My Gay Experience Pt. 07


A gay story: My Gay Experience Pt. 07

In the morning, Art and I had a hectic day. Planes were arriving with students and parents. Since we had an extra floor at the player’s dorm, we decided to find high school seniors 18 years of age, ranked in the nation’s top 20. We had eight players who fit the bill and were flying them in to discuss our plans with them and their parents.

They checked into my hotel and got situated. We had an agenda in their rooms for the day: lunch at the Space Needle, a tour of the University of Washington athletic complex with the school’s athletic director, and then a tour of the basketball dorm and weight room. The bus would then take them to the Pike Place Market, waterfront, underground Seattle, and a drive around the city. Dinner would be at the hotel’s restaurant, and dessert and Q&A session at my house. A quick trip, they would fly out in the morning and back home. They would spend another night at my house if they liked what they heard and decided.

Art and I greeted each of the eight families as they arrived, loaded them on the tour bus, and followed them in our limo to the Space Needle. We had a table reserved for each family and Art and I. We instructed them to order what they liked off the menu and, when done, a trip up to the observation deck.

The day went by quickly; they returned to the hotel, freshened up, had dinner in the restaurant, had a private room set aside from the main diners, and then went to the house for dessert.

The staff brought dessert into the large dining room, and I explained why they had been invited.

“Hope you enjoyed the tour; I wanted you to see our beautiful city and University. We are starting a unique program with this, inviting some of the top seniors in high school to join us, attend their final year at a public school close, and then be ready to join the team at the University the following year, where they will compete for a position on the team. We have rooms at the dorm where they will train with the team. We set 18 as the age to participate because we are not looking to chaperone. Everything is paid for; we will fly them home for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and two weeks in the summer when we shut down. If they don’t make varsity in their freshman year, they will be redshirted to save their four-year eligibility and play on the freshman team.”

“What will they do for money?” one mom asked.

“We have some jobs at the hotel they will be paid to do. They pay quite well and don’t require lots of hours. Varsity players have sponsors who pay well since the NCAA allows players to be paid that way.”

“What about a professional career,” one dad shouted out.

“In three years, the NBA will announce a new pro team for Seattle. I will purchase it and work to ensure the players here make the team by also buying draft picks from other teams. Let’s face it, NBA team owners after COVID and the stock market are a little short of cash. I might look like a young kid, but I have more money than the league combined because of smart investments. I know what I can do and promise. In closed-door meetings, the league has promised a rule change so I can play as an owner. I graduate in two years, so I will be ready in the third year to be pro on my team.”

“I heard a rumor you own a gay club.” asked a mom, a bit red-faced with the question.

“It’s no rumor, I own a downtown club that takes care to make sure no one gets a disease by having checks down on all who attend. I am also opening a club for lesbians, straight people, cross-dressers, and those undergoing a sex change. My investments are profitable, and we contribute to the cities and states tax base. If players need to blow off steam, they have a free pass for entrance. Your boys will be afforded the same, so if there is a problem, this program would not be a good choice.

The reality is, we are building a dynasty at UW, and we will be with our professional team when it starts up. Your boys are being offered a chance to be part of this. We will be at every national championship game, bringing home the hardware. No other school is doing this. We have a strict workout schedule; players are tutored, so they graduate all-American. We have a dietician who handles the menu and top chefs who prepare the food. A medical staff that handles injuries and a staff of massage specialties who give at least weekly massages to the players. We have thought of everything and hope your boys will join us this next week.”

They had more questions, which they asked when we finished dessert. I gave them a house tour, then loaded the bus back to the hotel.

Eight families were invited; we would see who saw the value in the morning.

Art and I went to the bedroom, stripped won, and Art stuck his ass in the air inviting me to fuck him.

It’s been a long day,” Art stated. “Don’t just stand there; get that cock up my pussy.”

I jerked my cock a few times to get hard, then lubed his hole and started to push in. I held the length of my cock as I pushed the head into his pussy.

Art moaned each time I started to slide in and then pull back out, rubbing my cock head up and down the length of the slit of his ass.

I entered more fully inside as he pushed his ass back and forth to try and take me deeper. He pulled too far forward, and my cock sprung out, my balls now resting on his entrance. He reached back and pulled his ass cheeks wide as I entered again, my cock about halfway in.

Grasping the base of my cock, Art continued to grin back until I was fully inside him. I took hold of his ass cheeks, driving my cock balls deep as I began to pull him into me and then back out, increasing the pace of the fuck, enjoying listening to his sex noise.

I continued to grind away until I released my load deep inside. Cum followed as I pulled out. We went in the bathroom, showered, and went to bed. Morning came too fast.

We drove to the hotel to meet everyone as they would be leaving for the airport. Two of the parents greeted us in the lobby and said they were returning home; the fact we owned sex clubs was enough to decide against this opportunity. Another declined because they did not want their son to have so much freedom.

Five of the families decided to join our program. We told them a van would bring them to my house, and we would meet with my legal team so they knew what they were getting from us for their participation.

When we got everyone at the house, I welcomed them to the dining room, introduced our attorneys, and explained the paperwork. The attorneys answered their questions and moved forward to getting things signed. They were presented about the insurance, vacations where we would fly them home, and a couple of events where we would fly the families to Seattle (championship basketball game and graduation). Everything was cut and dry, and the parents signed the documents, were given a copy, and then shown to their rooms.

We were flying out the parents in the morning and wanted to meet their sightseeing requests. We will be having lunch and then sending everyone to their desired locations. Three of the families wanted to go downtown, walk the Pike Place Market and waterfront, two of the fathers wanted to tour our gay club with their sons, and their wives would join the others downtown.


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