight from his bed, only wearing long white underpants.

I spilled out part of my orange juice on my chin.

It was him! 100% him.

His fit body frame, his hairy chest, his not-so-defined but still visible abs, his strong biceps… His treasure trail gloriously running down to his exposed pubic hair and his dick, which was visibly dangling in his loose underwear.

When Richard turned around and bent over to pick up some milk at the bottom of the fridge, there was no doubt that he was Robin from the Man Cave.

I had nutted over his ass at least a dozen of times while Austin was away and I could have recognized it among thousands.

“How are you doing, honey?” He kissed Janice on the lips, he had not seen me at first.

“Surprisingly relaxed. What about you, living your last day as a bachelor?”

He chuckled.

“I’m still leaning towards saying yes tomorrow so I guess we can take this as a win.”

“You better rehearse that yes, darling!” Janice pretended to be offended.

Richard then looked at me.

“Hello Tyler, are you all set? You know you can stay here as long as you wish. Even when Jan and I will be gone.”

“Especially when we’ll be gone.” Janice insisted. “At least, there’ll be someone to keep the house!”

They had planned a honey moon in Greece right after the wedding. Two weeks in the most beautiful islands of the world.

I could not reasonably ruin that.

Could I?

Janice and Richard held the conversation as I was on mute. All I was seeing was the ludicrous gogo-dancer from the Man Cave about to marry my best friend.

Have you already seen that show with hidden cameras where people are confronted to racism or sexism. “What would you do?”. Well, what would you do if you were in my situation? Besides eating your banana in silence.

“Are you still feeling comfortable to have him at the wedding?” Janice suddenly asked me.


“Austin! Who else?”


They probably thought I was not talking much because I was feeling bad about Austin. Trust me, I was! But my entire brain was railing at the time.

“I haven’t even thought about that. But of course, Austin should come. He likes you a lot. And I… What’s happening between us should not change that.”

“You’re sure? You say the words and he’s uninvited.” Janice told me while hugging me.

Jesus Christ, why did she have to be such a good friend!?

“I’m sure. It’s your day anyway, don’t think about me.”

“Maddy is coming soon, I have to go, but I’ll may pass by the house again in the evening.” She spoke. “Or maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow.”

She kissed Richard.

Shit. She was about to leave. I had to think of something. I could not let her go like that, get in her beautiful dress, and then what, admit to her that I knew that her husband was a Pornstar all along?!

“Janice, I just realized, you did not even have a bachelorette party!” I was grasping at straws there.

“Oh please, anything but that!” She complained.

“We should have planned something! We should plan something, right now!”

I just needed some time alone with her.

I know, I was not very good at improv.

“Look, Ty, if you need some male attention because you broke-up with Austin, that’s fine, but don’t drag me into that!”

“Way too risky, I cannot have any other man snatch her from me, so close to the big day.” Richard added with a grin.

For fuck’s sake, why did they have to be so united and perfect together?

“Jan, I should at least have asked some of the gogo-dancers from the Man Cave to give you a private show.” I looked straight at Richard. “There’s this guy, he plays the role of Robin and he’s incredible!”

I was not too sure what my end-game was there but whatever I was doing, it worked.

Instantly, from the way he looked at me, I understood that Richard knew that I knew.

For a split second, he looked terrified, but then, he was all collected again. That was scary as hell!

“You know I find male strippers gross.” Janice simply commented.

She really seemed unaware.

“And to be fair, I was not authorized to have my own bachelor’s party either.”

Richard said with a smile, apparently unfazed.

I was dying inside!

Maddy, Janice’s sister, arrived at their place at that exact time. She was picking-up her sister and from this point on, I knew I would not be alone with Janice again unless I would expressly ask to.

I should have taken my chance then but I hesitated for too long and I missed my shot.

“Just go take a nice bath, relax, we’ll talk. Don’t ruin that for her. Not now.”

Richard whispered in my ears as Janice and Maddy were laughing in the other room, ready to leave.

I got chills all over my body.

Maybe I could give him a chance to explain himself? What was I supposed to do?

In the past year, I had learnt how to listen to my guts, but right then, they were useless.

Janice came to tell me goodbye and she left the house with her sister. Richard accompanied them to their car. As if he had hypnotized me with his few words, I went upstairs to the bathroom.

