My Gay Cuckold Fantasy: Blake and Kyle chapter 1 by mathew elizabeth


My Gay Cuckold Fantasy: Blake and Kyle – Chapter 1 by Mathew Elizabeth

A gay adult story: My Gay Cuckold Fantasy: Blake and Kyle chapter 1 by mathew elizabeth ,

I thought Blake and I were In love; I really did. He threw the divorce papers down on the table nevertheless.It was even more of a shock and heartbreak when it was revealed that the man Blake had settled down to date, was none other than my best friend from High-School; Kyle. A boy I had a crush on since I was a kid, a man I always thought was heterosexual and would never touch me for that reason alone. I was wrong; he was touching my husband Blake like they belonged together.
My Gay Cuckold Fantasy: Blake and KyleChapter 1: My Beautiful Husband and my Straight Best Friend

I thought Blake and I were In love; I really did. He threw the divorce papers down on the table nevertheless. I was in complete shock and heartbreak when he came out and told me; but my cock had remained as hard as a rock ever since I found out he was cheating on me. The months of masturbation and sexual frustration I got when I knew my beautiful bottom husband, Blake, was out partying and having fun with other young men. I saw him hugging them and kissing them with glee at the local nightclubs on Facebook, happier than I’ve ever seen him since we got married seven years before. It was even more of a shock and heartbreak when it was revealed that the man Blake had settled down to date, was none other than my best friend from High-School; Kyle. A boy I had a crush on since I was a kid, a man I always thought was heterosexual and would never touch me for that reason alone. I was wrong; he was touching my husband Blake like they belonged together.

My name is Scott and I was in my late twenties when all this drama began. However; I suppose you could say the story starts properly when I was eighteen turning nineteen. I was the short and stocky type; 5ft-7inches tall, broad shoulders, which made me look strong and sturdy along with brown medium length hair. I had a sort of box shaped head and plain features. I had played local and school sport and was regarded as quite muscular in comparison to the rest of my grade of peers. People were very surprised when I revealed that I was attracted to males. It was a complete shock for both my friends and the more popular boys I played sports with; the latter of whom, slowly started to avoid me. My friends remained loyal to me though and my best friend Kyle and I became closer than ever; despite his obvious none attraction to me. I thought Kyle only dated girls and wasn’t interested to other boys at all. I was very wrong.

I was a guy who really only had straight friends growing up. So I was used to their dirty personality and obscene fascination with girls boobs and butts. We would gawk and laugh amongst one another as we tried to peep up girls skirts and we would make fun of the ‘homo’s’ too; I would be the one to point out to my friends how ‘faggy’ the homo’s in the grade were by laughing and pointing at their girly features; like how their bottoms wiggled and how they talked both in voice and body language. My straight friends would laugh ignorantly with me. I laughed in a dark sinister manor as I dealt with my sexuality at that young age.

I liked girls and ladies too after all; so it was easy to relate with situations when I was in the seventh grade standing in line with one of my buddies at the school canteen and the both of gawked at two ninth grade twin girls with the cutest perkiest bottoms I’ve ever seen. Both me and my friend admitted to rubbing one out over their butts the following day. Thus was our inappropriate behaviour with one another. We were smart enough not to talk to each other that way in front of our parents or other adults. Wether you could call that immaturity or a twenty-first century youth being comfortable with each others sexuality. Sure some boys only liked females, males or even both; but in the end; all boys, that is, all males; are the same in the end.

This friend that gawked with me about the beautiful twins at the canteen all those years ago was in fact my best friend Kyle. Kyle had brown hair too and was taller than me, and less stocky; though by no means skinny or weedy. Some people called him dopey back in the day, but I always knew he was smarter than that. He was lean and strong and had the body of a Greek god. He wasn’t always muscular as a kid though. As a kid he was energetic and skinny but still maintained his brown skin tone that he kept in his teens to the present. Kyle was hyperactive and very enthusiastic as an adolescent and teenager. He always had a smile on his face. Maybe that was why I had a crush on him back then. He was handsome; sure; but it was his outright brightness to life; no matter how bad he was treated or teased by other boys; he never let it show that it was getting him down. We would play the same video-games together, watch similar movies and Japanese animation. All those fun geeky things that made us not care about the popularity pressures of school life.

When I came out and told people that I was ‘Gay’, when I was actually Bisexual; Kyle didn’t take it as well as the others. Kyle and I were such close friends and he never anticipated that I was that way. As a teenager, Kyle was a victim of being fooled by clichés. To him; if I was a ‘homo’, I had to be those type of guys that act like girls and have my arm extended with a limp wrist. A boy just like Blake came to mind. Kyle was silly and rather simple minded when it came to things like. But over time; I think he understands a lot more than he did. After a few years went and he found out I was dating ‘Girly Blake’; he would put his arms around my shoulders like a drunken buddy at parties and ask me how the sex was. I would jokingly go into detail with him; which in retrospect; probably wasn’t the moral thing to do. I mean; a straight man shouldn’t brag about how they made their wives squeal at night.

After high school I was suddenly nineteen-years-old and without a lover. I kept myself occupied by studying at college for a while. It was then that a younger brother of one of my other friend’s contacted me on MySpace at the time. It was my husband to be; Blake. Blake was a beautiful teenage boy with longer dark brown hair and a face that was prettier than most girls. He was slender and had lovely shaped legs that made his wonderfully shaped bottom poke out in a obscene but delightful way; especially when he wore tight jeans. He was a twink with a bubble butt. He looked so sexy and playful that he was an easy catch and hard to refuse. He was the type of boy everyone knew was going to turn out queer later down the track. He was the type of boy where everyone else knew his sexual preference before he did himself.

The first date we went out on was at the movie cinemas. I picked Blake up at a local shop and drove to the movies which were further into town. We were both very nervous and giddy. He told me that had had a crush on me for years. Our families used to go on holiday trips together and he said that he was obsessed with me. I never thought about it as strange those five or so years before, but I do remember my siblings and Blake’s brothers making fun of him for talking about me a lot.


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