It really was something. Marble everywhere, a shower that can fit 4 people, an extra-large bathtub… Being a gogo-dancer and an online sex-star does come with its perks.

I drew myself a bath.

I had more texts from Austin. All understanding. All apologetic.

I dipped my feet in the hot water. At this point, what I needed more than anything else was to unwind.

Maybe what was happening between Richard and Janice was not my problem after all. Maybe I could pretend that I had never found out. Maybe Janice would not even believe me… Can you imagine? If she thought that I was being jealous and making-up stuff?

The situation felt very surreal.

But things were about to get worse.

Way worse.

I heard someone enter the bathroom and I opened my eyes. I had drifted asleep but suddenly, I was wide awake.

Richard was standing there, above me, stark naked. His flaccid uncut cock was dangling before my eyes. He had a lot of foreskin, and several visible veins; I had noticed that before. The Masked Hunk had never been that close to me though.

Richard lifted up his right leg and got his right foot in the water.

The tub was large enough to fit three adults but I could never have believed he would have gotten in with me.

He did though. Without a word, he got his second leg in the tub and he immersed himself in the water.

He looked gorgeous. Terrifying too. Handsome above all things.

“I’m glad that we can talk. Between men.”

His feet were casually rubbing against my chest. He was lying in front of me. His cock and balls were out of the water, and that seemed to be on purpose.

Saying that I was stunned would be an understatement.

Obviously, I was speechless. Again, what would have you done in my place? And please, do not say suck his fat dick off! That was neither the time, not the place!

“Since when have you known?” He asked in his usual low and manly voice.

“I… I just found out. Last night… I… I found the bag.”

“I was wondering if you knew since the show at the Man Cave and if you were being a good friend. I almost thought you were teasing me at your party. Playing with me mentioning the Man Cave.”

I nodded no, feeling ridiculous to have connected the dots so late.

He rubbed his left foot against my right nipple.

Against myself, I was getting hard.

“See, I thought we’ve been sharing this secret for weeks…” He winked at me.

I seriously considered whether I was dreaming or not. It was that crazy. Except that I was not. It was really happening.

“Does Janice know?” I muttered.

He smiled. Richard looked so confident, no matter what.

“I love her so much. I never found it in me to break her heart by telling her.”

My stomach hurt.

The way he had phrased that, he was trying to corner me. He was trying to make me look like the bad guy.

“She has a right to know.” I stated.

His foot slightly slid down from my chest to my abs. It was very subtle, but Richard knew what he was doing.

“I would argue that she deserves to be happy more than she deserves to suffer. Don’t you think life is already…” He slid down his foot further until he reached my stiffed cock. “… sufficiently HARD as it is?”

I let go of a moan and I hated myself for it.

“Richard, that’s not right…”

“I watched your audition when you were in prison. I know you, Tyler. And I know that you are well aware that life is more complicated than right or wrong…”

He moved around the bathtub until he was right next to me.

“I know the difference between right and wrong, man, trust me, and what you’re trying to do to me, is…”

He put his finger on my mouth to cut me off.

“I know exactly how gay guys like yourself operate. Don’t you forget it, Tyler Braxton. Guys like you have bought me this bathtub, this house, this lifestyle. Guys like you have helped me become the man I am today.”

He reached my cock with his hand.

He started jerking me off.

I felt weak. Vulnerable. Stupid.

Horny too.

Had I not changed one bit over the past years? Was I still driven by my freaking cock? Richard knew he could buy my silence with his tricks!

“In a way, guys like you have helped me making a name for myself and without fans such as yourself, maybe I would have never had Janice.”

I looked at him.

I had once found him handsome, sexy, perfect… Now, that man was pure evil.

I had changed.

And Janice was the one person he should have not mentioned or disrespected in this moment. That woke me up from my torpor.

“What can you do for me if I keep my mouth shut?” I asked him.

He leaned over to almost kiss me. His lips were damn beautiful.

“I’m good to anyone who’s good to me. I could rock your world, Ty.”

“You would suck my cock?”

He stroked my dick harder.

“I’m known to be the best at what I do.” He was whispering in my ears. “You know I don’t make that kind of money on podiums or on social media… I’m very good at meeting… and greeting my fans.”

“You’re a whore, then?”

For the first time, he seemed startled.

“And so what? Aren’t you?”

It came out of me instinctively. I spat on his smug face. Right between in his eyes, my saliva was dripping down his nose and perky lips.

Then, things got pretty insane, pretty quickly.

In his rage, Richard pushed my head under the water and I thought I was about to drown. That bastard was still holding on my blatantly hard cock!

It lasted for a while. I would say nearly a full minute. Enough time that I really started to lose consciousness and I barely remembered Richard pulling me away from the bathtub.

Jeez, I could have died!

He did not try to kill me, not really though, not this time.

He dragged me around. I have clear glimpses of a naked Richard pulling me by my feet through his house stuck in my mind. I do not remember much more from the afternoon.

Sometimes, I wonder if he had drugged me, I still do not know for sure.

It lasted for a while, we argued. I was conscious enough to tell him that we should talk, to try to reason with him, but my mind was not really there and he was full-on freaking out.

His mind had fully shifted. As a shrink (well, ex shrink), it was evident that he was having a maniac episode.

Then, there was more blur and the next thing I remember was waking up in his back yard, in the middle of the night, or even early morning the next day, – the sun was rising -, naked as the day I was born.

The marks on my ankles and on my neck showed me that all of it had really happened. I would not have believed my own brain otherwise.

It took me a while to go back to my senses and to find the strength to walk back inside the house.

I was ready to call the police but I did not have my phone.

After running around the house naked, I found it back on the counter of the kitchen. It had been left for me to be found.

There was a note next to it.

“Check your text. If I fall, we fall together.”

It turned out that Richard had a plan after all. He was not going down without a fight.

I looked at my text.

My heart dropped in my chest.

“Neither Janice, nor Austin has to see this.”

The bastard had filmed us. In the bathroom… As he was jerking me off. There was a video. Of course, Richard had deleted the fight afterwards, but the rest was explicit. Awfully explicit. It looked like I was really enjoying this.

I had gone through some fucked-up shits in my life but that was a whole new level. That asshole was threatening me with a sextape, ready to send it to Austin.

Although, this was the part where Richard really messed-up.

Apparently, he did not know “guys like me” that well.

I could have let my best friend marry a gogo-dancer, I could have let her marry a Pornstar, even a whore for that matter! Truthfully, before Richard joined me in the bath, I was about to let them have their happy wedding.

But Richard had been stupid enough to show me his true-self. He was not only a liar living a double-life, he was a maniac ready to do anything, including using sex and blackmail, to get what he wanted.

The fact that he thought that I could have scared of that video enough to let him marry Janice was beyond me. Had he not gotten the memo that it would not have been my first sextape leaking online?

I had survived this before and if need be, I would survive it once again!

All I knew for sure was that I had to tell Janice about her future husband.

Maybe I was about to lose the only few people left in my life after prison over a damn video, but I could not give a single fuck. At this point, Janice’s own life was at stake and I was on a freaking mission to save her.

I almost sent the video straight away to Janice, I needed to warn her as fast as possible. I also started to call the police. But I decided against it.

I had to tell Janice in person. She was probably getting ready, I needed to see her. There was no good way to break such a news, but certainly, I had to do it while holding her hands and not through the most disgusting video she could watch.

From wandering around naked in Richard’s freshly mown lawn, to putting on his most expansive suit, and calling Ralph to pick me up, I was turning into my own kind of super-hero.

Ralph drove me to the wedding ceremony, up in the hills, in a tiny chapel. He had no idea what was going on but him and I were mates from prison, we knew not to ask question and to simply be there for one another.

The venue was incredibly cute. The view was beautiful. The people looked gorgeous.

I was praying to arrive before Janice would be ready. Sadly, when I got there, the ceremony was about to begin.

I did not see Richard, he was preparing somewhere else, but Austin was there, looking as sexy as ever in a dark blue suit.

“Are you okay, Ty?”

Of course, he could tell that I was upset.

“Where’s Jan?” I pressed him.

“With Maddy, but we shouldn’t…”


“In the adjacent room, Ty, what the hell? And where the hell did you get that suit?”

I laughed at the frivolous nature of that last remark and ran towards Janice.

Ralph was left behind with a confused Austin. First, I broke up with him, secondly, I barged in to stop a wedding.

Let’s be clear: in both cases, I had my reasons!

I was distraught as I had rarely ever been in my life before when I saw her.

Janice was stunning in her white wedding dress. She had truly never looked more beautiful.

When she stared at me, surprised to see me here, glowing with happiness, I almost chickened out.

Damn, that was tough.

I could not destroy her. Not right now. It was too late… She was ready for the most beautiful moment of her life.

“Ty, what are you doing?” She said, laughing at me.

I was panting and sweating. She had no idea what was coming.

I thought about Janice words a few weeks before when she had told me about Austin.

“I’m so sorry, Ty. If the situation were reversed, I wish you would tell me… So, I feel like I have to tell you.”

That was the only thing which gave me the strength to tell her. I was doing it because, in a weird way, she had given me her blessing to do so.

I walked towards her and held her hands.

“Maddy, could we just have a minute alone?” I asked her sister.

Maddy left, she was teary. She was moved to see her big sister about to get married.

I almost puked.

“Tyler, you’re shaking, what the hell?”

“Janice… You have no idea how I hate this moment right now. How much I hate being that person for you.”

“You’re scaring me. Ty? What’s going on?”

“Janice… I love you. So, so, much. You deserve everything in this world. You have always been there for me. For everyone else. You…”

I started crying.

“Ty… Everything is fine… I’m getting married to the man I love.”

I held her hands tighter.

Fuck. It had to come out. I had to say it. Never mind if she hated me afterwards, I was doing it for her.

“You’re not.”

She instinctively pushed me away.

“Tyler, please, don’t ruin this for me.”

“Richard is not the man you think he is. He lies to you. He’s been lying to you. Since the beginning.”

Janice sat down.

“Oh no… What are you saying, Ty? Please… This is serious, this is my life…”

“I can shut-up. Right now. I swear that I can leave. But once, you told me that if your man was doing you dirty, you would rather know. And trust me, I would have given everything so that this news does not come while you’re wearing the most beautiful freaking wedding dress I have ever seen in my life.”

Some tears fell down and ruined her make-up.

She looked at the ceiling and then at me.

“Fuck. I freaking knew it.” She took her shoes off. “I freaking knew something was going to happen. Tell me.”

I knelt down next to her and I told her everything I knew. The x-rated pages.

The Man Cave. The dildos. And the worst of all: the bathtub and the blackmail. She listened to me carefully, without budging. That woman was damn strong.

“I freaking knew it.” She repeated.

“You did?”

“It was too perfect. He was too perfect… I always felt there was a part of him I did not know… But I did not want to see it… I… I wanted to believe that, for once, something good was happening to me. Someone good… But of course, he has to be a trash… I could not have something good, for once in my damn life!”

“I’m so, so, so sorry, Janice. I swear that I am. And I promise you deserve so much better.”

I was certain that she would hate me. That could not go any differently, I had ruined her life, at the worst possible moment.

But Janice was full of surprises. She had always been!

“The asshole who I was about to give my life to drugged you and almost raped you. FUCK HIM!” She yelled, suddenly standing up. “FUCK HIM DEEP IN THE ASS!”

She raised her fist in the air.

And this, my dear reader, is the story of how I found myself being the accomplice of a runaway bride.

Janice did not want — or physically could not — confront her guests, nor Richard. The only thing she asked of me was to ride the blue Alpha Romeo wedding car (yes, with the “Just Married” sign hanging on the back), and to get her “the fuck away” from this place.

I obliged! This was a hysterical moment.

We ran out of the chapel together, – you should have seen Austin’s looks as we ran down the stairs, it was priceless! -, Janice and I were laughing and crying like two teenagers as we jumped into the car.

Richard tried to catch on to us but I did not let him.

“Richard is a freaking maniac, Aust! Don’t trust him!” I shouted to my ex.

Austin was even more dumbfounded than before.

Only Ralph was cheering us on while Janice’s mother was holding her heart, ready to faint.

“Don’t worry mom, this is the best decision of my life!”

Those were Janice’s famous last words as we fled the wedding.

To this day, this is still something we say ironically when we have to make a choice, as silly as a restaurant to dine in: “Don’t worry mom, this is the best decision of my life”.

Great thing was, we knew exactly where to go…

There were a couple weeks in Greece waiting ahead of us and Richard definitely was not invited!


See you next week for some Greek adventures!

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